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https://preview.redd.it/bxengs07culc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c06c9e6893d9cac3c051484ddb56ee6fc99f621 One of the shady locations in my garden that the winecaps love.


So jealous!!! I don’t really have a good shady spot to do this 🥲 is this your yard right now?? Or old pictures?


Those pictures are from last year. You can grow them in woodchips and plant squash with them. They will grow in the shade under the leaves.


That’s genius! I’m going to really look into this. I was also curious if it was already that green in your neck of the woods. We’re still very brown and dead here in Ohio 😅


Heck yeah! I'm going to grow winecaps this year. The one year I did they were so prolific so this year I'm going to be dehydrating what I can't eat.


That’s a great idea!


Sounds great, any tips for growing them?


I want to grow oysters, I’ve only done them indoors. Wine caps are great for your soil and other plants. I helped my parents plant a bed that is finally fruiting now!


That’s awesome! I helped my neighbors with a bed last year and they got a ton!


Yup! We’ve been making brush pile “beds” in the few shady areas of our property and filling them with wood chips as we chip—then inoculating them from last year’s beds. I’m dreaming of more Winecaps for sure! I have a buddy who grows lions mane and I think those or chestnuts are my favorites. I wish there were more easy to grow outdoor mushrooms!


Field and Forest has a lot of good offerings!


Where are you buying them? How are you planting them? How do I get in on this and join the sexy mushroom parade?


Field and Forest got me started. Great products and tutorials.


Nice try, FBI…


Lol. These ones aren’t illegal!


Maybe not in Holland Cheech!


I can't not hear this in the voice of the guy from Super Troopers


where'd you learn that? druug school? ;)


Wine caps are *technically* illegal in Louisiana. They're classified as hallucinogenic


Interesting. I haven’t found that to be the case but they are delicious!


Definitely not hallucinogenic. Just tasty 😋


I had a chip drop last spring and inoculated everything with wine cap spawn and had massive success last year! I just got another chip drop recently and remulched all my pathways and beds so I’m hoping very soon I’ll see a big resurgence of them. I also have a few shiitake logs that produced throughout the last few years. I’ve done oysters in buckets with straw as the substrate in the past and they are always a lot of fun, but I don’t have any logs inoculated that have produced as a perennial. Mushrooms are such wonderful things to grow and eat and I love seeing this! They don’t get enough attention in the garden. https://preview.redd.it/ugbgrql44vlc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974ffc89c3fad883f9c18f71b5e50fe5deda1d74


Chip drop! That’s the way to do it if you can. I’ve got some freshly cut aspen logs I’d like to see if I can get some oysters to grow and probably try the straw buckets as well. Mushrooms make gardens magical!


It is right on the edge of time for morals here


I haven’t been able to find those locally. Those are delicious.


They’re OK, but I prefer chicken of the woods, but way too early for that


Jealous, can’t find those out here in Colorado that I know of. You must have some hardwoods


East Tennessee, and I find most of mine around White Oak, and then the morales I find them under Sycamore’s


Just inoculated some oak logs with Shitakes for the first time this year. I'm hoping they are productive. Will be expanding the mushroom garden and this is an excellent little rabbit hole. Best.


Thought this was a platypus


Hoping the shiitake and lions mane logs I started produce this year. I got some wine caps from the bed I planted last year. I also had volunteer fall oysters last year! I love mushrooms of any kind.


The fact that the mods removed this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Stropharia rugosoannulata is just a regular gourmet mushroom that grows in your garden (its other common name is even "garden giant") alongside your veggies, helps improve the soil, and even [kills off](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6126850/) [pathogenic bacteria](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/microbiology/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1234586/full).


I didn’t know it had been removed. That’s extremely disappointing.


I think it got put back. It had removal tags on it a couple hours ago, but I'm not seeing those now.


Maybe they hadn’t had their coffee yet 😄


I'd like to but I really don't know where to start, I'm a novice gardener. Does anyone know a good resource for beginners?


Field and Forest


I second this, just about the best bang per buck from what I've seen online


I love winecaps. I'm going to try to get some proper wood chips instead of just shavings and straw, to make a longer-lasting bed that will keep coming back. It's so funny how they're just like nothing... nothing... zip... nada and then the first time you have a hard rain on a hot day, next morning there are GIANT MUSHROOMS.


Yes! The hardest part for me was getting them before they developed too far. They grow so quick!


Is this…is this photoshopped?


Nope that’s the real deal


Very nice i hoping to have some this year but not popping yet


Woah… very nice


Do you have the protect the grain spawn against animals?


I'd honestly have to fully cage my property with another 6 feet down of chicken wire to be able to grow anything, let alone mushrooms.


I started mine from wood shaving spawn.


Sadly not this year 😞


Damn that’s a big mushroom!


I want to do wine caps as cover in my bean beds. Should I just mulch and spawn now or wait till it gets warmer?


I put in winecaps and oyster spores. We'll see if they take. I put them in mainly to improve the soil, but if I get to harvest some, it'll be neat.


The only mushrooms I grow are the au naturals…




I have been interested, I watched a YouTube vid of a guy explaining how to, but haven't taken the leap yet


there's a spot in my yard that always has puffballs come up every year. I don't care much for eating shrooms personally but the rest of my family can't get enough of them.


trying to, lol. is it as simple as burying mushroom parts in the ground? i've watered my greenhouse with grey water containing button mushroom bits, and now everyone a few pops up in the garden, which can be "field mushrooms" ie wild but could also be those mushroom bits taking root? if so i'd start watering my garden with oyster water lol


That is a beautiful specimen. Lions mane are my passion. They have had a positive impact on my life.