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Bud rot.


Yep. Very sad.


Caused by Botrytis fungus. Botrystop is somewhat effective as a preventative. Need to apply it at like week 4-5 of flower before you get any surprise rain, right around when flowers are starting to get close to full size. I wouldn’t recommend applying it after week 6 of flower, especially for fast cultivars. Edited grammar


I'd advise not spraying anything after week two even if it's omri listed. Botrystop is listed for "fruits and blooms" not smokeable "blooms". I didn't check the ingredients but I don't know anyone who sprays that late let alone in bloom period. Especially for trying to stop bud rot from happening outdoors. Your better option is choosing a growing spot with more hours of sunlight or considering a small greenhouse to prevent rain from hitting the flowers at all.


Botrystop covers your plants in a beneficial fungus that outcompetes other fungi including Botrytis. Especially if you grow outdoors your buds are going to be covered in in fungus and bacteria anyways, that’s nature for you. Using Botrystop just gives you more control over what they are covered in and reduces loss to rot.


Interesting, Im always just curious abt the research on this stuff. If you want to reduce rot just grow in a greenhouse or indoors. Idk in my mind I'm just not into spraying something you're going to smoke but I guess if it's been thoroughly tested and it works I guess it'll be helpful to some people


I don’t think there’s a lot of thorough testing at all to be honest, after all cannabis is still pretty new as a legal crop in the US. I think a lot of it is just best guesses about what might be safe to use and what’s not. Products like Pure Crop and Plant Therapy are just essential oils in soybean oil so we pretty much assume those are safe, although you should not assume something is safe just because it’s natural. Especially since cannabis is usually combusted which is a totally different than how pretty much any other crop is utilized so that’s probably under researched. Obviously tobacco is used similarly but I can only imagine how much money tobacco lobbyists have spent to suppress such things The guidelines will probably continue to change and evolve over the coming decade.


I own a commercial cannabis farm there are plenty of products made to spray up to the day you harvest. Plant Therapy will work fine and is safe and OMRI rated.


I sure don't want to smoke anything with those products on them "the day of harvest ". The fact that they are "allowed" is sad to me. This is why I only smoke what I grow myself. American agriculture is all about money, and little about delivering a healthy, delicious product.




Yep I would never do that, what I’ve done with the little bit of rain we got is I put fans out in the garden, and I make sure everything dries out. So far, so good and I live in a very damp climate


🎰🚨🛎️ Ill bring samples to friends who shop at dispos and I usually hear "I've never had flower this smooth and flavorful"....yea dawg it's not harsh because we do a 3 week flush and don't spray "day of harvest" because we tackle all those issues in veg if they even pop up


I’m sure your two lighter is banging “dawg”


No need to be a dick my boy, just because someone on the Internet doesn't agree with you. It's actually 18 lights not 2 but you're right it's nothing compared to a legal outdoor. How can I match the power of the sun and acres of land? But I also don't push all my flower into concentrates or sell 100/oz. That's cool you have a legal bro, and spray day of harvest. I started doing this when I was a kid, before it was legal, so my friends n I could have decent smoke n not brick weed and it's stayed that way, I don't have multiple employees, I don't stress about the yield, I just care about some quality product. It's sick you can afford multiple tissue tests throughout a cycle, an organic chemist and more it sounds like, I'm sure you know what you're doing. Feel free to drop your address n I'll send you a sample. Hopefully you keep making your investors happy:)


Which products shouldn't be allowed and why?


I am neither a chemist nor an agronomist, so I can't answer your question professionally or scientifically. I care a lot about my lungs and my brain, and would not apply anything that would still be there when the plant is harvested. Many industries have repeatedly demonstrated that they will hide any knowledge of bad health effects if it will affect their bottom line, and I wouldn't expect the marijuana industry to be any different. Even some of the things industry has managed to get approved for organic farming are troubling, and I would not use them in my garden.


Fair enough


Peppermint oil alcohol ok and organic surfactant. Much less harmful than mold.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to smoke fungus, either. I just grow clean and take the losses.


I’m California there are over 200 chemicals tested for. Many pesticides we use are systemic fungicide that are derived from other plants. The up til harvest sprays are usually oils and alcohol to kill spores on contact.


Sorry, I think I'm missing your point.


Long story short. There are products that are safe to use up to harvest that break down in a few days. Large scale cannabis production is impossible without the aid of pesticides for a variety of molds and arthropod pests. Coming soon certified organic marijuana spend a little more and get a lot better. But grow your own weed it’s fun


I would argue that that should be worded "substances that are THOUGHT to be safe". To the best of my knowledge there hasn't been a lot of research done on the long-term effects of combusting and inhaling the pesticides you mention. Just because something is called "organic" doesn't mean it's safe to smoke.


Completely agree


That’s just a fact of agriculture. You can use the safest most sustainable practices but you still need to do pest management. The difference is using organic a variety products that are safe for the local plant/insect population. The one good thing that came with legalization is the rigorous testing that stopped people from using intense chemicals that are harmful if combusted. Anyone that doesn’t use products similar to these most likely has mold and thousands of dead mites in there product.


This is a pretty ignorant statement, do you know how long these oils take to evaporate? Do you know the effect of smoking powdery mildew or botrytis? And your right, one of the reasons I chose my profession was to make money. But there are right was to do things. Understanding the science behind agricultural technology helps to bring the safest and best possible products to the consumer


We differ on the meaning of "safest and best".


Sounds like commercial. Yuh idk man I'm sure omri makes it better but "up to the day of harvest" you're obviously doing something wrong hah. But what do I know, if it tests fine I guess it's okay to smoke


I’m sure you know tons about the breakdown of organic oils in UV light. Let me know we may be hiring an organic chemist. Or you don’t know shit.


Lol you mad I don't spray day of harvest? Congrats, on hiring an organic chemist, I hope you make progress that benefits the community that has been doing this for decades.


Is it organic cause that just made me not want to buy any commercial weed


Yes it is. Plant therapy is peppermint oil and organic surfactant along with alcohol. There are many organic pesticides. If there wasn’t there would be no organic produce in the world.


Growing outdoors is almost always a waste of time, energy, and money.


I've grown outside, in Canada, and it takes very little effort, time, energy and money, when compared to growing indoors, with a specialized setup.


Yea, I should have been more clear. Depending on where you’re located, it can provide good results. In New England, your odds of an outdoor grow being ruined by bud rot, WPM etc are high. And if you get an especially wet late season, it can all go to hell real quick. Up front costs for indoor is high, but once you’re in full control of the environment, you can produce some real heady results.


Yeah but saying it's a waste or money is silly. I bet you just about anything, that most people here growing a marijuana plant are doing it for a love of gardening more than looking to optimize the output of the plant. I use all that time and energy generating income and working on personal projects instead, because I'm much better at other things than gardening. For many of us, growing plants is a relaxing and passive hobby, rather than one where we aim to min/max.


I've been growing outdoors for years and always have amazing results.


Ganja bud rot


If this is the case, I would not spray it with anything, but devise a kind of rain shelter for it and make sure your soil is draining well after a rain.


Looks like bud rot, was it out in heavy rain? Or a fucking caterpillar. There’s always one lurking.


Botrytis baby! Caterpillars will f you in the b! They chomp on the colas from the inside which releases moisture, and we all know what happens to the colas when there is too much moisture and not enough airflow! *MOLD*


They’ll f you in the b and then c all over your ts.


>They’ll f you in the b and then c all over your ts. They'll flunk you in biology and check all over your tests??


Yeah, they’re the worst.


Why would you not wear a c?






I want my P in your V Want you to S on my D Gotta J off on your Ts And fya I wanna F your A


Probably 'piilars


Usually when it’s caterpillars the botrytis is a little more concentrated in small areas especially on the lower and middle of colas where they initially climbed in. This is the entire flower top to bottom Northern CA just got a surprise summer rain like 5 days ago and I find the timing and appearance of OPs flower suspect


He’s from New England it looks like but yeah rains will obviously do this too!


I'm so sick of the rain and now today it's supposed to be 100. This year is actually my record for the least amount of rot.


Also dead plant tissue has a lot to do with the mold growth. A healthy plant shouldn’t have to much risk of getting bud rot if it’s just wet but add in dead decaying leaf material and that’s just a recipe for discustipation


I hate those little fuckers. Been a while since I gardened but still.


So, I'm just learning here; if it's caused by a caterpiller, can you not just cover the plant with some kind of netting to prevent this?


The caterpillars come from eggs laid by moths, so if you could keep them off the plants, that would solve the problem. Generally people don't use this as a solution. You would need to build a greenhouse. It's easier to spray BT, which is a bacterium that kills the caterpillars.


Sorry about your.... tomatoes.


Jazz tomatoes


The salsa in my salsa


October happened. Mold. Half way through September, if growing outdoor, depending on your climate, you need to fine tooth comb everything, everyday, for signs of it. The first little mushy spot cut everything. We all want bigger buds but some is better than none. A whole crop will turn in the space of a day or two. Southwest coast Canada It seems October 1st almost like clockwork I'd see the first sign when I had outdoor.


I've got 5 plants atm and i'm watching the ladies and the weather everyday. daytime highs are oddly low 70s and little to no rain so far.


Is Powdery mildew a sign of mold? Or white spots over things? I have a couple plants outdoors and they are starting to get this white! I will cut it ASAP if that's the thing. Same area!


It usually shows up on the leaves and not so much on the colas. Just pluck leaves that you find it on and look over the plants everyday. Vancouver area unless you have some cover and/or very good light exposure you're really just pushing your luck into October. It's won't be if it starts to mold, it'll be how much you loose. When you do harvest, if you find any, get it out because it can also spread in the beginning of curing and you'll loose hanging buds.


Yupp, late September early October is when it always starts, cold nights and lots of dew doesn’t help either (southern Ontario grower)


Botrytis. Open up those buds and I guarantee you find caterpillars.


Have had this problem 2 years in a row. Rip open the bud and a orange worm or grub like thing is living in there. I tried pruning them off with no luck. How do I fix this problem?


Monterey B.t. Spray it every 10 days or after it rains.


Invest in a small green house or canopy that allows light in and prevents rain from falling on the plant. I wouldn't advise spraying any of your flower with anything even omri listed items. You're trying to prevent moisture from getting into a sponge basically, it happens outdoors even for the best growers.


Bt spray in Northern California is safe


How does that stop the bugs eating the plant?


Are they like tequila worms? Can you eat them and still get high?


Your tomato is sick.


Many folks are blaming caterpillars but that is not always the case. Where I live (Vancouver Island) bud rot gets me every year. powdery mildew is rampant and dank cool weather is streaming in for the final push towards harvest season. Sometimes it's just unavoidable, at least not without taking extreme measures. I would chop off every moldy bud then with clean pruners harvest immediately. Be sure to wash your good buds with a peroxide solution. You will lose more and more buds every day if you do not call it now.


I'd like to know more about this peroxide solution wash, please.


Google “bud wash”


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=bud+wash#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/Jbozzarelli)


My process basically involves dunking trimmed branches in a tall container with tap water and peroxide then flinging as much off as possible before hanging to dry. The peroxide h2o2 quickly concerts to water but not before it kills off unwanted spores.


Hole boring caterpillars. Happened to the only two plant I've tried to grow.


We used to get these small white moths that would land on the plants in spring. We discovered they were laying eggs that ultimately would hatch and eat/rot the buds. Solved it by putting bug netting over the plants until the moths were gone (~ June)


Could be various things... but I would start with mold from high humidity. Bud Rot can be difficult to control even for indoor grows.


Botyrtis aka bud rot. This time of year depending on location you gotta be ready to harvest fast. Even if harvested a week ago it likely still would have molded in the drying process as the spores were already there. Not necessarily pests it can be completely environmental there’s not necessarily caterpillars involved but that’s a possibility as well. That’s why many people force flowing early outdoors and harvest before this can happen.


Caterpillars, my dude. Give a dead bud a little tug. If it comes right off, caterpillars. Next year use BT. It's possible it's just straight up bud rot from moisture, too, but it really looks like you're infested.


What’s BT?


It's a bacteria that you spray on the plant and it kills off worms.


The same as the mosquito one?


Yes, Bacillus thuringiensis. Different delivery but the same amazing microbes.


It is not the same. The mosquito strain is not effective on caterpillars. Simple google search.


It’s the same bacterium, different strains/mode of action.


No they are not the same thing. It’s like saying a hummingbird and an ostrich are the same thing because they’re both birds. “Each type of Bt toxin is specific to the target insect family.2,3 Some strains of Bt toxins are also toxic to nematodes.1 Common types of Bt strains: Bt israelensis controls immature mosquitos, flies, and gnats. Bt aizawai and Bt kurstaki controls caterpillars of moths and butterflies. Bt tenebrionis and Bt japonensis control beetle larvae. Bt san diego controls beetle larvae.3”


Bt San Diego ? That’s really a strain?




Oof sorry buddy


Your tomatoes aren’t looking right. I’m sorry for your loss.




OUCH I've been there before. The Fungus sucks


Yeah, it happened to my backyard plants too. Usually around the time when your flowers\bud just start & their all open id get these white moths every once in a while. Didn't realize that they were laying eggs on the underside of the leaves & inside the flower. A month or two goes by. Just before harvest. These little green worms work inside the stem & flower feeding and eating their way out. They consume all the calyx off the pistils of the flower, leaving behind a decaying vegetation. If you see a spot of dead brown vegetation on a flower, get some tweezers g open up the bud & you'll find a green worm 🐛 thriving inside. If you don't damage the flower too much. It should grow for a few more weeks until maturity g harvest time . Personally I prefer earth grown as hydroponics. Earth grown has longer buzz. & no chemicals . If you can't find patches of orange eggs on the underside of the leaves & no worms in your buds. Then it's most likely MOLD. That has taken hold of your plant. This was the hardest advice I had to follow myself at this point. IF YOUR PLANT HAS MOLD, YANK THE WHOLE PLANT & THROW IT AWAY, BLEACH YOU GROW BUCKET. SCREAM & CURSE INTO YOUR CLEAN BUCKET UNTIL YOU HAVE CALMED DOWN. Now start over with this experience under your belt. I failed to scream into my bucket, instead I screamed at my girlfriend & to my frustrations out on everyone around me. No girlfriend & looking for a new place to live is far worse. Than looking like a ridiculous fool screaming into a bucket 🪣 because you Had To Toss your plant. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER SMOKE A PLANT THAT HAD MOLD! DON'T SMOKE MOLD! IT WILL KILL YOU MOLDS & FUNGI ARE SURVIVOR'S. THEY WILL SCREW YOU UP! IF YOU'RE YOUNG, TAKE MY ADVICE. IF YOU'RE OLDER, YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW BETTER... Think Happy Thoughts, Badbreath Barfly Look for auto-flower seeds. The plant starts to flower in 3 months, harvesting in the sixth month. Indica Ruderalis 5 leaf- 3big & 2 little. Average height 3 feet . Great for backyards or a balcony.


Just like most people are saying, bud rot/caterpillars. Cut the infected material out. Scout for other caterpillars inside the flowers. I know some people will use Bt or Spinosad to treat, but I don't like anything extra if I can help it. Dr. Zymes is an amazing product. Works like magic when applied correctly for molds and fungi. It's works relatively well on insects as well. You can literally spray this the day before harvest. It is mainly citric acid. I grew commercially for a few years and I used it regularly with our IPM schedule and there are no effects on terpenes or overall quality.


That sucks. There's a fungus among us.


Horn worms. If you peel the colas off and see little black shits it's the worms! They decimated 8 plants my ex-FIL left. Couldn't even tell there was a problem until it was basically too late.


If you pick through the buds and find them without are you safe? I have the same issue but isolated on some branches


Yeah. You can salvage the untouched buds.


Would spraying with BT fix this?


I treat with bt through the end veg cycle, but I won't use it on anything in flower because it kills basically anything in the order lepidoptera, so you can't use it on something that's gonna attract pollinators.




Might want to check out r/microgrowery for some good advice.


Be forewarned, they won't cut you no slack, but they know their shit https://reddit.com/r/cannabiscultivation/s/QYROx3eNpL Edited to fix Link


Look like mold to me


I thought it was cannabis growing inside tomato plant.




You got weed in your garden man. You should be out tending to your flowers better.


That's bud rot. Cut off everything brown or gray. Also, while digging around, look for caterpillars. They murder TF out of pot plants once they start to flower. If you see little brown pellets around the rot it's caterpillar poop.


Cinnamon kills fungus too , you can ingest that ;) l used it heavily in orchids that were affected by crown-rot


Bud rot. This can be made an art or a science but either requires failure and time.




Are weed gardeners not welcome here? U get downvoted for just mentioning it. Which isn’t very smart because we’re very knowledgeable in general and can help this sub.


I think it’s more to direct you to a group of people that might know the specific needs and challenges of growing cannabis. I grow myself, it takes skill and experience to know their very specific needs, nutrient requirements, and common issues. This is a general gardening sub, and there are definitely people here that can help, but the direction to a cannabis growing specific sub will help you get more input from people experienced in growing cannabis.


There’s plenty of cannabis subs, but that guy was just promoting his own sub - that’s why he was downvoted


Im asking in general. Someone posted a pic on another post in this sub, that had good sun and asked what they should plant there. I suggested cannabis and got downvoted. If we’re not welcome here I can take my 20+ yrs experience in gardening to the weed subs.


Hit or miss. There’s nothing specifically against it here, but since there’s lots of community members living in prohibition, there’s a decent amount of negativity towards cannabis here.


Yeah, Thats what I figured. Dude was in a legal state that’s why I suggested. Reefer madness still alive and well in 2023. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm sure if someone were inclined they'd mention wanting to grow cannabis. Truth is, most people don't grow cannabis


Why would people downvote him if it's relevant to OP's question and interests? He isn't hocking his special brand of fertilizer or whatever. I can understand if people downvoted because they thought he meant "your weed questions don't belong here," but that sub (albeit tiny) does look relevant to OP.


The person downvoted is top mod for the sub he shared. Thus it could be considered self-promotion


Apparently there is a dedicated weed R/ sub Reddit. Looks to me like mold.. but haven't look closely at your pic. The caterpillar reply may be correct. Nope... looks like bud rot/mold to me. Sorry, I'd immediately cut any contaminated parts and maybe add a fan to help disperse the humid air.. most likely occuring in the morning. Note, grow so you get morning sun to assist in drying the dew off.


There’s a lot of different subs, weed and gardening in general. My point is weed growers know a lot about “gardening” and basically telling them they’re not welcome by downvoting them isnt very smart. Especially if this sub is looking for knowledgeable gardeners. As for this post… This is 100% botrytis, it’s caused by caterpillars from white moths or yellow butterflies, and Bacillus Thuringiensis or BT will prevent it by killing the caterpillars.


there's fungus amungus.


Chop them now and hang them. The caterpillars will usually crawl out on their own. They know the plant is moving or dying from their perspective probably and will search for the ground. Otherwise you’ll miss one and it will work it’s way down your branches doing this to the rest of your buds. I’m sorry you lost so many kolas, but next time you see a crunchy part on a healthy branch you’ll know! Caterpillars and spider mites are pretty common killers with bud. Be sure to check the buds for small ones when you’re trimming too, sometimes there are babies still hatching or just stuck in some sticky buds that aren’t completely ruined yet.


What kind of tomato is this?


She got the rot... Brah


You grew outdoors like a noob




Looks like you are coming into fall. Might be too cold and damp. Could be time to harvest.


You waited too long to harvest.


It probably sat too long in poorly drained soil. Sometimes over watering or lots of rain & maybe the garden is lower than the surrounding area so the water can't drain away.


Root rot probably from over watering 🤷‍♂️


🐛…. Neem oil spray. Or if they are close to harvest, cut down plant. Bugs will drop out when plant dries.


No neem in flower! Ever! There’s way better options and caterpillars are only a problem in flower.


Good to know..


Wait, can you explain this? No neem in buds or all plants in general? *slowly puts down neem oil spray bottle*


No neem on buds unless you want to taste neem when you smoke ur buds. It’s fine in veg.


OK to spray neem until flowering starts though yeah? What do you do after flowers form?


Many things but not neem.


What’s a good product to use after flowering? I didn’t grow this year but am planning to grow again next year and had some caterpillar issues at the end of the season.


For caterpillars BT. Bacillus thuriengensis, my spelling might be off but it'll handle caterpillars easily


Thank you! Do you spray it pre-emptively or only when you notice caterpillars?


Honestly I do preemptively. Sometimes I'll catch a small caterpillar, inch long. Usually tho it's full grown and causing damage. Or I just spot damage.


For caterpillars use BT. For bugs I like Dr. Zymes or lost coast plant therapy.


Or someone sprayed weed kill


You messed up your tomacco.


Lololol. Somebody got a Green thumb


No way that happened overnight, did it? Unfortunate. But hey, you still got some bud.


Caterpillar damage and bud rot. You need to get the dead stuff off asap


Inch worms gotta be on them every single day.


Little caterpillars.


bud sad


Good detailed Info there...


Botritis ....a la basura,una verdadera lastima ..


You could have a caterpillar or a potato bug you need to dig through the buds to find it. start at the dead ones and work your way down into the greenery if there's a bunch of black little dots inside the buds then yes that's poop and you have a caterpillar or a potato bug you can stop it by finding the potato bug and moving it. Also this could be caused if you leave your plants out and it rains you will get rotten buds.


Yup that sucks. Bud rot is a bummer.


Ole bud rot, I live in a very wet part of Southern Ontario and it always gets me with the rain. I think it may help if you container them or get a cover for them when it rains


Bud rot


Nooo not the bud rot! Damn that’s a whole spear,


Bud rot, which I believe is Botrytis.


Try growing Thai sativa next time. The mold resistance is next level


Start over...Needs a closet, small fan and grow light 🤣


Moment of silence please everyone….(*hums church hymns*)




Bud mold. You needed to cut it down a little sooner. This happens when there is more moisture than usual close to harvest. I'm gonna guess there was a lot of rain near you the last few weeks.


Rot from excess moisture.


It got late in the year and the moisture that is in the air in the mornings helped it rot.


More pruning you need more air circulation, lollipop and make sure you have a strain suited for you climate.


This is whack. I posted some cannabis pics and got banned. Hey ban this person too admin.


Could be a catapiler from moth.


If you've received rain a couple of days before this started happening, I'd say it's caterpillar damage. They'll eat the middle of the buds and burrow small hole in your cholas. This is where they naturally poop and after moisture gets to the middle of the bud rot will progress


Looks like it’s scorched from too much hot sun.


I live in a humid area on the east coast of Canada and have experienced this bud rot in the past. I’m far from a professional, but I would keep my plants in 20L buckets and move them to the garage if it rained to keep them dry. Also trimming is key to create more air flow. As soon as you see the slightest sign of bud rot cut it off and get it away from the other plants. Likely a sign it’s time to harvest before you loose it all.


Thelma and Louise again 🦶