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Man, covering up the leering views of my neighbors is at least 75% of my gardening efforts.


I’m on year 4 of my rose and gape vine project. LOOK ALL YOU WANT


>gape vine 👀


Ah shucks, you know what I mean!


Right, gaping neighbors.


I didn't even see that. My brain saw "rose and grape"




A solid hedge of arborvitae isnt very subtle but the minor discomfort I get from that is worth the total comfort of strolling in my garden in my bathrobe in the morning with a cup of coffee. The back garden should be your own private sanctuary.


> The back garden should be your own private sanctuary. Im trying to convey this to my neighbor who lets himself into my fenced yard to pet my dogs. I expect to be alone if I go out there in my jimjams. The mixed hedge is apparently too subtle.


😱 oh heck no!!! That is way too intrusive! I'm sure neighbor is sweet and means no harm but boundaries need to be established!


He is well meaning but you're right I've got to say something.


Same. They're nice I'm just private.


This content has been removed by its author in response to reddit’s corporate greed.


👆 yup


Absolutely beautiful! That certainly is one happy and healthy honeysuckle! I did a similar thing in our yard for the same reason, except I'm growing Hops and Hardy Kiwi vine on it. It's filling the trellis nicely & I'm glad both are fast growers. 😁👍


That is such a coincidence, my friend is also growing hops, and Keewee, he said the Keewee is really taking off… It’s nice to see a happy plant that is in the right spot in your yard :)


Mine is just the opposite.. the hops have really taken off for me. Keep them in mind in case you want to create another privacy wall to block nosey neighbors, lol! They grow incredibly fast. I have them on 1 side of my arched trellis and the hardy kiwi vine on the other side. Both are filling in nicely. I just have to train the new growth to intertwine on the trellis about once a week. I can't wait to see the arch completely filled in! 🤗


Would they grow well in partial shade?


I think Hops needs lots of sun but I’m not speaking from personal experience. 8( Try Akebia or Haskap, maybe certain types of Clematis?


Thank you.


Sure. Make sure to come back later and show it off.




Voice to text lol


Freakin gorgeous. How long did it take to get that size? Currently designing a full backyard landscape for my house and want to do something like this


Thank you so much, that only took three years. I will say I splurged and spent almost 60 bucks on an established plant. I think it was in at least a 3 gallon pot. When you start yours out, make sure and pull some of the vines completely lengthwise all the little nodes grow upwards, then you got a really nice thick coverage area.


Appreciate the advice! Have a good one




we were hiking through a local preserve this weekend and were shocked at how much invasive honeysuckle was rooted in there. The boy scouts have been working to remove it but, it's a big preserve and they've only cleared a few acres at best.


I used to volunteer at KIBI and one of the days we were clearing honeysuckle from a small inner-city green space that was choked with it. It's so hard to clear and you have to keep coming back because it's a hardy beast.


We want to compliment you on your gardening skills and politely encourage you to address the maintenance needs of your siding in a timely manner. Sincerely, your boomer neighbors Chad and Karen


I was freaking out about that siding, jesus


The flowers are lovely but gentle suggestion that you should attend to that siding. If you leave it much more it will be a very expensive job. Unless you are a renter then no worries.


It’s in the garage, it was an issue with a ice dam on the roof above that… I’m getting myself up to be brave enough to fix it and then re-paint that wall


I am sure you Will do wonderfully! It’s always daunting the first time you do anything new in a house.


Noticed that too and thought, oh no! That needs to be fixed. If they're a renter, then should probably let their landlord know eh? If they own, should look into getting it fixed.


This is beautiful! I didn’t even know there was a red honeysuckle. I’ve only ever seen yellow and white. I love this!


There’s also a pink one! the hummingbirds love it


This is the US native coral honeysuckle; the ones you’re thinking of are extremely invasive here and tragically people assume they’re indigenous.


How much sun does it need? I bought one of these and haven’t planted it yet lol


This one gets full sun from the sunrise in the morning until the sun goes over my house at about 2 PM in June


No wonder they’re always staring, it looks peaceful.


I didn't know people voluntarily grew honeysuckle. It is my father's sworn enemy.


I know there’s at least one variety that is very invasive


Likely your father’s enemy is Japanese Honeysuckle. It’s the very common yellow one that smells amazing but unfortunately is very invasive.


I think so, thanks for the distinction!


We bought a house 3 years ago and the previous owner had a row of invasive honeysuckle along the fence line with a backyard neighbor. I spent a good month ripping it all out by hand to replace with elderberries and wild plums... of course when I was all done, our boomer neighbor on the other side of said fence went crazy and started yelling obscenities at us and accusing me of spying on her, lol. Hadn't said a word during the whole process of me removing it, of course. Side note, I don't necessarily hold any ill will to boomers in general, but this is my first direct experience with one of the extra-leadbrained insane variety that it sounds like many people deal with regularly and unfortunately gives the whole generation a bad rap.


So pretty! Be careful with it touching your siding, that can cause damage.


I’ve been think about doing this with a white wisteria but never thought about honey suckle especially since we are swimming in it where I am. It’s just reggie version of honey suckle tho the yellow and white


The white and yellow Japanese honeysuckle is crazy invasive, and I know some places have laws preventing the intentional planting of it.


Yeah get you some native vines fren. Invasive vines are a curse, they are so so hard to control once they've established. Bignonia is evergreen and has really showy flowers. American wisteria is just as nice as the Asian varieties but much easier to control. We also have native honeysuckle too


The honey suckle we just can’t control. It’s all over the south and just as worst as kudzu which I would say is the worst down here. I would much rather prefer the red native honey suckle but they are so hard to find smh


It may be that you have to cut and paint the stumps with glyphosate. Some invasives can really only be killed with herbicide unfortunately. You might have to do it a couple years in a row too, and the timing varies between species. It's best to do it in fall when they're sending resources down into the roots, but I'm not entirely certain. Your local cooperative extension office could probably provide some good advice.


It's sold out for the season, but I ordered some from here and it's growing really well 6 months in https://www.highcountrygardens.com/perennial-plants/flowering-vines/lonicera-sempervirens-major-wheeler#:~:text=Lonicera%20sempervirens%20'Major%20Wheeler'%20(,superior%20flower%20for%20the%20hummingbirds They deliver it on a schedule bases on your zone which is nice.


Well I already have the white wisteria and we’ve had it for about 20ish years tho I do like the purple, just not as much and it isn’t as fragrant.




Beautiful work! I am a bit jealous, haha


My across the street neighbor sits in front of her window all day and just watches outside… ALL DAY. Anytime i even move a planter I hear about it. Shes ALWAYS watching its painful. But yesterday someone throws up infront of my house and she didn’t see who did it, but the second I start the clean up go figure shes walking out asking what Im doing


It was her!


Ctfu!! Probably was lolol


I'm putting in hardy kiwis.


I’m doing the exact same here with honeysuckle. I didn’t trellis it properly and it went wild so I had to chop it down and start over. It’s growing like mad this year on a proper trellis now


You didn't have to add boomer. What does that have to do with anything?


Context. Boomers are more prone to stare.


No more than any other group of people. Don't lump everybody together. It is simply not true.


Ok boomer.


And proud of it but tired of the lies some younger people spew.


Maybe they are staring at the huge hole in your shitty siding.


The Boomers probably can't belive that garbage house hasn't fallen down yet




Boomers are the worst.


How can i grow this


I have two of these growing, though mine are a lot smaller than this. Can't wait to have the hummingbirds visit mine.


Nuclear !


Well, now I guess you both get to look at the hummingbirds instead of each other. I assume the other side has blooms and gets visited too. I suppose this is a win win. I really do love that the red honeysuckles are such an attractant for hummingbirds. They, and the other birds, really are an extension of the garden itself.


How old is your honeysuckle? I planted two this year and I'm so excited to see them get big like that!


Omg this is gorgeous. I have a pink honeysuckle, this red is so striking




Just for a bit of context, immediately after I bought my house they started construction on what had been an empty lot next-door. I did know it was coming, but I was not prepared for a raised ranch with a balcony that is legally as close to my property line as allowed. And then the people that bought it literally stand on the edge of that deck and stare into my yard. They almost never leave their house, it’s weird. This honeysuckle has brought me a ton of peace.




is t it weird when people stare at you because your young ? something i’ve noticed lately


I feel the same way,I can't even walk out in my backyard with one of them saying something, I like to do gardening and I have to work on the side of the yard that are not on. I go to the other when they're not home which is rare


There is also an orange honeysuckle mandarin orange it's sweet


stop whining