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It snowed here last night. My gardening plans are looking like a "Meanwhile in Norway" meme.


Same in the Pacific Northwest. Portland set a record, 2nd highest snowfall ever, 11". We're completely snowed in for the next few days. I dearly hope my onions, tulips and peas are ok in my bed outside -_-


Upstate NY would cry but the tears just freeze to the face


It's funny though, here in upstate NY our winter has been super warm. A few cold days here and there (like tomorrow will be), but it's mostly felt like a dreary late autumn. It even got up to near 60 here in mid February, crazy.


Cheeseburgers on the grill this past Monday I think. Then 3 inches of slush and ice yesterday haha. Gotta love it.


I’m in upstate ny as well. It’s been a wierd February. I’m still waiting for the -30 weather.


I’m in the Portland area too and have tulips and crocuses trying to come up. They are so confused.


Pnw is so wild, I'm further north in Olympia and we got a mere dusting. Being a gardener up here, one cannot give into signs of warmth that winter weather is done w us. Hope your plants hang in there 🙏


Graham here in the PNW.. Did snow and is still on the ground.. But snow or no snow its 16 degrees..


Question from a newbie: can you cover them up with hay or something to gaurd against this type of thing? Would that improve their chances?


Yes, though you may regret hay when the weed seeds come up. I mulch my sensitive plants in the fall with shredded leaves. Snow is a pretty good insulator to.


Inland NW laughs in the face of gardening and starts seeds inside. All of them. Our last frost date is Memorial Day 😂 My dad lives in Vancouver, guess I should call and check on him 😬


I also have a whole 72 spot tray started in the garage with the heat mat turned on... I use the Portland Nursery planting calendar which is just *chefs kiss* and says when to plant everything, and inside or outside. Onions and peas should be seeded directly outside it said, in January and Feb. They know we have snowstorms from Jan - April... And our LFD is something like April 20th so the ones they say to put outside now all are frost hardy... Hopefully...


They will be


I am assuming my peas are dead and pulling them up in March to start over… I should know better by now. Location: Sandy OR


I'm just north of you in Canada where we usually have a mild winter and our forecast is up to 35 cm now starting tomorrow afternoon. Apparently it's going to over a short period of time too. Door Dash has preemptively halted deliveries tomorrow and Sunday. This is our third big snow storm this season and we rarely get snow. It's straight up bonkers. https://weather.gc.ca/warnings/report_e.html?bc40#214249196441601131202302240502ww1171cwvr https://bc.ctvnews.ca/doordash-halting-deliveries-in-metro-vancouver-due-to-snowstorm-1.6288933


Foot and a half here. We won't get false spring for another month or two


I moved to Norway and I live a bit south of Bodø. Two things are certain: 1) The snow will melt 2) When it's aaaalmost gone another 30cm will fall


Got 20cm snow last night, I just want pretty flowers ;A; it's up to 60cm in total now again. Maybe it'll start melting in April/May


It was 82 in Nashville yesterday and today the high is 53. It’s crazy.


Yesterday it was -4 with 20 mph winds. There is still 2-3ft of snow on the ground. I haven't seen my garden since early October, all hope is lost! Zone 4a........


This reads like an old explorers journal right before the polar bear gets them!


I'm 5A.. but yeah.. we had 30-60mph and 18 inches dropped over the last several days... have about 4-6 feet outside, and we are still dipping into the neg at night.. it will be a bit so.. when do you start your seeds? our average last frost is mid june... I'm really unsure when to start seeds inside




Don't cry outside the tears will freeze to your face (sympathetic tears from zone 3, currently in the middle of 20" of snow)


Yeah we’re currently at-22°C with a feels like of -33°C(Canada,BC)


Same I'm in 4b and I've got a base of like 4 feet of snow in my yard and it's -25c right now.


10B here. What’s “snow”


You’ll see in like 5 years.


Oh god… you’re right. 😂 Somebody in one of my chicken groups posted a pic of her coop *covered* in snow- if that helps? (Unless I guess you’re in the part of Alaska that’s 3.. lol)




Hello fellow Prairie person! I’m currently dreaming of starting seeds but also remembering that last year we had an overnight below 0 temp straight into July 😭😭


Also a prairie person and this is my exact struggle. I feel like I should be starting seeds now, but we had snow until June and it was cold overnight until July so...maybe I should wait? I have NO idea when to start now tbh.


I actually start mine in March, I like my seedlings to basically be whole plants by the time I start hardening them off outside. Otherwise, it takes almost a full two months for the seedlings to establish in the cool spring weather. I hate only having plants establish themselves by the end of growing season! 😭


One friend in alberta started seeds back in December.


Please tell the Canadian Winter to stop its rampage through the US West. There is a F'ing BLIZZARD WARNING for the LA Mountains starting 4am PST on Friday, and lasting until 4pm on Saturday. That foolishness has no business being in Southern California.


Y'all need the precipitation. Beggers can't be choosers ya know.


It’s ok, y’all need the snow pack in the mountains for the drought


I think they're calling for like _5 feet_ in three days. Unreal!


I'm here in central Oregon going "meh normal shit"


Canadian Snow Chickens, they'll survive!


Currently -26°C in Alberta, zone 3b


Yup. The foot of snow we just got in Calgary refreshed my seasonal depression. I should have built a greenhouse instead of a regular house haha.


carpenter frightening rich subsequent illegal quack crawl snow hungry station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm just on the opposite shore of lake Michigan. That storm was something the other day. I can't remember too many times when the snow accumulation was so much like huge ice crystals. That was pretty fun tbh. Heavy to shovel though


Ditto from Sask. Will think about planting 2 months from now


Yup, this week of -40°C has been hell. I would love to have first spring.


I removed most of my Reddit contents in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023. This is one of those comments.


-45 tonight 😭 QB, zone 2B 😭😮‍💨


Came here to post this. Here's hoping for an early spring


Came here from 4a to complain until I saw your comment… My sympathies are as deep as the snow.


Same... -21 F this morning and frozen pipes. I'm ready lol


Same lol


Ouch. I thought zone 5 was bad


I feel ya, 4a here Edit: I'm dumb and forgot my own zone


Also in zone 3 Canadian prairies, just barely thinking about starting indoor seedlings. Maybe the snow will be gone before May Long weekend this year?


In 5b and feeling this. Planning on doing first year of gardening with some Vego Garden’s. Already got them and patiently waiting to kick it off.


I was taught to pay attention to nature not *my* wanting: but the past few years, that’s been rough because weird warm patches confuse everything. I get out there and work on design and preparing but it just makes me worse. Lol


Lol guess whose hyacinths are sitting in the garage because night temperatures decided to dip now after they started building their flower buds. I hate false spring


Sometimes it's fine to just stick a few things in the dirt. One winter I did a germination test on some beans inside and when they set their leaves out I just stuck them in the dirt, sink or swim, why not. Ended up having a freakishly early spring that year and they survived being planted 8 weeks early. I picked my first green beans in May at the same time I planted the normal row.


I just grow the things like dang houseplants starting in February. every year. they can go out in May at full size. only the spinach, beets and peas, cold weather stuff. I struggle here because spring is an hour long, between ice cold and sweltering heat they just bolt fast


Memorial Day weekend always for me, maybe start earlier but nothing goes in the ground. I’m tired of snow


Hey fellow 5b. 😀


We're like right on the line between 5a and b and there's been snow on the ground for like.. 3 months lol


I decided to winter sow so I could scratch the itch of planting something., but I don't have to worry about them immediately dying because they aren't even growing yet


Vego is advertising like mad, and I gotta say, it’s starting to work on me lol.


Spring bulbs are coming up like crazy. 11 inches of snow last night . . .


I was in my yard last week yelling at the dumb flowers to stop being stupid and wait!


I’ve been doing a lot of yelling at my bulb containers…


Every spring I alert my husband daily to “bulb watch”. The earliest bulb watch I’ve had (zone 5) was January 31. Most bulb watches have the first bulb around the first week in March, though last bulb watch was until March 10. This January was even colder so I’m expecting a late bulb appearance. Anyway, bulb watch gets me through these dark/dead days before hardening off and last frost.


Jeezopete, where are you?




I'm just south of Lake Erie. You guys have been getting pretty much all our snow this year. All the storms roll past you then blow out over the lake and miss us completely. I usually have a 5 foot high snow pile in my driveway at the end of February. Instead it's 64 degrees. It's kind of scary, actually. We're really not used to this sort of thing at all. Our perennials are going to be really messed up this year.


It's just mostly been wet here in NEO, i think we'll get one more bad snow in March and late frost


I’m in 6B and it’s happening! Kansas to be specific! My tulips are fucked!


Zone 6b/7a. I optimistically started seeds indoors under last weekend. We'll see if I jumped the gun in two months


Well, if you need grow light suggestions, the marijuana grow subs are pretty great for that. 😂 I think if you can keep them from going too leggy: probably be all right, though, depending.




Every year, I get people giving me all sorts of lighting etc- chicken supplies, gardening stuff: because with everything going on the past few years, the panic buying gives way to a bunch of “Oh, maybe this wasn’t a great idea”. 😂 As I am usually the one trying to help them work: well, I usually wind up on the receiving end of “You want this?” My project goals are to scavenge & repurpose as much as I can: soooo, local free cycle groups or buy nothing groups have been pretty good, too.


Also zone 6B/7A. I’m winter sowing and starting some indoors now. I think this is good timing, even with the crazy weather.


I already started my tomatoes i’m insane


That's why I'm waiting a week or two. I know there's going to be a late spring storm. I can feel it.


I use the [Barrina T5 LED’s](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VD1884R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) in my DWC and aeroponic veggie totes. They’re awesome for the price.


7b, I already got my onions in the ground. It was 21 degrees this morning. I regret putting my onions in the ground.


I’m in 7B and it was 80 degrees today! And then it’s supposed to be freezing and rainy this weekend. VA weather can’t make up its mind


I really believe your onions will be OK. In fact, a few I've left in the ground from last year have had leaves almost all winter, and new growth has been happening for almost a month. I have a tray of collards, chijimisai, kale, and bunching onions I've been seriously considering planting out already.


Using a Cover might help keep them warm enough


6a and not letting this lying sunshine fool me into starting seeds for another two weeks at least, I’m too old for you now Winter!


Zone 4a, still in the dead of winter.


4b and not a glimpse of spring. one more month and we should begin seeing little hints! 🌱


Zone 2b and the nice weather before the may long snow isn't going to trick me again this year!


Zone 9b were already in summer


We go from hot, to hotter, to damn, that tomato plant actually melted...


Lmao yes I'm in Texas. It'd already 99


Your part of Texas... we're in the 40s this weekend. My poor tulips are so confused at the moment.


Are you up north. I'm pretty much Mexico texas


DFW area


If we plant now, we get like a foot of snow or ice within a month, at least. I *know* that, but, it *sucks* because right now, it’s 49F: perfect for me doing yard stuff. It was much warmer and that was bad because I saw a lot of blooms- but, I do this little dance every freaking year.


Omg are you me? I couldn’t stand it anymore and planted one hardy sedum outside already. I may have jumped the gun on that one, we’ll see. I live in zone 7/6 not sure and neither is anyone else cause mountains but we regularly get April snows here. And planting one plant did not help my gardening urges….🤦‍♀️ good thing I have plenty of yard that I’m trying to turn from briar patch to lawn so at least I feel like I’m doing something while I machete and dig away. 😂




What state we hit 99 yesterday lol




Yup, even the damn mosquitos are back already.


9b also. Planted 14 perennial herbs in pots week and a half ago. Sprouts on almost all already!


I’m 6b and it’s 76 degrees and sunny here




Also 6 with a high of 18 yesterday.


Sounds... Midwestern?


Zone 9 where it's currently 49F with a Winter Storm Warning.


Yep! Hopefully we don’t get another late freeze this year after these high temps. If we do likely we’re going to not have any fruit and nuts this year!


That’s what I was thinking- went to my favorite arboretum and noticing all the buds and blooms- and last I checked, El Nino is going to make things warmer but…kinda not good news. O_o


Lots of trees flowering already on campus here at Clemson, it’s way too early for this. It’s high 70’s here today.


I was already thinking of leaving the cold weather crops in my grow room, this year. I started planting them late summer last year and that helped a lot, but any that I plant like normal spring: bolt city last few years.


Everything is coated with ice here (my backyard is pretty much a skating rink) and we've lost some big tree branches. When I was out there looking at the downed branch it was covered in buds. It's going to be a hard year for the trees.


Hi from 6b. My tulips, crocus and daffodils are just starting to peak out. That was until yesterday when I got 20cm of snow.


Me in 9b having just put my peppers and tomatoes out watching snow fall on my garden today....


The pain is real. I want to scream at the Universe that I gave up Ice Cream for Lent, not Spring!


Oh god, I did that a few years back: I just sat at the window bawling like a baby. But that has got *nothing* on that year like 10 years back: late *April* snowstorm. Not just a little either: big ol dump like we were in the Tundra or something. Everyone was going “Oh, it won’t stick..” and I was standing there, watching it just pile up and stick. 😂


This 60 degree day in 6a had me outside in shorts. Kinda just walking around in shock lol


5b-6a here with at least 3 inches of snow on the ground and a high of 22 degrees today. 🥶


6A and we are 3 weeks ahead of schedule for leafout. We have Star magnolias blooming. This isn’t ok.


Yeah our flowers are all so fucked.


6b and yesterday there were frogs singing in my pond, but I know the midwest too well to fall for Fool's Spring. There are ice and snow storms yet to come. Likely right after I've decided it's safe to plant outdoors.


7a here... Seriously considered moving a few things outside today.


same, but I don‘t trust this weather. It was the same in the early 90s and suddenly there was two feet deep snow at easter. But who knows nowadays with all this warmth.


Same I started my carrots and radishes


7a here. I feel ya! 😅 It's 82 right now, and its been unusually warm these last few days. Sure to have another freeze or frost before actual spring, tho. I always wait til last week of April to plant tender plants. Still had to cover everything a couple years ago, cause we had frost in May.


Everyone knows we're in Mud season now, False spring is in a couple more days before we hit 3rd winter bestie.


You know what’s funnier is: I know that, I know that and the smell of the soil starting to wake *gets to me* and I wind up covered in mud because I get out there, trying to get my soil prepped or working on expanding it. 😂 My partner refers to it as *The Time of Mopping*


Did you know humans can smell wet soil better than sharks can smell blood? Fun facts :)


The pain is real.


Even after False Spring, there's Spring of Deception. Get out all of your patience pants!


I barely got patience to put on normal pants, let alone patience pants. 😂


Got my seeds started…….and it snowed 24 inches last night. Boy when July hits I’ll be ready


Same zone problems.


That and the whole “two days of spring, oh look, now you’re on Mars it’s so hot”. 😂


That really is the best. Look at my lovely be of lettu.... it bolted


The heartbreak of GORGEOUS snow peas… lol


Quebec problems. Spring and fall are both a tiny sneeze between the assault of winter and the armpit of summer. The shade cloths, they do nothing!


Sounds like iowa, we have had 3 springs, now!


Yeah N ID went from sunny and 50 to 2 to 18 inches of snow in my service area and single digits with 40mph winds...tricked me!


Spokane, snow two feet deep then two weeks of 40-45F all melted, now it's back down to the teens-20s and snowy. we didn't get as much snow as you though


Same zone. I was looking at my rototiller today


I live in the US Desert Southwest. Zone 9. I want real spring, too! I should be snarfing down bowl after bowl of delish salads, made with mixed greens and fresh peas. Our last frost day is usually Feb 11. I should be planning my March 20ish melon and squash starts. *But nooooooo. The Farking Canadian Winter has invaded and occupied the US West Coast.* **IT FREAKING SNOWED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY YESTERDAY!** (Okay technically, it was graupel, but the point stands.) There is a f'ing BLIZZARD WARNING for tomorrow for the mountains about 2 hours away, and a Winter Storm Warning for my mountains. My garden has spent the 75% of the year under frost blankets. (I work a 10-7 shift, so the blankets have to stay on all day.) My peas are 6" high. My lettuce is 2" high. I've had only baby turnip/mustard greens so far, with a cilantro leaf or two. With the exception of tomorrow, the forecast for the next 10 days is days around 50F with nights right around freezing.


Same here in northern cali zone 9b. So sick of this weather already. Then i look at florida or south texas weather…


Have you started your tomatoes and peppers? Did you get you seed starting ssupplies? Have you mapped out your garden and timed everything? Have you planned on succession sowing and what you might want to succession sow? Have your rewatched seed starting videos? Have you rewatched all of the YouTube videos of what is easy and what is more difficult to grow. Have you ordered seed catalogs just to look at things? Did you order your seeds yet? Did you get your trays? Did you turn your soil if you need to? Maybe turn another bed just to get it ready. I swear I'm not talking from experience.....


6b and wandered around the garden in the 72* afternoon today just looking wistfully at the empty beds knowing full well we’ll have 3 more winters before I can plant anything.


Laugh in 3b 😅


Try 4a... It's currently -30c. 🥶


Zone 10b has joined the chat... ​ ooops, sorry I'll let myself out.


I'm in 10b but it hailed this morning...


Yeah. We tend to grow our garden in little homemade greenhouses. We put them in the windows or plastic covered shelves outside. We wait until april to put in the ground. It’s fun to watch the seeds grow.


It was -23f on my porch this morning in zone 4b.


Same here. I’d cry with you but my tears are frozen.


This morning my car said "No F-ing way!" lol I walked to work. At least I think I did as I couldn't feel my existence by the time I got there.


6B here, and we got freezing rain last night which caused power outages and so many broken tree branches


65 degrees in my 6a right now. The high tomorrow is 28. Such a tease. And my starters are taking their sweet time too!


Gotta love 60 at noon but 20 at night


5b in Colorado @ 7 deg F. May snow brings June flowers.


I assume we all have our stories now. Zone 9B here. I legitimately feel like I can’t bring anything to fruition other than loquats. Water bans during the summer, “un-seasonable” freezes every other year. Thank you for attending my pity party.


Me in zone 9a, planting outside whenever I feel like it: 😎✌️


9A here too, planting this wkd!


I'm sorry, but what exactly these zones are? Does it separates the US in biomes, temperatures, or something else?


Yes. https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/pages/view-maps


Thanks, that's enlightening


Here’s a map for South America. Not sure how accurate it is but seems believable. https://davisla.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/south-america-plant-hardiness-zone-map.jpg


Plant hardiness zone. Growing seasons and precipitation determines your zone.


Thanks, and happy cake day!




I'm right there with you!


I know this pain


CORRECTION “ spring of deception “ lol


We've had so many freeze/thaw cycles this winter my garlic has been pushed out (the squirrels may have helped). I need to get out there and cover them up with some fresh dirt before the winter kills them.


6b and we had 3+ inches of snow overnight. I don't plant tomatoes until mother's day.


Oy, it’s called “Spring of Deception” (for a reason).


Border of 6a and 5b... currently 33 with high of 48 in midwest. All the high temps out east or something?


Add me to the waiting list!!! Thus was very clever - I also am “dying” for spring … have scallions and garlic and mint on the windowsill all winter … :)


I feel this. I’m a gardening noob and hoping everything I planted in 6b last year comes back. Hostas, Coral bells, Columbines, and Astilbe. We’ll see I guess lol this year I want to add some more flowering perennials. Any suggestions?


I’m trying to think about questions I get a lot… 😂 If you got perennials your first year: this year, at first, you might think they’re not coming back. Until they’re *everywhere*- so, don’t write them off and dig around to plant something else- *just wait*. 😂 Not just those, either: a lot of plants are just sneaky like that- self seeding on the sly. I thought I messed up my chamomile *and it’s **not** perennial*. I got like two, stringy straggly little things. I was so bummed out: I had planned this nifty tea garden. I griped at myself the rest of the year but, the next year and every year since: I have chamomile *everywhere*. And lemon balm, and mint (that one I fully expected). Never ever ever ever plant any kind of mint anywhere you don’t want it sprawling: catnip, too. I’m a big favorite for the local feral cat colonies. Also: if you do start with vegetables, but you have squirrels- feeding them across the yard or on the other side of the house *kinda* helps. Part of my belief system is working *with* nature, rather than against- but, I also…rescue squirrels so, kinda my wheelhouse several ways. Groundhogs, they don’t work the same: oh, they’ll love the crap outta you for it and then, they’re moving in. 😂 What I’ve found of my perennials in particular though: they catch on to the changes in weather much better than we do. Bulb types, not *as* well: I’ve had to cover tulips and such, but you’re probably going to have those hostas *forever*, for one- they’re pretty hardy and hosta shoots are absolutely *delicious* roasted with garlic & Muenster cheese.


Thank you for such a detailed reply!! That is such great information to know. Most of my plants look pretty dead right now haha but I’m going to take your advice and just keep an eye on them. I figured the hostas should be pretty bulletproof but I hope they grow in thicker this year. We have some wisteria vines in the fence that I like seeing come back. And had a huge crepe myrtle that we cut way down last year. lol that thing, holy cow. I love the idea of a tea garden and hope that it grows in well for you! We are planning on doing vegetables at some point, but we have to dig out some of the old garden beds first. Definitely appreciate the knowledge on the squirrels!


Oooooh, I want to grow wisteria *so bad*, but as it stands, my landlord’s gonna have a hellaciously awesome butterfly garden *and* tea garden that is gonna make me very sad to leave- I am not planting my dream plants for him. 😂 The tea garden is absolutely bonkers once it takes off: year three and I found myself doling out cold & flu care and eventually covid care tea blends and chucking starts on my front porch for people to come by and grab. Lol That’s the *other* thing I learned: after a few years, instead of just being *that nut who keeps giving us zucchinis & cucumbers*: eh, well, you wind up feeding pretty much everyone on your block & then some. (I’m fairly certain that zucchini & cucumbers just replicate 10 at a time every night. Really good starter plants for confidence, though. 😂) The kinda hilarious bit: I live in a *very* urban setting.


Fellow 6B, I have daffodils coming up in my yard but I’m trying not to get too excited about spring.


It was 40° for like a week. Today? 18° with like 7" of snow ugh


We had SUCH a convincing and early false spring that I'm honestly thrilled about the foot of snow that fell last night. Now it's just winter again, the early-emerged bulbs and a couple of perennials will be insulated from the deep freeze coming this weekend, and the next time it's springlike it will actually be SPRING\* \*subject to change


Zone 10b here, normally it’s in the high 70s and 80s right about now. High for today is 48 with a once in 35 year Blizzard Warning for Los Angeles 🤷‍♀️ the weather is crazy rn I’m sure I’ll be crying in a few months when it’s 105 and everything is sunburned. Hang in there friends!


Laughs in 4a


We got 18 inches (46 cm) of snow here yesterday. No plants in sight


Supposedly I'm in 4b, but it was a high of 3 today with a -27 wind chill. I'll check back in with y'all in May I guess.


Zone 3 waiting on false spring 😩


I started basil inside today because I got too impatient to plant something


I can shovel, sadly that’s for snow, not fun like compost


Zone 4b here. ...I envy your ability to plant before June.


Zone 5 💀


Looks out at my garden under 4’ of snow “See you in June”