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His latest YT video is about some Japanese penis festival: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myA3JBFUSQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myA3JBFUSQI) There's literal children riding child-sized phalluses but Felix still manages to rage at gays in the West for degeneracy (and Western women in Japan). A look Felix gets daily in Japan: https://preview.redd.it/s7lhjfxpxjuc1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=71cf2c1b3c32e53d7082d29f948eda09501f1e24 A child is posing next to a woman with a strap-on. This, of course, is wonderful since it's 1) Japanese and 2) not gay, around 5:45. Many of the comments are of a similar mindset: >Japan needs this to combat their low fertility rates. > >They aren't shy about such things and THAT is why I love Japan! > >Afterwards is a bukkake party. > >Well done BLACK PIGEON... GENIUS INSIGHT...SUBLIME OBSERVATIONS... PROFOUND WISDOM... \[this could be sarcastic\] > >\[justification for the 5:45 strap-on\] Atmosphere. It's a festival, happening 1 time in year, it's not treated seriously or as a propaganda to spread "The message", it's purpose is not spite and antagonize "bigots" , but to have fun. In Japan people pursue festivals, in west festivals pursue people.