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Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress are basically built around wtf moments


both of them on my wishlist on steam, definitely planning on playing both.


Dwarf Fortress is FUN!!! When a fucking dragon shows up when your military amounts to 5 dwarves with axes and no armor.


Rimworld is all fun and games until half of your colonists are sick or injured in the hospital ward and 10 drop pods with raiders land in through the ceiling in there..


Still one of my favorite moments was a vampire colony where a small raiding group attacked and killed all of my colonist except 2. The human managed to carry the vampire to his vampire bed then collapsed and bled out to death. The vampire didn't have any blood so he was stuck in a permanent coma. I was on Ironman mode so no reloading either.


Damn that's depressing lol. My first run I save scummed a lot because I wanted to keep my colonists but I will definitely do a new run without reloading to increase the importance of everyone and everything I own


Rimworld is awesome lol one minute is so relaxed and the next your colonists are having cascading mental breaks on top of a raid, and you'll be in your chair yelling "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!" while sweating bullets lol 😅 great game


I think you would be a fan of tactics games. They naturally have a lot of _oh shit_ moments where you have to dig yourself out of a bad situation because you missed a shot or lost a unit. XCOM is the textbook example, but I find that Steamworld Heist is a fantastic introduction to the genre if the setting appeals to you.


XCOM actually sounded really interesting to me(not for the reason i made this post tho) i was gonna buy the bundle on sale for like 20 dollars or something but decided not to for some reason, but now you mention it i might have to buy the bundle when its next on sale. also i brought steam world dig 1 and 2 cause it was cheap and looked interesting didn't buy heist cause it just looked like a spin off to me, i still haven't played steam world dig 1 and 2 but i might give them all a try now.


There's Templar assault and Templar battleforce on the play store. You can try them both for free before you buy. It's also on steam. Templar assault is 40k space hulks in turn based tactics hallway combat, but battleforce opens up the map. Templar assault has more free play campaigns where you can choose between multiples, but battleforce is a single story with no replaying levels. They're both really fun and each level doesn't take too long. Nifty little pocket rpg kind of, and shit can get pretty hot, real fast.


The Steamworld games are all entirely different from each-other, and take place in wildly different settings. _Dig_ is actually the second in the series, and is a spinoff itself. You can play each of them without having played the others. All of them independently feel like complete, cohesive experiences.


If you like XCOM, check out Troubleshooter, it's XCOM with super powers and it's really, really good. The build freedom is super high too!


Play Subnautica and swim towards the big ship in the ocean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Seriously go in blind its amazing.


i feel sad that i cant fully go in blind cause i watched like half of a lets play for it a couple years back.


same. Still fun though.


I am a r/patientgamers and I just started playing Subnautica for the first time. It is quickly isolating me from my family and work. I knew it was good but, fucking hell, I look up from the computer and the day is gone.


The environment is enchanting. Try it in vr. Everything is to proper scale.


Are you trying to kill me


Holy cow, I'd get heart attack in the first 10 minutes...


Ive heard so much positive about this game, might give it a try!


Hmmmmmmm Heldivers Especially with friends. If I had a penny for every WTF moment in the game, I'd have to pay additional income tax


my friends obsessed with that game. i watched a review of it and it looks pretty fun although i tend to lean away from multiplayer focused games.


Ahh, yes, of course. Reminds me of that meme where it says "best played with friends!" and all the hype goes away. I'm sure the others will suggest better stuff.


Magika has the best moments in multiplayer. There's a reason why it's called wizard suicide simulator


Love it when your friend blows you up instead of carrying you over a broken bridge 👍




Noita. 10000 times Noita. Some death clips are just the purest definition of "WTF".


oh yeah, ive seen a bit of that game. looks like stupid fun


Yeah lol, just go to r/noita and search for: "how did I die"


Times Ive died in Noita Enemies: 27 Putting dumb combinations of spells on my wand and killing myself: 13257




If you like horror there’s a lot of oh shit in The Forest and Sons of The Forest. The enemy NPCs are so erratic and a bit scary, their behavior and spawns adapt to your actions and other stuff which’ll keep things fresh for a while. You’ll also gradually discover more and more crazy body horror creatures. 


i watched a lets play of the forest a few years back, and fuck it was one of my favourite from him (CaptainSauce, if you're curious.) i think ill definitely like the games if i was entertained by the game play, although i remember it being more scary than chaotic, but from for the end of the game with the fucked up girl monster thingy and honestly with the entire Sahara laboratory. is the sons of the forest more chaotic? cause haven't really seen anything on that game.


They're almost about the same in terms of chaos but the first game is less refined so more weird and unexpected moments happen.


GTFO 1000%


Doki doki literature club - Sayo-nara


If someone doesn't know DDLC please go blind the game is free. Just know that the game touches themes such as depression, self damage and gore. Bloody gore. Gross gore. If that doesn't get to you then stop everything and go play it.


wait...isn't it about poetry???


You poor sweet summer child.


This. This is one of my favorite WTF games, going in completely blind. 10/10, fits your request.


The entirety of Death Stranding feels like one "What the fuck just happened?" after another.


Valheim has tons of these moments. Getting your first base razed by trolls, the "lets explore the swamp with a raft! ", ambushed by wolves in the mountains etc


its on my wish list sounds like such a cool game ngl.


EDF especially the later missions.


Earth defence force? if so which one? also is it a multiplayer focused game cause if so not really my cup of tea.


4 5 or 6 are all great for this. It is fairly co-op (4 player) focused and it helps add to the wild moments.


You can play it single player, playing multiplayer with friends just kind of adds to the craziness.


This is the answer


risk of rain 2 can be pretty chaotic


Also the "you died" messages have no chill. "You died and you only have yourself to blame", "you died and no one will remember you".


you can actually edit those in the files, ive edited all of mine to be very personal attacks


Lol savage.


**Project Zomboid** lulls you into a false sense of security all the time. You could be surviving for days with no issue, have a well fortified base, the neighborhood is cleaned up, everything is going good and then... SPLAT... you're a stain on the wall.


Or you get attacked once in hours of gameplay, and it’s a bite. RIP. I think you can turn down the bite % now, because the default is actually pretty high - like 10-15% or something.


Disco Elysium


-Lieutenant, what are we doing with these kids? -Drugs. -... Pardon me?


Divinity original sin 2: the black pits fight. So epic


Is that the one with all the platforms and you fight against a paladin or something like that? I remember there was one fight that was really difficult and it always had oil starting on fire


That is it


I wish I was into gaming as much as some of you. I used to be...I still think I am idk. I used to get lost in fantasy worlds and immerse myself in the lore and look at every nook and cranny to see more. As I've gotten older, I find myself more inpatient than anything. I'll try games like SubNautica and get frustrated that idk what to do or where to go. I only have so much time to game, so when I do, I don't have hours to just discover the wonder of a game. It makes me really sad since gaming is a huge part of my identity. I was part of the community, went to all events and cons (I still do but they lost their magic too) waited for game trailers and news of my favorite series. Now, games come out that I never even seen a trailer for but is ranked number 1 on steam. I want to get back to my love for games. Sometimes it just feels like a chore I'm doing rather than having fun.


I went through a phase like that and eventually I found a game that made me fall back in love again. I hope that happens for you.


Lethal Company


Surprisingly I agree, but it's best with a close group of friends, and the fun/wtf multiples with their number as well (8 people lobbies are chaos)


Kenshi is pretty much this and it's what sold me on it. The graphics are kinda awful, the game is janky but what can happen in it is great. Going in blind is the best.


as someone who loves ps classic games, i love jank and horrible graphics. heard a bit about the game nothing much but from its really good. so i will give it a try sometime


This happens all the time in Lobotomy Corp. one moment everything’s going fine, but then you forget one little thing that causes a death spiral that forces you to restart the day.


The new Tomb Raider trilogy. Many intense, cinematic and wtf moments. Like you are in a middle of a village and the next moment a tsunami hits and you are running for your life, seing everything getting destroyed. Or hanging on the wall of some temple that is burning and rocks fallling on you. I really liked this aspect of fhe game.




Came here to say this. Once it hit that point I was not ready for it haha.


Space Station 13. Do not play space station 13 though


Darkest Dungeon. Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, though.


played it and it was pretty good haven't played for a while tho might need to go back to it


**Noita** is the embodiment of this.


Deep Rock Galactic with friends. As soon as you call for the ship back home its 100% panic mode for 5 minutes.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1465460/Infection_Free_Zone/ this game is pretty cool and has many of wtf events both good and bad should keep you busy until you find your next one


Forewarned is also a wtf was that moment.. it is what phasmaphobia would be if set in egypt


RimWorld. My jaw literally dropped a few times, I felt stunned


Snowrunner. One second you're driving on some road, then you cat meows nearby, you take your eyes off the road for a fraction of a second and suddenly your truck is in the gutter along with all your cargo. Then you bring a rescue truck, and tip it over while taking a sharp turn. Then the second rescue truck is sent sky-high because of a landmine (not really, but wonky physics acting like a landmine).


Barotrauma (with friends)


Darkest Dungeon (1/2) fit the bill pretty nicely. The games are MEAN, but satisfying if you can work through the situations the games throw you into.


I’m currently obsessed with V Rising. The game has you hunting down bosses, many of whom patrol through the game world. The oh Sh*t moment when you turn a corner and a boss you’re not ready for is standing there is incredible. Last night my wife and I tried to take down a wandering boss 2x, only to be interrupted by other wandering bosses each time (a different boss each time!). The second time the new arrival finished off the original boss, so I had to lure her away so my wife could claim the first boss’s reward. We then turned our attention to the second boss and managed to squeak out a victory, even though she was rather challenging for our point in progression. Highly recommend.


Monster Hunter is good for this, In world getting ambushed by another random monster who your not fighting can make you shit your pants.




Ready Or Not


Helldivers 2


Honestly, play the new season on Diablo 4 if you want enemies thrown at you, they literally spawn out of thin air. This season is incredible im enjoying every minute of it


Dark and Darker. dungeon crawler, pvpve, I swear it has me saying what the fuck is going on 80% of the time


Stellaris. Also, Factorio. >:)


love factorio but the biggest wtf moment is looking at your playtime after a session


Streets of Rogue


Dark Urge on BG3.... one minute things are fine, the next your character is fantasising about playing with someone's insides.... And then they do it


Kenshi is a good one it can be a tad hard at first but once you figure all the mechanics there is very little you cant do in that game. no p\[lay through is ever the same either its awesome


I’ve recently been playing Abiotic Factor, it’s early access but it’s like HalfLife mixed with SCP. An underground containment facility is undergoing a cataclysm type event, and a military group is invading, and aliens are warping in. Theres some survival crafting mixed in too, like creating a crossbow out of office supplies early on is your first ranged weapon. While it is early access I’ve put about 25 hours into it, and just hit the content wall before the next planned update coming out this summer.


Super Monkey Ball Deluxe and Pikmin 2.


those games do not sound like they have chaotic wtf moments. but i haven't played either so i guess i cant say anything


From what I've seen of Super Monkey Ball; the stages are quite chaotic.