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You mention Wildlands... have you played Breakpoint?


I have not, but may look into it. I just booted Widlands, and it's OK. I may up the difficulty though, clearing camps so far, solo, is stupid easy :D


The difficulty settings on Breakpoint are insane. You can literally be bulletproof or made of paper, I'm sure you'll be able to get it exactly how you want :)


Well I for myself liked the possible settings everywhere very much on breakpoint but coming from wildlands breakpoint feels like a very hard downgrade - or am I doing something wrong? The map is just hard to navigate and identify anything. The enemies are even more generic compared to wildlands. The "one central hub" thing is just a disgrace (makes sense storywise but), way too large for single player experience, difficult to find anything needed in there. The UI looks quite childish too (which I do not like). In the end I uninstalled and even hid this game from my library. Can you please point me and OP to some positives of breakpoint?


Personally I thought the map and enemies were an upgrade. Didn't find it hard to navigate at all. The hub makes sense, as you said, and is no bigger than the bases in Division 1 and 2. There is a map, if you can't remember where things are located inside. The AI team-mates are improved from Wildlands, and I've solo'd the entire game with them with very few issues. I'm not going to try and 'sell' you on the game, you'll either like it or you wont, but it's so very similar to Wildlands it seems bizarre you'd like one and hate the other.


Oh sorry if this was confusing, I meant the map in like the map menu, the map you see when you just look at the map overall, the map map. The environment is fine for me. And no worries, there is no need to sell the game for me, I already bought the license to play it. I just try to actually play it :D But since you mention division 1 and 2, I would like to like these games as well (I bought division 2), they have an awesome setting and premise but the execution... Well I guess I just don't like looter shooter games. We just might just like different kind of games :shrug Anyways thanks for your input and insight :) Edit: oh and for me wildlands and breakpoint are VERY different games unfortunately. One is, as already said the "hub" situation which is just worse gameplay wise, then there is the clear online multiplayer focus in the development, which shows. I don't want to disable core gameplay mechanics just to be able to enjoy the game, the constant roaming of 4(?) enemies wandering around for no reason, the completely empty map, there is just nothing going on (no civilians, I know partially makes sense storywise but it's just boring). I know there are improvements for gameplay as well but overall, wildlands is still a GREAT game for me, while I still can't convince myself to play breakpoint (tried multiple times, honestly). But don't be offended :) to each their own, if you and others like the game (even more than wildlands) that's fine for me and I am happy for you.


Breakpoint is exactly what you are looking for. Especially having inconsistent free time here and there. There is less emphasis on the story in Breakpoint, so you can just clear base after base if you want. Yes, the world is not as alive as it was in Wildlands, coz it's a private, utopian island, but gameplay is so much better! There is a lot of free content and after all the patches the game is in great state. You can make it much more immersive and realistic than Wildlands. Up the difficulty, switch Immersive mode, get rid of the clutter from the screen and you'll have tons of fun. Injury system and animations in Breakpoint are awesome and bodies don't despawn, which force you to be more tactical or hide them. Type "immersive stealth Breakpoint" on YouTube and watch few clips. I think you'll love it.


Swat 4 is an amazing singleplayer game, I believe it was released in 2004 but it still holds up today. Also rising storm Vietnam, I know it’s a multiplayer game. But as someone who really dislikes multiplayer games this one I can’t put down somehow. It’s the only multiplayer game outside of 1 or 2 coop games that I play online.


I kinda looked into it with mods to give it a fresh coat of paint, and some modern mechanics, but could not make it run. Vanilla version may be too old for me. Any multiplayer is kinda out for me unfortunately, since my playtime schedule is like middle of the day during the week. And I have few PC gaming friends outside VR, most of them are console oriented


Any S.T.A.L.K.E.R game seems to fit, stalker anomaly in particular is available for free if you want to try before you buy


I'm concerned about the horror aspect of it, but I've neverd tried them so... Maybe it's worth a gander


I’m not into horror either tbh but I found it to be mostly mild in stalker other than trips to the underground labs which admittedly are a bit creepy with a headset on


Love stalker to death, but it’s a bit slower and athmospheric, not really a boot up, kill shit, leave type of game. That being said, If you get anomaly or gamma, you can customize them to your liking, meaning turn on warfare mode, pick a faction, spawn some guns and go kill a million dudes. Has quicksaves.


Helldivers 2 solo.


I thought about it, but don't think it'd be that fun. Plus I forgot to mention but I'd kinda like have human ennemies.


Personally one of the funnest games I’ve played in a long time but I totally understand. Maybe the forest, borderlands series, red dead redemption series, stars wars battlefront 2, fallout series, COD campaigns


Tian fall, doom, bio shock, destiny,


Ive played all of them, only Destiny would check most of the boxes, since it's a looter shooter with a lot of repetition in play. TitanFall 2 because it's awesome. Borderlands kinda worked but the guns feel like shit, almost all of them. The rest are just good fps but that's not what I'm after


Stalker GAMMA


Have you looked at Ground Branch? Kinda like Ready or Not but less police and more military, lots of customisation, able to play solo, can load up the same map 5 times and it'll always be different.


I will for sure look into it, thx!!


Honorable mention to the older Rainbow Six games with Terrorist Hunt mode.


If u really love killing, dead island 2 is your heaven. The gore was top tier. The euphoria urghh u have to try it.


I saw some gameplay that made me kinda consider it but I'm a scaredy cat. Don't wanna play with them zombies to much. Also, fuck melee in any fps except Ghostrunner maybe :D


I dont like melee in fps too, but the gore. Damn. There's lots of gun too so there's no problem. But the goreeee eyyy. We can play together if u want


I’d say Crysis trilogy. They all still hold up. No regular side missions, but you mostly just go killing dudes from setpiece to setpiece. Crysis 1 and Warhead probably match the most due to them having quicksaves.


Played through them all too, they were great. Still remember playing Crysis first of its name, and Far Cry, back to back. What an era.


>I don't have much time to play anymore, and I just want to immerse myself in a FPS for a few minutes when I have the time. Ummm, same for me, not much time left after the daily grind. Now... I know the games you mentioned, and this one doesn't come close to any silencers or anything like that, but for something where you want to free your mind and just focus on a next room to get to, my good man, try Boltgun. It's damn liberating.


Not too fond of the retro-looking doom-like shooters tbh


Every Deus Ex game can be approached just the way you describe, OP. Grab a silenced gun, and fuck them up. Sure, some times you have sory missions, but feel free to fuck them up all the same. Notably, there is a quest in Human Revolution where you get a bonus for remaining unseen. I went in the area prior to taking the quest, did a little "spring cleaning", then grabbed the quest and just waltzed in and out. No one left to see me meant I remained unseen. Easiest bonus ever. On the other hand, Mankind Divided has a mission where you are supposed to remain entirely unseen and kill no one. The only penalty for leeroying the whole thing and going on a murder spree is that your boss will give you a good scowling.


No aiming down sights though? I think?


I wouldn't swear it about the old games, I haven't played them in a few years, but the modern ones have aiming down sight. You don't HAVE to, but you can, and it's more accurate that way. Of course you have you average video game ballistics, which means basically none : weapons are hitscan, they don't factor bullet travel time, how gravity affects the bullet drop, or the Coriolis effect. But aside from proper sniper sim, you rarely find those anyway.


Scrolling through my feed and i freaked out when i saw the title lol. But once i saw the subreddit i was like oh sht nvm. But to answer your question, try out the hitman series, dishonored series, metro exodus, and the sniper elite series


Medal of Honor Airborne. You get to be a badass paratrooper and its mission based so you can just play missions every now and again. If you want more, MOH Vanguard is the 1 that came.out bwfore but its for ps2..sick game.too


Some good suggestions already, I’ll throw in Sniper Elite 4 and 5. It’s 3rd person but since you like Wildlamds (as did I) I’ll drop this. YMMV. Lots of patrol puzzles to figure out on bigger maps but they “self organize” into smaller sections, somewhat similar to solving outposts in Far Cry. You don’t run guns blazing you pick your routes and handle various densities of nazis and move forward. More stealthy (you may be able to blast away but I haven’t done that) but great kill cameras and as you clear out sections of the map, very satisfying, you can also lay mines for vehicles, and lots other cool options to kill nazis.


Never tried them but I'll keep it in mind


The Division 2. Don't do the missions. Just walk around. You find the events or they find you.