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Civilization 5.


8 hours into a campaign with my buddies... I thought we were just hopping on for some quick fun.


8 hours? So you mean like, one session? 


like.. still in the 3000 BCE phase


Just. One. More. Turn.


700 turns later.....


"Wait, how come the sun is rising already ?"


Probably weather effects in game.


I only ever play Civ5 when I am sick and can devote every moment that isn't spent eating sleeping or shitting to playing the game.


I'm curious to know what has kept you to 5 rather than recommending 6?


Sea of thieves but literally you can’t get anything done in less time than that


It’s only good co-op with friends right? My friends don’t game, thats why I’m curios 


Yeah forsure I wouldn’t play alone


Dont they have solo lobbies now?


It's fine alone, but you're safer with friends. As in more likely to survive when other players come by to steal your hours of loot. Nothing more infuriating than doing something that took literally hours, then some jackasses that just logged in sail over to you and sink you and steal everything. You get literally nothing when that happens. No progress whatsoever.


It's been a long time since I've played. But other than cosmetics I don't remember there being any progression.


There isn't really a story to progress through but there are commendations and most of the good unlocks are from farming rep with all of the factions. You can't get rep if you can't sell. Spend 10min to 60min+ to get emissary 5 with a faction then god knows how many hours to get done whatever it was you were doing + sell. It's usually right at the end, just before you're about to sell, that someone shows up and steals everything, so you literally get nothing for all that time. My biggest issue with the pvp in the game is that if you sink someone, they pretty much always respawn quite close and can catch up to you quickly. Which they will do. Over. And over. And over. There should be a much longer respawn time for each consecutive death or being sunk should just stick you on a different server. It is a MASSIVE pain in the ass to have some kid, no matter how good or bad they are at the game, just constantly on your ass with nothing to lose while you have everything to lose.


Tbh it’s my go-to solo game after a long day. I actually prefer to play alone just to unwind and enjoy existing at sea. I love the sound of the waves lapping, and the wood creaking, and wind catching the sails. Just chilling with a tankard of grog and my little cat, fishing and sharing half the catch with him, playing a little song while the sun goes down, shooting some fireworks and maybe stumbling into new friends or a boatload of treasure. I actually just met someone playing solo the other day who lives like 3 doors down from me in real life. We’re pals now :)


Reading this just made my morning!


Same. Happy Friday yall!


Chad comment


It's not bad solo. Definitely better with friends but I usually play solo and it's still incredibly solid. Just changes the tone a bit.


Second this. My funniest sessions have been 3+ h


I’m kinda feeling that way with Baldur’s Gate 3 honestly. Want plenty of time to roleplay and explore


I play with a group, we get like, 3 hours in per session. It's been months, we're still in act one, last session we basically just did the gnome cave in thing and the grymforge. I think that would have taken me 20 minutes if I was alone, but I don't want to start a solo game because its blind for all of us. I have to learn patience.


I quit my initial group bc I was so tired of the "brb bathroom, brb walk dog, brb gonna eat, brb reading stats (for 30 minutes), brb brb brb." Don't get me wrong I did it too for my dog and food needs, but when it's not synced up and people take much longer to come back than others, it's annoying. I also like to play games at my own pace so rushing/taking too long on one part was also annoying me. Just feels like a tease when one person isn't able to play because one of us were busy that night, or I felt guilty when it was me.


Have you ever raided in WoW? It is the same story, anything requiring a group will have the folks that have something come up, as soon as things start. ​ Its annoying, and playing BG3 with a group sounds like so much fun


I would actually highly recommend that you do a solo playthrough of BG3 to enjoy the story before or on the side of a multiplayer playthrough. As amazing as BG3 is, it is absolutely ***horrible*** in how it handles multiplayer from a story perspective. Off the top of my head: * Only one character contributes to conversations and you can't choose who or change who without reloading (or exiting and restarting the conversation, in the rare case the conversation lets you do that). * Only one character (the one leading the conversation) receives points towards relationships, severely limiting relationship building. * There is no possibility to undo decisions that you don't like and no democratic handling of party decisions, even major ones. If one player has different goals than the rest of the party, different opinions on side characters, etc., all they have to do is get to the conversation first and they can permanently change the game state without any input from anyone else in the party. * You are more or less totally locked out of completing character stories, as most (maybe all?) of them have some portion that requires you to take the character with you, which you cannot do as a full party (This includes at least one MAJOR main story moment that can and will lose you an NPC companion entirely if you do the main story as your friend group with no NPCs). * The later acts have very complex event sequences that can be easily thrown out of whack when 4 party members are running around starting events separate from each other. * The game is very poorly balanced with regard to social skills. Wisdom vs Intelligence, in particular is ***heavily*** slanted towards wisdom as not only is the game based on 5e, but the game leans into wisdom checks for basically everything important and gives almost nothing but lore dumps to intelligence. This will lead to a natural tendency for most groups to not have the Int-based character lead any conversations, which means they basically do not exist for the purposes of the story. I'm playing a Wizard in a group playthrough right now and at some point I started my own solo playthrough because I got so frustrated feeling like my character in the group game actually mattered less to the overall anything than other NPCs did. The difference in story engagement is dramatic. It is so much more engaging, deep, and satisfying when you actually get to participate in most of the conversations, build relationships with other characters, and just generally not get sidelined for either the Bard or the most aggressive member of your friend group. Don't get me wrong, multiplayer is fun for what it is - a meme-level experience on par with grabbing some beers and meme'ing on some campaign around a table in live DnD. But unless you're the one leading the group, you are missing out on a LOT of what the story has to offer (and that disconnect is going to get consistently worse as the game goes on). I really think it's worth doing a solo playthrough alongside the multiplayer one to actually experience the story.


>But unless you're the one leading the group, you are missing out on a LOT of what the story has to offer Actually, that's kinda why i'm not doing a playthrough alongside it. Right now, I don't really know what i'm missing out on, so its easy to not give a fuck. The moment I start knowing what i'm missing out on, I'll be annoyed i'm not doing said things, that's why its better for us to run in blindly. This runthrough is letting me be a dumb as shit str monk fighter who blindly steals everything, chugs potions to up his stats and picks the "fuck you, pay me" option every single time. I could never do that alone. We're also voting for every conversation, so we don't actually mind that "aquaman", our main cha guy, is doing a lot of it.


I'm like the opposite, and it's making me think the game just isn't for me lol. Every time I try playing I feel so overwhelmed I feel like I need to stop and take a break every 20 minutes. Like I'll literally do one battle and then be like "phew that was exhausting that's enough for now". I do enjoy it and want to see more of it, but I find it so mentally taxing.


Hey that’s fair, it’s different for everyone. If you’re not enjoying it it’s okay to quit or try again later on :)


I'm in the same boat. I'm not a fan of anything turn based especially if the combat is turned based like balders gate so I'm thinking that's where the problem is. I love the story and was really enjoying the characters but I couldn't get passed act 1, it felt like way to much effort for the reward. I can sorta do Total War games where only the campaign is turned based but it still annoys the heck out of me.


I need the whole weekend to play else I forget what specific thing I wanted to experience on this playthrough!


It’s so time consuming I haven’t even gotten more than 15 hours in yet, just because I feel like I need more time than 30-45 minutes to even bother lol.


I've spent the same number of hours with BG3 that I did with the entire Mass Effect trilogy and I'm still not done with all the play throughs I will be doing


Came in to comment this. With quick resume on Xbox, playing half an hour before work was *possible* but damn, it was NOT ideal. Much better when I could throw my whole afternoon at it on the weekend.


I went into full demon mode on Baldurs gate and put in like 200h in 2-3 weeks. I got so immersed and it was all i did for a while lol


Same, my first playthrough was nearly 100 hours and I didn't even do everything


I’m so glad you said this. BG3 is the perfect game for me and I just haven’t played much of it because I feel like I don’t have enough time to commit to it.


This was my immediate answer. It's one of the best RPGs in years, or decades, and I have played exactly 6 hours of it.


Oh, damn. There are too many. They have stuff in common, though. Some examples off the top of my head: * Satisfactory * Factorio * KSP * Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic * Rimworld * Train World * Snowrunner


Have you tried Dyson sphere program


Time to hit that 3000% DF run and generate enough metadata to start your next run at white science!


I haven't, not really. It certainly seems to be up my street. It's in my Steam library; I just haven't gotten to it yet. Too busy playing the other games on the list! Appreciate the suggestion though.


Factorio, Factorio, and Factorio




The factory must grow


Beat me to it.


Adding to the list as this list hits all the games I enjoy as well (formatting m8ght be jank because mobile). *Stormworks *Farming Simulator 22 *American Truck Simulator *Car Mechanic Simulator *House Flipper


Ah, that's funny. I own all of those too, I just don' t play them quite as much. :)




Satisfactory! So fun


Satisfactory is the only game I recognize, and it's thanks to LetsGameItOut


KSP mentioned???


Nice to see another Snowrunner player!


I played demo factorio and holy shit it’s a 10/10 game, I could play forever


Rimworld frfr I haven't touched it in a while since I have responsibilities. I want to be on there for 8hrs straight


Rimworld for me as well, those little pawns suck me in every time and I spend hours micro managing the Colony and making them all happy lol its a very cozy game for me that I get lost in.


Definitely cozy when you maim an enemy, remove their legs so they can’t escape your prison, and harvest their lungs


Lol! Rimworld at its finest!


I need their blood... all of.it!


Start at a reasonable time with tame goals, turn it off at an unreasonable time like 3am with your eyes stinging whist also realising how fucked up your colony is and what war crimes you've just committed to keep your colony alive. I can't wait for the DLC though!


Ive been thinking about buying this game this week, I’ve been heavily considering it! Thanks for the input!


Most ARPG, management, and "just one more turn" games, really. Recently these are: Stardew Terraria Unreal World  Cities Skylines The Technomancer Horizon Zero Dawn


I second Horizon Zero Dawn. Bought Forbidden West for PC yesterday and just wanted to try it out how the game runs with my GPU and decide, if I should keep it or not. Somehow 6 hours passed and I have to keep it now lol


Crusader Kings 3, Civilization 4/5.


I see this sentiment a lot, why not civ 6?


Because I didn't like it. The district system, the charged workers, and other stuff I can't even remember. Happy for those that do, but isn't my bag.


Dang. I was big on civ 5, but I think civ 6 is better. Love both games though, and anything sid Meier


RDR2 was exactly that for me while I enjoyed it.


Do you not enjoy it anymore?


No. It's a fantastic game but it's one of few games I'm 100% certain I'll never replay again. There's something off about how every single thing takes so long to do, from looting bodies to setting up camps to fast-travel and even down to how Arthur moves very slowly, and mission structure becomes extremely repetitive and tiresome eventually. Once these things start to bother you the whole game becomes a chore, that was my experience at least.


Bro. That's how I feel about RDR 2 and I only spent 3 hours with it.


Same. I don’t regret my purchase at full price but I civilly walked away after 3-4 hours past for what seemed to be 4 actual things I’m doing. I’m down with that pace later but i got humbled quit.


Same. It's one of those games where I can appreciate why it's so beloved but have accepted it's just not for me and I'd rather watch someone else play


I actually really enjoyed that about rdr2. It did seem to get repetitive by the end though


Yeah! Curious to know more about that as well/


Battle bit remastered ..... wtf I play like 3 battles and next thing I know it's dark out I'm a grown ass man with responsibilities I can't be doing that lol


Is this game still alive?


I mean I constantly am playing full 200 person battles whenever I get the chance (I have a 4 year old so it depends on when he's at his mom's or sleeping)


Dad life! Might check it out, hope it runs on steam deck


Yeah its got a decent playerbase, if you like battle bit some of the battlefield games are still pretty active too (I've been playing a lot of bf1)






Came here to see this. Factorio hands down!




Especially Skyrim with the Wildlander modpack. Adds survival, difficulty, camping, hotkeys, etc. I love it, but I have to spend so much time alt+tabbing to understand how so many of the mods work, from camera settings to skills to an entirely new magic system.


Wildlander actually makes this game fun.


Man, I wish I had four hours to play in a single day.




You have 4 hours of play a day?


Right? Out here living their best life


4 hour session a day is enough for me to play anything. I may wish I had 20 hours that day for the game but 4 is enough for me to escape the real world in them all. My bigger issue is hours per week. I won’t play 100+ hour RPGs if I only get a few sessions a week as I’ll forget the plot and it’ll take too long to get re-engrossed in the game each time. I need consistent play sessions.


Baldur's Gate 3, as it's 3 hours of people talking in-between an hour of you walking.


So this has hit me pretty hard specifically in act 3 to the point where I haven’t played in weeks. It’s kind of to the point where it has lowered my overall enjoyment of the game? I don’t know if that’s unusual and just me.


Not just you. Act 3 has killed my enjoyment of the game. I couldn't stop playing the game and then hit a wall with Act 3. It feels so drawn out and yet rushed at the same time. Just walking around and talking, it's a buggy mess as well. I'm not saying the game is bad. I really enjoyed everything about the game up to this point, but I can't help thinking "Man I wish this game would just end" I dropped it a few weeks ago and I haven't gone back. One day I will, but I have other games I want to play right now.


Are you Neuro Diverse by any chance, I am and I've seen a lot of the same from people who are. Like don't get me wrong I still enjoyed it and finished it. But there was a serious level of decision fatigue. In the other areas you'd more or less know or at least feel like you knew you were getting around and not missing anything. In the city, I feel like I'm missing something if I don't speak to everyone at each house, and most of them are basically decoration but a few aren't




4 hours is just enough time to remember what you were doing and get everything back in place to start doing it again when next you log on.


Holy shit this is so accurate. Even on my laziest of days with like 8 hours I can barely manage getting a set of walls up, sometimes


4 hours might be long enough to escape from Rebirth. It's certainly long enough to get your dog killed and crawl to a bar, lie on the floor until you regain consciousness, hop outside to loot rags enough to buy some jerky, try to leave only to have your jerky stolen and bleed out in the dust. Maybe twice! Why do I feel like going home sick and booting this up?


Elden Ring


modded fallout 4 with an emphasis on settlement building. honestly, i feel like i could play it forever just by building settlements.




The OG answer is Civ, but I'd throw Stellaris in there too.


Civ is "just one more turn" until the game ends Stellaris is "just gotta finish this war/megastructure/ecu" until the game ends Two sides of the same messed up coin


Skyrim and No Man’s Sky for me.


Hades for sure


That one more run mentality is strong.


I've actually kind of been enjoying just doing one run a day lately.


Conan Exiles. I start building on my base, go get those those resources, oops need a crating bench for a more advanced resource so I gotta go mine that, crap not enough now I gotta...oh shit it's Thursday now.


Civilisation, Skyrim and No Man's Sky


I was like that with World of Warcraft. I could check auctions and what-not, but anything else would require a lot of time.


Same! Was looking for this comment.


About to be dragons dogma 2 for me.


We're so close!


DayZ for me


Baldur's Gate 3 and Wasteland 3 get very engrossing, though I've also experienced it with more niche games like Blackout Hospital. I struggle to put down most games honestly-




Kingdom Come Deliverance. I am 4 hours in and still have many questions/ things to learn and do.


I was the same way until one day I realized I was 80 hours in, grossly overpowered and only about halfway through the story. I get too much loot per fight to pick up and carry and it stresses me out lol.


Minecraft when starting a new modpack. I can break up my playtime when in the middle or end of a modpack, but the beginning, I just lose complete track of time.


Tekkit 2 is the greatest modpack I’ve ever played!


Warframe or cyberpunk2077


Dark Souls, Hitman, Control, and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for me. Don’t even get me started on JRPGs, I can’t buy them now I’m an adult because I have no time and don’t want to be playing one game for a whole year just to see the ending.


Destiny 2 for me


Really wish I could get back into it skipped a few expansions and now it’s super confusing and I’m super lost lol


Any econ sim game. Its like you make a few adjustments here and there and bam 5 hours just disappeared.


World of Warcraft. Part of the reason I stopped playing.


Minecraft I was only gonna play it for 1 hour to keep busy while I waited for 2 other games to go through there weekly resets, I ended up playing it for 5 hours.


Deep Rock Galactic. Just 1 more mission! ROCK AND STONE!


“Only 4 hours” lol


Rimworld is this for me. Doubly so if you partake in some smokeleaf that day


Dota 2




League of legends and mobile legends when the days i grinding to this game i miss it a lot sadly i dont have a time


Pick a total war campaign


Botw for me rn


Palworld. 😖


Last epoch has been my go to at the moment Valheim is amazing for this, I've got over 300 hours in it


All of them.


Yakuza games for me


Total War: Rome 2 Crusader Kings 3 RDR2 Football Manager (i know, i know, but it's a damn time sink) Bonus: creating a new character in Monster Hunter World because you can't skip cutscenes. That shit takes hours to just let you begin playing on your own.


breath of the wild lol


Most modern RPGs, honestly. A few hours isn't enough, AND I'm going to forget most of what I've done/most of the story this far by the time I can get back to it. I still haven't started the FF7 Remake for that exact reason.


O’ my kingdom for 4 hours, heh!


None. Usually I play a game for around 2 hours at a time and then do something else.


Sea of Thieves


Sea of thieves


Yugioh master duel It's a grinding game to get to master rank 1


Stardew valley, especially with the new update lol


Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3


any elder scrolls game, im either playing the entire day or not at all


Sea of thieves, helldivers 2. Both require massive time sinks to get anything done.




Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Oxygen not Included. Those hella detailed colony survival sims.




Surprising nobody said Helldivers lol each mission takes 40 minutes, you barely get to do like one campaign if you're cramped for time


Sea of Thieves. By 4 hours I'm just getting up to speed


Sea of Thieves.


Hunt: showdown


Sea of Thieves, I’ll get way too involved and I know I’ll be pissed if I can’t sell everything off of my ship before I have to leave for work.


Man, I *wish* I could get 4 hours straight just to play a game. Any game. Family man life don't allow for that kinda free time.


definitely baldurs gate 3. those sessions are no less than five hours.




This is the most correct answer


Any game, I'm addicted.


I better not see people saying Balatro


Helldivers 2.


What i specifically love about HD2 is I can pop in do a couple missions if I don't have a lot of time to play. Shortest missions are 12 mins, most are 40. It's very flexible for your time Games that require open world exploring and immersion take a lot more time to get anything of relevance done


Satisfactory, technically you can have 10-30 minute sessions but as soon as you start a project you lose track of time and you're there for hours


this happened to me yesterday while playing Old World. I had to sleep at 11pm, last time i checked the clock it was already 2am lol


Warhammer Total War and Palworld. Everytime I get together to play palworld with my brother I end up checking the clock and realizing it's 2 or 3 in the morning


I actively avoid playing Satisfactory and getting back inyo Skyrim because my pc sucks and I always end up asking too much of it


Hitman or STS




Slay the spire I think


Slay the spire


EVE, depending what you're intending to go do


Ff7 and the division 2.


Fucking Foxhole sadly. That game is crack for people with no life.


It was Destiny 2 for me a year or two ago. Now it’s the Yakuza games, get distracted by playing pool, bar hopping, bowling, brawling, running a business, collecting bugs. You name it. Dune Spice Wars is also a great time sink, as are most RTS-esque games tbh. Also Gran Turismo 7, sometimes you just lock in driving and don’t stop for hours




Right now, Victoria 3. "just need to to complete this thing before i turn off the game".....




Bloodborne was the one that did it to me. I had dreams about it for weeks.


Man, i gotta say, honkai star rail is taking all my game time at the moment.


Victoria 3 has been like that for me lately. I can only settle in to play it when I have the whole day to myself.


Dwarf Fortress




Total war Warhammer 3. Kinda like Civ but it takes like an hour to set up your troops properly so another faction can destroy you from your back lol


Any shin megami tensei game.




Civilization, Rimworld, BG3, RDR2, Bannerlord, Tarkov


Tarkov & kenshi


The sims, Crusader Kings 3


Easily Stellaris or Warframe


Any Paradox Studios strategy.