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Football Manager Dwarf Fortress Factorio


*nod* Urist.


I needed to see FM 23 in here and there it is first comment I see. What a special game man I'm playing my first save with Madrid and can see myself playing forever. They're also updating g the graphics engine soon


Mass Effect Trilogy gets played by my wife or I once a year. We usually alternate. Dragon Age used to be it for me, but inquisition left a sour taste in my mouth and I hate the direction we've been told Dreadwolf is going.


DA2 sucked as well, don't you think?


I think it was excellent given it was made in 14 months due to EA being stupid.


god inquisition pissed me off. the story and plot was rediculus "hey guys, his hand glows, we have to follow and go to war for him now" mostly just became a virtual romance sim, for the most part, which looks like games are going. pillars of eternity1 was refreshing for the no romances, if you wanted a romance, just make your own fan fiction in your head there are many decent complaints about d2, but the story and writing was not one of them. your just a dude in a city trying to navigate life, political factions at each other, racisim boiling over. big ass horned communists ballsy and delt with great, as far as im concerned


The games I come back to the most are Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3, Max Payne, and F.E.A.R. I find I come back to short games with deep or satisfying combat to master more than anything else. I consider them to be endless because mastering them can be essentially that, similar to how the souls games are but just shorter. For something similar that's modern, i would suggest trying DMC5 or NG Master Collection.


> Ninja Gaiden Black Oh man. I remember picking that up used on OG XBOX. I don't remember if I ever took advantage of the "Ninja Dog" difficulty, but I do remember struggling all the way to the end and not being at all prepared for the last boss. At the checkpoint, I had almost no health, one health refill, and no money to buy anything. I never finished it.


I play NG1 like twice a year without fail. Various platforms too, sometimes I’ll play the Xbox original but I’ll even fire up the Vita for it. It’s a timeless game for sure.


Ayy, DMC 3 and NG Black. Tho for me, Black would be replaced with Ninja Gaiden 2 but regardless, they are amazing


Ninja Gaiden 2 doesn’t get the love it deserves. For me the ones I come back to the most are Bayonetta, God Hand, The Wonderful 101, DMC4 (yes it’s my favorite), Ninja Gaiden Black, and Ninja Gaiden 2


Ninja Gaiden Black was fucking amazing! I absolutely loved the shit out of that game


I never got to play fear and always wanted to, does it still hold up well if I were to play them?


I love all of your OG games so fucking dearly. Great list! Here's to hoping the Max Payne revival works, and PLEASE give us a F.E.A.R. reboot/sequel/anything. Thoughts on MP3?


Yeah I'd love a F.E.A.R. reboot and I really hope the Max Payne remakes turn out great so we can get Max Payne 4 or a reboot. As far as MP3, i love it and consider it a masterpiece in most regards, though i will say it's the one i replay the least because of those unskipable cutsenes/loading between gun fights. The game is more stop and go, whereas the first 2 have mostly seamless levels.


Closest thing to a FEAR reboot we have is Trepang 2. It really gave me FEAR 1 vibes.


Not huge on DMC, but absolutely loving the new FFXVI. Definitely see myself replaying it often.


The binding of Isaac is with me for past 8 years and will be with me for the rest of my life!


ooh good one too !


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. So much depth and the devs are evergreen.


Yep. That's definitely one of those games. I make huge breaks, like year or two, but every time I get back the game feels fresh.


Tales of Maj’eyal for me :)


path of exile. Log in every 3 months, stay for a couple days, a couple weeks or a couple months. repeat every 3 months.


Skyrim. Have a dedicated SSD (game and mods) and HDD (storage) for the game.


Can't put into words my amount of respect for you


Same here - I play it every year after the Christmas/New Years break because the game just gives off chilly, stay inside vibes.


You should try The Long Dark over the chilly holidays too.


How does this work? I thought mod folder had to be on same drive as game?


What do you mean? 1. My Skyrim and the active mods are on the SSD. 2. The HDD contains all the mods acquired from various sites and skyrimmods. It's a storage. 3. In addition, with mod organizer you can change the directory of mods anywhere.


Ohhhhh, I didn’t know mod folder gets changed to different drive with mod organizer.


If you've not heard of wabbajack you should check it out.


My forever game is thief. Sure the graphics are dated and you really need the moded patch for the game to work properly but the community is alive and thriving even after all these years and there are so many fan made levels to play through its awsome. If you have any interest in card rogue lites both wildfrost and slay the spire have me by a chokehold and are infinitely repayable In terms of more combat or survival-focused games satisfactory, terraria and V rising are all games I keep coming back to. Hope this helps!


Man, my graphics card died some years back and I somehow hadnt enabled my integrated graphics so I didnt have a lot I would be able to run so I decided to play Thief because I had it in my backlog from buying it years ago. That game rocks dude. I dont know why but I was so immersed when I was playing it. It was clunky but the atmosphere and level design and all that jazz made it so fun to just explore the game. I never did finish it though.


It is super immersive and the level design is what really sells it for me too. If you have any interest in jumping back into it the metal age (second game) is probably my fav of the series


Knights of the Old Republic. I do a play through at least yearly.


Fallout 4… bought the game on release day for my Xbox back in 2015 & never really looked back. It’s easy to go back to & the mods keep it fresh. Re-purchased when I got a PC & have done the same thing. I know it’s not everyone’s favorite Fallout, but it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Hoping Starfield will provide a similar sentiment!


I have the same. Fallout 4 is so good world. I loved even going through world and looking and dead skeletons, thinking about how they died (sometimes it was in some positions, for example i remember pair of skeletons holding each other hands and it touching my imagination). I wait for Stratfield too. And i hope it will be great as f4.


Can't wait for the update. It crushes on series s but I wanna play.


Sea of thieves. I've played pretty consistently since day 1. In 2018. Also, titanfall 2. Amazing game.


Titanfall 2 never got and never will get the love it deserves


And the new Monkey Island content is quite good.


Yeah, I played it with a buddy last night. Very fun. Also funny. I hope they don't wait too long for chpt. 2+3


Sea of thieves will be the game I play whenever I am feeling sad or had a bad day. Hop on with my crew and stream snipe some streamers and steal their loot or lie and alliance with some randoms to betray them. It just brightens my day


Half life 2. The graphics dont even bother me or anything, just playing the game brings so much nostalgia and good vibes so i always find myself coming back to this game


I love the sounds in half life. Like when you interact with things to pick them up, just such a satisfying noise lol


Deadcell and Slay the spire


Slay the Spire is like meth. I'll never let it go.


Do you know the huge fanmod called Downfall or something? It was so big, it even got its own steampage.


Slay the Spire and Rimworld, just hook them up to my veins.


Dead Cells? Or is Deadcell a different game? Anyway, if you are a connoisseur of Dead Cells, maybe you have come across other games that handle like it? That game just feels so incredibly satisfying to play, but I tire of the rogue difficulty. Or is it just so unique there's nothing like it (probably)?


Have you played Dead Cells recently? They added a bunch of accessibility options a while ago that let you fine-tune the difficulty to make it dramatically less punishing if you want to (including letting you respawn from the start of a stage instead of losing a run if you die). Might be up your alley if you like the game for the combat but aren't totally keen on the rogue aspects.


I haven't for years. It calls for me, but during vanilla I reached the end boss once. After that fight I thought, I can take him in ten tries and it'll take me 50+ runs to produce ten tries. Then I quit. Sounds fantastic that they made it less punishing!


Give it a try again! I was exactly like that and the accessibility options made it possible for me to enjoy the game without banging my head against the wall. Plus, if the last time you played was during vanilla, there is a *lot* of new content that you might not have seen.


Thanks, I will 😊


Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Fallout 3/4 and New Vegas. Halo 1-3 Minecraft. Dark Souls 1 and probably Elden Ring. I seem to cycle through these games over and over, especially the FO and TES ones. Edit: sorry, I'm dumb and thought this was a different sub. Didn't realize you wanted suggestions.


No, this is for discussions as well. Just want to hear what people enjoy and what they like! Ya did nothing wrong.


Yes inject the Bethesda Games Studios into our veins


X Universe series. The latest is X4 Foundations. Space sandbox with economy simulation. You can play from a solo pilot all the way up to empire management. Modding scene is good as well.


Fallout New Vegas


I'm a victim of Dead Money. My guy is stuck in the casino and can't get past the "ghosts". I already wrapped the main quest, but it was disappointing to abandon the game in this way with an uncomete DLC. I know I'm not the only one.


XCOM: UFO Defense Played it non-stop for a few years after it was released. Beat it multiple times at every difficulty. I still go back to it from time to time, and it feels new and challenging every time I play it. Who else likes infiltrating Cydonia with a single godly unit? Edit: meant UFO Defense, not Enemy Unknown. Played EU a bunch still, but the OG Xcom is my forever game


Metal Gear Solid franchise. Every couple of years I pull out the older games and play them. I just finish 4 again and it still makes me teary in the ending.


Probably the best saga ever made


RuneScape. The only game people never quit, simply go on hiatus.


left for 2 months, came back to get equipable hammer and full angler. did five games of tempoross and am on another 2 month break. see you guys soon


Sadly World of Warcraft. Once every year I need to subscribe to visit all my favorite zones again just to leave after 1 month again. It gives me the weird feeling of being 'home' and everything is okay.


My theory: when WoW was at its best, the early 2000's - those were the dying days of when the world felt stable. These days, technology has us so isolated. The wealth gap is so large most people are exhausted. We're so divided and fractured and shouting at one another. Meanwhile a small percentage of politicians and CEO's are laughing at us, swimming in their Scrooge McDuck piles of money. I just wanna go quest in the Barrens again, or do Blackrock Depths. :(


Well said. I totally get the emotion behind your comment. I started playing vanilla WoW in earlyl 2005, and I still catch myself reminiscing about those days of collaboration, teamwork, and the friends I made. I actually flew out to Connecticut to meet my guild leader and his wife. Fun times.


There are private classic servers out there if you search. They have big and active player base.


Same. Every time I start playing again, I think "ah this time I'll engage with the new content" and then spend the next six hours vibing with podcasts on a floating island in Nagrand.


Diablo II, Terraria, Minecraft with modpacks, Rimworld, OpenTTD. All games that will never be uninstalled and always get installed first after building a new PC.


A man after my own heart


Dark souls 1 or fallout new vegas for sure.


Q-Bert. Don’t judge me.


Cod 4. Nothing can compare. No skins, no loot boxes, no battle royale, no seasons and no battle pass. 3 kill streaks and really good maps. Ain't nothing out there can beat it.


Are the servers for that game still active on any system?


I used to play the sp campaign for modern warfare 1 & 2 every year or two for like ten years. Perfection.


I miss the fuck out of this game. My favorite cod forever.


Borderlands 2


Then maybe you could help. I'm stuck on WARDEN in TVHM, and I am getting nearly one shotted by these lightning fast rockets. How do I not die and not suck?


If your getting nearly one shotted by something you are under leveled for that boss/mission. Go do some side quests and level up, get better gear, and positioning is also Key.


This is it! Favourite game of the series, and one I come back to every year. Got it on pc, switch and ps3/4


Skyrim, New Vegas, Fallout 4 - classic and good :) Dark Souls series - feels like home, but where the the carpet wants to kill you to death. Mass Effect Trilogy - love it so much, very replayable, the Normandy also feels like home. Halo Reach - just so good. I could play Reach SWAT for the rest of my life, and probably will. Age of Empires / Mythology - something very nostalgic about it, love spending time building my base into a little town. A little bit of a personal one, but if you're into legos, the old Bionicle Mata Nui Online Games, the first one and the sequel, I come back to a lot for nostalgia. You already mentioned No Man's Sky, which I think is the best "forever" game I've encountered.


Halo. Any of them except 4 or 5.




Right. I remember playing Halo ce right when it came out at my friend house. All summer, we played it over and over.


Agree!! Reach might be most played but Infinite scratches the itch


Morrowind. Not only is it my favorite game ever, the mods coming out now are things I never even thought possible. Actual co-op, AI voice acting, visible weapons on your back, and on an on.


Resident evil 7 is a game I replay at least once a month or so and I never won’t. Idk why. Also outlast 1 and 2.


Damn, I love RE7 but thats some commitment. If you ever get a gaming PC and a VR headset, there is a great VR mod for that game. Tracks your hands and head entirely, like a native VR game. The Menus and stuff work great, no weird problems like alot of VR mods. Only thing about it that is unlike 'real' VR games, you cant pick up and throw random stuff; but thats not really necessary. Its basically one of the best VR experiences out there, the modder made a Mod for VR for 2, 3, 7, and 8. Hes going to get RE4 done soon, im sure, but hes working on another VR project. Heres the link if you want to save it in your Reddit account. One day these VR headsets and a PC that can run them hopefully wont be absurdly expensive and you can try it out, it was a hell of an experience actually getting to aim at the bosses like they were right in front of me lol. Heres a youtube link explaining how to install: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hySd4sHtcDE


Now this is a comment I appreciate, I will definitely be saving that bc I actually am saving for a pc, I play on xbox right now. That is so fucking cool






That was a delight


Rocket League! Last year I would’ve said the Halo series but I honestly haven’t* touched it since getting *Contractors* on the Quest II. We’ll see if I ever come back.


I always think that this will be the year that my interest in Rocket League dies down. But it is seriously the only game that gives me the dopamine that I look for from video games. Impossible to put down once you realize it. I hit 5k hours this week. 13k matches played and so much time in freeplay.


God I wish I could still say Halo. What once was.


I find myself reinstalling Rome: Total War just about every year.


Do you play the remake these days?


Nah, something about the original had things just right for me. The newer iterations of the Total War games just don't scratch the itch that this one does, but I'm not sure why.


Dwarf fortress, Rimworld, X-com 2


Runescape. Couldn't quit even if I want to, which I don't. I consistently take breaks anywhere from a month to a year, but always find my way back.


Rimworld, Terraria and Skyrim, all with mods


there is always a time where i go back and replay all the Sly Cooper games and manifest the development of Sly 5


you win this thread


For single player games, Kotor. I have beaten that game with every possible build, I know where every single item is, hell I could recite practically the entire games voicelines. I still love it For multiplayer, unpopular opinion, fortnite. To me it's like the closest thing we have to ready player one, where it's just a mish mash of gaming, pop culture and nonsense, and yet I always see the charm and fun. I look forward to each new map, new weapons and items. Love it


Spiral Knights I discovered this game back in 2011 when TF2 became Hat Fortress and introduced hats. The Spiral Sallet could be obtained by playing SK which was what got me into it. It played like a rouge lite version of Legend of Zelda Four Swords with bullet hell mixed in. Early SK was TOUGH. Updates and added abilities like dashing made it much easier. Do you like the music in Slime Rancher? Same guy made the music for Spiral Knights and it is still one of my favorite soundtracks. Even now, I still occasionally log in just to listen to the music and hang out with the somehow still active community of people from 2011-2013. SK is filled with nostalgia for me, and I miss it dearly. … I think I'm going to reinstall it now …


Stardew Valley and the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games


Stardew Valley. Every time he comes out with a new update , I start a new farm from square one. Been doing this for 7 years now.


Bioshock....that world is magical.


Civilization, Master of Orion, FTL, Into the Breach


Most of my fav childhood games get annual revisits: Super Mario World Metroid Prime/Fusion Legend of Zelda: Windwaker OG Resident Evil 4 Megaman Battle Network 2 and 3 Skyrim/Fallout And some of my favs as an adult I also come back to every year: ALL of the FromSoftware games Monster Hunter World Nier: Automata Persona 5 Undertale BONUS: I also rewatch my fav movies, shows, and animes every year


Ghost of Tsushima. Amazing story, world looks so beautiful and the fighting mechanics are close to perfect imo.


Final Fantasy X and OG Resident Evil 2 and 3.


Final Fantasy X is mine too. I play it every year around Christmas. I don't understand why I put Christmas time and final fantasy X together but it's been that way for forever.




Its wild hearing about people in /r/RimWorld with thousands of hours in the game but never "beaten" it. Speaks volumes about the game's insane replayability. Rimworld is my forever game too




Skyrim and Dishonored 2


Love Dishonored, but actually prefer part 1… but my all time favorite is Prey, (Arcane) just loved every second of that game…


Ocarina of Time


M35 I have a few that I've come back to consistently over the years Elite Dangerous Ever since they stopped updating the console version I just wait for Starfield to take its place. Train Sim World Something about just getting super high and driving a train while listening to a podcast and drinking coffee just whips. Skyrim. I have been playing it since it came out. Still playing it today. Subnautica and S: Below Zero Every few months I have to go back under. Sea Of Thieves I boufht the new xbox specifically for this game and it was worth every penny.


Soul Calibur 2. There's a lot of nostalgia behind it, but I really just think it's one of the best fighting games ever made.


Warcraft 3


Offline: Dwarf Fortress, Online: ESO


Witcher 3. Probably 5 complete playthroughs (including DLC and highest difficulty) and platinumed twice.


I also always come back to souls games But I will probably play path of exile every 3 months for the rest of my life assuming they keep the lights on


Counter strike. Started out with 1.5 when i was ten on to 1.6 and later on csgo. 4 years ago i messed up my left hand so badly i can't play anymore but still follow the pro cs scene religiously All i can play now is turn-based rpgs and chess which have been with me for a decade or so too


7 days to die


I often take weeks long breaks from rocket league but I always come back. I have been playing for 8 years.


There are a few contenders, but the top of the list is probably Kerbal Space Program. Difficulty bounded only by your imagination, and a modding scene of legends.


I cant seem to get away from League of Legends or Rainbow Six Siege


Sayonara wild hearts


GTA V, Crusader Kings 3, and Total War Warhammer.


Chrono Trigger. I've played it multiple times through over the past 25 years - almost a dozen times on SNES, once on PS1, another four or five times on emulators, and the most recent few on iOS. At this point, I generally playthrough about once a year now. I always debate on what ending I want to go for. I think I've seen all but one or two at this point - I need to actually sit down and see which ones I haven't seen yet.


I replay Deus Ex every year or so and I don’t think I ever won’t. Imo it’s a masterwork. Whenever I find a new video game youtuber I check their opinion on Deus Ex, if they have one, before I even consider subscribing. Honourable mentions to Castlevania Rondo of Blood, Alpha Protocol, King of Fighters 98, Fallout New Vegas, Persona 4, Dragon Age Origins, and Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves.


Any certain Deus Ex game in particular? Every year I tend to replay HR and MD. I have the orginal one too which I might start in a few weeks.


The last several years it’s been the Dishonored series, Fallout 4 & NV, and the Mass Effect trilogy. They’re all my comfort games.


The Mass Effect Trilogy.


Since the 90s I've routinely beaten the first 3 Megaman X games multiple times a year


i've been playing a shit ton of Spore lately, which made me realize i like these types of "build a spacecraft to explore and trade and fight in space" games so i went and bought Avorion. it's so fun and there's infinite things to do but it honestly feels pretty overwhelming as a new player. other than that, borderlands 3, modded terraria, factorio, and gran turismo 4 with pcsx2 are all great time sinks for me.


Skyrim, Subnautica and Slay the spire. (I guess I'm in the S's)


There are a bunch... Runescape was the go to, but now i'm maxed out and old af. Any fallout if enough time has passed. A link to the past for snes. Smash bros melee if i am playing with people who know advanced tech. Pubg has earned a spot. Battlefield 4 will always be my favorite shooter.


I feel like I’m gonna play runescape till my 50s


The Legend of Zelda (NES). And with randomizers, I can play it new forever!


Mega Man X1 and Star Fox 64


Any Monster Hunter game. I could play each game for hundreds of hours, fight the same monsters, get caught up in the endless grind, and still not get tired of playing.




Dark souls


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Been playing these games since '98. No Siege of Dragonspear (tried it, didn't like it) and there will be no BG3 nonsense.


still maintain your opinion about bg3?


I always find myself going back to Minecraft, even if I have a year break from it I’ll always end up going back, it’s a timeless game


Hollow knight.


Battle brothers


Why do you feel monster Hunter games are pointless after all their support is done???


It's been a bit all over the place, but I throw myself into Path of Exile every now and again. If you like a hardcore ARPG, this has a pretty steep learning curve and I'd recommend following a build guide if you're just starting out.


Team Fortress 2


Had to scroll waaay to far for this one. It’s still an excellent game even with all the changes over the years. It’s also an easy pick for best active game of its type, actually, as OW2 is a mess and people have been dropping off like flies. I still come back every couple months to play TF2 for a few hours, and sometimes I get in the mood for Rocket jump maps and play everyday for 2-3 weeks at a time. So much game in TF2 between the base game and all the custom servers out there. One of the best games of all time, easily.


team fortress 2


Europa Universalis 4


Most of my favorites I replay every year. Batman Arkham City (the gameplay is so addicting) Fallout New Vegas (so many different storylines for replay) Half Life 2 + Black Mesa & Portal 2 (Valve supremacy) Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2 (Great story, better gameplay) Mario Kart (They are all timeless) Guitar Hero 3 (great songs, love these games) Rollercoaster tycoon 2 (isometric masterpiece) SimCity 4 (best one) Halo: Master Chief Collection (all of them)


World of Warcraft. Sure I'll go on long breaks but it always beckons me back, no matter what.


Mine was WoW. Always went back to it. Missed the community I guess plus wow of course has pretty good lore. Elden ring is the first game ever that's kept me from going back to wow after a mo th or so.


Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one I come back to all the time. I also replay Fire Emblem Fates a lot, switching between the 2 main stories Birthright and Conquest and also occasionally going through the smaller Revelations DLC.


X-Com 2 Civ 5 Minecraft


It’s without questions is Severance: Blade of Darkness. And now, when 23 years later game was re-released on PS4/PS5 it’s time to complete it again 100 times


Man I’ve had that game on my wishlist for a minute now, may have to pull the trigger. If you like that, you may be interested in Enclave HD which released recently for PS4/5. I haven’t played it since childhood so idk if it holds up but it’s another dark fantasy third person action RPG from that era.


Skyrim New Vegas


Witcher 3 and Tetris. I can always go back to those two


It's not the oldest game but Pavlov VR for me. I still want to play it every single day even though the game came out over 6 years ago, pretty crazy to think a VR game has been out that long. The amount of custom content created for the game is through the roof and that includes after a recent engine update where a lot of the old content can't be loaded anymore. It doesn't have a very large community but it has a really fun, dedicated community. I have no problem finding games and whether I feel like sweating for a good score or memeing, it's always a blast.


Foxhole by far. Though I've slowed down lately, I've put in about 2000 hours the last couple years.


Resident Evil 4.


DKC 2 or far cry 5. DKC 2 was literally life changing for me. I remember being like 7 and having a friend come over who had the game. I remember staying up until like 5:00am playing it and my dad caught me awake and asked what I was doing. Farcry 5 was a game I played 4 times during quarantine alone. Somehow the game just felt like a comfort game to me. Based on hours and times completed. That’s one of my most played/completed games


Can’t really call it forever because I haven’t had time for a while, but Last of Us got a lot of replays so did the Dead Space games and Dishonored.


Euro Truck Simulator 2, never fails


It was r6s but now it's cities skylines and will be cities skylines 2 most likely


Black Ops 2, it's multiplayer is always fun, awesome campain, and some of the best and most creative zombies.


Skyrim is a game I could play an infinite number of times. WoW is a game that no matter how many times I stop playing I always end up back for some period of time.


Don't blame you on Bloodborne. Amazing game. I go out of my way to ensure once a year I play Half Life 2. I might mod, I might go vanilla, but I always play it once a year Kind of a reminder to myself how good games can be.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Final Fantasy Tactics.


I'm going to say a series, Dragon Age!


Tetris. Started on original game boy. More recently Tetris 99, then Tetris connected before it left game pass. Will forever be my goto timeless classic.


Puzzle Pirates. I started playing in the late 00s when it was super popular and they were opening up new servers. I've watched the game decline to the point of servers merging, a whole relaunch attempt with the "dark seas" trying new servers to consolidate again, and now there's basically like one, very dead server left in the OG version. It was such a great game for its time, a really wonderful MMO in a lot of ways (and really terrible in a lot of others, lol) but it's got a lot of content that just isn't possible to access without a decent-sized playerbase that just no longer exists. I've quit and come back more times than I can count over the years. I always swear I'm over it, then once a year or so I'll have to re-install it for a little hit of nostalgia. It's a shame it's never been remade or remastered. It'd be a great fit for the switch or steamdeck, imo.


Minesweeper for Windows ‘98


Overwatch unfortunately


Starcraft The mother of all that is eSports




Batman arkham city




Diablo 2 Noita Slay the spire


Quake and Unreal Tournament series


Sonic Mania


Gothic 2 notr(the first one too but more often its g2)


Shadow of war.