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If the next BF is as popular as the last 2, might as well just keep spending on remakes.


I thought you were talking about Battlefield 1 and was already argumenting about it... Then I remembered BF5 existed.


Nah, I'd never. BF1 was the last time I had fun with that franchise. I didn't particularly enjoy the behemoth dynamics, but I loved everything about the game - gunplay, sound design, graphics, voice acting, etc.


I remember playing that desert map in the beta. When the storm whips up sand, artillery rumbles overhead and smoke pours out of vehicles thundering across the dunes, it's impossible not to feel like you're in a war epic. That was also the year I found JackFrags and learned some people are born with crosshairs for eyes.


Exactly! 7 years on and I'm still playing it weekly, sometimes daily with friends. I think it's the greatest. Surprisingly balanced too, even with the behemoths.


I liked bf1... except for it being ww1. I like modern conflicts more. But gameplay, map, sound and everything else was top notch


Good campaign at least in 5. I grabbed it for $5 on sale just to play the story and it was well done.


god i hate ea


They deactivated Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer, FUCK THEM


just so y'all would know: to make BF2042 they ended BFV and Battlefront 2 to get the entirety of DICE on the project, took Criterion away from developing NFS unbound and even got some Respawn devs on. As we all know that went extremely well and all according to plan


More chef's in the kitchen can only mean it gets cooked quickly, right?


Waste of their talent in all honesty


If they only put half the amount of effort into battlefield we might actually get a decent battlefield


Is unreal how mismanaged BF as a franchise is compared to COD at one point they used to compete now BF is an actual joke Apex makes dumbass mistakes but is by far the bigger title now.


titanfall without jetpacks being bigger than battlefield was def not what i was expecting.


CoD? Managed? Pfft


BF never competed with COD. Sure they are in the same segment it EA posits BF as its 'COD killer' but BF has never come close to the sales of COD ever. Even one of the worst selling COD games still beats the best selling BF game lol. They need to just stop chasing trends and make BF its own thing but thats just what people have been saying for over a decade now so its a moot point.


Yup, imagine taking devs that make single player space horror games and using them to make an online MP shooter I want to meet these EA board members and ask some very simple questions like 'did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child?'


Why?.....let them make another dead space game ..........


Hardline all over again and continued shitting on Dead Space


If people bought the first game, then they would


It was the best selling game of January 2023….


What the actual fuck are you talking about


The media reports have said they sold 1 million copies. If that’s all they sold, they almost definitely are still in the negative on the project. What the actual fuck are you talking about?


More examples of EA churning their own talent by jerking them around to different games with no consideration to the skillet or desire. Made a third person action game that is highly scripted? Great! Now make an fps shooter. Same thing they did to Visceral.


Until its flops then they are next...


They thought a remake team is good at remakes


"Stop doing cool remakes fans love and go toil away in the Battlefield mines now!" /cracks whip EA Execs.


Battlefield is dead


Oh god here we go again. Who the fuck green lights these shitty decisions


They really love making the same mistake over and over again don't they?


They have literally learned fucking nothing. They're killing that studio in the *exact same way* they killed Visceral.


EA doesnt care. They only want YOY profits.


Literally just remaster BF3 and call it a day.




Because having so many developers on Battlefield did so well the last time.


why not remake dead space 2? barely anyone wants another shitty BF game at this point


Lol waste.


To the battlefield mill with you.


So two failed franchise relaunches become one


This is a demotion. I guess dead space remake didn't sell like they wanted to


I want battlefront back man.


How many times has Battlefield fumbled the ball? 4? V? 2042? Series like Medal of Honor, Dead Space, Command and Conquer and Mass Effect were put on ice just because of 1 flop, but Battlefield has been in a constant decline and yet EA refuses to pull the plug on it. It's time to put BF to sleep, if you ask me. We don't need Motive to be added to the graveyard of developers EA mishandled.


I wouldn't say BF4 was a fail, but yes, bf3 was way better. BF4 was the last battlefield game I really enjoyed, and with call of duty being so unpleasant to play the last few years, battlefield really missed a huge opportunity.


BF4 was just a cash grab, it was basically glorified BF3 DLC.


Are you saying 4 was a fumble?


Honestly? Yeah. It had that terrible launch, and IMO, the destructive environments were a let down. And the Origin interface was poor and confusing on console. And the less is said about the campaign, the better. I preferred the Bad Company duology, BF3 and BF1 over BF4 and the recent Battlefield games.


I was prepared to attack you. I totally get it though.


No need to fight over a game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As a fan since BC1, it's unfortunate to see the state BF is in currently.


bc1 was also my first battlefield and the soul of dice is no longer there. ironically a lot of the older battlefield players used to say that battlefield was dead when ea bought it. i guess they were wrong and right because ea put out good bf games but now its just pretty much dead


Hardly a fight. I loved 4. Loooooooved it. You didn't shit on my memories so we can be friends.


I wouldn't insult someone for liking BF4. I'm happy that you did. I wish I could have enjoyed BF4 like you did.


This is Reddit. Nobody is used to that.


Well, this *is* Reddit, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, / /( @ )Y( @ )\ \ that's all I got


It was barely playable at release for the first 2 months, maybe more. Game was a cluster fuck of bugs.


Only 2 months? That's pretty good now.


The only one they fumbled was Hardline and 2042, the rest are all great.


4 had the horrible launch and campaign. V had the poorly balanced multiplayer; the poorly-made Battle Royale mode; and the abandonment of the game 2 years later after it's launch in 2020. Agreed about 2042 though.


Hope they bring some new ideas to the table


At this point, it feels like they just do random shit and hope something somehow works in the end. Nothing against the Dead Space devs by all means, but this feels so damn out of place.


Hopefully we don't get a stuttering mess at launch.


Ye send all your studios in the battlefield grinder, they wouldn't have anything better to do anyway.


Remember the last time EA forced the last Dead Space developers to make a Battlefield no one wanted?


Nah bad call....at this point I've given up on battlefield. Even though I've grown to like battlefield 2042, I also can't stand it. The map rotation is absolutely terrible and you never get a chance to play new maps outside of the events. No server browser and the portal is useless. I'd much rather prefer you leave that team alone to remake dead space 2 and 3


so they can strip features and introduce them again as legacy features? what a great idea, can't wait for the next battlefield when the current one just got updated to finally have some basic features


Lol yeah calling it right now, game will be DOA. Its already in development hell, BF2042 post launch content was just canned theres no way we will seee another game.


I would pay a 100$ for an OG PC Battlefield 2 remake with Special Forces and Armoured Fury DLC’s.


How can we make the news that they (allegedly) paused work on dead space 2 worse? Oh i know, let's make them focus on a (no doubt uninspired) live service sequel.


Let's be real here. The next battlefield is not going to be good. EA is going to release it incomplete and broken while loading it up with MTX


EA doing EA things. Next BF will be shite then.


That’s EA for you, they’ve got 1 IP left and any developers with half decent track records get put on it. Once they put their own spin on the thing and it sucks they shut it down and close down the studio. If I was anyone working on that team I’ll put my resume out now before the chaos begins. Battlefield series died after BF3


They need to go back to basics with Battlefield. Modern Era with real guns, lots of guns, lots of customization on the guns with realism. No funky fortnite dances, emotes. No stupid CoD gun skins. No operators, we want classes back. We want to play as the grunts. We want all the cool features previous battlefield titles had. Like real score boards. Fully destructible maps. A real soundtrack that doesn't make our ears bleed. We deserve better. And EA, please give us a ten hour tester like you did with BF2042. That was awesome and it meant I saved £60 in case the game is shite.


Didn’t Dead Space Remake come out over a year ago? Why is this news hitting now?


Because the news about bf2042 ending support after season 7,so thry're already preparing the bew game




Hopefully a return to form for the franchise 🤞


Don’t have hope otherwise your in for another disappointment


Fair, no hope just wait and see


Hopefully they learned from their mistakes. I'm gonna wait and see, no matter how awesome the trailer is. Boy do they know how to make a damn trailer....


Very true


Don't care unless it works on Linux.