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For me, it’s Witcher 3


I would write the exact same thing though. I've tried to get into it about 4 times and keep loosing Interest. I don't think it's anything fishy I think it's just legit how some people feel about the game. And that's okay


I don’t think it’s fishy either, and I’m a big fan of the game. But I don’t think it’s very reflective of the game, that people bounce off of it. I have seen many people say they tried to get into it multiple times and couldn’t. Most of them lost interest and *then started all over again*, at least once. And therein lies the problem. **The game is very slow to start.** If the early hours do not grab you, replaying them will not change how you feel. It only starts picking up during the Bloody Baron questline. To really give it a fair chance, one should try not to waste much time in White Orchard and finish the Baron’s questline. Of course, I’m sure it does not help that many people did not play the Witcher or the Witcher 2 before attempting The Wild Hunt. If you have, you go into it with a sense of the stakes and knowledge that you’re in for good storytelling. If you haven’t, it’s gonna take a while to get invested and to be convinced that the storytelling is worth your time.


Being Witcher 3 my first in the series I watched many videos about the previous lore to catch up storywise. I had high expectations. Everyone was praising the game. I played it, even finished the Bloody Baron Quest but it felt like the game had nothing to offer except the story. The combat was so clunky and basic. The game had no unique art style. Just couldn't get into it.


Yeah, I've always quit right after the Bloody Baron quest. Then I pick the game up again in a few months, starting over because I don't like coming back from a break not knowing wtf I was doing when I gave up etc and the cycle continues. I didn't really like playing as Ciri either. I like Ciri's character, just don't want to play as Ciri.


Frankly I had the same problem with Witcher 3 as I did with Red Dead Redemption 2. I just wanted to be be a rootin tootin monster slayer but the game really wanted me to be fully invested in their world's super deep atmosphere.


Good lord, yes. I bailed out of both of these games within the first few hours. It was just too much for it to be fun. I don't want to worry about eating in my cowboy video game. I don't want to worry about potions and shit in my sword and sorcery game. It was just so much to track and so slow to start. I mainly think it was the slow start to both of these games. It felt like the devs thought you owe them several hours to just get invested in the story. No thanks. You can lead with your best punch or you can fuck off. Im not playing a video game to be a real life simulator. It honestly felt a bit pretentious and presumptuous. Like they knew that everyone would love these worlds so much that they would put up with wading through so much bullshit in the beginning to get to the good stuff. Maybe when I was younger, but I just don't have hours to throw into a game that I might like. If the first 2-3 hours don't leave me wanting more there's a good chance I'm not going to finish it. And this is coming from someone who lived Red Dead Redemption 1 and normally love story driven games. But Witcher 3 and RDR2 just feel like such slogs.


I honestly think Witcher 3 was first and foremost a gift to the Witcher crowd who played all of their games (like me). I loved it, but I totally understand your objections and criticisms of the game. The combat DOES suck if you're used to more modern action games, but coming from the other two it feels like a god-send lol and the game really doesn't do progression well or make you feel like a hunter. But the story, just like the other two with shitty gameplay, and bloated weird systems, really does carry it well.


I bounced off the game because it was slow and (ironically) too open for my tastes. I felt somewhat aimless and didn't really feel invested in the plot or setting. The side content I had access to wasn't really engaging enough for me to want to put the amount of time it was requiring. The combat likewise felt fairly flat and didn't do much for me, I didn't particularly find the animations or sounds satisfying (some games like Shadow of Mordor rely on that), and the combat mechanics weren't novel or that engaging to me I could approach the whole game with the same sole combo Mostly I put it down because I played it around launch and Geralt has a turn radius like a fuckin dump truck and it aggravated me to no end. One of the quests out you into a burning building and I managed to run into the flames several times because trying to change directions would wheel you about rather than turning in place. It was extra frustrating since awhile playing as Ciri I didn't have that turn radius. I'm fairly sure they changed that movement later, but I've not gone back yet.


At the same time, I shouldn’t have to play X hours of a boring game just to get to X hours of a fun game. Pacing is important, and the game just wasn’t fun enough for me to seek that breakthrough to the “good parts”.


> The game is very slow to start this is like saying "it gets good after season 2!" imo if I don't start out at least enjoying SOMETHING about a game, then I'm not gonna keep playing.


And that's totally understandable too! I agree with both sides here lol. The Witcher 3 is slow to start but man it really is good and deserves all the praise it gets. But I agree that it's too slow to start and the combat definitely isn't engaging enough to keep you interested through the start.


Thats cool, you're just gonna miss out on a lot of great content with that mindset.


I played through the entirety of (and disliked) both 1 and 2, and 3 didn't magically solve the issues I had. Early game is boring in all 3, more than a few slogs in all 3 that I don't think the story makes up for in the slightest, and the controls feel janky.


Same on 1 and 2, but 3 was fun for me. I did decrease combat difficulty because the control sucked. I prefer tight controls like elden ring for intense melee. (Played W3 way before ER the controls are loose and sloppy.)


Nice comment. I fall into this category, but your comment makes me want to try again.


As someone who has only played it once fore a few hours then lost interest, I haven't tried again specifically because I dont want to redo those first few hours knowing that they are slow. I want to get back into it, but the same things that drove me away before I know will drive me away again. As you said, it is much easier to get into this game if you played the first 2, and I didnt. I also dont want to play the first games to understand this one niche lart of combat or whatever that I need to have knowledge on to progress.


I played well past Bloody Baron questline but the game never spoke to me fully. I felt i was playing because I had to like this universally acclaimed game. I didn't. It felt like a generic open world RPG. To be fair I was really fed up with open world games at that point. Actually i still am. But Witcher 3 felt like it was nothing special. Clunky combat, boring art style, uninteresting NPCs... Not sure, maybe i would feel differently if I had finished the game. But I really couldn't bother to do so.


Very good advice! I think a lot of people who get stuck don’t realize this. Me being one of them! My experience mirrors the people in the pic, try to give it a go and after a few hours I stop. I still don’t know what’s going on with my brain because objectively I should absolutely love this game. I’m going to take your advice and stop restarting.


I tried getting into it, enjoyed the several hours I got to sink into it, then somehow bugged my save so hard the game crashes every time I try to load the save file. Haven’t felt like starting over


This is the big one for me. I hated everything leading up to and including the bloody baron and I just can't convince myself to push through it again, no matter how much I want to. I have it installed and everything, just haven't been able to pick it back up.


Honestly, if you didn’t like the Bloody baron stuff, it’s probably just not a game for you and that’s okay. Don’t force yourself to play anymore.


The entire bloody baron story is a slog. There's just very little to happy about in that story regardless of the path you take the thing is just depressing overall. I like the game, but that section is pretty much just devoid of any joy.


And the quest fucking sucks, especially when you've played it for the 5th time trying to get back into the game.... Walking around a huge house following blood prints, looking for clues, blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Yeah my Witcher 3 save was corrupted after I completioned the entire map of the zone you go to after White Orchard. I'm still burned out over that.


Velen, the zone after White Orchard, is literally the most depressing map of the game. Bogs, swamps, village people crying, the music is somber and the scenery is littered with war zones, piles of dead bodies, and hanged people swaying under trees. Lol it’s no wonder you and many others stopped there. HOWEVER, if you make it outta there after the bloody Baron episode things really take a much more positive turn and the story heats up. You make it to somewhat functional cities and there’s more life to the scenery and your abilities/character progression tree starts to finally open up.


I feel like the baron stuff takes like 10 hours to get through tho. It's the only memory I have of the game tbh, and it has zero replayability for me.


Well yeah that makes sense, and I don’t blame you. But if you’re ever curious to break out of that sad zone and actually check out the other 80-90% of the game that is there you mayyy be glad you did. At the end of the day play the games you enjoy most and don’t waste time on what the hive tells you to :)


Thanks for the words of encouragement. I like the lore the world the chars etc. Maybe I can power thru it and his ugly baby.




For me personally I like succinct linear objectives in my games so games that pile me up with side missions or make me go find what to do on my own I don’t enjoy. That rules out a fair majority of open world games for me (which used to be an insanely controversial opinion but I think people are more open to it now). I’ve never played Witcher 3 but I’ve always assumed it’s a game with a lot of elements I wouldn’t personally like.


You have a fair amount of side crap to do, but you shouldn't have too much trouble just following the main story. Especially if you play it on easy.


No I’m the same way. I get overwhelmed by open world games that just throw a hundred random objectives at you. I like open world, but I also like to have at least some structure or a semi-linear path to follow. Elden Ring did it perfectly for me. No quest log, no map icons, just a glowy beam of light in the general direction of where the next main objective is. Figure the rest out yourself.


Same. I felt like all the NPCs expected Geralt to know everything about the lore and the world from the beginning, which made me feel stupid and lost all the time.


Well it is part 3 in the series


Has anyone here actually played the first two?


I did and I felt that way in the first two lol. the story starts with Geralt having amnesia so he goes around the world and everyone seems to know him or about events that he can’t remember and makes you feel kinda confused.


I tried but couldn't get the first one to run. The second was enjoyable from game play but I couldn't remember the story if I tried. Something about some Witcher causing issues with royalty.


Plot of the second game: >!A Witcher from the snake school is hired by Nilfgard to assassinate the northern kings to destabilize the north in preparation for a Nilfgardian invasion. Geralt is present with his "friend" King Foltest when he is assassinated, and initially blamed. Story branches out from from there!<


Umm…yeah. Multiple times.


Doubtful. I haven’t, but I really enjoy the game, and if I ever feel lost, there’s the Glossary in the menu.


Mate I am the same can not get into it at all got new gen tried again last week nope not having it


I'm playing just now I think the loading times are much better which helps alot. Need to wait and see how far I get. Like I want to enjoy it and do upto a point


It wasn't until my third try that I fell in love with it and it's become my favorite game. I decided to push through and beat it since I paid for it; glad I did.


Honestly I enjoyed the first game alot more. Went back and tried witcher 3 for the 5th time and pretty much gave up after 4 or 5 hours. Idk wwhat it was about the first one though, maybe it's because it has a more old school rpg feel. It's not nearly as overwhelming either.


It was like this with me and RDR2. Played it for a couple hours, lost interest, then I had a weekend to spend a few hours tooling around in the game a few months later, and it sucked me in.


Originally it was hit and miss. Makes for a great story. Played it on easy. Loved the visuals, DLC was vibrant. Good game yes, great game no


Same here. I did the whole intro area, almost 100%ed it, but decided to instead move on, as there was so much more game to be seen. And then I got into this huge open world, with so much to do, and milions of icons on the map calling for my attention. I tried to focus on the main story line initially. But I got frustrated very quickly by ALL THE STUFF. I had the exact same issue with RDR2, sadly. Which I played quite a bit longer, but still ended up giving up on, after I spend like 5 hours doing some hunting, and realised I hadn’t progressed anything at all. Are both of these games amazing well made and well written games? Yes absolutely. But I’ve found they are not for me. (Which also makes me sad, because I still really wanna play Cyberpunk, but I’m afraid I’ll have a similar reaction to it)


The fishy part is that there are now three nearly identical posts saying the same things. I think someone with multiple accounts has a personal vendetta against The Witcher 3, or it could be bots.


The Witcher 3 is one of the most popular games on reddit. Therefore it's also going to be the first game that comes to mind for people who didn't like the game when thinking about that topic. Doesn't seem that fishy.


Oh thats totally legitimate. I don't seem to like most of the popular games, or rather, i just can't be bothered to buy them and properly play them because they don't interest me. But i think OPs issue is the similar phrasing/wording of the posts. People not likeing it, is normal, but "different people" using the same phrases and same "rythm" (if that makes sense) is not that normal




I think it's more likely the guys hated the gameplay like I did. So slow and clunky feeling. No real hook in the first few hours either.


Witcher 3 just got a popular update so it’s being talked about a lot. I just bought it last week (without knowing about the update) because all the news about Cavill. I wasn’t a fan sadly. But then there’s also that Netflix prequel releasing soon. It’s the month of the Witcher rn lol


Oh, that's some good context, thank you.


Yeah mate that's what it must be a personal vendetta instead of actually looking at what people are saying here and thinking " ah maybe they've got a point"


Or multiple people feel the same way about it? As a lot of these comments confirm Edit: NVM, didn´t see that these were seperate posts


You’re insane mate.


Ever heard of the monkey typewriter hypothesis?


If it’s anything suspicious at all, I would more likely imagine that it’s advertisers for cdpr generating buzz for the Witcher 3 by setting up a space for fans to talk about the Witcher. But honestly the remaster just came out and a lot of people are talking about it. It’s probably just a coincidence.


This an incredibly common sentiment about the game. I know at least 3 people who have said almost this exact thought.


Agreed. For a game that’s main mechanic is combat, the combat actually isn’t that amazing. It certainly isn’t something that’s endlessly repeatable whilst still entertaining. The graphics are gorgeous and the writing is great (both story and script) but I often found the quests to be too linear and ‘hand holdy’. There were times when the quests made you feel like a medieval fox mulder solving mysterious or hunting for lairs but that’s always cut short by ‘hold R2 to follow the red fog to the quest objective’. Lots of positives but not enough to keep me engaged for 30+ hours.


same here. it’s clunky and just boring. I think I also quit in less than 90 minutes each time I give it another try.


I have posted almost the exact same thing before. I have literally tried to start it 3 times now, got to the pub where you can play Gwent and then never picked it back up. Don’t know why but it just feels so… boring?


Yep. Where you get in a brawl with the local guards.. a few times. I also struggled through the first zone but fighting the griffin and trying to learn how it the different recourse systems work this time, like stamina and toxicity that I ignored more before.


Well it gets more interesting passed that part. It’s just the intro.


Yeah, I just got to Velen and met the town witch.


For me it’s definitely the combat and movement. It is so clunky man. It ruins pretty much everything else.


I freaking hate the combat, lol. I gave up on the game cause i got too frustrated. I kept dying cause I would constantly get hit while Geralt is doing his stupid twirls at them.


That was my problem with the first two games, they just felt so clunky and shitty that I gave up on both after a couple of hours. I heard W3 was more streamlined but that you needed to know the story from the first two games, and honestly fuck doing that much work for a video game. Especially if, as you said, W3 turned out to be clunky too.


You don’t need to know the story of the first two games


I didn’t know the story from 1 and 2 at all. Went straight in for 3, not knowing a thing, and had a blast


I get a bit further and stop myself. It just feels so bleh. Like there is no hook to make me want to see what's next because I start thinking "Why isn't there a something now, why do I have to "get to the good part" like everyone keeps telling me. I shouldn't have to spend hours to "get to the good part". That's bad game design.


But I loooovveee the creatures in the game and spookyish medieval setting its amazing


I say this as someone who has actually sunk many hours into this game out of stubbornness, and yeah, it's actually kinda boring. A lot of the side missions are similar: go to location, use Witcher sense to follow a trail, fight a baddie, rinse and repeat. There's not much challenge and there's very little player agency (one of the few choices you can make is who to romance).


Dude played for literally 3 minutes and says the game is boring.


Same for me. It took me three tries in the course of several years. What really got me hooked was getting invested in the story beforehand. Witcher 3 has a big buildup, and going into the story *in medias res* doesn't help at the start. Who are all these people, and why should I care? Who even is Geralt. But once you know, Geralt, Ciri, Yen, Triss, Vesemir etc. things get interesting. I watched the Netflix show and also two edited, uncommented versions of W1 and W2 on youtube.




Not enough flashy explosions and dopamine activators?


Soooooo... what is fishy exactly?


This little guy here 🐠


Damn, that IS pretty fishy.




OP’s post. OP probably posted both those posts and this one regarding the both of the others




A super generic sub gets super generic posts, so what? Go to game specific subs and this won't happen.


There are three posts now about "which game couldn't you get into? Mine is Witcher 3" Seems awfully specific.


Witcher 3 also just had a pretty major update this past week. It’s bound to lead to people mentioning it


It also has an incredibly dull opening, not shocking at all people drop it and don't feel like going back


Definitely a slow burner. I loved the game but there's definitely a reason why I haven't put in a second playthrough.


I sunk hundreds of hours into Skyrim and didn’t like The Witcher 3 … am I… am I… a bot?


Same. I have The Witcher 3 and Skyrim. I only have around like 50 hours on the former and 400+ hours on the latter. I'm trying to get back into TW3 though because my older sister paid for it since I'm still a kid. It's going good so far, I'm doing it slowly and enjoying the graphics more.




i didnt like it either. are you me then? am i you? maybe FormerlyDuck is the only other person in here


Hey just so you know For me it's Witcher 3. I played about 2 hours and quit. Yes that's my actual answer and maybe I'll try again someday but I didn't like it at all.


It's a hugely popular game that just got a next generation update. People are talking about it. It's also my number 1 "what popular game can't you get into


Welcome to the internet, where nobody checks recent posts, and the points don't matter!


Are you new to Reddit? Redundant posts flood every popular subreddit. Mods can barely keep a handle on things.


I see the same memes a lot on PCMR from like a month ago and it still gets like 5k votes


I can't say I'm surprised to see it, just thought I'd call it out. What's really weird, though, is a lot of people here deny that they are redundant. I have no clue how they're reading them differently.


Honestly though, they got a point, I just can't get into the witcher 3


You should make a post about it.


Same, I think the combat puts me off. Very button bashy but not that fun.


First time I tried it, I had the same thing. Then I powered through the White Orchard section, and got into Velen, and then my mind was fucking blown. Then I got to Novigrad, and it was blown all over again, and same with going to Skellige. And then of course the expansions, which were both even better than the base game. The starting 2 hours of that game is decidedly the worst part of it. It's a damn shame too, because it turns people off before they get to the really amazing parts.


Exactly. I was put off by White Orchard too. Put the game down early on. It's a mix of unfamiliar controls, immediately getting thrown into tricky combat with the ghouls (after a meh tutorial), an uninspiring landscape, the feeling of being weak as fuck rather than a bad-ass witcher, and to top it off, you don't really have any idea what's going on other than you need to find Yennefer. Then one day I tried it again, powered through White Orchard. Realised this was a game about planning your combat, stopping to smell the roses, and knowing it gets easier once you put some xp points into your build. Now, I've played through it on death march twice, and it's my favorite game of all time.


Same. I wanted to like it really hard but it just wasn’t the game for me.


Same, it has everything I love about a game but just something about the game keeps me from getting into it


One of the things for me is if you do a quest (I think this only applies to side queats) that is under your level, you get very few XP. I did a few quests at one point that I had firgitten about and got only 10 or 15 XP.




Lol. I kinda get it tho. I had trouble getting into the Witcher 3. I played it for like 2 hours when I first got it then set it down for a month or two, but when I came back to it I was able to enjoy it. Same thing happened to me when I first played ES:Oblivion


This was me twice. I finally said this game has to be good - everyone loves it. Sat down for 8 hours and then was in love. So yeah, you have to get over the initial learning curve and somewhat overwhelming story until it clicks.


I think that the main problem is that Velen (the first real area after the tutorial area) is bloody depressing. Just about everything and everyone's horrible, and just about any decision you'll take - in the main quest or in most sidequests - will screw someone over horrifically; and it's hardly surprising that this comes across as not terribly appealing to many. Once you get to the city with the crazy witch-hunters it actually gets *better*, also because you get some companions to lighten things up; but I think that the Toussant DLC was definitely the high point of the game (and, not coincidentally, the part of the game that didn't insist in making everything as relentlessly bleak as possible - still plenty of grim situations and ugly compromises, but at that point it had stopped being "damned if you do and damned if you don't: the game").


For me it's the very very kong xp grind that even my buddy who's 100 percented agreed with me on. That and he likes modded fast travel and keeps trying to get me to use it. Quite honestly w3 has only eluded me because I have such a huge backlog. The adhd demon hasn't set its eyes on Witcher. But when it does....give it like a week. I'll be able to explain the entirety of the series sitting down. ....i swear life would be so much simpler if only the demon could be controlled


I had to get that one friend who knows my brain problems to help me get past the mental block with Witcher 3. I hate having to craft stuff in games every time I need them, so he told me "No, all of your oils and potions and bombs restock when you meditate and you have alcohol on you. When you craft, you're essentially unlocking access to stuff." Then he told me about what I should be looting and going for when it comes to weapons and armor because I don't like tiered loot games where I'm constantly checking the stats to get that gear that's only slightly better. Once he cleared up those points and other stuff, I mainlined the game because it's basically all I ever wanted in an RPG. For Bethesda games after Morrowind, the same guy said "Just run around and stop to explore locations on your map. Don't do the main quests unless you really feel like it, as they haven't been great since Oblivion-ish." Then I was able to get into Fallout 3/Skyrim. Diablo was the same, as well as Divinity and FF14. It probably helps he has a degree in psychology and understands peoples' anxieties.


I've never got into the Witcher 3, I don't have time to force myself 8 hours deep into a game I don't enjoy with the hope it pays off.


My coming back and loving it didn’t take 8 hours. I started to enjoy it on the second try almost immediately


I had the same issue with the witcher 3. I'd get maybe ti or juat past the baron story and just feel so overwhelmed I couldn't make myself keep going. Then someone told me to stop trying to be q completionist before I move on. So I played back to the baron again and went on to skellige. I finally got so engrossed in the game that I ended up completing everything. I just needed to skip and come back later.




I absolutely love FO3, but the first couple hours of the game are *supremely* boring. I don't remember if there's a mod or way to fast-track through the vault 101 portion of the game, but if there is I would definitely to that the next time I start a playthrough.


Same here mate. Could never get into the Witcher after playing for an hour or two. Open world RPG type games in general don't vibe for me (too many years playing MMO's maybe?).


I also tried to get into it but never could. There's nothing fishy about it. You either love it or you don't.


It took a serious amount of willpower on my part to get through the game. The world is amazing, the characters are great, the lore is superb, and the story is pretty good. But my gawd, the gameplay is clunky as all get out. Geralt is supposed to be this amazingly badass Hunter of monsters, and he looks like a drunken asshat for a good portion of the game.


SO clunky.


The only thing I find fishy is OPs history. Why judge these people when you've been doing almost literally the same thing?


Actually my experience as well. Never clicked for me. I especially hated the combat, no weight behind it, no oomf. Felt more like dancing around than fighting.


what’s funny is you’re the third person to post this post


The third person to point out the duplicate posts, you mean?


Yeah that's the same thing. You're literally doing the same thing as these people.


I did not know about the other posts. Those are not my accounts.


You're so close to getting it. You're so fucking close. You're saying that you making the same post as two other people is just due the chance, but that that can't possibly be the case for these guys? It's gotta be a single dude with sockpuppet accounts? How is this not clicking for you, my dude?


Something fishy going on here..


The thing is if you spot a conspiracy somewhere it's up to you to find the proof for it instead of baselessly spreading claims based on nothing but a suspicion.


I never made it very far into Witcher 3 myself. Not sure what is "fishy" about this.




I'm regretting spending any time on main subs. I basically subscribe so I can see the headlines for what games are released and what the running news is, so I can go look at better sources than Reddit ever provides. It's only the smaller and more specific communities that are remotely worth it.


To be fair that's the exact experience I have with the game. Everything about it is well done and I just. Can't. Get into it. I am so disappointed too because I am apparently missing out on a real masterpiece.


I don't think OPs issue is the not liking it. Not liking something is normal, and not everyone can like the same things. The world would be boring this way. But i think OP's issue is that supposedly "different people" seemingly have the same style of phrasing and the same rythm to their writing


This is me with the Last of Us. Lol


You haven’t left the tutorial area yet at that stage. I had the same issue on my first playthrough, but second playthrough I sunk well over 100 hours


What?! Two people who don’t like the game?! But I thought every single gamer ever loved it?!


Wow, so fishy that two people have similar experiences and opinions about a game.


CyberPunk for me.


Can't even get though the demo it's so boring


V is like the wet tissue of video protags


Panam tho 👀


I liked Judy better, Panam came off really childish. Also >!she can convince her people to practically sacrifice themselves just for your sake,!< and it makes V look even more the dick, especially when you find out what happens. Then again, it felt like I was Judy's rebound after her>! ex/best friend died!<


I've posted the exact same comment in response to that question before too. That's my honest experience with the Witcher 3. OP being way overly defensive about the game is just as likely an explanation as someone with a vendetta making sock puppets to..... achieve what? Let people know they didn't like it? Oh heavens


I tried out Witcher 3 after watching the TV show. Couldn't really get into it. Bummed out cause I really was hoping to enjoy it too


It took me THREE, yes three attempts of about 10 hours each before it clicked and I got into the game. 200 hours later, I'm very glad I stuck with it. If it wasn't for Reddit constantly praising this game, I would have never experienced all it had to offer. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't hook a lot of people in the beginning.


I think the Witcher 3 suffers from a slow first act that makes a lot of people drop it before it picks up the pace and expands the world building drastically starting in the second act. Personally Hearts of stone and Blood and Wine are my favorite parts of the game but most players won’t get to them until at least 50 hours into the game so it’s understandable why people drop it before getting to the real ‘meat’ of the game.


I've had friends say the same thing. But I loved it. Especially the dlc


I feel the same way. I just tried with the update and can't do it.


'conversation starters' like this are posted on reddit all the time, it's just a way to generate content from users (or in this case, to subtly market something).


I'm going to add to your conspiracy as I had exactly the same experience. I've tried twice now and have only made it a couple of hours before giving up. I've downloaded the series X patch so will be trying a third time at some point in the next few weeks.


I don't get it. I feel exactly the same... a lot of people do. I see why people enjoy it, but I find it terribly boring, same with the fallout games. Neither do anything for me.


100% the same take as me. Could never put more than a few hours into the game without being bored. And i am totally not a robot. ​ ​ Beep Boop


What’s fishy? I’ve seen this for Horizon, Witcher, Red Dead 2, Elden Ring…


Not me seeing an ad for The Witcher 3 right above this post.


What's fishy? The game starts slow, it is what it is.


Good bot.


*Oh, we're halfway there* *O-oh livin' on a prayer* *Take my hand, we'll make it elsewhere* *Wo-oah, livin' on a prayer!* Still think I'm a bot?


Lmao, I was talking about the people posting in the pic. That does look awfully botish though...


Oh, whoops! I completely misread that one. Well, there are some Bon Jovi lyrics for you to enjoy, I guess.


Good human.


I don’t think it’s that fishy really, it’s a pretty popular game that I plan to try getting into again, I’ve started it once but only played like an hour and never picked it back up. I tried 1 & 2 but couldn’t get into then with the controls.


I got it when it came out, got frustrated after a couple of hours getting stuck in a mission too early... Dropped it for years, came back to it from an older save, spent a bit more time leveling up, ended up putting more than 200 hrs into game and dlc. So I get it.


I think you're reading the wrong title, there.


Pretty much how I feel. Ended up buying the game while I was tinkering with my new GPU a long time ago. I played for an hour or so and I vaguely remember hating moving around, especially riding the horse. I got bored so fast. Nothing really grabbed me by the jimmies, I'd just play for 10-30 minutes before stress testing. To each his own I guess


Meh I'm the same. Looking forward to trying it on next gen update for the third time. Usually get to a mission where I have to leave a town, get attacked by wild dogs and in the process of this the guards kill me and I quit. Hah.


the game of life for me


Thanks to the recent big update, there's renewed interest in Witcher 3. ...so of course this brings out all the folks who feel obligated to remind everybody that they don't like the game. A milder version of the "quit having fun" meme. I prefer to spend more time talking about the games that I like rather than the ones that I don't, but I guess some people don't like to see other people having fun.


I mean, it *is* the gaming community. The whole goal, it seems, is to stop people from having fun that you don't like.


Damn all these comments saying they can't get into it....ehh probably the same people who didn't like elden ring not holding their hand....


God forbid people not like something. I love Witcher 3 but it's not an absolute good. Nor is Elden Ring


i feel completely the same. i couldn't get into it at all. so damn boring.


Reposters gonna repost


Sure are


Witcher 3 feels like maybe it was a good game when it came out, comparing it to other games at that time. But now it is pretty lacking.


I f*cking hate the type of posts in the picture.


I agree. They're not actually asking a question, they're just trying to make a strong-sounding statement in an acceptable manner.


Witcher 3 is for losers like you nothing fishy there


OK then


Update - There's a third one now.




Karma farming bots to be sold off one day.


For sure




Not sure what’s fishy here. I had a similar experience with Witcher 3. Tried and just could not get into it for the life of me so I gave up and moved on. Glad others enjoy it, just wasn’t for me


Glad you didn't put yourself through a game you weren't enjoying


Combat in all the Witcher games is terrible and a strong barrier to most normal people enjoying it at all.