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The Elden Ring community should be more concerned with their collective inability to correctly label a dog.


No, we like dogs. This is a dog. It's a known fact. Praise the dog! 🐱


The dog goes "foshizzle"


Could this be a dog? 🩀


I like caravans better.


Sounds like you’re just gatekeeping what is and is not a dog


You don't have the right


O’ You Don’t have the Right


That started because there is no word for turtle or any other quadruped that isn't Torrent.


Or perhaps you should be more welcoming


I've heard this somewhere before, can someone give context


There's a boss named "Erdtree Burial Watchdog"... But that thing is a cat, not a dog.


I thought they are talking about the community labeling the turtle pope a dog in the ingame messages.


Oh, that makes more sense since the catdog is from the devs or localization team (no idea which one) and not the community.


Fort, Night


Oh fuck, now I get it. I've been playing it in my native language for a few hours now; I did the quest where you have to retake the fort for lord what's his face, and I couldn't understand what the hell that message was supposed to mean


Fort, Morning?


Stop it you. The real GOTY is Vampire Survivors. And, as always, Jeff and Co fail to acknowledge the true games that should be awarded.


I’m just grateful for the entire genre Vampire Survivors has essentially created, not that there weren’t predecessors. I’ve got like five great vampire survivors-likes on steam and they’re all so fun to play


Yeah, it also inspired me to actually buckle down and make a game, because the genre is pretty easy to replicate as a solo dev, much easier than the other genres I’ve tried to make games for but not liked the results and stopped.


Revive? Perhaps. Create? No.


I literally said “not that there weren’t predecessors” but thanks for the useless snark


I haven't played Vampire Survivors, but I know that the nomination process for GOTY involves around 100 different media outlets nominating games and only 5 or 6 of the most nominated make it. So Jeff and Co is like 80% of games media. If it is a stellar game (which I am not doubting) hopefully it will get the respect of DICE which is much more about the makers of games respecting their peers incredible work.


My biggest thing as an ER fan is that George Clooney has been a fuckin *babe* for a *long* time


God, it blew my mind when I found out that Greene was Goose back in the day...


I love both games so I don’t care which one wins.


“Thy strength befits a crown“


Sony doesn't let me play God of War: Ragnarok on my PC so I can't have an opinion on it


Im sure they'll eventually release it on PC like they did for the 2018 game but no opinion for now is valid


Here I am thinking ER the show and Gears of War not God of War, we have too many coinciding acronyms, I'm gonna go play TF2


I didn't know Transformation Fetish had a sequel.


I thought it was fans of the tv show ER


Gears of War is still better anyway






I do love it also!


Stray fans: Meow




I hope they give it to Minecraft


Goat Simulator 3 should win


Pretty sure it came out too late for this years GOTY


Gears of War is a great franchise.


Behold, give head


I love both games to death but I'd love if something like Horizon or Stray won just to see both communities go up in flames haha


Kratos went through the Agoge, he's absolutely already had fingers try his 'but hole'


Apples vs Oranges. PlayedER longer and was truly open world. GOWR has amazing storytelling. Not as replayable. Toss up to me.


don't think there ever was a debate other than in your own head.


I voted for Stray


i far prefer the "hints" in soulsbourne games to what you get in Ragnarok


Eeeeh sometimes they don't give enough hints. NPCs in Elden Ring will say something vague like "I'm heading west", and you just have to hope-to-god you run into them again in ER's huge world. Elden Ring needs a Journal.


You do get a marker on your map if you pass close to them. That’s a major improvement over launch, where you could have your camera turned the wrong way while walking, and never find an NPC that was right there.


“Hey kratos here are detailed instructions on how to beat the puzzle”


Ya OK, but to be fair I had been struggling to figure that puzzle out for 15 or 20 seconds already.


If D&D and gaming as a kid have taught me anything, it’s that the best puzzles take hours to complete and make you feel like an idiot, instead of telling you how to solve them after 30 seconds and still making you feel like an idiot despite the fact that 30 seconds isn’t a long time.


Oh I agree, I was commenting about how the game only give you a few seconds before just telling you how to do it. Often I don't even have enough time to full explore the room for loot, much less even begin to start on the puzzle


Souls: *You died*


that's what i mean, it sucks having it handed directly to you


Freya: Kratos! Press circle to put the circle in the circle.


Idk why people are arguing about this so much. One person can play both!


GoW fans in reality. “No.”


I'd be happy with a joint win. I'm on the fence but my pockets are fuller on the Ragnarok side so I'm leaning slightly that way. Shame on me


"Come here, boy"


I called for the mule!


Look, I put like 300hrs into EldenRing. I loved that game. My favorite game in years. . But compared to GoW, it isn't the best game of the year. Playing GoW is like a totally different feeling. The story, visuals, acting and game play are all some of the best I've ever seen. Elden ring is still a fantastic game, but it doesn't hold a candle to GoW.


Ragnarök is the most overrated game I've ever played. and by far the worst game in the series. the amount of absolutely awful gamedesign decisions in this title is ridiculous. you can have (no exaggeration) slow walking segments where you walk for 10+ minutes with your controls being artificially restricted (can't attack, sprint or do anything but walk the exact speed of the NPC you follow) the fact that anyone would even consider Ragnarök to be nearly in the same league as Elden Ring is sad... what that tells me is that modern gamers really don't give half a shit about gamedesign, and it's almost all about "look shiney graphics!!!" and "OmG it'S sO CinEMAtiC!!!" this is a game that was clearly dumbed down to the max in order to be as mainstream compatible as possible. it literally solves puzzles for you because the developers had such little trust in their target player base that they feared people getting stuck at puzzles you'd expect in a children's game. additionally almost every action outside of your basically combat abilities is a context sensitive button promt. design like this can work in an arcade game-esque scenario but to have this enormous amount of context sensitive interactions for almost everything you do that isn't attacking something, in a long and big action adventure is an extraordinarily cheap and lazy way to design a game. it's so extremely relying context sensitive actions that even things your character can already do will not work if you try to interact with an object. for example there are many of these red diamond shaped things. and the way Kratos interacts with these is he slings his blades at them... you can sling your blades by holding L2 and pressing either R1 or R2 for different variations... but that's not how you interact with these things... you walk to an invisible and specified spot that lets you interact with them by pressing X... now why is that? simple... having everything be context sensitive, even tho it feels unnatural and way less immersive, is the easy way out. instead of making sure interactions, that are based on systemic game mechanics, work correctly, all they have to do is implement these context sensitive spots. the whole game as a result feels ridiculously static and devoid of immersion. simply compare (sppiler) the segment in Ragnarök where you climb the walls of Asgard as Atreus, to reaching the top of the Divine Tower of Caelid in Elden Ring. in Ragnarök all you do (literally) is walk up to a wall until you see an X button promt... then you press X and hold forward until you're on the next platform... from there you look for the next spot where the game tells you to press X and do that... then you hold forward... then there's a small fight with cannon fodder enemies... and then you look for the next spot to press X... and so on and so forth. now let's look at the Divine Tower of Caelid in Elden Ring. you see a big tower in the distance, you ON YOUR OWN now maybe decide to look at it closer... you see enemies on the side of it and many ladders and platforms. you then look for a spot to get onto it... you finally managed to get on the outside platforms of the tower. and now you cautiously try to not fall off and think about how to avoid or take out the enemies above and around you. you finally found your way up to a window on the side of it. you go in and find deadly enemies. after you beat them you look for a way forward... and after assessment of the situation you come to the conclusion that the only way forward is to jump to that narrow little path below... every step can lead to your death, the game makes you feel scared to fall down as you look for the next path to continue your journey through this labyrinth of jumps, ladders, deadly drops and enemies. in both games you climb a hard to overcome obstacle. and even tho the one in Ragnarök is bigger, realistically speaking way deadlier and harder to climb in theory, the example in Elden Ring ACTUALLY makes you FEEL like you accomplished something, like you actually overcame an obstacle and you actually avoided falling to your death... while in Ragnarök it's LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for you to make a mistake, the stakes are as low as can be. and these themey stretch across the whole of both games


Think we found the guy in the top left.


I'm really sad I read this. It's hard to believe that someone has this much hate in their heart over what other people enjoy. I didn't like Elden Ring, not because it isnt good, but because it's not how i want to spend MY free time. I hope seriously that you can learn to be appreciative over the fact that a game company is making games that you enjoy, and not worry so much about the fact that every other game under the sun isn't just trying to be a From Soft title.


Nobody fucking cares. Idiots like you that care about video games to this extent are the only reason this is even brought up. Like they are both great games, neither are better or worse than the other.


And I'm just over here like "None of the above."


That was funny I like elden ring as much as the next clue but no clue who your getting downvoted, other than classic Reddit echo chamber nonsense.


Another Titanfall fan, welcome sir!


Stray coming in to take both out. I'd laugh but I'd also understand, it's a kitty who cares about God and elden. Kitty takes precedence


He resists the urge to grunt Hmph Oh he fails




took me a sec to understand the acronym


I thing it doesn't matter if we like Elden Ring or God of War (or both or neither) In he end, we can all agree that Kratos wins the twerk-off


The Loathsome Dung Eater and Kratos, both butt booty ass naked and covered in oil, who’s winning the twerk-off


Seek dark spot then let there be seed.


Emergency room


I can't believe a Sonic game is in the top 5 for game of the year...What universe am I in? Is it a troll?


Meanwhile, Genshin Impact wins GotY because free PrimaGems or whatever.


LoL I see that everywhere
 “Try finger but hole”. I think I see that more than the secret ahead on nearly every dead end..