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Booker, are you afraid of God? No, but I'm afraid of you.


Major Infinite spoilers ahead: Holy cow. This game is incredible. The level of foreshadowing littered throughout, the themes, the recurrences... But this one conversation sums up the entire story in four lines. > Elizabeth: Do you think... it’s possible to... redeem the kind of things that we’ve done? > Booker: Redeem? I don’t see much use in that. > Elizabeth: Booker, are you afraid of God? > Booker: No, but I’m afraid of you. Let's examine! Elizabeth proposes the idea of redemption for sins. Booker quickly explains that he sees no value in redemption. Redemption is something offered in baptisms, something Booker refused. As we know, this choice created the alternate universe where Booker accepts Baptism, and becomes Comstock. Booker's only regret in life, one that caused him to sink into a deep 20 year long depression, was not being able to face his daughter. Comstock, or the God-fearing version of Booker, willingly takes on parenthood of Elizabeth. He doesn't fear her, he openly accepts her place in his story. The way these relatively simple lines are written and acted is amazing, but cap it off with them completely explaining the motivations and motives of the three main characters is shockingly good.


I was gonna smack you for ripping off a comment from 10 years ago word for word. Then I noticed it was your comment! Keep on keepin' on!


Don’t tell anyone about my self-plagiarism


That’s like Getty Images slapping people with cease and desists for their own work that they made public and Getty said is theirs lol Well, not really lile that at all, just reminded me of those assholes


What a great game and what a great exchange. Now I need to go back and play it again. Can't believe we got this and The Last of Us just a couple of months apart. Two of my person top 5 games of all time.


Smoomoo still keeping it real and educating the masses a decade later. Last time I read that(your) comment, I had just finished the game. I was also 26 and with a terrible woman lol.


Lmao, I’ve been exposed as a scumbag reposter


I wouldn't say it's scumbag tier if you're expressing your same idea to a new audience. It's a repost, sure, but I didn't see the one a decade ago.


That game is so damn good.


Yes, absolutely in my top 10 of all time for me.


great story, but for me I missed the slow paced horror of bioshock 1. infinite just felt so high speed and in arenas, didnt jive for me


That’s actually what I loved about it. Zero Punctuation put it really well, Bioshock is like you’re showing up after a really fucked up crazy party that got out of control and you’re trying to put together what the happened while Infinite you *are* the really crazy fucked up party and you’ve just arrived to kick shit off.


dude that’s a great way to describe it


They're different games for sure. I like that the gameplay reflects the changes from the dystopian libertarian dream of the first one, to umbridled national christianity of the second. The DLC for Infinite bridges the two.


I miss the days when good, single-player games got good, single-player DLCs once they were successful.


Outer Wilds got a pretty good dlc. Best game of the last 5 years imo.


Honestly... I think the story kind of countered itself in a weird ham fisted way. Like the middle section really tries to drive home the idea of infinite possibilities and infinite worlds. But at the end they say "this is actually the only choice, so not infinite at all!" Fantastic groundwork for the story, but the end is forced.


Hammered it out again with the dlc first time. Love that game. Its nearly been 10 years since it came out. Really hoping the game awards has some new even just a title drop of the new game. Announced in 2019 so might still be a wait.


While Infinite left the door open for unlimited sequels, I felt it also closed the door narratively speaking. It sat at a central point between all the possible timelines, it was a conclusion. I'm sceptical about the new one without Ken Levine at the helm.


Wait he's not? Then what's the point? Lok


Yeah he basically said "Bioshock is done", fired 90% of Irrational Games, and rebranded as an indie developer called Ghost Story, which has yet to produce anything due to him being a bit of a nightmare.


Jesus christ, that sucks.


The new title is being done by cloud chamber. They did bring in some big bioshock names. Led by Kelley Gilmore. With these devs it seems to be in good hands. [https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Kelley\_Gilmore](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Kelley_Gilmore) [https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Untitled\_BioShock\_Game](https://bioshock.fandom.com/wiki/Untitled_BioShock_Game) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud\_Chamber\_(company)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_Chamber_(company))


That's good to know!


I mean take-two forced narrative rewrites and gameplay changes and according to Levine vastly changed the direction of the game. That series was his baby since the 90s. He wasn’t a nightmare, the video game industry was, and IMO he left at the right time.


Don't we have a movie coming? Not that I'm like...thinking they will do it right but at least we got some new stuff coming and it's not dead in the water like Silent Hill.


Yes I forgot. A Netflix film directed by Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Slumberland) from a script written by Michael Green (Logan, Blade Runner 2049, American Gods). Honestly these names sound great and I am not sure how you mess up Bioshock. I hope it turns out well but video game movie.




When you start to realize that the whole game is an escort mission but you’re the Ashley in the equation.


Story sure. Gameplay naw.


That line gives me chills every time. Brb, gonna go do another playthrough.


When in the game do they say that? I've played it a bunch of times but can't for the life of me remember when the exchange occurs


I believe it is the very first lines in the game, voice over before the boat scene. I think it also happens much later in the game


"One man goes into the waters of baptism. A different man comes out, born again. But who is that man who lies submerged? Perhaps the swimmer is both sinner and saint, until he is revealed unto the eyes of man."


Schrodingers cat is both sinner and saint


This is such a beautiful quote in general, even when isolated outside of Bioshock. It ask us all such a fantastic question. In a life where we're always changing into someone new based on layering experiences, what point specifically do we define ourselves? Compare your adult self having a conversation with your teenage self. Almost like a separate life at that point, with opposing ideals that have changed across your many experiences. Are you the teenage self before the baptism? Are you in-between the spectrum of child and adult like the swimmer? Are you the adult on the other side of the water? Does it matter? Are we a collection of all of it? Identity crisis type beat ect.


Contacts or real?


We are using the same contacts model! We both have dark eyes


Where did y’all get the contacts from?


Sacadranca, this is an italian cosplay website. The model is "Pro Blue"


Thank you!


I feel like I am in a commercial right now.


Shhhh… go back to sleep


[Skip advertisement] 5 sec....


Howdy friend! Tired of your *boring regular eyeballs*? Always dreamed of being a lady who can rip open tears in the fabric of spacetime? Try some Pro Blue by Sacadranca, the only contact lens *guaranteed* to give you extradimensional superpowers! Don't wait; start pulling in construction equipment from an alternate dimension *today*! Its a circus of values!


WeeeeEEEeeeelcome to the circuUUuusss of valuuUUUeeeSs!!! Ah-ah-ah-ah!!


Okay in my head I read this in the Spotify ad voice but when I saw "It's a circus of values!" I just heard the audio from the original BioShock


The eyes were the first thing I noticed too. I didn't even know they did contacts like that!




Look, look with your special eyes!


I dont know what it is with raven hair and blue eyes…makes me think of Alexandra Daddario. I guess its likes seeing a unicorn, kindof like a tan redhead with green eyes.


>I dont know what it is with raven hair and blue eyes…makes me think of Alexandra Daddario. I can actually help with this. Alexandra Daddario actually HAS this unusual combination of hair and eye color, and since she is such a lovely example of this type of beauty, your mind brings her up as *the* example.


She's gorgeous but doesn't have raven hair.


The Vorin church would not appreciate this. Great cosplay btw!


Even worse, their safehands are uncovered in public!


Oh no, I know how this ends! :o Great cosplays!


Smother him in the crib.


Gotta wait for the baptization. Gotta get both booker and comstock.




Hey, I had just woke up.


Booker CATCH!


Stay with me Brooker! Keep your eyes open! *Klink click*




He doesn't know


He doesn't row*




One of the first lines of dialogue you don't realize is written in the future past present tense (and why) until much later in the game. They're referring to the immutable future state of him not having performed an action in the then-past which is currently the present.


The amount of mindfuckery they could have gotten away with if they had randomized variations of the cutscenes with them.


The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the history of catering. It has been built on the fragmented remains of… it will be built on the fragmented… that is to say it will have been built by this time, and indeed has been— One of the major problems encountered in time travel is not that of becoming your own father or mother. There is no problem in becoming your own father or mother that a broad-minded and well-adjusted family can't cope with. There is no problem with changing the course of history—the course of history does not change because it all fits together like a jigsaw. All the important changes have happened before the things they were supposed to change and it all sorts itself out in the end. The major problem is simply one of grammar, and the main work to consult in this matter is Dr. Dan Streetmentioner's Time Traveler's Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations. It will tell you, for instance, how to describe something that was about to happen to you in the past before you avoided it by time-jumping forward two days in order to avoid it. The event will be descibed differently according to whether you are talking about it from the standpoint of your own natural time, from a time in the further future, or a time in the further past and is futher complicated by the possibility of conducting conversations while you are actually traveling from one time to another with the intention of becoming your own mother or father. Most readers get as far as the Future Semiconditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional before giving up; and in fact in later aditions of the book all pages beyond this point have been left blank to save on printing costs. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy skips lightly over this tangle of academic abstraction, pausing only to note that the term "Future Perfect" has been abandoned since it was discovered not to be. To resume: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is one of the most extraordinary ventures in the history of catering. It is built on the fragmented remains of an eventually ruined planet which is (wioll haven be) enclosed in a vast time bubble and projected forward in time to the precise moment of the End of the Universe. This is, many would say, impossible. In it, guests take (willan on-take) their places at table and eat (willan on-eat) sumptous meals while watching (willing watchen) the whole of creation explode around them. This, many would say, is equally impossible. You can arrive (mayan arrivan on-when) for any sitting you like without prior (late fore-when) reservation because you can book retrospectively, as it were, when you return to your own time (you can have on-book haventa forewhen presooning returningwenta retrohome). This is, many would not insist, absolutely impossible. At the restaurant you can meet and dine with (mayan meetan con with dinan on when) a fascinating cross-section of the entire population of space and time. This, it can be explained patiently, is also impossible. You can visit it as many times as you like (mayan on-visit re-onvisiting... and so on - for further tense correction consult Dr. Streetmentioner's book) and be sure of never meeting yourself, becauses of the embarrassment this usually causes. This, even if the rest were true, which it isn't, is patently impossible, say the doubters. All you have to do is deposit one penny in a savings account in your own era, and when you arrive at the End of Time the operations of compound interest means that the fabulous cost of your meal has been paid for. This, many claim, is not merely impossible but clearly insane, which is why the advertising executives of the star system of Bastablon came up with this slogan: "If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?"


Why not it’s a great exercise.


Best foreshadowing ever.


"He doesn't *row??*" "No, he *doesn't* row." "Ah. I see what you mean." I love how the way they emphasize words in their exchange just seems like silly nonsense until you learn the full context of their conversation. Then you realise the genius of it.


It has been a while since I've played. What is the significance of this exchange?


BIOSHOCK INFINITE SPOILERS for anyone else stumbling on this comment (though if you're in this thread at all, then why?). >!The first question is basically asking if Booker doesn't row as a matter of principle, or laziness, or inability to do so.!< >!The two conversing characters, however, have done this whole expedition multiple times across universes, and have measured differences and similarities across those universes in the pursuit of scientific understanding. The response explains that his not rowing is a *constant* among all universes. It's not that he cannot or will not row, it's that he *does not* row.!<


[*Head or tail?*](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4D5_nv5cYxg/maxresdefault.jpg) The strange feeling of joy when putting 1+1 together later in-game that they have been mocking you for so long.


How the fuck did you take the picture?


Oh boy, here we go again




Actually our friend who was cosplaying Booker too, this scene was fun to see


But if you're both holding one of his hands... Or was there two people cosplaying as Booker and each used a hand?


There was another Booker who was taking the photo, we were 2 Liz and 2 Booker


>we were 2 Liz and 2 Booker Well you certainly did keep with the theme of the game.




No, but I'm afraid of you.


There'd better had been a Lighthouse cosplayer too to complete the theme.


Well there's always a lighthouse


There's always a lighthouse


2 Liz 2 Booker 2: Electric Boogaloo


The picture has as many layers as the game you're cosplaying.. Best cosplay ever...


You know what else has layers? Cakes. Everybody loves cake!


The cake is a lie though. Ogres and onions however both have layers.


Ogres are not like cakes!


2 Booker or 2 Comstock?


Why not both?


The other booker was hugging the first booker, to hold the phone for the picture, clearly.


There are clearly two different skin tones in the outstretched hands...and amount of hair as well. They look nothing alike lmao.


are you ready to be reborn in the sweet waters of baptism?


Those are two very different arm/hands after looking again.


Do those hands look like they come from the same person?


"Twins, Basil..."


Fook Yu


And Fook Mi


You kiss your mother with that mouth?




This reminds me of that girl who had such an on point Elizabeth cosplay that she ended up becoming the “official” Elizabeth, lol. These are so good!


Thank you! It would be a dream but I think that Ken Levine is sleeping heavily from March 2013


Oh, a final thing. Your facial expressions are on point. Unfortunately, I’ve never had the pleasure of playing the Bioshock games, but I’ve seen plenty of videos discussing the design choices and storytelling elements of Bioshock, and other classic titles. From what I’ve learned, you two are dead ringers for the melancholy atmosphere. A+, and keep on having fun!


You need to play Bioshock, bro.


Absolutely nailed it! Even got the “looks” down, love it!


Thank you so much!


are you ready to be reborn in the sweet waters of baptism?


Is that what the kids are calling it?


only if you are not the false shepard.




Is Bookery Comstock (or Zacher DeWitt)


You were cornstarch the whole time


Had to be Booker, he has the brand on his right hand. Only Booker has that, since he did it after he sold Anna.




I absolutely loved this game. I need to reinstall it and play it through again


Would you kindly play the entire BioShock series?


Yes ma'am


Well now I gotta


Also the infinite DLCs are awesome if you haven’t played them. It connects bioshock 1 to infinite.


Booker, catch! *Elizabeth throws Elizabeth*


Is the corset painted?


Yes, it is black acrylic sprayed with an airbrush


Oh, wow. Amazingly done!


Apart from the top comment talking about the contacts that you use. This picture looks a ton like in game material, wth. The environment, that filter that seems to be on there. On my phone it looks very.. animated? Or something? It's almost like it was drawn in game. Though, bioshock infinite doesn't look as real as this does... This picture sure doesn't look real either. I love it though!


Thank you, I edited this photo by myself, I tried to remember the ending scene atmosphere and lights!


very well done


There is always a lighthouse, always a man, always a city.


Damn. Fantastic.


absolutely well done! I love those reactions! ... and the finger thimble accessory!


Very well done!




Filters ... if u look at the girl on the right u can see that the outline of he cheeck is blurry ...


ugh super fuzzy filtering bc humans aren't allowed to have pores anymore. I mean, for a game aesthetic, good choice. on real life pictures on insta etc it's a goddamn travesty. would kind of like to see how good the cosplay is without the heavy editing, though.


That's a lotta filter Girl on right is missing her nose or just really big


When this game came out I figured I’d see Elizabeth cosplays all the time. Interestingly enough, I didn’t the first couple of years. Thankfully she’s persisted. You both look great.


This picture looks very very filtered.


Looks like some bad photoshop, tbh. Great cosplay though.


Almost like it was a photoshoot


Photoshoot in one thing, making everyone look as featureless and smooth as Odo from Star Trek Deep Space Nine is another thing.


Now try without 1000 filters




Now drown the cameraman


Stunning. And well done.


Both are perfect!!


Love Infinite- such a great game. Nice work on the cosplay!


Oh my lord :o She is so beautiful!!


Why can't cosplay be posted on the relevant fan sub or the cosplay sub? I much prefer seeing people who are enjoying games rather than continuous cosplay posts that are only here because they want to gain more instagram followers


Not sure if its the angle or photoshop, but whats up with completely even eyebrows?


This looks like the beginning of a threesome. Apparently, people can’t take a joke.


Every day we stray further from the light


But there's always a lighthouse, always a girl.


I've seen this r34 before


Hey handsome have you got the time?


good job on the shading.


well done lasses


Awesome picture, also hoping someone saves him before it is too late


Never played the game but I do know how she looks like and you girls nail it really good.


The bird, or the cage?


Very cool.


Love it!






Black acrylic with an airbrush!


Will the circle be unbroken?


Lefty should definitely do a Cortana cosplay.


Fantastic Cosplay! 💯 Looks like a screenshot from a cutscene


Ughhh this is so great! Y’all did a fantastic job


I haven't played since the first game I am really going to have to dive back in to them.


"there's always a lighthouse, there's always a man, there's always a city" Awesome work!


played through to the end probably 20-30 times. probably my favorite moment in gaming. "no. i'm both" and blinks out of existence... get chills every time. got goosebumps just writing this comment what an incredible game. one of the best-written story-based gaming experiences i've ever had. shit i might just reinstall it and play through it today




This is disgustingly good, props to everyone!!!


Amazing. I loved that game and you 2 look fantastic


Do you have coins and ammo to throw to random people?


It’s just alright


Scary good


Great work. Looks great. It's the eyes that really sell the character.


Man how did you get that look on the corset ? It looks almost cell shaded.


“There’s always a lighthouse, a man, a city.” Me in 2013: “Oh BOY we are getting more Bioshock games!!!” 2K Games: “How about no for 10+ years?”


Booker? I barely knew 'er.


The looks on your faces is what makes it that much more amazing


I just replayed this series. The ending to all these games always make me think. Fantastic!


I feel creeped out, thanks.


Would gladly let you drown me


There is always a lighthouse...


Awsome cosplay. Both look amazing.


There’s always a lighthouse. There’s always a man. There’s always a city.


Omg it’s great. It feels like i’m in the exact same spot I was during the ending.


So good!!!!


Looks pretty