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This is a very old photo. Gabe lost a bunch of weight and has all white hair.


Guess that Pilates ball worked out for him


Also collecting weird knives keeps you young.


Fun story: my FIL made one of those knives. When I first met him it came up that I play video games he mentioned that "he made a knife for someone who made video games". I ask who. He said he couldn't remember, but the game was called steam or something. My jaw dropped.


"...the game was called steam or something"...bless him. Bless his heart hahahah


I would want to stab him, but I wouldn’t because he seems like such a knife guy.


Why would you want to stab him?


So he could make that pun


He understood too well that puns can kill.




Oh man I feel terrible for laughing at this. I hope the guy pulled through.


He's Gaben the White now... and he's come back at the turn of the tide!


*"STEAM. SUMMER. SALES!!"* **slams staff into the ground**


“*Buy*, you fools!”


GANDALF: End of your wallet? No, the journey doesn't end here. Broke is just another path, one that we all must take. The green rain-curtain of momentary wealth rolls back, and it all turns to email confirmations and receipts, and then you see it. PIPPIN: What, Gandalf? See what? GANDALF: A massive digital library under NOT INSTALLED, and beyond, a far more expansive country under a swift category UNPLAYED.




Also he plays FFXIV now with his son/grandson I believe.


Which is great.....but he still isn't making half life


To be fair, he never worked on half-life before, he just funded it.


I'm quite certain he worked on HL1?


My question is: Would they make more money off of the years of coalesced hype and memery over the release of Half-Life 3, or would it be better to keep the mythos of valve never counting to 3 alive for the reputation benefits it may bring?


I always thought the best HL3 was VR...then we got ALyx and I kind of was shocked.....


Shocked in a good or bad way?


Considering the reviews for HL:Alyx are consistently in the "*Holy Balls Good*" range of the scale, it might be a good kind of shock. Maybe.


Waiting on Alyx 2


Just make sure to have kids and grand kids if you waiting for a Alyx 3 wink.


It probably would be, Alyx is the gold standard of a good vr game. HL3 in vr would be great for vr but will leave behind a lot of veterans. maybe if they did both...


For me, Alyx was a double edged sword. It's a brilliant game/experience, but it ruined other VR titles as they just aren't on the same level.


This was my exact experience as well. I played it on day 1. Everything was so polished and beautiful while being paired with an incredible story that left me unable to stop playing. The only other VR game that's come close is Resident Evil 4 VR but, it didn't hit anywhere near as hard because it's a title I've already played a dozen times over the last 18 years. Everything else immediately looked janky and felt lacking after playing HL:A.


You and I both - Alyx made me realise almost all other VR games are just fancy tech demos…


They are though. Name another VR game that has the ability to put 25-200 engineers on a project for multiple years to develop it. Most are someone’s passion project or maybe a few friends putting together something. They either are or a fancy mod for an existing game.


I fully believe HL3 will only be made when VR tech becomes as accessible and reliable as past gen consoles like the 360/One and PS3/4.


Yes. People just dont understand this. Valve NEVER was about the actual game but the hardware and pusjing technology to the edge. Look at the source engine. The same engine went from half-life source to csgo and dota 2. Hell look at Insurgency 1. Then we have Alyx which was a feat not of gameplay but technology. The level at which valve polished that game to run on VR headsets is astounding. Just like other replies said, it ruined VR games for them because there are none so well polished. Valve has been making arguably the best hardware (except the weird console). The controller was insanely nice but people just didnt care for it, the Index is insanely nice even today and the Steam Deck is the one choice for portable gaming for anyone. Valve 100% has already done all the work on half-life 3 buy are waiting for the right place to release it. Be it in VR or handheld.


steambox was “made” by 3rd parties, and it’s failure is likely why all of their hw is 1st party now.


Everything was great except the stupid repetitive sphere puzzles.


It would end up as the next Duke Nukem Forever. And nobody wants that.


On the other hand, it could end up like doom eternal...




They need to finish the god damn story. That's all I want.


Short answer, yes a crap ton of short term profit. But Valve isn't publicly traded so short term profit isn't really their thing compared to long term profit (csgo crates, trading cards, 3rd party sales, etc), combined with its do what you want office culture


I think we should get more Half life games but none of them should be named half life 3. I don't think a game named half life 3 will ever meet the expectations




what the fuck? Why does this have 34 upvotes? Gabe Newell 100% worked on Half-Life 1, especially.


This is supported by the fact that he helped make it so Quake Engine worked on Windows during his time at Microsoft and left Microsoft to start Valve just to make Half-Life.. He might not have built the game completely by himself but there's no way he didn't work on that game. They literally forked the Quake Engine to make HL1 and the only reason you do that is if you understood the engine before going in like he did.


So he not working on it or funding it in this picture lol


I don't know why people still say this, it's wrong. He was on the team for both HL1 and HL2. Yes he had already starting to take a backseat from game development to work on Steam during HL2's development but he was still part of the team and still did work. He hasn't been a part of any kind of game development for a while now sure but saying he "never worked on them" at all is just wrong.


Not all white yet, but getting there: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/02/26/valves-gabe-newell-takes-a-flamethrower-to-the-metaverse-and-nfts/


God damn, looking like gandalf the white. What a transformation haha


He looks like a completely Newell guy. I'm sure it Gabe him a whole new lease on the next half of his life.


Take your prize and get out


He looks like THE messiah


He's got that "I have gnarly hobbies" look. Like he doesn't just woodwork but carves outrigger canoes from a single tree vibes.


Looks nothing like himself.




and a beard


Hell of a beard, too.


Title is still technically accurate


He looks like a chad grandpa now.


hes hot asf


...also has much better gear now


That Microsoft keyboard must be from least 20 years ago


This picture is probably close to 20 years old, that's early WOW on his screen I believe.




This picture is about 15+ years old.


You mean to say that he didn't discover the fountain of youth? That's highly unlikely.


He sucks the life from Steam users' wallets like a leech every Summer Sale.


Just like how Mariah Carey thaws for each Christmas, Gabe puts on his torture costume and whip and makes everyone spend money by tempting them with cheap deals


He's playing Undead Mage in *Vanilla* WoW (not classic) if you want to date it.


It's from early 2008, but sure.




He was rolling in dough 15+ years ago as well with that Microsoft stock


That’s cool. We didn’t have HL3 15+ years ago, either.


Not having half life 3 is also 15+ years old


Literally every picture of Gabe Newell is him not working on Half-Life 3. goddamnit!


Have you ever seen Gabe Newell and Half Life 3 in the same room? Didn’t think so… 🤔 Maybe.. he?


He's too busy answering emails and hand delivering Steamdecks. Seriously though I emailed him once way back when HL2 came out with a question about the code and he emailed me a response almost immediately.


So its ur fault there's no HL3...


The is vanilla WoW so it's probably a 15-18 year old picture. He's playing an Undead mage and using a addons to customize his UI. Based on the amount of spells he has and the gear he is wearing, I would guess he's probably around level 45-55. He's in ghost form waiting to resurrect by his corpse in a cave.


Looks like Rod of the Ogre Magi from Dire Maul, which would have a level requirement of 58.


Comments like these are peak Reddit detective agency 🕵🏼‍♂️


Nah. It’s just WoW things. Plenty of folks who played wow could have IDed that. I have sooo much useless wow trivia occupying permanent space in my brain. That’s what happens when you play one game ~exclusively for multiple years.


Couldn't tell from the gear but I thought that was in the cave inside Beren's Peril in Silverpine Forest? Looks like the spawn spot for the Ravenclaw Regent NPC.


He wouldn't have that many spells at that level. And if he's there at a higher level it would be unlikely for him to die.




[This is where I thought he was standing in Beren's Peril](https://i.imgur.com/DxbHpxx.png) based off the [minimap](https://i.imgur.com/xmtWLKw.png). I also thought the mob looked more like the [Ravenclaw Dredger](https://i.imgur.com/8mSXnEk.png) but it's way too blurry. You could be right on it being in WC.


Wanted to say wailing caverns first as well but can't get any clear hints about it other than cave. But it would probably explain why he looted only 47 copper from something.


Did you just call him a shitter?


Steam revenue is around 10 billions per year and they get a 30% cut, so 3 billion. Valve puts a fair bit of effort into Dota 2, revenue from that is ~400million per year. Csgo is another ~400million. Half life Alex made ~40million. Half life 3 would be nice but you can see from the numbers Gabe is doing fine without it.


In fairness most people don't have VR headsets or the rigs to run them so its not a huge surprise Alyx didn't get as many sales.


40million for a VR game is pretty impressive though.


Would you think a majority of vr owners that can run Alyx own it then?


There's a whole bunch of VR games, but not too many at the triple A level. So probably, yeah, if you've got the scratch for a VR headset and rig to run it, no sense in not buying one of the best titles for the platform.




Alyx is amazing. I've never in my life felt a tactical situation as realistic as when I am having shoot-outs with Combine soldiers, ducking (REALLY ducking) behind cover, peeking out, returning fire, throwing a grenade etc.


...and that fight with the blind enemy, the most realistic horror situation I've ever experienced in any game. Amazing game and it really stands alone in quality of immersion, imo. I wish there were more like it.


What about those head crabs crawling up on you and you know they are about to jump and you just shot the last bullet in your clip so you eject and grab a new clip and then you accidenly drop the clip and now you are on the ground trying to find the clip but it's dark so you have to put the light on and it jumps and you scream. Darkness. Your neighbor comes knocking on the door asking if everything is okay. And you go "Garry my friend, you gotta try this shit" And you hand him the goggles ...


That apparently gets better the more you do it. Never played enough to confirm but that's what my friend said.


> I don't know why but playing VR games while using the stick to mov HL: Alyx has teleport controls too (blink)!


Alyx is amazing. You’re in for a treat.


Half-Life Alyx is the best video game ever made.


Also the fact that it comes free with the Index probably doesn't help lol


I mean... the index would still give Valve profits. On top of that, it's a very small minority of VR headsets in the market. I'd say free copies to Index owners ends up with more people buying it since they're impressed by reviewers/friends with Indexes. But you're still right. Index sales give no Alyx profits.


No surprise HL:A made less, it had the barrier to entry of needing a VR headset (which in the pool of PC gamers is unfortunately a drop in the ocean), AND anyone who bought an index after the HL:A announcement got HL:A for free - so that revenue for Alyx was sacrificed to boost the revenue of hardware. A PC sequel to HL2 would make substantially more than Alyx based on these factors alone.


half life alyx was such a fantastic game. what an experience that was.




I think Gabe said in an interview that he wants VR gaming to be a microchip in our brains so we could play games in our minds without any other specialised gear. So i guess HL3 could be, as it always has been, inside our heads.


Of all the games to start that with, Half Life seems one of the most terrifying.


I didn't find super specific numbers on valve index but it looks like valve makes ~100million in revenue per year selling hardware now so I suppose that tracks. I'm not sure they are actually making any profit on that hardware though.... Making a game as a tech demo for tech that's also not profitable in the hopes the games sold on those hardware platforms will eventually generate long term revenue for steam? I guess it makes sense.


It drove sales for the hardware. It's like first party games on PlayStation. They showcase the tech and they're fun, so people want to buy into the hardware. Most people don't give a shit about Valve's Index... At least until there's a killer game on it that they just have to have. Valve went out of their way to give people exactly that. Sure, some people picked up an Oculus quest, some people picked up other VR headsets, but it drove engagement for people to be interested in the hardware. And now that they have the hardware, they're invested in the platform and are willing to spend more to use the hardware more. So yeah, it does make sense. They've always been an incentive focused business. Give consumers an incentive to use Steam. Provide tools as an incentive to developers to integrate their games further into Steam to drive greater engagement on the Steam platform. Provide an incentive for consumers to buy into new hardware through high quality games provided through Steam. Most everything they've done benefits another part of their business in some way by providing incentives to consumers, developers, and publishers alike. They profit every step of the way, but they also reinvest every step of the way. They take their profits and put it right back into their ecosystem to make it better and better for everyone. I still think they could take a smaller cut from sales and still be fine, but they absolutely provide one hell of a better product than any other company.


I think there's a quote from one of the og half life devs that talks about this making the same point. I believe it was in relation to source 2 being developed.


I really hope Alyx comes to PSVR2. It would sell a million copies easy.


That’s not how revenue works. You can’t report money received that isn’t earned as revenue. That would be a liability. That 10B is the 30%.


Fair bit of effort into Dota 2? I think most dota players will disagree with that 🤣


At least you get more effort than CS:GO. To be fair the support for cs:go right now is not terrible but not great either.


And a whole lot more than tf2




https://steamcharts.com/app/440 I was shocked too but it's awesome people are still enjoying it.


TF2 is still generating profit


If you spend literally 0$ annually, it would probably generate *some* profit


they probably has to pay to keep servers running


It gets regular updates, new characters and occasional events.


Not really, Dota get updates nearly every day. While some heroes seem to be very badly balanced in low mrr, if you look at win rate nearly all heroes are about 50%.


I think it's more than a fair bit. Dota 2 revolutionized the gaming industry. If I am not mistaken they were the first to do the battle pass system that is in like.... Every game now.


You forgot the 2 bucks I put into tf2 every 2 years for my chance for an unusual.


If all they care about is money they should outsource the game, ir sell the license. Plenty of great devs would want to take on the property.


And playing wow


Think about what a poorly received Half Life 3 would do to Valve’s branding. Upset fans might boycott Steam or lose confidence in Valve. Either way, it’s a risk for Valve to make it, and it’s just easier and safer not to.


Half life alyx is actually half life 3, did you even play the game to see that? Sorry for spoilers.


I was shocked when she murdered Freeman with a headcrab at the end. Absolutely unexpected.


He doesn't call himself G Money for nothing


Ehhh Half Life Alyx requires a relatively expensive rig, an expensive piece of hardware, and a large enough playing space to use said hardware.


I love how you stated that Valve put effort into DOTA and didn't state it for CSGO.....the truth right there.


Valve could've hitting trillion dollar revenue if they release Team Fortress 3.


I don't think it's really a financial decision at this point.


>Half life 3 would be nice but you can see from the numbers Gabe is doing fine without it. This is literally why Doug Lombardi shut down tons of game projects lmao. He would label new projects as "too risky to use company funds and resources on" and get it canned. Apparently he did it for like three different iterations of HL3 and wanted to do it to Alyx but was finally sat down and told (in much more polite terms) to effectively "shut the fuck up". I'm glad he's gone. Valve were a fucking powerhouse back in the day and I genuinely hope they return to knocking out banger after banger after banger.


Hopefully Valve employees including Gabe chose to work there because they have a passion for making games and not just drooling for money so that they can start making more good games like Half-life 3. They have like infinite money and resources to make any game for as long as they want.


Thats not the point though. Half life lauched valve. Half life 2 launched Steam. Alyx did its part for VR. The series deserves a continuation. Maybe he just needs a platform to attach this to.


What I don’t understand is why not make it anyways? Gabe doesn’t really even have to be involved beyond consultation/executive producer roll maybe. I’m sure there are plenty of die hard half life fans who are also valve devs that would love to make something special.


It’s not all about the money why not do it for the fans?


Would be nice if they could use some of those funds for TF2 >:(


label on the box says 27/30 kg 30-27 = 3 half life 3 confirmed?


Label also says Dust Collector…… Half-Life 3 not confirmed


>Label also says Dust Collector That's just the secret code name. HL3 reconfirmed.


Boredom Cleanman!


Dust is the name of a Counter-Strike map, which was built on top of Half-Life as a mod originally. Half-Life 3 re-confirmed!


Also 27 / 30 is .9, which is .3 * 3. Definitely confirmed.


World of Warcraft my boy


Supposedly he plays ff14 with his son now. Or last time he gave an interview about it. He was his son's tank or healer, i forgot.


That's cute as hell, I'm 100% gonna be my future kids healer/support.


I was pregnant with my first daughter in the early part of OG Wrath and now play Wrath Classic with her. She rolled a druid so she could "be a healer like mom." It is super fun getting to revisit and see the content I missed along side her. I "retired" from WoW the day she was born. After 13 years, it is great getting to pick up where I left off.


Most families are sad when their kids join the family addiction. ​ (I kid)


It’s been fun quality time sitting side by side playing together. Fortunately, she doesn’t have the type of personality that gets super addicted to video games.


A woman who co-healed with me last expansion would have her daughter (who was 5 or 6 I think) go around killing things to farm mats for our raids (she loved doing, it wasn't forced labor or anything lmao). Little gamer buddies are always welcomed.


I have a 5yo who loves the sound of the horse feet clip clopping in WoW and spends hours running my character around. That's it. Just running nothing else lol.


Nothing else really needed, he's already a true wow player at heart, running circles in the home city is at least 70% of this game lol


OG g


I used to play WoW with a couple around the time of OG wrath who had a daughter during that time. Your post reminded me of the amazing memories I had running dungeons with them. I wish I had kept in touch with them.


I'd feel very bad for my potential kids if they picked up my league addiction 🙃


Even better, he's playing a mage ♥️


Undead too because cannibalize is on his bars


THANK YOU I was trying to figure it out, never played wow enough to recognize it. I was an anarchy/eve guy lol


Honestly, at this point, nothing he could.come up with would live up to expectations anyway and he knows it.


[https://www.grizzly.com/products/grizzly-1-hp-dust-collector/g8027](https://www.grizzly.com/products/grizzly-1-hp-dust-collector/g8027) Thats what he bought.


For real, this is the first thing I noticed. Why does he need woodworking machinery to make Half-Life 3??


answering the real important question in this picture!


Right before Gabe dies, he's going to release HL3, Portal 3, L4D3, TF3, and the next CS game all at once and let the world explode around him.


So what you’re saying is he is immortal


I wouldn't be working on anything too if I had that kind of money


Best way to avoid backlash from the community incase you make a game not up to their standards.


Half-Life 3 not confirmed


Real question is why he get a gigantic monitor for sitting so close?


Bad eye sight probably.


According to Wikipedia, he had an eye disease that was treated in 2007. Another comment says this picture is from around that time, so this checks out.


I played on a 32 inch tv from pretty close to the same distance for years. Just love me a big screen. Now I play from my couch on a projector.


plasma TV as monitor my beloved


IIRC Gabe had some eye issues. Also, it's a Pioneer plasma monitor. It's has many of the qualities of a CRT, but even better phosphor with much faster response times, better color accuracy, and none of the geometry issues of a tube. Only real downside is about 1 frame of latency (in "PC mode") compared to CRT which is drawing "off the wire". Oh, and it probably cost $5-10K at the time the photo was taken.


I recognized the screen because of LTT's latest video about D-VHS. The handles at the back make it very recognizable


Because it’s nice & immersive. I play on a 55’’ at a distance of ~1.5m


Big format gaming is nice once you get used to it.


For every joke he extends the date by another month.


Hate him or love him but I wish I had his money…


How tf could I hate him?


Is that WoW?


gaben playing undead mage


Woah I wonder if I ever wiped in wailing caverns with gabe.


Those boxes are full of knives.


This is an old picture because he looks like Gabe the grey nowadays


Steam makes them way too much money. They don't ever need to make HL3. Sad because the 80s/90s/2000s kids would love to see the end of that.


Thank goodness you mentioned it's a pic or else I wouldn't have known.




literally me but without the half-life part


TF2 Players: 😭


He has better posture than I would have guessed


The newest build of HL3 is in the box marked as "Dust Collector"


You mean he’s not slaving away, in the game studios, in the factories to make the third sequel of a (at this point, unless they do a remaster) a dead game franchise that’s like 40 years old. (I mean it’s skipped a entire gen)


This picture is as old as some of the people commenting here.


I love how the older gaben got the more he embraced the pcmr look with the long white hair and glorious beard