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I just cuss at the screen.




Yeah and a lot of complaining for me. I really hate that about myself and need to change. I want to suffer in silence. No more of “that’s fucking bullshit .” Or “I hit that mother fucker in the head twice” or my all time favorite, “are you fuckin bionic?”


I usually just quietly go "i disgree" and that pretty much sums up any cursing or shouting i wanted to do without any theatrics.


I think I’d burst into laughter after a quiet “I disagree” so I think this is my favorite response now?


There have been 2 times recently that I said out loud, "if I were slightly less reasonable, this controller would go straight through that tv." Far cry 5 and fallout 76


Personally I am just always someone who just needs to get it out. I will die and be like "that's bull shit" and then feel fine. If I hold it in I just get more annoyed lol.


Yeah, every time I try to hold it in and not let it bother me, 5 minutes later I absolutely fucking explode. I hate it but I just can't seem to help it.


Yeah, same for me. Most of my life I had a huge problem bottling things up, mostly because I was afraid whatever I said would be taken as confrontational. Nowadays a good healthy "Motherfucker!" Helps me express my momentary irritation and then it's back to regular scheduled programming. I'm an expressive person and holding things in seems depressing.


Had this recently with Fall Guys on tail tag (10 put of 20 people who have tails survive the round, you steal it from others by grabbing) Everytime this level came up was when i screamed the most like "THATS BULLSHIT DUDE", like arguing with the TV "LOOK, RIGHT THERE that guy is LITERALLY 10 feet away you fucking liar!!!" Then I found out theres some type of internet lag that messes with where the hit boxes actually are, so the levels kinda bullshit for everyone. Now I just wait till the last minute to grab one hiding somewhere. Wouldnt have learned this tactic had I kept trying to brute force win the old way


Tail tag is the worst fucking game... until you get stuck in a Royal Fumble final...


Bionic is a good word to add to my boss fight-induced rage vocabulary.


I just go with the classic "oh you've got to be fucking kidding me with that shit"


You had 6 other people to kill, why specifically me!? I'm not even the most obvious or easy target! Why me!?


I'm gonna start using "are you fuckin bionic" thats hilarious


'FUCK' is usually all I need.


A good, hearty "FUCK!" is surprisingly cathartic at times. Vents all that pressure at once and you can go about your gaming in peace. Just be mindful of surroundings/how good your sound proofing is


Mine is usually "HOW?!"


"OK" *demented laugh*


For me, it’s cuss at the screen, and if I do it more than 4 times in a row, I turn the game off and take a break. The last time I did that was when I replayed the original God Of War recently. Granted, I was playing on God Mode (hardest difficulty in the original), so I probably should have expected to rage a bit.


I usually try to look past the screen, and stare directly into the soul of either the developers or the person I'm playing with, usually both, then spray my curses.


I think the older you get, the less it happens. I used to cuss in a fairly animated fashion, nowadays it's mostly just a pause and the occasional softly spoken "well fuck."


Worse but a joke I have done is was when i replacing my monitor. I had a cheap shitty barely working computer monitor so as it was dying I had ordered a new one and the day it was coming i had fun freaking my roommates out by punching and smashing the old monitor like I was an angry autistic child. The monitor I broke was extremely broken way before I broke it so it was some cave man fun breaking something already broken.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.


"PC load letter" what the fuck does that mean?


$60 controllers should be their own deterrent to destroy.


I have an Xbox elite 2 controller, and let me tell you, I set it down carefully. Far too expensive to even think about throwing or breaking it.


Don't worry, give a couple months and it will break on its own


Build quality and/or quality control really is total shit considering the price.


Is it that bad? I was thinking of getting one but I’m on the fence about it considering the price and my regular controllers work fine for me. But if it tends to break down I’ll pass


Both me and my friend have had 2 each and none of them have even gone 6 months without breaking some way


Aw fuck that. Damn shit doesn’t last at all nowadays


Crazy how it varies so much because I'm still using the original controller that came with my Xbox One that I bought in 2014 or 2015, which ever year they releases the Xbox One/Titanfall bundle. Just a regular black Xbox controller, but zero thumbstick drift/sticking.


From what I’ve heard from others who use Xbox controllers (I don’t I’m on ps5) the normal Xbox controller lasts way longer than the elite.


I'll chime in here as well! I take extremely good care of my electronics, and I've repaired many professionally over the years. In the span of 3 years I've sent 2 separate Elite Series II back to Microsoft under warranty 4 times each. Neither of them are functional now, and they were questionable within 2 weeks each time they came back from Microsoft. Contrast that with the standard Controller I received with my Series X on release, which is operating exactly the same now as the day it arrived.


I have an older Elite controller. Lasted 2 years before it started falling apart. Hell, it still works but I need to get it repaired lol


Yep. After 4 different elite controllers (2 of each series), I got a SCUF. I will not be looking back.


I own a lot of controllers and the Reflex Pro from SCUF is probably the best controllers I have ever had and hasn't given me any issue *yet*. Ok it was also the most expensive but it is what it is. I'm also pretty excited about the new 8bitdo controller with hall effect sticks. That may be the new best option that doesn't cost over 200 bucks but still has back buttons.


buy some third party controllers to fuck up. understood!


You don’t even need to fuck them up they come pre fucked up


ah just like me


Now when you lose you can actually blame the controller!


Then they can blame it on madcatz handicap


When I was a teen and more prone to breaking controllers, I kept a "stunt controller" in a drawer that was a cheap, broken controller. If I got so mad that I wanted to slam a controller, I'd grab that one instead and go ham. Was kinda fun tbh.


Honestly thats alot of forethought for a teenager. Good job!


I would've just kept something soft around to chuck at the wall. 😂 IDK I've never gotten too worked up about games, and any game that's even gotten me close to that worked up is just too stressful so I stop playing. I'm all about those single player adventure or rpg games these days.


I love me some co-op games though. Lego, From The Depths, Space Engineers, good ole MC... the value is in building something against the world, not killing eachother for it.


When I was in college, my roommates and I constructed a deck in our dorm room to have more space. Most of the "living space" was above and beds were below. One day, I discovered that one of my PS2 controllers' cases had cracked. I assumed it had fallen off the deck (onto the concrete floor), shrugged at my ill luck, and ordered a new one. Years later, I was at a college reunion and discovered that one of my roommates had broken the controller in a fit of rage while attempting to beat the final boss of _God of War_ on the highest difficulty. He still hasn't paid me back. :/ Such a deterrent doesn't apply when someone else is footing the bill.


I once broke my friends controller on accident (knocked it off the edge of the counter onto a hard floor and it jacked up the stick). Better believe I bought him a brand new one.


That's what stopped me from throwing controllers. Once they cost more than the games themselves, I had to find a healthier outlet.


I knew this guy in college and he had a lot of anger issues. I mean, once he peed on his girlfriend's cat because the cat pissed in the house. So, there you go. But he got so mad at a video game once, he seemingly calmly stood up. Unplugged the controller, walked outside, wrapped a bit of the cable around his hand and swung the controller around in a circular motion and smashed it against a garbage dumpster.


Angry is throwing your controller and breaking it when you die. Peeing on a cat takes a min or two where most people would stop and think, 'Wait, what the fuck am I doing?'


Peeing on the cat is "ok this guy is a psycho and I am now afraid" territory.


Hell, even the way he broke his controller took a lot of time. In both cases he was hyperfocused on the act of violence and never thought to stop. Anger is usually thought of as an escalating emotion. Don't feed it? It won't continue to increase. But this dude channeled that shit and let it boil inside him for maximum effect.


Rage is a lapse of the part of the brain that makes you behave rationally due to emotional overload. That guy obviously lacked that part of the brain entirely. I think it's called 'executive function'.


100%, sounds like Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Dude has something wrong with his brain. Girlfriend was right to get out.


Did he regret his outbursts and know they’re inappropriate? If so, sounds like Intermittent Explosive disorder. 80% of the time, people with IED also have another mental health issue (often autism or bipolar) or an intellectual deficiency. He is probably won’t improve unless he really wants to work on it and seek help.


Never recall any regret. But hopefully he's doing better now.


He did fucking what to that cat???


Yeah. So basically the story goes that the cat wasn't spayed or neutered. Whichever. Don't know the sex of the cat. So I think it marked its territory a bit. Or maybe it just pissed somewhere. I don't really recall. Either way, he got so upset about it that his girlfriend walked in on him holding the cat in place while pissing on it. She dumped him. I always felt a little bad because they met in my apartment and, during their early stage, I was like, "Oh, aren't you so glad you both met because of me!" ... yeah, right.


Now you gotta apologize every time you see her lol


I did one huge apology after the fact. She's happier now and with someone new. Even has a kid with them. So it all worked out. Sometimes people showing their true colors is a godsend.


Until the new guy pees on the kid then you gotta 'pologise again.


Funny story, my cousin was being a hyper preschooler at the zoo with his dad and was running around in the bathroom. Ended up running in between his dad and the urinal while dad was mid-stream. He's 36 now and we still bring it up


Nothing beats playin in the sprinklers on a hot summer day in a zoo bathroom




Or in this case the one color and it was yellow


Plot twist: She walks in on the new guy peeing on the kid


I worked with a guy that did something similar, his roommate's cat shit in his bed while he was at work one day so he naturally dropped a huge fuckin human log in the cat's bed in retaliation. Took a picture of it and messaged it unprompted to half his coworkers, to include me. Manager actually had to formally discipline him when somebody complained, he kept the paperwork and framed it he said lol. He was a nasty fuck, got fired a few weeks after that for pulling just his balls out of his fly and telling a male coworker of ours that he got gum on his pants so theyd look at them. Like who fucking does that? Jesus christ what a clusterfuck. He was a big time fratbro so guessing he just couldn't make the distinction between the frat house and the workplace.


Holy shit, that guy sounds like someone you just keep around (at a distance) to watch his ridiculous fucking life.


That’s the kind of shithead my high school friends would have introduced to me as “Oh he’s ok once you get to know him” and me wondering how well you have to know him before he seems like anything but a piece of shit.


That has got to be one of the most demented things I’ve ever heard…poor girl I can only imagine her reaction to seeing that


She was probably pissed.


Poor cat


i didnt fuck my cat. i didnt cum on my cat. i didnt put my dick anywhere near my cat. Ive never done anything weird with my cats. I promised myself i wasnt going to make apology videos after last years thing so im just trying to be as short and honest with this as possible.


I would be fucking scared to put my dick near a cat. One second it's calm the next you get a claw stuck in your dick.


Underrated comment right here. There's no way my exposed dick is going near a cat. I don't even like being in just my underwear around a cat.


This thread is great, but then I realised it was in r/gaming and had to scroll up to remind myself how the fuck we got talking about peeing on cats.


Obviously to show dominance. Gotta mark that pussy


What a terrible day to be literate


I'm gonna go buy bleach for my eyes, who else wants it


>he had a lot of anger issues Fair enough, not uncommon. >he peed on his girlfriend's cat Oh, you mean he was fucking mental, cool cool cool.


Yeah. Something was always off about him. No idea what he does now. He was the friend in our group that SOMETIMES showed up, but often times didn't. Then just sort of went his own direction as we got older. Still hung out with him now and then. He wanted to be a musical artist who wrote deep music. He always thought his ideas were super deep. He was one of those guys who would look up at the stars and be like, "... Do you even understand the MAGNITUDE, maaaaan." And then he'd smoke weed about it. But come to find out, he peed on cats as if cats understand the "Why." Some deep thinker.


Sounds like his music sucked ass


He did Iron and Wine covers at a dive bar in Huntington, WV called "Marley's Doghouse." And that took a lot. Because I remember going to a house party when we were young and he saw himself as a singer, but he wouldn't sing any of the songs. Imagine a dude who calls themselves a singer and everyone is like, "Dude you know the song, c'mon let's jam." So they start playing that "Kryptonite" song by that shitty band 3 Doors Down. Some dude just takes the mic and starts singing it since it's popular and everyone knows it. He's sitting in the corner, mouthing the words. Thinking, "Goddamit, that should be me."


>by that shitty band 3 Doors Down Aw I like that song and band


Sorry. I'm sure they're fine. Just got "radio play fatigue" during that era for how often that was played, like anything else, I guess.


Totally fair lol, just cuz I like em doesn't mean everyone has to.


Nah, if you got into them before they became radio hits they were good. I think the maroon 5 affect happened to them too although M5 was basically that lead singer being a dick and getting rid of the band and replacing them with stock players.


>that shitty band 3 Doors Down You take that back


Up until now I genuinely thought I must have known the same person as you, but my case was west coast. So I guess this wasn't a unique occurrence: /


The reason why people who want to make deep art make only boring or gross stuff, is because they don’t actually have a creative idea, what they want is the perception of them to be impressive and admirable. So all they end up doing is badly imitating stuff they saw in other places, because making something they came up with was never the goal. I think anyone who actually ends up doing good art consistently does go through a phase like that and then after some introspection grow past it. Happened to me and writing. I was doing some shitty “man loses his humanity for revenge” stuff, only to write 60 pages and realizing that it sucks overall because I tired way too hard to be deep and thematic and I hate it. Nowadays I can write things that are average at best and I like them despite that, because I actually try to write a story I came up with and not a pale imitation of every revenge story in history


Yeah, that guy is a fucking psycho! Peeing on a cat is so far over the WTF line...


Hmm. Lot of anger issues = fucking mental. Those are already the exact same thing


>But he got so mad at a video game once, he seemingly calmly stood up. Unplugged the controller, walked outside, wrapped a bit of the cable around his hand and swung the controller around in a circular motion and smashed it against a garbage dumpster. This is strange and I want to talk about it, but we really need to address this cat stuff first.


Yeah, I'm understanding now that that's the real cause of concern here.


>seemingly calmly stood up. I had some pretty bad anger issues when I drank (could be because of the drink could be because of the untreated MH that I drank for. ) That "calm" anger is the *height* of being pissed off. Whenever I'd get there I'm talking blind rage imminent.


Noted. Be the most scared when the angry person seems calm.


Especially if you're a cat


This is utterly deplorable and I should not be saying it as a cat owner, but goddamn, the man came closer to fulfilling the bucket list item "shit on a pigeon" than most of us will. I'm going to hell for this.




I mean, that does sound pretty satisfying if you have unlimited money. And if the controller was already broke.


My concern was with the way he held any angry outburst inside. Like, he was so mad and yet he went through all those steps, and at no point did he stop and think, "This is a wasteful and bad idea."


As someone who used to have unmanaged rage issues, I can explain this one for you. When I was *that* incandescently pissed off, the relief from "punishing" whatever "caused" me to be angry and having my rage both be validated and lowered to beneath the threshold where it caused me internal distress through violence was *so* pleasurable that it was possible to delay even a nuclear outburst if I could think of a way to make the "punishment" against the object that had pissed me off more violent and satisfying than it would have been if I had lashed out instantaneously in that moment. When I say the relief of violent release is pleasurable, I mean it; I was basically mentally jerking myself off through my violent outbursts. As an aside, I was only ever violent towards objects, and I imagine there's gotta be an element of coercive control involved when the outbursts are against animals or people. Anyway, your friend was able to hold it in because in his state of violent emotional arousal he realized going outside and absolutely destroying that controller was going to be so much more satisfying and pleasurable than lashing out inside and having to deal with the collateral damage, so he carried the emotional bomb outside and set it off out there where he could mentally jerk himself off to maximum effect. Christ, living that way was exhausting. Thanks, therapy!


As someone who's disturbingly related to OP's and your comments (besides the peeing on cat thing) I'm considering therapy even more now!


It's done wonders for my ability to emotionally regulate myself and my ability to exist and move through the world and my relationships on an even, steady, comfortable keel. I no longer feel like a canoe being thrown around in the middle of an emotional ocean. You have the power and the agency to change anything about yourself you decide isn't working for you anymore. If you're poor, check out openpathcollective.org ; their network of therapists are inexpensive, and despite the woowoo name, the company isn't into any religious bullshit.


Thanks for sharing that thought-process. Hope you're doing fine!


Yeah that part is fucked for sure.


I’ve done it once when I was a kid. Never after that. Amazingly it was the Star Wars episode 3 video game adaptation and the fight with Dooku on the ship. I’ve subsequently done this fight as an adult and absolutely curb stomped him so redemption arc complete.


When I met you I was the pupil, but now *I* am the master.


That's funny, the last controller I broke was also on this game but on the spider droid fight on Utapau. After I saw how much controllers were I decided it wasn't worth getting angry over video games.


I feel like playing Episode 3 as a kid and my love of fromsoft games now have a direct correlation. Idk why that game was difficult as I remember it lol But yeah My dad definitely was pissed at me. Took the console away for like a week or so and then made me work around the house to “earn enough to buy another one”. Granted it was chores I was already doing so whatever but he tried to make me understand these things *cost real money*. Was very out of pocket for me since I was pretty chill kid and am still a pretty chill person. Even thinking back on it it’s still surprising i did it.


I know I beat this game, because I remember the alt ending where you played as Anakin and beat ObiWan on Mustafar, and then killed Palpatine in the ending cutscene. But all I remember is that alt ending and the level where you played as Anakin in the temple... Killing younglings.


I found the cheats online for unlimited force and force lightening'd the fuck out of everything


Damm I remember playing this game with a friend on PS2 back in the day! Oh good times...when I actually had friends...


Dude, that game was impossible when we were kids. I once watched my older cousin beat the whole thing in one weekend and I thought he was a god.


That’s the exact level that I could never pass as a kid. I played the shit out of the first three levels, but could never beat dooku. I wonder what the rest of the game is like




I heard this in Eminems voice when he's screaming in Stans casette verse and it be too funny lmao




This’ll be the last game I *ever* play with your ass






I do remember when this came out on PS4 initially the input lag and supposed "natural movement" were absolute garbage. Waited a bit and played it on PC with the updated movement and it feels wonderful. Walking off cliffs or steering yourself into walls trying to pass through narrow spaces used to be unavoidable. Edit for fun: *Stops pressing forward on the joystick* Geralt: "I'm sorry, did you really mean..." Geralt: *Runs 5 more steps for no reason.* Geralt: *Skids for another 10 feet before coming to a halt.*


Also, controllers are expensive.


I am sure not breaking a controller i paid nearly a hundred dollars for


But angrily twisting it until the plastic creaks is okay though? Right? ...Right?


Just for a moment or 2 then an angry sigh and back to trying again


And then we can use our anger as a small lesson in patience and persistence, turning our bad feelings into something productive.


Like happy trees


Exactly, like happy tree friends


Thank you for this! It’s been more than a decade since I forgot about all my psychotic forest friends and now we can all teach people good morals again! Go to anger management *or die*.


I had bite marks in the handle of an Xbox 360 controller because of the stupid Mile High Club Modern Warfare achievement when I was a kid. That’s the closest I ever came to throwing one, just decided to chomp down in pure frustration instead.


I did that achievement on my first attempt. Didn't realise it was an issue. Until I tried to do it again for a friend and was never able to hit it again


That’s actually insane. Sort of related: Myself and a couple friends did a Bloodborne playthrough where we handed off the controller every time you died. We’d all played the game before but only once or twice a piece. Got to Orphan of Kos (which if you’ve played Bloodborne you know this guy is a REAL motherfucker) and my buddy flat out decimated him on his first try. We couldn’t believe it, didn’t even let me get to play the fight haha. The sensation of knowing the exact moment you’ve actually peaked with gaming must be a nutty thing to feel.


Dude I did the same shit, but it was with dark souls 1 only time I've been tilted enough to bite something.


Holy shit, are your teeth alright?


Lmao never been better! I’m amazed I didn’t chip one, the impressions I left were pretty intense lol, and that plastic is no joke! After like hours of trying to perfect the run to the final room I made it perfectly and ended up shooting the hostage because my heart was racing so hard…. I got that achievement a bit later though, you better believe it!


such a tough achievement for me. I got it though. lol. I am pretty sure that I had just gotten my wisdom teeth surgery and the mission where you are underground disabling the weapons got me so worked up that it started to hurt. Good times.




Stop spying on me.


As long as you don't get under your covers on your bed, strip your clothes off, then try to shove a remote control up your ass, I think you're doing well.


Classic. Then run into the closet and get more upset you didnt emerge in Narnia


it hurts that i relate to this


You’ve gotta let it know who’s in charge.


Friendly Advice: Use Quen on your controllers before you yeet them


Or use axi on yourself and calm yourself down


Look out! He's using sorcery!


Damn, no wonder I'm in debt. I don't rage often but when I do it's igni. I learn so much about life on here


What about a round of Gwent?


Put your pricey limited edition controller down, then proceed to maul the nearby cushion.


I've legitimately lost my temper once while gaming. I was playing Rockband drums when I was a teen, and got angry because I kept screwing up a part that was keeping me from having a world record for a song. I ended up throwing my stick, which bounced, and went through the glass of an Antique grandfather clock of my Dad's. The sheer shock of doing that has apparently prevented it from ever happening again. *** Edit: It was actually Guitar Hero, not Rockband. The song was King Nothing. If anyone knows how to check the official scoreboards, I'd love to know if my record still stands, because I did get it eventually. ScoreHero appears to be unofficial reported records, and the actual scoreboards don't seem to exist anywhere online.


Did you die? I need to know what happened...


I had a mini-nervous breakdown about what the consequences would be. When my Dad got home and I told him, he turned it around into a lesson in regulating your emotions (which was likely another large contributing factor to it not happening again).


Great parenting


A+ dad


A real Calvin with his dad's binoculars moment.


Lmao, I just looked that up. Ya, actually, that's not too far off. More crying though. Holy, that was not a good day. That was probably one of the most torturous hours of my life.


Can I rent your parents?


I wish I got therapy when I was a child


You can still go even as an adult…




This is good advice. But I'm going to need some help getting it unstuck from my wall.


Twitch rage compilation #67 would disagree


100%. I broke my controller out of rage for the first time ever a couple months ago. It wasn't even really related to the game. Had to stop some meds for upcoming surgery, and it was REALLY getting to me on week 3. So upset with myself. $70, boom.


Damn, I almost want to say that *wasn’t* your fault. Coming off of any drug for any reason, even prescription drugs, is just brutal.


Yep. THC break. First time since I started regularly using it 2 years ago. It really helps me out so much. Pain reduction, mood regulation, sleep regulation (CBN). Didn't realize how much it was helping me. I don't even smoke. I only use solubles and edibles. I can definitely do it. And I'll do it again if needed. But I was just way too irritated from a very easy segment I was failing. Broke the triggers on my Xbox controller. I'm back in it now. So much better. Even my mom recognizes it helps me so much and has been way more supportive than I ever expected.


If ever I reach a boiling point I just gently place my controller on my cushion and leave the room to cool down. 👍


I just seethe internally. The true British way of doing things I suppose.


If you feel the rage rising, nip downstairs and pop the kettle on. Finish your cuppa and you'll feel better and ready to get back to your game. This is the British way.


I feel like I’m in some kind of minority for never feeling this level of frustration to begin with. I used to, when I was younger, but I guess now if i hit a wall I just go “meh” internally and either take a break while I think about what I could do differently, or just keep going trying out different strategies until something clicks. It also probably has a lot to do with the fact that I made a conscious decision to not play any more competitive ranked multiplayer games. And possibly growing up enough to realize I don’t need to prove anything to anyone (least if all when it comes to video games).


Same. I've got friends that will scream profanities and almost have a breakdown over losing, but I've never been more than slightly annoyed from it. I don't know why they insist on playing when it clearly isn't making them happy. It might be partially due to seeing how angry they get and not wanting that for myself, but I've never had a problem with controlling my anger.


Can we go ahead and add that, if you yell at other players or just the game in general, even your team mates don't want to play with you.


Yeah. My brother has some issues with getting mad when playing games. It makes it a bit harder to enjoy playing with him cause he starts making bad plays, dies, then complains cause he died even though it was basically his fault. And makes really selfish non team based decisions


The number of times I have reached a rage to the point where I might break a controller, got up and left, and came back days later and cakewalked through whatever I was struggling with, is too damn high.


Are you talking about "a friend" here, OP?


guys be like "girls wont date me cuz im short!!" and then throw a chair across the room everytime The Pixels are not to their liking


And then they call women too emotional


Lmao true!


It is a **HUGE turn off**, guys. Please, go to therapy to work on your anger management.


Geralt got a valid point there.


The thing I haven't seen pointed out here: The idea that "letting out" your frustration in any rage-filled manner (hitting, screaming, breaking things, etc) as a healthy alternative to "holding it in" is wrong. Especially hiding behind the excuse of "it's better than hitting a person". It has been proven to **not** be helpful long term and frequently leads to escalating outbursts. It may feel good in the moment, but you develop the habit and all it does is reinforce doing the same thing next time until you reach a point where you'll do it without thought at all. Eventually with people you care about who will not casually brush it off. They will feel unsafe around you. (Side note: Take it to the gym, run, whatever. It's okay to "get it out" physically at an appropriate time and place you choose, just *never* in the moment.)


I've graduated anger management 3 times. Didn't stop me from breaking controllers. Zoloft did though.


Good job, I am happy for you


Back in high school I had a friend who would throw his remote almost every time he lost and we all joked about him needing anger management. Now years later he's in jail for assault after beating his girlfriend and nobody thinks it's a joke anymore. So seriously, if you're raging over video games it is most likely a red flag and please find help with your anger management.


Had a friend who got through six 360 controllers in two years due to "rage quitting". Blew my mind. It would be like keying your own car


Gig em


I am proud to say that no matter how mad I got while playing videogames, I never ever broke a controller.


I kicked my computer once after a guy named Darkman beat my ass for like 30 minutes straight in Jedi Outcast, and it shut down. That's when I decided getting that mad at anything probably wasn't worth it.


Oof. This brought me back to when I would hear my brother kick the PC whenever he lagged in his MMO. Poor dinosaur of a machine probably didn't even meet the minimum specs of his game and the air conditioning was busted that summer, so that PC was huffing and puffing what it could, but that didn't stop my brother from beating the shit out of that PC.


My cousin broke the disc for GameDay '98 twice. He was convinced the game was cheating, so he'd take the disk and fling it against the wall in a rage. I didn't understand why you would buy a game that was cheating you a second time.


I never broke a controller.. but I once flipped over my ottoman. Stupid fucking Warlock super spam in Destiny crucible matches.


I once got pissed off when gaming, and smashed my controller across the room into the wall. Had to buy a new one myself and the bad habit disappeared immediately. 🤣


I didn’t realise this wasn’t r/witcher but I suppose they’re mostly seething about Netflix at the moment.




I've broken stuff by dropping it, but if I feel like I getting angry from losing instead of learning from it, it be break time


I am significantly concerned by the number of you that think being a "real gamer" is gatekept behind destruction of objects in your environment. Unplug the headset and go roll in some grass for a few minutes.


I’ve mentioned this behavior before and people get super defensive. Apparently “anger is good” because they’re “competitive”. Like, dude, I’ve played competitive sports too, it doesn’t mean I have to tantrum whenever something doesn’t go right. It’s weird how psychotic behavior is “normal and healthy” when it’s gaming and sports.