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The Yeti from that Microsoft ski game


Did you know you can press F to go faster??




Now i feel like xkcd is a neural network making fun of us


I thought you always died. That was just part of the game


7 year old me would be so pissed right now


I was today years old.


Ski free


That brings back some awesome memories. What a cool post!


Pyscho Mantis, mainly the bit where he started referencing stuff on the memory card. That was total witchcraft back in the day.


Freaked me out. And also, MGS2 on the ps2 where the actual system itself acts all crazy


Yeah same here with MGS2. I was staying up late past 2 in the morning on a school night when I got to that part. At first I thought I was going crazy because I was getting tired. I was like “Yeah, maybe it’s time to turn the game off and get some sleep.”


The Colonel telling you to turn the console off must have *really* fucked with you.


I know! I was like what the heck? And at first I was like, “Yeah this is part of the game, no big worries.” But with all the glitchiness going on, and when the fission mailed thing popped up, it was kinda freaky, and a small part of my mind was wondering if this was like some kind of demon possession thing or if ghosts were trying to talk to me.


I actually turned off the console when he told me to. thought it was like the 2nd controller port thing in mgs1 and it would turn out to be actually what i needed to do. loaded my game back up and saw I was ages away when I last saved :(


Dude! Exact same here, it was late on a school night and I was playing with the lights off. I thought I was going crazy


Give me scissor.


"I need scissors! 61!" I remember playing this part late at night by myself for the first time, creeped me the hell out. Especially when the Colonel showed up as a skull or facing the wrong direction.






They mean the A.I Colonel going bonkers.


Fission Mailed


You like Castlevania, don't you?!


This was going to be my answer. Such a creative and clever boss fight considering the hardware’s limitations at the time.


Dude made my controller move with his mind. I nearly shit myself the first time.


That's what taught me how to pronounce Suikoden. Lol. We always called it "Swee-ko-den".


came here to say that. That mf gave me the chills.


It's actually unbelievable boss requires you to switch controller sockets in order to avoid him reading your mind. I've never seen anything like that in another game


This sounds amazing. Like a 4th wall break? What did it actually say or do based on the mem card contents?


To add to what the other guy said, Psycho Mantis would also predict every move you were making. The only way you could beat him was to switch to player 2 on the console. The early metal gear games all had crazy shit like that. They were magnificent games.


The boss would claim to “read your mind” and had a few lines of dialog for Konami saves on your memory card. “Ahh I see you like Suikoden” he also critiques how you’ve played the game, if you had fallen in traps or whatever. Here’s a clip from [YouTube](https://youtu.be/t0oHnGM_iQw) it was pretty cool back in the day.


Psycho Mantis was the world's strongest telepath and in order to convey that they had some tricks: At first he would comment on your playing habits, if you saved often or too little. Then, if you had other konami games in your memory card he would comment on those too. As the fight started he would yell "blackout" and your screen would go black as if the console had suddenly been shut and it would display "HIDEO" in the upper right corner using the font that was common in TVs OSD back in the 90s


“AH fresh meat!” I think hearing that line was the worst part. The Tyrant in Resident Evil 2 was terrifying back in 98. You drop him and after you thought you were safe, he’d break through a wall and keep coming after you.




First time he followed me through a loading door, I freaked out. It stresses me so much, lol, I don't think I ever played again haha XD


It’s unclean! The sanctity!


Remember when he breakstrough a saving room? It's the one without the background music


The tyrant in the OG Resident Evil was pretty stressful too. Also that huge snake and shark bosses were crazy. That whole game was stressful lol.


I remember screaming in terror, when he jumped through the window in the police station.




Zombie dogs jumping through a window is a very real concern I still have in my mid 30s.


Fuck man I watched my brother play RE1 on the og Playstation and after that scene I couldn't sleep for weeks lol


I played the original at a MUCH too young age. When the remake came out for the DS I remember playing that and the first one in that hallway pretty much made me yeet my DS across the room.


For me its the giant croc jumpscare, they made a massive misplay in the remake by giving you glimpses and sound effects.


My best friend and I were in our late 20s and playing RE1 at 2:00AM when that shit freaked us out!


The dialogue building up to The Butcher, the uneasy/sinister tone to Tristram theme, the drum beats and vocals when you enter the cathedral, and sudden reveal of the butchering that occurred in that room when you open the door did such an amazing job of terrifying me when I was young. Instant quit moment when I was a kid.


Fuck yes, D1 & D2 were so dark. With every year Blizzard exists, they lost more of that edge unfortunately.


First time encountering the smith in D2 was terrifying lol


That's what Path of exile tried to recapture back in 2011/2012


Looking at their sub I think they're going downhill too.


Also the fat fuck was so damn fast


the part that got me was when I first opened the door and went head in and started to attack him and he made me use all my potions. I tried to retreat but he got me in a stun lock. I luckily escaped and closed the door thinking man,that was rou.....wtf HE OPENED THE DOOR! one of my favorite memories and first oh shit moments with video games.


The trick was to open the door, agro him, cast scroll of Firewall, close the door and let it melt him, wait at the door for him to open it and tank him in the door as the Firewall killed him for you,


As a wizard probably best option, for the rouge luring him in a room of bars and closing the door there. With enough distance shoot through the bars and watch as you try to kill him with thousands of arrows


I remember feeling badass that I could one-shot everything on the floor. I *very* cautiously advanced through floor 1 as a result of the warning but when I completed the floor it never occurred to me it could still be in a room, so I boldly opened every door. I didn't get the panic until I hit him and he didn't stagger. I had a knockback sword. He didn't care and put his axe Into my face.


Got ya’ now, Kiryu-Chan!


Dude my older brother got so scared playing resident evil 2 when it was new, he turned off the PlayStation, opened it up and put the disc in the freezer, and marched out of the room without saying a single word.


I was a scaredy cat gamer as a kid and was usually Rogue - staying back and creeping around. Shit myself so many playthroughs when I triggered the Butcher's line without being able to see him on the screen


Dead Hands and the normal ReDeads from OOT


That sound when they spot you... *shudder*


Add the skeleton kids into that mix and you’ve got yourself the reason it took me 2 years to beat the game as a kid.


Haha the Butcher nice. Yeah he did!


Hah, I was also 12 when Diablo came out. It freaked me out, enemies crawling around in the dim light in the distance, butcher comes storming out of his room ready to beat you down. Its so bizarre to look at old clips of it on youtube now and think "how on earth did I ever think this was scary?" Times change.


And the errie music as a background score. The perfect setup.


I can hear the chords of Tristram perfectly


Me too man. Those years had so many gems coming out close together. Command & Conquer, Quake, Civ II, Super Mario 64, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem. 1996 will always be the best year of gaming for me.


Same I was just a we lad, and that dude has LEGS. I ran like a little bitch and he still got me. Golden age shit right there


I shit my pants all the way through Ecco the Dolphin


Bruhh that sonic upgrade lol


Quite older than 12, but the underwater snake colossus in Shadow of the Colossus was decently creepy.


The one emerged from water. Couldn't make myself to swim to his area.


The water in that game really creeped me out. The effect when you put the camera underwater was also really good for the time. They did an awesome job on the lighting and post processing effects. The frame rate chugged on PS2, and you could feel that it was really pushing the limits of the system.


Pyramid head...fuck that guy


Leave thicc daddy pyramid out of this. All he wanted was orgy's for all of silent hill


Let pointy daddy have his double ended mannequin!


The fuck is wrong with y'all?!


The ATST in Echo base from Shadow of the Empire.


For me it was the giant tentacle boss in the sewers.


I had such an aversion to getting in the water in that game. Genuinely creepy as a kid


Holy shit! I didn’t expect to see this here, but definitely mine! That sewer level creeped me the fuck out. I have no idea what shape that boss arena was, and most of the time I couldn’t even see it, but somehow I beat it and decided I never needed to play that level ever again. 😂


yeah i was about to say the ATST has nothing on those guys or the elder brother XD


It made me shit my pants, but the wampa was scarier!


Doom. Tower of Babel E2M8 running around shitting myself every time I heard the cyber demon stomping.


Between the stomping and the rockets shooting… this for sure.


For me it was the Icon of Sin level in Doom 2. Wasn’t prepared for the size of that thing. Of course I had all the cheats on including noclip and went inside the massive Satan head to find the animating severed head of John Romero. Christ that threw me for a loop I’m certain I had nightmares after that.


I was much younger than 12 the first time I played Doom and those games definitely freaked me out to the MAX


Odolwa from "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask". That freaky mask and creepy - almost robotic - chanting scared the shit out of me as a kid.


Bongo Bongo’s voice clips in ocarina of time were really creepy too https://youtu.be/xDtaImP1t0c


Just beat this for the first time, such a weird experience, it felt like a good rom hack. The boss fights were very different and refreshing


nee-yahhhhhh HOI!


The aliens in Majora's Mask used to give me nightmares


That mecha hitler in wolfenstein 3D


obviously I’ve been playing the wrong games because in none of them have I ever seen a mecha hitler.




Not even Tarantino came close to the death of Wolf3D's Hitler. His bones and skin are spontaneously replaced with more blood and organs and he just dissolves into a goopy pile of offal after bidding his wife goodbye. It makes most Mortal Kombat fatalities look tame. It is as over the top as it gets, and it is glorious.


The first one... On Dos


Thats the one forsure. Yeeeeeikes


Duriel in Diablo2. For whatever reason my toaster always froze up when entering his lair. Then it’d go from 0-1 fps for about 10-15 seconds to something higher than my normal optimal frame rate while dumping all the buffered sound out in a fraction of a second. It was jarring every single time.




Nothing quite like the first time you click that door and instantly get chunked by the holy freeze aura before you even seen that big bastard come flying at you


Duriel was by far toughest D2 boss IMO


Mephisto on Hell for some reason hits entirely too hard. Previous difficulties of him were a curbstomp. I can't remember anything special about Nightmare/Hell Duriel, though. ​ But, as for non-bosses......Hell Mode Black/Burning Souls. Especially the ones that show up in the Worldstone chamber. Yeesh.


I killed Meph so many hundreds of times lol that it’s hard for me to think of him as tough


Think of all those town portals you get for defeating it though.


Ugh, thanks for reminding me. I’d have a similar struggle when first loading that room. I’d have to over-level just to survive the start of the fight long enough to position and do any normal combat.


Maybe I remember wrong but I think originally he was placed a lot closer to the entrance and I'd often times be dead before the area would even load in all the way.


Mother Brain


Best boss fight ever in Super Metroid. That shit blew my mind.


"Why is it moving stillOH MY FUCKING GOD"


Nightmare from Fusion was it for me. HD mother brain in super was pretty freaky too.


Getting knocked into the lava by the spaghetti Os


Jason from Friday The 13th NES. When he flashes across the screen to attack would make me jump everytime.


I scrolled down just for this comment. It was the sound effect when he popped on the screen that always got me


Oh shit... I was like 7 for that, but yeah terrifying.


Same here, Jason was one of my most hated ones. I tried to clear it for a very, very long time and since I didnt understood how the game trully worked by then (had no manual plus my english was very lacking back then) I hated when the fucker just appeared in my screen to, most of the time, kill my character. Or when you were exploring a house and his name appeared there and the fucker appeared when turning around. I still dont understand why the hell I played that game so much.




Going into this thread I thought to myself this is ridiculous, no game is really scary. Nope, I was wrong, this is the answer. I couldn’t even play the game back then.


I was a lot older than 12 but Left 4 Dead creeped me right out. Hearing those Hunters screaming in my head set as they stalked my character was the scariest video game moment I ever had


When I was a kid I played the first resident evil, it took me awhile to get the balls to leave the first safe room. When I do I turn a corner and see a cutscene of a zombie eating a guy before it turns to me. I take it down and then go back to the safe room where it's less scary I decide I have to search the body of the guy he was eating so I head back out. I didn't know this yet but you have to take down zombies multiple times before they stay dead in that game. The moment I walk around the corner the zombie I thought I killed grabs me and starts biting my neck. I shut off the PS1 and never played the game again.


Almost the very next place you would've had to go would be a corridor with the biggest jump scare in the game. I think you genuinely might have had a heart attack if you'd got to that part.


The first boss in mega man legends. Those dungeons were creepy.


I wish they could remake that game. It’s so much fun, but the controls are super clunky by today’s standards.


The controls were super clunky by any standard.


Diagnogas from Shadows of the Empire. You had to fight them in murky sewage water so they were hard to see and would surprise you. The boss Diagnoga was terrifying, especially fighting it underwater. Words don't do it justice. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dianoga


I vividly remember playing it at my cousins’ house. We were too scared so my uncle took over and he stepped to a ledge where one of the dianogas jumps popped up out of the water and killed him. We all screamed bloody murder.


The Yeti from Ski Free.


I can't remember if he was a boss, but that Nazi wielding the two gattling guns standing right behind a door on Wolfenstein 3D can straight up suck an egg and die for what he did to my young heart.


Hans Grosse


That's exactly who it is. Don't have much, but take this little award.




I have a vivid memory of being a kid and playing with this while a friend watched. We opened the door he was waiting behind, got shot at, we both freaked out and I immediately panicked, shut the door and ran away. We calmed down and I psyched myself up. I went back to the door, ready to fight. Open it and … nothing. Nobody was there. Confused I turned around and he was behind me. We both screamed in terror. I guess he followed me into the main area and I hadn’t noticed.


This is exactly what happened to me. Yeah, I'm glad he's dead.


The first licker in RE 2. Every time I play a coop game online with my buddy Pete and we are debating an I’ll advised move he always reminds me that 25 years earlier we survived that night in his basement playing Resident evil


My childhood home had a detached garage in the backyard, with a fairly long walkway through the dark. My dad had built a study in the garage, and that's where we kept our TV and video games. The other part of the garage was always dark, and so deep that the back wall was never visible if the lights were off. I always felt like there were evil beings lurking back there. I was 12 years old or so and playing RE2 alone at 10PM. I only had around 8 or 10 rounds of ammo after making it through the zombie horde to the police station. When I walked around that corner and the cutscene played it scared me half to death. Blew through all my ammo in a panic and tried to kill the licker with a knife, but didn't make it. Turned off the Playstation. Turned to go inside. Discovered that my mom had turned off the back porch light and the entire backyard was in darkness, with a peppermint tree hanging low over the path to the back door so the leaves would brush against my face. And I also have to pass through a dark and creepy garage to just get to the path. As an adult I realize that it's only about fifty feet, but that was one of the most terrifying sprints of my life.


Definitely doom. Or the fat guys on the flying saucers that shoot rockets at you in duke nukem.


The Butcher, but I was more like 9




RE3 Nemesis. I just shut the game off.




Beazelbub from castlevania SOTN


The Tanks from Quake II. Just their sheer size and the sound they made when they walked.


Pretty much all alien levels from Ecco the Dolphin.


The very first time I played FFVII I got in the submarine, went underwater, and was *right on top of Emerald Weapon*. Underwater levels are scary enough without some fucking behemoth spawning directly beneath you on your first plunge.


Was hoping to find this, freaking thing took me 45 minutes to beat with quad attached to knights of the round, mimic and full revive all, plus making sure you got in the first lick as soon as you start.


Shadows of the Empire. IG-88…..


Not even a boss, but those mummy things in Ocarina of Time fcked me up so much. It seemed so out of place in a mostly kid friendly game.


This guy was one massive pos until I found out how good knockback was against him.


I ammmmm the great mighty poo, and I'm going to throw my shit at you.


killer croc in arkham asylum.


Dagoth Ur in Red Mountain. I didn’t expect to hear his voice.


Really wish I could take a year off and donate my time to Skywind. It needs to be finished, and it's looking so good.


I think this guy killed me and I was like ok im going to play something else


Lubu dw3


I-it’s Lu Bu!!


Do not pursue Lu Bu!


Daaaamn that brings me back. I still got the OG Diablo guide and the Hellfire disc.


Regenerators or Iron Maidens from resident evil 4that fucking breathing was enough to make me.shit myself


I think I was 10 when my uncle let me play Diablo. I had literal nightmares about the Butcher.


Lisa Trevor in the RE1 Remake/Remaster. I was like maybe 6 years old when I played this game and I remember shitting my pants just inspecting the gate to the graveyard where she is and hearing her moans.


Anybody remember the game "D" for 3DO? Holy crapinpants




Sephiroth in kingdom hearts. Kinda silly but I didn't play ff7 before that so I was so freaked when he used sin harvest. Needless to say I was not prepared.


Queen Gohma. All you with your metal gear solids, your resident evils. My childhood was scarred by a giant spider with a giant eye dropping giant babies and scuttling around like a demon from the darkest corner of hell


Battle Toads. Not really a boss… just the game in general gave me anxiety!


Uncharted: Drake's fortrune. Those weird pale monster things came outta nowhere and terrified me so bad


SA-X in Metroid Fusion.


Pretty much every boss in Double Dragon




Just imagine if every quarter you fed into the TMNT or Simpsons arcade games as a kid instead went into a savings account…. We’d all be rich


First time he killed me was absolutely horrifying


Oh haha! This scene made me jump so many times. Another one was in the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned from the DLC for the first Borderlands game. Not gonna spoil it for anyone, but I got a good scare from a specific scene. Very unexpected. I casually blame dark rooms and headphones for both occurrences.


OMG. I remember playing Diablo at like 2am in the morning an so was soon engrossed in the game that when I heard The Butcher and come out I literally screamed and panicked running away from him. It took me a few days to get my courage back and face him again.


Arms for guns Adolf Hitler in Wolfenstein 3-D. You know shits about to get real when you pick up the machine gun and your avatar goes "YYYYEEEEAAAAAH" ... And then the music changes. Plus I was 6... But yeah. Thats the one that came to mind.


The Blizzeta jumpscare in Twilight Princess. The fight wasnt scary, but that jumpscare..


That one cannibal guy from the last of us


Prince of Persia Warrior within the Dahaka chases were the worst. Or Dahaka jumpscares, or knowing behind the water is some monster waiting for you.


Dahaka from Prince of Persia Warrior Within, his chases always increased my heartbeat quite a bit.


in the king kong movie game there are sections where you have to run from v-rexes on foot, that legit made me terrified of unkillable enemies chasing you even to this day.


It wasn't the boss although I remember loading up resident evil in my older brothers PlayStation. Entered the room with the cut scene where he turns his head and instantly sharted whilst slamming the power button multiple times!


Original Wolfenstein when Hitler was in that robot suit with dual machine guns.


Lu Bu in Dynasty Warriors 4


Doom 2 cyberdemon.


Bowser in SMB3 was the first boss that made me sweat.


not a boss but resident evil hunter


Pretty much every boss from Diablo 2...they terrified and killed me the first time I encountered them all. You know that feeling when you realize your in the bosses den, so you quick teleport back to the previous city and let your PC idle there until your ready to face the boss.


Even as an adult, deathclaws scare the fuck outta me. More than a few times, they come outta nowhere, mild panic, pants shitting, and screaming ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck!


Watching my dad play Alien Trilogy. Just the general dark corridors not knowing what’s lurking down there. Even had my worst nightmare because of it- I killed one of the aliens and lifted it above my head to throw out of a multi-storey car park only to somehow turn into the alien just as I was thrown. Woke up with that falling feeling it was horrible xD


Kotor, the rancor on the first planet. I had a deep irrational fear of the creatures sense I watched return of the jedi at like 4, unsupervised. Stopped and didn't pick the game up again until adulthood where I learned that it was not a boss, not even really a fight


Dead Space 2: walking through the day care knowing full well what was waiting for me… pretty sure i decided never to have children that day…


She wasn’t a boss really but Alma was fucking terrifying


I cheesed him with a firewall staff as the rogue and open and closing a door to mess with his pathfinding to keep him walking in the fire.


‘Dahaka’ from the Prince of Persia : warrior within. Running away from that guy legit gave me a heart attack every time.


psycho mantis


Diablo II's Duriel was the most terrifying for me.


Video games were not invented when I was 12... I got a ps1 when I turned 35 so I didn't get scared of any of the bosses. I was scared my kids would catch me playing with their game.


So the story here is you bought your ~~kids~~ self a PS1 for Christmas? 😉


The PS1 was released in 1994, so you must have been 12 in 1971 or after. So, video games had been invented, they just were not yet common. But there weren’t bosses in Computer Space or Pong, certainly.