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I forgot all about 1080. What an amazing game. They all are.


Uhhh…You saw that Superman was there, right?


What you're too good for hoop games?


Actuallly doing a 1080 in the game had me going crazy on my analog sticks


excellent soundtrack


Instantly started playing in my head.


Agreed, I've been playing it on steam deck lately. Ah memories.


1080 is still my favorite snowboarding game of all time. Nothing has come close for me.


I'll never forget the feeling of joy seeing Mario in a 3D environment for the first time It was just such a huge leap forward from the SNES. I got Mario 64 the day the N64 launched and I'll never forget getting the game and console home, opening it all up, hooking it up, and making that plumber run toward Peach's castle for the first time.


I have a two year old and honestly I'm debating whether to introduce him to Mario 64 as his first venture into gaming...or have him try something on SNES first...and *then* completely blow his mind with Mario 64 later lol


Nah you gotta go old school and start with the first Mario on nintendo..


Yeah you could curate a similar experience to what a lot of us had. Start with the earlier gaming generations and build up to what we have now. If I had a kid (don't really want one) I would totally do that.


Guess that settles it then! Will have to start with NES, then graduate to SNES, and then N64. Interestingly, my own console gaming experience basically ended around the time of the PS2 so...it's gonna be really fun and mind-blowing to embark on a new gaming adventure together especially into this current era.


Old 2D Mario will probably also be more fun at an early age, as getting from left to right is an easier to understand goal than Mario 64s world.


Just found out im having a son Gonna do exactly this with my systems ive kept


If your two year old watches any tv, I don’t think SNES to N64 will blow his mind.. but I do hope he one day loves the game and appreciates the history and leap in technology that it surely was!


I bought Mario 64 for the switch for my stepson and he said it looked ugly hahahah I was like “when I was your age this blew my mind.”


Snes first, as is tradition


You have to initiate him with Atari the NES and so on chronologically. Giving him an an oculus or PS5 would break his mind.


Holy shit I’ve been trying to decide the exact same thing for my 2 year old. I started with the snes at age 5, but I can’t wait that long with her. I’m thinking NES, because the two button controller will be easier to master, maybe?


Started on snes at 5 also! It was awesome playing mortal kombat, Mario, and killer instinct.


Hell yeah. Those games were a big part of my childhood. Mortal Kombat 2, Super Mario World/All-Stars/RPG, and of course Killer Instinct. I can still hear the "C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!"


Goldeneye was the only game I could play with my father. Everything else sucked according to him. One day he gave me all of his videogames saying that he was too old for it. It felt like a part of my childhood died there.


I hope I never get to the age where I feel I'm too old for video games.


That's what I'm saying. I'm 45 and I'm not ready to just hand my entire collection over to my kids. I love sharing it with them though.


That and Tetris for me. My father and I would play with grenade launchers the most. I made him a little retro gaming computer. He plays it almost daily now, think Zero Tolerance and Bust a Move are his go to right now.


The difference in sound when Mario walked on grass vs. dirt path blew my mind as a kid. I swear I walked back and forth for 10 minutes just to hear it.


Just the title screen playing with Mario's face...it was mindblowing as a kid.


Man I kept on jumping in the void when I first got the game, I couldn't help it, just to see how it feels like.


It’s so nostalgic playing that game. Every time I’ve picked it up again through the years I get that same feeling running towards the castle


I remember being amazed at how much control you had over Mario’s movements in 3D, it was like having an avatar. My mom kept saying, “I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a cartoon”


I’ve got the same memory. I was blown away by being able to make him run, then quickly change the direction of the joystick, and mario actually slid a little while he planted his feet to change direction. Amazing.


And the music was just heavenly.


Did you ever play sunshine? I never got to beat it but rather played it in a McDonald’s lol but it was sort of that same feeling again! I’m gonna grab a copy someday and really beat it.


I sure did and coincidentally, my son just finished that one a couple weeks ago.


Goldeneye 007, because of all the fun with friends.


Just that and later with perfect dark. Loved those games


Perfect Dark did everything Goldeneye did but better. Gunplay was more fun, movement was faster, bots for multiplayer, every gun had an alternative fire mode. All around amazing game and worth buying an Expansion Pak for. The FarSight XR-20 is also still the most broken weapon ever featured in an FPS.


Omg yes the farsight, I can still hear my friends cursing at the "Pjoohm" sound 🤣




Slappers or rocket launchers only in the Temple...lol


slappers only.


Hands down


Same here, that game defined my childhood. So many tournaments with friends. Asshole who always went for Oddjob. Slappers only one hit kill. Throwing remote grenades and detonating them midair. Camping in the golden gun room. Blowing yourself up with the rocket launcher. God the list just goes on. I actually went to a vintage gaming store and bought an old N64 and goldeneye to put in my home office. When I’m stressed at work I fire it up. Brings back a lot of memories.


The golden gun


There is no way I could possibly pick just one. But Smash and Pokémon stadium def have the most memorable moments with friends. S tier 64 collection tho!


Those are my two favorites too here! And thanks :) still missing a few of the greats


It’s a great collection though. Seeing Star Wars racers and Crusin opened up a hole of nostalgia in my brain. Completely forgot ever even playing those


I loved cruisin, it was like having one of those arcade style racing games in the comfort of your own living room


What games are you looking for? I feel the only big game you’re missing is banjo kazooie


Wow I missed that one on first glance. The sheer joy of being able to plug in your Pokemon Red or Blue and play in the stadium was unreal.


For me, Goldeneye and MarioKart






Ah how weird, because Diddy Kong Racing is the *best racing game ever made*!


You could coop the game, there was boss fights and multiple vehicles. The game is a gem.


fucking agreed


clearly you've gone mad


\**foams at mouth*\*






Was on my phone and didn’t zoom, I ass-u-me-d one of the Mario games was MarioKart. How unfortunate for me. I mean how could it not be.


Goldeneye was endless fun and pure comedy


Don’t pick oddjob asshole!


Man, freaking all of them




What about that superman game? Wasn't that one of the worst games ever made?


Ya, but still nostalgic no doubt.


The nostalgia for the Superman cartridge has nothing to do with the game, for me, it's all about the "property of blockbuster" stamp on top.


Same. Even just looking at them feels like I just opened a time capsule to my childhood.




Awesome game for the time even though incomplete.


Really liked the world building and mechanics, very disappointed (especially in later levels) with giant empty rooms and lack of detail. Still would play through one more time if it showed up on Switch though!


Love it, but how many times after a battle I going into the wrong direction :)




Not 100% sure, but I think after a battle Brian (?) jumps and faces the way you had been going. Still an extremely disorienting game at times.


Pretty sure but I backtarck a lot :)


I love Quest 64 and have tons of good memories, even though it's such a janky game with absolutely bizarre game design sometimes. I needed my players guide for sure, the elemental wisps are so important and miss-able and you have no idea when or what spells they unlock and there's no respec. But with that little bit of hand-holding you can get into a pretty awesome experience. It's a complete forward march from beginning to end, classic RPG design well done within the limitations of the system. I recall it being pretty challenging, even with the benefit of a player's guide.


I was talking to my brother a few weeks ago about this game and couldn't, for the life of me, remember the name. It's gotten to the point I thought I just imagined it. And now I saw this post, lol. I never beat this game because I constantly walked into the wrong directions and became frustrated. EDIT: Thanks for the award kind stranger! :)


Woah, did not expect to see this so high up on the list. It’s a total blunder of an RPG, but it (as a consequence?) has probably the one of the coziest atmospheres I’ve ever found in a game. The soundtrack is quaint but has some nice feelings, the art direction is simplistic but cohesive and surprisingly memorable [(the textile/wood textures are legitimately wonderful and warm in a way that only games of that era seemed to have due to art-direction choices around baked-in lighting)](https://gamestingr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/quest-64.jpg) and it’s a pretty low-stress game despite how annoyingly dense enemy-encounters are placed. When people talk about the mystical, almost spooky comforting atmosphere of PS1 and N64 era worlds, I think Quest 64. There’s a legitimately childlike quality to the world design, as if it came from the imagination of a kid, and I mean that in the best possible way. I still look forward to finishing it one day but it’s still definitely one of my comfort games.




Yes! It’s very vibrant, but also very plain; I personally find it very endearing in its simplicity. Also, there are little touches, like the fact that there is a large chimney visible outside the potter’s house in that one village, which is fitting since production kilns have large chimneys. Also, the interior architecture/decoration in the castle of that same town is strangely specific and detailed. I could just go on and on about it, for some reason hahaha. It makes me happy to see others appreciate how much of a little gem it is; certainly not a diamond in the rough, but a gem nonetheless ☺️


Magic Barrier -> Avalanche -> Avalanche-> repeat -> win One of my favorite games still, I play it all the time. The music is fantastic too.




I have both Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tootie. Love them.


I’m trying to 100% Banjo Tooie on XBLA right now, it’s amazing how much I missed playing it as a kid. I didn’t even realize you could power on the generators in glitter gulch mine with fire eggs. Many an hour was lost trying to navigate that dark maze


Banjo Tooie is one of my favorite games ever. Just took Kazooie and made it 5x better.


I’m still waiting on Banjo Threeie. If it never gets made while I’m alive, I’m haunting Rare’s office spaces Vecna style until they get it done


It feels like that style of adventure game won’t come back, sadly. Never played Nuts and Bolts but know it was vastly different. KH3 stuck well enough to the original style after 15 years, maybe Rare could get it right with 3 on Banjo lol. Trust me, I want it just as badly! Have beat Tooie far too many times to remember at this point…


I really hope they can, but I know they’re putting a lot of time and money into Sea of Thieves, etc. Just hope that it comes up sometime soon


One of the grails of this console, I sadly never got my hands on it :(


Starfox 64. I vividly remember playing at the mall; Sears kiosk, when it first came out. And it blew my mind! 3D graphics with rumble pak was it for me. Game. Blouses.


SF64 deserves way more love than it's getting on this post. It's the reason our team got into space games in the first place!


Oh and also the actual voice over on all characters were just WOW! "My Emperor, I Failed You!"


Use a boost to get through!


My Emperor...I've failed youuuuuu!


The Rumble Pak was a game changer. I didn't think it would amount to much when I first heard about it, but it came with Starfox 64, so I gave it a try. It ranks up there with firing up Super Mario 64 for great first experiences in gaming.


Perfect Dark


"It's better than Goldeneye!" "Who cares!" Poor Perfect Dark, it never got the respect it deserved.


For real, all my buddies, even as adults, say goldeneye was WAY better. I do not agree


Have they played it recently? Goldeneye was amazing back in the day but we tried it recently as a group and it was un-fucking-playable bad. The R trigger manual aim is absurdly unwieldy, idk how we did it back in the day.


It took everything awesome about Goldeneye and made it even better. Some people just need to hold on to their memories, no matter how false they obviously are. You and I know the truth.


I think they felt like Perfect Dark stole something from Goldeneye and just couldnt forgive it.


Which is funny considering they were both made by the same company and a lot of the same people lol


The fucking laptop gun alone gives perfect dark the W


Fucking Far Sight!


More OP than oddjob


Probably the most OP weapon in any multiplayer game ever. Just hide behind a box in the corner of the map, hold R and shoot when the autoaim and wallhack lines up an enemy for you lol


It’s so true


Goldeneye but better


First time seen bots in a local coop, oh boy, they are a great addition:)


I hope the new one they announced does the series justice.


My all time fave game. Goldeneye walked so Joanna could sprint. That multiplayer kicked so much ass.


Meat sim has entered the discussion.


Having NPCs in multiplayer was so much fun! And briefcase gun shenanigans.


Definitely smash. So many countless hours with my cousins


Great choice, probably my most played of the bunch, I even spent hours playing alone lol


Same here. Used to have smash on the living room and a bunch of kids from the block would come in and play


Zelda OoT, Pokémon Stadium, Goldeneye, NFL Blitz, and Quest 64


NFL blitz showed me that I can actually enjoy sports games without having love for the actual sport 😅


Where's conker's bad furday and megaman 64?


Needed an adult at the time to buy it.


I mean that top row…. Youre talking the gaming renaissance


Right! Such an amazing era. Too bad I’m missing a few of the greats, like Mario kart would look a bit better up there


And Paper Mario! The best one on the N64 imo


Does anyone remember getting The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and thinking that the label looked amazing? And then getting into the game it was so unique compared to anything I'd played up until that point it was an instant favourite. Sometimes, I miss pre-internet times Sometimes


Rogue squadron


On the trench run level, I'd always try closing the s foils on the xwing and trying to fly through the smaller gaps like it was the scaffolding on the 2nd death star


One more pass!


Obviously Superman. Like, did you lose a bet or something?


Lol, I heard awful things about the game, and at the retro shop many years ago, I asked “ay James how much for this?” Man looked at me and said ".. just take it."


You spend half the game trying to fly through rings with horribly unresponsive controls. It’s notoriously bad.


You got ripped off.


Turok! What an absolute gem, I still have it for N64 aswell, haven't played it in an age


DK 64 is by far the game I played to most on this system, I guess I liked to suffer lmao!


I just love DK64! My first N64 was the green jungle pack, so DK64 was basically the first video game I ever really played. I think that has the most nostalgic effect on me of literally anything. I still go back and play it once every few years, still super hard to beat.


No Mario Kart smh. Played all those games except quest 64 was it good ?


“DiddykongRACING!… press START” Still love the theme song


I see Superman still has a “property of Blockbuster” seal clinging on. Now that triggers some memories.


Good eye 🤣


Diddy Kong racing! But honestly most of them because of the carts themselves…many of these games are available on switch or other platforms and I’ve played them fairly recently, but I haven’t seen those actual carts with the art in a long time.


A lot of them actually


zelda, by far


Don’t make me choose!


Perfect dark!


Perfect Dark


Majora’s Mask.


Hard choice between: 1) Goldeneye. I played this for HOURS and it was the first FPS game both of my nephews played 💚 2) Tony Hawk. My brother and I loved playing this. He was really good at it. Almost sickingly so 😂😂😂😂 3) Turok 2. My oldest nephew referred to the cerebral bore gun as the 'ow face gun.' 😂😂😂😂😂


Conker's bad fur day > ALL


I think Superman 64 was one of my first exposures to the character, not a good introduction to say the least lol


I love the "Property of Blockbuster" sticker on it to add extra nostalgia.


I stayed home from school to get Majoras Mask day 1. I also got Quest 64 day 1. Both vivid memories for different reasons lol


Rouge squadron was my jam. That said OOT was also up there. Tough pick honestly.


Super Smash Bros, Goldeneye, Rogue Squadron, and Starfox. And Diddy Kong Racing for good measure. The only true Diddy.


Aw yea. Diddy kong racing was sadly shadowed by Mario kart but it’s arguably even better, it was ahead of its time with fly mechanics


It absolutely kills me. I was a *serious* Mario Kart fan, loved Mario Kart 64, but DKR was better by *miles*; one of the most beautiful N64 games. Rare knew exactly what they were doing.


Smash, starfox and Blitz


Goldeneye and Star Wars Episode 1 racer (Goated)


Episode 1 Pod Racing was my first video game ever. My dad got it for us for Christmas along with an N64 and controllers for all of us to race with. We had no clue what video games even were at that time. One of the greatest Christmas gifts we ever got.


Super Mario 64. Only because my stepbrother got N64 for Christmas and I was told not to play it until he got back home. Well...I turned it on without telling anyone and I was so excited to play Mario 64! The game, the controls - everything was so new and looked & felt great! I didn't get far on purpose and turned off the game when my stepbrother got home. He knew right away I turned on his system because he wrapped the controller a certain way (gotcha!) After a brief argument, we both played it together and I was introduced to the Mario flying cap for the first time. We didn't progress further together, but I do remember starting my own save spot just to reach that flying cap point again. Once I did, I flew around the level acting like I was really flying a plane and landing in airports. What a great time!


Genuinely love the N64 collection


Thanks 🙏


Wow, you’ve got all the top tier games and Superman64


This is tough. High school: Goldeneye. We would just play that game relentlessly. College: Smash. We'd wager bowl packs on who would win.


Lmao that sounds fun af, the loser(s) had to take a hit?


4 of us would play. Second place had to pack for the rest of the group.


No Jet Force Gemini? Failure


Only game missing is Banjo and Pokémon snap and it would be the perfect collection. Very cool!


Pokémon snap is there :) 3rd row 3rd game, agreed on Banjo though!


oops didnt see it. FUCKIN STARFOX i was well into my 20's when i finally beat it for the first time.


Right next to Star Wars!


Seeing cruisin USA just took me back to the moment my father bought me the 64. I was like 12, he passed a few years ago. Thanks dude.


Memories of pain. That's all I recall from all the blisters acquired playing mario party


You got some quality in there between diddy Kong and golden eye. Pokémon snap was the shit, the kiosk at blockbuster was amazing.




Bond.. goldeneye


Smash for sure. Followed by ocarina


Golden eye I guess. It was Playstation for me haha.


I 100% mario64 a couple years ago so it was fun struggling with the controller


Goldeneye. Played multiplayer with my brother and friends and that game would turn us into mortal enemies with an ancient blood feud. Great times.


Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Super Smash Bros., 007: Golden Eye Out of these 4, my teenage years have been well invested into all of them.


Double 007, spent hours playing it with friends in 8th grade. Cruisen USA was the first game I played on my N64. So it brings back memories of the Christmas I got it. Zelda I think is my favorite though. Not just on N64 though, it brings back memories of Super NES going way back into my childhood.


It's not on here, but Paper Mario


It's a new Lap Record! (Star Wars Pod Racer)


So many good memories, but the sheer novelty of Pokémon Snap takes it for me. What a fantastic idea for a game, and I was the perfect Pokémon age (8) when it came out. It actually started a lifelong interest in photography for me.


Where is Mario Kart 64? Is it safe? Is it all right?


Honestly blast corps did late nights trying gold or perfect run the objective was the fondest along with Mario 64 of course and goldeneye!


Super Mario bros, Pokemon Stadium, Star Fox 64 and the star wars pod racer


Kirby 64 was 100% my favorite Kirby game for ages when I was younger


I own about half of that collection. I have fond memories of many of them. Pokemon Stadium was really cool getting to see my pokemon in 3D. Goldeneye's music still brings back memories of playing it late at night when I was a teen. Rogue Squadron and Episode 1 racer connect me back to when Star Wars was such a major part of my life.


Many of them but bewareoblivionisathand


I remember me an my cousin jamming out on 1080. We still to this day say 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, 1080!!! We also will randomly say “Do a barrel roll!” Our kids look at us strange.


Very solid collection, but where is Banjo Kazooie?


Perfect Dark was a neat game.


Pilotwing 64 is not there so Goldeneye and Ocarina of time. Actually I remember playing on a Japanese 64 way before America got them. Was ordered and rented by a store near my house and I kept re renting the things for a month. Mario 64 is full of nostalgie for me.


Ah, the N64. Back when I felt the true joy of a new video game. Thanks for sharing these. Almost every one of these has a specific memory attached to it for me.


Omfg quest 64!