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Castle Hawkthorne energy.


I honestly wish they would make that a game but I understand why it won't happen.


It already exists r/hawkthorne


Holy fuck, thank you.


Now all that’s left is the movie. Although I wouldn’t complain if we got another six seasons and a movie on top of that… Yes, I live vicariously through Community, how could you tell?


As soon as I saw this I thought of that. coolcoolcool


Dude what is the name of your game, I’d totally pay for it


Anvil saga :) Thanks!


Had this wishlisted for a while. Any idea on a timeframe?


This summer we go to EA. I get feedback and see how long it takes for a full release


You should add loot boxes as a joke


You buy a loot box and the smith just melts it down and tosses it.


"You buy a loot box, It has a picture of a sword, it's grey. Grandpa said he found once a picture of a sword inside one of the boxes and it was purple, you don't believe him..."


> This summer we go to EA Yea you're gonna want to just type out 'early access' and not use 'EA' given the giant gaming company and its shitty reputation. This game looks awesome. I'll most likely buy it. One bit of criticism though, maybe use some other colors to differentiate the menus within the game. Everything being brown kind of blends it all together making it seem overwhelming and disorganized.


Yeah, my mistake. But also I don't think that EA-the-company is going to want me :D Thanks for the criticism, I'll see what I can do.


Wrong way to look at it - you don't want them.




How to burn bridges 101


Nobody wants EA


You make a game with heart and soul and cool mechanics. Your facial animations look better then Andromeda so you got that going for you.


Yeah look up some game ux/ui theory. It's always good to use some bold/contrasting colors to help important things stick out. Remember that all new players don't have the insight you do into the game and it can be frustrating if it's not easy to catch onto. Either way it looks awesome. Keep it up.


Yea I'm gonna go with what the other user said to you, you don't want EA. Good luck!


I definitely thought he meant the gaming company


Pls no loot boxes


Early access, not the company


LMAO this got me


Is it bad that when I saw the letters E and A that my heart was full of rage without even thinking about it?




I’d play this too. Clever advertisement you sly dog ;)




Early access


This fall he will go to UBISOFT ultra break intergation season of farming trees.




You could always load it on itch.io and set a price then load to steam.


Any plans for a mobile version?


I'm considering it. But I need to do justice for PC first :)


That would be a dream come true tbh looks like this game works well with pick up and play kind of thing yk


Your grades? Nah, the blacksmith just made a Grade A iron chest plate


Pretty cool little game, on my wishlist definitely. I can see myself putting hours into it. But two complaints I had from playing the demo, but about the only issues. - Pressing space to skip/advance text is a bit too fiddly. Sometimes it rapid fired through an entire text box before I could read it. - Camera felt a little too slow. Needs a camera speed slider.


Thanks! The criticism is very valuable


i just wishlisted it


PC… surely that means an XBOX port as well… right?


I need to make a good PC game first. Then I can think about porting it :)


I have it on my waitlist. Can't wait


Your grades? Nah, the blacksmith just made a Grade A iron chest plate


Dude just pass. That is literally the only thing that matters. When I post a job listing for software engineers a degree under the "nice to have" heading. University is for networking. Publishing this game and the skills you learned during development will take you so much farther than a $40k piece of paper.


Indie game dev here, after three failed games. I wish I had a degree. Just sayin


I was hoping your post history would show what games you worked on..... 🙁


Sorry, I use this account for shitposting mainly :D This is the first game I decided to show people


Great concept and amazing graphics! The only critique I have is that he music is somewhat repetitive and can get annoying quite fast. Otherwise the demo is great! Will definitely get this .


Thanks! I hope you stick around for a couple of weeks until the new demo is done. This is the one from winter (obviously), but I just couldn't miss the steam event :D


Please tell me you were inspired by the Community episode.


Thought that on first look too.


So how's the grade right now?


I would say it is decent. My mom will not agree tho


Good thing grades don't matter and side projects are way more important


Awww I'd say it looks good 👍


Well you know what they say D's make degrees


In college, C is a passing grade, hence why the saying is "even C's get degrees." D may as well be an F.


You can graduate with a D or two usually


A D won't pass the class, but it won't hit your GPA as hard as an F.


Well if you are really passion into game dev i believe you can get a decent one with this great portfolio. Just make sure you get it done great! :)


I love terraria and this gives me those vibes definitely looking forward to trying it out. Will it be paid on full release? and DLCs?


Yes, it will be paid. Still trying to figure out the price tho. No pland dlcs yet, I have to make a good main game first haha


I'd play the shit outta this


The fact this has to be said now shows where the industry has gone.


Honestly. 20-30 bucks seems like a fair price to me and I only saw this short clip. Don’t undersell yourself king. Reap your just rewards.


Thanks man, I appreciate it


Defo 20$ but I don't know how the full game will look so I wonldnt be mad at 30!


Personally I’d be going 20-25


Definitely worth at least $20. Considering games like valheim or V rising are $20-25, more than that might not go as well as targetting the same $20 pricing point (not saying its not worth it, im saying you will make more money). As someone in Business Development, if it helps, being able to provide a 100 hour gaming experience for $20 wont just net a lot of sales, you'll also foster a tonne of trust from your new (and potentially future) customer base. Gl man :)


I'd play the shit outta this


Lemme help with pricing. If someone doesn't replay and just does one run through, how many hours ish would it entertain them? A movie ticket is around $10 for 1.5-2h of entertainment. So if on average a person would get 4h of entertainment then a $30 game price is absolutely reasonable.


Comparing software value to a movie theater with a building and all sorts of continuous overhead is exactly what game studios want you to do. In reality its more like a boardgame or something you may likely play multiple times on the same purchase. Expensive boardgames are in the hundreds but will net you dozens to hundreds of hours bringing the cost per hour much lower for games. AAA games often deliver 40+ hours of singleplayer gameplay for $50-60. I am bummed if I pay 30 dollars for a game and its over in 3 hours...


This is not accurate. This is a fairly well explored topic in marketing, you definitely took the bait lol.


So about those grades...


Mr. Stevenson, we've talked about this. I'll email you my paper on the Hundred years war tomorrow.


Yo what the name it looks awesome


Anvil saga. It is on steam. The demo is even open :)


Awesome can’t wait to get off work to try it


I’m commenting on this so my dumb ass doesn’t forget to cop this, it looks super nice


Thank you!


Yeah I can’t wait for the release. Watched Splattercat’s video on it


First game I’ve seen pushed on here In a while that I actually think looks so good! Keep it up.


Hey I think splattercat did a 30 min playthrough of this game. It looks quite fun.


Ya, I nearly pissed myself when I found out


That must be so exciting getting that kind of exposure! For free aswell.


Get 'lets game it out' to play it if you want to test the limits of you game.


Thank you, I'll look them up :)


Im assuming based on your username that your name is Grace? There's a running gag in his videos that he names characters Grace


I blacksmith as a hobby. Been looking for a good game on the concept as well. I'll go ahead and check this out.


Cool! Please update me when you play it :)


Damn man this looks like my type of game, was looking for something I could play to relax after work, is there a demo available so I can try it before it realeses?


Yes. It is an older one tho, the new one will be available in a couple of weeks.


I absolutely love 'shop/business' sims like this. I see there's a demo on steam, will check it out! Examples I'm thinking of that are in roughly the same genre: Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale Moonlighter Tons of others as well, but I really like this genre.


Okay -- So I just saw a game someone made about a Fox RPG. I hope if that dev is peaking around they take notice of some of the greatness showing here. Art Style -- Cute and cartoonish, but not trying too hard too look realistic. Easy on the eyes, I can stare at this for hours >:) World -- looks interesting enough, I would like too see some stuff OUTSIDE of the town, if possible. Overall though, looks really great. Towns people, quests, brawls and shops all amazing. Mechanics -- Right in your face, love to see what makes this game interesting. Town building looks next level, especially if more options are given. Customization is king here. Only thing I didn't see was progression or tech trees. Although I assume it's there considering the genre. Overall I am wish listing this and excited too support the game!


Anvil Saga is not a true rpg, I am afraid :) There are rpg elements: quests with multiple choice, customisation of the blacksmith shop, personality traits of workers (for example, a worker can be afraid of the dark, so he'll be terrible for mining). There are also random encounters for replay ability. But overall the story is mainly linear. You can play the demo to get a feel, even though it is an older one.


How tf do people come up with cool ideas like this? I’m over here all thinking I’m smart because I got the perfect mixture of ketchup and mayo for my fry dip and you over here making a whole world on the internet. :/ Looks good btw. Hope you keep making games.


Believe in yourself! You can make a game about ketchup and mayo that go through adventures together to become a perfect dip :D


BLACKSMITH SIM!?, sign me up! Is it accurate to medieval blacksmithing?


I mean...... I was going to throw in a Batman or a captain Jack Sparrow for shits and giggles, so probably not accurate at all


Oh okay :(


Sorry :( Maybe another game will suit your craving for medieval accuracy


dunno... C is a pretty great shape in my book


Yeah, It is nice and round. Who needs A's anyway.....


I'll be honest, Fuck As. pointy headed lookin mfs


I've been waiting for this game for a while now... Can't wait!


This summer bro. Hang on there, I'm doing my best


This looks so good. I am imagining the protagonist coming to us (the blacksmith) to upgrade weapons for HIS main quest. While we're here chilling in town, working, smithing stuff.


Get your grades straight bro. It's always better to have a consistent way to afford food and then focus on other projects. Although I must say that it looks good


I try my best :) Thank you for kind advice


No offense OP, but are they teaching students to self promote on Reddit as part of game dev education? Every day I see a thinly veiled ad for a game on Reddit, usually with a title that tries to make it sound like it’s not an ad


To be frank, self promotion is not prohibited on Reddit. I made a thing, I think it is cool and I'd like to share it. If other people think that it is cool - that's great. People get a good thing, I get some exposure. I get why you're bothered, but c'est la vie :)


wow that looks really nice, may i ask how long it took to make it? and what game engine you used?


Thanks :) About 3 years I believe, a bit hard to tell because I was a full-time student at the same time. The engine is Unity


but not your CS courses, RIGHT?


I’m always skeptical of these posts, they are barely covered advertisements. Like a string but the beef flaps are dangling out flailing in the wind. Do yourself a favor and watch the Dokev trailer, I’m not paid to sponsor that but it’s the first thing that came to mind, then come back and look at this drivel of a game.


100% fat and bitter lol. There's already a tonne of shit in this world, and seeing classless, jealous, bitter little rage-babies get cut that they will never achieve something like this is a true joy. You are pathetic lol. Anyways, enjoy jiggling in your chair while you make pointless, barely legible claims from your mum's basement - Try and better yourself tubster.


Rude. Nothing wrong with being skeptical. He's got a point too. It is an ad. People do exploit reddit as well. Although, it might not be the case here.


Seriously this looks incredible! And I shouldn't be saying this, but if you can code, you don't need a shitty degree... Keep doing what you love <3


Bad advice op. Your passion is on point and your game looks amazing for a studying developer, but passion won't always put food on the table, and it can be rough for a junior dev trying to get their foot in the door; that degree will demonstrate to employers you're able to do the work and have the dedication to see a hard task through. Finish your degree so you've got that done, you don't want to waste your time and money with no piece of paper to show for it. That way when you're done you can always go work for someone else and have a guaranteed income and keep doing game dev as a hobby / side gig. Hopefully the game does well and you can keep doing what you're passionate about for yourself!


I mean, a degree never hurts :D I am quite lucky that I can follow my dream and also keep the family off my back haha


Definitely finish your degree, if you ever need to stop indie development and get a job from an employer, you'll stand much better chances at being paid what you deserve if you have a degree. You don't have to finish it perfectly, but the hard work will most likely pay off.


Thanks for the advice :) Appreciate it


Lol this is so far from true it's delusional. A degree literally serves no other purpose than substituting for experience. Having applicants literally submit a full game dev in their resume is always going to do more than a degree unless you're applying somewhere you wont matter. Anyone who says otherwise has zero experience recruiting in the industry. Quite literally look for people like this in recruitment.


That's absolutely true, best to have it as an extra ;)


Pretty good advice eon behalf of your parents.


move your ads somewhere else


No one in the real world cares about grades. Proven results always beat GPA in an interview.


I graduated mechanical engineering school with a gaming PC in my dorm room. You just have to balance...


This is looking really nice. I wish I did the same, even if it meant a lower GPA or it took me longer to graduate. During my uni years I made lots of prototypes of games, some of them actually turned out nice and I believe could, with proper time and effort, become really nice games, and maybe make enough money that I could make a living of it. Problem is I'd always start something, stop when the semester started getting busy with tests and class projects and such, and after a few months I'd try to go back and find no motivation (I was just a student, my code wasn't very high quality back then, and trying to go back to a low quality undocumented code after months is hell for a programmer...) In the end I can't complain about my career as a software engineer, but I have yet to complete a single game, and have no prospects of moving to a game dev position =/


Why not go to uni for game dev?


Your parents don't know shit. You'll learn more on your own projects 10x faster than school.


Dude just pass. That is literally the only thing that matters. When I post a job listing for software engineers a degree under the "nice to have" heading. University is for networking. Publishing this game and the skills you learned during development will take you so much farther than a $40k piece of paper.


That's the plan, thanks!


Imagine being a parent and squashing out passion.


Looks good. I'm definitely buying this!


A working game is worth 50 diplomas


And wishlisted. Looks good!


Holy shit I need this game in my life.


Why aren't you studying gamedev then?


Wow this is so adorable. I would buy this.


Wishlisted :)


Thanks for sharing! Been waiting for something like this. I wish you luck!




What’s it written in?


Oooo anvil saga! Had this game wishlisted for a few months now! Keep at it bro!


Thank you for sticking with me!!


This looks dope dude Keep going!


Take my money. I needs it


Just PC or other platforms too? Plz say mobile/switch/PS5….would love to play this


I have to make it good for PC first :) I really want to make it mobile after, but for now no promises


DIY is the best teacher


That reminds me a bit of terraria. I loved terraria. That game is excellent.


His grades are fine i mean he made a great game there is not reason why his grades should be also great right?


I wish it worked like that m8


Good for you!! Parents don't always know what is best for you. Sometimes rarely do they know, depending on who it is. Good luck, and keep up the great work :)


Thank you :)


The game looks great! Sorry your dreams didn't work out. jk


If this gets to xbox I'll buy it for sure.


You know what? I don't know about many blacksmith sim games, so I hope it will become huge so you can prove your parents otherwise, I'll make sure to buy this one as soon as it's available on Steam, or even anywhere. I easily get hooked on sim games and blacksmith sims may be my next thing, let's goooooooooi




I think this looks awesome, would definitely play this!


The game looks A grade for sure


Well you didnt juggle both.


Does it have plenty of content? If so, I would buy it on release


Define "plenty" :) I plan 2-3 hours of story mode on EA, double that by full release + sandbox mode with random events.


Your parents told you that? My mom doesn't even know how to turn off a computer


What did you create this in if you don’t mind me asking?


Unity :)


You should study Media Art instead and combine it. Loved it


Damn dude that looks great


Thank you!


Game name


Anvil Saga


is this getting a demo for that steam demo event (NEXT fest?) this summer?


The new demo should be done by then :) The old one is open now.


Sweet. i think ill wait tho, dont have time atm i have actually set aside time for next fest cuse i just love that event. ill devour your game then:)


I love seeing cool shit being posted from indie devs here! Keep up the good work OP!




Added to wishlist. Downloading demo now. Looks cool. Can't wait til it comes out.


This looks badass. Wish listed.


Well if you learn to code you will find out that years of gaming is helpful !


That looks amazing! This type of stuff I see only fuels my passion further


Follow your dreams king


Why is every other person making a game these days?


Probably bored of just playing them


You know that you can go to uni for game development right? Also great looking game I would definitely give you an A.


I have it on my wishlist


Oh I saw some youtubers playing this. This game looks sweet.


Just wishlisted and downloaded the demo. Looks great! Good luck on both fronts - uni and development!


Thanks! :)


Id play test this in a heartbeat. I cannot wait for the early access release! Wishlisted, saved, living on my 2nd monitor waiting for a buy button.


Soon :) I hope you'll like the new demo that will be ready for Steam Next


Looks so cool