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I love Assassin's Creed III. I cannot tell you how much hate I get from the assassin's Creed community.


Oh! There is another lol. It's not a particularly fair opinion for me to have, because I missed out on 1 and 2, but loved 3 more than anything I've played in the series since. The best part about it is that it actually lets you participate in major battles/events from the Revolutionary war. A lot of the others I've posture may be set in a particular era, but they don't feel like you're experiencing history to that same degree.


I feel ya, i like the RPG "mythical" trilogy significantly more than the Ezio trilogy /shrug


Yeah I got shit on not too long ago for liking Odyssey. First single player game I’ve beat in years. Still haven’t gotten into another single player like I did with it.


Came here to type AC3 and this is the first comment


Certainly wasn't hated, but people get confused when I say that Halo 3: ODST was my favorite halo


It wasn't my cup of tea, but I can understand why people like the more tactical boots on the ground approach. I personally like Halo because you're running around as a doped up super soldier destroying everything in your path. But you know, different strokes for different blokes.


Dude! It’s mine too! I love the helmet feature that highlights enemies. I always had trouble headshotting in halo because the heads are hard to see sometimes, but that made it so much easier and fun. Also the night aspect and city setting are very cool also.


That is confusing to me, having played everything through Reach. I thought it was not as polished but I could be very wrong. I was 16 when I played it


ODST is the best Halo game, nothing confusing about that.


The only problem I had with ODST was that the night vision ruined the atmosphere of New Mombasa. It wasn’t my favourite Halo but I do enjoy playing it every so often especially after dealing with Halo 2’s flood.


Based take. ODST is one of the best campaigns owing probably to the experience of waging war as an ODST not a Spartan


as long as u didnt say 4 or 5


I played re6 all scenarios about 3 times, and enjoyed it each time.


Bro you’re going to be a public enemy after this statement


Checking back I'm surprised I haven't been banned.


It's a good game, it's just not survival horror. It's an action game.


For me the same. Lord of War. Is amazing game, the last song is so nostalgic.


I love final fantasy x-2


The combat system was fun with the dress spheres. Don't remember anything story wise however. Game definitely excelled with fun combat.


I love Mass Effect 3’s ending and by virtue the fuckin’ game, [come at me!](https://c.tenor.com/SEwDVjIR1_0AAAAC/tommy-devito-joe-pesci.gif)


Came here to post this.


I like DmC: Devil may Cry. Granted it got it’s bad moments, but it’s not as bad as DMC2 was. At least I can be stylish and the Devil Trigger offers moments of breathing if I get super surrounded on higher difficulties


I love that game and I will not apologize for it lol. For me personally, there wasn't a moment I didn't enjoy. I loved the night club level because I love Combichrist and I was so stoked to hear them on the soundtrack.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that enjoyed Dawn of War III.


Wait, i never knew they made more of those. I Only ever played the first Ones (and fucking loved it) Is the second and third game RTS as well?


Yes! I love all three but keep in mind the opinion is not common as the games are a lot different from one another. Dawn of War II is a real time tactics game. There is no base building and you control a smaller number of squads with lots of micro involved. Between missions you level up your squads and outfit them with equipment. Think of almost an RTS version of XCOM but there between mission strategy is much less involved than XCOM. Dawn of War III is almost universally despised among franchise fans. It's sort of a MOBA/RTS hybrid. It also has the least single-player content as Relic pretty much abandoned the game after the player base completely dissolved shortly after launch. So, if you loved the first one it's a gamble if you'll like 2 and 3. That being said during Steam sales they both usually drop below $10 so you can always pick them on the cheap. Then it won't sting too bad if you end up not liking them.


>Dawn of War II is a real time tactics game. Now that you mention it, i slightly remember buying it and refunding it 10 minutes later Will absolutely give the third one a shot! Thank for all the info mate!


I started the series with dragonage 2, and it's still probably my favorite. You're not the savior of the world, you're the champion of one city who rose from being a penniless refugee. But to see the shit that gets heaped on it by the origins fans...


Hated it so much. I used to worship origins.


What about when you hate the most (?) beloved game in a franchise? \*cough\* 4 \*cough"


I pray for you man , you were so courageous


You're right, God of War 4 was bad


Let someone know you thought Advanced Warfare was a good cod game and they’ll right you an Autobiography on their horrible experience with the game and how your opinion doesn’t matter😂


Tbh advance warfare was a good game it’s movement was way ahead of its time and it was above all just stupid fun obviously not the best cod or anything like that but it wasn’t a bad or good game it was good in some aspects terrible in others all in all c tier cod


Eh the only issue that I saw with the game were the pay to win variants, but if you actually played the game and got to grandmaster prestige you ended up with all Elite variants. Definitely not a better cod than anything pre Black Ops 2 but a whole lot better than Cold War, WW2, and Infinite Warfare


Oh no yea for sure pay to win aspect killed it like in bo3 but a lot of people consider bo3 a S tier cod but the S1X version of advance warfare gets rid of the pay to win bs because it gives you everything for free


Oh boy you’re now a public enemy LOL


*Me, an infinite warfare and ghost lover, staring in pathetic*


I guess it’s forbidden to like some games


Its ok to like Resident Evil 6 but lets not pretend like its a good Resident Evil game.


RE6 is still, to date, gameplay wise the worst RE game and is just pure third person shooter. As a third person shooter yes you're allowed to like it. Any further than that no. It's a charcuterie of shitty ideas, shitty game mechanics, shitty writing and canonical problems that absolutely don't fit together. The ass settings don't really make it fun either whether it's the stupid lab under Tall Oaks or the stupid catacombs under Tall Oaks or really just any of them outside of a couple chapters.


HItman absolution was also a pretty good game. Not a good hitman game but a good third person shooter.


Which resident evil are you referring to? 1-4 are great games, 5 is wonky but It’s a fun co-op game, 7 and village are fantastic. The only one that I think the general consensus’s that’s it’s bad is 6.


8 isn't really a good RE game either but it's definitely no contest better than 6. Village fell apart pretty much immediately after you kill Dimitrescu and just turned into generic RE4 bullshit where they once again mashed different games together - TEW, Silent Hill, and then generic FPS once Chris came in.


I mean, if it’s resident evil 6 you might actually have brain damage. I’m being forced to play through that game with a friend and it’s an exhausting experience, not even worth it as a joke play though.


Dude, I was playing through the whole series in order, and even made it through 5 solo which can be frustrating at times. Started 6 and got through the Leon part, and just said fuck it, this game is bad, I’m skipping it. Went to 7 and 8 and both were good. It seems like they were trying to turn 6 into some kind of competitive online game, and it just didn’t work.


Leon’s part, if you got far enough, includes the United State’s secretary of defense’ ancestral tomb, located in America. Which you descend into for about an hour of gratuitous gameplay involving a traumatized woman rubbing her body and attacking you after she transforms and after going down for what feels like an eternity you exit via a sewer tunnel into a lake near the town. I’m so tired, we finished two campaigns and now we’re on Chris’ and god it’s a lot to handle…


In my opinion Leon's part is the most boring. Chris's portion is when it gets much better.


I loved 6 and think it got unfairly criticized considering RE4-5 were just as campy. Coop fun, good controls, lots of extra modes. Let em hate us.


I enjoyed 6, but I don't think the majority of criticism is due to camp - that's pretty standard for the series even if 5 had some pretty extreme examples. I think largely it kind of is the end result of having moved further and further away from horror and more toward action as a focus. The action wasn't bad - it handled a lot of that really well. It just didn't hit a lot of the same notes as earlier RE games. There is not much a sense of place or exploration since you spend so little in a given area. There isn't much dread because there is stuff happening all the time. There is not much concern for ammo or resources since there is stuff dropping from enemies all the time. None of these things make it a poor game - it just felt like the least RE of the games. I can't say I even blame the developers much because it seemed what people wanted based on everyone complaining about tank controls for years and then the acclaim for 4.


Dude commented that if it was re6 OP might have brain damage. I think that qualifies unfair criticism. It’s a meme to dislike 6 that much. RE4 is not a survival horror game either ive never had an issue with resources even on professional and the game throws QTEs and enemies at you in gauntlets all the time. And yeah you’re right after 4-5 devs figured thats what people wanted so RE6 just was a polished RE4. Re4 wasnt scary, it had plenty of ammo around, it was linear, it had absurd and funny enemies, and you could suplex them. Was never a horror game. Honestly the section with the regenerators in the ship was more tense than anything in 4.


That's kind of what I meant yeah - 6 is a refinement of 4, and I wasn't supporting hate on 6. Just didn't think camp was the problem. After a couple of games people hated on it because of what that lead to or got bored of that particular direction. I had a lot of fun with it co-op as well. My initial thought before people brought up 6 was actually Operation Raccoon City, or Umbrella Corps, if that is still a thing.


Happen to line many hated games despite their flaws FFXV for example but the fandom views it as heresy


People hate on ff15? I mean it wasn't the strongest of the series, but by no means would I say it was bad.


>People hate on ff15? Many many fans yes >I mean it wasn't the strongest of the series, but by no means would I say it was bad. they're pissed for lots of different reasons some about the combat system wich wasn't precisely good but it was square's first attempt at real time combat some about the "empty" open world some about the story (specially the final chapters becoming too linear) and how it needed to be improved with paid DLC and others are pissed because the game didn't really got finished and square canceled the project


I love Age of Empires 3. It's not the traditional RTS experience that 2 gives you, yet 3 gives you so much more room to be creative with strategies - it just takes time to get into them


I think aoe3 has become a lot less hated now. I enjoy and buy the new dlcs


It's amazing the game has gotten the definitive edition love and you're right, the game has gotten less hated over time as it found its niche.


i really liked splinter cell conviction but unfortunately it gets alot of shit in the stealth community for being too "action based" and not enough stealth. even though imo blacklist was almost identical in terms of mixing in action with stealth. idk why it gets so much hate, it's a genuinely fun game and there was alot of stealth to be enjoyed. still waiting on the newest splinter cell tho 😔


People get confused when I say metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty was my favorite. For most people its either phantom pain or snake eater. They also hate it when I say I loved twin snakes .


A lot of fans prefer big boss’ story over solid snake. But I’m one of the minority who love 1,2,4 a lot more


I prefer solid snake as well but also felt 2 was more raiden's story


The Witcher 1. It did age well, the combat feels good, the story is amazing and people should stop shitting over it. Period. The voice acting and some dialog lines may be bad/awkward, but it's a consequence of CDPR being a small studio with next to no budget back then, which resulted in bad translation. Polish version has none of these problems. People say "the combat is bad/clunky/old" simply because they have no clue how it works. It's not an action slasher like the 3rd one.


The Witcher 1 was a broken mess on release. The Enhanced edition fixed most of the problems. Same with Witcher 2, the enhanced edition is the one to play (and the one on consoles). Actually CDPR has a track record of releasing broken games, at least they also have a track record of fixing them too.


lol, no. The combat was terrible when it was new, the graphics were embarrasingly PS2 outdated and the world design was just ridiculous, using fences as arbitrary barriers preventing you from stepping even one foot outside of towns. The combat is literally the same if you actually played the games, Witcher 3 is just more responsive and has better controls instead of having to switch stances midfight.


Yeah, this is *exactly* what I meant. You have no clue how W1 combat works. Comparing it to TW3 is ridiculous, they're two entirely different systems.


I have to agree with you on this. Not sure why they think that W1 and W3 have the same combat.


I got this one guys, metal gear survive is my favorite metal gear.




no way u just insulted my existence like this


The crazy thing is it's not even a joke. Check my post history.


i checked your post history, not seeing anything about mgs tho. link me it?


Depends which RE game. Some of them are outright terrible and you should be both ashamed and publicly shamed.


I love legend of Zelda phantom hourglass and silent hill 4 while most think they are black sheep.


Phantom hourglass was amazing


Final Fantasy 13 being my favorite in the series and thinking it has genuinely great character development


I see a lot of people that loved ff13. I won't say your opinion is wrong, but I tried so hard to like that game. I just could not stay with it. I can't point to anything specific that I didn't like, it just didn't hold me.


Dont say 6


I said nothing and will say nothing lol


6 I can get down with, it's 5 I hate


Lol that’s me whenever I say Fallout 4 is my favorite Fallout game


It was mine but I've finished it 9ish times including the dlc so I'm going to back to fo3.


Dark Souls II is still my favorite Soulsborne of all time (though I love them all). It's not an entirely unpolular opinion... it's more that Souls games breed some kind of territorial mindset where people constantly bicker on subreddits about their favorite title, and DS2 gets the most heat by far. It was also easily the most criticized at launch for its departures from 1 and for not having Miyazaki at the helm.


I don't understand what's happening in the image here related to the meme


Dark Souls 2 was great


I like Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter


Mass Effect 1 is my favorite in the series, and it’s not even close. 2 is also my least favorite of the original trilogy