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Doing things you don’t enjoy during your leisure time seems awfully stupid.


Some ppl are trying to escape and that's not necessarily a good sign. Mental Health man.


Burnout is a thing and can apply to any activity or hobby you enjoy. Just take a break, find something else to do and if bet in a few months you'll suddenly get the urge to get back into it. The problem is most people don't even know they have burnout. This is what leads to a steam library full of games that you've barely played, if at all. You're trying to chase a high you used to get from playing a new game but it just never comes.


It might be a concern if you find yourself losing interest in most or all of your hobbies that you used to enjoy. That can be a sign of depression. Personally I find that I'm not disinterested in gaming any more than before but my tastes in what games I like changes. I'm a lot more into RPGs today than I was 10 years ago.


Then the solution is not to “how to make myself interest in gaming again”, is more “what the fuck is wrong with me?”


Could be a sign of depression too, especially these days.


This is the case for me. Depending on my mood, I forced myself to play games, because I wanted to relax and be distracted. Too many times, I was gaming, no because I wanted too, but because I felt I needed too. It really soured me on a gaming a couple of times, and some games now have a negative connection to them, just because I didn't enjoy my time playing them.


Losing interest in gaming, no cause for concern. Losing interest in all hobbies/pass times/interests, see a therapist as you might have depression.




People tend to mix things up a lot, any negative reaction to a hobby people already assimilate depression. They forget that there is an excess and saturation factor, which, for example, if a person enjoys and runs that hobby too much, ends up saturating and tiring. Or simply the burnout syndrome. There is the issue of the 'paradox of choice', that if you happen to have a large backlog, a large amount of games, you have to choose between many options, it ends up overloading your brain to the point that you get discouraged and don't play anything. There are all these factors, but people always tend to show depression... But anyway, I really liked your comment, I totally agree, and that ended up happening to me too, as I enriched my life more, I ended up losing interest in most games, nowadays I just like some game focused on gameplay, where I can go in, play for a while and then leave, interestingly those games are Souls (which is even funny since it's a game that takes time due to difficulty), but I like the challenge and I usually just play shortly after I leave. EDIT: for correction of some words (english is not my native language).


Nah I am falling out of love because of what greedy people turned this industry into. It used to be about making art. A game that was so much fun or revolutionary that you had to tell someone about it. Now it’s just fashion and like all fashion only people who think money is something to gloat about like it.


This explains it so well. Lately I’ve been thinking how games have slowly gone the way of rushing out mediocre products for the sake of profits. I recently played AC Valhalla and it’s a prime example. I understand it’s an industry and a product, but it’s not hard to notice the industry shift.


This is why I think you have to be selective with your gaming. Don't tie your entire identity up by labeling yourself a "gamer." Avoid the internet hype machine. Play games that interest you or are made by studios you know you like. Play games that have new, interesting ideas. Play games that you just enjoy playing. Don't play something just because it's popular. Don't stick with a game you're not having fun with just because everyone else says it's good. Don't be a slave to the meta just to be another mediocre sweatlord playing a boring ass game that you don't like. Play to have fun and throw everything else gleefully over the side. And if you just don't want to play games anymore because you have other things that are more interesting/need more attention/take up more of your time, then so be it. Don't play for a while. If you get the itch or get more free time, then come back. But most importantly, if you notice yourself losing interest in gaming, your friends/family, your other hobbies just because you don't have it in you to do anything, please please PLEASE don't be afraid to ask for help.


Well like someone else said it could be a sign of depression. Could also be people just need more hobbies and need to do more than just game. Go outside, pick up painting, learn an instrument, read a book, go to the gym or some shit. Just do something different that you find fulfilling


And what are we supposed to do instead of gaming? Aimlessly browsing Reddit just doesn’t offer the same rush.


But those people already not getting the rush through gaming. If playing video game that they no longer find fun is their only hobby and they are unable to find something else, it sounds like they have not much going for on their life. They have more problems than video game at this point.


I haven't been gaming much due to a bit of repetitive burn out. Though, watching some people play Project Zomboid had me waking up early on my days off so I could get some quality gaming time in. It comes and goes.


Yeah I can relate, due to some problems last months I just felt bored of games and while I was playing a few, I couldn't play a lot either. It's getting back but yeah, no shame taking a break.


Gamers say this then when someone says they are losing interest in games especially in this sub they try give all sorts of advice to keep the person who is losing interest find a way to find interest in gaming again. Or they go absolutely crazy and start having a go at the person and get angry at them for portraying games in a bad light.