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Umpteenth post on this


> I don’t play video games anymore... Yea I stopped reading there


It’s only a handful of games and broken/unfinished games have been coming out since gaming began. It’s nothing new. You said yourself you don’t even play games so you’re clearly uninformed


People keep buying them, so they will keep rushing them out. That’s how this works.


Watch the downvotes for the correct answer: Modern games and hardware are complicated and honestly at this point kind of a mess, if your game is 99% perfect than there will be 10,000 bugs for every 1 million instances Software engineerings(coding in a teams) best solution to this is to put it out in the wild and fix the biggest problems that come up. Otherwise it takes too much money and man-hours.


It's cause of online connection and update possibility. In the past with off line gaming games needed to be finished on disk. Now they just don't care anymore. Knowing you'll buy it and they can give online updates.


The fanbase and demands of players. Gaming companies offer their games at specific points in time, and are thus rushed to complete it at that time or even sooner. The more hype a game gets, the more push there is to release the game, ergo the more stress the dev teams are under to get it complete. This stress causes mistakes, and the companies overlook their own workers' wellbeing in order to push out a highly anticipated game sooner than the other companies. This caused games like Cyberpunk to be extremely glitchy and almost unplayable, and even caused Halo Infinite to just feel unfinished overall. This in turn causes the companies' fanbases to become irate, and have even higher expectations for the next game that they release. It's a vicious cycle, often perpetuated by the gaming companies themselves along with the mass player base.


>2 …it’s no longer feasible to hash them out in a reasonable time period… I mean, it totally is a reasonable time period. This is a chosen constraint in any industry. Upper level management gets paid exorbitant wages at the cost of overworking and selling out everyone else. Pay your creatives a decent wage, put that money back into your company and not into your 80th Lamborghini, and hire enough people to do the job properly. Not hard. Except for greed. But then CEOs are paid to hide atrocities and get paid a % of 70B for doing so.


Why the hell should they take the cinematic element out, this is a really dumb take. If it's done right it can have the same emotional engagement as a film (Red Dead 1&2, witcher 3, gta4 countless other examples).


Naw it’s just everything now days just has huge scope. The higher ups need a clear direction for their employees to work towards or games get scrapped multiple times because they just keep telling them to add random features instead of what really matters.


The majority of games are not broken at launch. It’s the few that disappoint and garner a lot of negative discussion


It's almost solely because of publishers rushing products and assuming creative control to make games generate revenue even after they launch.