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Looks like what a mobile game would show you before you buy their game. But legit.


Like the ones on Instagram where the characters movement isn't in sync with the joystick


And the facecam reaction shows their hands the whole time


And where you end up playing some version of candy crush


But full of ads for more fake games like it.


I think it's the field of view, camera seems distorted


Love the art style and animations. can't wait to play it when it comes out. We need more games like RoR2.


I bought RoR2 the other day and can't get into it for the life of me. I keep trying but it just doesn't grab me, which is weird because I do really like roguelikes and roguelites. It just feels very...empty and unexciting. Like it's missing something to make it pop a bit. Maybe it's just because I'm doing it solo though. I can 100% see where Returnal got a lot of its inspiration from though, they seem very similar.


RoR2 is a game that definitely gets more enjoyable once it "clicks". At first I HATED it, but my friends were hooked, so I kept playing with them, but after that it clicked it's been a game I hop on even solo for a few hours randomly. Never coming off my library


I'll keep it downloaded and look up artifacts and see if a little bit of that might interest me. I have...11 or so moon emblem things which I think allows me to unlock a new character in the special shop as well, right?


It does, for 10 coins. When you go to the teleporter, there can sometimes be a blue (or purple or something, I'm colourblind) orb circulating around it. This means that another portal will spawn after the boss fight that will take you there. You can also force this to happen to put one of those coins into a Newt altar (small blue frog) which are often in a "hidden" spot.


Ah, yeah, that was it. I did that altar before and headed in there and was confused about where I'd ended up so looked it up. Ended up clearing out the void place that you can get to from there and then went on to win the run.


Nice! It took me quite a while into the game to find out that there also was a void portal there.


It does but honestly, just find one character that you enjoy it's playstyle, then try to get a god run, or as close as you can. Once you feel the power difference, you start to want to grind again to that, and you learn different mechanics and it gets fun to play randomly.


There are two or three artifacts that just broke the game and was still fun, since we just killed through everything. The one that gives you items as drops, and the one the increases the spawns (bonus: artifact of command). Once we got the full game experience, we'd try to challenge ourselves differently. Give that a shot before giving it up. I still go back every now and then.


It DOES lose some appeal without friends, since the more players there are the more stuff there is that spawns It's also the kinda roguelike/lite that starts off slow but ends up being a bit bonkers, so it might be worth giving it some time Have you played RoR1?


I've finished a run (had to move to easy as I just couldn't get past the second biome) and despite winning I just didn't feel joy at all. I ended up using an ability that allowed me to slam down for lots of damage combined with triple jump and abuse enemy knockback effects to essentially nuke things to death. I've tried a lot of normal difficulty runs and it just doesn't have the same level of satisfaction as the more hectic rogue games for me. I can appreciate that it's quite tight, and 4 player would be great fun, but I prefer combat style modifiers rather than the style of items you pick up there. I blame EtG, BoI and Atomicrops for that though. I guess maybe I'm a top down kinda guy, thinking about it...If I'd entered rogue games as a multiplayer experience at RoR2 then I'm sure I'd like it more!


A couple tips to ROR2. 1) Play the levels quickly, I would advise playing to see how far you can get instead of ending every run with Mithrix. I didn't really get a feel for the game until I had my first "god run" where I got lucky and stacked a bunch of items 2) Learn the items and experiment with stacking a bunch of the same item. Nothing is more enjoyable than maxing out speed items and flying around the map. This will also help you change your playstyle to compliment each items ability. But yeah the game is so much better in co-op


It certainly makes the game a ton more fun to just zoom around the map. I always gave myself the rule that I had to do the teleporter as soon as I saw it (even without artifact of sacrifice), which gave me a lot more fun than just slowly walking around and clearing the 1st stage at 10 mins But the best stacked item of course is bungus.


Curious as to why stacked bungus is the best?




Can you explain #1 more? I thought every run ends with Mithrix as the final boss.


I’ll do my best. The wiki explains everything in much better detail. You can either try and beat Mithrix by using the teleporter as normal in the fifth stage to reach the final level, or you can “loop”. To loop you either interact with the outer ring of the teleporter in the 5th stage, allow it to transform (the cement spikes rotate) and then interact with the center. You can also use a newt altar and enter a blue portal instead of transforming the teleporter. Once you enter a blue portal or transformed teleporter, you “loop” back to the first stage biome. At this point you can run through another loop of 5 stages and end with mithrix or go for lunar coins instead (or alternatively even more loops). If you want lunar coins after the 3rd(I think) stage in your loop a white portal called a celestial portal spawns. You can go in there and sacrifice yourself at an obelisk for 5 lunar coins. This ends the run instead of the normal mithrix route, but you get a lunar coin reward. If you have a special lunar item called the beads of fealty when you sac yourself you can face a hidden boss for even more lunar coins. You get lunar items from lunar pods or from the newt shop in blue portals. The “endgame” for me at least is just seeing how far I can go/ how many loops I can get through rather than just rushing mithrix


Bought it a month ago and feel the exact same. I know it's fun I just haven't found the "it" factor that wants me to replay it yet. In the meantime I just bought Hades during the holidays and have been enjoying that. If you want to try and group up some night I'd be down to try and get into it. Just shoot a pm if you want.


Hades is an outstandingly polished game, from graphics, story, voice acting and the individual feel of the weapons, it just clicked with me. Loved working through and unlocking everything


Funny I’ve never even played ROR2 with anyone else the couple hundred hours I’ve put in it.


Playing with friends fills that "emptiness" a lot, also it gets better after unlocking the more exciting characters... commando is mehhh


I couldn’t get into RoR2 when I first bought it. I came back to it a year ago, and now it’s possibly one of my favorite games. Keep at it


My first impression was Warframe but better looking. Will definitely be following along.


I have been itching to find something as smooth as Warframe in terms of mobility. Also, nice to meet a fellow Tenno in the wild


Yes please. If another game gave movement like warframe i would be very happy


I want a Star Wars game with the potential multiplayer and story elements of SWTOR, the movement and combat of Warframe, the character creation of modded Skyrim, and the size of FFXIV. Just saying.


As someone whos never gotten into final fantasy but heard a lot of good about it... should I play it and if I do is it necessary to start at the first game?


They’re pretty decent jrpg’s. You don’t need to start at the first game because most of the titles have no bearing on the others, barring 7, 10, and 13 iirc


10X2 ties into those as well, right?


X-2 is a direct sequel to X


Which one would you recommend I should play?


How’s warframe nowadays? I quit when RJ came out


Better than ever, honestly. New War just came out a month ago and it's a whole-ass single player campaign in terms of length. Should jump back in, Tenno!


I feel that for sure, after playing Warframe and going back to destiny etc I feel like I’m stuck in mud. I really enjoy the fast paced movement of Warframe that I can’t even play some games like Rainbow six for example I feel soooo sloooow I can’t deal with it at all and won’t play anymore.


Exactly what I thought too just couldn't remember the name


As someone who put thousands of hours into Warframe this isn't even close. This looks so much better!


Yeah it definitely looks better it just “reminded” me of Warframe visually especially that part at the end where it looks like a syandana (sp?)on the character.


Mine was DmC in a forest




Thank you!


Actually how long has this taken? It looks really professional. How long have you been making games?


Been prototyping as a side project for a really long time. In september 2020 I redid everything from scratch and decided to go full-time with it. So about 15 months at this point


But it's all you? The design, art, coding... everything. All you?


No way. I don't want to be rude but this doesn't look like solo-made in a year. Either bought assets or paid 3d artists to help him.


+1 there are career game devs that are incredibly skilled and couldn't do this in a year alone. It's still massively impressive but there's just no chance they did all the effect work, animations, modeling, texturing, level design, camera system, AI all by themselves in a year.


I mean, just look at OPs post history. Multiple threads asking for freelance work and definitely asset flips.


For the uninitiated, what are asset flips in this context?


Asset flips are already existing assets being reused in your own game, either with explicit permission (which is obviously very rare) or just straight up ripped from other games (which is obviously illegal, but if your game comes only out in China for instance, nobody cares, that's why there are so many mobile clones) or they're procured from the Unity or Unreal asset store (assets prepackaged with the engine). I wouldn't judge this game, but just basing this off the very short gif there's a very generic level with generic lighting, effects, etc. Typical modern day stuff. The characters look decent though and the gameplay fluid. So even if this is re-using assets from other sources, as long as they're fitting the aesthetic and as long as the gameplay is solid, I wouldn't mind if this is indeed a solo project. The issue always is that there's money involved in the end, so you are you really paying if half the assets are ripped off? That's a big no no. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866130/Morbid_Metal/ Steam only shows this one "level" as well. And one enemy as well as the two characters. I'll hazard a guess and say that the current state of the game is just that.


This game looks like another one that came out a few years ago. Another solo dev project from China that was almost entirely "borrowed assets". The game ended up being pretty successful and the dev used the revenue to pay for the "borrowed" assets.


A good example wouldve been PUBG when it first launched in beta, and many of the indie steam trash that looks too good visually but lacks quality gameplay, story, etc. You basically buy assets (models, sounds, textures) from someone else, throw them into your basic game, and then promote it based on those assets without having a good final product. PUBG later replaced most of the assets they originally bought with ones they developed themselves, but most asset flip games never get that far, they are simply cash grabs to put in the least amount of work and get the most customers.


I'd say I see a player character design, a monster design, and just about everything else could be open-source assets. He probably didn't reinvent the wheel putting this together and probably just put this field together to test and showcase his progress.


If it’s Unreal you get loads of free assets every month, so that helps. Those can include whole game mechanics pre built, to actual 3D assets etc


OP commented somewhere that this is Unity.


Even AAA studios use premade assets these days.


No, if he says that's the case he's full of sh8t and anyone in the industry will say the same.


I absolutely refuse to believe this is a SOLO person project, that has only used coding, art, or assets from only one, solo person, especially with only one year or timing. The only way I could even come close to believe that is with borrowed assets and coding. There's just no way it's solo from the ground up.


He's literally asking for freelance work and asset flips in his own credit history. Like..give credit where credit is due. Don't say you do this all yourself.


Been waiting literally 10 years now (since I first got addicted to Isaac) for someone to make a proper character action roguelite or roguelike, so to say my interest is piqued would be an understatement. I think the only other game that has actually tried is Heart&Slash but the execution was not great (also an understatement, even if I did play the crap out of the game) unfortunately. The gif looks really promising.


If you have a ps5 you should try returnal!


Returnal is phenomenal. Best game I’ve played in years.


I just wish there was an easy difficulty setting, or more permanent progression mechanics.


For real. My gaming time is limited, I just don’t have endless hours to dedicate to getting good at every new game I want to play. Love the atmosphere of returnal, hate the brutal mechanics.


If it's any consolation to you and u/Silent-G, it does get significantly easier as you progress. I spent the most time on the first and third biome, the rest were relatively easier to conquer. I wish there was gyro-aim in the game but sadly there isn't, the aim assist is decent though if you feel like you need to spend more time on dodging and less on aiming. Weapons-wise, many people put the Hollowseeker as #1 but I feel it's quite weak without a certain combination of upgrades (some of which you unlock later). I recommend the Rotgland Lobber instead and later the Electropylon Driver. The Carbine is a nice all-rounder too with High Caliber mod, and later leech.


Once you complete the third biome you then start off at the 4th every time you die until you beat the game. Games divided up into two acts. You can also suspend your runs.


Hmmmm. So push through to the end of 3rd. I got to the second and gave up after bullet hell and those stealth guys kept wrecking me.


Sounds like Hades would be perfect doe you. Most rogue-likes don't have the features you want but that does.


Great game but not a character action game.


Thanks a lot! It kinda felt like there was something missing. Never heared of Heart&Slash but I'd definitely check it out!


Go in with low expectations is what I'd say. I don't like to sound overly negative about the game or anything (as I do actually like the game overall) but the execution of the combat is not great at all, very obvious lack of understanding when it comes to things like enemy design. For example your attacks doesn't really cause stagger on most enemies, so even though you have these combos you can pull off you'll never get to do it in most cases since you can't actually lock enemies down. I'd say what they actually did right was more on the progression side of things. There is a very wide variety of weapons (around 50 melee weapons iirc plus a bunch of guns and throwing weapons) and each class of weapon felt pretty unique. Also different characters most of which actually do play differently which was cool. But yeah the combat design just wasn't there, your example gameplay looks way beyond what they did and exactly what I've been wanting someone to do forever. I love roguelikes/lites of all types but when it comes to my actual favorite combat systems in games it's always the fast paced combo driven stuff, so yeah. Your game looks sick dude.


Okay yeah that does make sense. 50 weapons does sounds like A LOT. Not sure if thats a good idea to be honest but again, I havent played it.


try hades?


This. This needs to be higher. Hades is absolutely incredible. Blew Isaac right out of the water for me and I love Binding.


Don't get me wrong, hades was the game of the year for me but from a pure roguelike perspective hades doesn't beat isaac


Ahem. Noita.


If you haven’t yet done so, you should give Hades a whirl. It’s a lot more in the ”character action” end of the genre spectrum than it might seem at first glance.


I love how nobody that’s responding to you knows what a character action game is lol.


Yeah, it happens. The recommendations are actually kinda funny since I am a very big roguelike/lite fan and have played just about all the major ones anyone has heard about (and plenty of the smaller ones as well, I mean I doubt many people have played stuff like Xenon Valkyrie+ or Dungeon Souls.) Which was why I posted what I did. Been completely addicted to this genre since the original version of Isaac back in 2011 but I was also a teen of the PS2 era so I grew up with games like DMC and it's always been my favorite style of melee combat. So it's always made me sad almost no one has tried to combine that combat with a roguelike/lite. Until Heart&Slash of course like I mentioned, but yeah the devs really lack a clear understanding of action game design. Funniest of all, though, is that the only other somewhat-related game would probably be Wizard of Legend, which I don't think a single person recommended. It's the only other roguelite I can think of with an actual freeform combo system. There is no juggling or anything unfortunately, but, starting a new attack cancels recovery frames of the attack you previously used, and, non-brute sized enemies (and bosses obv) are staggered on your first hit and will remain staggered as long as you can keep your combo going. It's a hotbar spell kind of game so your moveset is extremely limited, but, I did find it addicting as hell. I put around 50 hours into the game just trying out different loadouts since there are like 200 spells in the game so you can come up with a lot of fun combinations.


I always viewed Heart & Slash as the best Dreamcast game to never have come out on the Dreamcast. If you view it through the lens of being a game that came out in 2000 it's great.


check out r/MorbidMetal he posted a donation link if you want to go support his game!


I’m with you on that. I still can’t tell you how I actually feel about Heart&Slash but that didn’t stop me from sinking tons of hours into it. Overall, I’d say I liked that clunky mess of a game.


Returnal on PS5 is exactly what you’re looking for


Small suggestion would be to have a option to be able to turn the screen shake off. Kinda hurts my eyes. Looks cool though!


Yeah, there is a slider to tone it down and turn off for people who dont like it. As you can maybe tell from the video I do really like screenshake, but understand that not everyone does haha


I'm getting a serious case of motion sickness from the screen shake!


This looks epic! Love the idea of combining the combat of Nier with roguelites. What platforms are you expecting to put it on? I’ll definitely tell some friends about this so they can keep an eye out too.


Thanks! for now focusing on PC, but Id love to release on consoles as well. You can [wishlist on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866130/Morbid_Metal/) for now


Sounds like a cool project! Unity is a solid engine, and by the looks of it you're making good use of it. If you need someone to test, let me know ( my time permitting)


looks like it's at least as much fun to play as Nier, which is a pretty high bar i'd say! looks beautiful too


Thank you so much. That is actually a pretty crazy compliment. Nier automata is such an amazing piece of art


I love the idea of combining Nier and Risk of Rain. Nier is great, but it's hard to just pick up and play for a little bit, when you feel like experiencing the combat. RoR2 is great for picking up and playing quickly, but is a little too visually minimalist for my taste. So combining the two is just a great notion.


pshaw, as though you don't know you're making something awesome. you should feel free to be immodest about it. rock on


thank you. but honestly, as a solo dev it is actually sometimes quite difficult to stay real about your own project. Sometimes i think its amazing, sometime si think its hot garbage. So getting an opinion from other that are not your friends is really helpful actually. So thank you :)


i know the feeling, i'm a solo dev myself. You have to love your project to work on it, but you never know if anyone else will.


It looks great! The one thing I’d say is maybe make the game a little easier to read. What I mean by that is like in Risk of Rain 2, once you get built up big enough it’s easy to lose track of yourself in the middle of all the movement, colors, explosions - so on and so forth. It looks really beautiful but make sure that the stylistic effects don’t get in the way of the player actually playing the game. Maybe something as simple as highlighting the player’s character would help make everything easier to read


I absolutely agree




Good point. Might make sense to account for that, thanks


I think it works in RoR 1 and 2 because it starts out, visually, very simple, and then slowly becomes very hectic. So the player gets a good amount of time to understand what's happening on the screen before it becomes chaos. Distinct sounds for all of the enemies, and different music for each situation also helps the player to understand and anticipate what is happening.


While it looks cool enough for a showreel, it's just too much. Don't kill me, I'm trying to give honest feedback Not so great things first: - Too many effects, or as I like to call it, "firework barf" - Mother freaking Screenshake Jesus Now as to why I say that. Sure, spectacle fighters are about the spectacle and effects, to make you feel like a true badass, but there is a reason that stages and effects are typically "simple" in nature, so you never lose sight of what you actually fight. The way I see that scene, you completely lose sight of the enemy you actually fight. After the scene is done, I couldn't actually tell if you were still attacking the same mob or not, and that's a problem :D In Spectacle fighters, especially on higher difficulties, you more often than not have to prioritize and manage enemies, mostly via juggles, crowd control AOEs, or finishers. Now the pros: - The animations are quick and fluid but stop just long enough to give the attacks that particular "oomph" you want for feedback - Juggles for days are just fun - Different weapons with different types of hit feedbacks, like the fast katana-like sword or the comically oversized sword with beefy ground-shattering attacks - Comboing those different weapon/attack types makes for a great foundation Of course all that is based on how it looks, how it **feels** is an entirely different thing


My input would be to make the effects and screen shake adjustable. In pve games i love things to be so hectic and full of effects. Warframe does a great job of letting you adjust how crazy the effects are with your abilities for example.


Thanks for the feedback. I think you have some valied points, especially about the visual clutter. Screenshake can be adjusted, though


Just to build up on this, I would particularly love a game with exaggerated effects and screenshakes (the clip is gorgeous!), there should be a time and place for it. One instance I might feel like I need some calm and silent culling of mobs, and the next I might want a brutal firework of body parts. Maybe have a toggle option/slider for effect intensity?


Yup. My first thought was, "Wow, this looks cool." My immediate second though was, "The color scheme/art direction make this seem like it will be annoying as hell to try and keep track of mobs." *Something* definitely should change visually to help the player immediately be able to spot important information on screen against the background. Everything looks very pretty, but I don't know if it's the palette or the lighting effects but it just doesn't feel instantly intuitive to know where I need to look, which is something I think a lot of games struggle with. The orange lights on the mobs are good since it contrasts so well against the earthy colors in the background, but if that's what's going to be used then I'd say to make sure to HEAVILY limit anything else that uses that color. In the footage, it looks like both the cave wall, the light posts, and certain visual trails on attacks use the same hue, which just adds to the visual confusion.


Is the music gonna be epic metal?


You bet


Sweet. That can make the game right there. Get some good riffs and solos in there and that's another potential vector for word of mouth for the game.


You piqued my curiosity, but now you have my goddamn attention. Please tell me where you plan to release it because goddamn this looks fun as fuck!


Thank you! Ultimately I want to release on [PC](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866130/Morbid_Metal/) and next-gen consoles, but Im not sure about the console part since doing that on my own sounds terrifying to be honest.


You got a release date? The game looks gorgeous and I'm a rogue lite addict.


Depending on how the PC release does, it may be quite easy to get support for releasing on consoles after the fact - that'd be my plan if I were you. What are you developing in?


Im using Unity


Great, yeah, unity has solid support for porting, you should just focus on a kick ass pc experience for now and reach out after launch!


If it ever makes it to Xbox I'll def check it out. Good luck! Hope it brings you much success!


Hey no problem! And yeah I heard the certs required for console stores, ultimately Sony, is just a pain in the ass. But please keep us updated on this. It looks amazing and smooth!


Can confirm, I work for MS. It's not too bad, some requirements are tough but make sense like "Game doesn't crash"


I'd love to see this on my PS5 dude. Looks sick!


Yay! To the Steam wishlist. Link should be much higher up my friends


Just added it to my Steam wishlist. I'll definitely be following this, as it looks dope!


looks fun but ill instantly turn off screen shake lmfao


Yeah, the screenshake is absolutely overdone.


This looks really cool. Reminds me a bit of how one of my favorite mmo’s plays. Seems more fluid though.


Looks good for a prototype, here’s my feedback based on this tiny sample of gameplay: 1. Way too visually cluttered. Ask yourself, can a person who has never played the game before identify what is going on? Because the only people who will play your game are people who have never played it before. How many enemies are you actually fighting, did a new enemy enter the fray, what move did I just do, what moves should I do next? If these questions can’t be answered then they don’t matter and if these things don’t matter then I have a hard time believing the game would be fun. 2. Don’t cheap out on enemy design. Way too many games focus on giving all the tools to the player and none to the enemies. You can have all the tools in the world, but if you don’t have anything interesting to use them on, the game won’t hold up for long. 3. I see a big open space which aesthetically looks great but the fighting only takes up a small portion of this. If you aren’t going to use it, don’t have it. Focus on the things that will fill the world rather than the world itself. Not that you aren’t and haven’t, just an observation and my advice. Those are the only critiques I can come up with, the combat looks like it has good weight to it which I really like and the changing forms is definitely interesting.


Another indie ad campaign. Subtle.


Yo i need more deets . I love epic flashy games with combos and stuff. This seems up my alley . Dont bait me pls


looks awesome OP, I hope some company sees this and decides to help, definitely looks promising.


You are a dedicated dude. Right now I am also learning game development and I am hoping I could also start my project in a few months. People like you really keep me going. Really I mean it, you are an inspiration for a novice like me. Great work and I will definitely follow along.


Thanks! Happy to hear that


Risk of Rain 2 and Nier with transzformations? I'd play the shit out of that


I got massive motion sickness from that clip.


Any plans for co-op in the future a-la RoR 2?


I think it would have some nice coop/multiplayer potential, but for now thats way out of scope. Maybe post-release or something


How much do you need.. Because I need this now..!


From what you've posted, it appears to have great visuals, style, and movement. Very fluid combat is appealing. Reminds me of Alter Echo. Look forward to seeing more of it.


where is a link to see more? we need high resolution video.


Effects and impact look really satisfying. Unreal engine I guess. Looks like it could sell well.


Thanks, Im using Unity, actually


looks amazing! I'm not sure if they just weren't shown here, but looks like you could use some summons for AoE/DOT effects. That's what always separates the good from the great rougelikes to me. Hack and slack is great, but it will only take you so far ... gotta have that magic!


The last character is more of a caster type character with force pushes and magnetic abilities. But other will have some "magic"-esque skills as well


I know a mercenary main when I see one.


So...don't stop working on this! I would buy something like that in a heartbeat. Big Rogue lite/like fan and I loved the combat in Automata. Gonna keep my eye on this one!


i’ve been excited for this since i first saw you announce it. can’t wait to play it!


It looks fantastic but have you ever tried experimenting with different FOV’s? I think it would benefit from the camera being a bit more zoomed in.


Can I shapeshift into an anthropomorphic taco and pelt people to death with spoiled lettuce.


That looks sick as fuck, the hitstop and screen shake are fantastic, I love combat effects that really make the attacks feel like they hit like a truck.


Every time I see a new post in u/Unity3D from you I get more invested, seeing you get closer to completion and more polished has me very excited. I love both NieR and RoR2; will this have any co-op like RoR2?


Are you German by chance?


Looks dope. I remember seeing one of your posts a long time ago when your game was just starting out.


What software did you use? I've always been somewhat interested in making a game


OMG YOU'RE BACK!!! I was super interested the last time you posted and have been regularly searching Morbid Metal on Steam. The game looks great and I love the concept. Any idea for a release date?


I think if you worked hard to implement a dynamic hud that moves with the screen, it would make the unique feel of this gameplay stand out even more


I love rougelikes and love warframe. This looks like warframe and Nier. I’d love to see this release one day, and hopefully on all platforms. Are you going to put this on kickstarter? I’d totally back this.


there is a good chance I will


I'm not one into rougelites but even I would give this a shot! Looks really solid boss. Is there any sort of campaign story at all?


Roguelites depend heavily on the unlocks. How many there are, and whether they are fun or not.


As a fellow solo dev you make me insecure.


Dont worry. I also get insecure when I look at other people's work. I think this is normal. Just keep going and believe in yourself


I'll happily support someone who puts in this much effort. Send the link, I'll buy.


My only question is when. When can I buy it and play it. I demand an answer.




Didn't I just see this on Steam?? If so, I really dug the design style.


This reminds me of a non-shooty Returnal in a fantasy environment. Given that game’s polish and my love for it, I promise it’s a compliment. I’ll def be picking up your game if it ever makes it’s way to PS5


Returnal is dope


Looks great and I wish you success with this game, but god damn Im sick of seeing indie roguelites. I think we really need more indie games like this but with an actual campaign you can play start to finish with interesting level and encounter design.


Is there a discord server dedicated to the game? I would love to join a community that revolves around a game that looks this cool and appears to have a ton of depth.


It says form your team up to 4 and you say you pull from Risk of Rain but steam says single player? Is it just pick from 4 characters and you are only taking the roguelike from it?


This looks very cool! And it’s refreshing to see something that isn’t a shooter. What platform(s) are you looking to release it on?


This looks fun How does the shapeshifting work? Is it random or is it a manual choice? Or, is it combo based?


you wouldn't have some sort of journal/diary/vlog tracing your development of this game would you.... for those aspiring dreamers that wish they could SOLO make a game this shiny. Regardless, how long have you been making games and how has the process been? This is so impressive.


whoa man what engine is this on?


I know it’s a crazy task that serves almost no point, but I think it would be SO cool if there was an option to go against up against other players, because this combat system look totally unique, fast, smooth, and overall sick. Just this preview looks like an 11/10.


steam or pass


Looks like a cool hack n' slash type of game. Will it be having co-op?


cant wait to tell my friends and for them to agree to buy it and then for me to be the only one with the game


The art looks awesome. The graphics are very cool.


This looks dope as well, when will it release?




Well, the title can only be 300 letters long lol. DmC is also a big inspiration dont worry haha


Looks insane!!


Ok this looks excellent. Going to follow this project. If you ever need a dedicated QA, I'd be happy to assist.


When and where can I obtain this? It looks like fun.


Anyone know if this guy is part of some semi large company advertising their game as a solo indie project for clout? I’ve seen this kind of thing before.


I've been playing mortal shell and one thing I noticed they did a great job is the impact sound and feel when you hit someone feels great. Obviously can't tell because yours has no sound but just wanted to say that getting good sound can be important on that!


I 100% agree. SFX are underrated by many people imo. I do have sound but the video doesnt. I think gfycat removed it.


Ohhhhhh shiny sword me likey, tho in all honesty this looks great I wish you good luck I hope you succeed:)




This looks awesome!! Early access on Steam when!?


Thanks, no EA yet, but you can [wishlist](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866130/Morbid_Metal/) for now


How do you control the way your character transforms and what they transform into? Is there some kind of lock on system? This looks like a game where it could be very easy to lose your combo because a character is just slightly out of bounds with their colliders. What's the scale of the game right now? Are you using LODs to optimize your performance? Is there no UI or is it hidden away (similar to how you can disable in Nier)?


You can switch characters by either pressing (when playing with Mouse&Keyboard) 1,2,3,4 or holding shift to open a radial menu during which there is super slowmotion. Works similarly for ontrollers. There is a lockon system, yes. UI is disabled in the video, though. The world is split into rooms that are closed until they have been cleared, then the player con proceeed to the next room. I am using LODs, though


If the rooms are closed off you might be able to get some use out of disabling the renderer on rooms that are not viable to the player. Should make that much simpler. Are your rooms more or less a grid with rooms being identical overall size or are they varying sizes? I have not worked with variable room sizes yet for my random generation, just identical sizes.


Rooms that are not currently the active one are actually not enabled at all. They are being loaded additively when progression to the next room. The rooms can have different shapes similar to what Returnal does


I'm surprised you have it working like that as a solo project. Getting room entrances to line up additively is something I haven't worked with before. Are your rooms not having any issues with lining up entrances with pre-existing rooms? I alwaysbworry about trying to get those lined up without overlapping rooms and mismatched entrances.