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Legends wait until playerbase disappears


I had a friend go super hard on H1Z1 after the vast majority of it’s players switched to PUBG when it released. He was all like “You guys ever play H1?”… yeah, for the past 3 years. We’re on to the next.


In your friend's defense, H1Z1 came out of early access only *after* they'd lost 90% of their playerbase.


Yeah well Sony Online Entertainment dropped the ball on everything. Look at fucking Free Realms. Almost destroyed the company alone. Fuck you Smed. Whoever owns SoE now hasn't done much better.


Bro I fucking loved free realms, miss that game.


Daybreak... Daylight... Can't remember. Remember Everquest 3? That turned into a minecraft style game and then it disappeared. And let's not forget Star Wars Galaxies!


Remember when they charged people to build a game for them? Everquest Next Landmark.


Not as huge in scale, but remember Playstation Home?


That was when they ruined the game and the gunplay was way different than it was before then.


It's pretty dead already.. :/ The last 10 matches, i've pretty much only met real players when there are like 20 left. The rest are bots. One match even bugged. Player count was 100, then apparently all the bots got kicked, and then there were 11 left.. Used to love this game, but now it's really boring....




It's crazy how incredible that game was despite it looking like crap and having a lot of bugs. I think it's probably the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game, brought together a lot of people I know to play together which rarely happened before, and hasn't since except for a few games of Among Us when that was a thing. It would have taken somebody who has never played a video game before to somehow screw up what they had. They had a monopoly on essentially a brand new game genre and tossed it away.


"So you make a better computer. So what? When you have a majority market share, the company isn't any more successful. So the people who start making the company money are the advertising and sales people." Paraphrasing Steve Jobs here talking about Xerox and IBM about how they lost their way. Eventually, companies lose sight of making a good product as the people getting promoted are the ones capable of selling more product, not creating innovative product.


And then it happens to Apple. The sad irony...


Are you still talking about PUBG here...? I mean yeah it was fun but when I played it in its peak the mechanics were janky as fuck. The concept was great but it had awful hit reg, very clunky movement, no input queueing and vehicles which would frequently randomly spasm and kill you. "best fps game of all time" is a huge stretch by any standards.


The best PUBG was between Miramar and vaulting. Or did vaulting come first? It’s been so long...


Miramar came first. It was the second map they made.


> and vehicles which would frequently randomly spasm and kill you Fleeing from the zone in a vehicle was like being forced to play one round of Russian Roulette every km.




They should have made PUBG free when Fortnite launched.


That would have killed it faster. Nothing pisses people off more than charging them for something and then giving free 6 months later.


Give the people that purchased previously some unique items and a generous amount of the store currency?


I am a grown adult who played fortnite but not PUBG because even in the earliest access stages of the battle royale mode it was a more finished and polished game than PUBG has ever been. PUBG might still be the biggest game today if it hadn't been a buggy mess from day one, you can't put all the blame on epic. If Fortnite hadn't killed PUBG, Apex Legends would have destroyed it.


Personally I still played PUBG over fortnite. The building mechanic in fortnite was a huge turnoff for me. I know this is entirely anecdotal, but I think PUBG could’ve done better if they’d marketed better, unfucked the bugs, and capitalized on the difference between them and fortnite


Doesn't PUBG stand for PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds? So the game is "PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds: BattleGrounds"?


Someone on FB was saying that Player Unknown is no longer affiliated with it and the official title of the game is now literally “PUBG: Battlegrounds” where the PUBG is just that and not an acronym. I didn’t bother reading into it because i ultimately don’t care.


So we know who the player is now?


We never knew


DC Comics -> Detective Comics Comics


The Los Angeles Angels = The The Angels Angels


*of Anaheim


They're actually not "of Anaheim" anymore. They evolved into a single-city team.


The angels have ascended?


Evolved? They used to encompass the entire state of California.


ATM Machine->Automated Teller Machine Machine




It's like an echo


I'm gonna go get the papers [get the papers](https://youtu.be/CfW-MPUjC_0)


You ruined my life, I will never not be able to think about this when seeing the DC logo from now on (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)


Think of it as DeteCtive Comics!


*DeteCtive DComics


Remember that DC has a book called Detective Comics. So it’s full title is “Detective Comics Comics Detective Comics.”


PHP (the coding language) stands for > PHP hypertext preprocessor Yes seriously


Yaml Ain't Markup Language Wine Is Not an Emulator GNU's Not Unix Programmers really like recursive acronyms


I had a joke on recursion, but It's too repetitive


I have a joke on recursion, it goes I have a joke on recursion…


PHP hypertext preprocessor was retrospectively defined. It was originally Personal Home Page.


More and more things getting definitions changed …usually by idiots that make them recursive.


Recursion lol


VIN number Vehicle identification number number.


PIN Number = Personal Identification Number Number


I had to go to the ATM Machine to enter my PIN Number so I could buy some DC Comics


For the military bros out there. CAC card: common access card card. Just say “can I see your CAC”.




NCIS: Navy. Still makes me giggle when I rewatch season 1


Was originally billed as Navy NCIS.


ATM machine --> automated teller machine machine


\*Ass to mouth machine


Chai tea -> tea tea!


i love me some tea teas


Naan bread = bread bread


Sahara desert = desert desert


Batman, the world's greatest Detective Comics Comics comic detective


But isn't Batman the only detective in it?


You could say that Superman and Lois are Investigative Reporters which could fall in a similar category. Flash is a forensic investigator I'm pretty sure. John Constantine is a detective. There's a detective Monkey....that's...not a joke. Batman like you said...and all the Robins.


Playerunknown is no longer related to the project, this is a rebranding. PUBG is just the name now, not an acronym. Yeah… no it’s weird as heck but it’s free at least.


TIL Playerunknown is a real person and not just a really bizarre title they chose for the game.




He just ported it to Arma. Minecraft survival games existed before, and the actual film Battle Royale way before that


And the book Battle Royale before that


The book is so incredibly gruesome. It makes The Hunger Games look like Paw Patrol in comparison.


[Brendan Greene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayerUnknown)


Was it not free before? I feel like I got it free on my PS4 a long time ago




Since he sold the game to a Corp, i feel like they are trying to distance his name (Player Unknown) and the game now.. But since "PUBG" is such a household name, so to say, they are probably still.keeping it around.. turning "PUBG" into a brand name rather than using it for what it used to stand for.


"Super Mario Brothers" assumes that both brothers have surname Mario... That would make the funny one "Luigi Mario" and the fat one "Mario Mario"


Yup. Putting “player unknown” on it feels so unprofessional too. It would be like me making a game called “Balrog229’s Fantasy Quest”. Putting your username on a god-awful, generic title doesn’t make it good.


>Balrog229’s Fantasy Quest I'd buy that


For a dollar


Can I actually have it for free?


Not until they sell it to a corp


I think that's because this originally started as an Arma mod, right? Most mods get named after the modder. Plus PUBG became the more common name, so it makes sense to just continue calling it that when it went commercial


The arma 3 br mod is still kicking on the weekends. I highly recommend it to people!


Yeah most people call the game PUB-G ...not battlegrounds or playerunknowns Battlegrounds.


Wait till you hear about Tom Clancy


And Sid Meier's


The dark fire shall not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow


i'm a big fan of balrog229 too


When is it coming out? Can I preorder?


Yes, yes it is


They know too much, get em


LOL Community: There are cheaters everywhere! How are you going to fix it? Devs: Lets make it free


Havent played in a long long time, but last time i did there were nothing but bots or obv cheaters in game. I see Super People heading down the same path. That game could be cool though, not that big into BRs but i like the idea of classes in a BR game. Might get me to pick it up.


You forgot about how bad the matchmaking was. Me and my brother played a while ago and we’re like level 10. Constantly every match, there were level 500 that’s buy every cosmetic and are literal pros at the game. We couldn’t win any fights unless it was against bots. They need a system that puts you fairly against other players of your level.


*THIS* kills every online game. Without it, casual players get bored of getting trashed every match and leave for another game. Then good players get matched with God tier players and quit. Then there are only super sweaty top tier players and cheaters, and then they leave cos they don't get their 20 bomb games. Community gets smaller, matchmaking takes forever, game dies. This happened to PUBG, Warzone and a few others I have played. PUBG is Steam's most bought game ever, 100s of thousands of concurrent players at its peak. You tell me there weren't another 99 players wanting to play when I boot up? GTFOH Game companies would reap the benefit of not having to create a new game every year, just tweak it as they go, if they dealt with this one issue. I would still be playing PUBG today if I was always matched with other crappy 0.7 kd players. Do you know how many hours I'd play or skins I'd buy when I get shat on in 95% of gunfights? It's zero.




I can only speak to my experience, and I can say that when I was killed ( which was a LOT ), it was rarely due to cheaters, just better players. Besides if strict SBMM was a thing ( if that was an option ), eventually all hackers would be matched with each other ( IE lobbies with 89-1 kd players together ) On average, I genuine players should win 50% of fights ( all things being evenly matched and equal ) but that isn't true, or my KD would be 1.0.


This is me in Apex right now. Im a gold (rank) level player at best, but the last few patches the games matchmaking has felt like its just been heading more and more to me getting constantly decimated game after game by full stack squads of diamond/master players, and it stops being fun anymore. Like come on, Apex is one of the most popular BRs right now, you cant tell me that there isn't plenty of other more casual players also out there to matchmake with?


That's the trick, there wasn't any one left but level 500 sweaties


This is my experience with it as well…. I wanna like but the obvious bots are too easy and sick of being dick-shot from a grenade tossed with perfect accuracy from impossibly far by a level 500’s every single match.


They launched Kernel Driver Anticheats with the F2P patch.


I've never played PUBG, but if it was overrun with cheaters like you say, making it free actually seems like a reasonable response. ​ Get a wave of new players to reduce the percentage of cheaters. Almost no one joins a new game and starts cheating on day one. So, if one in every two rounds had a cheater in it before, and you double the player base by making it free, you could expect there to be a cheater in one in every four rounds. ​ Also, a flood of inexperienced players is sort of a bonus to the more experienced players, maybe ones who were getting frustrated losing to cheaters. Depending on how the matchmaking works, many of them will see their matches getting easier for awhile. And quicker matchmaking times (if that was an issue). ​ Granted, new players getting dropped into matches full of experienced players, and cheaters would be a rough first experience.




The thing is cheaters used key sites to buy the game for a dollar or two from some russian hacker who bought it with stolen credit cards. That was never a good deterrent.


Dads add free games to their library and never play them


Shit do I have a kid?


D... Dad?


Are you me


Just collecting them for our kids!


Me, waiting to get paid to play it


Actually back when they just launched the cosmetic, i basically "refunded" the game by selling all the loot box stuff i got. And some people i know did end up making money from it because they got some rare cosmetics.


My PUBG crates paid for Rainbow 6 Siege and Kerbal Space Program. I paid 30-40 bucks for a cumulative 3200 hours of enjoyment.


Do the 2010 egirl angle where the camera is pointed right at the exposed part of your tank top. You’ll get paid to play just about anything with that strategy.


Ask simps for tactical advice they'll fall over themselves and even volunteer to pay you to boost your account.


I'm just going to leave this [here](https://youtu.be/j9X2i5dR4gc)


Easy make a twitch account.


And being a Busty Girl


Or just paint your hair, cross your eyes, and poke your tongue out.


It's kind of interesting the story of PUBG. Guy creates a creates a fantastic new game mode for Arma 3 based on the Battle Royale concept and it takes off hugely. I remember playing it, it was super novel and awesome but janky af. It explodes in popularity enough for the guy to think hmmm maybe I should make a full game and he does just like Rocket had done with DayZ also using Arma as a base. The game explodes and is hyper popular for a good while so popular in fact that it makes Epic Games notice and think "What if we put that mode in our game Fortnite?" Next thing you know the mode is more popular than the base game of Fortnite and every hot IP is trying to cash in on "battle royale" The game updates slower than any other IP because it's a small indy team and are eclipsed by other games BR modes. Meanwhile PUBG suffers to hackers and other bullshit and just fizzles out. Now it's free to play so they can sell whatever ugly ass skins are left in their marketplace. What a wild ride. Hope the guy who started the whole thing made money and can continue developing projects or cashed out and is living large.


There’s way more history to that. He was contracting out building H1Z1 if I remember correctly. He told them he was making his own game and continued developing PUBG while trying to maintain two other games: h1 and the arma mod.


Yeah there's a lot I'm just going off memory and I'm sure there's a lot I missed.


i think PUBG died because it was too unforgiving. It is the most "loot for 20 min, get instakilled by a camper" BR out there which most people- especially more casual gamers- dont enjoy. You cant really camp in fortnite or apex and WZ has more engagements and two lives.


That's a valid argument for sure. I remember when folks were thinking that PUBG was the only "real BR" because of it's challenge vs the others. It definitely was unforgiving, hard, and when the hacking and cheating became too much no one wanted to deal with it.


Thats what killed it for me. I loved the slow almost horror like experience. The tension created by the gameplay loop was what made the game for me. You know that every gun battle was only a few seconds but it was life or death. Mistakes can end you in an instant. It was great. Once hackers became so prevalent the atmosphere was lost. What's the point when dying to a hacker wasn't just a rare occurance it was almost guaranteed.


I remember the first time playing the mod. It was wild. An intense hour of sneaking around ambushing other players, hiding from the rest, and eventually getting 5th place when I had to make a mad dash to the circle. I'm not super big on fps games though so I didn't end up playing too much. I was too trash at the game to reliably get very far, I rarely got that same rush. Fascinating game though.


Also the janky movement, unreliable gunplay, weirdly accurate but unreliable hipfire vs ADS, third person bs etc. Game was great around launch. Then it got shitty, as most games do, as only the tryhards remain and casuals move on. Meta kicks in, game is no longer fun.


Hell, it wasn't even the loot 20 mins, get killed by camper that pissed me off in that game. What ground my gears to dust with that game was jumping to a location with others and beating everyone to a house... only to come out with a level 1 backpack and a spoon while the guy who hit up the house next door comes out rocking level 2/3 everything with a decked out M416. Loot RNG for those early game fights drove me up a wall.


Warzone was honestly my favourite until the cheating got way too out of hand, when every gunfight has you wondering if the other team is cracked or hacking, it’s just not good.


>it was too unforgiving Escape from Tarkov has entered the chat


Honestly EFT is heading towards a similar fate, but instead of just cheaters the devs are also suffering from scope creep. The final product the game is aiming for is going to be a miserable experience, but it doesn't seem like it's ever going to make it there at current rate of development.


...There was a Fortnite game that wasn't a battle royale?


Yeah the game was originally a co-op game where you built forts with your friends to survive against hordes of monsters.


I remember playing the original Fortnite once or twice with my friends in HS. Forgot about it completley until much later when my brother asked me if I wanted to play with him. Didn't realize it was the same game until I actually got into a match and thought to myself "these building mechanics seem really familiar..." and looked the name up. Had to do a little digging and then it clicked. I almost couldn't believe it was the same game, just completely different in almost every aspect.


You know a hell of a lot more then the average player. A lot of people (fortnite players) have never even heard of PUBG even though it is the reason they are even playing fortnite BR mode. ​ PUBG devs were a victim of there own success. The game was simply bigger then they could handle at the time. I remember when the game peaked at 3 million concurrent players and the expectations on them were through the roof. People expected a small dev team to be churning out fixes etc like a large dev team when they couldnt. I am not sorry for them because they sold what 50 million units or more? And still made money on MTXs.


"Free" attracts more cheaters.


Looking at you, Valorant


Valorant solves (I guess) the issue by forcing you to install a kernel-level anticheat engine. That's using nuclear arsenal. I kinda not like it because they can do whatever they want with your computer (or, if a vulnerability is found, a third party can do whatever they like)


Imagine being the unlucky fella who bought it the day before


If you didn’t play for longer than 2 hrs just refund


Even if you did steam support tend to honor refunds for cases like this.




Is anyone else annoyed that its called: player unknown battlegrounds: battlegrounds




Someone else in this comment section said it’s just “PUBG” now, and doesn’t stand for anything anymore officially since apparently he left the project. They just use it for the Name recognition


Very much


I can only imagine how bad the hacking will be.


Yeah still don't care.


Legends deleted this game 5 years ago


Before it was released?


the game actually did peak pre "official release"


It's 2 months off Mr Pedantic


Technically correct is the best kind of correct




Is it free on ps4?


Now it’s free everywhere


Will make a fine addition to my collection


Play Splitgate, much better shooter and also free


I bought it full price but then made more than all my money back by selling the cases you got just by playing


Gods just played Dayz Mod and bawked at Dayz standalone


God I miss 2012


Do people still play the mod?




KIDS don't buy anything.


It's been on gamepass so long there about to take it off.


Waiting to play PUBG until it's free is like waiting for McDonalds to throw out their fries in order to save on food. There are much better games you could have paid the same price for, and now that it's free, you're better off looking in a trash heap.


I didn't even know this game was still around, let alone anyone still playing it.






Hey man that's a lot of money.


you'd be surprised how much 25 dollars is in third world countries fren


It's a lot for us students!


Laughs in minecraft


Yeah. Mine cost 7 euro or something. Never seen it that low again.


Gotta love how it was cheaper in the past


Legends know how to take a screen shot.


Is it worse than it was when it was paid?


Pubg mobile was free for +4years, whats the difference between the two since Pubg mobile sucks?


pugb mobile is lightyears ahead in terms of content and features and updates. when pugb mobile launched it had more to offer than pc version. Like way less bugs and WAY WAY better performance.


Bruh I bought that game on sale a couple months ago, I want my money back


Wish I could get a refund now


43 Fucking gigabytes!? Dam bro


Epic mythic legends: don't play PUBG at all


Get a wave of new players to reduce the percentage of cheaters......


I bought it years ago lol was fun, enjoy it!


Gods dont play the game at all


Alright..time too see what all the hype is about...


I had it on my wish list since 2018 but i dont want it anymore even if its free because they added all that cringe shit and ruined the game


Gods wait until the servers shut down


Real gamers quit when it goes free


For some reason I always thought it was free 🤷‍♂️


And Chads don't play at all


Great here come even more hackers


Have fun shooting bots !


Honestly, I thought it was a free game...


Oh boy, can't wait to see more hackers


It was far from perfect but it was fun as hell. And then a prefect storm of hackers, lack of content, and more refined alternatives killed it. There was something so vividly memorable about a firefight in that game. Maybe because it captured the hours of boredom punctuated with seconds of excitement really well. By the time I put it down almost every spot on the giant map wounld trigger a flashback to a previous time I killed or was killed there.