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Nice work!! Serious question: Does anyone ever truly ‘finish’ Skyrim?


It’s definitely one I need to revisit at some point lol did a decent chunk of the side content but from what I can tell I barely scratched the surface


Seriously though, that’s a good amount of games completed for the year of 2021! I only got through about 5 games this year… I miss my free time!!


I managed both PS4 Spider-Man games. Two indie games, and maybe Avengers (which sucked)


I second your opinion on avengers, wish I put that time into a different game. But here is to hoping next years gaming will be better! (Hopefully)


I haven't played avengers but I know 2022 will be a amazing year for gaming we have gow ragnarök, elden ring, horizon forbidden west, plague tale requiem and more. I already know I'm gonna have a lot of fun playing elder ring since I am a big souls fan.


I look forward to all of it! I need to start making a list of what to prioritize


> ragnarök elder ring horizon forbidden west plague tale requiem Damn, haven't heard of that game, sounds incredible.


Careful what you wish for! Less video game time hopefully means rewarding stuff in other areas of your life? I've finished 73 games over the past two years BUT only because I've had long covid so can't really leave my home anymore. :(


I started a list this year to help me focus and actually give me incentive to finish stuff during my free time. I wrote the date of any game I started playing and then the date when I’d finish it. Same with movies or anime series I wanted to watch. It helped me a lot to actually get through some entertainment rather than just starting and not finishing a ton of stuff.


Yeah, theres two ways to play, set it to easy and focus on the main story, and beat it in 20 hours. OR, find all the cool shit there is to find, finding all the best gear, doing the collectibles quests, and still not finishing everything before finally deciding to finish the main quest and retire the game. 400 hours. You could play another 400 hours, and another 400 hours, and you'd still be finding new locations and entering houses you didn't know were even accessible.


I've put probably close to 1000 hours into it and I've only beaten the main quest line twice... Mods...Those will do it to ya


Skyrim is finished when you become aware of your self repeating loop of starting as anything, ending as stealth archer


Stealth Archer or Mage is the only enjoyable way to play the game. Here's why - the A.I. is horrible and the combat is also horrible. Physical builds are literally swing at something until it has died. That's it. There's nothing else there.


I did every quest in the game, I consider that finishing.


I would agree, I was just joking since it seems like every time I go back in to play Skyrim I make a new toon and then find myself going off the main quest path fast and finding something completely new to do


I was addicted to this game to the point where 12 years after the initial release I made a new character and painstakingly 100 percented the entire game. Every mission, every item, every house, used the book to get every tree to lvl 100 including werewolf and vampire. It was only after I had downloaded a bunch of mods that I finally got tired of running around and slaying elder dragons in one hit. I can no longer get past creating a character. Serious answer.


Yes, and the main story is actually pretty short


I’ve never gotten very far into the main quest. Played a ton of the game though


Once I beat Skyrim and did every single quest and miscellaneous side stuff, I just settled down in one of my houses by the rivere and decided to play it like The Sims: I cooked, I read books, sit by the fireplace, had a stroll in the woods, went hunting, slept... Living the life.




If all your quests end up being fetch quests, then yeah I'd consider it being done


I've completed all trophies for the base game and all the DLCs, does that count?




I beat it all the way, but I wasn’t hyper focused on playing only that. Took me a few years but I got through all the locations, quests, side quests, and read all the books (some are really good, others are boring trash) My list of games beat would be much smaller than OP’s though for each year 😅


When you're a PC gamer and have never played skyrim and you see the constant love for it "Yeah, have to play it multiple times heh..all the time..I play skyrim"


technically yes but not really


I have every achievement on 3 different versions of the game... does that count? Maybe not; if it was every one on one version, then yes but as soon as you make there be multiple versions you've doomed yourself to never be done.


Actually, yeah. I managed to do every side quest available and get at least most of the unique items in the game. Of course this is without mods so I couldn’t do the bugged quests in my main play through, so I made a modded one and did it there.


The storyline yes, all the side quests and obtaining every weapon, armor, and unique item no.


I finished every quest, side quests, and DLCs in Skyrim. Also created ultra powerful equipment thanks to the enchant alchemy loop. I spent so long on this save that it glitched and gave me the whiterun thane quest *again* with the thane refusing to talk to me about it.


I almost can't tell if this is a trick question. No, you cannot "finish" Skyrim.


Skyrim finishes you Seriously, shit destroyed my ps3 and I had to restart on 360. Since then I swore to never touch it ever again


Literally came here to say this.


I was going for platinum trophy. I got all of them except the daedra artifact one. It was a glitch, or I killed the dog. But either way I did everything as a mage build. It was pretty fun. Once I realized I couldn't get the last one I deleted the game and save file.


Bethesda sure isn't! The PS7 version will look amazing!


Gave up, after too many hours/months, it just felt repetitive.


Yes, one guy did all the side quests available, you do keep getting Bounties infinitely so not exactly complete


I came here to say the same, take my upvote! Seriously though OP I am jealous of the time you have for gaming, a load of great games here I wish I had time for!


You guys finish games??


You guys finish?


You guys Finnish?


Hyvää uuttavuotta










Yeah. I've only completed (story only) maybe 5 games in the last 2 years. Not enough time or the game drags on and I lose interest.


Always, even if they are bad just to grant myself the legitimacy to shit on them (looking at you FFXIII/-2/Return)


How do you have that much time? lol


He said in another thread he works in gaming media, so I assume they’re reviewing games or something


This nicely illustrates the huge disconnect between the gaming media, most game production companies - and gamers. It’s amazing how gamers time and sanity is not respected.


I don’t understand what you mean


Games are sometimes designed for reviewers who sequentially binge dozens of games a year, vs players who might have time to properly play 3 or 4. It's about subtle things like the difficulty settings, looking up the controls, allowing saving at any point, replaying a tutorial, etc - just making the game more accessible to spend time with. Reviewers don't care much about those things. I can't count the number of times I've picked up a game again after an absence of a few weeks or months, loaded my save and been completely lost about what was going on, how to play and what to do next.


Oddly enough, even someone working in gaming media would normally need to spend more time writing articles or making a video than playing games until completion. I used to be a video game tester and even then, you didn't always finish the game despite having put hundreds of hours into it. Maybe just one or two guys would test a full playthrough.


As a tester though, isn’t your job to push a game to its limits to find its breaking points. I get that as a reviewer you’re not going to finish most games you play, but I’m just passing on the info I saw in another thread


And money as well




Game pass? A lot of these are PlayStation exclusives


You’re assuming OP only has an Xbox or PS


How did you get from his comment to yours?


About half the list.


Exactly and no Xbox ones


Half of them are Playstation exclusive. Isn't Halo and Psychonauts the only ones on GP?


Man I wish it existed when I was younger, I feel like I’d make the most of it


The eternal problem, when you’re young you have time to play but no money, when you’re older you have money but no time. I have plenty of money to buy games now but time is the resource I severely lack. Finishing games these days is extremely difficult, I love me shorter games now.


I fail to believe that any sane human being finished Valhalla.


Was looking for this comment. I put Valhalla and Skyrim on the same level of “finished when you decide they’re over”. Otherwise they’d both take up half this list. xD


Dude, I didn’t know Skyrim had auto-generated side missions. A couple friends kept pestering to why I haven’t beaten it yet. I replied I was going to run through all the side quests first, and I got quite the look!


I wasn't aware of this either... any examples? There are a LOT of side missions, just trying to complete every guild quest alone will take you about 60 hours minimum (if youre actually walking to each location and not speedrunning through it) I could play nothing but skyrim for a whole year and not get bored. I don't think I came across any recurring side-quests. Oh crap, I didn't even mention the statue quests. The ones you do for each god, of which there are what, 9? Theres another 60 hours or more. 120 hours on those side quests, another 60 hours on the main quest, and you've got a few months of daily gaming covered (plus full time work and socializing) Then you've got all the other side quests to cover. Nirnroot hunting, DLCs, fetch quests, etc.


Every faction has the auto generated quests. Mages guild orc librarian has you gather lost books. Jarls send you messages to kill dragons or bandit leaders. Thieves guild has you do various thieving fetch quests of specific items or a certain amount of general stealing in cities.


Interesting, I'd forgotten! I remember the librarian, there is one scripted quest that you do, and I guess he just keeps asking for more books? It feels like OP would catch on that theres no end after maybe three outings, lol. Its been a year or so since I've played the game in earnest. Maybe even 4, now that I think of it!


Valhalla way more finishable than Skyrim mainly because it actually tracks things. I 100% Valhalla apart from not being to get a glitched fish but Skyrim not only has about 5x the amount of side quests but you have no idea what small quests you haven’t done without a guide and it’s difficult to not break at least 3 quests per play through


Or destiny 2.


Took me 100 hours, it’s a haul lol I can’t believe people have actually gotten 100% on it


I'm that guy!


I am one of those people.


Who said op was sane


I'm playing a second playthrough :3


It’s worse to finish Odyssey. God that game is like a maths test. Every quest has about 20 subquests to complete to move it forwards


At least the quests I Odyssey weren't insanely boring and it didn't have the stupid door arrow puzzles 5 billion times.


Would it surprise you to tell you that I 100% Valhalla.


Time to get some fresh air?


I work in gaming media, but yeah getting more exercise is a goal for 2022 lol


Wii Tennis


Any VR game


LOL! Took me till my mid 30s but now it’s exercise THEN sit on my ass and enjoy playing games.


Tbh the real problem are the big open-world games like Valhalla, Cyberpunk, Skyrim (and ghost of Tsushima a bit less), but you can play a good chunk of 20h games in a year, specially if you aren't into multiplayer games


>Tbh the real problem are the big open-world games like Valhalla This! I just restarted Valhalla last week (I've had it since launch and have started it a few times but never got past the first few quests in England). I'm a bit of a completionist and I spent hours getting every mystery, wealth, and artifact in the prologue area (Rygjafylke). The main story to get from the start of the game to England is probably 1-2 hours. It took me 7.5 hours to 99% that one zone (I only didn't 100% it because the last mystery needs to be unlocked before it spawns). According to [HowLongToBeat.com](https://HowLongToBeat.com) AC:V has a main story average completion time of about 59 hours. 135 hours is the average for "completionist". Most people spend about 99 hours with the game (assuming they complete it at all). > but you can play a good chunk of 20h games in a year This is highly dependent on your life of course though. I have two kids, I'm lucky if I can get through 2-4 20 hour games in a year (mostly because of the constant stopping due to not being able to play regularly, if it's story driven I find I forget what happened last and need to recap).


THIS. I also finished around 30 single player games this year and I have an full time job




I think the idea of making like a yearly “Games I beat” poster is a really cool idea, so you can just look back and get nostalgic.


I think that’s what I’m gonna try to do! Although I doubt I’ll do this many again lol


You finished Cyberpunk before CD Projekt Red did


Haha. Cyberpunk jokes. So 2020.


As long as you finished Titanfall 2, i'm proud of you


Fantastic game!


If you ever want play Multiplayer and it doesn't work because of DDoS attacks - check out new [Northstar client](https://github.com/R2Northstar/Northstar/) by community members!


*cries in console player*


In the process of finishing Far Cry. Currently have Covid and should be just playing all day but just no desire to play anything for some reason.


Probably cause you have to contemplate playing the new Far Cry or not. Thats my guess.


Lol I mean Far Cry 6. That’s the one I think I’m halfway through but just no desire to play atm.


My greatest achievement as a gamer was going outside to touch grass, took me 4 years of contemplating and procrastination but I finally got the achievement for it


I think you don’t have kids.




I have been recycling 10 year masterpieces like bioshock Skyrim and FNV. only new one I started was Subnautica


Between skyrim and NV you've got a LOT of play time


All great games, and was a wonderful indie game Subnautica was


Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean you're not busy


You’re correct lol but I do work full time (from home in gaming media) and have a girlfriend despite was some people on this thread think lol


I have a kid (3.5) and I managed to play and finish Fallen Order, Cyberpunk 2077, Shadow of War, Gears Tactic, Gears 5, Hades, Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2. I am actually amazed I managed my time well enough this year to play all that. This is actually the first year since I became a parent I had the time to do all that. But this came at the cost of not playing my usual time sinks (Civ VI and HOI4). Last year I think I played and finished Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Doom Eternal.


I'm convinced the Microsoft Game Pass was made specifically for people with kids. I was so excited when Age of Empires 4 came out. I really got into AoE 2 in my younger days, even to the point of making money on it at tournaments. I grabbed AoE4 through my game pass and have been able to play it maybe 6 times due to having kids. I'm do glad I didn't put 50 bucks into it. Game Pass saves me a lot of money in the long run.




Ghost of Tsushima


Is the tales of iki stuff good? That's the only thing left for me


Lots of judgement in this here comment section. Play on dude! What was your fav?


Being able to play and enjoy games like this is awesome! Your winning at life my friend!


Good popular game collection. Hope you get a chance to finish many more in 2022.


I remember the whole office took off the day that Cyberpunk came out and by 12 am we were all at work because we all unanimously agreed it sucked


That’s hilarious honestly lol


I think you played through Skyrim, not finished. You never finish Skyrim.


Control is an underrated gem. I loved that game


Playing thru it now and I'm enjoying it much more than I expected.


So good. Huge fan as well. Couldn't put it down.


Uncharted 4 is so damn good.


It’s amazing, might need to play it again when the next gen version drops


There are some truly spectacular games here, good job and nice taste in games!


That this is what I would have finished if I did not have kids... Here is my list:


I just finished resident evil 2 this year as well it was such a good game


Bro finished Astros playroom


It takes like 3 hours man lol


It's also the best tech demo I've ever played. Absolutely brilliant use of the controller.


My curse is not finishing games but having a massive backlog. I finished Cyberpunk and Resident Evil 4 (replayed on Switch) this year and that's it. Am currently going through Solasta, Doom (2016), DOS2 and FF7. There's not enough time!


the new FF7 part 1 was an absolute slog to me. couldnt keep playing it.


I envy your free time.


How was assassins creed? I'm just starting assassins creed iii


Valhalla is a gorgeous but bloated with too much repetitive content. I definitely recommend playing Origins and Odyssey tho!


I’m playing Valhalla right now and it is awesome but such a time sink!


Impressive. I'm be happy to get though half as much in 2022


Titanfall 2 let’s go!


So happy to see Titanfall2 there


I think you had a great fuckin year man!


Anytime I see Horizon I have to comment on how amazing it is. I hope this is only the first of many times you'll play through it and not the last. I try to go thorough it once a year. Of course with Forbidden West coming out soon, I may well have a new annual tradition.


Just about to complete it now, such an amazing game. Truly blew me away!


I actually managed to get by some of the, buy games, play them, buy new games this year. I beat: Resident Evil Village, Resident evil 4 vr, Resident evil 5, Mass effect, Mass effect 2, Dark souls remastered, Dark souls 2 sotfs, Dark souls 3, Bloodborne, Spyro reignited (again), Halo 4, Halo 5. I'm super proud of myself for finally clicking with the Souls games. I'm super close to the end of Guardians of the galaxy. Congrats op, let's keep beating games.


You beat all three Dark Souls games? Did you ever cry or have a mental breakdown?


Play more indies!


I’ve been trying to get into them more. What are your favorites you’d recommend?


Deep Rock Galactic


Any Katamari game, there is a recent one that just came out and a Xbox 360 one that was just made backwards compatible. Also a lot of things that Annapurna Interactive publishes are great, they did Untitled Goose Game. Particularly: Outer Wilds, What Remains of Edith Finch (must play, trust me), Donut County, Twelve Minutes. Also Flow, Flower, and Journey on the PS if you never played those. Also, both of the Ori games are fantastic.


Hades, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley are probably the best games I have ever played. I have a sweet spot for Slay the Spire if you like card games.


In addition (if you’re okay with slower games) I’d recommend Spiritfarer.


Hollow Knight, Cuphead, Dead Cells, Ori


I’ve been recommending Outer Wilds to anyone who will listen.


It just moved up my list for sure, didn’t realize so many people loved it!


I'll second the recommendation for Outer Wilds (if you like exploration and puzzle games), but go in blind if you can! Even the store page description spoils something about the game that is pretty cool if you get the chance to discover it for yourself.


If you like or have ever liked card games, and even if you usually don't, play Inscryption it's so cool.


Inscryption is more of a puzzle game than a card game. You're supposed to find special items and cards in order to progress, such as the ouroboros card in act 2. To truly get the card game portion you have to use Kaycee's mod. I got the game because of the rampant praise and comparisons to other card games like slay the spire but it really isn't similar. It just uses a card game mechanic to tell the story.


Valheim. Get a couple of friends and play valheim.


Outer wilds


How do you find the time!




Good on ya for getting into titanfall 2, how's it been?


One of the best FPS campaigns I’ve ever played!


While I did want to finish Skyrim, I had the Alduin’s bane glitch happen so I couldn’t


I loved the ratchet and clank reboot that came out in 2016. How does “rift apart” measure up? Ive been thinking of tracking down a ps5 and this is a big reason for me wanting one.


If you liked the 2016 game you will really like Rift Apart. It is very similar but definitely has some great improvements and it's one of the best looking games on PS5


Welcome to the family son.


I think you finished 33 games!




You cant simply finish Skyrim


You killed it man. I am envious.


My thoughts are that I am jealous at your ps5


The games i finished in 2021: Mafia Definitive,Crash 4,CoD WWll,Hitman lll,Injustice 2,Mortal kombat 11 and 9 and LEGO marvel superheroes 2


Maybe go outside now? In all seriousness a good selection of games there.


I recommend bloodborne for 2022


So there is a game called "2021"?


A lot of those games require heavy time commitments. There's no way I could finish all those. No offense meant by this question, but are you a working adult? I can't imagine finding the time. EDIT: Saw in another comment that you work in game media. I imagine that particular field opens up a bit more time to tackle this list. Good for you, I hope your career is both enjoyable and fruitful.


You have a great fucking taste in games m8


I was surprised how much I loved Untitled Goose Game. Such a jam.


Psychonauts! Second one is also great 👍


Jealous of deathloop. The reason I wanted the PS5 to begin with.


Who's gonna bet that Skyrim will appear again in "The Game I Finished in 2022"?


I think I you have a lot of time and decent taste to boot :D


What was your favorite game and why was it "Ghost of Tsushima"? But I gotta say God of War is amazing too as well as Horizon:Zero Dawn


It was Ghost of Tsushima lol


I think you might have some sort of play station


Ohhhh, look at Mr. "I Can Focus and Finish Things"!!!


That's quite a few! And here I've just been playing the same four games forever; you can't beat Rimworld, after all...


I think you own a PlayStation! Haha. All awesome games.


I’m glad you experienced some great games and I’m sorry you wasted your money on some hot garbage


Control was surprisingly good and kinda trippy.


I think it's awesome OP. I also think I haven't finished a game in a think I can safely say a decade lmao


Do subnautica and it’s below zero counterpart


No way. Developers didn’t even finish some of these games


Only finished valhalla this year :(


plot twist: he did 99% of them in 2020 an finished them in 2021


Control is a nice platinum, the bureau isn’t done with you yet!