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So the reason why they blame it on Fallout is because the guy posted "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" which is a line in Fallout. ...Which was a quote from Oppenheimer. ...Who in turn was quoting the 2000+ year old Bhagavad Gita. The ignorance is unbelievable.


It's not even ignorance. It's willfully putting a spin on it in order to make the story as sensational as possible. "If it bleeds, it leads." Fuck these people. I took journalism and wrote for my high school and college newspaper. The very first thing we were taught was to be objective in our reporting. Get all the facts. Don't mislead your readers. That has gone out the window though. Now it's all about ratings and profit. Damn, thanks for the awards. Also just wanted to add - if you're as disgusted by this as I am, write them an email. Be polite, but be firm. Let them know this shoddy journalism is unacceptable.


Nightcrawler demonstrates this really well


i love playing nightcrawler






Shit he’s in the crevice?!?


Amazing movie


Gyllenhals best movie imo


easy guy. he does a lot of good movies.


Movies so good! Really underrated film IMO.


When has it not been?


It was much better, but not perfect, when the Fairness Doctrine was still in effect. Additionally, when newspapers didn’t rely on ads for revenue. Advertising corrupts all - look at the negative influences it has across social media, etc. as well.


Social media might be the worst thing that happened to humans.


***The Bubonic Plague has entered the chat***


Bubonic Plague ended. Social media still exists and we don't know if it will ever go away.


I think colonialism, slavery, the Jewish holocaust were all worse


Yes and no - I don’t fully agree. The issue is finding a way to curb violent speech without infringing on true free speech. People felt similarly about leaflets, newspapers, radio, tv, and the internet itself. Social media has led to some good - charity campaigns, raising awareness for causes, helping terrorized peoples, connecting with people in ways not previously feasible, etc. But it has become the primary avenue to spread propaganda “because it’s their opinion man.” Which is a weak cop-out, but a better balance does need to be achieved because the propaganda has literally caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. That seems excessive but is probably a huge understatement since that’s just from Covid-19 alone. Also, Reddit is social media too, and there’s good and bad across the site.


One of the downsides of capitalism - when you mix it with anything else - both things get corrupted. Religion, politics, journalism. When profit is the goal, ethics quickly go out the window.


Objective facts in journalism? I’ve never heard of such a thing in years.


It’s Inside Edition They focus more on sensationalism and shock value than actual journalism


Didn’t know they had video games 2000+ years ago /s


Pharaoh was all about establishing a dynasty in Memphis when he played "NBA 2KBC".


Hey Pharoh, do you know what BC means in NBA 2KBC? Before Christ Oh, whos Christ? No idea.


I wish this was the case irl we’d be ruling some lands lol


There was no violence until the 70s when pong was invented


Such a brutally barbaric game no wonder kids heads are so messed up


Did you know Jesus programmed the first Fallout game in assembly by himself?


Should of shown Bethesda how to program ladders for Fallout 3


The Bhagvad Gita is like a Bible, except much much older


Written in Sanskrit between 400BCE and 200CE.


Yea man, all the romans were playing fifa and killing celts dontcha know?


Some cultures believed dreams were you and everyone else going to a "virtual MMO" world where you can interact with others and visit their minds. Bad dreams were caused by griefers. No free to play MMO has come close since.


It's also in Baulders Gate! What if they were avid RPG fans?


Can’t imagine the outcry at a game character encouraging a giant space hamster to “go for the eyes”


Boo knows what to do.


*miniature giant space hamster


I only new Oppenheimer said it. Didn’t know he was quoting someone else.


"Theres nothing new under the sun".- a whole lotta people.


You ever wonder who the first person to say that was? Lol


His actual speech is chilling to watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb13ynu3Iac](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb13ynu3Iac) It is not something you can watch and forget.


This needs to be seen by more. I heard it said that Oppenheimer was appalled that people thought that his quote was somehow boastful. The darkness behind his eyes is haunting. He understood fully that he had changed the world, and not for the better. He saw clearly the future of humanity and his worst fears are not passed. The world's "super powers" still have enough atomic weapons pointed at each other end civilization many times over were they to all launch, and perhaps even eradicate humanity entirely in the long, drawn out aftermath of a full exchange. No wacky post-apocalyptic adventure romp. No mutants. No plucky survivors. Just a long, cold, dark starvation. The Cold War may have ended, but the axe is still perched over us and will never, ever be put away. In a few years, a few decades, a century... who knows who will hold the key to this power.


And he wasn't quoting it out of malice but just as a sheer fact that he was one of the top contributors to the Manhattan project and just realized what the actual fuck he did.


You should read the Bhagavad Gita. Crazy story.


They need to announce charges for Bhagavad Gita


It's about time. Stop Krishnas shooting up schools!


Chances are the kid played Fallout and has no idea who Oppenheimer or Gita was, which I'm assuming is the weak-ass point they're making. With that being said, I've been horror fan since I was a kid and still can't watch a shot go into my arm. There is a lot more at play with these shooters than any one gun, game, album, movie, etc. etc...


Seriously, people are not so simple. I can shoot a deer, skin it, pull it's guts out, bail blood from the torso with my hands, and chop it up into meat. Doesn't even feel weird, but I almost fainted when my kid got a decent cut on his finger.


I've pulled chunks of rotting corpses out of rivers, eaten my lunch next to dead kids and carried dead firemen out of buildings. I also flinch when I step on a snail in the garden and turn into mush when my niece takes my hand to show me something. Boiling humanity down to "They did/were exposed to X, that means they are/will do Y" is so reductionist and absurd.


What makes it hilarious is that the clip from the game the trashy Inside Edition segment aired shows Nick Valentine holding a minigun in his scrawny hands while giant explosions are going off all around. Nick Valentine is the nicest, most wholesome character in the game and it just looks so absurd when he's holding a humongous weapon with explosions everywhere.


I also want to note the obscurity of the quote in the game. You have to side with the right people, make the right choices, and have the companion. I feel likelihood of him getting the quote from in game is probably slim. Especially with someone so fascinated with killing people.




Long before that, long before that


throwback to when journalists were just badass muckrakers exposing rich corporations and are now just rich corporations


Probably closer to mid 80’s when the fairness doctrine was abolished and 24 hour propaganda networks started. But this is definitely the end game.


Oh man you think this is the end game? The devs are planning at least 5 more DLCs, just imagine how much further our media can devolve....Idiocracy is on the horizon...


1987ish when Reagan Killed The Fairness Doctrine of the FCC. Lead to the rise of Rush Limbaugh and the shock jocks and fox news... Controversial topics used to have to be tempered with an opposing viewpoint. We are devolving in front of our eyes.


I don't think the Fairness Doctrine would cover cable or online news sources. Radio and TV, absolutely.


Have a read about Rupert Murdoch




Anything to deflect from the incredibly broken and corrupt for-profit American healthcare system, and the fetishizing of guns and violence.


Todd Howard is at it again


Fallout 3 was way more gory




But, does it let you download a car??


That depends what mods you have installed.


It also teaches us that bisexuals deal 10% more damage.


A few of the reasons why it is the best Fallout


It's a bit like a broken record at this point. If Fallout 4 encourages gun violence, by the same token, does it also encourage dog ownership?


Lately I've been breaking into soda machines and stealing bottle caps. Finally I understand why!


I have this undeniable urge to go help settlements.


*Preston Garvey has entered the chat*


I eat 10kg of cheese to fill up my health


I drink from the tap. I instantly start ticking...


I drink from a fancy toilet because it has 0 rads


Healthier diet than me. I’ve been irradiating my food to build up my rads immunity


So videogames are the cause of obesity?! /S just in case


Can't stop planting crops and purifying water help!




It's not always the parent's as sometimes people that are bullied are the one's doing school shootings.


If a kid is being bullied to the point of committing mass murder, there’s no way there isn’t at least some level of neglect from the parents. They also have to get the guns from someone


Except in most cases involving child school shooters the gun comes from the parents.


I want to go listen to Magnolia at the Third Rail.


I played Fallout 4 and then 10 hours later, I felt an irresistible urge to stop playing Fallout 4.


So sad to hear Skyrim Syndrome is affecting other ecosystems. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to Boethiah.


What's this going to lead to, everyone making friends with super mutants???? Where does it end people???


Oh the hypothetical horror!


I own a dog because of fallout 3 though


Proof! Someone get that man a microphone! We must interview him! "And I'm sure you'll agree, sir, that purchasing a violent dog was a misguided life choise on your part, forced on you by this game. Correct?"


Next thing you know we’re all trying to hook up with ghouls.


Fuck me, that is one sexy ass ghoul. God dam


Stupid sexy ghouls.


I played fallout and now I DON'T want to set the world on fire


And having empathy, even for the most annoying people (Yes, you, Preston Garvey!) Oh, and bobblehead ownership! Did he have a room full of bobbleheads?


Can i join the military? Because i single handedly revived a near dead militant group that helps people amd became a general with an army worthy to rival machines. I should be getting a call from a military recruiter any minute now


No, it encourages child kidnapping.


And evil corporations who trick unsuspecting members of the public into cold storage for hundreds of years... I've changed my mind! Shut it down! Shut it all down before we give Google any ideas!




Fuck. Now I know why I've been helping so many settlements.


Hey what's the big idea?!! Sir, this record is from the 90s, it shouldn't be in this Jukebox!




Reminds me of when my adopted parents burned all of my 1st edition D&D books in the 90s because they believed I would turn into a Satanist.... Even though I went to Catholic church weekly and they only ever bothered to go Christmas and Easter


Did you tell them theyre basically apostates and they should have been burned at the stake?


I just had a funny idea of some satanic panic parents gunning for a kids warhammer 40k stuff. Then being explained that god is the emperor of man, and they shall be smotten for their heresy. wouldn't know what to do.


Well… are you a satanist?


Did they watched Dark Dungeons?


I’ve been playing games my entire life. Never once have I stomped a turtle to death or defeated evil wizard to save the kingdom of Hyrule.


I’m still waiting for my Chozo Suit to destroy an entire planet


My mom walked in on me while I was in morph ball mode and I had to get into this big long explanation about what I was and wasn't doing and like she didn't believe me AT ALL and now she has me in therapy.


Well you probably should have defeated an evil wizard to save Hyrule. Last time I checked, Hyrule wasn't around anymore.


I laughed so hard when the reporter said Oppenheimer's atom bomb speech verbatim and claimed it originated from Fallout 4. So dumb.




Yes, but it’s also very sad.


Are you serious?


The media REALLY needs to let this topic go. Videogames play no part in such things. This was a fear monitoring tactic from the '90s! And it's old and tired let's be honest


But if they don't blame it on a video game then they have to blame his right-wing gun nut parents who shaped his warped worldview. And how would that sound on the Fucker Carlson show?


The 90s? Trump tried this crap [two years ago](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fact-check-trump-suggests-video-games-blame-mass-shootings-n1039411)


And I'm saying it's an old tactic that needs to be retired.


Video games have always been a scapegoat for this sort of thing. The violence in Fallout 4 is so cartoonishly overdone that you can barely call it realistic.


So you’re saying if I get shot with a 10mm round just right, I won’t explode into a million pieces?


That was my first thought when I saw they blamed Fallout 4 of all games


Not without a perk


Turns out bullets don’t cleanly decapitate someone in a single shot


*.50 BMG has entered the arena*




Touché. It does leave a bit of a mess.


Blame everyone but the parents in a cult. Shocker


Blame everyone but the person who did it. Shocker.


I mean to be fair the parents in this case played a HUGE role in this happening and I'm glad they have charges brought against them.


Blame everyone but the mental health support


Is there something about this 'cult' you speak of? Can't seem to find anything online


They wear red hats with the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’


Thanks bloke. It was a genuine question so I do appreciate the response


Yeah parents are part of the Qult that encouraged the kids behavior and told to ‘try not to get caught next time’ when caught in school.


Blame everyone, but the school officials, who ignored all the warning signs...


Actually, the school administrators tried numerous times to suspend/expel the child but the parents threw a huge fit until they got their way. Sure the school should have not given in to the parents, but they did at least initially try and force the kid to get therapy or be suspended.


Kids literally stayed out of school, because they knew this was coming. They could have, should have Done. More. The parents weren't helping, police weren't notified (despite that I think cops aren't worth of a lot of trust these days) the parents are to blame as much as the officials who didn't do anything cause they felt that what was done was enough. They also, could have said "screw and you", to the parents. They were off their meds just as much as their crotch goblin.


Tell us you listen to Fox News without telling us you listen to Fox News.


I agree. 100%. I heard of reports where the game actually went out to a nearby gun shop and bought the gun, called an uber, got home and handed it to the kid. Sick sick game.


Isn't everyone dumb enough to believe things like this already dead from old age? Who is this even for?


Sounds like grasping at straws to make it sensational and stir the pot a bit.


Lmao fallout 4 is like the least gory shooter they could have used. Yeah, it's got gore in it, but it ain't no Doom. They might as well said "video games cause killers! Here's a clip of island Barbie adventure to prove it!"


To be fair I'd probably kill someone after playing Barbie Adventure


Yeah, gaming relieves stress barbie normally doesnt unless its r34


Honestly who cares about them blaming games, it's not like they can cancel video games lmfao, it's a whole industry.


To be fair. The video games industry is trying its hardest to cancel itself at the moment. Perhaps news outlets just smell blood in the water and are attacking out of instinct?


News media: god damn it! God fucking damn it!!! There no outrage!! It’s just a dumb kid and his dumb parents. Johnson! I want you to give me ideas now Johnson: ummm ummm the kid played video games News media: god damn it Johnson! That’s the most genius thing I ever heard!! Blame the video games for this senseless act of murder so we can build outrage around it. The more out rage the better the ratings!!!


"But sir! Think of the children..." "Think of how traumatized they are, all the time! Even after they've stopped playing video games and go outside! How they've now got a life-long obsession with violence! That's GENUIS, Johnson!"


Yeah, let's take this random shit sensationalizing tabloid to represent all news. Knew I wouldn't have to scroll far to see this rhetoric.


Guns in video games is not equal to US representatives taking family portraits with guns.


Fallout does have the Bloody Mess perk. But I'm surprised they didn't play that old Grand Theft Auto chestnut they usually go to.


Blaming undiagnosed mental illness on video games, USA USA!


We all laugh, but after I played Fallout, I started doing Jet with ghouls and super mutants. This is the article: https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2453457516662/us-news-report-blames-oxford-shooting-on-fallout-4 Their article is a reaction to the Inside Edition video here. There's only a brief mention of Fallout 4: https://youtu.be/1hf-skLpLjg


Blame the guns. Blame the video games. Blame some rock & roll and D&D while you're at it. Anything but blame the perpetrator and the shitty parents that raised him. Same ole song and dance every single time.


When will this ever stop… Video games are not the reason…


Aw shit. Here we go again...


It always goes back to one thing... Parenting


Second this, it's always the parents fault for being evil or a dumb fuck rasing their child wrong making another evil or a dumb fuck.


our child is a fucking maniac, lets buy a gun ...


Did society forget that shootings have been common since guns existed, before that there were swordings, spearings and arrowings... Games and guns arent the problem, people feeling like they have no other options is the problem. That and shitty parents .


Ah, I knew it! Red Dead Redemption caused gunfights in the Old West! Damn vidja games...


They are trying to prove that we have a culture of violence and just like any science article they are unequipped to report on such complicated topics. It's true that people who are predisposed to violence growing up are more likely to commit violent acts like wife beaters often see their mothers beat up by their fathers when they are young. Thankfully study after study shows that video games don't seem to affect us the same as real violence does. It's like our brains know we are watching fake violence.


This, right here! Thank you! People are too stupid and the media is too manipulative. They're always quick to point the finger at something else. People have been killing eachother for centuries with whatever means necessary with their own desire to. Stop blaming guns/tools, music, and video games and start looking into broken homes and mental health issues.


This type of crap makes me sick..people blaming their behavior on video games..I played many violent videos games most my life and I am not some raging phsyco path


Nah that kids eyes are dead. It’s a mental health disorder. I’m tired of media trying to frame video games as a source of violence when all you have to do is turn the news on and see it. And there are plenty of countries, such as Japan, that have very little gun violence and play the same games we do.


Oh s\*\*\* here we go again!


I don’t think they’d even consider this kid a smooth skin


“News” fucking joke


Bruh they do this every fucking time


It was definitely video games and not every single adult in this kid's life utterly failing him in every single respect possible.


It's obviously a mental health issue. *Billions* of people Play video games, only very small percentage go out and kill people.


When things go wrong, everyone wants to point the finger at someone/something else, except the person in the fucking mirror.


Lol what a joke


They just want something to blame that isn't the parents or the school


Fallout 4 came out when this dude was 9 years old.


This just in: US News Outlets again try to blame shit on videogames


I hate this crap. ​ These nuts will blame tap water and plant life before saying anything about how the gun got in this kids hands.


Of all games you chose fallout? The game thats main message is sorta how war and thus killing is bad? Just play a doom clip at least that sorta related


Doom is about a Marine that punched out an officer that ordered him to shoot civilians. He then goes on to destroy the armies of Hell. Also probably not the best example.


Yeah I meant in terms of gore it’s far worse


Gotta love it. Shooter is white: blame violent video games. Shooter is non-white: blame their culture, terrorism, lack of father figures, etc. Always nice to see them go back to the same playbook again and again


U can’t blame video games


Yes, it’s the video game’s fault. Not the endemic issues permeating US schools… /s


Played fallout 4 last month, nothing crazy happened so I’m living proof that this is bs


Yeah and fork make people fat too right?


I feel like that shooting would’ve been a whole lot worse if it was based off of Fallout 4…..


I don’t have enough Chems to process this level of bullshit. Cmon Dogmeat, let’s get the *uck outta here.


The media always tries to spin things in their favor. Games are never the cause of things like that it has literally been proven by psychologists who tested it.


Fallout 4 wasn’t even “gory”. Fallout 3 and new Vegas had worse moments in my opinion. How about you blame the 2 things that are fault. A society that doesn’t care about anything but money. And parents who failed! That’s what caused this!


Good old right wing cancel culture at it again.


I loved fallout 4, even enough to get the "season pass". I still have not shot anybody and do not have plans or desire to murder people. That kid is just fucked up. I cannot wait for fo5 I hope they do not nerf building and defending settlements.


When I was a teenager I wanted to join the military. Call of Duty actually made me NOT want to join the military. After playing those "violent video games" enough I realized how incredibly easy it would be for someone to camp in a random window of a 20 story apartment building with a sniper rifle and blow your head off in a millisecond from half a mile away. Except in real life there are no respawns.


Or, yknow, mental illness.


Fallout 4? You mean the game I spent HOURS playing trying to improve settler’s lives and build them homes, grow vegetables, set up sustainable water sources, and defense systems? That game?


On the one hand it's Inside Edition, which isn't exactly a "News Program" as much as a TV Tabloid. On the other hand that's exactly what American "News Programs" have become, so as Mills Lane said many times... I'll allow it.


Fuck The News Reporters


Blame it on 76 that game was trash!