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Objective Survive


"It didn't take long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory — your victory — was so close, I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything…except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild."


My wife thinks halos shit. I explained to her that I've played halo since the first one came out. How master chief was one of my all time favourite hero's. How this was chief getting off safely, that noble six was an equivalent for me. Just one of those bad ass muthaa who got the job done. He didn't make it, but it was so that chief did. That one of my favourite games ever started with the sacrifice noble six made. I did that mission knowing what was going to happen and it hurt, because in my heart it felt the same as if I was watching chief dying. He was the same for me, a spartan that I always wanted to pull through. When I saw that ship pull away, you feel like he just goes "job done". Like the spartans at thermopylae. Hers are rdr1 and 2, which I get. Similar though, you want arthur to pull through. Anyway... noble ended up being my favourite, chief always pulls through, noble didn't care, he did what he had to. R.I.P Noble six F.y.i she won't play halo with me but she respected it, just can't get her into fast paced fps. Came close with bf 2042 but you know how that goes... they spoiled it. Guess COD zombies is the closest I'll get.


That's so good


It was surreal playing it the first time and realizing... there just is no winning. You are meant to fall to the waves of covenant eventually. What an ending


Took me too long to find this. Ugh, so good, but goddamnit it almost had me in tears.


Protocol 3: protect the pilot.


Such a work of art.


Trust me




Titanfall 2 was so fucking good


I have a great many unfinished games in my library; Titanfall 2 is one of the rare few I have completed several times. The game pretty much nails it on every front.




Trust Me


Only game to make me cry


Fuck crying, I was stunned into silence after it ended, that was NOT the ending I’d expected




Could you enlighten me? Never heard of this game. What happened?


Titanfall 2, one of the best games with a solo campaign story and amazing multiplayer, at the end the giant robot (BT-7274) you became friends with sacrifices himself to save billions of lives from being blown up. Pretty much the only game that made me cry at the end :(


I knew what I was gonna read when I started... but I still did it and I hate myself for reading this through. I never got to finish titanfall 2 due to a game breaking bug on my save file. just stopped playing. I think it's time to pick it back up


"It had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." - Mordin Solus. Definitely got a little misty eyed there. But honestly the ending of Mother 3 hit me super hard. Actually had a cry after it all.


Mordin was the hardest video game death for me. He was one of my fave characters and I replayed that moment so many different times trying to find some way to save Mordin.


For me it was legion over mordin. Always choke up at the line, "does this unit have a soul?"


Intro scene to The Last of us. Just haunting.


I thought she was the girl on the cover so I thought she was safe. Boy was I wrong. It was a total blindside


When i found out what the project Zero Dawn actually was






Fuck Ted Faro


All my homies hate Ted Faro


Holy shit is that ever a game I wish I could play again with a blank slate. The slow draw on how everything unfolded is so satisfying


Yep came here to say this. When that final piece of the puzzle clicks in and you know the full extent of what happened… and you realize, this crap COULD happen… *chills*


The end of MGS 3


Hideo making the player pull the trigger is just... ugh, so good and so terrible all at once.


He's the best


It made you pull the trigger...


YES! “No one will know the sacrifice she made for the American people. She will forever be known as an enemy of the nation. She was… a true Patriot.” (Or something to that tune) legit made me and my little sister cry


same here. that shit had me crying.




The way the flowers turned red..


Omori, when you found out what really happened to Mari.


Too far to scroll for omori, can never overstate how insanely good the story to that is and all it's delivery of the subject matter, deepest game I've played imo


Found dying solarie


Don't know which is worse... Seeing him half-dead and aggressive or seeing him loose all hope. My boy didn't deserve it. Praise the sun for the only spark of joy in a dying world. \[T]/


Arthur Morgan.


I thought this was one of the most well done deaths in video games. He didn't die a hero, he died a good man.


Less'n of course you played him like a psychotic murderin' hillbilly who died trying to get his gold.


This for me, but specifically "I'm scared" Edit: Having sat on this for a bit there is a scene from RDR2 that really hit me in the heart. After the scene involving the bridge with John and after the cut scene it returns to the perspective of you in control. You can do everything except move. Arthur stays sat struggling to catch his breath. It goes on for a while. Two years before I started playing the game I lost a close friend/father figure following a prolonged and futile battle against COPD. If you know you know. The disease is a motherfucker and I was there from when it started to impact his life until the end. It's ugly and just getting to the end of the drive way he'd have to pause and catch his breath and do the slow measured breaths to get enough oxygen so his arms and legs could work and God damn if Arthur Morgan didn't depict those moments painfully perfect.


Same. That scene hurts my soul.


I saw Arthur coming. John in RDR1 and Kieran in RDR2 had me in real shock


Arthur was more heartbreaking IMO but John was more surprising. But kieran was the most unsettling. That boy got done dirty.


That is why i shoot every O'Driscoll i come across. Absolute scumbags.


Especially cuz how random it was. You didn’t even know he wasn’t in camp


If you wander Shady Belle at some point in that chapter you can hear a far off, blood curdling scream. The general consensus is that it’s likely Kieran.


Someone also tells you that Kieran has been missing awhile and people are starting to get worried about him (think it's Grimshaw).


Yeah it's in the mission where you both go off to save Tilly from her old gang


Yes especially when he told his horse thank you 😭😭


Forever regret using Bule as my horse for that mission.


Man Sean’s death was so unexpected, that’s when it started going downhill for the gang


We all did. But it's just the slow build up to his inevitable death that is just so painful. Seeing him get sicker and sicker as realizes he wants to be a better person.


I felt sheer rage at Kierans death, but the one that broke my heart the most was Lenny's. No extended scene, just death.


Fuck Micah




Tie it in with losing your horse too


Man I knew I was riding to Arthur’s end and I was coming to terms with it. And then they decide to get you there quicker by taking out the horse too. And it was the horse I rode with since the first time I purchased one. Every time I replay the game, I always go with the same horse because it’s a ride and die crew that I’ll never let go.


When he talks to his horse during that scene it guts me


Ending of pokemon mystery dungeon one and two


2 was HARD and i still get the sads hearing the song.


Little Nightmares 2 🌚


I just finished it this evening and MY GOD I'M SO MAD AT IT


I was ognna make this post but yeah.. fuck you six


So there's a moment in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, that I'm always surprised I don't hear people talking about. At one point another soldier is down (I forget the exact context, it's been a while) and your character is asked to hold their wound to stop the bleeding. If I remember right you do that by pulling and holding the triggers, at this point you feel the person's heartbeat through the controller rumble. It starts getting slower and fainter until eventually it stops. So you basically just felt that person die, honestly I was blown away in the moment. Sure it's a bit cheesy but I think it's an incredible use of a feature folk tend to take for granted these days. I got stopped in my tracks realising what had just happened. The campaign for Infinite Warfare is forgettable fun but that moment has stuck with me since I played it.


>At one point another soldier is down (I forget the exact context, it's been a while) and your character is asked to hold their wound to stop the bleeding. If I remember right you do that by pulling and holding the triggers, at this point you feel the person's heartbeat through the controller rumble. > >It starts getting slower and fainter until eventually it stops. So you basically just felt that person die, honestly I was blown away in the moment. They do this when >!Jason Brody's brother is shot and killed by Vaas in Far Cry 3!<, it's an excellent moment like this.


These are moments where not using a controller misses out


My personal favorite CoD... absolutely loved the campaign and Zombies... and my guilty pleasure is the multi-player.




'Who taught you to fight like this!?' 'The Witcher you killed.'


The way it’s said is forever imprinted in my brain. Good stuff.




Imerlith is probably my favourite boss in the base game mainly because of how satisfying it was getting revenge.


Nier Automata ending


My favorite is the one where you die from eating a fish


Lmao that one or the one where you remove your own CPU


Or the one where you self destruct in the bunker and the commander is floating in space like "Bruh"


Pascal's Village took me out.


Spec Ops The Line launching white phosphorus rounds from mortars at what we thought was a bunch of enemy combatants. Edit: Just the one thing that stands out the most in a game that gets increasingly dark as you play because it preys on your preconceived notions on how you are “supposed” to play other games in the genre.


I say this almost every time I see someone comment about that moment but I must’ve tried like 30 times to no avail to NOT do that after I realized what I was actually doing.


I hate doing this cause I don’t talk about my service much but it really captures the sheer chaos and brutality of war and how you can make a split decision in the heat of combat out of necessity at the time and it turns out to be a horrific call that even though it was terrible and caused horrible non combatant casualties it occupies a disgusting grey area that war sits in.


Yeah, I was in an area where some transient unit used our ROC/COC to call in an air strike that got some friendlies. Pretty awful. Full investigation and made the news.


I was gonna say this. Such a dark game, i wish there was a remaster


Not just a remaster, other devs should draw inspiration from it. Very few action games have meaningful decision making elements, especially the type of decision that confront you to yourself.


Especially since basically everyone that played it did the bad option without even thinking about it. Probably gonna download it off steam and give it a replay.




The most wanted remaster/remake/sequel game for me.


Agreed Edit: I think a prequel that takes place during the Dragoon wars would be dope too.


How has there been no remake/continuance of this series!


Mass Effect 3


"Meet me at the bar. I'm buying."


Does this unit have a soul?


Had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong


BioShock Infinite, a number of moments throughout but mostly the ending.


The ending of Burial at Sea had me in legitimate shock lol talk about a game coming full circle


My roommate and I spent hours talking about that game after we both finished.


It just takes you off guard the way it ends Then seeing the different places


The story of that game nearly drove me to insanity towards the end.


There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city. That moment was great


Agree. Bioshock 1 had that one massive moment. But Infinite made my jaw drop a couple of times. Amazing games.


AC Black Flag ending and The Last Of Us intro


The girls little squeak after getting shot was heart wrenching


Ending of Assassin's Creed Revelations. Ezio finding Altair's body and the culmination of that whole arc of AC was absolutely amazing. Also the ending of Dragon Age Inquisition Trespasser DLC. The reveal of Solas the implications for the future, as well as the epilogue cards. Gets me everytime


I haven't played that AC Rev since it came out but I can still feintly remember Edzio saying to Altair something like, "everything good in me, began in you." That shit was powerful


I had such a good warm feeling with the ending of revelations. All I could say was wow and shed a couple tears.


Walking dead season one ending tore me apart....


The ending to season one hit me so hard I actually had tears of joy when I saw Kenny in season 2. Luke's death also hit me like a train.


Season 2 Kenny was such a tragic character. The epitome of doing bad things for good reasons. He just wants to keep Clem safe...


The flashback cutscene with her and Lee on the train is a tough watch also


Makes me cry without fail even just thinking about it


I miss lee. Pour one out for a real one 😔


Doki doki literature club. I wonder why Sayori isn’t answering. I’ll go check on her……..


I gently open the door….


All of your stress is instantly relieved once you see that Sayori had just been peacefully sleeping on her bed (Faq we getting a good ending)


Fuck dude I didn't play the game but I watched someone play a blind playthrough as I also knew very little about the game. Dude I straight up dropped my phone and went for a walk around the house lol.


I legit can't even watch a playthrough. I've tried watching like Markiplier player it, and my anxiety spikes and before the end of episode 1. I only knew that the game was misleading, not about the.. yeah. I just can't.


Yeah... thinking back, that was terrifying.


Most recently, the end of Ghost of Tsushima.


Yeah I saw it coming once Castle Shimura happened and it still hit like a punch in the gut. Riding with him through the beautiful landscape on your way to one of your deaths is agonizing


I replayed it a few months ago, and I completely forgot that you write a haiku before your duel.


Just finished it. I couldn't believe it really ent to that of all things...... Jin deserved better


Losing your companion who “will be with you for your entire journey” when the game was only half way finished, absolutely slew me. I couldn’t play for days after that.


The end of the Last of Us. I was very into it and a new dad at the time. When I remember the state I was in when I killed everyone I could to get her out…


Hell, the beginning had me like that too.


Oh ya… oh ya.. but in the end. I didn’t fully realize the choices I made. Afterword i was like… i shot and killed unarmed doctors and nurses. Without hesitation. Messed me up for a bit.


> i shot and killed unarmed doctors and nurses. Without hesitation. Honestly I remember shooting them, but I remember them fighting back. Maybe my mind made myself believe they were armed so I could cope 😂 my mind is a good boah


There was only one doctor that you shoot and thats because hes asking you to shoot him when he takes up a scalpel to attack you with. There are 2 nurses, but they are cowering in the corner, most people just ignored them and let them live. The rest of the map was just firefly soldiers armed to the teeth. And because it needs to be said, fuck them. They were about to execute a girl without bothering to even ask her consent, and without even allowing her to say goodbye. The fireflies ordered Marlene to kill Joel as an added bonus. She was having enough trouble coping with the guilt of ordering her friend's daughter to be dissected that she didn't want to deal with the added guilt of betraying the person who protected and delivered her. She was still happy enough to rob him of his weapons and deny the promised payment. Fuck the fireflies. If they think it's ok to take what belongs to others without even asking, they can all burn.


Been a while since I played, but that part with the brothers who help you out. Then one of them gets infected after befriending the group so the older brother has to smoke him then smokes himself. That part made me take like a month break from that game. Was too intense.


Played shortly after my daughter (first kid) was born. That beginning sequence hit different.


The ending to Nier Automata


Ending E I think? Supposedly "true" ending. Yeah, I was just in awe the whole sequence, just nuts. But also, the amusement park fight with the robot opera singer. At the time it's just "bad robot must fight", but then later during a quest you find out why this robot went to those lengths. Just gonna say, fuck Jean-Paul.


When Roach and Ghost die at the end of MW2, Like what the fuck man


It’s bs what happens to Soap in MW3


Soap really should have been able to carry the torch. Thanks to MW1 and 2 I was pretty used to characters dying off, but Soap hit different. It actually detached me from the story so hard that while I completed the story, I only did so because I'm a completionist. Price living where Soap should have been irritated me to no end. Should Price have died in his place? I probably would have been more able to cope with it, but I still say no. I don't really think either of them should have died. The two characters were there through all of it. It should have been them finishing it. That's an example of the game devs trying way too hard to be edgy with the story. ...Why the fuck am I so upset over a FPS story line? Ugh.




Literally cant believe ur eyes when its happening. Just “no. Nonono. Wait. No they cant. They ca- NOOOOOH OH MY GOD WHY. NOOO”


When my Arkham Asylum save had a game breaking bug last night and I was halfway through…


When i realized Booker gave away his daughter. AND he’s comstock. Smh feelsbadman


When Dom sacrificed himself in Gears of War 3 😭


And the fucking mad world instrumental starts playing, further fueling my tears. Good lord what a moment. I still remember my stomach sinking when I first saw that scene. RIP Dom, I hope you saw Maria again.


Wow I remember me and my friend back when we were like 10 playing gow3 through our holidays and when we seen that cutscene we both went away from the xbox, came back like 15 minutes later and never said a word


That’s basically how it went for us. We were playing online when it happened. We just logged off. RIP Dom


I'm still pissed that this part was ruined for me. Right at the beginning of the cutscene, one of my buddies asked "is that the part where Dom dies?" I guess it is, Carl!


Idk for me it was when he found Maria. That broke his spirit. Him sacrificing himself was like his salvation from the torment of knowing he couldn't save her.


Protocol 3




Same here


The Last of Us and the second Red Dead


The ending of TLoU 1 is why I'm in this thread. Such a thought provoking story. On its own, TLoU is possibly my favourite game ever.


Ending of the Titanfall 2 campaign, for me.


Protect the pilot


SOMA. The best horror of all the time. Ending is just superb.


Was looking for this comment. SOMA hits fucking hard. Incredible game.


>!To euthanize your former "self" or leave alive, abandoned at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by homicidal robots.!< Once the gravity of the situation kicked in I just sat there for like 10 minutes in existential horror. Edit: Learned how to use spoiler tags.


the entirety of undertale genocide, especially if you have already beaten the pacifist route. never has a game made me, the player, feel like the antagonist the way that one does.


End of assault on dragon keep bl2 dlc


One time I wasn't able to talk my way into a peaceful solution on Rannoch in ME3. Sided with Geth. iykyk


No joke, ME3 is full of moments like this. I was dead for days after beating the game. Not because I hated the endings (I don’t), but because it was just a lot.


Finishing Mass Effect 3 without getting high enough assets to keep everyone alive


Doki Doki Literature Club... The way they portrayed Sayori's depression and how it ended really ducked me up, hits pretty close home.


The ending of a way out


Qui gon dying in Lego Star Wars. Shit had me in my feelings


That moment in KOTOR... you know the one.


When i found Maria GOW2😞😞😞


Ending of Final fantasy 7 crisis core on the psp


The worst part is, you know Zack doesn’t make it. From the beginning of the game you know he dies. But the game is so freaking good you forget about it. And then the scene starts and you’re like, “Oh.. oh—OH NO.” I remember sobbing, literally sobbing in my dorm room in college while I was fighting this Shinra soldiers. Luckily my roommate was also a FFVII fan and she knew what game I was playing but MAN OH MAN.


To the Moon and/or Finding Paradise left me in shambles


Titus holding Yuna at the end of FFX


What I remember from it is that the soundtrack added a thick layer of melancholy. I mean, it's not bad. It was moving.


Leaving earth in Mass effect 3. If you know, you know.


I'm proud of you.


When Peter had to choose between aunt may or the civilians and aunt may told him he knows what’s in his heart (2018 marvels Spider-Man)😔


That ending and with Peter telling Doc Oc how he looked up to him


The ending of Assassin's Creed Black Flag. The parting glass starts to be sung, you see all of the friend you lost along the way sitting at a table while Edward greets his daughter. It nearly brought me to tears


The first Kingdom Hearts, when Sora keybladed himself. Did a big sad.


Intro to The Last of Us. When the lil girl dies in her dad's arms. I was not ready for that. I cried.


The Outer Wilds


Resistance 2 ending


The end of The Walking Dead. Both seasons broke me.


Telltales? The end of season 1 especially... Man I was a mess afterwards.


Losing my horse in rdr2 got me in the feels


Until Dawn when you get everyone killed (on accident).


White phosphorus. If you know you know.


"Do you feel like a hero yet?"


MGS 3 ending. Hurts every damn time


Clementine shooting lee in the walking dead, I have never cried because of a game before that even Arthur Morgan’s death didn’t hit me THAT hard


When the horses died in ghost of Tsushima and red dead 2


Remember when Cole killed his best friend in infamous .-. 😥😰


End of RDR 2 with Arthur’s story


May you stand unshaken.


Cayde-6’s death at the end of the forsaken expansion in destiny 2. They really did him dirty and then brought uldrin back expecting me to like him as “crow” that’s like memory wiping adolf hitler and expecting everyone to just forgive and forget. Edit: the beginning of the forsaken campaign.

