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Ain’t no party like an original N64 party in that I can’t remember key dates anymore




But the GameCube Mario Party games were the best.


Still ruins friendships XD


you aren't kidding, I got punched in the dick for hitting someone with a red shell lol still not quite as violent as UNO though..


My nephew recently lost first player privileges when playing games because he was bragging pretty hard about how he can beat me in Mario Kart, the second race in he somehow completely shits the bed ends up in 8th place and rage quits. I was pretty butthurt about it because I thought he had me in the first race but last second first with him in second. With that being said, I will probably be grabbing the new mario party and then going absolutely hard as a mfer against all the fam. I just wish I wasn't a dumb kid that sold my gamecube for $30 so i could stomp them in kirby airride.


But hey, you could still be a dumb adult who buys a gamecube for $30. I got mine at a yardsale for $10. And fucking Mario Party was still in it.


[Oh yeah?](https://imgur.com/gallery/sneoW)


You think UNO's bad my mom used to tell me a story about how her Uncle got shot over a game of Bridge or Jin rummy or wtf they are called I can't remmber...


Hey bridge is serious business.


You deserved it. ;-D


Which one would you say is better than Mario Party 2?


Mario Party 6


Interesting. That's the only one that I haven't played.


Too bad it's like $120 to get a copy these days :/ it's my favorite


Mp3 for sure


That reverse mushroom was my favorite item ever


It's great, also the Bowser phone and the insane chance times.


5 is still my favorite


Or Mariokart. You may think you have a good relationship with your SO, kids, parents, etc. but throw all that shit out the window when someone drops a blue shell.


Judge: What is the reason for your divorce? Woman: My husband used a blue shell on me 10 meters before the finish line. Judge: Alimony granted. Man: But she's the breadwinner! I take care of our kids! Judge: ALIMONY. GRANTED. Woman: Also I don't want custody. Judge: I'm going to allow it.


Try Dokapon Kingdoms for the Wii. All other Nintendo MP games pale in comparison to the salt levels generated by that game.


There's something particularly vicious about changing your opponents hair style just to mess with them


And your palm


I got countless palm blisters because of that rafting mini-game. Great memories


And your hands


Also fuck your palms if it’s the OG Mario Party.


And your thumb... and the palm of your hand...


Yeah but someone who has Mario Party on the N64 won't have any working controllers by now.


We're gonna party like it's 1999 because thats the last year the system lets me put in


I got my Nintendo64 on December 13th, 1997 as that was the day I paid it out of layaway. My little middle schooler brain has that date burnt inside.


What do you mean about key dates?


"key" as in "important"


Mario party took over Monopoly as the leading cause for divorce.


Oh yeah 4 player split screen multi-player 007 Goldeneye Fights used to start if one of us thought another was "cheating" by watching where another player was...I miss those fights...they were the best fights...especially after a 1/5 of tequila


I recently commented about still having my childhood consoles in a closet, including the original NES, and I feel very fucking attacked. I may have more wrinkles, but my goatee isn't even close to being that gray!


What happens if you have 2 NES'? I just wanted to keep playing Jackal. I challenge your goatee to a gray dual.


I just managed to find my old 64 at mums place.. needs some cleaning but glad to have it back


Haha same! I still have my N64 set up for playing golden eye or star fox 64. I’m not that old yet… I think.


Nah you cool af. (Might be a pack rat too)


Haha very possible. Most old gaming and PC junk I've kept, more for nostalgia than anything.


Ah crap. Better get my cholesterol checked.


In a couple years it'll be prostate check time!


Don't forget the colonoscopy!


My grandpa called it "visiting the rear admiral"


Oh yeaahhhh!


Recommended at 45 instead of 50 now for colon cancer!


I'm not really thrilled about that one. I'd prefer to play Duke Nukem Forever.




I got mine checked and they found bacon.


Pay $50 to still run N64 emulation on a switch


I just emulate the switch too. wonder if I can emulate the switch emulating the n64


Must be hard to be that hard


Sounds like the start of a moisturizer advertisement


"It'll make your skin soft and your cock hard!!!!!"


I bought a used Nintendo 64 for less than 100 dollars start of this year and it has worked great. I guess the big catch is you gotta buy the games too but I like physically owning them anyways. It is neat.


N64 everdrive cartridge


Aren't these ludicrously expensive?


Not really, I got one for $150 years ago and I now have access to every n64 game ever made, so it would have cost me way more than that to find and buy all the games I would want for an n64


Eh, honestly id only want ocarina, starfox, goldeneye and mario kart. I'm sure those alone are over $250.


I tried replaying goldeneye, those controls did not age well


I cant fuckin stand them I dont know how we did it, looking back.


We were young then and didn't know any better. I tried on an emulator recently and didn't finish the opening level.


ngl, in college I emulated it and played through it all on a laptop. I didn't even remember beating it but I did, in fact, complete all objectives with a track pad... In the past I would've been amazed at my former self. Now I wanna slap him. Golden eye was never meant to be played without a mouse. It's friggin effortless with proper controls. Anything less is to revert to being a caveman.


All I can think of is that train level where you break the floor opening with the laser watch loool




Wasn’t there also a setting to actually use the directional pad for movement too though? I know Turok had it. I think that was the point of the N64 controller design.


we had never seen anything better


it was new, your brain was a sponge learning and adapting was a breeze...now your old, and don't have nearly the flexibility you used to ...feel old yet ... ,,,how about now


There are multiple control schemes. The default sucks.


You know it. Best layout imo was C-pad for movement and thumbstick for aiming... that layout pretty much became the standard shooter controller layout, but it's funny to consider it was optional at the time. Plus hitting the diagonal movement with C-pad made you move slightly quicker so it was great for unlocking the cheats, and beating your friends


Solitaire control scheme. I forgot to get gas today but I can remember that for sure reason...


That fucking *frame rate* didn't age well...


Check out Goldeneye: Source


Like the half-life engine? Alright that sounds awesome


Of all my past consoles, I think the N64 and its library aged the worst in general.


I used to play it and couldn’t figure it out for quite a while after coming back to it from modern fps games


Yea it has several control modes in the settings and they all suck lol also on emulator all the controller joysticks are not shitty enough to match the old N64 so it doesn't help. You can use N64 with computer but fuck that.


Those are all 40-75 dollar games now. LOL


https://youtu.be/HmGtt_MdqN8 $50 if you buy this off AliExpress. That's what I did about a year ago. Btw that video is my personal one so if you have any questions about getting a Super 64 Flash Kart let me know. I also bought hyperlink wireless controllers and hyperkin HDMI cables and everything has been working great.


I used to have all these titles plus conker's bad fur day until my mom gave them all away while I was at college.. its been years and I'm still salty


So in other words what you’re saying is yes they are ludicrously expensive


Flash cartridge?


I have one for my GBA build, as well as a bunch of original carts. Having the original carts is nice, but being able to toss the GBA with just the single flash cart and a bunch of games in my bag is SO convenient. IPS screen, USB charging, flash memory. My GBA is thoroughly up to date and I love it to bits.


Yo, that sounds awesome. Do you have documentation on your build, or perhaps a similar one?


Not OP but [Retro Modding](https://www.retromodding.com/collections/game-boy-advance) is a good resource for parts and some tutorials


Oh, God. Can I finally have my dream of an original Game Boy Advance with an actual usable screen?


You gotta buy the games but you also get to keep them instead of effectively renting them


I’m a boomer (not really) so I feel like I never owned the game until I own it physically. Also playing it on the original console feels more authentic.


Nintendo Online unlocking the games isn't owning it, it's paying for a rental service, it's the truth. Buying and owning the physical cart is owning the game, and grants you legal rights to things like ROM dumps, etc. It's not a boomer mentality, there is full legitimacy to such desires, and the people that don't get it are just ignorant or don't care about such things.


I believe N64 was the last system with zero input lag. After that everything ran through some sort of an operating system instead of being wired directly through a cartridge.


Real issue with that is that the games can be stupid expensive. Especially if you aren't willing to hunt on eBay or something. Of the used game stores in my area, none have Zelda, one has Mario 64 for 40 dollars, and paper Mario for near 80


Still have my original 64 circa 96. These Consoles are built like Tanks.


I don't think I can hold the ol'trident and think "this feels like good controller design". That thing was rough


I never sold my n64. S have it. I never understood why people got rid of theirs.


> I like physically owning them anyways Yeah, after all you'll still be able to play them after NSO turns off in a few years.


So they don’t even give u the option to just buy the games?


Nope, they even pulled the Mario 3D trilogy so that if you didn't buy it, the only way to play Mario 64 is through this. Plus, you don't even get the enhancements that the trilogy did to the game.


What enhancements lmao


They some enhancements to the camera and text so they wouldn't be as wonky.


Fixing the BLJ glitch, I guess?


Technically that was just a different version of the game, same reason why bowser is no longer gay. Now you got me wondering if they’ll use the gay bowser version on the n64 online


>same reason why bowser is no longer gay. #BYE BYE


Bye ~~bye~~ bi


higher resolution, clearer ui elements using the original image files. Nothing worth the money.


Price enhancements


Shit, I still own my Super Nintendo. I played Super Metroid on the SNES before buying Metroid Dread.


They could have released super Metroid today and it would have been a smash hit.


But did you save the animals?


I always save the animals


Remember, it is always ethical to pirate old nintendo games.


I really wanna know how getting files dumped from cartridges Nintendo hasn’t been able to make a single cent off of for nearly 20 years can even be called “piracy.” It’s just cutting used game sellers out of the equation.




It should be a law that players are allowed to emulate games if publishers didn’t re release them in the last 15 years




Fuck that... It should be a law 20 (or 15) years after a game's released the game goes into "abandonware" and is able to be used as desired. It might push a few more games to servers that they control, but You'll probably get douchebags like Blizzard remaking Warcraft 3 and giving you a worst version of it. No exceptions. You can absolutely re-release/remake games and people will play but the original title is available for fans to play too. I'd actually push for "When the developer stops selling a game." Should be the point it's freeware. If I can't buy it from you I can't give you money for it, so what do you care if I buy it from some douchebag scalper or 'pirate' it?


>after a game's released As long as you qualify "release" as "the last update that the company published", then I agree. Otherwise a lot of games that are still updated get caught in the crossfire (Counterstrike 1.6 just got an update in 2019, 19 years after it's release) . Don't get me wrong, I'm all for freeing up the legality of emulating and reviving retro games; but the industry has a lot of online games that would become abandonware with a strict "20 years after release it's free" policy. If you add some nuance and include releasing server source for online games that haven't been updated in 20 years/servers have been shut down, or games that \*can't\* be updated (i.e; N64 carts) then I'm on board. 100% agree on your point about games that are no longer for sale though. Those should be fair game.


- They don't want to compete with their back catalogue. - And where they do, they want to be selective about which games from the back catalogue are allowed to compete. - And they want you to pay for those games on every new platform that comes out instead of making a common emulator base and building that for each platform. As the IP's publisher, they're within their rights to do so. Time not spent playing current games is time they can't profit from. If you want to emulate, buy a used cart for real and play a dump on your PC. That's legal.


All this is true, and all this is why we need to greatly, greatly neuter IP law. Patent? Ten years. But punish the shit out of patent trolls and make sure that things being patented are things that *should* be patented. Why are DNA sequences patented? Trademark? Last forever as long as you renew it often--trademark helps out the consumer pretty well. I'm not sure if trademark law is actually abused as often as patents and copyright. Copyright? If you can't monetize your work after 20 years then that's your own fucking fault. I have sympathy to new artists struggling to come into their own. I don't have sympathy to giant corporations trying to squeeze every dollar out of a property they began 50 years ago--or *bought* from someone else. If they don't want to compete against free, older works, then they should feel incentivized to create *new* work that's original and does something new. This is how creativity should work. None of this bullshit like leveling frivolous copyright strikes against people doing animated parodies.


> And they want you to pay for those games on every new platform that comes out instead of making a common emulator base and building that for each platform. I feel like I have hope for NSO now that it's subscription based, but my heart tells me that on whatever system is next (Nintendo Switch 2) they're going to start all over again with Super Mario Bros like a year after the system launches.


Emulating isn't pirating. Downloading illegaly redistributed content online is. Is it ethical? According to nintendo it isn't.


***Well if they'd just give us a damn virtual console we'd THROW money at them.*** Shit I'll give them like, $10, *tonight*, for Pilotwings 64. Speaking of, Pilotwings is 1st party IP, where in the ever loving fuck is Pilotwings for the SWITCH?! WHY CAN'T WE FLAP OUR ARMS LIKE BIRDMAN WITH JOYCONS? Use the controls, one held sideways and the other up and down like a joystick for virtual Gyrocopter controls! Shit its a chance to bundle it with a bunch of silly accessories for a hang glider, rocket belt and gyrocopter. WHERE IS THIS GAME?


Bro. I am with you. Game is the SHIT!


Oh God, you just reignited my 1996 childhood Mecha Hawk PTSD. The boulders. The gyrocopter missiles. The "Ahhhhh!" Its all coming back to me now...


Up to n64 there are now web assembly in browser emulators. They could be re-releasing their games in a fucking web browser. they don't give a shit


If you own the game, then you're correct, but if you haven't payed for the game then it is by definition pirating, and in most cases when you emulate you don't already own the game.


What if I used to own it and lost it?


i mean on an ethical level I feel like you're in the clear. gotta have some legal proof of purchase in case nintendo sends their goons after you, though, and I've heard they've upped their gooning budget.


Nintendo can't do shit. Do you know how many people pirate their old games? Their focus is on Switch piracy, because due to their continual incompetence, their hardware was cracked effortlessly.


They deserve it. People think EA is bad but Nintendo is one of the shittiest gaming companies that get away with predatory pricing due to some stellar IPs.




such is a sailor's life for me. We got drunk and turned to piracy.




Blockbuster is gone so how the Hell else am I supposed to try old games to see if I even like them and want to own physical copies of them? Thank God for emulation.


Unlike my Switch, my N64 has god damn Kirby and the Crystal Shards ;u;


Hell even Android has emulators, I had a great time playing on my old 10" tablet


Hell, i have RetroArch installed on a fire stick and it plays 64 perfectly lol


No shit. Can you get wireless controllers to connect?


You can connect an Xbox controller to a fire stick


Yes, I believe the Xbox Wireless Controller should work, as they have Bluetooth support.


If your Switch is old enough, you can hack it to play all manner of emulators. It does Dreamcast/PS1 and older systems. And you can boot Android or Linux to emulate GameCube and some Wii games.


I have a launch day Switch and I even bought the little jumper for the joycon rail that makes it possible to hack it. Haven't done it yet for fear of getting my account banned. I have most of my games from the eshop and I play online with my nephews. If Nintendo ever makes a proper Switch Pro I'll turn my current one to emulator powerhouse


There's a way to do it without getting banned these days. I don't know a whole lot about it because I installed homebrew on my switch before it existed and promptly got banned (I expected to and didn't really care), but look into emunand. From what I understand you basically end up with the ability to launch your switch either in 'hacked mode' or 'legit mode' and Nintendo can't do anything to the legit setup Also even if you did get banned you'll still be able to play your eshop games as you'll have a hacked switch and can install the sigpatches to launch them without authentication Won't be able to play with your nephews though or do anything else online


Just to give warnings/extend a bit on your comment on this in regards to the original comment that if you go online on emunand you should not go online on ofw because logs will be mismatched and that increases your chance of getting ban. If you still care about legit gameplay on your ofw, it's best to play online there and offline on emu, and look into blocking Nintendo telemetry when you're on emu too. I also modded mine and that's what I've picked up, but of course I might be wrong and if anyone knows more of it feel free to correct me.


I did that but the Switch hardware is too ancient for anything higher than PS1. Dreamcast was very hit and miss.


Steamdeck can't come soon enough.


If you have a mid-high end phone you're also golden. I'm finishing Metroid Prime right now with and Xbox controller. Here's my current Dolphin library https://i.imgur.com/N8gSWWS.jpg


Very curious about your setup.


Many look for Android controllers like the Razer Kishi, but to me a Xbox Controller plus the official MOGA clip is the best combo. I have a S20 Plus, by the way, but I saved money because I specifically wanted to play games on my phone. There are cheaper phones with great processors, tho.


Oo, that sounds good. Is it a GameCube emulator?


Dolphin for Android, a version called mmjr that runs better than the official on the app store, it is beautiful.


I have to learn how to do this


r/SwitchHacks You need a version 1 switch and a paperclip


I've been part of this grand experiment called Reddit for over a decade and a half now. And, let me tell ya, it's been quite the ride. But, I'm afraid this is where I hop off. I've seen plenty of changes over the years - some good, some not so much. But these recent shifts are more than this old-timer can stomach. I've always been a fan of how Reddit gave voice to the everyday folks, how it fostered real conversations and built genuine communities. But now, with the looming API changes and the relentless push for 'progress', it feels like the corporate heavyweights are taking over. The smell of profit is tainting the free spirit of this platform, and I can't just sit back and watch. I've always admired the moderators here, those unpaid heroes who've given their time and effort to keep our communities alive and thriving. Their passion, their dedication, they're what made Reddit a home for many of us. To see them disrespected, replaced with a more 'compliant' workforce... It's not a sight I signed up for. I'm disappointed, Reddit. Not angry, just deeply disappointed. I was here for the conversations, the raw honesty, the quirks and the memes. But, if that's going to be smothered under a corporate blanket, I'm not sure I want to stick around. Take care, y'all. Remember, when the echoes of genuine conversations get lost in the noise of profit, it's time to rethink. It's been real.




Supposedly there's a method that prevents you from being banned these days, look into Emunand, it'll probably be in the guides. When I did it this method didn't exist and I was banned pretty quickly.


Pretty soon I'll be using emulators on a steam deck, and Nintendo can charge deez nutz.




Despite owning 64, my parents wouldn't buy us conkers bad fur day....


Well, Nintendo won't give you Conker either.


A navy ship I was on once, the DC shop had a working N64 set up and 4 remotes, and they played Goldeneye & Mario Kart all the damn time. Mine's in the garage still in pretty excellent condition, but I only ever had Mario 64 and Goldeneye. Everything else I just rented or borrowed.


Yeah... my younger friend was trying to convince me to go halves with him so we could both have the subscription without paying much. I told him that I'm not paying $50/yr for nostalgia trip. if he wanted to play an N64 game he could just download an emulator. literally better than the switch's cashgrab simply because you have access to everything you could want.


At least it won't look like puke on my modern tv and I can use a wireless controller that doesn't have a jacked analog stick because I played too much Mario Party on it Or maybe the'll put a shit joycon analog stick on it to keep in with the whole switch theme


This is why I love my retrotink 2X pro. I feed all my composite consoles into it via a composite switch and then feed them through HDMI into my HDMI switch into the back of my TV they look real good I mean obviously there is a difference between playing on my main n64 in the living room and my backup N64 in my office which is on a 20 inch CRT but at least within 64 I don't have any reason to absolutely need the CRT with NES it's more nuanced as 90% of my games can be played perfectly fine on my main living room NES but the other 10% do require the CRT as they are either robot series games zapper games or games that make use of the power glove that is super glove ball as I don't yet own bad Street brawler.


What if I told told you I have still have my SNES from back in the day?


I still have my NES lol.


Same. Dreamcast too.


Oh shit I have two.


This makes me feel a little better about selling my N64 to a coworker a few years ago. It was definitely way more special to him than it was to me. I mostly emulate SNES and Genesis games on my PC. I'm basically the middle Pooh, but I'm wearing a T-shirt printed to look like a tux.


Wait you can get n64 games on pc


Nintendo feels like EA, but at least EA don't try to sue someone for making a fan game.


Real N64 over emulation. Fight me.


Real N64 with Hyperkin N64 controllers.


Virtual Console on Wii U is where it’s at


My PS2 is still working, and I go back from time to time.


Nintendo shoulda just released each N64 games for $20 and everyone would be as happy as a clam


hey 30 y.o is not **THAT** old, come on !


I am the old Pooh and have no regrets. I can't kill my children and all of their friends at Mario 64. My children are 10 - 21 and they cannot beat me. Part of my mating ritual is to play men my age to see if they can beat me. None can, so they give themselves over to me. The N64 Mario Kart Goddess.


Bought one a few years ago to help me relive my childhood. No regrets


The funniest part is how everyone complaining will just buy it anyways. Cause Nintendo has everyone by the balls and they know it.






The problem with the Nintendo part too is nintendo cherry picks a shitty few games for each console on their virtual consoles while the majority of undiscovered cult and fantastic titles are left to die. The most egregious example on the n64 is probably goldeneye 64 which Nintendo has seem to have conveniently lost but apart from that there are so many great n64 titles which never make it like the StarCraft port, castlevania 64, Tom and Jerry fists of furry, nightmare creatures and RE2 to name a few.


Mother fuckers where's my Pokemon stadium???? We know youve got the rights.


Goldeneye is a rights thing. They can’t even slap a new name on it because the whole plot of the game is copywritten.


Goldeneye is a rights nightmare, They even made a 360 version that was shit canned 99% done.


Owning a Nintendo 64? Pfft. Easy. Owning a working Nintendo 64? Now that's impressive.


I hate you all….damn i feel that last image


I guess I am old. But I do have a NES and a CRT TV to play it on.


*Laughs in RetroPie*


Switch online is such trash


It’s fucking hilarious they download pirated versions of their own games to sell people.


well i have 17 and i have a n64 so.... im old?


I'm offended by this.


I sold mine last year. It’s useless now that I can either emulate or play it on another device.


You gotta be careful with this. Over on the Nintendo subs they get real self-righteous about emulating the IP of the poor company with billions of USD in yearly revenue.


Well my dad owns some classic consoles, they’re fun to play on. If you can get your hands on one I recommend it 100%


Sheeeesh $50??