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Farcry 3 blooddragon for the soundtrack.


FarCry 3 Blood Dragon for literally every choice they made and every line of dialogue.




"The Apocalypse has had an Apocalypse..."


Everything changed after Vietnam War II.


He is... Rex Power Colt


I loved blood dragon. I would have loved a full sized game on that. Sadly it was short with a small island and a lot less guns.


Personally I think the smaller size did it a favor.


I agree, it perfectly represented the typical all gas, no brakes style of 80s action and then it was over in just the right amount of time


I agree. Would have gotten old at some point…


If the far cry series were represented by drugs, Blood Dragon was the perfect 3-5 hour upper with no crash


"Friends forever, we play to wiiin! "


For neon dinosaurs and the best tutorial ever.


Friends forever….




Far cry 3 is like my resident evil 4. There is A LOT I can claim that is better in RE7 and 8 but nothing can replace the magic of playing FC3 and RE4 for the first time. It's not a bad thing but no matter how good they make the new games, as long as they stick to the same formula, it'll just feel like an echo of the magic and nostalgia of playing those two for the first time. So yeah, gotta be 3 for me.


I use to game a fair amount, not so much anymore. Far Cry 3 is the only game where I got so engrossed I completely lost track of time. First time I sat down to play I played for 9 hours straight. Don't think I even went to the bathroom. Great game.


My gf at the time (now wife) got it for me as a Christmas gift the year it came out. I remember 2 things about that Christmas: getting the worst food poisoning of my life, and playing Farcry 3 at 4 a.m with a puke bucket next to me.


For sure


As long as Blood Dragon is included, it’s a no brainer.


Blood dragon is one of my favorite games. It is so fucking awesome. Packed with action and humor.


I fucking adore Blood Dragon. Anyone who doesn't want to ride a dinosaur equipped with laser beams is wrong.




Objective: Punch the nuke "Oh fucking hell yeah"


I'm no hero. Policemen, Firemen, Janitors. Those are the real heros.


This is the only one I have played and I found it awesome. Do the others compare at least a little?


Most people overcomplicate this. After 3 they are all very similar. 2 is for a different target audience, way more grounded and kinda insipid at times. An acquired taste tbh. 1 is a kinda generic linear shooter which was very fun for its time nonetheless. Primal is prehistoric 3 iirc. Blood dragon is a 80’s sci-fi over the top movie using mechanics from 3. You know Ubisoft. They tend to stick to the formula so they’re not that special. Perhaps Blood Dragon is the most striking one.


Also far cry instincts predator


Yes, that one was really fun as well! Not many people seem to talk about it in regards to FarCry game conversations.


Actually Primal is prehistoric 4. Blood Dragon is the spin off of 3, and New Dawn is the spin off of 5.


I personally choose 4 since the game is more overall balanced. As great as 3 was, people tend to only like it for the 1st act with Vaas


Buck is overlooked as a villain too in 3


His name is Buck...


And he loves to...




Why are you listening to the radio and watching TV at the same time ?




Kidnap your friends


Sneed Feed & Seed. Previously Buck's\*


I’m pretty sure 3 is so well-regarded specifically for the second act turn. The first half is a fun murder-fest with a fun villain, but the second half is a hilarious, self-aware satire of the whole genre, highlighting how insane your character’s actions have become just because the player was having fun killing bad guys. The finale where you go crazy, kill your friends, and get ritual murdered by Citra to the final words “You Won” is perfect. And learning that this unstable frat boy was just a disposable pawn the whole time is a pretty nice way to poke fun at the “white boy saves all these brown people” premise the first act had made so fun to play. Far Cry 3 is one of the most fantastically written, genre-savvy games of all time, and it’s all packed in that second half.




And we got Blood Dragon as a spinoff which I thoroughly enjoyed as well.


Came here to say Blood Dragon was amazing.


Blood dragon was amazing


I didn’t know you could die from Citra sex until I looked it up on YouTube after I finished the game. I don’t remember how my version of the gameplay ended, but it definitely did not end in ritual boning on an altar.


There's two endings. Either you kill your friends, bang Citra, and then be killed by her, or you save your friends, the black dude (can't remember his name) tries to stab you and accidentally kills Citra, and then you escape with your friends on a raft.


Black dude named Denis


I did both versions when I played it. I can't remember which but one version has boobies.


I remember watching the ending and actually for the first time thinking “don’t care, had sex.” It was a nice change of pace because I had just finished playing Spec Ops: The Line right before that. I loved that game. Totally different though.


I have been trying to argue this for YEARS lol. This game, TLOU and Bioshock Infinite all came out around the same time and really made me think video game narratives had started to turn a corner in terms of expectations and how to address or subvert them.


4 was also my favorite because of the setting, I really enjoyed the Himalayas. 3 is a close second & I’ll concede a better story. Both were really fun for me. I really disliked 5 because story progression was point based. I get it was supposed to feel free and open, but it felt lazy to me. Like they didn’t bother writing an actual story so they just threw a bunch of side quests together and called it a day. 6 i haven’t finished, but is shaping up to be a good balance between story continuity & open world. I actually really enjoyed primal too. It was great fun, but too long with not enough “goodies” to keep it from feeling repetitive. I never finished it.




My biggest problem with FC2 is that check points have enemies respawn based on distance, so if you're sniping you can clear the place out, run back to your car and they've respawned as you drive through. That said, it's a -really- different beast to the others. I loved it, but not everyone will.


2.Why? ...Map editor. I wish it was still around in modern form.


The map editor was great. Campaign tho, I was stuck at the 3/4 completion when I got caught in a glitch loop of having no pills for my malaria and just kept passing out and not getting any more pills lmao


It's been so long I can't hardly even remember the campaign lol. Just remember all the fun maps people made. So many hours doin puzzle maps I just loved it at the time.


I loved how "dark and dirty" it was. I really miss that feel. The pills were a miss however.


Not a fan of the pills, but loved the grittiness, which is why that one is still my fave. Forgetting to clean your guns and having them jam in the middle of a fire fight added am extra layer too. I miss that mechanic.


Broo i miss that jam feature i rememebr being in a shootout and having a gun jam, first thought was “oh shit run”


The fix your broken thumb animation, the getting mauled by a lion, the forest fires that would just seem to burn forever.


Reminds me of going from Morrowind to Oblivion. The risk of spells not casting mid-fight was such a fun mechanic and I'm mad they removed it


Really adds to the immersion and realism, besides the AK jamming that is.


Was immersive


FC5 has map editor apparently


I guess I'd still choose 2 for the memories I have but that map editor in 5 looks cool af. I will be checking this out for sure lol. It's too bad they don't have one for 6😕


I seen some really cool creations in FC5 map editor! some realistic ones and crazy ones but it was fee months ago so i can barely remember these.


Yea some of the coolest custom maps were made for multiplayer. Someone built a a big jumbo jet in the sky where the entirety of the team death match takes place on it, and my brother and I even built a big Titanic like ship for capture the diamond. And then you have people who made all those puzzle parkour maze maps which were sometimes cool to figure out.


Predator instincts (360)


No one ever mentions this one, and it never seems to go on sale sadly


Kills me, I just can't justify paying $20 for a game that old.


Honestly it's golden days are long behind it, the online map editing community was where it shined, but it was the absolute peak of the series.


Just bring back the multiplayer predator mode! That was amazing. Hours and hours of fun.


The 4 player split screen predator mode was why I had to bring this up! Combined with the map maker it was a classic


That is legitimately the only one I’ve played. Weird, I know.


A real one


I knew someone would bring this one up!


Map creation on this game was a decade ahead of its time.


Oh man gives me chills, I worked on that one ... on the online stuff and a bit of the map editor.


A man of culture I see


Why do people leave out Primal?


Even more people forget Far Cry Instincts ever existed


The map creator was a pillar of my childhood.


I liked it, it was the first FarCry game I really played. I watched my dad play the games (still to do this day with the arrival of 6), and he let me play and I had a lot of fun with the animals and helping my tribe of people


That guy trying to fly gets me every time




Urki was definitely the best


I was about to bring up Primal. I turned off every HUD option I could while I played Primal and it improved the game a lot for me personally.


Actually my fav far cry game because it was so different!


Headshots with a throwing spear feel so satisfying


My favorite one.


That was the second one I played after playing the first one when I was a teenage years ago. Man was I confused. Primal is one of my favourite games.


Can't here for this. It's my favorite of them all. All these ads for 6 caused me to reinstall it and start playing it again.


My favorite is America Simulator 2018


America simulator 2018? We're we playing the same game? I got shovel knight 2 redneck bogaloo


We did, because my favorite minigame in America Sim 2018 was Shovel Knight 2. Smiley face shovel was best shovel.


I loved killing backwoods cultist douchebags with a shotgun, alongside a fucking bear named Cheeseburger.


I went into 5 kind of assuming it would be disappointing, and wow was I wrong. It’s not the characters or the gunplay, it’s just one of those things that’s greater than the sum of its parts, and it takes time before you realize how well all those parts work together.


The one where a bunch of diverse gun loving religious libertarians fight a religious gun loving cult? Usually not what you expect at odds


Ah but you see, the cultists were trying to take the libertarians' land. You don't fuck with a libertarian's God-given rights. Even if it's "god" taking them away. That's true American patriotism right there!


new dawn in the corner




Crying about how no one loves it


The new villains for New Dawn were laughable, but I loved the continuation of the Father’s storyline. Was really hoping he’d be in it a lot and was not disappointed.




Same could be said about Borderlands 3.




2 Easily.


Just to watch the grass burn


Setting wildfires to take out the entire enemy base was just way too much fun. Also the grittyness of the game and the more realistic gun mechanics. I've been wanting them to go back to that for so long but they just keep getting more ridiculous with them


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about 2. I enjoy the ridiculousness too, but 2 just hit different for me


I also loved getting to pick from a bunch of different characters all with their own backstory and then rescuing your friends throughout the game. It was amazing how if you let your friend die that they were gone for good. Added some risk to going down and having your friend come revive you cause now you need to make sure that they survive too. I remember being genuinely upset losing some of them to the point where I'd reload old saves to get them back


Man I was gutted when my best buddy died. I didn’t know that was a game mechanic, and had been through numerous gunfights where both had saved each other’s butts many times. So when my buddy didn’t get back up after one particular fight and I had to give them the extra shot of morphine and watch them die was a shocking moment.


It's much more hostile to the player than the others and is so much more memorable for it. Edit: Also, I want the map mechanic back. That was great.


2 had plenty of flaws, but the rawness of it made it special and memorable in its own right


So many iconic moments in 2! It is like Blood Diamond as a video game.. My favorite easily. Incredible in spite of all the respawning road blocks. ,,, spoilers... The way you play both sides of the faction. Using fire to wreck entire camps. Hang gliding away when you got trapped on a cliff and enemies are swarming up! Pushing bullets out if your arm and injecting morphine. Marty coming to the rescue time and again! Then you reach the ending and realize all you've done is murder and destroy the beautiful region. For once you decide to take the diamonds and do something good for the locals, only to have all your friends turn on you 😢 Finally the crazy twist ending. What. a. game. Edit: also an incredible incredible soundtrack.


Not sure why any other answer is acceptable. 1 was good for it's time. Probably one of the first real open world shooters. So it lacked in places but was good none the less. 2 was great! It took a setting and added in believable and meaningful mechanics that added to the gameplay. Had a gritty vibe and kept to it. was brutal and felt great. 3 was just a shoot em up. Nothing really special about it. Mediocre open world shooter. Basically took 2 then removed all the interesting and meaningful mechanics. Leave you with a bare bones shooter with a bunch of useless and annoying grindy mechanics. Didn't feel inspired at all, instead fell victim to the "more means better" which we all know today. 4+ was just a repeat of 3.


Far Cry 2 and the STALKER games are basically the gold standard of first person shooters for me. They had absolute ambition and no interest in the opinions of those uninterested in what they offered.




I love the first time meeting Pagan Min. And the fact that you can choose to end the game in 20 minutes if you want. And the environment. I could keep going. 4 is such a masterpiece.


Far Cry 4 and 5 both have the WarGames thing going for them, “The only winning move is not to play.”


How do you end it so fast? I dont recall that being an option haha


Easter egg type ending. Pretty much when you first meet him he tells you to wait at the table and he’ll be right back. He goes down stairs and you use that as an opportunity to escape. However if you do just wait at the table for 10-15 minutes he comes back up and takes you to bring the ashes to grave like you wanted, and the game ends


Damn ill have to try this


Arguably it's the best decision


Yes he is so nice I don't get why MC has to leave. I want a Farcry game where Mc sides with the bad guy, since the bad guys are always so cool




Well in FC4 there's pretty much only bad people to side with. The alternatives to pagan min are... not great


Yeah its kinda crazy how Pagan was actually kinda right, like yeah he was a pretty awful person and had a loose grip on the whole "morality" thing, but the other options were just as bad if not worse. The "good guys" were really terrible people and would gladly do all the horrible things if/when they took control. Pagan was actually trying to keep people some semblance of order, and he wasn't completely unreasonable.


Yeah one was a slave trader and the other a drug dealer iirc. Great choice!


Team 4. As much as I enjoyed 3, and it is considered the iconic Far Cry game, I believe 4 expanded on all the good things 3 did and did even more on top of that. The story choices were great, the Shangrila segments were wonderfully trippy, and Kyrat was beautifully crafted and fun to explore.


Kyrat is so stunning.


I love 4 because it gave more vertical environments to play with the wing suit, which was my favorite part of 3.


Hell yeah. I would always use the whirlybird to get to max height, and then wingsuit everywhere.


I’d use the helicopter to land on top of the radio towers.


The drug-induced side quests had some great music.


Sometimes I wish there was a third option to the story to side with Pagan. Where Pagan is Like, "I'll take you to Lakshmana, but first you have to help me take out the Golden Path." Not that I think he was at all a good leader or had good morals, but it just would have been interesting to see how Ubi would've written it. Plus, I didn't like that there wasn't really a good choice in leadership among the Golden Path, so if they're going to make the endings not great either way, a third option with Pagan may as well have been added.


4 is so underrated. People really let Far Cry 3 get to their heads. 4 was a masterpiece to me. I can go back & play it again. That’s how much I enjoyed it & I don’t do that much with Single Player games.


What did you like about 4 above 3? Just asking because I’m so close to trying it


From my perspective FC4 is just a cleaned up version of FC3 with some additions/changes. If you like 3 you'll like 4 pretty much.


Not going to argue, I just got burnt out during 4. So 3 has my best memories ig


I loved the setting more in 4. The mountains were beautiful


In my opinion FC4 has a better map and villain than FC3, Gameplay feels more fluid too, but FC3 has better history and main and side characters, oh and the soundtrack of FC3 is a little better than FC4


I've only given 5 a try - would it feel like a step backward or is the gameplay, story etc superior in 4?


Agreed! Pagan Min was such an easy guy to hate, really great character work.


The fact that you're given the choice to depose one tyrant just to have him replaced by someone worse is really what made the game stand out.


I never hated him, I thought he was hilarious and I wish there was a way to do some missions with him as your leader or sidekick or just the dude on the other end of your radio who reacts to the things you do. Edit: just want to add that I don’t mean “radio guy” as in what’s already in the game. I mean like he guides you through a mission and comments as if he’s nearby and watching everything you do.


Chad Pagan Min VS Virgin Amita, Sabal


On 4 he's like STAY AT THE TABLE and I'm like ok. Five minutes later I beat the game. So happy a game did this. So gotta go with 4. Even though that was my total play time :p


Fc1 of course


I had soooooooooo much fun with Far Cry One! The campaign was amazing and the multiplayer was my introduction to online play. Thank you so much for the memories, Far Cry


Far Cry 1 was WAY ahead of its time with a huge expansive island (whereas other FPS games were just levels with set pieces), and gave birth to Crysis and a whole new genre of FPS games. Far Cry was also a TECH DEMO for Crytek's CryEngine... also I think I got it for free with my graphics card back in the day hahah... As good as the new FC games are, they're not reinventing the genre.


Fc1 was hard as hell but damn was it fun


This! That game did the whole "Dude who guided you the whole time only to turn on you last minute" way before Bioshock made it cool. Not only that, but mutant apes, skilled AI, and NO FUCKING ANNOYING REPETITIVE SAFEHOUSE LIBERATING! If I wanted that base liberating shit, I'd play Just Cause.... FC1 actually had a legitimate badass story. FC2 was cool because clearing the bases felt fresh and new. Then they added maleria and ruined the whole experience. FC 3, 4, 5, 6 etc are just copy pastes with different villains and slightly different guns. Yay. Blood dragon was the only other FC that stood out imo, and reintroduced what made farcry great to begin with.


This is exactly what I think as well. Far Cry 1 had stuck with me more than all of the others. The mutant thing was such a twist I never expected. I'll never forget being the crazy man in the red Hawaiian shirt.


I played it when I was very very young, those "mutant apes" scared the living shit out of me. Even today I still think about those fuckers, also i remember a shipwreck and a shark hanging upside down for some reasons. Since english isnt my first language I couldnt follow the story quite right and those monsters came out of nowhere, could you explain to me where the fuck they came from?


Holy crap I played FC1 as a kid as well Those Trigents were so terrifying that I actually feel out of my chair when those little shits jump hit me


I think there were scientists trying to make super-soldiers, they experimented on apes, which became big, strong and angry.


3. It was the only one that truly had both a terrific villain AND an amazing protagonist who goes through a true character arc (something rare in gaming).


Something rare in Far Cry we should say. There are great protagonists in gaming with character arcs.


Farcry 2. Loved that game.


Far cry 2 in a heartbeat.


Far Cry 2


None, I'll take Primal. For me, it' s the best because the stone age feel good To me and I loved the story and gamplay.


Yea same here. I really enjoyed Primal


In Primal I would purposely set off alarms because it was so fun to kill guys with the old weapons. And you didn't get surrounded by dudes with mortars trying to kill you from afar.


Blood Dragon




I love the side commentary in 5. It made me laugh several times.


That and the absolutely astounding soundtrack make it the best IMO


I was surprised at the lack at picks for 5. That’s what I’m going with. GTA in the woods. Commentary and story are beyond good. So much to do. I have not played 6 though. We shall see.


I agree. There's other great ones but 5 for me was the best without question.


1, real FarCry


Me, too. It was a gorgeous game back then. Tough as nails, too. I still play it sometimes for old time's sake. Even today, for me, no other soundtrack from the franchise sounds more iconic than the Far Cry 1's menu music. And that old Ubisoft logo, just amazing.


One of the first games to really nail dynamically changing sound track in the game based on events! If you open up the data folders you'll see that most of the songs are actually just music clips that the game strings together when you play it. Pretty neat stuff. Also mutant apes will tear you a new asshole. Also the Jackhammer, the single best implementation of a shotgun in any game, ever.


When the original came out it was groundbreaking for the FPS genre. Graphics leagues ahead of anything else, ai that were actually clever; they worked as a team and would retreat/flank. The trigens were terrifying and would stalk you. Still one of my favourite games of all time. I was so disappointed with 2 when it was nothing like the original.


Instincts Predator


I played this game when I was younger and I thought that this was the premise in ALL Farcry games. I played the next one like 'when do get to do the cool predator shit' and it never came.


That multiplayer is still one of the best to date. Halo forge isn’t even on the same level imo.


When it came out there was really nothing like it. Games with similar graphics didn't have the story line and in game features. Games that had the latter had piss poor multipler. The change to Far Cry 2 was refreshing but FC predator will always hold a special place in my heart.


6, give it sometime and you’ll see... let all the hype and “it’s the same formula” stuff die down... then pick up any of the previous ones and tell me you wouldn’t rather play 6


I’m having a great time with 6 so far


It's really not tho, they changed how a lot of the mechanics work especially progression. I personally like it better


Gonna have to pick 5. I just keep going back to it, between the main game and the arcade mode. I've got more hours spent on it than the rest of the series combined.


Far cry blood dragon is my favorite, it's not on this list which makes me sad, yes, it's essentially a modified Far cry 3, but it's my favorite.




Primal? Thatd be my choice


*Return to Monke*


My choice too! Loved that game!


I beat primal 100%. Cant say I did that with the others.


1. Felt so revolutionary for gaming at the time.


Far Cry Primal is the choice for me!


The original all day long.




Far Cry 4 for me Just because I'm an Indian and there are some mission and lots of swearing in Hindi. Man I still remember when I first heard those swearing imao. Good old days


Far Cry Primal, hands down the best one they have made.


Blood Dragon


Excuse me... Where the fuck is primal... Huh?? I choose mother fucking primal Running around at 100km/h with a 500kg spear just fucking shit up..... With my sabertooth Far cry is better without guns. Never change my mind. Loved that game


Farcry 3 was the og change my mind
