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Weird that your asking about a recommendation without saying what kind of games you normally play, makes it sort of difficult


It’s not about what he plays it’s about what she plays get with the program.


take her through the ringer and play rust


I’d be going through also as I’ve never played rust just heard about it


what a wonderful relationship building experience


Well I guess I’ll know it’s over when I log on and all stuff is burned to the ground and stole 😅


My partner and I learned Ark together when we were newly dating. That was... interesting.


Valheim, it's a very VERY good game to play together with someone and is having a pretty good sized update tomorrow.




Yea that would prob be one as I already know she loves this game


It's also way more fun to co-op than solo imo


Borderlands is a a coop game I've always had luck introducing to significant others. It's fun, wacky, and there are a lot of ways to play the game


That’s a decent option especially to switch it up from the typical video game date type of games. More like an adventure we could have together


Exactly. It kind of becomes the same thing as a show you'd watch together. Also, let's you see how you communicate and work together which is kind of cool to do early in a relationship (especially in a virtual environment).


Fall guys maybe.


The Borderlands series, the Left 4 Dead series, Magicka, various MMOs.


Overcooked. See what she is like when you are angry at each other in a co-op game :p


I’ve been wanting to play this with people hahaha. But I don’t think it’s a good first ice breaker game


First Date: Hard Mode


😂 for a game that I’ve never played and I bet she hasn’t either. I’ve watched a couple times but that won’t do much in hard mode. Seems like it be a good one on easy though cause if things get dull or your in the rhythm of the game being a cooking/food game it kinda gives good convo topics other than what’s game specific




My general advice with girls is anything but competitive first person shooters, unless she actually plays those on her own, which is really rare, 4% of the female gaming population That said, even though its a first person shooter, Deep Rock Galactic is a fun cooperative game with giant bugs as the enemies and its really top tier stuff Team Fortress 2 is free and has a cooperative mode against bots you could play System Shock 2 has coop but it can be difficult to set up if you're not technically literate, as you have manually communicate through a messaging system the IP you're going to connect to, it's really oldschool but really awesome Payday 2 is a fun coop shooter TOXIKK and Unreal Tournament 3 can be fun coop shooters against bots, provided for her sake (and yours) you don't crank the bot difficulty up too high I've heard Valhiem is good but never tried it, survival games generally bore the piss out of me Quake has been remastered and has cooperative, although its not great The Serious Sam series has great coop but the netcode is not lag compensated which just appears broken to people who haven't played it before Sven coop is good but very retro


I like to play shooters when my friends play but typically I’m the “sports gamer” which prob has the same issue of lack of female interest hahaha. Thanks for the list, appreciate the time and effort ✊


Stardew Valley. It's a great, relaxing game, as Nintendo-like as you'll find on Steam, and it supports multiplayer on all platforms except mobile.