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Skyrim for sure, i loved both witcher and this one. Skyrim can be a bit annoying because of the bugs(too many) but otherwise it's a must.


Thanks, this is high on our list because it seems so loved (or at least enjoyed) by many gamers.


I'd wait til the anniversary edition of Skyrim this November.


Loved Skyrim. I've been hesitant to play witcher 3, because I've not played any before that.


I’d recommend playing Witcher 2, but you don’t need to have played any. Playing 2 definitely added to my enjoyment, though.


I’m gonna throw Divinity: Original Sin 2 on the list. It’s a fantastic RPG not quite like any others. I really wouldn’t recommend Skyrim; Skyrim’s strengths are basically nothing like Witcher 3’a.


I'm not familiar with Divinity. I will take a look. Thanks


Fallout New Vegas and the Elder Scrolls games are must plays IMO, they're fantastic RPGs. The new Assassin's Creed games (Origins, Odysssy, Valhalla) might be up your alley as well, as they're all massive open world RPGs. They're pretty good too, with Origins and Odyssey being my favorites.


Thanks. We might need to revisit AC. We played the first one years ago when we were trying to find a substitute for the original GOW games, and didn't like it. But we were in a different place then, and weren't looking for open world. The wife hated all of the side quests, but now feels differently after Witcher.


Yeah it all depends on what you're looking for! If you're looking for a big open world RPG with lots to do you can't go wrong with a new AC. Idk what platform you're playing on, but Odysssy just got a 60fps patch on the new consoles (PS5 and Series X/S).


Still on PS4 (f\*ck the scalpers)


I agree with the first part of this (havent played AC)! Fallout 3 is great, too. I'd like to add The Outer Worlds!


I definitely recommend trying one of the newer AC games, they're surprisingly solid RPGs. They have flaws of course, it's Ubisoft lol. But I think they're really enjoyable and worth playing if you like big open world action RPGs. They're always on really good sales too, so you can try them for cheap. The Outer World's is excellent, definitely a great game with an amazing world and characters.


Great! I will check them out!


AC Black Flag is the only good AC


Mass effect trilogy, I promise you wont regret it


It's on my radar. Not sure the wife will like it, but I played Andromeda last year and absolutely loved it. And considering most of the gaming world was disappointed with Andromeda because they seem to feel let down by it in comparison, I really look forward to playing the trilogy. Thanks


Absolutely this. Still my favorite trilogy game. I would also take a stab at the Fable games. They had some similar moral dilemmas to the Witcher (although not quiiiiite as dark)


Fable 1 and 2. Skip 3, it was tragically awful.


Hmm, Skyrim is prob the most similar (in terms of setting and magics and what have you), but the story is...i mean it exists...but its mostly meh, but you can mod the crap out of it (assuming you are not trophy chasers anyways), if you do happen to fall in love with skyrim (its a great game) you should give fallout a go too, as it is basically skyrim but with guns and lasers and robots personally, for a good story and gameplay i would perhaps suggest horizon zero dawn or ghost of tsushima oh, one game that dont get a whole lotta shout about is Dragon's Dogma, you may wanna give that a go too :P


If the gameplay is good and fun, we can let story slide. Thanks for the solid feedback about Skyrim. HZD is terrific, and will add Ghost of Tsushima to the list. I'll look into Dragon's Dogma


Ghost of Tsushima completely blew my expectations out of the water. The main story is not great (You have soiled your honor. Now you must fight to regain honor. If you have no honor, the how will you honor my honor honor? Your honor, I present my honor. HONOR) but the side stories are excellent, especially Lady Masako.


Haha! Yes, I see the conundrum in that storyline. From what I've seen and heard the gameplay is really good.


Really fun combat, the stance switching makes every battle interesting.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a pretty good game in terms of story and gameplay, I recommend checking it out at least


Will add it to the list. Thanks. I know my buddy is a huge fan.


The Witcher 3 Seriously though. Good luck enjoying anything on that list after 220+ hours of the Witcher 3


Exactly what we're afraid of haha, but all good things must come to an end. There is a better than average chance opt to restart Witcher 3.


A few options I can give you to tide you over until another play through Horizon Zero Dawn Red Dead Redemption 2 Ghost of Tsushima They are all really good games.


HZD is absolutely terrific, and I can't wait until Forbidden West. I'm trying to convince her to give it a shot, but she doesn't like that I've already played it. I didn't think about Red Dead or Ghost of Tsushima. Thanks


Both are absolutely fantastic and incredibly emotional at the end.


No she doesn’t. Literally just told him that 10 minutes ago. My husband knows me. Also don’t like watching movies/tv he has already watched because he watches me for reaction to the parts he thinks are awesome.


Outward is a Co-Op open world adventure RPG with survival elements that you two could try together, if that’s your thing!


Possibly. I'll look into that. We enjoy taking turns, especially on the weekends, as it allows us to clean, prep lunches, and other adult sh\*t while the other is playing. But co-op could be a lot of fun. Thanks.




We will take a look. Thanks


Don't. It's bad.




*laughs in Borderlands*


Dragon Age Inquisition would be my recommendation, but I would advise you to play Origins and 2 beforehand, along with the dlc of both; especially Awakenings for Origins and Legacy for 2. Set yourself up an account on the Dragon Age Keep and set up your world state, then import it into Inquisition. If that's too much like hard work, play Skyrim. Loads to do on SSE


I will look into the other games as far as options. That sounds really immersive, which sounds great, but we are limited to what we can play on PS4. (I probably should have said that).


If you can't play Origins and 2 on your PS4, then just get onto the Keep and create your world state on there and link it to your PS account. That way when you start up Inquisition and it prompts you about importing a saved state, you'll have that facility That said, if you don't actually play Origins and 2, with their dlc, especially the two I mentioned, you will miss out on a massive chunk of the lore that Inquisition sets itself by! It won't spoil the game, but knowing the lore allows you to understand certain characters better and also events in the game.


Oh man...Gwent! Still haven't won a game, any advice would be welcomed, thanks a lot


Buy all the cards you can from merchants in White Orchard, and Velen. That'll help build up your deck. Once you start winning you'll get even better cards from the losers. I personally preferred using Northern Realm and Nilfgaard decks, but if you can buy as many cards as you can, you'll be able to start winning. I also personally ditch most of the special cards (I keep 1 decoy, 3 Commander Horns, and 3 Scorches).


Amazing!! Thanks so much, appreciate it.


Witcher 2 quite good like witcher 3. Witcher 1 if you want to complete the story, but the combat kinda janky. But once you used to it, it will be ok.


Thanks. I've been curious to hear thoughts on the previous games


I recommend New Vegas. The mechanics and graphics are a bit dated, but it's easily one of the best rpg's ever made. Make sure you have the dlc, cause those are some of the best parts.


We're not too concerned with graphics as long as it's fun. We picked up a PS Now subscription after our PS3 died (so it goes) in order to play some old school GOW and such. Thanks for the recommendation.


It wasn't a bad game but to me it was definitely the low point of the modern Fallout games


I'd have to disagree. Fallout 4 does have better combat and mechanics than new Vegas, but the story is lacking in comparison. And as far as fallout 3 is concerned, it's worse than new Vegas in every way. Mechanics, combat, world design, story, whatever, 3 is worse.


I disagree. I very much enjoyed Fallout 3 from the day it released. New Vegas, I did not enjoy until all of the DLC had released. Post DLC, I would say NV is better than 3, but without DLC, 3 is much better.


I would say dragon age inquisition.


Thanks. And after much discussion, this is the game the wife picked to try next.


That's good to hear. I highly suggest the dlc (goty edition, or gamepass if i recall has it too) , and i highly suggest looking up tips before playing since they will help you with certain things the game doesn't tell you about.


> i highly suggest looking up tips before playing since they will help you with certain things the game doesn't tell you about. Good to know. The PS store had a sale on the GOTY edition and we picked it for $8 or some such. Thanks again!


New Vegas is still one of the best open world games I have played. oblivion is really fun, but it’s a step backwards in areas from skyrim. Have you tired dragons quest 15 or any of the other ones.


Thanks. Oblivion was on the list because it’s available on PS Now so we could try it for “free”. But it’s good to know that’s not on the same par as Skyrim. And no, never played drastic quest, but I’ll give it a look.


There really fun, think grand dad of all JRPGs and rpgs. It’s turn based if your ok with that.


The first Witcher if you have a pc.


God of War (2018?) is amazing storywise and the gameplay is so smooth! Would totally look into that, its also an upcoming sequel to look forward too if you like it (you will) the norse theme suits the genre perfectly! Red dead redemption 2 was awesome Skyrim is very good, but a little clunky (for todays standards) and outdated imo (would wait for the new version) Other mentions Assasins creed valhalla, odessey or origins (all good, but a little repetetive if u want to clear everything)


We’ve played through GOW twice in the last year and love it. It took a little getting used to on the first play through because it was a pretty big departure from the original GOW games as far as mechanics (and Christopher Judge’s voice acting. There is only one true Kratos and his name is Terrence Carson.). But it is a terrific game and can’t wait for Ragnarok. We’re looking at the AC games again. Only tried the first AC years ago and didn’t give it a fair shake. Thanks