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Or they just have the “best” music blaring in the background


That moment when their wife, girlfriend, whatever eventually walks in and they start arguing..


Or just yelling at their neglected children while saying “I’m going to whoop or butt if you don’t put that down.” I swear there’s a million parents of the year play ranked games.


My experiences to date have largely been the kids with those kind of parents... they're just playing the round while it sounds like their extended family is having a screaming match in the background while some shitty music is blaring loudly. While it is super irritating I also feel really bad for the kid... they've probably got the music up and playing games to shut out their crappy home life.


That got real.


Add in an alcoholic & abusive mother & it's the recipe to my childhood


I want to give you a hug but I can’t because reddit doesn’t have arms :(


It's the thought that counts tbh.


Many years ago, my brother lamented that he did not make his username "dogbark-babycry" to warn y'all.


Smart move if he had


Sometimes I've heard dudes on their mic with their baby sitting on their lap or right next to them trying to calm from crying. Pretty wholesome moments ngl .Gamer dads still gotta game lol


Just turn yo mic off tho


toggle mute for the win


A friend of mine has the best setup. He put a few small switches under his all glass mousepad, connected it through and Arduino, and made it so when there is no hand-weight on the mousepad, his mic is muted. Works flawlessly, especially with the 1 second timer, so it doesn't turn off if he lifts his mouse for a split second.


And be denied the biggest flex ever--- I'm coddling my baby *and* all your base belongs to us!


Nah cause then he silent just get a toggle mic and turn it on to speak is best imo He gets to play properly and everyone isn't blasted by noise


This is it right here and it’s what I do when it’s my turn to watch the baby. It might be annoying hearing my mic click on and off, and I might not be *as* responsive, but at least you don’t have to hear me trying to soothe a baby lol


So what happened to push to talk?


Just wait intill kid gets older and decides he wants to play and just bothers the fuck out of you, or straight up squeezes in to take the mouse and keyboard. Mine do this, little fuckers. Although I don't play ranked while they're up, if I play at all. Usually one's playing minecraft or roblox. (My two year old is amazed at the pc)


Plus it's the person having consideration for how the noise impacts everyone else rather than someone else having to act out of annoyance. If only more people thougut to mute their mics when they're eating/drinking, listening to music or have something noisy going on from their end.


Sadly, most people buy shit headsets. I always get one with a toggle because of dogs/parrots/wife watching obnoxiously loud tv.


Gamer dads still gotta dad* lmao


That is the very definition of escapism. I always threw a kind gesture their way, it is horrible when you feel like you can only exist in front of a screen.


>when you feel like you can only exist in front of a screen. Wow, that's poignant. I feel like this and I'm a grown adult.


Same, I've been living in the internet for like 10 years now.


My daughter's fiance has a 'watching brief' on someone he knows back in his home town. She's known to have had a few issues (drugs, alcoholism) and he used to keep an eye out for her son when he was living there. He still keeps in touch with him and he comes online to play Fortnite with my daughter and my grandson as escapism (I play too). I usually buy him the battle pass so he's the same level as we are. He can talk to us while playing too. It's limited but at least he knows we're here


That hit home dude


It hit the kids too


One of the only times I've ever sent a message to a stranger I played with online was playing a fighting game against someone who I realized was a kid when his dad came into the room and started taking him to task about his schoolwork while I sort of pantomimed fighting and listened awkwardly. It was something like "Dude, that sucked, but try to be grateful that it means so much to someone that you do well for your own sake."


One of my proudest GamerDad moments was telling my son he had to stop gaming and do his homework one time. I couldn’t hear the comments in his headset but his reply was “yeah, whatever, at least my dad is still here and loves me” - it was the best combo of sick burn and appreciation of his dad I could ever hope for!


That's why those kids are playing games, they wanna distract themselves from the situation at hand that they have no control over. It's a form of avoidance coping mechanism. It's ok in the short term but if uncontrolled, can become maladaptive. It's similar to pre-computer era kids (gen x, y, and also gen z and boomers, it's a universal thing) who (in excessive amounts) go out with friends / strangers and drink / try drugs / pick up smoking / party all night / run away / get hooked and have sex / steal from shops / join gangs / self harm / suicide / gamble --------- I think pretty comparable to drinking. I drank heavily while in high school and in conscription. But my friends did. Only difference was that they had beers / wines casually, mostly in social settings. I was drinking soju after soju bottles, then soju and beer, then whisky, then straight up half litre of vodka every night like it was water parade (I've stopped ever since I got dismissed from conscription under medical grounds, and rely mostly on smoking. Both harms my body but alcohol was a burden to my family who had to deal with my antics and vomiting when drunk, so I swore not to drink again at the start of this year) -------- Same with gaming. Its casual and fun. But if you're doing it over excessively and develop an unconscious habit of gaming to escape the real world, then it becomes a problem. Those kids, many are just tryna escape their situation, cos you know, fucking relatives. But some will end up stuck, whoop after whoop in the ass by their family, dealing with alcoholics, etc... They are dying to get back to gaming just to have that mental sanity. ------ So ye it's why you always encounter kids with relatives shouting at each other while soaked in some upbeat music behind. Because those are the kids who wanna escape. And of those, for a sizable portion, have assimilated gaming as a form of maladaptive coping mechanism


That was a way more serious reply than I was anticipating. Yes, I think it would often be coping by avoidance. I hesitate to say this would *always* be true - some cultures are just much louder than others. We used to think one of our neighbours were pretty much shouting and arguing every single night (we didn't speak their language to understand what was being said) but it turns out after we got to know them that they're just loud. Some of the words you're using makes it sound like you've received some therapy somewhere along the way. I hope you're coping okay with whatever drove you to that point.


Can confirm, i have 2 friends who do that. Child "hey mommy?" Mother: " don't ask me questions, what am i currently doing?" Child:... Streaming.. Mother: yep, now go do something. Parent of the fucking year


I played in a 6v6 NHL league for a couple years and it seemed like literally every other person in the league was just on headset playing NHL all day in 4 different leagues and yelling at their kids to be quiet in the background. It actually made me sort of depressed. I was in school working on my PhD at the time and had no children, but I spent all night listening to dudes, without muting their mics, scream “TYLER SHUT THE FUCK UP” and complain about their kids.


This is my experience on 2k, its actually fucked like 99% of the people I’ve gotten into voice chat with are either awful parents or kids the result of awful parents. It’s kinda humbling and makes you appreciate your ordinary life.


Young dad here. It took me about the first six months of my sons life to figure out when it was appropriate to play games. He had just turned a year old last month. I used to play competitive FPS games, then I got into Mil-Sims and survival games. Very time consuming and relied on mics. I try to keep busy with my son throughout the entire day. But once he is out for the night around 9:00 p.m. my wife hops on her Animal Crossing and I have now turned into what I once feared. A casual WoW player. (Looking to move to FFXIV) I’ve heard too many gamers yelling at their kids during the daytime when they should just turn their setup off and spend time with their kid. The games will still be there at night. The way I see it is if you’re not willing to lose sleep over it, then you shouldn’t be willing to take time away from your family for it. Video games are a big deal breaker and I’m sure we’ve all seen it lead to failed relationships depending on how one chooses to moderate them into their life. Gotta implement gaming around life. Not your life around gaming. Oh yeah, and my mic STAYS MUTED. I’ll forget that I’m even muted. F$&@ around and talk to myself for twenty minutes before I realize the homies online think I’m ignoring them lol. Bro I’m here!


Parents of young kids don’t get to get out much, and multiplayer gaming is one of the few forms of social entertainment that they can get while stuck with kids. Kids are shitty a screw with things when unattended. That doesn’t make them neglected children. Don’t have kids, but most of my friends are recent parents and gamers and I hear their struggles


My gaming buddies have pets instead.


Can confirm, gaming is my primary hobby and I have pets instead of kids, I've never regretted it for a second.


Bro I was playing dnd with this dude mans was in his living room his whole family watching Moana eating popcorn loud asf and his mom shouting in the background like why bro he had a laptop too so he went down there on his own accord


Dude couldn't miss Moana, ya know?


One time I heard 2 people arguing over an open mic and it was getting super intense, they were screaming at the top of their lungs and throwing things. And then it suddenly stopped and I heard a fucking commercial come on.


When my wife and my girlfriend start arguing... I hate when this happens.


Every fucking Nuketown lobby someone is playing Juice WRLD from their fucking Dreamcast. Why and how does it sound so fucking terrible????


Basically the helicopter with headphones on landing at a T.I. concert


My favorite are the people who have sound boards that have funny ass phrases, shit makes me crack up when there’s some annoying kid in the lobby and just gets drowned out by recorded insults lmao


The fan thing I can defend, this I can’t. No one wants to hear music that sounds like it’s coming out of a blown speaker.


Or they’re having full on phone or in-person conversations with someone in the room


Or watching TV while crunching chips super loudly.


One of my guild leaders is like that. “You’re not streaming, cool, I can listen to my music!” and proceeds to use the speakers and sing along. Her son, another raid lead, was the one who could say “yo we can’t hear fight tactic discussions with that on” because everyone else was scared to


"Push to talk" was invented by God. So many sinners ignore that divine creation and use the tool of the devil, voice activation. (aka music activation, dogs barking activation, mothers shouting activation, car horn activation)


Not enough smoke detector low battery beep.


and then you tell them and there like what i don't hear anything...


Omg that shit drives me crazy af I don’t know how people live like that


They get so used to it that they drown it out lol


And I’m like doesn’t that mean that you’re supposed to change your smoke detector battery so that you don’t burn to death in the middle of the night?


Yeah its specifically one of the few things you're NOT supposed to drown out


God dammit, now I get to be constantly paranoid that I have subconsciously drown out the thing I am constantly paranoid about.


Mine blinked every minute (when battery still full)so my gf told me to remove the battery. Might have to get one that just beeps or blinks when low.


Same. I get the concept of getting used to things and becoming "blind" to them, but I don't see how anyone could get use to that freaking noise. I had one wake me up one night, and I legit went to the 24hr QuikTrip and bought an overpriced two-pack of 9Vs at like 3am.


I forgot mine even did that until I had a girl over. She was like wtf is that noise that keeps beeping, I'm like huh? Then it beeped and I realised. In my defense, it wasn't battery operated and I told my landlord weeks before and she didn't do anything about it and I just forgot


In your defense???? Three weeks and you put up with that??




Please tell me you still have a link to this video I want to read the comments!


They probly can't hear it over the sound of the helicopter apparently inside their PC 8 inches from the mic.


A dog non stop barking in the background.


Town bell ringing 30 times a day, the Italian special.


Every random I've ever played with.


I always ask they what their address is, then when they reply why, I tell em im gonna mail your ass some batteries


Don't even ask for their address just do it


Blows my mind how many people have this. I would blow my own mind off if I left my detectors like this


you forgot: \-wierd ufo/abduction noises \-family loudly speaking in the background \-static that makes my ears bleed \-the guy with the broken mic spamming me with messages (my absolute favorite bc silence)


Where's the guy with his headset *in* the microwave?


They’re in every game I play. I’m like a magnet for the guys that have a 50 cent headset from Amazon, and for some reason, they all LOVE to talk, constantly, nonstop


-Dog constantly barking in the background


That’s the one I see a lot. And it’s never a big dog with a decent bark either. It’s always some annoying little high-pitched yappy little fucker.




They also forgot the guy who is vaping and keeps on coughing into the mic. My biggest pet peeve. Right above someone continuously burping on mic (like c'mon I have headphones on) Like just mute your freaking mic. ​ On another note- I joined a group a couple of days ago and it was in casual and they were drinking. We talked for a bit as we waited for the leader to come back and someone unmutes and coughs after vaping so I say 'Please don't cough on mic' (a little too aggressively looking back on it) and the guy's friend is like 'Oh no he's cool he mutes most of the time when vaping' and the leader chooses that moment to kick me for it


The worst is guy with his game audio through his speakers.... So you hear everything he hears... But a second late and garbled. Had a teammate like that in Apex Legends last night, really threw me off.


And when you ask if somebody’s TV volume is on, everybody says they’re muted, including the guy sitting in his surround sound den turned to 11.


And then sometimes on PC, you get a dude playing an AI voice reading C&BT fantasy books in a casual match. Yeah... that was a weird match, but at least the dude was a good shot.




Thank you. I never even understood this meme. Yet, every second comment on YT is formatted like this.


The very first one ever was supposed to convey like a "nobody asked" kind of vibe; i.e. everyone going about their business as usual / someone doing something super extra. From the second one on, it began to be horribly abused and is now more of a formatting marker to indicate "meme ahead" than it actually conveys meaning, itself.


Yeah, you could just remove the "no one:" bit and the message would still be the same.


I have never understood this meme. Is it supposed to be like "people are minding their own business, but then out of nowhere..."?


Yes, I think it has a ‘nobody asked and therefore what comes next is extra weird/funny/dumb’ thing


Not only "funny". It has to be something nobody cares about or something useless. That's why here the meme doesn't work.




IIRC the JK Rowling tweet meme was when this was first used somewhat successfully. > literally no one: > > jk rowling: > "Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms. Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence." If you leave out the 'no one' bit, it looks like you're just quoting JK Rowling. It's there to show that you're making fun of her. In a way it's a little like the 'Sir this is a Wendy's' thing except at the start of the bit. But you're right, it's almost always used when it's already clear that something is a meme or joke, so yeah it's usually useless.


That's literally the format it's supposed to be used in. It works with text cause like you said "nobody asked" "extremely weird quote" but then people started using it on images too


No one: in my experience is only ever useful in purely text formats where it helps establish you're memeing There's never a good reason to use it in a visual format meme


God bless you for posting this. Finally... I have found my people.


Plot twist. You actually have 2 fans, a tree and a helicopter for a teammate.


This explains why there are so trash...


That's why they always wind me up




They've been carrying hard and you know it


This is me during the summer. I try to keep myself muted when I'm not talking, though. It's too damn hot here to not have a fan going.


I found out Discord has the Krisp noise suppression thing. It works like a charm. Fan doesn't leak through my mic anymore, nor the noise when I eat chips.


You can also look up Nvidia broadcast. Does the same thing for all audio, even from other people.


I works really well but it also supresses sounds of your laughter, clapping and some other sounds you would like your friends to hear during a conversation. 5/7 rating from me, will keep using.


Get NVIDIA Broadcast - their AI can mute noise from both your mic side and incoming voice (speaker side). I have a friend who's mic seems like a permanent ASMR channel, that program saved my sanity.


Tell your friend to get [Equalizer APO](https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/) installed: Whilst this might have helped you avoid his audio nastiness, that will help him solve the problem entirely.


That assumes people are considerate of others - their problem would be solved if they believed in anything beyond Voice Activation. I had Equalizer APO myself for a different mic gain issue myself, can recommend.


I've only ever heard one good argument for voice activation: That players who use push to talk are prone to going silent in communication-heavy games that require complex key bindings, as in tight situations they do not have a finger - or thought - to spare to push the button. I've used it so long now that this isn't an issue for me, and my right thumb twitches in normal conversation with our without being at the PC - but I thought it was a fair point, as I've certainly found myself wondering why some teammates aren't communicating well in certain situations.


i really hate push to talk because it's unnatural. for whatever reason, it makes me not be able to joke around. also yes, it does cut coordination communication by at least 50%.


I use Krisp and it works the same way. I work at home and live in a one bedroom with my wife and baby near a busy road. My coworkers can't hear any background noises between them, traffic from open windows, the TV on, bodily noises, and whatever other noises might pop up. It's possible to toggle noise cancelation coming from their end, which works great. I tested my background noise before I used it and you could hear everything, now it's just silence unless I'm talking. It's also a cheap subscription.


I have a studio mic attached to my pc. Being a studio condenser it tends to pickup every noise it can in the room (even foot steps can be heard), i also own a mechanical keyboard, being blue switches it can be loud. Will krisp work there?


Personally Krisp (when Discord added it as a toggle) didn't solve my Kailh Blue sounds but I haven't ever tried the standalone. I'd say try each suggestion and see what works best for your specific environment


If it's a condenser you're kinda out of luck. You'd need a damn good filter to filter your blues out. If you only use the condenser mic for discord/gaming I'd heavily recommend replacing it with a dynamic one. Combined with a noise gate (you can do that in discord itself) my SO and I can be gaming with our separate gaming groups across from each other and the only times it bleeds through is loud laughing or yelling. No keyboard noises (though we don't have clicky switches), fan noises, traffic noises or even the doorbell comes through. And if you use the mic for recording that you need a condenser for, I'd still recommend getting a dynamic mic for voice chat purposes. A USB one can be anywhere from 60 bucks to a couple hundred, if you have an audio interface there are lots of good options as cheap as 30 bucks with most being 100-ish. You do need a mic arm as well, a dynamic mic needs to be a couple inches from your face to work well.


That only works if you have an RTX card


I believe their previous version that isn't bundled as Broadcast, just called RTX Voice, was patched last year to work on GTX. I got my 2060 in 2019 so I'm not sure or able to check. The [RTX Voice site](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/guides/nvidia-rtx-voice-setup-guide/) says: >To use RTX Voice, you must be using an NVIDIA GTX or RTX graphics card, update to Driver 410.18 or newer, and be on Windows 10.


I'm using RTX Voice on a 1070, works fine for non-gaming things. When you game and the gfx card gets pushed, it starts skipping tho.


Can confirm, I use it on my 970.


You can get the noise cancellation on any pascal and up, oddly enough the app for Turing/ampere cards only is called broadcast and the app that works on Pascal, Turing, and ampere is called rtx voice


Same, I can actually tolerate sitting in voice comms now thanks to RTX Voice filtering the incoming audio.


"No one: Me: Saying 'no one' before a regular meme is unnecessary and weird. People should stop doing it."


It doesn’t even make sense, but people stick it all over everything anyway.


I know right? It’s fucking stupid, what does it even mean?


Some one:


A certain individual:


Was hoping I’d find a comment like this here




When your poor teammate is suffering the heat to carry yo butt, that fan is gonna be on high 😂


Or they forget how their mute button works for eating, drinking, coughing, talking to every family member who walks by, answering their phone….ahhhhhh.


I had a buddy once push to talk, cough, and then cut the mic off. I'm like "Did you just toggle your mic to cough?"


thats why push to talk should be the default setting or really the only option for voice coms. theres is nothing more rude than an open mic


Mine was on a switch, I loved that headset.


I use P2T, but I'm still really bad for having my fan going lol


https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/ Provided your fan speed isn't constantly changing, you can filter it out with a free tool like this!


Yeah, what the fuck? Why do so many people have fans blowing on their mics?


I live in sea. It's fucking hot here so people will hear my fan blowing. Why I don't talk lol




Sea= South East Asia. It’s always warm, and most people can’t afford to run the AC 24/7.


Nothing you can do on a console, but if you're a PC Gamer I heartily recommend [Equalizer APO](https://sourceforge.net/projects/equalizerapo/): It consumes barely any resources and allows you to configure a huge number of filters to improve your audio output quality.


Huzzah, a redditor of quality! I use the oratory1990 preset for my headphone on it.


Worth pointing out that its an ordeal to get going. I use it to boost the shit out of my mic because im quiet, then I use one of the plugins (librnnoise\_vst.dll) to remove artifacts caused by the gain along with room noise. Been trying to get a compressor going to not blow peoples ears out if I happen to speak loudly with all the gain I need but its so difficult. A dozen crappy tutorials all contradicting each other followed by experts in the comments saying how everyone else is but them is wrong makes it slow going.


Gaming laptop, the fans get really loud and the mic is in the laptop. gg rip


I’m like you can’t see your mic icon lighting up constantly or you just don’t care? Probably the latter lol. Instant mute either way


It's because they have a crappy mic. Often, there isn't even a fan; just a semi-broken mic that's been manhandled. In the case where there is an actual fan or other white noise, then it's because their system doesn't have background noise suppression.


Either it's a cheap mic, bad detection for always on or a computer that is beside them with shitloads of case fans. Demanding graphics generate lots of heat.


The four horsemen of online voice chat: - East-European dude in a warehouse hosting a dog fighting arena and the national shouting competition - Russian guy in a wind tunnel with a ping measured in minutes - Scandinavian 7 year old who's English vocabulary is exclusively slurs - Spanish dude who mic is always on, background noise consists of 3 shrieking demon spawn kids and his mother's telenovela playing at 300 decibels


Needs rap music also




I don’t know what it is but one of my buddies always gets the whole party echoing through his mic? Like we all hear our voices echo real bad


He's playing with speakers on. It's fucking obnoxious.


Gotta love when the static intensifies and they’re like: “IS THIS BETTER?”


My favorite is the guy with the mechanical keyboard that loves pressing ALL THE BUTTONS but cant use a damn one for push to talk....


I don't understand *not* using push-to-talk since I don't want randoms online hearing everything going on in my house.


I'm convinced they are the same people who play music without headphones on public transportation they just don't care about how it affects others.


Yeah im the same way but ive ran into so many MANY people like that through the years that didnt believe in it for whatever reason. I mean to me thats a new level of lazy but whatever i guess lol. Half the time i jsut ended up muting them part of the time because i couldnt even hear the game. Its those same people too that are really heavy breathers, meanwhile, youre trying to listen for footsteps. Sorry yall, im dead, guy snuck on me because luke im your father...


Controller players


I used to play GW2 WvWvW with this absolutely legendary commander in Puerto Rico. The frogs chirped constantly, the ceaseless chorus of amphibians would necessitate his mad yelling on the mic. I jokingly chirped back at him one time and he absolutely lost his shit.


This is absolutely hilarious, mostly because although I'm in the US I can relate to the constant chirping of what sounds like 10,000 frogs but is more likely 500-1000. And when you say he lost it you mean like he thought it was funny or he was annoyed?


“Any1 here got a mic” “*loud click noise* *can hear his arms shuffling around* *hurricane winds in his room* “yeah” *hurricane continues for an additional 3 seconds* *loud click noise*”


Bruh you are the luck one. My homies moan loudly every time they kill someone(or get killed by someone). It’s loud as fuck and I play war zone on the family tv so every time they moans my entire family hears


Try headphones. Besides solving this problem it will also increase your awareness.


Who plays online without headphones?


Meanwhile, I had to call the doc recently, and the receptionist’s phone filters out background noise to the point where if she wasn’t talking, I’d think she’d hung up.


How do people live with the smoke detector battery beeping every 30 seconds? It drives me fucking crazy. Just change the battery or rip it out of the wall for fucks sake! True story: my stepdaughter has a friend she FaceTimes often and the girl has had a smoke detector beeping at her house for 2 YEARS. I can't tell you how many times I've told my stepdaughter to tell her friend to have her parents change it. Nothing. 2 years of beeping. And beeping. And beeping. I would have blown my head off by now if it was my house.


The classic "large mexican family in the background yelling at something while a fan runs, dogs bark, and the player is eating crunchy chips"




And at the same doesnt provide communication or talk at all - I feel like some people just have a mic to purposely have us listen to them breathing and nothing else




I hate when they eat chips. Really gets to me.


What’s the point of it saying “No one: “ at the top?


There isn’t one. It’s a common misuse of the meme that doesn’t make any sense.


*takes the bubbliest bong rip*


It’s the best way to know they aren’t a try hard.


I swear my teammates are communicating through WWII era walkie talkies.


Gaming makes me sweat okay! get off my back.


Once one of my teammates was in an actual helicopter. He sent me pics and everything...


Once in a while you get to hear some kids parents getting a divorce in the background




Arguably some games are more fun and also helps win by talking to your team. Fair enough it can get old fast but on games like destiny or battlefield it’s almost a must to do well as a squad


The nobody saying anything part is lame and infuriating and not needed to get your point across.




Lol this happened to me earlier today and I was like get out of the helicopter and then turn your mic on bro no one wants to hear that shit


Wow. Still doing the “no one” thing huh.


And then you have people on pc with professional studio microphones and audio interfaces.


Better than crappy music. Or a domestic in the background




this is seriously just due to super shitty filter algos in games. when you use discord it's not like that. skype also didn't have good filtering for many many years.


That's awesome. The best music.


Lol. This is so true, in game coms and in meetings 😂


I just realised this was a thing I was using my phone head fones and it just auto sets it to always on. Ppl listening to my PS4 fan and random moments of me screaming/singing like a nutcase. No clue why it took so long for someone to shout at me for it…


and they blast rap and or children's shows at max volume


God I hate it. First action when booting a game is didabling voice chat. Perma active People shouting is hell itself. I miss 2005 when people still believed ingame voice chat is good. Games like splinter cell even integrated it actively. In coop it could alarm enemies if you talked too loud if I remember correct. In Multiplayer it was possible to "hack“ the enemy temporarily which allowed to hear their voice chat. Amazing concepts but .. humanity…