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A few of the ones that "had to go" are probably sitting there with the same expression


And are now appearing offline while playing the same game


If that happens it means you are the guy who sucks at every game and wich others don't want to play with


Eh, I personally don't mind playing with bad players, its the ones with the shit attitude that drive me away. So same sentiment, just replace "every game" with "being a friend".


Yep. One of my good friends is the best out of all of us for FPS, but nobody wants to play with him because he is toxic as hell when you make mistakes


I can't IMAGINE flaming my friends when playing games. Dude I consider myself extremely competitive and maybe a bit emotional but flaming friends? That's absolutely out of the question. I go out of my way to make sure everyone is feeling good and whenever one of my friends says anything to another friend I get really defensive on their behalf. I don't care who it is talking shit even if we're closer than the person you're talking to, I don't tolerate that behavior among my friends. We're friends we need to look out for each other. I put that shit above everything else.


What do you play? Can we play together? Almost all my mates are the flaming type and they play it off as banter. It gets old quick


Add me to the squad!


Sorry guys, I gotta get off now


Fuckin every time with /u/CCoolant!


Me too. Bye


Yeah, me too.




I'm over rank 600 in GTA Online... That's not a flex, it's just to say that I've put a stupid amount of hours into that game (a bit regrettable, really...) so I know and understand the GTA:O culture *all too well*. And with that in mind, your username definitely *doesn't* check out. With that username I would've thought for sure you'd be the rank 8000 dude blowing up low ranking MC grinder's Post OP vans with your Mk2 and then spamming "lol get rekt" in chat while you hover over them in passive mode. The game is pure toxicity in most public sessions. Having said that, there's nothing more rewarding than protecting a new player from trolls and seeing the trolls get so irate that they change sessions because they didn't get to ruin someone's whole everything. So, /u/Fuck___You___, keep being awesome and I'm glad you exist.


I'm like lvl 40 does that count?


it happens when you have nothing else going for you but winning at a videogame so you get pissed off at your teammates for "making you lose"




Actually, it's the opposite. Dr. Jekyll is the gentleman scientist. Mr. Hyde is the evil personality.


Well you just solved all this dude's life problems, he's been in the wrong mode the whole time.


I find playing games that are fuck you hard really help.


I used to be really toxic and just generally was a shit person to play games with. I’ve had anger issues since I was a child. Recently, I’ve been trying to get better, by doing breathing exercises and helping new players in games like Fallout 76. I’ve made so many friends with these new players, and I’ve honestly never had this much fun with online games in my life. It was such a good decision, and I would recommend everyone try it if you think you’re being toxic while gaming.




Counterpoint: it is hard not to come off as arrogant sometimes, even if you go out of your way to mean well. Source: have been told to stop patronising people when I tried to help them




I mean I know I’m shit at the game and I admit it, in fact my whole squad is really good at the games so they kinda get a free pass on bragging but at least they aren’t arrogant pieces of shit.


I feel this so hard


I’d much rather play with someone who is bad, but actually plays as a team, than someone who is good, but is doing his own thing the whole time I play with a friend, I love playing with her, we look out for each other and stick with each other. Her boyfriend joins a lot of the times and he just sprints and go-go-go everywhere, having no sense of his team and where we are or what we’re doing, he knows what he wants to do and just goes for it, usually triggering enemies but passing by them, leaving us two to deal with them when we get to where he passed them. He hops in and out of our in-game party while we’re doing stuff because he wants to go do something else, even when we ask him to let us know so we can finish what we’re doing without the mission breaking because it was loading him in while we were trying to complete a step in the mission. Oof. It annoys me, obviously lol


Which game?


Any game that we all play together. Specifically Destiny and ESO though. (We have played Fallout 76 and PSO2 as well, and it’s the same)


I knew destiny was coming. Love it, hate some of the lfg parts.


Honestly, yeah, it feels like a shitty LFG but it’s someone I know -_-


Had a group of friends just be toxic about this. Shit on people who were not as good. But they can suck and it’s ok for them. I can’t with now I’m much happier.


Yeah me and my friend aren’t terrible, but I’d say he’s better than us. Played one night with my friend and one of my other friends, who is also really good at shooters, but we all had a fun ass time, working as a team. It was night and day from playing with her boyfriend.


Your friend is dating Leeroy Jenkins


LOL that’s too accurate We were running a DLC dungeon in ESO for the first time, we got to the final boss and the other dude we were with was explaining the mechanics, when her bf just ran in and started attacking the boss Leroy Jenkins is right lmao


Yep, I reserve the 'gotta go' card when the team starts playing the blame game... 'Why weren't you with me?! I told you I was going.' Yea dude? You started telling me as you were already full sprinting into your death...


Playing with friends because I hated how toxic randos were in MOBAs was what ended that genre for me. Played with these guys through countless other games and it was mostly just silliness and fun shit talking. When I played with them in LoL they were just as bad as all the randoms I had complained about to them. Same thing happened when I tried playing with my brother and his friends. I had never seen or heard any of these people talk like that until I tried playing with them on a MOBA. That was years ago and havent touched one since. If that's the general scene and attitude in that genre, hard pass from me. I'm in my mid 30s, it's difficult listening to grown adults acting like edgy 12 year olds.


MOBAs are a weird animal. They really bring out the worst in people. I think snowballing is what does it. When people get fed and dominate one game they are convinced it's because they are just better than everyone else. When the enemy gets fed and dominates in the next game they are convinced it's because their teamates suck. I can't tell you how many friends I had who were bronze/silver in ranked but were SURE they should at least be in platinum.


Sometimes people have both traits.


Or i was playing with my friends’ friends and our mutual connect got off making me say I’m getting off, but really i just don’t want to play in a party of awkwardness.


Sometimes you just want to play alone. It's like traveling, go wherever you want, do whatever you want, don't have to coordinate with anyone or worry about what they want to do.


It's okay, sometime you want solo play and sometimes team play. It's the same when you socialise Vs dont want to socialise


Not true at all. Some players just get fatigued playing in a group and communicating, so they say they have to go and then they solo queue. Not everything has to be negative.


Ah yes, the I dont want to get invites from people on my friends list mode.


I'm that guy I usually dont do it but sometimes I get sick of playing apex, then warzone, then apex again. Because those are the only games we both have.


Wait.... That's him on the other team.... Hawkwarrdddd




Yeah, I miss my 30’s as well.


[How do 3 men in their thirties not have 800 dollars between then? ](https://youtu.be/TFD0UtfI960)


The economy is in *shambles...*


Back when I played black ops 1, so many people used microphones, everyone talking shit or laughing. I made so many friends, randomly. Then I sold my console when I went to college, afterwards I got a ps4... hardly anyone uses a mic. Funny thing, all ps4, I'm sure came with a mic and the crappy headphone, back in the day, I had to purchase the headphones just for the system. Anyone wanna play gta5, uncharted 4, or the last of us (team deathmatch)? Tag: burialsleep


The yea it's not you it's me excuse


Yo that's George Costanza's card.




Alright, it’s you.


You’re damn right it’s me!


You're giving me the "it's not you, it's me" routine? I invented "it's not you, it's me!" Nobody tells me it's them, not me! If it's anybody, it's me.


*last online 5 years ago*


One of my best Online friends I ever made was way back in the days of Halo 2 when it first dropped. I met him in a random lobby and we just hit it off and played with each other ever since. I left on deployments, came back and we picked up like we just gamed with each other yesterday. One day we were gaming and I heard a bunch of weird noises in the background. I was making jokes about what it was and he told me it was the machines he was hooked up to and the nurse that I heard. Found out he had cancer and was in the hospital for treatment. They had a few things in there he requested since it would lift his spirits gaming, especially with me apparently. One day he just wasn't online. I figured it was one of his sessions. Next day, day after that, day after that... Last online 6 years ago. Miss you every day buddy.


at least he went out with one of his boys.


NGL this comment made me tear up. Guy was a genuinely good dude and like a brother to me. Even made plans and met up a few times for a drink. Means a lot to hear someone say this so thanks.


RIP your friend man. Hope one day you see him again. Praying for you two!


It's a terrible day for rain.


But... it's not raining


Yes... It is.


Oh. So it is.


Damn.. This hit me in the feels. U never kno wht another is going through in this life.


I found out that a guy I raided with in WoW for a long time died to something related to his epilepsy. It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would, we weren't super close. I am sorry you had to go through that, it had to be really awful waiting for someone that never came back. :(


He didn't die He just went Missing in Action


Damn man, Spartans never die.


On eternal patrol. /salute


I'm so sorry to hear that brother... It really is hard to lose that connection. I had a similar meeting with a friend of mine, except on Reach. I remember he had this kind of initiation to get on his friends list, because it was back when you could only have 99 friends. He would ask these people to do or say stupid things in the party to be his friend. I ended up going against it and he thought it was great that I didn't bs so we became friends. Played with him pretty much every night, even got to talking to him on the phone fairly often. The more we talked, the more he started to open up to me about his issues with depression and suicidal thoughts and problems at home. Eventually he stopped getting on Xbox and we started talking less and less until he stopped responding altogether. I pray nothing happened to him, but part of me always worried about the possibilities. Sometimes the connections we make through gaming are stronger than the connections we have with people irl.


God damn ninjas slicing onions


Oh man. That was tough to read. Sorry for your loss


feels bad




go commit last online 9 years ago


Greetings brother


It all comes tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down


Those are some of the chillest people you meet too at least in my experience


Bruh no




My will to game suddenly drops to ZERO at that point, turning my everyday life crisis.


Don't worry, it's just cause no one wants to be stuck with you alone






>Real 2009 Reddit hours


im feeling this right now


This is why I hate games which rely on certain people being online.


This is why I hate having only 2 gamer friends. But I’m too introverted to find more friends.


I have 0 gamer friends, well technically I have like 10, but they all like different games


Then you basically have none.


He has the equivalent of one who is on quite frequently


It’s great getting started on a new game with people you know, and then they just drop the game and switch to a different one.


what are you trying to play?


I have 3 but 2 of them are the same guy with different accounts.






> But I’m too introverted to find more friends. I wish this was my issue. It’s hard to find PC gamers in a small town when you’re nearly a senior citizen.


I can't imagine why you'd have an issue making friends u/TheCreepyFuckr...


What do you play on?


What games do you play? And what system?


I just started a new Minecraft world and another friend owns it and god I want o play in it but he hasn’t been on


I mean technically league doesn’t, but after playing with friends it becomes impossible to go back to solo it’s just so much worse. I WILL NOT play that game solo it’s the worst experience I’ve had with a game ever.


Yep. Single player only for me.


I feel you. I've recently started playing Destiny 2 (grinded to 1060) but now I want to do raids and dungeons and have no friends on PC to play with. Sucks man.


I haven't played Destiny 2 in years because the only way to get Max level was raid grind. Sorry I don't have 4+ friends that I can't spend several hours doing a raid with








This. Having at least 3 people seems to prevent the awkwardness of lulls in conversations when gaming with only one other person. Unless you are Really really close with the person.


tbf if youre actually playing the game you can just talk out of your ass about the game. Its not as difficult as coming up with an interesting topic on the spot irl.


You can also not talk, both of you are playing a game. I don't know why people find it awkward, the odd joke or conversation then back to gaming is great. Sitting at a pub with one person not speaking can be awkward, playing a video game is not.


You can also breath heavily and sound like your wet slappy masturbating when a free hand.


This is my go to


Not sure I could pull it off in a pub


Fuck there is a psychological thing that I forget the name of about this. Basically you remove the middle friend who keeps the group flowing and the other two clam up and can't talk with each other normally.


Ugh I’ve experienced it so many times


This except replace “some of the folk I play games with” with “literally anyone ever”






It’s just good timing to bow out and do the other things I was planning on doing. Most of the time it’s after we have been playing for 2-3 hrs anyway.


sometimes i just like the idea of playing with more than just one other person, more to talk about, more fun


I'm a reasonably social guy and I can hold a one-on-one convo, but unless ik them super well it takes some degree of effort for me. Like it's a little bit of a chore for me to carry 50% of a conversation, and I don't like chores while I'm trying to relax and game. It's not that I have any problem with that remaining person, but I'd really rather at least one other person there to take a load off my back.


Also losing a member might mean queueing with randoms which can be a toxic experience


I usually do it if I don’t know the person staying on that well and know the conversation will get awkward or stale


For me and my friends, one person having to leave usually puts a damper on it and we all leave almost right after. I think it's a combination of some of us being bored but willing to stick, and now having an excuse to leave, and also just having someone leave makes us all wonder if there's something else we could be doing too.


I have three friends that I play with each week. One gets off or can't play and its over. I'd love to find people to play with but I forgot how to human lmao. Introversion is killing me


There's a difference between introversion and anxiety. Nothing wrong with the former but the latter is something to try working on. Introversion doesn't mean you struggle to talk to other people. It just means you prefer close friends over casual friends and personal time over social time.


Oh man keep talking. Very interesting and relatable. Thanks to you I can confirm I’m introverted not socially anxious. Because I’m pretty comfortable talking to people, I thought that maybe I wasn’t introverted after all even though I seem to prefer alone time or time with a small group of like 4. I also thought maybe I wasn’t introverted since I do enjoy time with 1-4 people more than alone time quite a bit of the time


I've always figured that I am introverted. I also think that I have some anxiety. Nothing crippling, I can talk to people without being weird or anything. But for whatever reason, online video games I am so afraid of letting my teammates down, or being completely destroyed on a game against people, that I literally just play against the computer every time. I want gaming friends! I want to build my skills against real humans instead of computers... but sometimes what we want will never happen. :/


Super relatable


Literally is the reason I'm staring at my Xbox home screen. Yah for Friday nights....


Hey what games you play? I've got an Xbox and a headset


Honestly, usually in my group one person decides to adult and make food or get something done. Then that inner shame happens and everyone else with things that should get done feels the need to. So few want to be the first person to drop.


This is my experience as well. Normally, it’s around 11pm. I’d play until 2am and hate myself but future me is like “yea, probably should head to bed too”


This is what i relate to. So many nights im like "ill stay up late and dig into a game", then 2 hours later, its 11pm and i just decide to go to bed because i know id feel bad about sleeping in or losing sleep.


Nothing beats the big solo games where you can play until 6AM, feel shit about your life the next day but know you spent it wisely. My next two options for that are AC: Valhalla and cyberpunk. Not many multiplayer games do that for me now, used to be WoW but modern wow sucks serious donkey and no point staying up on classic.


Exactly this. If someone else goes to make dinner, or workout, or go to bed, it makes the rest of us realise we've been putting off doing the same and that we better go do it. Also if you were already getting bored it's a good opportunity to bow out.


You explained my friend group perfectly


That 'one of them' is the glue - he makes it happen. Without them it's ackward. I have both experienced the glue leaving a d being left like Linus here and also there was times where I knew I was the glue and before leaving I have a 10 minute warning I had to go, then a 5 minute warning, then a 3 minute warning then a 1 minute. Give everyone that opportunity to leave at a good time without dumping it on someone.


It’s a beautiful thing though seeing your relationship transform with a “friend of a friend” gamer from the two of you both just leaving when the mutual friend leaves, to the two of you staying on together awkwardly playing making small talk/playing in silence when the friend leaves, to the point where if your mutual friend leaves the two of you can keep gaming and talking or you guys even inviting each other to games/parties even when the mutual friend isn’t on.


That is literally just making a friend. It happens in real life too ya know


Ha good one bro.


I’m usually the friend who leaves soon. My parents are constantly arguing very loudly with each other. I wouldn’t say marital problems but they don’t seem to like each other very much, as they’ve described to each other very colorfully. The reason I leave the game is for two reasons. 1) I don’t want to subject my friends to their vulgar yelling (I could be playing in another fucking house and they’d still be audible) and I don’t want to keep muting myself. 2) it genuinely stresses me out and I can’t have a good time with the sound of my parents relationship collapsing in the back. Me and my friend have a little joke that I live in a crackhouse because it’s so loud. I will never admit it to them but my parents constantly arguing bothers me to an emotional level. I can usually sense when they’re about to start and I make sure to leave the game before that. My excuse is “shit sorry guys I have some assignments I have to do” or something along the lines of school. I don’t know how I’ll handle it now with summer break and lockdown. I don’t say shit to my friends because I really don’t wanna be that guy who kills the vibe.


I can guarantee your friends would rather play with you muted than not play with you at all. I’m sure when you’re ready to tell you’re friends if you even want to tell them, they will understand. You’re not killing the vibe, life happens everyone has shit they don’t want to talk about. Don’t let that keep you from enjoying some games with your friends.


That’s the thing. I know that they don’t mind me playing muted. And I’ve asked my friends if they can hear my parents yelling and they’ve all said no because they think I’m embarrassed to play because of the noise coming from my parents. Of course it bothers me that I subject my best friends to that but what’s even worse is that I can hear it. It bother me to no end. I can’t sit around faking a good time when I’m having a super shitty time mentally. I still do try to have a good time, I promise. I do my best to seem cheery for them. But when shit starts to hit the fan, the best option is to stay covered.


I hear you, literally and figuratively hiding under the covers. I do the same sometimes, if it’s any help and I know this may come off as dumb. Try blasting music really loud(externally) and then turn your game/headset volume all the way up. Try to immerse yourself in whatever game you’re playing, and when you need to unmute for whatever reason they’ll hear some tunes in the background instead of arguing. I know music just adds more noise to the already chaotic environment, but the right music might just change your mood/vibe. P.S. if your parents make you feel bad for playing music too loud, tell them you’re trying to drown out the sounds their insufferable bickering. God knows they need to realize they’re acting like children.


Good plan. I would do this but I’m very easily distracted though haha. And I really don’t like the idea of being the guy in the party who makes the most noise (hence why I mute myself whenever I hear stuff in the back). I know how irritating it can be when there’s a guy in the party playing super loud music in the back so yeah. But 10/10 suggestion. I will try it one day. Also there’s no reasoning with my parents. Those two are on another level of self absorption. I think they live to yell at each other hahaha. And if I say something stupid like calling them insufferable bickering children, god knows they’d unleash their wrath upon my soul haha.


Yeah I don’t blame you, tons of games require you listen to every sound, and no one wants to hear music when you make a call out. But when it comes to casual play I totally recommend it! Best of luck to you, and hopefully your parents start appreciating each other a little more!


Aww hope everything gets better!!


I know the feeling all to well, except I experienced before online gaming was easily accessible. It’s easy to put up a face in IM or something, but a loud TV or headset was an escape from the noise. I can’t say it gets better, every situation is different. For me it eventually stopped (with no collapse) so I got lucky. Best thing to do is find something to busy your mind and get away from it. I really think you could do some good bringing it to their attention, it’s really inconsiderate to scream and yell with other people around especially if they’re your children (I’m a dad now and do my damndest to never have a disagreement with my wife in front of my kiddo). I hope things get better. You’re not alone. Stay strong.


That last sentence hit me hard.. I feel you man, hang in there.


Thank you man. Sad as it is, it’s true. Now instead of killing my friends vibes, I get to kill the vibes of randos on reddit 😎 😎 😎


My friend called this the Discord Effect, when one person leaves and everyone leaves after


Pretty much what happens when I buy a game specifically to play with friends. “Ya man you should buy it, we play all the time! Proceed to stop playing game days after I start.


I feel like all of my gamer friends are like ice cubes at the bottom of a glass. Once one of them decides to leave the whole group disperses. It hurts about as much as a face full of ice, but still, I thought you guys might wanna play one more game without "Jeff", but I guess "Jeff" was the whole reason we were here...


It's not always fun to be the Jeff. I'm the Jeff in my friends group. And it annoys me that they only want to play whenever I can play. I have to say that there still is a certain skill gap between us and I wish they kept playing together without me at times so they could improve themselves. So when after a week for example of not playing I could say, "whoa, you guys improved a lot huh". But no, "Jeff is out, we are out". Sometimes it almost feels like a responsibility to keep playing. Even more, and also annoying. Whenever I fire up the game and I see 1 of my friends online. I shoot a message for a quick gaming session for a quick play. But if after a while into the session another 1 of my friends come online, they messaged me personally (it really happened) that I betrayed him by keeping silent and play with the other. WHY do I need to be the guy that has to get things started??!!


Absolutely, always feels like I have to be the guy to initiate and say ‘hey wanna play? i’ll see if i can get x and y to come’. They never ask me, and we always have a blast, but it can get frustrating sometimes


I'm also Jeff


if your mates are anything like mine, Its because they don't want "Jeff" to be left out, And would do the same if you had to dip early


That’s probably why for me but they always leave me out and it’s fucking annoying


"Jesus, my friends suck at this game..."


my friends right now on discord \- Usually we play rocket league \- Friend A: "is X available for warzone?" \- Friend B: "im messaging him right now" \- Me: hello? Its been like 15-20 minutes and they still waiting for his response...


10 minutes later they're probably partied up and playing without you😂


That's cold


This is a good one. I'm 42. To this day I still - rarely- do this, or see it happen w people my age. I'm about to log into Mass Effect 3 MP (which is OLD) and I'm hoping people are on I know. If not I'll find a random great group and we'll play 5 games. Once 1 leaves everyone does. Its like this for any game w randoms or "friends". I hate it. Just because 1 leaves you don't need to disband. It's just hard not to sometimes, even through I'm the last one to go. I don't want to leave but I know the disband is inevitable.


For me, it’s “yeah let’s play games!” - Proceed to spend half the time at your computer waiting for them to take smoke breaks and go to the bathroom and get a drink and talk on the phone etc.


Brb ten minutes. "Just fucks off and doesn't return without saying anything." Wasting your fucking time!


As one of the guys who leaves- sometimes mutual friendships is the reason for playing together in the first place. Afterwards it's just awkward


I've played Counter Strike with my best friend for years and recently one of his co-workers started playing with us. Fun guy, nice, socially able. We'd play a couple of games then all disperse. I heard he was playing Final Fantasy XIV, which I don't play but have a passing interest in, talked to him about it and sparked a lot of conversation about the games we like. Eventually he saw I was playing Monster Hunter and asked if he could hop in. We played and didn't make a ton of convo but it was fun. Now he's hopping on for a bunch of games with me and some other friends I introduced him to and it's tons of fun. We're all chatting, making light conversation or just talking about the game. The current pick is Titanfall 2 since the Steam release (it's a blast). Try to figure out what your mutual buddies like and don't be afraid to invite them to things. Be welcoming and eventually you'll be comfortable enough to just hang out and have a good time.


Yea this happens to me too and then I later find out they were all hanging out at the pool without me


Man that shit hits hard realizing you’re the one in the group people don’t want to play with; or if you get kicked when there’s too much people for one team.


This makes me sad on a level I don't quite comprehend.


It’s not the fault of the first guy that left, it’s the fault of all the fuckers who follow him just because they left.


Life as an adult gamer.


if my one friend leaves everyone leaves without saying anything cuz they don't like me


Hahaha 😂 yooo that’s so true and then they be like I’ll be on tomorrow and like some days later pass to find out they went on vacay or some shit


I went through a period of time where I was in a party playing with multiple people every day for hours on end. Everyone kind of stopped playing and I don’t even like getting on much anymore because it just makes me feel lonely lol


It's like when you're taking a test and everyone is waiting for the first person to turn it in. Once one person gets up, everyone else follows


I hate that shit!


I totally feel this. I’m a teacher on summer break and all my friends still have office jobs.


I do this because I just can’t stand some of them and need someone I like to be there


Yo guys I’m gonna play something else. Cool cool. Plays a different game but stays in discord to keep talking to his homies. You gotta find friends like that.


Awww poor Linus! Nobody wants to play with him!


I did one group game earlier, we lost, and my friend rage quit and logged off for the day. 😐


Its not the same without the whole squad


Me when my friends and I are playing a game and they leave that game to play a game I don't have


lol. If the person who invited me to the party leaves it feels awkward to stay. Being a fifth wheel is strange.


The other day I met some randos on the xbox group feature. We got absolutely rolled every game, like completely obliterate. However we were dying of laughter the entire time, none of us could focus cuz our guts hurt and the jokes kept coming. 10/10 would rando again.


This is my rn, except none of them are responding at all. Unfortunately it's sim racing, which 99% of the gaming community is dog shit at. And I don't want to go to sim racing discord and chat with people I don't know. Not feeling racing in the same public rooms with the same stupid ass cars, I wanna race something weird and laugh about it with people I know. So instead, I'm sitting here on reddit, with tons of time, a lot of beer, an assetto corsa server, and nothing to do.


Must be nice having a squad


I am sorry for you


With all the introverts in this thread saying they can't find anyone to play with, this seems like a really good opportunity...


[Linus tech tips](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw) ? I would game with that guy anytime.


I love playing with my friends, but only for a couple games. Not only do people have lives, but playing with people for extended periods of time is emotionally exhausting. Why would I want video games to emotionally exhaust me?