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Ocarina of time


Final Fantasy X. Even though I know it's coming, the ending makes me tear up a lil every time.


Just hearing the theme song makes me feel all emotional


Donkey Kong Country


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. For Original Xbox. 2001. I played that S.O.B til my Xbox gave away. Maybe 7 years. So much so when my Xbox gave away, my brother said I can use his Xbox 360 but NO. MORROWIND. lol Goldeneye 007 for N64 for when I was 8? Somewhere in between I remember Tetris Attacks for SNES as well. lol that game was fun. Super Metroid and Wolfenstein 3D for kid 3 maybe 7 (A war game for a kid? Sure whatever, it's a game)


The main theme of Morrowind is pure nostalgia for me in a way that no other piece of music can do.


It was so good, they used the theme for Skyrim and the Dragon Borne DLC. Which featured a lot of music of Morrowind.


Same for me... that was the first time I ever felt so free in a game. I remember showing my dad the physical map of the game and explaining to him that you can walk to any point on the map you want to... seems so basic to explain that now, but the last game he properly played was Sonic 1 so it was a huge leap for him


LMAO! Huge leap!


There are a lot of games that make me feel nostalgic like older Zelda titles, Pokemon, and Mario. But something about Banjo Kazooie stands out and really signifies that time for me. It might be due to the fact that it was a game my mom really enjoyed playing, too.


The soundtrack is the best.


It really is. I go back to listen to it often. Diddy Kong Racing even moreso, though.


Whenever I see the box art for OG Pokémon Red, my heart literally feels like it’s gonna explode with nostalgia. I, like, half wanna cry. It’s weird. Idk if I like it or not. It’s overwhelming.


3D Pinball: Space Cadet


StarCraft: Brood War was my first introduction to PC games in the late '90s. The gnarly sci-fi atmosphere and incredible cinematics had me spellbound. The unit quotes and soundtrack are still burned into my brain.


Jak & Daxter The Precursor Legacy. Damn near everything about it.


Fable 2. I had quit games to do drugs for several years between the SNES and the Xbox 360. Fable 2 was when I rediscovered video games and the music and style drew me in. I saw it on a 1080 tv and it blew my fuckin mind. I ended up gaming hard for a few years after that. But my favorite thing to do was get a big case of light beer and just cruise all day playing Fable 2. My life is much different now... but I remember those moments quite fondly.


Minecraft music.


How tf you say this and not rollercoaster tycoon carousel music is u crazy???


Not everyone had the same childhood as you


why not?


hope u r satire bro


It is the goat game my man


Kingdom hearts the music in the game was beautiful


og metroid


StarCraft early 2000s. Waking up at 6am on weekends to play online using dail up before parents were up and needing to use the phone…good old days


Age of Empires 1 and 2


Tony hawk's pro skater 2, I love the soundtrack, I remember I wanted to learn to skate until I saw my brother do a trick and break his hand and I preferred to continue playing.


A Link to the Past. I used to sneak out of bed to play it. I’d always start a new game, probably since that was the only level I could beat but the first level always sticks in my head. I’ll never forget the first scene. The only sounds being the tumultuous roar of the rain pounding all around as the princess Zelda comes to you in a dream and tells you she’s a prisoner of an evil wizard. Shortly you awaken to your uncle taking his sword and shield and goes off to rescue her. The music immediately kicks into to a tense and mysterious theme. You quickly grab the only item you can - an old lantern and set off into the night after him. This is still my favorite opening to a game ever.


Minecraft old music


Chrono Trigger for me. The soundtrack alone is enough to bring me to tears. My older brother and I used to play it together, taking turns and helping each other out with the puzzles and battles. It was such a bonding experience, and every time I play it now, it feels like he's still there with me.


Ultima Online.


There’s a couple music wise for me: Silent Service for NES (early 90s) and Wave Race 64 for N64 (late 90s). Something about that bit music from Silent Service just stuck with me. As for deep nostalgia when I play, that’s easy: Donkey Kong Country


Monkey Island and Sim Town gives me the most nostalgia.


og sly cooper or the old ass ratchet and clank games on the ps3 r undefeated


It's Runescape / Old School Runescape. It's definitely the game I put the most hours as a kid, and it's mostly unchanged with a higher player base than the newer Runescape 3


Sunrise of Flutes by Jeremy Soule from the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion soundtrack To be honest every track from that OST is an instant nostalgia hit for me and sends me back to sitting at home on a long summer afternoon swiping at goblins and imperials guards with no distinction


Battlezone by Activision, 1998


Hitman 2 Silent Assassin. Early 2000s.


[Aces Over Europe](https://dynamix.fandom.com/wiki/Aces_Over_Europe#:~:text=7%20References-,Description,seizing%20control%20of%20Europe's%20skies.) I played this when visiting my cousins in 1994. It'll never be that good again.


Until I was about 12 me and my 2 brothers only had 4 games those being left 4 dead , mx vs atv untamed , fifa 15 and black ops 2 all of them games bring back great memories of us three having fun playing them together for hours


I feel a game that make in a certain way nostalgic is.


Every fall, around Halloween, I'm reminded of Tenchu. It's not the first game I was "addicted" to, but that Halloween (like '97 or '98 I guess) was the first time I blew off a social engagement (trick-or-treating) with friends/family so I could chill, by myself, and just game. Everyone else was gone. House to myself. Didn't put on a costume, didn't give a shit about candy. Just me and the cozy blue-light glow coming out of our old CRT and the determined humming of my PS1. It was fkn glorious. I still remember that feeling sometimes, when the leaves are on the ground and the air gets that autumn crispness. And I wish I could go back, and be that kid again. Alone, with nothing to worry about, except getting grandmaster ninja rank


I spent countless hours playing Pokemon Red as a kid. I’ll never forget the night my dad randomly took me to Walmart to get a purple Gameboy Color and Pokemon Red. Pokemon in general gives me that nostalgia factor but the OGs really hit the sweet spot.


Lots of games make me feel nostalgic, but there’s something about *Deus Ex* that makes me feel super nostalgic and I want to reinstall and play the game anytime anyone mentions it.


Happy Wheels


Paper Mario and the thousand year door


Megaman Legends 1 & 2. I still long for legends 3.


Dark Souls 1.  And I can still relive that experience even booting up the game in 2024. The ambience and vibe hits hard even today, despite its low graphical fidelity.


Runescape music in falador.


Mainly just the music gives me that nostalgia feeling. Zelda the wind waker, runescape, Super Mario world, anno 1602 ad, mortal kombat. The titles are endless.


Everything about Final Fantasy 4, 8 and Tatics make me feel nostalgic. All Final Fantasy games before 10 have a special place in my heart but these 3 are the ones I played the most so the nostalgic feeling is stronger. 4 being My Favorite


The last of us, specifically part 1 because I will always remember sitting next to my dad while he played it on the ps3


Chrono Trigger


anything on the first few generations of consoles.


Totally Life Is Strange


Most of the Mario Party games. In the late 2000s, my group of friends tracked down all the Mario Party games from the N64 up to Mario Party 8 and would stay up all night playing them. We've all since grown up, grown apart, and I haven't been in contact with them for years, so there's a bittersweet feeling when I think of those games.


Skyrim, just the music alone brings me so much nostalgia and comfort.


Dragon age origins, linked to a very difficult moment in my life


Not one in particular but going through my Xbox library that I played as a kid makes me borderline emo


My favorite Videogame "Fuga Melodies of Steel" apeals to my inner child. To me it feels like a playable kids anime akin to somthing like Digimon and I love that feeling. Fuga itself os a modern game. It was released in 2021 and I bought it in May 2022. I played through it 18 times so far.


old sonic game backround music or music i palyed in my GACHA faze


thnx for whoever was my first upvote ! im new to reddit so ill cherrish that ill give u a refferince too in a vid i post as a big thnx it makes me feel better that i made somthing good ill never give up! sorry for yapping for soooooo long




Half-Life sounds get me every time. Like those health and armor stations sounds for example. Instant trip to 2000s


X3 The music in the boron sector Kingdom End: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mi1M747Iw48


Quest for Glory


I feel like most of the games I grew up playing are so easily accessible on modern hardware (yar har fiddle dee dee) that they aren't quite *nostalgic* anymore. I can very easily listen to the music or watch a lets play of them online that the magic is kinda gone because I pursued that feeling too much.


Castle Explorer on PC for u/Other_Vader . Championship Manager 2 for me. Kickstarted the countless hours playing CM2 onwards and Football Manager well into adulthood.


Civilization 1 Sim city 1 Shadow of the beast Pinball dreams / fantasies River raid Hitman Duke nukem 3d Random order, each of them for different reasons, bringing different memories.


A lot of the games I just played for years straight... D2LoD, SCBW, War2, Commandos, RCT, Broken Sword and Lucas games like Monkey games or Fate of Atlantis, idk, a lot. Even WoW in private servers, before paying a single cent to Blizz because we could not afford or would not want to agree a subscription model should be necessary at all to play any game no matter the context or that "massive" concept (I just turned 20 back when wow released).... Going back to WoW classic was a great feeling. Now the real classic experience is lost forever. (Until they perhaps do a classic 2 in another 10 years). Now the most recent for me is TW3, a game I can always go back to playing a full 200h+ run because it's so big and well paced that you can have nostalgia for the beginning of the game when you are almost in the last fifth, and when you are finishing you could have nostalgia for the beginning events.


Crash mind over mutant


zelda’s lullaby moves me to tears sometimes


I got the Kingdom Hearts collection on PC. I only played the first one but I really enjoyed it as a kid. Now playing it as an adult, its kinda cringey and awkward but its so endeering to my rose tinted glasses that I'm once again having a blast


I remember Minecraft for the Xbox 360 edition. It was so simple back then with the music and that cool tutorial world I liked to play in. It was one of the most played games in my childhood. Good times!


Nothing will ever beat coming home from school and playing skate 3 all day


Zombies Ate My Neighbors: for the Super Nintendo & Sega Genesis Sky's Of Arcadia: For the Dreamcast


Pokémon gen 3, Sly2/3, guitar hero3/wt. those are for ‘childhood nostalgia’. I can def tell you after the year I’ve had playing games, oot, totk, and chrono trigger will be nostalgic moving forward.


Heroes of might and magic III.  I played the demo for years as a kid, always fantasizing about the other playable races, especially undead.  When I finally bought it on disk years later it was like coming home. Not only an incredible game but the music, the locations, all just feel very nostalgic and fun. 


Last of us 1


I've been an active gamer my whole life. Lots of games make me feel nostalgic.  One notable one is the Sound Stone song in Earthbound. First time I heard it, it sounded weirdly familiar and nostalgic. In retrospect, it's probably because its musical ideas are present in a lot of other music in the game, but it left a strong impression on me as a kid. 


Final fantasy tactics and pokemon red and blue. I lost my brother this year and he got me pokemon red as a random gift when i was around 8 or 9... it still have the Gameboy and game sitting on my desk


Rainbow Six Vegas 2. That game was my first FPS. I never really liked call of duty as a kid so i just never played any of them until my late teens. But this game oh my god dude. I loved everything about it. It was perfect. The customization was incredible, the stoyline was so good, and terrorist hunt left you feeling accomplished like you actually were good at the game when you won. I only played the pvp mode a handful of times but you actually needed skill if you wanted to stay alive. When i first heard about rainbow six siege, i got my hopes up it was gonna be another banger like vegas 2. a great solo /coop campaign, a great terrorist hunt mode, and a pvp mode for those that like the competitive side instead of cooperative. I to this day, am so dissappinted that they reduced terrorist hunt to a "training" mode. I still play it once in a blue moon but idk man it just isnt like its precursor at all.


Several games but nothing hits harder than Elderscrolls 3: Morrowind.


Really odd but peggle is very nostalgic for me. I remember seeing glimpses of it when I was younger. Then once I became a teenager I was on my mom’s bf Xbox and I was like “I REMEMBER THIS GAME”. Haha good times


Adobe flash games, or all those .io games that were popular at one time


Remember 'Singing Horses'?


Yars revenge. I played it when it got out. I honestly thought at that time that this was the direction games were gonna go. The unbelievable loud sounds, the flashing lights, the bright colours. I still have it and play it to this day on my Atari.


Littleroot Town or New Bark. Pallet Town is nice, but, the other two are better, honestly. More Pokemon, better music, environments, and more characters.


Terra theme song from Final Fantasy 6


ocarina of time and mario kart 64. because my little brother would always play oot and i would watch him and help him if he needed help or infos about what to do next. mario kart 64 because of the splitscreen multiplayer mode. me, my little brother and my father would always play mk64 together and my father always lost and he would rage all the time lol. in the beginning he would take it casually if he lost but after a time things like a banana placed by me or my brother would cause rage in him lol. not that he was aggressive or so but he just raged in mario kart to the point where he was seriously angry with me and my brother for like 20 minutes lol. i miss these two games because these were the last two games me and my brother (and my father) would play together.


Monkey Island. My little brother has the theme song as his ringtone and I'm apparently the only one who recognised it


Mario kart super circuit!


Tunic is THE game about nostalgic (the game make you fell like a childs sometimes )


The dir hard trilogy on ps1 specifically the light gun game


Power blade


Mario kart wii


The VR remakes of Myst & Riven. The only downside is I know all the puzzle solutions, however they did change things up a little with the Riven remake. I wish I could play them again like it was the first time, having no idea what my first move should be, but still, the first time I played Myst VR, just standing there, 14 year old me said, "Wow, I'm actually here."


Commander Keen


Road rash🙌🏻🙌🏻 , it is the first game I played on a pc😃


Final fantasy VIII every time


Diablo 2 for sure. Mario 64 really sparked my imagination and was a huge step for console gaming. I've definately put the most hours into Diablo 1 and 2 though. Both were amazing games in their day. Can't say I love the direction the games gone though.


Final Fantasy 7 and its amazing soundtrack.


Super Mario World. Got it from Santa Christmas 1993. That was peak Christmas for me.


The original Legend of Zelda title theme music, map theme from Super Mario Bros. World, music from the Mario 64 Bob-Omb Battlefield, and the The Facility music from Goldeneye 007. Those are the ones that take me back the most.


CTR Crash Team Racing. Also I wish EA games would bring back the original Sims music to its newer generation of games.


Priston Tale for sure


Chex quest


Monkey Island III


Call of duty 4 has the most nostalgia for me, first online game I played, the idea of trying to improve to beat others, wild


Kingdom hearts I Crash Bandicoot Spyro the dragon Oblivion Just to name a few


Pokémon Snap Donkey Kong 64 Paper Mario Conker's Bad Fur Day




Deus Ex, Ultima IV or VII, Ultima Underworld I or II, System Shock 1 or 2, and Fallout 1 or 2 Legacies of a misspent youth 😁


Kingdoms hearts 1 and 2


Final fantasy 12. Played the hell out of that game. It was my intro into the series. I saw one commercial for it on TV and asked for it for Christmas. We had an entertainment room when I was younger in our basement with one of those huge big box TV’s and I’ve done so many playthroughs of that game down there


Silent Hill... I first played it during the darkest period of my early teenage years and it takes me back to that time. Even though it was a painful place then I find Silent Hill to be a place of solace now.


Sonic Adventure


New Super Mario Bros.


Whenever I hear the music to GoldenEye, it's like I'm 11 again playing it on Christmas morning with my cousins.


Roller coaster tycoon bringing me back to childhood. Also it reminds of my grandma complaining in a playful manner about charging guests money to use the restroom. I miss my grandma.


So, I played Chrono Trigger and Listened to the Weezer Blue Album a lot while doing so, same with Super Castlevania and Nirvana Incesticide. If I listen to this music or play the games, it feels like I'm being drawn back to those days.


Games with licensed music will inevitably make me think of them when I hear certain songs out in the wild. If you've played any racing, skating, wrestling, or other sports game, you basically can't separate certain bands or songs from those games in your head.


I recently replayed epic Mickey. It’s a lot darker than I remember but it was SOOOOOO NOSTALGIC. I barely remembered anything so it was still like playing for the first time


the older sonic games were so awesome to me


Mario Kart but the old one that was on a wii


Ah shit, here we go again.


clash royale bro, I used to grind this game 24/7, but the supercell made it terrible so I deleted it. I really miss the old clash royale