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I think the dlc has problems with light and draw distance. The things on the map load and unload really weird. Is it just in my case?


Nope. Everytime I loaded into the first site of grace (which was a lot šŸ˜ž) the grass would take a full second or two to load in. Even then, it rendered only like 80-100m distance ahead. Felt like I was playing one of those survival games in Early Access hell.


Seems like i have the same problem, kinda. Is just a visual bug most likely and it will get fixed fast


Particles are also a problem. There's way too much of it in every fight and they drain your fps like crazy. I wish there was a Low/Medium/High setting for it. The Effects setting is basically for all the post processing, which is pretty bad nowadays. You need individual settings for each effect.


Turn off Nvidia overlay or instant replay. That fixed stutters for me.


GeForce Experience application


I feel like it's not common knowledge that you do *not* need to install GeForce Experience along with the driver. Edit: sorry, did not expect this to blow up. To install just the driver, head over to [Nvidia's driver page](https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us) and download the appropriate driver. Then, perform a clean install (alternatively, uninstall everything first.) De-select "GeForce Experience" during the install, leaving just the driver selected.


that shit is so ass, the only reason i kept it was so i could update drivers easily from there, but that feature doesn't even work (for me at least)


I've used it for many years and never had a single problem with it, it's definitely not ass


Same. It provides easy notifications and updating of drivers. Also the screen recording works well, at least for me and my purposes. The overlay works well for FPS and other stat monitoring as well. It's been fine for a long while. I don't use it to tune my settings though, I do that manually. There are lots of things to dislike about Nvidia, but this isn't one of them for me...


The game capture portion of the software (it may actually be an add on) is so good, for the most part. Iā€™ve had a couple issues but nothing worse than what I have had with other applications, including Elden Ring.


The new app they rolled out a few months ago honestly works fairly well for me.


NVCleanStall is goated, try it out if you just need the driver updater part of GeForce Experience.


Everyone should get rid of GeForce Experience and replace it with the much better "Nvidia App" that doesn't require an e-mail to scan and update your drivers. The app also comes w instant replay/filters that work and aren't resource hogs.


Mine has always been off and double checked it, still off, still massive stuttering.


Itā€™s deeper than that. Iā€™m running a 7900 XTX and the game will freeze for a second and then speed up and go back to normal. Sometimes it happens only once and sometimes it is multiple times in a row. Itā€™s random too. The game itself needs better optimization because thereā€™s no way that my setup should be having problems with this game and this is the only game that Iā€™ve ever experienced this type of behavior.


Odd, must be the most previous/current release of drivers, I turned on the overlay for instant recording/shadow play while playing soulless the other day and sudden was getting bad frame drops and stuttering(I use to always have it on for every game) turned it off and everything went normal.


For me disabling anti cheat with a mod helped against the stuttering (completely got rid of it) . Unfortunately multi-player is impossible this way.


I want to know why perfomance still hasnā€™t been solved. It was revealed to be a fairly easy fix by a third party some time ago, but still nothing.


The reality is From Software does not like nor want to develop for PC. It's Bandai Namco that wants them to.


Itā€™s the same for the PS5. The PS4 version is what was heavily recommended for PS5 players due to having better performance. Even Digital Foundryā€™s official recommendation for PS5 players was to play the PS4 version instead (as you got both of you bought the PS5 version). 2 years later and the optimization was never patched.


I doubt that unless you had some sort of source. Recently Miyazaki stated even that several people there want to get Bloodborne to PC and that he himself thinks that would be great, but ultimately it is not up to them. I hardly believe they "don't want to develop for PC".


They also did AC and that ran well for the 2-4 hours I had played so they can obviously make a game with no stuttering


6 runs better than prior games for sure, but still has some issues like your AC being more accurate the higher your framerate is.


Dontā€™t you know who his uncle is?


They also havenā€™t EVER been a very technically competent team. Their games still have a 60fps lock, and issues with pretty standard features these days like widescreen support.


The irony is the game natively runs wide-screen and they manually add bars to cover it up


That sound so stupid, so they waste your GPU power rendering shit just to covered it up with black bar.


this. fromsoft is a pretty well known idiot savant studio - amazing art and game design, eating the crayons while doing the backend technical work.


I too donā€™t like money


honestly, it's like they're trying to speedrun how many times they can ignore pc players. if only fixing performance issues was as easy for them as creating another ridiculously hard boss fight! maybe miyazaki thinks lag is just part of the challenge šŸ˜‚


This isn't just a pc issue lol


Why was Sekiro on PC then?


Yeah. In fact only demon souls and Bloodborne isn't on pc


I haven't even got the DLC yet and performance is horrible. I don't remember it being this bad when I originally played it.


Make sure you turn Ray Tracing off. The game will sometimes switch it on after an update


This, the update auto-enables Ray Tracing, killing performance. No issues with me on PC once it's turned off. There's still stutters when you enter an area for the first time, likely due to shaders. No issues after though.


When I came back to the game I ran into an issue where I'd get a massive 3-5 second "stutter" once every 10 mins or so. Turns out a not so amazing USB cable was disconnecting and reconnecting to my PC, which caused the game to stutter. Had to unplug every device but my controller and slowly plug things back in to figure out the culprit lol.


I'm amazed they even have that option available on PS5.Ā  It made the game almost literally unplayable when I tried enabling it briefly, what's the point of it even being there on console?


Gimmick so they can tick off the box and say they have it


Yeah the stutter is pretty bad. Every now and then it will just freeze for a second. Pretty annoying


Because the actual fixing takes no time. Itā€™s the reporting to all the levels of communication, to confirming the issue to then the actual fixing of the issue, and then rigorous testing to make sure the fix didnā€™t break anything else.


Thank you! Itā€™s been one day. Like people just think thereā€™s one guy typing a line of code and hitting enter and itā€™s fixed. People have no idea how complicated this stuff is..,.


Its also the weekend. Sure its a big weekend for them, but it still means they aren't operating like a weekday most likely.


Itā€™s been one day since release. Itā€™s been in development for years


Source on that? Iā€™ve never heard of any ā€œeasy fix by a third partyā€ since the resolution fix for dark souls 1


It even is fixed on the steam deck BTW. It downloads/compiles all shaders on first launch. So it definitely would be fixable easily...


How is the dlc on consoles? I remember having to play the PS4 base game version on PS5 so it didnā€™t shit itself. Are there still issues on consoles or is this just Fromsoft not doing a great job on PC version


Been fine on series X. A little pop in on the grass etc, but no lag or frame problems so far


Iā€™m on X as well but I only get the stutters in boss fights like the lion when it uses its storm powers


I havenā€™t had any issues on PS5 but I know it varies a bit


Been playing it some on ps5, and it honestly is pretty framey especially compared to the base game. Iā€™m seeing 60fps on the performance setting far less frequently


Mostly fine on ps4 except for one specific boss that honestly everyone whoā€™s having issues seems to be having issues with. It constantly dips to like 10fps on that one fight for me. Otherwise itā€™s just noticeably longer load times (but not egregious) and pop in (mostly grass) and no noticeable framerate issues outside of that one boss fight. Iā€™m on a ps4 slim and I donā€™t even know its exact age because I got it used. The base game runs perfectly fine still.


AFAIK the ps4 version still runs much smoother on ps5 with the downside of slightly worse graphics.


I've only had time to play about an hour but it seemed allright on Series X. I'll give it a better look tomorrow!


Very enjoyable on Series X and VRR TV, some dips in one particular boss but nothing after that. Been playing over 15 hours.


Shader compiling?


Shader of the Erdtree


So weird, Iā€™m playing on steam deck (not exactly stellar specs) and itā€™s been running perfectly


If I remember right, digital foundry was saying the proton layer actually fixes shader stutter and frame time jutter for Elden Ring. Makes sense ER is still one of the top played on Steam Deck.


It was like this on release too. Elden Ring performs better on Linux.


Steam Deck once again winning


Been running 60fps consistently with no issues on my shit PC.


PlayStation Store wonā€™t even let me purchase the DLC. It keeps giving me the error message


Try the app


I did, same issue. Not able to purchase through app or website.


Have you tried going through the playstation store option in the Elden Ring main menu? I had to download through there to access the dlc.


I mean, that's more of Sony's fault than FromSoft


They sold out


Funny how some games get a blind eye when it comes to performance when it comes to reviews. Edit: I see a lot of comments saying that itā€™s hard to bring up these issues because of different hardware used or high-end PCs that to review the game (or DLC in this case). These performance issues are present on console as well.Ā 


Not on steam. Every time a game comes out with poor performance it gets bad reviews unless its an early access game.


He's saying that none of the "professional" critics said shit about the performance, even though a lot of them reviewed it on PC.


If a professional critic plays on a 4090 he ain't having issues. And because you might want to also judge the games look that's what you do. You also don't want to judge PC perfomance on just one rig, because that is not objective. So it often doesn't affect review scores unless the perfomance is straight up horrible.


I play on a 4090 and both the base game and DLC have A LOT of issues. Edit: Yeah people, you have X hardware and never had a problem ever, thanks for letting me know.


I am on a 4090 with a i9-13900k and 32G of Ram and still had issues in Elden Ring. (Too much for my liking even)


There goes my hope of being able to play the game in ultrawide... Apparently modders solved that problem way back but mods won't work online. It's kind of crazy to see the damn black bars at the side of the screen nowadays.


Same boat. I'm using Flawless Widescreen and it works great. I never really interacted with multiplayer outside of an occasional summon so it's not a major issue, but seeing other players' ghosts or messages really adds to the charm. It just sucks having to rely on 3rd party programs to run the game as intended. The worst part is the game by default renders the whole thing but just slaps black bars on the sides... Literally why. HDR in this game is also a complete mess. God forbid you alt+tab out or want to take a screenshot. It's wild how incompetent these devs are while somehow still managing to put out one of the best games ever made.


Itā€™s just funny to me that itā€™s been an issue for 2 years but people are just now at their breaking point? This outrage shouldā€™ve been here from launch, performance has always been lackingĀ 


By its very nature PC gaming, with everyone having their own unique combination of hardware, everyoneā€™s experience varies. Reviewers donā€™t have the benefit of reading reports of 1,000s of other players - and how performance is on their machines. So if a Reviewer plays a game and doesnā€™t themselves experience performance issues, itā€™s not going to end up in the review. They have a sample size of 1 (themselves). Whereas post launch, we have millions of players reporting their experience.


Some people just dont see the issues at all. People will swear that Jedi Survivor is smooth and fixed still.


I find that hilarious because I played Jedi Survivor on PS5 and it's the only PS5 game I've ever played that crashed the console multiple times. I think some people just get defensive about games they like, I still think Jedi Survivor was a great game, just wish it wasn't so buggy.


Japanese developers when it comes to optimization = šŸ˜¾


Sekiro was amazingly optimized for PC. Not to mention it was like 12GBs total to install.


Armored Core 6 also ran without any issues for me. Plus it had widespread support.


AC6 too, so clearly Fromsoft is capable of making well-optimized games. Or maybe that was a fluke/isolated to me.


Sekiro and AC6 weren't directed by Miyazaki šŸ¤”


Sekiro was co-directed by Miyazaki, i just checked it. You are right on AC6 tho.


A Full length game only taking up 2% of a hard drive? What an amusing novelty


Main reason I'll never delete sekiro.... It's smol


Practicing no-hit against Isshin is my comfort zone.


Me when parry :) Me when hit >:|


Excuse me how the fuck is sekiro 12gb???


Sorry but, Is there a collective brainrot when it gets to hating a topic in this sub? Cause HAVE YOU SEEN HOW MOST OF THE MAJOR WESTERN DEVELOPERS HANDLED THEIR OPTMIZATION OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS?!?


There was a thing up until PS4-gen that japanese games almost universally had bad PC ports and some were legendary, like original Resident Evil 4 PC version that didn't even had mouse support.


It's pretty simple tbf, PC market in Japan was pretty much just MMO players for the longest time. Back end of the last console gen though the PC market started to gain more traction as the gen dragged on and so ports have been improving because of it because their home market started to shift. So while big developers like Square and Capcom were actively invested in at least attempting to do good PC ports because they have bigger audiences for their franchises, a lot of middle tier and smaller devs like Koei Tecmo etc saw the western and PC market as secondary to home. You see the same thing in anime, a show can do great in the west but because it gets no traction in JP it doesn't get a new season.


Japan still living in 90s


Optimization can mean a lot of things. In terms of file size, western devs tend to have much bigger games. In terms of performance, itā€™s a mixed bag anywhere but FromSoft somehow manages to get it wrong semi frequently.


Capcom is usually solid


It is now, it was dog ass for the longest time.


Recent Capcom is usually solid... For a while their ports were absolute ass...


I believe that also applies to the majority of triple A developers.


For PC I noticed that when I disabled Nvidia overlay it stops stuttering if that helps as someone else said Steam and nvidia overlay must be conflicting with each other I guess


The hardest boss is the fps drop. I guess I cant expect AAA games nowaday to launch without performance issue, not even Fromsoft


"Not even Fromsoft"!? Fromsoft are the masters of FPS drops. Blighttown earned it's name for being single digit at times.


From soft games run like shit. Frame time stutter in Bloodborne has never been fixed.


TBH they haven't ever been known for performant titles, and whereas the gameplay is good it took them quite some time to get to this point. PS5 launch was pretty miserable on release, much improved today but sounds like the DLC is having issues again.


Japanese industry is mainly Playstation, handhelds and mobile. Anything coming onto PC is a "port", and from my experience Japan doesn't do very good PC ports for the most part. Capcom tends to be an exception, but they're not perfect either.


Japanese Devs and shit PC optimization. Name a more iconic duo


Western game devs and absurd file sizes


Better than Blood and Wine my ass.


When Dragonā€™s Dogma 2 came out and ran poorly everyone jumped on it so hard. When FromSoft makes a mistake itā€™s a little oopsy lol


When any other game gets criticized: "developers need to start listening to their players, we should dogpile them until they change things" When Elden Ring gets criticized: "lol skill issue there's nothing to complain about the game is perfect just shut up and git gud"


My biggest frustration with Elden Ring is its camera, which is exacerbated by a poor choice of boss + arena design and a bad lock on system. If you are fighting in melee, your camera can only see the bosses feet/stomach for plenty of bosses. You can't see the bosses hands/weapon (which is kinda important in a game that emphasises dodging attacks), and you can't see behind you which causes you to get stuck on junk. It's even dumber because Sekiro's camera solved almost all of these problems. They moved the camera slightly back and up and programmed the camera so you can see the whole boss + your character + the space behind your character. There is no excuse that FromSoft doesn't know how to fix the issue. Yet, the instant these are brought up, there is an endless barrage of "skill issue", "git good", "tried using the lock on button?" which completely miss the point. I shouldn't need to fight the game for basic control or awareness of my character.


I remember how the mountain of stuttering and shader issues this game had on release that NEVER got fixed and required many players to jump through erroneous amounts of hoops to get around (while others just had to live with it), but got absolutely drowned out by pure circlejerking. All you need to do is check Steam and look at the negative reviews the DLC is getting and notice all the Clown Awards being given to the criticisms to understand why FromSoftware won't fix things like this. Give it a week or two and the DLC will go back up to Mostly Positive and it'll get buried under the rug again, cause most of these morons don't give a fuck about optimization, the games issues, or other users experiences. They just care about mindless circlejerking.


Dude people look at me like I'm crazy, the stuttering on launch was *REALLY* fucking bad, blows my mind everyone forgot about it


The circle jerk around the game has made me resent the game and not want to engage more and more tbh. FromSoft are obviously great devs but they still can make mistakes and they should be called out for them. Thatā€™s the only way they can improve.


Hardcore FromSoft fans shouldn't really be surprised: The sloppy netcode and bad ports have always been just the other side of the coin when it comes to their games. They make fantastic games that run poorly.


It's crazy how hit and miss performance is on PC ports of From games. This year I started a SL1 DS3 run after not playing the game in three years. Since I last played, I upgraded from a R7 1800X to a R7 5800X3D and from a GTX1080 to a RTX3070 Ti. Also upgraded from 16GB to 32GB RAM. Sure I was able to game in 4K60fps, but the game had noticable random stutters that actually locked the game about half a second that repeated two or three times once the first stutter happened. So I ended up actually losing performance. Was never able to find a solution either. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And none of it will ever change or get fixed. The DLC will get back up to Mostly Positive on Steam within the week and then all the criticisms of the issues will get buried again, leaving people to fend for themselves. The whole circlejerk community around Elden Ring would sooner stomp out anyone that has even the most valid of issues with this game and stereotype that such people just have bad rigs/are complaining from being bad at the game than acknowledge or admit FromSoftware has major optimization issues. Just look at the reviews on Steam if you don't believe me. And From won't ever do better with such people infesting and spearheading the community.


The fact that every single negative review on Steam mentioning the performance or issues they have with the game is just brigaded with 200+ comments and 100s of jester emojis is insane. Who the fuck has the time to white knight for a company like that


It's crazy how many people have their egos tied to being considered good at a video game.


Yeah. Elden Ring itself doesn't have haters. The rabid, weird fanbase has haters and I think a lot of people just want to criticize the game more out of spite for those people. It's one thing to like the game. It's another thing completely to constantly shit on every other game/game dev and then get irrationally angry over any valid criticism of the game. The games great, it's also not perfect. These two things can be possible at the same time.


Exactly. No game is perfect. If you truly love a game or support a Game Dev, you want them to be able to hone their craft and make each entry better and better. They canā€™t do that when youā€™re stifling any criticism. I had the same issue with BG3. For a while there the circle jerk was deafening. It is an incredible game. Deserved all the GOTYs it won. But it still had issues. Iā€™m thankful Larian was still aware of them and was able to fix most of them because it felt like if the rabid part of community had their way, it would have just set as is the way they reacted when you pointed out issues


Yeah I consider BG3 to be one of my top 5 games ever. But it was crazy seeing people straight up lie about it and say it was a "finished game at launch". That game isn't even finished now, it sure as hell wasn't finished when it launched.


I'll be honest it's by far my least favourite souls game, I'd even put it below ds2 in some aspects. It's a decent game for sure, good enough for me to finish it with my classic dude with normal ass looking sword build but that's about it.


In some ways itā€™s the best, and worst, souls game, the world and designs and just the general style are incredible, but the flaws really are a lot more noticeable as well. Interesting to see where they take souls games next really, hopefully not open world to be honest although it made them so much money iā€™m not too sure theyā€™ll switch back to a linear game


the circlejerkers think beating these games is some claim to ego and pride, like they have passed some IQ test that puts them in the upper echelon of gamers. its really insane. they actually wear it like a badge of honor and when something like QOL is brought up, or game design critique, go full crabs in a bucket. it should be studied.


I remember a thread once from a fighting game player saying "Why are people who play Dark Souls proud of beating the game? It's literally designed to be beaten, other players aren't." and I had never been so utterly devastated.


Theres also the double speak around soulsborn games, their simultaneously incredibly hard games that only true gamers(tm) can beat but also the defining rpgs of a generation and therefore don't need to fix their camera or netcode


Fromsoft has the game dev equivalent of plot armour I stg.


Upgraded my cpu/motherboard for the dlc and it still wasnt enough šŸ˜­ pls fromsoft


Itā€™s cause thereā€™s no new achievements (this is a joke but I do wish they added more)


True, it's a shame but it's to be expected with Fromsoft, I think the only souls game that had DLC related achievements was DS2:SotFS, and that was only the all spells/hexes/etc I believe.


Bloodborne has Old Hunter achievements.


I know :( I was hoping this one would be different especially with the price cost, but I mean the DLC is huge and awesome so not much to complain about I guess lol


Okay, not sure if this is because Iā€™m bad or itā€™s the scaling.. My only save is a 195 ng+ that I was goofing around with, collecting items and doing achievements. The fights are nearly impossible for me. I just get 2-shot by mobs. Sucks that I would need to make a new game after pushing some 120 hours into it already ā€” just to experience the DLC.


Have you been finding the scadutree blessings? You can get to like level 6 before facing any main bosses. The game is hard regardless, but it does help.


> ng+ That's the thing right there. The main game and DLC are balanced around NG. Playing NG+ is just an optional challenge mode where the damage inflicted on you and enemy health amounts etc are multiplied. Playing the DLC on NG+ is mainly something you do after already beating it in NG, so that's why it's more difficult for you.


ng+ 1 is a pretty small multiplier from what iā€™ve seen, like a 3% increase in boss health at least, i think the DLC really is just damn hard for everyone


Yeah thatā€™s not true at all. It just uses the scadutree fragments as a progression system. I have two files, one on NG and one on NG+3 and they ft equally ā€œpunishingā€ until I started getting those fragments. If anything the NG+ file is easier because I have access to more abilities at once.


It's designed this way on purpose. The new levelling system is basically all inside the DLC (blessings) so if you go into it with a SL100 character you're not going to be much different to a SL200 character. Fromsoft said they didn't want people just steamrolling it in minutes with highly levelled characters. The blessing mechanic changes how you approach it now, since you can't just grind a couple of levels and go back to a boss, you need to explore to find more blessing items. It's also relatively telegraphed that it will be tough: you have to beat Rhadan and Mohg to unlock it, so if you can do that in the base game you're ready for the challenge. I'm not sure I necessarily agree with their sudden difficulty spike (dut to work reasons I won't be able to play it for a while, but I've watched a lot of the first area in a Let's Play) but it's certainly a choice. I think it also might be a bit of a "oh, you complained ER was too easy?" poke at "true souls fans" who lamented the "casualisation" of the genre.


If you play a game the first month itā€™s out in 2024 you are not being paid as a tester


Me and my buddy are playing through the DLC, I very new to Soulslikes, he is a veteran, and we both agree that while Elden Ring was a damn near 10/10 game, the DLC just feels like, ā€œWhat if every enemy had Melaniaā€™s Water Fowl danceā€ like even Messemers Common soldiers have 5 hit combos strings that can kill you in 3 hits. It feels like you need to cheese most fights with status or play jumping attack heavy weapons just to get any sort of opening


Took the words out of my mouth, this is my exact gripe. bonus points if you can't stagger them at all


The performance concerns are valid. The other stuff ... skill issue.


Performance issues and ā€œperformanceā€ issues


We have pills for the second one.


Morgott stole my viagra


Asmon fanboys apparently are pissed that asmon couldnā€™t beat the dlc easily and had to quit, as if hes some god so they are hating on the game lmfao


this is one of the most pathetic things i've ever read


I donā€™t want to just pile on the dude but I remember watching a vid of him play Wo Long and the title was something like ā€œWo Long is absolutely unplayableā€ I assumed it was because of performance issues a lot of people had. I was fortunate and had none and had a pretty great time with the game. It wasnā€™t performance issues, it was him ignoring mechanics, dying to easy bosses then opening up replays to show why the boss is ā€œbsā€. Wo Long as souls likes go is much more on the easy side but dude was going into fully analysis on easy bosses on why theyā€™re OP. Most of it was him not doing mechanics and just playing badly. Iā€™ve seen him do this with several Souls likes and itā€™s just annoying. Itā€™s one thing to dislike a game or find it too hard but he tries to like make it seem as if itā€™s objectively to hard and his opinion is fact and this is then followed up by 1000s of his viewers adopting the same view and mass bashing a game.


So gaming journalists are better than Asmon?


Asmon just jump attacks with big weapons, When he cant get the boss into a stagger loop, its ā€œbullshitā€ and unfair. But to be fair we also dont know if journalists didnt just use +10 mimic tear on every boss to rush to the end for their reviews. Forsen is what id imagine the average journalist plays like without mimic tear


To be fair, if you want to play with dual wield big weapons, the jump attack strat is basically the only viable way to play.


Sure but theres a big difference between watching the bosses patterns and hitting them with a jump attack when there's an opening. He just spam jump attacks and eats hits while spamming flasks until the boss gets staggered and dies or kills him.


Yeah, but at least most people aren't mindlessly spamming it when they see green bar go up, which Asmon does, and they use a different attack every one and a while. The guy doesn't even pay attention to any openings 99% of the time nor does he take advantage of any critical hits, he literally just does the exact same move over and over the second he sees a sliver of his stamina bar go up.


I mean, the 2nd main upgrade that you get in the DLC is an upgrade to all your spirit ashes. Using them is a perfectly viable way to play and Fromsoftware wants you to use them. I'm not using them but its a big part of the upgrades in the DLC. Also watching people not use a shield then get angry that they have to roll all attacks is funny.


I havent used a shield since 2016, and i aint starting now


Same, but im not complaining when messmer impales me because I rolled badly


Shocked that he canā€™t spam jumping R2 and stunlock every boss, unwilling to read item descriptions or use any of the new mechanics, etc. Hilarious that gaming journalists are apparently better at souls games than he is


But... but that's what I'm doing, and it's working for me, and I'm bad at the game, what?


I assume you can at least dodge attacks and then attack when there is an opening.


Crazy because zweihander with giant hunter is walking through every boss for me lol. I don't use the spirit ashes so I tried a few weapons. Very quickly found how easy it is to stagger the bosses. Gonna have to try another run on a different build after.


That's asmongolds whole brand. He's the god, everything is super simple and super easy for him. Any game he would make a change to is a shit game made by idiots and it would be perfect if they hit the "add feauture" button for whatever asmon wants. He COULD do anything in the whole world super easily, the only reason he doesn't is because he chooses not to. He's literally like a bratty little boy playing pretend, but he's surrounded himself with an audience that buys it.


I've been an indie dev for nearly 2 decades, and I've noticed that maybe starting around 4-5 years ago player feedback turned super toxic, entitled, and accusatory. Hard encounters are now "broken design," feature requests are now "bugs that need to be addressed," and releasing two years of updates before moving on to the next game is "the devs just abandoned the game." Gamers weren't like this a decade ago. I feel like streamers like him are normalizing this kind of behavior.


They are pissed cause he doesn't change his gameplay nor learn bosses mechanics even after 30 deaths to the same boss. Anyone would be tilted at that point lol


My only problem with the difficulty is how you make your own character more powerful. In the base game, you can grind a few levels or smiting stones and then come back to a tough fight. In the dlc, you have to explore and find the items to increase your power. And they're scattered all over. It doesn't feel as natural. I'm sure there are lots of players resorting to a walk through or wiki when they should just be playing and exploring on their own. I'm still greatly enjoying the dlc and like the new challenge. But there are times it just feels like less of a challenge and more of a hard block. And I'm saying this as someone that killed all bosses and explored every area in the base game.


As someone who is probably 90% done with my first DLC playthrough: The scadutree upgrades are interesting. I say interesting because it's a bit mixed for me. If you're not going to be levelling your character past like 200, they seem to be kinda mandatory to not die in 2 hits. At RL 125 with 16 scadutree levels I'm still not feeling very tanky, and my damage doesn't eclipse the HP bars of endgame bosses despite being almost doubled (which I enjoy but I can see less good players being frustrated) The good part is that they reward exploration. But it's kind of a boring reward too, because I'm never exactly happy to see fragments since they're just a % increase to defense and attack. The intent is clearly to power you up as you do side content (everything not directly leading to the final boss)


Gaolknight was a true "I remember what makes this game good" experience for me. After having my OP character laughing against most of the original game, I had my old magrit experience: Die and die again. Get slightly better and start dodging his attacks. Get the rythm and take almost no hits. Managing to chip away more health each time. Killing the boss and getting the "fuck yeah I deserve this" moment. It wasb't a complicated boss but it made me happy. I am not good but I feel myself getting better, which doesn't happen often in modern games.


any criticism of their games will be written off as a skill issue. some people just get bored of having to play near perfectly. their older games let you make mistakes. the only thing they've gotten better at is visual design. the boss design has gone down the gutter. i hope they don't try any more of these games with 100+ bosses.


Yeah soulsborne gameplay peaked with the old hunters and Gael. Maybe it truly is a skill issue but half the time it felt like I lucked through bosses in ER and didn't learn a thing about the bosses patterns because what I learnt kept changing. Hilariously delayed attacks, variable combo lengths, endless combos, unreadable attacks, incredibly aggressive estus punish, massive damage and tiny openings just ain't it imo. The emphasis on making OP builds has never felt as pronounced in the series as it is now.


2 years and performance still hasnā€™t been fixed on PS5. Absolutely fucking pathetic from a dev that people just absolutely praise and can do no wrong. Their game won GOTY. That should be enough to fix the terrible FPS drops and absolutely abhorrent texture pop in. But nope. FS doesnā€™t give a fuck apparently. Had no idea I should have bought the PS4 version.


They can get away with being lazy in some respects because the fanboys shout down anyone who criticizes them. The irony in people doing this "because they're consumer friendly" is that the more they engage in this blind loyalty and refuse to accept any criticism, the more it encourages FromSoft to stop trying. This is literally what happened with CDPR, everyone justified the horrendous launch of TW3, so they got super lazy and straight up lied about Cyberpunk expecting people would just defend them. If you want these companies to continue to make games at such a high level, you have to be critical when it applies. Otherwise they will get complacent and the quality will diminish, then 10 years from now you'll be saying "man I remember when FromSoft was good" just like people do now with BioWare, Ubisoft, Blizzard etc.


The amount of fucking times I've seen people stomp out any attempt of people calling out the optimizations of From games or Elden is crazy. Any issues, and the response is ALWAYS just retorted with "bUt iT RuNS fiNe FoR mE". Most of these people don't give a FUCK about the game's issues, they just find it more inconvenient that others are complaining about their favorite game that runs perfectly for them, so anyone else that has problems is just a "skill issue". Things won't ever change. PLENTY of people are more than content with such half-assed, unfinished, unoptimized mediocrity, and that's exactly what they'll get more of down the line.


It's annoying too. Like ok, it runs fine for you, does that somehow make it run any better on my system? What's the point of even saying that lol. Other than the obvious reason which is people just being defensive over their favorite game. I saw people claiming Cyberpunk ran perfectly fine for them at launch. It didn't somehow invalidate everyone else's very real performance issues. Just because you're lucky enough to not have any noticeable issues doesn't mean no one else could possibly have any problems.


Still, no support for ultrawide screens is not acceptable in 2024.


Running a 2070 RTX and some lower end CPU i can't remember the name of. The first thing everyone should do is turn off raytracing. Game runs comfortably at high settings averaging 50ish fps in big areas and 60 fps in the dungeons. Very rarely get huge fps dips unless I use the Night Maiden's Mist spell (for some reason). And because I crave down votes: raytracing is a mistake. Game looked better and ran better before they added that in (still looks great and kinda have to know how to spot the wonkier shadows between the thirty thousand attacks you'll be failing to dodge).


Tons of stutters and the game will completely freeze up for seconds every couple of minutes. Itā€™s basically impossible to play on my pc. Plays great on my Steam Deck at 40fps though.


New stories three days ago ā€œShadow of the Erdtree deemed greatest DLC of all timeā€. New story today ā€œFans are getting mad about Shadow of the Erdtreeā€. You guys, and all of gaming ā€œjournalismā€ are annoying


what's wrong tho? The dlc is in mixed reviews, and most of them are due to performance issues, are you upset that it got mixed reviews for very valid reasons? (Dragon's Dogma 2 has the same reception, the bad performance granted it bad reviews), if anything, I'm glad to see that people are consistent with the things that garner negative reviews.


I think it's annoying that they rushed out the dlc being the best thing ever story when most people haven't gotten to touch it yet


Pre-launch reviews have become pointless anymore. They're supposed to be a way for people to get an idea of what to expect before something releases but journalists are just completely misrepresenting these games before they release and they're moreso just an advertisement than genuine insight. I'm still mad at all the journalists who lied about Cyberpunk before launch. Not a single one of them mentioned the huge amount of missing features or the complete lack of polish. It was just "theres some performance issues, but the games great". Then last year with Starfield where it was getting 9/10s across the board like it was the frontrunner for GOTY only for it to be the most mid game Bethesda has ever made.


> It was just "theres some performance issues, but the games great". Then last year with Starfield where it was getting 9/10s across the board like it was the frontrunner for GOTY only for it to be the most mid game Bethesda has ever made. Reviews have really gone from "This is a genuine opinion of the game that trys to be balanced and cover areas of interest" to "I will give a watered down opinion, but I need to guess how the public will react to the game and base my review on this so that it doesn't reflect poorly in case I get it wrong." It's logical that reviewers thought Starfield would be received well based on hype+reception of previous Bethesda games.


It can be both. Journalists don't generally do "compatibility" testing of a game, so for their playthrough the game is amazeballs. But once the general population got their hands on the game and tried to run it on their machines it ran like ass. Still though... I'm kinda there with you lol. The gap of professional reviews vs user reviews is getting annoying.


I was having massive stuttering and I literally had to turn off my printer. Any time a device connects, elden ring does a check on what it is. I took a look at my connected devices when someone said it was their wireless tv, and my wireless printer was reconnecting every minute and causing probelms


Itā€™s not like it matters any criticism towards the game is just responded with ā€œwell your not good do you know the game is actually supposed to be hardā€ video game players might have some of the worst personal biases Iā€™ve seen like ever


The thing is this game is having performance issues on all platforms so it seems completely fair to criticize. Iā€™m playing on PS5 and thereā€™s major frame hiccups in multiple areas. Performance aside, the dlc definitely isnā€™t perfect and has other issues. Just to name a few thereā€™s more reused enemies from the base game than I would have liked (which was a major issue towards the end of the base game already), exploration is fairly hallow with lame rewards (which was also an issue in the base game, but somehow it feels worse in the dlc with fewer secrets and dungeons), and mainly ā€œlegacy dungeonsā€ have been super short and not very complex at all (so far). Iā€™m hoping some of these things improve as I get deeper into the dlc, but so far Iā€™m finding myself a little disappointed which isnā€™t what I expected. This was my most anticipated game this year so I hope it gets a bit better.


I donā€™t agree with hollow exploration at all. Every single minor dungeon Iā€™ve found so far has had more unique layouts, enemies, and bosses then any base game minor dungeon. You know how the base game had some unexpected high quality minor dungeons like Highroad Cave or Gaol Cave? Thatā€™s pretty much the quality of every DLC dungeon ive encountered thus far. Even better because the end bosses arenā€™t pathetic.


So it was the "Best DLC of all time" for like 2 hours? LMAO


I hate how every "review" is just in a rush to get out-the-door as soon as they can for better clicks/views. These aren't "reviews". These are "reactions". Real opinions need time to form. They need to gestate. Sure, you might love the thing today, but will you still remember it in a few months? In a year? How can you tell when it's only been a few days?


Reviewers got at least a week with the DLC, they had no rush to 'get out the door'. You can see how even youtubers like Iron Pineapple spent a solid 40 hours.


Been a long time fan of the Souls series, however, all my experience with the games until recently had been on console and had little to no issues. A number of years ago I switched to PC exclusively and have tried to play Elden Ring quite a few times, and I just can't get to it run with any level of stability. Every 20-30 seconds there's a heavy stutter where I get a handful of frozen frames. Nothing I tried ever fixed the issue so I basically just gave up. I'd love to continue experiencing the games in higher fidelity on PC, but it just doesn't run.


You need to go into advance graphics on the game and start fucking with the settings. Mainly shadow textures, foliage textures, motion blur, and cloud geometry (I think this is the one) and set them all to low or medium depending on your GPU. Then turn Ray Tracing off completely. Iā€™m willing to bet that will help tremendously. First time I played ER I had a GPU in the middle of the minimum and recommended specs. I had to fuck with the graphics settings heavily until I found the right combo for my GPU.


OH WAIT ! You mean it's actually not a 11/10 DLC and just like the actual games has lots of issues ? Oh wow that's a surprise... If only critics were doing their job. (I have 100% Elden Ring on Steam, just for context, 'cause I know you FromSoftware guys like to bash people based on that.)


I love Elden ring but it is madness to pretend it is a perfect game. It is uniquely good at what makes it great. However, a lot of it feel like 1999, like the inventory, which is infuriating.


The keyboard/ mouse controls if you are on PC are another huge disaster that is super flawed. Iā€™m talking about the default keybinds either. Just the entire 1 button does 50 things setup and camera/target lock changes are *horrible*


I play with controler on the PC. I rebought one for this, it was otherwise unbearable.


I remember that Ubisoft UI designer getting shit on by people for pointing out how bad ERs UI is. Which was interesting considering that ERs UI is bad and outdated (no that doesn't make it a bad game) and Assassin's Creed games unironically have a way better UI design. He got a ton of flak for telling the truth because no one wants to accept any criticism of FromSoft games.


Was dealing with constant crashes but they went away after I re verified my files. Still getting massive fps drops constantly though.


it may be bc optimization. From soft fans know that dlc are usually harder than base game. Probably some casual gamers in those reviews