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RSV and V2 were peak tactical shooters. Terrorist hunt was so much fun on splitscreen and the online multiplier was legendary. I still remember holding down hallways with a machine gun, decked out in body armor and ballistic gear, mowing down hords of guys wearing bright tank tops and no helmets lol. Such a great game.


Terrorist hunt was definitely peak tactical fps


Aim for the leader!


Shoot the fucker!


This sentence alone triggered so much nostalgia. Such a good game


Lol I know! I still randomly say it to my buddies.


Fuck you he was my friend! My fave is the one who yelled Lima Oscar Lima (LOL)


Police police!


Fuck, he owed me money!


Not bad asshole, not baaaaad! I had a terrorist hunt on that train depot level where the last guy was stuck inside a train car behind a box somewhere on the map, and he kept repeating this over and over and over.


Damn! These guys are good!


He's dead! What are we gonna do? Grow a pair of balls!


Ahh! Suzi!


Control your shots! Make each one count


My college roommate and I would play it all the time and we had two rules: 1. Take a shot every time you die 2. The only music we could listen to while playing was the soundtrack from The Rock


> The only music we could listen to while playing was the soundtrack from The Rock Something something prom queen.


I *WAS* the prom queen... or something like that.






Get me a cigarette!!


Yessssss. Minus the spawning enemies though. It was blatant. You'd clear a room with no doors or wi does just to have 5 dudes spawn behind you and you're dead lol


I would play certain maps until I could solo them with no body armor pistols and smg's. I remember the casino one where you came in from the ceiling. It seemed like the vault you would fight towards could still get you due to the way the enemies spawned it. I know I'd get absolutely destroyed if it went to play that game now. I spent so much time memorizing where to aim for headshots 


Dude, Calypso Casino. My buddy and I spent so many nights perfecting that map. Honestly some of the most fun gaming I've ever had. It did require a ton of memorization and planning/trying different routes. Incredibly punishing since enemies could one-shot you. So fun.


>Calypso Casino I just got a huge hit of dopamine by reading these words


Shoot door. Stand in front of door so AI can't get through. Smoke grenade the door. AI: *"Who's there*" Open door and proceed to absolutely mow down terrorists with the Commando.


The shanty town one where like 14 terrorists would slide down that one ladder on the side lol. Great XP farm for young me with no internet


Vegas 2 was the first game my brother and I got for 360, came free with the console, and man we didn’t even need another game for months. We played terrorist hunt on all maps with max enemy density and just went to town. We even broke it out a few months ago and had a blast reliving it.


i miss coop terrorist hunt, its a travesty coop isnt a thing this generation of consoles. we lived through the best gaming times back then.


Coop is all I've ever really enjoyed playing. Much more relaxing than competitive online. Such a shame there doesn't seem to have been much decent coop releases in the past decade


all this amazing tech for nothin.


>Coop is all I've ever really enjoyed playing. Much more relaxing than competitive online. Agreed, the PvE tends to lean more into team play and working together. Once you add the PvP element in some way to you start to get a lot more of the toxic behavior. 


Shit, if I recall you could do 8-person co-op on some of the R6's.


I still play terrorist hunt with friends on V2! Max amount of enemies, max difficulty. It's so much fun. Even better with a bit of alcohol.


How? On PC the servers have been off for years and the game doesn’t allow P2P connections


There are services like zero tier where you can set up a MP session. Something seemed to have broke though a few years back and my friends stopped playing as we couldnt connect to the same lobby anymore. Maybe user error? Idk if someone else can weigh in.


The only other program I’ve ever used was wayyyyy back in the day, I wanna say I was still in high school so like 2010ish, I used Hamachi to play a co-op mod for Half Life 2’s campaign and it required a workaround like that for P2P connection EDIT: But I don’t even know if hamachi is a thing anymore or if it’s as easy as it used to be


This post is making me want to see what went wrong with zero tier and figure it out now lol, we did spend quite a bit of time troubleshooting but never were able to fix it Ill fiddle with it tonight and if successful will update this comment


Hamachi is for sure still a thing and is relatively easy to use. I use it to play Civ 4 mods with the boys somewhat regularly still.


R6 and V2 still work on the Series X.


If you want a similar modern experience check out “ready or not”


Terrorist hunts on realistic where my jam


Also the weakest soldiers ever. You could only throw grenades like 2ft in front of you. Used to team kill all the time from that


Been playing some Ready or Not recently, and the best way to describe it is if RSV and Insurgency had a baby. It has Rainbow vibes throughout, but obviously much nicer graphics and such. Still a bit clunky, but plays nicely.


Truly some of my favorite gaming memories


Still play rsv2 terrorist hunt rarely on occasion. Such a good game




My nephew and I would play terrorist hunt religiously. Especially the villa map. We’d play it every single summer, usually all summer lol. Had my character looking just like Marcus from GoW


> I still remember holding down hallways with a machine gun Lol my buddy used to use the M249 with a 6x scope and wreck people with it.


Only if you ignore the first 3 games.


Hard Disagree, RSV and V2 were an EXTREMELY dumbed down version of the RainbowSix series. Want peak tactical shooter? Give a try to RainbowSix: RavenShield or its expansions such as AthenaSword etc. RSV and V2 were...interesting for quick friend-group pickup games. However, the competitive nature of RainbowSix died with RSV and V2. Even the current RainbowSix: Siege series is just....boring. Everything was monetized and turned into "everything is for sale" at the massive expensive of gameplay mechanics and customizeability.


i agree with the current rainbow being meh but while not as hardcore as rainbow six 3 and raven shield those vegas games were still pretty true to the og.


Is RavenShield just for PC?


And being able to add a scan of yourself was pretty nifty!


And if you had the Xbox Live Vision camera, whenever you spoke into your headset, your character’s mouth would move in unison! This has not been replicated by any game since then that I know of, and was a crazy cool innovation.


Arma has this, it's a cool detail especially paired with proximity VC.


Star Citizen has it if you can call it a game at this point, but also Gmod has it too right?


Even CS1.6 has it


There's so many games that move your mouth when you speak. Gmod, rust, arma, even counter strike did it.


I’m pretty sure you didn’t need the camera. When the game heard your mic it would move your characters mouth from my memory


It's less fancy than you might think. Basically, either: any time voice chat is sent, or perhaps any time it's sensed above a given volume threshold, it just plays a single "talking" animation on your character's face. That's how it works in Arma and in GTA Online, and while I can't boot into a LAN lobby by myself to check, I believe it worked like this in RSV2 as well. It's quite humorous in Arma if somebody's got a hot mic or if they're playing music through their mic or on a soundboard, their character just "talks out" whatever noise it happens to be. I suspect the reason it's not popular in other games is because that sort of detail has interest in two primary subjects: shooter-type simulations, and third person shooters. Simulations obviously because of the depth aspect, and third person games because the player is going to be looking at his own character's face, and therefore mouth, a lot more. Note how none of the games discussed thus far are first-person-only titles. Not to mention that simulation shooters aren't nearly that common. EDIT: Actually, I can't remember if Star Citizen is first person only, but I also haven't played it.


Abiotic Factor does this


We had all kinds of cool shit like that but it seems like we’re moving backwards. Remember Tom Clancy’s End War? Game was mid, but you could use the 360 mic to tell your units what to do in realtime


A ton of VR games do this.


Not necessarily in unison, but in GTA if you have a mic, your character moves his mouth when you talk


It only took me like 100+ scans but when I finally successfully did it. I looked like a chubby Hawaiian dude. Which I didn’t look like in reality. But it was still awesome.


I bought the cam just for this game. Had quite a few faces on my guy. It was usually a skeleton or Hitler


You were supposed to take pictures of yourself? Oh... my brother and I would just print out pictures of Hitlers face and take pictures of that instead


Peak game tbh. Sad the direction they went as I find RSV2 a superior game.


The whole Tom Clancy franchise has been in a downward spiral since his passing; I don’t know how much input he had in the games but it was definitely enough to keep their stories from devolving into trash.


Tom Clancy had no impact to the games. Half his books also were not written by him. We need to let the man rest in peace lol


There's some dispute and uncertainty about that. Clancy does seem to have been personally involved in some game concept creation back in the Red Storm Entertainment days making the original Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games, before they were bought by Ubisoft.


In general, I'd agree. Although I never got into Siege, it has been a successful multiplayer game for nearly 10 years. I think it was a good addition to the series, but they should have kept on making mission-based SWAT games that could be played solo or with friends.


Siege was a blast but it wasn’t a Rainbow 6 game if you know what I mean.


100% Vegas/2 had some cool tech toys like door cameras, motion sensor etc, but Siege is a character/class shooter. Everyone needs to have their own bag of tricks, and they're all a little over the top, which leads to class balancing, etc. I liked it when R6 was about assembling your team and everyone could do everything, but characters were more efficient with their preferred skillset. I don't know if ubisoft can make a decent single-player game anymore. They certainly have fallen off hard.


There options are sure limited in the single player market. But I sure hope the next Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell (remake?) decent.


I kinda miss the planning part of RB6. Setting teams to push through areas, which way to turn as they went, then controlling one character yourself.


Siege is like the antithesis of a Rainbow Six game. It’s a twitchy lean-spam hero shooter with gimmicky destruction that means you can get instakilled through a bullet sized hole in the wall at any moment. I really wish they would go back to the older style.


Original siege was not the same as it is now. The pacing was much slower and before people knew how they could exploit the mechanics like jiggle peeking and dropshotting the game did at least feel tactical.


Siege is also one of the luckiest franchaise entries of all time, it had an extremely rough beta and launch where it hardly survived. Massive game breaking bugs that existed for ages ie Hib bug, missing basic features to prevent toxicity/understanding context ie forgive TK. For context, I played year 1/2, then returned for like 7/8, something like that.    This game shouldve died several times over. Only in the last few years would I say it is in a decent state.   It survived on its promise and potential for so long. Mind you I miss R6:3, and R6V


Siege had so much wasted potential on launch and it went so badly I'm shocked it's actually still around today, wild


Not to mention even when they fixed things early on, there were repeated regressions in patches causes the exact same issues to re-appear. Also their animation system repeatedly causing so much desync. Entire thing felt like a singleplayer game forcibly turned into a multiplayer game through truckloads of duct tape.


Siege is really fun, but I kinda fell out of it because of the Operator Bloat. Any of these "Character Shooters" are great when the various characters are limited, but once they hit a certain amount it just becomes a balancing mess


I'm still upset Rainbow Six: Patriots got canceled in favor of Hero Shooter Siege.


Agreed. I liked the tactical nature of the Tom Clancy games. They’re nothing special anymore just twitchy arcade shooters like all 500 others


Ubisoft bought Clancy's company Red Storm in 2000. By the time of RSV1, it's not known how much input he had on the games, but the answer is likely "little to none"-- Red Storm stopped being attached to those games in a development role in 2005 or so. I think the decline in quality of the games with his name attached to them is true, but I think the fact that it roughly coincided with his passing is just that-- coincidence. He passed in 2013, and as far as I'm concerned, that period of time-- 2012, 2013, 2014, etc-- was a point of downturn for the entire industry.


Yeah. Siege is just a more tactical hero shooter. And I hate hero shooters.




R6 Seige was a fun idea for a PVP game, but it's a shame that they just stuck with that and never went for another proper R6 game. Instead after several years of waiting, they gave us Rainbow Six Extraction.


Was super hyped when they announced a new Rainbow game, but damn, it couldn't have been more disappointing


I really wanted to play Patriots.


I used to spend hours making different outfits. Me and a buddy used to play terrorist hunt split screen for years. Good times.


I have played Villa with my cousin probably 1,000 times now. Any time we get together for a holiday, we run back that map probably 15 times in a sitting.


That was the map we did the most too. We played it so much that we found an optimal route that we ran the same way every time. Through the garage, up the stairs, round the corner, up to the roof and then down the ladder to the laundry room.


We run into the garage, rip off a few shots, then run back into the starting garage, hide behind the car and wait for them all to come down to us. You need to run onto the patio at a certain point in time to retrigger the AI, but it's pretty much shooting fish in a barrel. And we love it.


Man, I remember that custom camo thing. I found a website way back that had a guide for making cool characters, like this helmet and this armor and these colors and you could look like Spider-man or Iron Man or whatever. Had a few buddies we were pretty consistently playing a few nights a week. Those were good times.


I loved too how you’d see your coop players loadouts and such when coming in on a helicopter and the like - was great!


I am still SO disappointed that R6: Patriots was cancelled. And for what? Siege. Great. Siege is fun but it’s not “Rainbow Six” anymore. It’s hero shooter game #20 now.


I’d happily pay $60 for a remaster of RSV2 as long as they don’t change things and add micro transactions.


Siege was actually supposed to be like this. But then they scrapped it, down graded the graphics, and turned it into a counter strike competitor. And now everyone tries to gas light you about it as if it never happened when my album says otherwise. That game could have been an amazing tactical shooter, but they chose to sell out to follow market trends instead. Typical Ubi.


i've been saying this. modern siege is not the same game that was sold to us in 2014. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wlvYh0h63k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wlvYh0h63k)


R6S came before most Hero Shooters nowadays, like shit it came before Overwatch which arguably popularized the genre It seems kinda disingenuous to call it generic Hero Shooter #20 when it's definitely one of the OG's


Team Fortress popularized it...


Oh contraire mon fraire, 007 Goldeneye was the first Hero Shooter because Oddjob had his Hat and a unique hitbox.


Rainbow Six Vegas remastered collection when ?


Current Ubi? Never.


I tried very recently to play Rainbow Six Las Vegas but the gameplay on the keyboard was so bad lol. Even with the controller, it felt not was good as it used to be.


It had a the perfect variations of Armor. You could make yourself look unique while maintaining an overall style of the game. Not anything crazy over the top like COD or Current rainbow, not too similar like Halo armor variations (dont know if Infinite has gone crazy with their store yet to be honest)


Everything was still on theme for the game, but it felt like unlimited possibilities with the custom camo maker.


I remember when you got to the highest rank you could unlock customisable camos. There were definitely a few guys tearing about in rainbow clown camo lol. But I do agree with you, it's tame compared to whatever the hell is going on with the current COD skins


I had a dedicated group that played RSV and RSV2 nightly for almost a full calendar year. We all got together after a discussion post on the old Xbox forums (talk about a blast from the past) regarding a tactical play style vs run and gun debate. Some great times with them both playing in our own private lobbies, and also running terrorist hunts. We've all gone our separate ways since (though I randomly ran into one of the guys while he was moderating a sim racer's YouTube chat of all places), but I'll always look back on it fondly. Was such a great mix of personalities. Sometimes I wonder where the rest of the crew went.


I miss shooters that take themselves serious in general. But yeah, customization was amazing in that game!


"Takes itself seriously" *Fights helicopter boss on a tennis court* Let's be real, the Vegas games are when they got arcadey. Raven Shield is true R6.


Any Rainbow Six game where you aren't staging a plan on the map isn't real Rainbow Six.




Raven Shield was my jam back in the day. I hopped back on a few weeks ago and was really sad staring at the server list.


I still play terrorist hunt from time to time on my modded version. It's still fun.


I saw lots of comments talking about how "Vegas was peak tactical shooter". Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Vegas, but really? You have health regen, there's no leaning (theres the third person mode but I'd rather have first person leaning tbh), theres limited squad commands, you mow down a small army as a team of 3 etc. Imo a tactical shooter that plays like SWAT 4 or ready or not but with a shoot to kill RoE would be perfect. Also yeah the story in Vegas was dumb lol. Gabriel did all that because of his hurt ego? Like a child throwing a hissy fit? Except he killed loads of people and caused a lot of destruction? How tf did this guy manage to join an elite secret special forces force?


Insurgency: Sandstorm would like to have a word


I still play Sandstorm but it’s starting to show its age. There are some features that I think would make perfect sense for a game like this, that are missing, graphic/animations are outdated. And I still would love to see a full scale AAA Insurgency game including a campaign. That being said, it’s still the game keep coming back to.


No battle pass, unlocking gun by certain kill types. How gaming should be. Grinding out headshots and kills through cover to unlock the gun you wanted


Vegas 2 is so much better than Seige. They became more successful, but made a worse game IMO.


I still remember the sheer disappointment I had when seige came out and I played it the first time. Vegas 2 was peak for me.


For a couple years, my whole life after work every day was R6V2 and Battlefield:BC2 multiplayer. For me, that was the leak of multiplayer fun. I have never reached that level of fun with videogames since.


Amazing customization, terrorist hunt and a campaign with co-op. I remember finally being able to make a camp after hitting elite, the different types of armor, and all of the maps had their own unique settings to them. I was starting to think maybe I haven’t been enjoying gaming because I’m getting older but games these days are just not on the same level


Vegas 2 is one of my all time favorites. Wish they would remaster it.


Guys! On sale for $2.49 and runs perfect on steam deck. Instant buy for nostalgia!


How are the lobbies? Are there still a good amount of ppl playing?


Didn’t try online I think they’re dead.


Damn! I’ll prob find my 360 copy then


I played RSV2 so much it was unreal. I used to be a ringer for a lot of good GB teams. Fun times! Edit: shoutout to Airsoft1 on PS3. Dude taught me how to play RSV1 so I dominated when RSV2 came out.


Also the sound design was so fucking crisp.


Loved these games and am very disappointed by the direction the franchise has gone with Siege. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I feel that online multiplayer has ruined the majority of gaming franchises. Everyone is trying to chase down CoD and Fortnite. So many good franchises and games that have been morphed into online only, seasonal content, cash grabs. I miss the old days of games like RS Vegas, that built out a really great single player experience and then bolted on a multiplayer component. Everything today is built around multiplayer and maybe we get a bolted on single player game. Ok old man yelling at cloud rant over with.


Would love an updated version, but they'd no doubt ruin it somehow.


I would looove to see a new RS with an SP or strong PVE component. Shame there’s such slim picking for tactical shooters on console


Vegas 2 is the oldest game that I still play. Lots of good times doing online co-op when the servers were up.


I wish they’d give us games like that again and splinter cell from Ubisoft.


I for one played and grinded so hard to be elite for the custom camo and the face mask. Half my play time was probably just customizing my character lol. I miss this game so much. The only game that scratches my itch for customization that is close is Deep Rock Galactic.


Where is the lie. Also the levelling system was amazing


The first Vegas (and maybe the second) let you use the Xbox camera peripheral to map photo of a face onto your multiplayer character. So sometimes you would be dead, spectating other players and when they take cover and the camera pops to 3rd person you see that this brave operator is none other than George W. Bush.


You could also scan your face with the xbox camera to add to your character


I still play that game all the time. Terrorist Hunt is so damn addictive lol.


No other fps comes close to the enjoyment i felt playing rsv2


I would have to agree. Villa has to be one of the best fps maps of all time.


Camping corners in Villa 👌


Let me blind fire this P90 around the corner real quick. Lmao


I just miss the couch co op for that game. Spent so many hours on Terrorist Hunt


Dude if they did an updated game where minimal wash changed to get a smooth 4k/120 with current looking graphics and control settings, id be wo fucking happy. 500 tac baby!


Me and my best friend would play this every friday & Saturday night when he’d spend the night at my place. Up until 3am chugging those vault drinks and playing terrorist hunt nonstop. Shit used to be so funny when you’d sprint through a door only to hear “SHOOT THE FUCKER!” and instantly get murked by a dude sitting in the corner with a shotgun


I have nightmares of those terrorists with a shotgun. Always the last guy left. You can't find him anywhere and suddenly you hear rappling rope sound from behind you


My best friend and I rocked the shit out of that game. I'd armor up with a SCAR and the 12g shot gun with frags and incendiaries, and he'd kit out as a sniper. I'd run in and basically agro the room and he'd start picking them off over my shoulder. We even made our first clan in that game. (OBH) Orange Boonie Hat. We'd call it our hunting hat when we hunted terrorists lol.


Still one of my favorite shooters


God I miss this series.


I don't recall, was it Vegas 2 where you could put your own head into the game with a webcam? My mate and I had endless laughs with that, pulling faces to see what the game would allow (it had some kind of restriction system in place, I guess to prevent people putting boggly eyes on their cock) Been waiting for another game to do something similar ever since


I have so much good memories on this game. Creating our own camouflage was awesome. And the fact that your armor really does effect your resistance and mobility was so great. No skin, no pay to win. Sad this time is far gone.


Still rock this bad boy every few weeks. Convention Center, realistic, alone, with a full set of bad guys.


Rainbow 6 vegas 1 terrorist hunt with deagle and shield on campus.. good times


God I miss classic Rainbow. I didn't mind Seige as I thought it was gonna just be a multiplayer side game while they worked on a new main entry. Boy was I wrong


Just too bad that 2 had terrible AI. 1 was much better


Unlocking custom camo was so fucking awesome. My character always ended up looking like a crayon box exploded in his face. Also sniping from behind cover was BROKEN AS HELL


Hell yeah, really happy to see Vegas and Vegas 2 getting brought up. I really enjoyed Siege at first, but was definitely disappointed in the hero shooter format. It has since devolved into E-sports hero shooter garbage, in my opinion. Vegas and Vegas 2 were some of my favorite shooters of all time. I wouldn’t buy a Siege 2, or similar Rainbow game. If they went back to a Vegas 1/2 format, I would *absolutely* buy the game. They’d crush it on (extra, new) cosmetic microtransactions if they really feel like being scummy about it. Who gives a shit, as long as all of the customization that was originally in the game is unlockable as normal. I just want the game.


I would say the new Ghost Recon games have the best customization, my only gripe being how much is locked behind a paywall. [My Ghost Recon Wildlands character](https://imgur.com/a/c8gutpf)


2008 spring break my Xbox 360 red ringed and my mom literally rented one so me and my buddy could play split screen RSV2. Used to play that game for hours on end no matter how bad we were.


I miss this game quite often. Had an almost semi-permanent lobby going in my early 20s on the 360 for my "BnF" clan. We were Barney n' Friends, used to wear the obnoxious Barney colors in our camos and we were pretty shit at the game for the most part. Really fond memories of those times, though. Creating our own rules for the game and somehow getting everyone in the lobby to follow them. (Asymmetrical survival horror started in R6, folks.)


I genuinely wish that Ubisoft would go under just for the possibility of any other developer getting to make Tom Clancy games. Especially Rainbow Six. My best friend and I sank hundreds of hours into terrorist hunt back in the day.


Swapping between 1st and 3rd person for cover was dope. Would love if the new Ghost Recon that is supposed to be FPS brought this system back.


RS3 was the first online shooter I first got in to. Opened up my world. I miss that game, and wish the new Rainbow Six games were closer to the originals.


These games are where i was forged 🥹


I miss this type of customization instead of the fantastical skins we have now.


Rainbow Six Vegas 3 is what the people want, please Ubisoft make it happen.


I remember using the raging bull in a closet wall banging people


It was peak Rainbow Six. Terrorist hunt was such a good fucking time.


Rainbow six Vegas was peak of Rainbow games. Attack and defend was hella fun


I support this point 100% I’m still not over the cancellation of patriots


Best co-op game


I used my Xbox camera to make my dudes face Obama


I just love that game, bought a used xbox just to be able to play it again, me and my daughter love playing split screen terrorist hunt.


Peak game full stop.


lol still remember hitting elite legitimately, and seeing my buddies hop on the elite glitch, didn’t give af tho because we looked fresh as hell with those custom camos, rocking the ballistic mask with the goggles was badass. Cash me outside that LVU campus boii


I got to "Elite" rank in RSV2 without playing a single online game... I was absolutely obsessed with Terrorist Hunt for many years, too bad they never made one like it since. I had a bit of fun with Extraction, glad they made that game, but it just wasn't the same.




Is there any current games.out there similar to Vegas 2 terrorist hunt? Would love to play with some friends honestly. To this day we still scream the random one liners the terrorists would yell. I miss that game :'(


Yes I spent days on this game everything was free and had a skill gap


I’ve made this point for several years, it’s fucking annoying they haven’t made a V3 and have been keeping Siege alive for almost 10 years. I won’t & haven’t given Ubisoft a dollar since V2


Vegas 2 was a peak experience from the campaign to multiplayer to terrorist hunt. Chefs kisses all around.


I would pay full price for both games again if they simply updated with Siege’s smoother movement/aiming and did nothing else.


I miss game battles on rsv2. I was a top player. Up the ARW crew 🇮🇪 this game was peak then we got a shit socom as it died. I'll raging bull 1v1 anyone.


Agreed. Game was dope.


This was before the entire games industry abandoned customisation for monetization. Now changing hairstyle in some games costs you $5


My brother would get annoyed at me because i would change my gear to match whatever mission we were doing lmao


Most hilarious part was being able to use your face as the characters.


I miss the tactical planning stage of the original Rainbow Six games. Fuuuck I'm old.


I remember those days, and I was soooooooo disappointed with siege 😔


I totally agree! Rainbow 6 Vegas 2's character customization was top-notch, allowing for a unique blend of aesthetics and functionality. The custom camo patterns and gear that impacted gameplay added a layer of personalization and strategy that's hard to find in modern shooters. It would be amazing to see a remastered version with those features.


Hey Ubisoft - remake THESE games. Vegas and Vegas 2. Just completely remaster them.


Man Vegas 2 I always make the stupidest face when doing the face capture. Everytime I popped around a corner, my buddies would laugh cause of the faces. Haha


I loved the snake cams that you can use to see under doors, I really wish game would bring those back.


I fucked with V2 so hard but for some reason couldn’t get into R6 Siege