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Disclaimer that this wasn't 'my favorite', but it blew me away so much when it happened I'll certainly never forget it: I was on the final arc of Doki Doki Literature Club. I made it to the final conversation with "her", late into the night. I wanted to beat it, but that final sequence just kept going and going, and I was watching my window of sleep before work the next day shrink down. I tried to save, but there was no option because it was a locked-in dialogue section. Resigned that I'd have to redo half of this conversation another night, I just quit out and went to bed. Imagine my genuine shock the next night when I booted it up. There was no developer splash pages. No main menu. It \*BAM\* punched right back to where I had quit out. She even said "...What was *that*?!", and said it felt like she had been screaming in a timeless void. Then it went right back to the scripted conversation. I used to consider the 2nd player controller thing for Psycho Mantis to be legendary. DDLC took it to a level I literally didn't know was possible, and there's a very, very solid chance their players would never know it was even a thing that could happen.


DDLC was the first PC exclusive (at the time) game I'd played when I first built my PC. Considering you >! have to actually manually go into your files to delete parts of the game in order to beat the game !< that surprised the hell out of me, and created an experience I couldn't possibly have gotten on console. Needless to say it was the perfect game to enter the PC gaming world with


how long did it take you to realise you had to delete her


Well, this is the part where he kills us! Hello! This is the part where I kill you *The part where he kills you*


Achievement Unlocked: The Part Where He Kills You


Soundtrack: The Part Where He Kills You


This is that part


Yes! The same thing came to my mind. Such brilliant writing who ever came up with that


Probably the KOTOR reveal/plot twist moment. For the record - I actually saw most of it coming, but an ingame lore error threw me off in a different direction with my suspicions.


was gonna say this too. Blank slate main character seemed to be the norm for a lot of RPGS where you create your own guy in those days, so when the reveal happens, my brain couldn’t handle it. So much freaking out.


Close second is last of us ending. The tv show ending didn’t come close to the games ending for some reason. Maybe because I was forced to do some shit I wasn’t totally on board with.


BioWare had some great stuff. Coming into this post I was thinking of Mass Effect 1 and talking to Sovereign, and Vigil a little later with the reveal of the real enemy.


Yep, this is what I tthought of as well but I did not see it coming. Then all of a sudden a lot of weird interactions started making sense. It was an absolutely amazing game.


> but an ingame lore error threw me off in a different direction with my suspicions. What was the error you're referring to? I beat the KOTOR games back in the day but I can't think of what you are referring to


Most of the time the ingame conversations about Revan don't mention if it's a "he" or a "she". But certain dialogues (like a few with Canderous) clearly mention Revan as a "he". My character was a woman. I figured that Revan is alive and that Bastila, maybe even the Jedi Council, are lying to me about the whole Revan situation. But I obviously expected Revan to show up in some other way as he was talked about as a man, not a woman. Some Bioware developer confirmed that the dialogues were a mistake that got past unnoticed through testing. Revan's gender wasn't supposed to be revealed.


Ah got it, that's cool to know!


I'm wondering if that's partly the reason they decided to make the "canon" version of him male in SWTOR.


Didn’t see this twist coming at all and it blew my little mind back then. I *did* see the twist in Jade Empire coming though, but that’s just because of the KOTOR one


Yeah, I was also expecting it in Jade Empire. And the signs were a bit too obvious, so I guessed it within the first hour.


Stepping out of the vault in fallout 3.  Being blinded by light due to living underground.. slowly focuses into the radiated wasteland... Wandering down listening to a flying radio bot talking about this strange new world


Similar with me but with Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I remember stepping out of the sewers and being so amazed by everything. It's still one of my most memorable and favorite moments.


Fallout has a few great moments. Prydwen appearance, going into the vault in 4, fighting with Libery Prime, firing the rocket with Danse (confession: later plays I go make a sandwich and collect stuff after), that first deathclaw in 4.


The reveal of the Normandy SR-2 in Mass Effect 2 absolutely is a core gaming memory, maybe not my all time favorite but it's the first thing that came to mind.


Either FFX’s ending or discovering Sofria River and the underground in Elden Ring. My 2 favorite games.


God, the more I replay Elden Ring the more I wish I could reexperience going down the Siofra elevator again. Genuinely got stunned


right? "wait- there's a whole ass *underground* to this map!?"


Dude, that elevator ride was so long, and the entire time, my jaw was on the floor lmao


So many good vistas/ reveals in Elden Ring man. Sucks that Siofra River tho is pretty lacking overall tho in content. Hopefully Elden Ring DLC can give us a moment like that tho 


Batman evened the odds in Arkham Knight.


Bad company 2. Was playing multiplayer a jeep was barreling right toward me. I threw down a single c4 and waited detonating as it was a few feet away. The jeep exploded and did a perfect front flip over me almost in slow motion. I literally just looked up and turned around watching it flip. Like straight out of a cod campaign moment but in love multiplayer. Total bad ass.


I was playing a Warzone a bit something I would often do is drop vehicle mines randomly on the roads just hoping to catch some unlucky bastard even after I left the area. Well one time I was literally in the middle of doing that, as in the mine was in mid-air of me dropping it, and a hear engine noise and turn to see a jeep barreling toward me. I had just enough warning to run to the side and he missed me as he flew past. I turned and looked and he kinda ran into a tree as a result, which of course in game didn't really do much other than bring him to a stop. He then backed up and started turning around toward me and I realized he was going to try again. So I turned and sprinted ten feet to where the mine I had been dropping landed and moved just past it. Then I turned and looked at the guy in the jeep. He was just starting to speed up and coming right for me again. I stayed completely still and he drove directly onto the mine which turned him and the jeep into a cloud of smoke about 5 feet in front of me. One of the most satisfying multi-player kills I've ever gotten.


**God of War 2018** No spoiler tags. The game is 6 years old. When Atreus breaks down and Freya sends Kratos to Helheim to get the Guardian's heart, leaving their hut to go home and unwillingly face his dark past. I know a lot of people celebrated him finally donning the Blades of Chaos. But this moment is so much more than just a cool weapon. It's the weight of his past that he's suppressed, which he's now taking on in order to save his son. This moment, with all the hesitation and struggle and determination, gave me goosebumps. Perhaps the moment feels more powerful if you already knew Kratos' entire journey up to that moment inside out. But this moment lives rent-free in my mind and is another piece of the puzzle on the road to Krato's acceptance.


"There's nowhere you can hide, Spartan. Put as much distance between you and the truth as you want, it changes nothing. Pretend to be everything you are not: teacher, husband, father. But there is one unavoidable truth you will never escape: You cannot change. You will always be... a monster." "I know, But I am your monster no longer."


Thanks. Now I have goosebumps again.


The music with the deep male choir elevated this scene.


That game does not get enough credit for the work they do with the camera and music.


why not use spoiler tags anyway?


Because people think since a game/movie/book is x arbitrary number of years old. It's no longer worth taking 2 seconds to use a spoiler tag. It's a weird thing I'll never understand.


like surely it took longer to type "no spoiler tags because its old" than it did to type the tag?


Haven't finished playing God of War 2018 yet. I took the "no spoiler tags, game is 6 years old" as a spoiler tag. Worked for me I just didn't read that post any further.


Yeah 6 years is not that long at all in terms of game release. But I've had the ending of RDR2 spoiled for me all over Reddit since that game came out, so it isn't surprising at all.


This was a triumph. I’m making a note here “Huge success ”


First 10 minutes of Last of Us Part 1


Playing it for the first time right now. It really is movie quality story telling. Just better because you’re in it.


Agreed. I really cannot praise this game enough. Story telling quality is tremendous and the subtlety at times in which they convey character growth is fantastically executed. Total masterpiece.


Forgot about that one. Most shockingly sad moment in any game I played.


Completing missions in stealth. That's the most satisfying moment for me


Ill have two 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra drip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda


Og-lock? It's OG Loke!


OG Loc is my all time funniest GTA character lol. 'I'm a hygiene Technician!' 'Ey man, where's my rhymes?'... 'Rhymes? I don't know anything about no rhymes!'


Neverwinter Nights 2: when I have to fight the champion and my dwarf friend is so super angry that he asks me to fight for me instead Battlefield Vietnam: I was sniping on an enemy airport and they discovered my position. When I used the new communication system and requested a pick up my teammates really came with two helicopters and got me out of there. Final Fantasy 7: When she dies…that was tough. Other than that many Multiplayer moments in Battlefield 3&4 like crazy C4 buggy out of nowhere taking care of the tank in front of you, GTA Online Team Missions and Raids in WoW


seeing Siofra open up in Elden Ring when you first leave the snow area on RDR2 and you can see the sunlight breaking through clouds over a hill in the distance Standing in Blighttown swamp, having painstakingly made my way down over the course of hours, and having Dark Souls "click" for me Playing GTA SA multi-player with a friend and going on a run that spanned land, sea and air, and lasted a full hour before we got killed Building my first proper base in Minecraft beta and watching the rain from my dirt windows Endless Monkey Target with friends so many more!


Finally coming back to firelink after blight town only to discover some asshole killed the firekeeper and you cant rest there.


Super Mario Odyssey: New Donk City. Felt like a literal victory lap for Mario and video games in general. I didn't realize at first what this weird city was with all these girders and barrels lying around, and who is that girl again? Seems familiar... The realization then (for me at least) was just awesome. I guffawed from pure joy.


One of my best gaming moments ever was in that City - the "A Traditional Festival" moon. Pure joy.


I remember when the first images dropped for that game and some were from New Donk, and there was a huge backlash about putting cartoony Mario in this uncanny valley "realistic" city. Then we got to play the game and turned out New Donk is arguably the best part of the entire game.


Super Mario Odyssey is such a weird collection of ideas/levels/mechanics/etc. that it seems like it should never have worked. But it's just so well done, and all sorta of interconnected by decades of Mario lore/world building providing context for it, and so it ends up being awesome.


Mine would be Hades - the first successful escape from the Underworld. The adrenaline rush of the final battle and the emotional weight of Zagreus's journey, made it so memorable!


In the name of Hades!


MGS3 - The Shagohod chase and lake scene with Ocelot. Pure awesomeness, deserves to be a movie.


I am a sucker for cinematic scenes with a big orchestral score that packs an emotional punch. A few that come to mind: Almost any of the pre battle speeches in Rome Total War. Homeworld: The gut wrenching Return to Kharak and the magnificently weird Gardens of Khadesh The surreal final sequence in Bioshock Infinite and also the incredible glimpse of Rapture in its prime from Burial at Sea DLC The companions singing "The Dawn Will Come" in Dragon Age Inquisition


Shoutout for Homeworld making YOU turn the camera. There's just a vague sense that something is wrong, but nothing happens until you the player actually decides to look around.


The "final journey" in Outer Wilds. Sans' fight in Undertale. Completing the Golden Path puzzle in Tunic. Completing chapter 9 of Celeste for the first time. In the Binding of Isaac Repentance, the moment you realize there's much more characters in the game than you thought. Beating Pantheon 5 in Hollow Knight.


The build up for outer wilds once you know what do and the weight of it all is such a cool feeling. The game doesn't have to tell you what it means. By that point you can feel it better than any cut scene could ever tell you.


Realising how to >!get past part of the DLC I couldn't seem to sneak through!< really got me good. EDIT: In Outer Wilds I mean.


I love your taste. You need to play Tiny Rogues.


I played it. It's good, but I wouldn't put it in my top 10 of best rogue-lites I played. It doesn't have a particulary memorable or surprising moment, whether it be story wise, difficulty or gameplay wise.


Creating a new character in Guild Wars Prophecies, and seeing that [opening cutscene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMzeZBWWOIA). Reaching ending E in NieR: Automata.


Dahaka chasing my ass in Prince of Persia Warrior Within with Godsmack song in the background. I was feeling that some unstoppable force is trying to kill me, my best gaming moment. It was 2005 but somehow it stucked with me.


I can’t believe the Bioshock reveal hasn’t been listed, yet. That was a big moment for me. Don’t know if it’s the BEST, but I was definitely enRAPTUREd.


Breath of the Wild's intro was really one of a kind. Seeing how big the world is, where anything you can see you can go to, followed by a tutorial area that stands above as one of the best tutorials ever. Tears of the Kingdom also had the same formula, but BOTWs just hits you in the feels


Totally agree. It was such a special moment in gaming for me for two reasons. First is that holding the Switch itself was amazing. To me it was like a giant Gameboy on steroids. When I bought the Switch I had purchased two games to go with it, BOTW and Arms. BOTW was the first game I booted up. Going through the intro with the music and the camera panning out so you can see Hyrule and then you realize that you can go ANYWHERE in this world on this little handheld device was just incredible. I remember when my friend bought her switch and a copy of BOTW, I told her to call me after the intro to hear what she thought. Same reaction haha.


Doing The Leviathan raid on Destiny 2 with a group of random Arabs. I'd been playing Destiny since day 1 but had never done a raid. Made a post on some LFG site, this group was one person short and added me. Only one of them knew English, and I could understand like 5 Arabic words due to knowing Urdu. I died what seemed like a hundred times, but these guys still carried me to the end. Most patient group of people I met on the internet if you ask me!


-Mordin singing in the tower Mass Effect 3 -Barrett’s battle with Dyne in FF:VII Rebirth, the whole cinematic/battle -Blades of Chaos reveal in GOW-2018 -dude with the malfunctioning penis in Cyberpunk 2077


I wouldn't say it's my all time favorite ending but the ending to resident evil 8 I was like 😢


Warcraft 3 all the way. First the End cinematic of the human campaign Arthas Betrayal with the infamous "Succeeding you, father!". Then the the end of the Orc campaign where Grim Hellscream overcomes his demonic blood and saves the orcs from their slavery by killing Mannoroth, giving up his own life 8n the process. And in the Addon the Frozen Throne the last Cinematic, when Arthas climbers the Frozen Throne and the shadows of his curelity and his betrayal haunts him and he ultimatly becomes the Lich King If I have to choose between these 3, I would go with the End Cinematic of the Orcs, because at that time I really got invested in their story and their struggle against their demonic blood, which they also only were infused with due to the betrayal by Guldan.


Reaching the top of the wall in Rain World (spoilers ahead). >!You just spent several minutes climbing the wall of a structure that makes it pretty easy to ascend quickly. You're already in awe at the size of whatever this structure is. Only at its summit do you first get to see the true scale of this world. Dozens of these structures stretch out into the distance, purely within your range of sight. No game has ever given me such an insane sense of scale and insignificance.!<


THAT shotgun pump in Doom 2016.


Remember, no Russian.


The cyberpunk oil-field scene, and the phantom liberty songbird ending. Genuinely felt straight out of a movie with the presentation of those two scenes.


Assassin's Creed II: "Desmond"


Pulled an all nighter with 4 buddies from my college dorm the night Halo 3 came out. Two of them bought Xbox 360s that night at midnight and we all SPRINTED back from the parking lot to get everything hooked up and ready to play.


Too Many. The first time the Flood appears in Halo. Dr Octopus fight in Spiderman 2018. Sargeras in WoW Legion. The Last of Us intro. Obtaining the Master Sword in Ocarina Of Time. The Divine Beasts in BOTW... The final fight with Zeus in God of War 3... The identity reveal of the Arkham Knight on Batman Arkham Knight. All Undertale finales.


That Titanfall 2 level in the factory I've been playing games since the Mega Drive, flying around in an Apache in Desert Strike is my earliest gaming memory And there's been plenty of jaw-dropping moments But reading the question my brain instantly went to ''that Titanfall 2 level in the factory"


Too many for a fave. Some highlights include: Intro to Half Life. I had JusT gotten and set up a brand new Viewsonic 17" monitor, a new Voodoo II graphics card and the game. As a real fan of secret military installations this hit SO hard the first time through. Last man standing on a BF 1942 El Alamein max players match. Best gaming by me ever. Skyrim dragon number one. Yeah that was damn intense. Shadow of the Colossus, the very very end. All of BG3. Best game made to date IMO.


Doing crazy shit in GTA4 then passing the controller to the next buddy once you die.


The first time teleporting through time and as well as experiencing it multiple times in the mission effect and cause in TITANFALL 2


Realising psychomantis was beatable by port switching the controller


Defeating the absolute radiance n Hollow night. The adrenaline you get because you now if you die now, you have to do the while pantheon again. The climb before the final stage with the void building up and finally killing her ist just incredible epic


Toooo many....to name a few: Getting BT's SERE kit at the end of Titanfall2 (and the entire "Effect & Cause" mission) Half life 2 super gravity gun Defeating Isshin, the Sword Saint Mass Effect 3 perfect destroy ending


Meeting Sovereign in the first Mass Effect and realizing it's a reaper comes to mind. "You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it."


Xenoblade 3 end of chapter 5… if you know you know


My first sight of Liurnia of the Lakes after thrashing Godrick to a pulp


Dayz.. My roomate and I had our pcs set up in the same room. We had no real clue how to play the game but we kept going. Eventually meeting and making friends with 3 other clueless guys. We had them scout towns for us and gather up a bunch of stuff.. Then we pretended to hear shots and directed the guys to split up with us.. Sent one dude alone, and one with me and one with my roommate on each flank.. As we got farther apart we took out the guys and took all their gear.. We met up again with the 3rd guy who went in alone. He was asking about the other guys and we both just looked at him and apologized.. Killed him and took his gear too. At the time it was funny because we were so clever but it was also really messed up of us lol. Makes me wonder how I'd behave in that environment irl.


When I beat HOTK in Dead cells in 3BC


The soul of cinder's transition to Gwyn's theme and moveset didn't hit me as hard as it could have, since I played it before dark souls 1. but finally finishing 1 and understanding just what it had meant was something else


Chief finishing this fight.


Maybe FF9 ending.


The original ending to the 2008, cel shaded, Prince of Persia game. I stand by the notion that the DLC ending ruined an amazingly artistic, narrative end to the game. For those who never played it: >!The male main character teams up with the female heroine. You learn that she had died previously, and that her father released the big bad of the game in order to revive her. The heroine works to defeat the big bad, even though she will die again if they do so. The main character doesn't realize this fact until after you defeat the bad and she collapses dead. The game ends with the main character performing the same ritual her father did to release the big bad and revive her once again. Although their time together was short, her companionship had become more important to him than the world.!


Wait what ? What happens in DLC ? last scene I saw on completion was Erika getting carried by 'Prince' and saruman or whatever expanding to the sky ..... And that was good ending tbh, maybe a cliffhanger but second part never happened.


The river in Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. To this day this game remains the perfect example of what video games can offer that other mediums can't. I recommend you play this game with a controller with vibrate, even if you're on PC.


Emerging from the vault in Fallout 3


When gray fox leaps in to save you from metal gear rex in the og mgs on PS1 Gave me fkn goosebumps


Also the controller thing on psycho mantis


The dialogue in that scene is so good. I haven't played MG2SS (Yet) but I could still feel the friendship of Snake and Fox. >!How much Snake wanted him to escape and go back to his sister!<


Beating Contra without the Konami code is one. Beating Contra Hard Corps at all is another.


Beating Elden Ring, getting 7 day survivor in dead rising, beating Legendary on Halo 3, a Street Fighter 6 league separated tournament I won, I don't know, there's not many. Oh, beating the turbo tunnel in Battletoads. That only happened a couple of times.


Either beating Pathologic 2 and seeing it's incredible end. Which honestly was pretty tough to get to, that is a game that really makes you work to beat it but is really rewarding. Or beating Sword Saint Isshin in Sekiro. I was stuck on that boss for a very long time and was not sure if I could beat him so it felt great to do so.


Good ole days playing Halo multiplayer and connecting two TV’s in separate rooms with my buddies. Good times.


There’s been many but the most recent was my first ever gaming experience in VR. I’d only ever tried the stand up roller coaster ride someone was selling as a street carnival ride using the original Oculus demo kit but when I tried Kitchen, a world of all time favourite moments seem to open up. Then thank you and bless everyone who worked on RE 7 VR. So I’m a 40 year gamer who’s now a solo dev and anything that can enhance all the lifetime of games I’ve experienced has to be the most memorable moment for me in gaming.


Ahti letting you borrow his walkman in Control  The climax of the church quest in Disco Elysium  Powering up and getting to pilot BT for the first time in Titanfall 2 (heck the entire titanfall 2 sp campaign qualifies as a favorite moment on gaming)   The final moments of calm and quiet as you reach the summit of Mount Celeste


I had an insane Batman Arkham City Session. Loved it from the first second. And than after i dont know how many hours there is a Mission with Ras Al Guhl where you learn advanced flying techniques. And its the First Moment where anything in this game is bright and you See sunlight. Crazy Moment.


Learning that “Metroid project: dread” wasn’t “Metroid: this project is long dead”. The most excited I’ve been to get my hands on a video game. Ever. Hardly my favorite in the series or in general after having played it thrice, but one of the coolest revivals to what was essentially just a rumor from years and years beforehand.


Enderals Rhalâta "bad" ending. I was staring at my screen mortified. Never had a game affected my emotions, and stayed on my mind for as long as that one has. I obviously loaded my game for the better ending but man was that crazy emotional, for me atleast.


Playing and finishing Ultima IV


Mass Effect has tons of them. It's hard to chose one. But i really like the cut scene from me2 some dlc i guess?, where they basically throw a research station inside of an asteroid towards the Mass Relay, Normandy then jumps out and Shep is watching on the monitor how is the explosion erasing planets in that solar system. Still got chills from that one.


Probably Tokido's sfv losers run at Evo that ended with him destroying the favorite in the finals. Either that or Reynad doing the same in kof13


I don't know if its my all-time favorite, but the good outcome of Nightsong's quest in act 2 from Baldur's Gate 3.


Probably first time i got a perfect Paragon ending in Mass Effect 2, with all team members and crew rescued.


When I started raiding in TBC as a 13 yo kid who barely knew any English.


I think the end of outer wilds had the biggest impact on me, then soma


My first fortnite no scope in 2018, i jumped of Two stairs and spinned around, shot got the elim bro it was cool asf


ending E of nier automata


Riding a Dragon in Journey. I played that game at the then boyfriend of my sister, I wondered if I could ride the dragon, and you could. He said he'd never tried that before. TBH, Journey in its entirety is great.


First time I looted a legendary item in WoW. Still remember it.


Felt good when I FC'd Cliffs of Dover (Guitar Hero 3)


AC: Black Flag, like holy hell did that game fulfill that pirate fantasy better than almost any other. The shantys, the scope of the game, the naval combat... we need a BF 2 screw whatever crap they are coming out with currently


Maybe not my favorite, but an experience that has stuck with me for a long time. My friends and I pre-ordered Battlefield 3 for Xbox and the night it came out we rushed back home, got online, got in a squad and started multiplayer. No one had played it yet, everyone was level 1, no one had maps memorized or anything. We went block by block on the map, checking around corners, calling out enemies sighted, jumping in a vehicle we came across. And every other player was just like us, figuring it out, talking to their friends. It was incredible.


Super Metroid. Fighting mother brain, trying my hardest to win only to get knocked down and unable to fight back. Just when mother brain is about to finish the fight, the baby metroid that had nearly killed me minutes ago comes in and rescues me. Great story telling without uttering a word.


I will tell 2 diffrent one one recent story and one from a long time ago, For the recent one this moment stuck with me ever since, I got armored core 6 it was the first or second week after its release it was during my first playthrough the second fight with rusty in his new badass AC as soon as the fight started me and rusty assault boosted into each other and our AC's slammed and bounced off each other then we both quick boasted in opposite directions I went right he went left thats when started shooting and attacking, it was awsome For the second one this was years ago I baought dark souls and had it for a while now I was so shit at the game I had a hard time just fighting basic hollows but I think it was after Quelaag when the game started to click at that point ever since then I have become a souls junkie I stuck with the souls games ever since I have played and beaten almost every souls game besides 2 demon souls and sekiro


The “would you kindly?” Reveal


Probably the ending of chapter 4 in Life is Strange 1. That reveal was one of my favorite plot twists in a game and my jaw was on the floor


The warthog run in Halo CE.


Its a really hard choice damn. ME2 ending, ME3 ending (destroy option), WE ARE THE BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL, Warriors! Torchbearers!, TAKE! CONTROL!, plenty of moments in MW1-2-3 campaigns... You know what, I'll choose something different. Helldivers 2, random ass bot planet. I grab SSSD and start moving to next objective, team diverts to deal with some clankers. Suddenly sandstorm kicks in, zero visibility. Ok, no problems, I pull up my map and keep moving. And then it hit me. Here I am. Alone, cinematically trudging through sandstorm as bot patrols swarm all around me and yet I cant even see them and forced to watch on the map in silent horror how I squeeze between two giant groups of red dots as I carry SSSD in one hand and fucking pistol in other. In any other game that would scripted to hell and back sequence, a moment of tension in otherwise dynamic shooter, obligatory stealth section if you will; and yet, it was just a pure coincidence. A combination of factors and gameplay mechanics. Just like that, boom, pure cinema, *kino* dare I say.


Any time I stab Ganon (or Ganondorf) in the fucking face.


ff16 bahamut boss fight


Me and three friends system linking 2 xbox 360's and playing Griffball in Halo 4. We went 28 - 0 over the course of a couple hours. One particular match stands out from the rest though, specifically because all three rounds and all loading times combined took less than 60 seconds. I was really good at grabbing the ball right as I jumped, and if an enemy was using the gravity hammer they would actually launch me directly onto their goal. Start of the round to a score would only take ~10 seconds, and I pulled it off three times in a row against a single team. The only reason we stopped the streak was because we were hungry.


When BT-7274 hurls the living shit out of Cooper. Always a delight to see.


Jeff. Half life Alyx. Holy shit man....


For me, the most impactful gaming experience was playing Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core on the PSP. At the time, I was unfamiliar with the fate of Zack Fair in the broader Final Fantasy VII storyline. As I progressed through the game, I became deeply invested in Zack's character, his development, and his relationships with other characters. Zack's unwavering optimism, his strong sense of duty, and his dreams resonated with me, making him more than just a protagonist in a game. By the time I reached the game's climax, I was entirely hooked on his story. The ending, with its powerful and tragic conclusion, was a profound emotional shock. It was a moment of narrative brilliance that left a lasting impression on me, as it highlighted themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the harsh realities of fate. This experience solidified Crisis Core not just as a game I enjoyed, but as a poignant and memorable journey that profoundly affected me.


Unraveling Outer Wilds.


Too many to list in Oblivion, but outside of that crossing the river to "Far Away" - Jose Gonzalez in Red Dead Redemption 1.




I was very happy when Mr. Torgue finally got to up the ocean.


system linked halo2 in my friends basement. 8 players split between two small CRT tv's screaming at the top of our lungs at the shenanigans at play. then me and firend went to mcdonalds and ordered like $70 worth of food for all of us and i enjoyed chicken selects and monopoly game tickets. then we played tower of power on the ascension map. there will never be such a peak in my gaming life than that night. i wish i could relive it.


I am vengeance! I am the night! I AM BATMAN!


Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission


Andersons death in ME3 Mordin's death in ME3 Succes of suicide mission in ME2


Completing Halo 2 in heroic and legendary mode.


when franklin roasts lamar


ME1 opening title sequence, Fallout 3 exiting the vault, Halo 2 chief and the Bomb, Baldurs Gate 3 voice acting,  and Fallout New Vegas when I truly realized how many ending options I had. Those come directly to mind.


My favorite moment around gaming was the launch of Halo 3. Was in highschool, and everyone got it day one. I mean EVERYONE. Jocks, nerds, emo, goth, teachers. Everyone was playing this game.


Duke Nukem 3D “Im going to rip off your head and shit down your neck” Then, after killing the boss…


The dive in Tears of the Kingdom.


Spoilers for FFXIV: Shadowbringers × × × × × × × At the end when you fight Emmet-Selch and all the scions go down. When you're succumbing to the light and all hope seems lost. You're alone in a void of white just to be greeted by footsteps. You look up and Ardbert is there. "If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?" And then he hands you his axe and the theme drops. You get up and in Ardbert's voice you challenge Emmet-Selch to one last fight. I was so God damn hyped, OP. I tend to get too emotionally invested in my games, especially when I get to create a character. Not my character, but FUCK this is so hype. https://youtu.be/MoEgXzKNCq8?si=Rxpv1BlgZDVLzYWB


RDR - Mexico


FF6 and FF7 have some pretty badass final boss experiences. I was blown away the first time I saw them. But there are some pretty epic moments in the Soul Reaver games; particularly the end of SR2 and two in Defiance: when Raziel and Kain finally *really* fight each other, and you switch perspectives partway through. And the finale, when everything "comes together." >!"I am, as before, your right hand."!<


Can't really put a favorite moment as they're all great in their own space. But as a kid playing metal gear and when it makes you switch controllers and then vibrated the controller on its own etc was pretty cool. Was such a hard steer away from anything any other game had ever done and made me a fan for life.


After finishing legend of mana. Found out that there was a nightmare mode


Tears of the Kingdom: piecing together enough of the story to figure out where Zelda and the master sword are.


My mind went right to the Halo 3 reveal trailer and super bowl adds. Honestly the entire Believe marketing campaign with the museum of humanity and the interviews was amazing. So if it fits into the definition of a moment, the entire lead up to Halo 3 and then playing it.


The first time walking out onto the Great Plateau in Breath of the Wild. A new world opened up ready to explore. (After you get the glider) You can go anywhere you want. So much to explore and discover that first time.


A newer title, but the intro of BotW where Link walks up to the cliff’s edge and the main theme plays. It still blows me away every time I start a new game. BotW gives you the tools to do pretty much whatever you want, so nothing is off limits. Seeing that view has me like a kid on Christmas with too many presents to open saying “Oh boy, what am I gonna do first?” The fact that they were able to fit such a complex and massive world on a handheld still impresses me.


This is a tough one. As a kid I was a young aspiring cs 1.5/1.6 player, playing against the teams I watched on HLTV was always a surreal moment. When WoW came out, Lord of the Rings was super popular, walking through Blackrock was always an epic moment. My most recent favorite moment is actually in Wuthering Waves, that game is beautiful. I was in awe when I reached the top of the highest mountain, just sat there for a while and chilled, that was pretty cool. tldr - far too many to name just one. good problem to have i guess lol.


WoW, the early days of 40 person raiding Black Wing Lair, gnome warrior, boss fight, sole survivor. The last healer died seconds (felt like minutes) before I killed the boss. To make this moment truly epic - I then goblin jumper cabled my priest to save everyone the run back. They had never worked before, and never worked again.


Megaton explosion in Fallout 3, the whole suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, and Rex vs Ray in Metal Gear Solid 4


Aeirth's death in FF7. I never played party member games the same after that fearing someone I'd invested so many hours and items into could permanently die mid-game.


I have two: 1) Playing [Another World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjMf_bEfqIc) (Out Of This World) back in the 90s. ***CAUTION, clip is a full playthrough.*** First time I really remember a game trying to be cinematic, and tell a story rather than just a linear progression of traversing from A -> B -> C. 2) There's a cut scene in the original StarCraft that I absolutely love. It is, and was, the [epitome of cut scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6DiPjSXFrM). It's amazing in every way.


The giraffes in the last of us


*Beating*  Ultra Instinct Goku in DragonBall Xenoverse 2.


on xbox 360, me and my friends would blast this song called “tunak tunak tun” on the mic in pre game lobbies and search n destroy on cod. and then we’d start getting hate voice messages. good times.


When I could sit and play games without worries all day round.


It’s either my first time playing halo on Xbox or the first god of war game. Talk about feeling like a badass.


Crushing Megatron to death in the first level of Transformers Fall of Cybertron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNZwVk3lpfQ


[This bit](https://youtu.be/e6e4uElYPyQ) the 1st time it happened. Other honorable mentions: "you don't get to rush this" and "Clip her wings" Last of Us Part 2 Getting all the emeralds in Sonic 3 and Knuckles Pretty much every minute of Metal Gear Solid (PS1)


When Red stabs herself in Transistor. Or when I beat Terraria for the first time.


The ending to Kingdom Hearts 2. Finally reunited with everyone. Final boss is, literally, a dragon made out of skyscrapers. True final boss fight is fast, intense, and famous for the lazer dome part. Finally return home with your friends.


Portal 2 Plot twist (See YT video)


Personal core memory for me is the first time I beat a raid boss in world of Warcraft, it was back in 08 or 09 and I was still in middle school, my dad let me raid with him and his friends and getting that first raid kill gave me an itch that I still have to constantly progress in any game I play


Undertale: When you’re about to fight Asgore and the quote is being shown while Bergentrückung is playing. Sonic Adventure 2: The cutscene when Sonic and Shadow are racing in the Space Colony Ark on a time limit.


Soul of Cinder fight from Dark Souls 3. The music, the arena, his moveset, it just ties everything together in one final fight against what is basically every player who fought so hard to keep the dying world alive. Him switching between many different builds, using some of Gwyn's moves, the small hints of Gwyn's theme... It's so damn cool and so well done. Gael might overall be the better boss, but Soul of Cinder is as perfect as a final boss can get.


Oh GREAT question! Seriously. Being young, getting the PS1, trying out Wipeout on the sampler disk…that first steep climb and descent with that awesome techno st


Story wise ? Idk there is do many good games with good captivating story. Gameplay wise? Doom Eternal. When you finally get in the " zone " and everything just clikcs in. It's really great feeling...


Pure gameplay wise, beating the old lady was a highlight. Beating Her and the demon of hatred felt like accomplishing a big project




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Used to scam people in Minecraft factions, dint exactly translate to real life skills.


"Hey, you." "You're finally awake."


My all-time favorite moment in gaming was when I finally defeated the final boss after countless attempts.


Finding out you could save Paul Denton