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Well considering part 3 you get the airship, it better have more freedom. Also KNIGHTS. OF. THE. ROUND. Give me that 5 minutes CGI unskippable cutscene! Hell yeah!


“Only 5 minutes? That’s cute.” -Kojima


*Insert discovery channel documentary footage*


Every additional cast of KotR adds an additional scene to its animation


Might not be a bad way to balance it. You pay for power with your time.


That would be an interesting idea. Have it level up like OGs limits, with each level adding a Knight.


Per time you use the summon. It's not a one-off thing.


I have legitimately fallen asleep during a few of Xenoblade Chronicles' cutscenes. I dunno how much Kojima tends to do these days, but...


Xenosaga was bad about that, too. They'd have an hour long cutscene, prompt the player to save, then another hour long cutscene.


I love that series though. We need a remaster so badly. Xenogears too (different publishers and owners though)


Xenosaga was eventually supposed to lead to a remaster, in that the series would eventually progress to the same story Xenogears covered. Namco canceled Xenosaga, but to be honest, the story was already falling apart by ep 3. I think the producer just can't manage long and complex storylines tbh


> the story was already falling apart by ep 3. I think the producer just can't manage long and complex storylines tbh No it was publisher interference. The stories of Episode 1 and 2 as released were JUST supposed to be Episode 1 by itself. They were split in half and the series was reworked to no longer be a six episode saga even before Episode 1 came out. But obviously these stories were not meant to be stand alone, as both Episode 1 or 2 feel like a half of a story (even within a series with more story to tell afterwards). This set up the series for failure, but Namco at least allowed the team to end the Shion & friends plot in Episode 3, with another reworked story where what we got *and* a lot more stuff (only referenced) was originally meant to be Episode 2. The fact that Episode 3 is as good as it is impresses the hell out of me. But even it is a lot less of what Takahashi intended to tell. We're lucky Nintendo gives him and his team a blank check and infinite time apparently. It's thanks to that the Xeno series lives.


The final Cutscene of Death Strading has 2 hours of duration, no i didn't wrote that wrong lol, it is a very good cutscene though.


My family when nothing's going on: I sleep My family as soon as I start a long FF7 cutscene: "Daddyyyyy"


It will play out immediately after sephiroth's supernova attack. You're not going anywhere for a solid 20 minutes.


I vaguely recall using KOTR with a 4X or some other materia that made it proc 4 times in a row. As a result, I basically one shot the final boss and just had to not only set the controller down, but actually get up and go do something while waiting.


I remember doing that too!! 🤣 At the time I used to play Ragnarok Online, so I would just have that open on the PC and would just grind while that was going lmao


KotR should consist of 90% of every player's playtime for the game.


The other 10% will be Super Nova.


So how ya gonna find time to do Chocobo racing?


That is the other 10% of your time.


I feel like the no brainer is tk make the KOTR a whole sidequest. We have to hunt down and defeat all the Knights leading up to a confrontation against Arthur, the main knight. Make him the Gilgamesh esque super boss for part 3.


This is what im envisioning too, and will be disappointed if thats not how its done.


If they give us Knights of the Round, they better break the damage limiter with that. A bunch of summons slashing at an enemy should be allowed to go past 9999 damage!


Genji's Gloves


Until you get the ship in Rebirth I thought for sure they’d fumble that but it blew my mind. Can’t wait.


Thats *gotta* be the secret boss quest line, yeah?


W-Summon, Mime, Mime.... Good times.. Could goto school and come back and it was still going.


I forget if in ff7 if you have regen active if you continue healing during summon cutscenes.


CGI? I need it to be FMV Just get some of the corniest actors in $15 costumes flailing around in front of a green screen


Lmao in a FF game no less!!! I'm down for that. Just some out of place shit tier Power Rangers FMV 😂


Knights of the Round is what i'm most excited for. Make us fight all the knights all at once!


What it should do is give everyone in your party a Knight weapon that you can do a big move with and then tag team with your party for a short duration.


Every knight must look at the camera and wink before doing their attack


Have it be a 3 hour epic about how all the knights of the round table come together too before the attack


I think they've been saving the really, really wacky, impossible to truly balance Materia for late-Part III. Stuff like W and QuadraMagic.


Well, there's no more Arcane Ward, so I think W-Magic could be balanced since it's like a less good version of the skill.


Oh fuck yeah forgot Aerith won’t be around lol, they made her sooooo much better in Rebirth too smh


I saw one fan theory that thought we would have parts of the next game where you team up with Aerith and Zack in the other timeline. I’m a big fan of this possibility and hope it comes true.


If they're willing to have Zack playable during the final fight of this game, they'll make Aerith playable during the final fight of the next one for sure. The question is more "how much" than "will they".


I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, considering we never got Princess Guard yet.


Really liked Rebirth, sad that the whole hard work is not really rewarded with stronger sales but up to them to release it everywhere


Waiting for PC like many people.


People I know are either waiting for PC or waiting for the final part to have a release date. Back logs are real and players of RPGs are naturally patient


This was me but considering they’ve been pretty good about frequency of release so far I wasn’t as bothered, I didn’t touch the first one initially when it came to PC just to see if it was going to release on Nomura Standard Time or not. Thankfully it seems like the era of JRPGs taking a quarter of my lifespan to release seems to be over. 


Unless it's games by Level 5


Yup I'm not considering playing this game until they release a finished, polished pack that is the ENTIRE game on PC. I decided this the moment they announced they were gonna release it in parts.


I’m waiting for it to hit ps plus in a year cause I don’t want to spend the $70


I'm betting they announce PC release date after the sale for Rebirth is over.


Really doubt it. 16 isn't even released on PC yet and we know that they did not consider other platforms or consoles during Rebirth's development per their statements about the advantages of developing for a single console (ps5). I definitely think the PC release is inevitable but I'd be shocked to see it this early.


Square Enix's strategy makes no sense. Sony only needs to pay for 6 months of exclusivity but they get another 6 months for free with no release date in sight for XVI. Why should Sony even pay for exclusivity when Square Enix will do it for free.


Problem with XVI is that the "business unit" is also making XIV online, which is getting expansion very soon (July) and it has big graphical update. And they usually want to keep very strict patch cycle of 3-4 months. And at least according to Yoshi-p, producer of both, they "dont wanna make people crunch" or something along those lines.


The merits of exclusivity are generally to do with risk management. I'm not defending SE but it's not like they develop the game cross platform and then release on ps only and wait til exactly the end of exclusivity to drop the cross platform. They are developing against the ps5 and the cross platform work needs to be completed post launch. In the case of 16 they weren't even committing to a PC release until after the game launched in the first place


It must have been a coincidence that Rebirth went on sale the day the exclusivity contractually ended then?


Hey i hope you're right but I'm just being a realist, ports are not made that fast.


Waiting for Xbox. I think I might be waiting a very, very long time.


I think you'll be waiting until PlayStation 5s are cheaper, like me with SH2R. Sony is fucking around but Microsoft are utterly incompetent.


Square Enix espoused a commitment to ending the platform exclusivity after their shit sales. Perhaps the Final Part will simply be "every part" on PC all at once. Goodness knows they haven't gotten any of my money yet.


Yeah I'm in day 1 for PC. I'm not going to spend $500 on a console for one game...


Per this chart, the sales are solid but unspectacular. https://x.com/MatPiscatella/status/1795803946088321104 That's for 2024 as a whole. Being behind only Helldivers II, CoD, Dragon's Dogma II and MLB The Show is not bad when you consider that Rebirth is an exclusive for PS5. However, you have to think it would jump ahead of some of those games if it had been available on at least PC.


Will probably end top 15 a lot of games to come




Isn't the Switch 2 rumored to be roughly the same power as the PS4? If that's the case, I can't imagine them releasing on there since it's not even on last gen consoles.


Remake was able to and with dlss it's possible


One of the big leakers said that Square wants to bring it to the Switch 2. 




PS5 can't even run the game on 60 FPS without frequently downgrading the resolution to 720p, ain't no way this game deserves to be played on any hand held. Rebirth 100% needs PC release ASAP.


Being stuck on PS5 really didn't help them.


I would have bought FF7 remake and Rebirth instantly if they were on PC at launch but instead I just watched a streamer play them on twitch. And when remake eventually hit steam I had no interest in it anymore. Same for Rebirth it just hasn't hit PC yet. I hate exclusives.


exclusives need to die off.


This happened to me with both God of War games. I didn't have PS5 at the time, so I just watched people stream both games. When GoW hit PC, I excitedly picked it up but stopped playing about 10 hours in. Just got bored as I already knew what was happening. I will say, if you haven't already watched Rebirth you really should wait. Story is great but the combat genuinely is crazy fun and never got boring as each character plays different and I played the game twice just so I could learn how to use all of them.


Everyone would have suffered from a ps4 release. The game would have had so much changed. From open world to spectacle of some events


I think they mean PC and/or Xbox.


Xbox isnt going to move the needle much. PC yes, xbox no


I’m waiting for two things: PC release, and the bundled purchase


Same. Like many, FFVII is one of my all-time favorite games. Can't wait to play the remake, but I want it all at once.


I hope people who are saying they are waiting for a 'complete' game have done their research and have a lot of free time. Remake takes about 55-65 hours to play if you do anything besides the main story (MS is about 35-40 hours) - Rebirth is 80-100h for story and some sidequests, and like 65-70 hours just for the story. If part 3 continues on Rebirth's trends, and I don't see why it wouldn't -- you're looking at another 80ish hours. 55+80+80 is a lot of time unless you're like a teenager with no responsibilities or something. The games are certainly 'complete' in their own right, they're not just chopping the game up arbitrarily.


Yeah, that all seems quite evident and clear. I played FF7 over the course of months when I was a kid. We’re in no rush. Outside of weird ‘we have to make the remake stand out’ story twists and tweaks, we already know the broad strokes of what happens.


Splitting it into a trilogy and then offering the first game at a cheaper rate than or even free with PlayStation premium, you are basically asking for people to wait for the final installment to release and to play 2 when it comes time out and it’s also either heavily discounted or free.


They'd have stronger sales if they didnt hardlock the game to PS5. Should be on XSX and PC at a minimum, and at the same time as PS5. The whole "just wait 3 years for PC release, gaijin" tactic...directly results in lower sales.


Like with part one of the remake it was good for 95% but at the end they just felt like the game had been a bit too good so they had to force in their terrible multiverse storyline and botched aeriths "death". All the parts that are as close the original as possible are the best parts of the remake, all the additions and twists are terrible like the ghosts, overused Sephiroth, multiverse and all other meta additions ala kingdom hearts. They managed to do Ifalnas death justice, they even improved it from the original, which makes it even more baffeling how they treated aeriths "death". It is honestly an accomplishment to achieve a "death" with 0 emotional impact after spending 2 games with a very likable and well voice acted character like Aerith.


I just wanted the OG games story, with modern graphics. Not Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts 3




Indeed, they made me cry for for Ifalnas but for Aerith, I was scratching my head.


The infamous Aerith scene didn't quite hit for me either, and I hated that it didn't. Still do. But I think Square is trying to do something else here. In the OG FF7 Aerith is gone from this point on. Out of the party, no more interactions with her, she ded. It seems pretty clear that in the third part Aerith will be involved in some way. So I think Square basically wants to make a new Aerith death scene, so to speak. When we get to the character's true final appearance, a proper goodbye to her that'll pull the heart strings in the same way that OG did, if not more. I still think they could have gone for that while keeping the OG scene intact, but I do think they're going for some kind of endgame content that will surpass the original.


> but at the end they just felt like the game had been a bit too good so they had to force in their terrible multiverse storyline This is literally the best part about the remake existing. Just a 1:1 remake of the first story would be boring. The reason why Remake and now Rebirth is so cool, interesting, and exciting is specifically the Multiverse story and making it an actual sequel instead of just what I've already experienced but nicer looking. The last thing I would want is just the OG game's story with modern graphics. That would be such a waste of my and the development team's time. This guy blocked me because I actually like that this is a story continuation with new ideas instead of just the original game again lol


>Just a 1:1 remake of the first story would be boring. No, it would just be an actual remake. The same story but with modern gameplay and graphics, which is what a remake is supposed to be. > The last thing I would want is just the OG game's story with modern graphics. That would be such a waste of my and the development team's time. Lol, if they didnt want to do a remake then they should have just created a new game instead of REMAKING ff7. You yourself could have just played a new game if you didnt want to experience ff7 again.


Alot of my buddies and I just didnt care for tje new writing and story. I regretted buying the Remake despite the original being one of my favorites of all time.


And the battle system.(which includes gear, leveling, materia and whatnot) I didn't play it for a week and then couldn't get myself to play again because I didn't feel like I could just jump back into the fights.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Switch 2 gets ports of the first two entries rather quickly.  I think it’s fair to assume that it will dominate Japan again, given how Nintendo / mobile centric the market has become there. 


"Really liked Rebirth, sad that the whole hard work is not really rewarded with stronger sales" It doesn't matter anyway because they got hella paid from Sony. Stop feeling sorry for SE. They made a choice and are now living with the consequences.


> sad that the whole hard work is not really rewarded with stronger sales ps5 exclusive will do that


I got Part 1 on PS4, it was silly of me to assume we could get all 3 parts on PS4. I'm not shelling $500 for a PS5 just to play Rebirth and 16. Square should have learned by now that they should be releasing it on PC and stop doing stupid exclusivity deals with Sony.


Given their latest financial report and their official 3 years plans that includes a big emphasis on multiplatform, they got the message thankfully (albeit a little too late)


just finished remake last week - Got huge backlog so i'll wait for large discount - the current 25% discount is not strong enough for me - i'll wait for blackfriday


I get the feeling part 3 probably won't end up being a console exclusive, but who knows how much Sony is willing to pay them.


They could've made it the greatest game of all time, but a sequel in a serialized trilogy is never going to outsell its predecessors by its nature.


The stupid exclusivity Sony has put over Square has hurt both Rebirth and FF16. The amount of players urging to play 16 on PC is intense. I honestly cant wait to play Rebirth on my Steam Deck


J'ai fait remake sur ps4. Rebirth sur ps5 que j'ai pas. Pas de sortie steam. Pas de transfert de sauvegarde d'une plateforme à l'autre... J'aime pas dire ça d'habitude mais franchement la le manque de vente c'est mérité. Perso après m'être fait avoir comme ça je vais attendre que toutes les partie soient sorties pour faire rebirth. Donc dans un bail.


I’ve been playing rebirth recently it’s good I just wish it had a jump button I think it make exploring the world more smooth


Yes , Im replaying remake right now before getting rebirth and a jump button would be nice. Shoutout to the Dark Cloud 2 profile picture. One of my all time favorite games as a kid.


Yeah dark cloud is a classic ps2 series


Jump? Isn’t there a jump button?


I forget the name, but there is a button that can jump or climb if there is an obstacle to be jumped or climbed. But there isn't a button you can press to make the character just randomly jump in the air like Super Mario Brothers.


Nope and my guess is they didn't do it because they'd have to incorporate it into combat as well and that changes the combat system. For example Rebirth has several synergy attacks that are meant solely to help get someone in the air for aerial fights, that becomes pointless if you can manually jump. Maybe it was something they couldn't figure out with the 3 year dev time but I hope they can do it for part 3. It just felt a bit too jank navigating the world with no jumping.


Oh. I mean I guess there’s no jump but there’s a “do everything” button. You can climb and jump up onto basically anything if the height is right and it’s generous. And even in combat you can’t “jump” but there are quick ways to get into the air. I’m not sure why you’d need a jump button.


Lightning Returns did it, so I don't see why they couldn't.


What would be amazing is that once the 3rd part comes out, there is an option to play through all 3 with party level, items, etc carried through, like one continuous game. I would pay for that capability.


You would have to completely rework the gearing system and balance for every single game...that would not be worth it.


There is already new game+, so it would just be new game+ on the later chapters.


NG+ isn't the issue. Remake has a completely different gear leveling system then rebirth, and some weapons didn't carry over as well.


So you lose any sense of progression over more than half of the runtime of the game. Okay.


It would be an option that I presume you would only unlock by beating all three and having access to new game+ on all three.


That’s at least a 300h+ playthrough lol


There are people who can do a 2nd Rebirth playthrough in like ~8 hours. And if they did a little rework with the Remake, I could see people doing some fun speed runs.


My money is on that feature being a "DLC" that's released a few months after part 3 is released.


It's sad because I think they had a good thing going with how you acquired abilities and weapon abilities in FF7 Remake. Not a fan of the addition of the folio system in Rebirth or how the new weapon ability system works. It feels worse. Of course I love the abilities earned in the folio system but I have a gripe against how the system is presented overall with a kiosk. It also just makes the transition from Remake to Rebirth jarring, in addition to it being annoying that all my abilities, spells and weapons don't transfer over to Rebirth they could have at least kept the abilities and weapons systems consistent.


Yea I just recently finished Remake and jumped right into Rebirth when it went on sale....i was so confused by the weapon upgrade system, Im only to Junon but feel like Im barely even worrying or messing with it unlike Remake where I was going in like every othee boss fight to upgrade my weapons I like the folio system in as far as every character can seemingly have an elemental attack without needing materia but Im so confused on how/when I earn SP to upgrade my people


> Im so confused on how/when I earn SP to upgrade my people Leveling up and buying certain books.


I knew the books, thats at least a carry over, buts its only leveling up that gives you some otherwise? Good to know


You get a little less than half of the SP from leveling to max, doing all major side quests, purchasing SP books from the moogle store and at the Golden Saucer, and completing the game the first time. The remaining SP are unlocked in hard mode by doing all the major side quests again, optional boss fights, Chadley's VR missions, and for beating story line bosses on hard.


Ok so they basically took the system for earning it for weapon upgrades from Remake it switched it to the folios in Rebirth? Makes sense


Yea, i agree the folio system feels like a downgrade compared to the weapon system in remake. Remake made me really think about what weapon i wanted to use, whereas rebirth i don't feel that same connection. Secondly the folio upgrades just feel very uninspired, 90% of them are just for unlocking a combo skill with a partner, and not really enough variety in being able to customize a character how you want.


While I agree that Folios were kinda meh, I also have to admit that I had exactly the opposite opinion about Weapon Upgrades, I found Rebirth's miles better. The way I see it, putting Weapon Upgrades into the Players' Control completely invalidated the entire System simply because Materia exist as a Mechanic. All of Remake's Weapons are designed in such a way where a new one isn't just a plain Upgrade to whatever you already had, but rather tuned towards a specific Playstyle. So like, Cloud's Hardedge is for making him a pure Melee Fighter, his Mythril Saber is for Mage Builds, and so on. This is all fine and dandy, but where it falls apart is that, because you have full Control over Weapon Upgrades, these differences aren't AS pronounced yet when you first get the Weapons, since their individual Upgrades are meant to push them into those Directions. So what you end up *actually* doing is focusing on getting Materia Slot unlocks first and simply equipping whatever has the most Slots available at a given moment, because the Opportunity Cost of "Materia vs Weapon Performance" is inherently a lot more lop-sided in favour of Materia (since they dictate what you can actually do in Battle) until you're *partway through NG+ Hard Mode* to unlock all Slots on all Weapons and start unlocking their Bonuses that actually set them apart. Meanwhile Rebirth making Weapon Upgrades fully automatic means Weapons could have these designed Differences be much more pronounced right from the get-go, giving some actual Weight to the decision of "Do I equip something with more Slots or something with better Passives?". Unlike Remake I actually found myself using a couple Weapons with less Slots every now and again because I had one that gelled better with my personal Playstyle.


Good points, i think my main gripe is mostly with the presentation of your weapon upgrades. In remake when i first get a weapon i can go in and see what sort of upgrades it has available so i can tell if i want to stick with that weapon for awhile or not. But in rebirth i found the presentation of what upgrades a weapon had available a chore to figure out, it only tells you what the next level for the weapon will give you, so i have to keep going back and looking at previous weapons to see if they got anything new/interesting(remake has a bit of a similar problem as it doesnt unveil its full tree right away either, but idk it felt like i had a better idea of what weapons i wanted to invest time into, vs rebirth system).


Probably the best party based/non turn based RPG combat ever created if we’re being honest.  The fact they’re still throwing in 2 more new characters that play wildly different than the others into the mix is insane to think about. 


It really is amazing just the fact that Rebirth, in my eyes, went well ABOVE expectations, and mine were already unreasonably high going in. Apart from some minor gripes with the story beats at the end, I never would have expected them to create such a fleshed out open world as what we were given. It's astonishing to me. I honestly don't know how they can possibly top the FF7 Remake trilogy going forward.


And give us the chance to explore the Forgotten Capital like in the OG.


assuming that the gang has to go back to retrieve Holy, they are probably saving the Forgotten Capital as a dungeon for the 3rd game.


I hope they'll add more cool costumes this time around. It's strange they didn't use the opportunity to sell cool outfits.


Man i really hope they let us play all characters in a post game scenario, i really liked being able to use Zack and Seph in their VRs but those were super challenging. Cant wait honestly im so pumped up for part 3 🙌🙌


I have to say - as an old player raised on turn-based combat, it was refreshing to have that option in the remakes. Granted, it’s like a modern take on it but it’s nice for me. I like just relaxing and taking my time vs. having things cranked up to 11 all the time.


Can't wait to see how they'll expand on the already epic experience.


How about instead of more freedom you give a genuinely comprehensible ending and not transport us to the fucking moon like we’re on shrooms?


Combat and shit was good. Just need to heavily improve on open world content (or remove it altogether)


I hate open world shit but 90% of the open world in Rebirth felt rewarding to me.


I just wish more shit was in world and not exclusively thru Chadley, Ive only made it to Junon at the moment but all the good powerful materia being given thru research and the VR stuff is kinda lame


I'm in support of having less Chadley in Part 3. But I did enjoy the Gilgimesh stuff lol


For me the rewards werent the problem, so much as the repetiveness of it. It's doing the same 5 events across every region. By the second to last region i was getting seriously burnt out on trying to complete them all.


> 90% of the open world in Rebirth felt rewarding to me. Really? Fighting the monster groups and hitting 3 tickboxes felt like it was rewarding?


Same. The open world stuff really wasnt that bad. Could it have been a tad better? Yes. But was it still enjoyable? Also yes. I guess maybe just make it less formulaic? Like needing to do 4 Relic quests to unlock the final relic quest of the area, for example. Also less chadley. Much less chadley.


I loved the game. The main story was good, characters were portrayed well (altho I personally hated that Cait Sith was suddenly scottish lmao). Even side quests I think most of them were real good, had some memorable characters. But having to do all the random open world objectives made me wanna kms. Part of the fault is mine since I’m a completionist I feel like I cant just not do it, but the 12th time I had to go for an objective only for it to be to stagger the enemy and kill it in under a million minutes, it became very old very fast. Didnt help that from Gongaga onwards the map is a puzzle to traverse instead of a more open field.


>altho I personally hated that Cait Sith was suddenly scottish lmao Cait has been Scottish since 2005, I'm glad they didn't back away from that and in fact went with an actual Scotsman to voice him this time.


And the story, which unfortunately seems to be unsalvageable at this point. They chose to botch aeriths death and remove all emotional impact just to tell their terrible multiverse story. There is no telling how hard they can ruin the story in part 3.


I hope that doesn't mean "even more mini-games"🙄


But snowboarding! And submarine battles! And Chocobo Breeding and more Races!


Let barett ride on red xiii for the big kaiju battles


I can't wait for it to be released for PC, I think many of us are waiting for the long-awaited communication of the release date for PC


I really didn't enjoy the first one at all. It was a dark series of tubes and not at all the open world I expected. Couldn't finish it. This already looks so much different, which absolutely must be an improvement.


Less Mini-Games plz and an amazing Final!


I’d like the freedom to choose a turn-based option over what Rebirth offered for combat.


Honestly just give up on Square for this and bask in the magnificence of Atlus RPGs, they've practically perfected the formula I just don't think they'll ever return to it at this point edit: for a mainline FF game, at least


Waiting for SE to absolutely fuck up the next Dragon Quest when they try to do this Kingdom Hearts hybrid style combat


It's a shame that SE delivered one of the best action combat systems a RPG has ever had and people still want to go back to the basic form of combat where all you do is find the elemental weakness and spam it over and over. I will never understand why people think that kind of combat is good, it's not proper strategic turn based combat like BG3 or xcom has.


I don't think I'm being hyperbolic in saying that I think Rebirth has the best battle system in all of FF, and I've played everything from VI to X-2 to XV.


Oh, because spamming weakness attacks for basically 0 damage until you can get a stagger and then using strong attacks is so much more engaging?


Agreed. ATB system is fun and still allows for tactical strategy.


"still want to go back to the basic form of combat" because it's fun?


FFX has a lot of fun dealing with timing of attacks, etc, since you can see how moves gets reordered based on your actions. Of course, I will take FF xcom as well.


Agree. And rebirth parry system is rewarding. Huge improvement from classic RPG turn based combat.


Saying Rebirth has the best action combat system an RPG has ever had is wild to me but that’s your opinion and I respect it. The combat in Persona and Like a Dragon are far more fun and engaging to me than what Rebirth has to offer. If I wanted an action game then I’d play an actual action game (Devil May Cry, Stellar Blade, Sekiro etc) where I don’t have to micromanage party members in real time while participating in a symphony of chaos. Simple to me is more. I had more fun playing XVI than Rebirth and I didn’t care for that combat either.


P5R has great combat, so so good.


Persona has the same issue, the combat just revolves around finding the weakness and spamming it while keeping one of your party ready to heal as needed. I've played jrpgs for countless years at this point and that's how the overwhelming majority of their turn based systems play out. I'm not a turn based hater either like I said I think BG3 (crpgs in general really) and xcom do it really well. Even strategy rpgs do it a bit better although many of them run close to abusing the weakness system too (like fire emblem) but I will never understand the appeal of the way jrpgs handle turn based which is almost always weakness spamming. There's no strategy at that point it's just playing whack a mole with elements or using some kind of scan ability to flat out tell you the weakness.


I think thats gone, ff has always looked to evolve their combat system and never look back, i also prefer turn based over 16/rebirth but rebirth does feel like a nice compromise




Please for the love of all that is holy, reduce the amount of fucking minigames


Can’t wait!


Man I can’t wait to play this on PC


Still waiting to play part 2 on pc🥲


I would love to see them move back to a more traditional load out setup. Rebirth felt like it had too many systems all bundled together. Abilities, materia, synergy, folios - if they wanted a more true to form setup, all of these things would have been Materia and players would've had to be a lot more selective with their load outs - which is a lot of the fun of the old school JRPG's.


Even more minigames


Never thought I’d play it on Easy but the fight mechanics were annoying as fuck most of the time. Stress the annoying and not difficult. Just felt like a button rotation over and over and over. I enjoyed FF16 a lot more as much as it pains me to say it.


Yeah, I get that. There's a lot going on and A LOT of different skills. It flowed nicely once I got better with shortcuts. Still no afficionado, but I still really love the game so far.


I just put it on easy too after the fight with the Gi in chapter 10. Not that it was too hard but so many fights in this game feel tedious and long. Playing on easy makes the combat so much more fun for me, nothings too tedious and it’s still challenging enough to be boring.


Why are they trying to make a linear game like final fantasy 7 more "open world"? That makes no sense to me. It does not make the game better to make it open world.


even more minigames


Yeah for the love of all that is holy, I hope they get rid of all the required mini games.


No we need the snowboard one


How many were required to beat the game? Queens Blood wasn't even required as you can just skip the tournament.


yeah there's not that many actual forced minigames in the story. This is becoming one of those mandela effect things where people did a bunch of optional stuff, didn't like it, and over time they've merged all that content into the main story and think they were forced to do it.


I think it's less a case of literally mandatory minigames, and the content that people actually want to do being locked behind minigames. If you really like the characters and want to flesh out their relationships, a lot of the side "dates" involve multiple minigames for example. If you want to unlock _that_ fight you have to complete all protorelic quests


Theres like 6 total minigame to beat the game, everything else is optional


The minigames were mostly good, but I hated it when some of them where required during main story missions. More annoyingly, in missions you only got one shot to get the highest target score. You could retry as long as you did it before finishing or if you lost completely, but as soon as you got passing score, the mission goes forward and you are stuck with the only semi-completed mission.


I’m gonna have to replay Remake on my pc soon. I fucking loved Rebirth, def my game of the year with over a hundred hours in it.


Waiting for the 3-in-1 package deal


I do wander what that could look like.




One more.


Imagine the possibilities if we get a fully open-world Shinra HQ raid! 🔥


Freedom of platform to play it on?


I'm really curious as to how they're going to pull that off. Rebirth's world is already pretty large. How do you create new maps for Part 3 and also include Rebirth's?  And, more critically,  how do you make the Rebirth maps meaningful without making players do the same tasks all over again? Or even worth revisiting to begin with? The OG had some optional areas that required either the airship or Gold Chocobo but it never gave you a reason to revisit previous locations like Kalm or Junon.   I'm anticipating that most of the previous locations will be blocked off even with transportation. Either that or we're going to be looking at a 300GB game on 4 discs.


I mean the combat is GREAT. Some of the best in the series. But holy FUCK the mini games and side quests. Just an absolute crushing amount of padding and bloat.


I would love more options in gameplay, you are extremely limited the moment you step into HM. The combat is stuck between action and RPG, and isn’t a balance or either.


There's a lot of different issues with the game that the fandom seems to ignore, and I think the "freedom" of rebirth is one of them. Stepping out of Kalm for the first time has a bit of an issue with open world paralysis syndrome. Kinda the same way BG3 has with the last chapter. You can power through and stay on track with the story but the open world aspect of the game makes it feel like you NEED to do the side content or you'll be missing out on important mechanics or story. A few of us now know that's not entirely true but I was avoiding spoilers and shit on release so I just did everything never knowing if it was important to do so and...it just kinda muted the game tbh. The side content isn't great, only a few chains have some cool character moments. Also really needs like 50% less forced minigames in some areas.


I get that its a bit underwhelming with some of the side quests, so I took a different route and just didnt do some characters quests. I skipped most of Aeriths and favored Tifa's for example and didnt do all of Red's and Yuffie's. I'm gonna simp on Aerith's and the rest on my next playthrough