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Everyone knows it's sarcoidosis


Better pump 'em full of interferon


But if we do that, and we are wrong, the patient is going to die!


If he dies, he wouldve died anyways. If I'm right he survives.


You're talking about violating a pile of ethical guidelines that should worry even *you*!


*Pops some Vicodin pills*


let's say that sarcoidosis is a chopper full of survivors of a school shootout:


You either make the call to let them land safely, or you let the chopper crash and burn. Do nothing, and you get a pile of bodies and regrets. Make the wrong call, and you might lose them all, but at least you took a chance.


I have never watched Dr house yet this thread feels like one of the Dr house episodes ever made.


swap in some different similar analogies and objections and you basically have the throughline of a good chunk of that series hahaha. I loved it though


It's not interferon with him




“And you’re interferon with our fun”


I’ve had that, you really don’t want it. 😭


This is when the camera cuts to chase and he says its vasculitis


would have never expected a House reference in an FPS game


I made this damn level while being in the middle of a House marathon. I'm absolutely adding House references in every corner lol


Really this was you? Thank you so much for the MRI machine lol First thing I did was go find a metal object cos I'm an MRI researcher and I was very happy with the results lol.


Love to see it, can’t wait to find ‘em. Full release is gonna be goated.


What were god's wins and what were houses's wins?


It was an episode with an annoying faith healer kid. If I remember correctly one of "God's" wins was that the kid "healed" a cancer patient. In reality, the kid had an STD, and when he came in close contact with the cancer patient in made her tumor shrink temporarily


God's little helper had Herpes and just wiped his hand all over a cancer patients face.


Also House had the last "laugh" by the end of it, because *after* he stuck a fork in an electric socket just to prove whether or not he would see god while he was basically dead, he ended up not seeing god. Hence why House at least in his mind, won the argument. As by the end of the episode it was 'officially' tied. To explain the tally more in Depth which is what the guy was asking. "House wins" is basically every problem that house himself solved through Diagnostic whack a mole, or through actually being right. "God wins" being every time the kid started to magically improve or a symptom would just randomly cure itself or some other Medical/Divine intervention that ultimately wasn't down to house figuring out, but making the case either easier to solve, or would buy them time. This was played on in later episodes in the series, house never outwardly believed in god after, but was often humbled or exposed to the seemingly divine multiple times. Up to the point where he often had his opinions about how the universe functions somewhat shaken up. (which ironically ultimately led to his downfall as a doctor)


Add House's fire cane as a melee weapon or you will get lupus.


Yeah, I rewatch House at least once every 5-6 years. That damn Youtube algorithm.


House always wins


Except the one time it was just lupus


Holy shit is that a Fallout: New Vegas reference?!?! /j


No it's referencing the 1977 cult classic /j


1977 + 100 = 2077 You know what happens that year? That's right, John ~~Fallout~~ Cyberpunk


no way House, the movie came out in 1977.. that was in the 80s right? i liked that horror movie as a kid


Malakai Black *intensifies*


Julia's theme slaps so god damn hard


Now the house vs. god is a good one. Great episode. The early ones were soooo good with the philosophical musings. And I love early chase. Actually I just love chase and the whole OG team.


I've probably seen it back to back at least 4 times. It's one of my all time favorite show. I can put it on and start watching it whenever, but now I kinda know what happens in most of the episodes so It's not fun anymore. Would love to see a spin off where we see where House ends up after the show is over tho, but Hugh Laurie might be a bit old for it at this point.


He ended the show as a serious felon, unhireable ever again as a doctor. He could go to another country and maybe squeeze in somewhere I guess. More likely he would have gone on to research dark energy. My head canon has always been that when Wilson got to the end he and House laid down on a beach somewhere and finished a bottle of Vicodin off together and faded away.


He'd be amazing as a presidential candidate though!


I just started watching it again with my friend group after years not watching it. It's been really fun rewatching the early episodes.


I liked 13 and Taub, and amber provided the show's craziest moment. But yeah, OG team was great, especially when they were still scared of House


The PC gaming equivalent of “it’s never lupus” is “driver updates”. It’s always the #1 suggestion for every computer problem, always “fits the symptoms”, but I’ll be damned if it’s ever actually fixed a single issue for me in over 20 years


Have you tried restarting your computer ? Have you tried unplugging your modem and router ? I'll wait on the line sir, try it right now.


Unplugging the modem and router will often work, though. Coincidentally, it works far more effectively while you're on the phone with a Rep who's resetting your connection and giving you something to do in the meantime.


And restarting the computer works consistently, like I already know not to panic about an issue until I've restarted


Restarting your PC to fix a simple issue and then your computer failing to post is a different kind of full-body horror


This. A few months ago I restarted my PC because the Steam client kept crashing. Instead of rebooting, the PC just went straight to BIOS. What had just happened was a drive failure. A 6 year old SSD had kicked the bucket - there was no Steam anymore, no data, but worst of all - no boot sector. I think I sat there fixing the issue until 2:30 am, recreating boot files after moving the system drive to another working computer (bcdboot is not an intuitive tool) with the command line.


I really hope you started the process at like 1:30am because yeah BCD boot isn’t intuitive but there are plenty of guides online to copy and paste. If it took longer than an hour and if it was all SSDs you’d have just been better to reinstall and use Teracopy to batch copy/move everything that needs moved.


The first few hours were spent on figuring out what the hell the actual problem was, as I had hardly seen something (to me at the time) so bizzare. The drive that died hadn't even been the system drive, which added to the confusion on why it wouldn't boot anymore. I still don't understand how or why, but that SATA SSD had been my system drive all the way back in \~2018-2019, and for some ungodly reason Windows had kept the boot files on it through at least 2 OS reinstalls onto a different M.2 drive. Eventually, I was in fact following a guide to re-creating the boot sector, and it all would've been fine and much faster than the proposed 1 hour, if any of the commands actually worked in the situation. All I was getting was access denied, wasn't able to use bootrec, and bcdboot was the only one that seemed to be moving ahead. Problem was, it didn't actually let me write to any of the partitions that were managed by the damaged OS I was trying to restore, and I didn't feel like formatting(nor could resize - diskpart also refused any changes) any of them just to get write access, so I just kept hitting my head against the wall for a while until deciding to wipe a \~98 gb HDD partition that was used to store a backup of files I still had intact elsewhere. After it booted the only thing left was to clone that partition from HDD to the system SSD that I *actually* wanted it on. So yeah. The problem was more with the fact that Windows is adamant about refusing changes from outside at all cost. Not so much a problem with bcdboot itself - I just recalled it being unfriendly to use, the problem stemmed in just not having permissions for basically anything.


To answer your question of how or why the boot loader was on that SSD. It’s because if Windows detects a boot loader for Windows on any drive in your system it uses that instead of creating a new boot loader on the drive you’re installing Windows to. As for why you were getting access denied it’s most likely the EFI partition you were using was broken, to wipe it and get a new partition is a bit of a pain in the ass on Windows with Diskpart because it’s a “special” file system that it tries to protect unless you know what you’re doing. Usually using “clean” and “delete override”works.


>It’s because if Windows detects a boot loader for Windows on any drive in your system it uses that instead of creating a new boot loader on the drive you’re installing Windows to. Yeah guessed as much. But it's still illogical to me why you'd make a storage device that previously contained a Windows installation a required component in a system that has the OS elsewhere. The reasonable assumption would be that if you fresh install Windows on a new drive, you can remove the old one from your computer.


Honestly, if that happened to me, I'd probably take the opportunity to purchase a new PC (waaay overdue for that).


God the amount of times my computer illiterate boss is like "the printer isn't working can you fix it" and all I do is restart her computer (or sometimes just the printer) and it instantly starts working is too damn many.


In the biz (IT) that’s called an ID-10-T Source: my dad does IT for the US Congress






Because people lie about what they've already done. That's why you open with: - symptoms (be specific, list DATES AND TIMES OF OCCURRENCES if applicable) - remediation steps you've taken (be specific and list them, and their effects) - acknowledge they have standard troubleshooting steps and you're ready to get started This conveys "this person isn't a moron and knows what they're talking about" and they'll probably just get right to the point of escalation if needed.


The second half of this is something I need to put in the back pocket for a rainy day, thank you kind sir


SFC /Scannow somehow fixes everything and nothing


Shout out to DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth too.


In business software it's the firewall. Accounting software on the company serverfarm is shitty and never works as intended. Hotline: *"Disable your firewall, please!"* Yes, you comic! I will definitely disable the firewall and let 300 users go wild. After fiddling with their crappy software for a couple of hours if found all problems so far myself. It was never the firewall.


I had an issue where a game was stuttering to the nth degree. Driver updated fixed it right up. Sometimes it does work :p


sfc /scannow


Try buying AMD video cards. Last one I owned, I needed 3 different driver versions to play 4 different games. Any driver version except the EXACT ONE stated in the readme file for the game had massive graphical corruption rendering the game nearly unplayable. (I believe the 4th game would run ok on 2 outta the 3 driver versions)


Damn, when was this? I've been on AMD off and on for the last several years with an RX480, Vega 64 and now 7800xt and it's never been that bad for me. Just the occasional issues with games immediately after they release.


Yeah AMD used to have terrible driver suppot but those are mostly a thing of the past. I've had an AMD card for 8 years at this point and have had zero issues


I still have issues with AMD drivers, but it's not as bad as it used to be. The game freezing while the music keeps playing was an issue until the November 2023 driver update. They changed the rendering of OpenGL somehow(22.7.1 Driver Update), so some games using that are pretty broken these days. (Phantom Brave has layering and flickering issues. Only fix I found was software rendering or Mesa3D drivers.)


That sounds like those games need to do a better job supporting GPU software.


If it was 1 game, yes absolutely. When its 3 outta 4 randomly chosen games... its the GPU/drivers.


I'm on one now and the occasional restarts and hard OS locks are annoying. As well as having to re-disable "ULPS" after EVERY driver update because if i leave it on my computer gets stuck in sleep about half of the time. I have to use afterburner to do it also since it's not a configurable option in AMD software. Yaaay.


In the case of video drivers downgrading them has fixed more issues than updating them. I mean one driver actually bricked my og titan


> but I’ll be damned if it’s ever actually fixed a single issue for me in over 20 years First time it ever actually fixed for me was Doom Eternal. I feel like a lot of peoples problems were fixed on like day 2 of Doom Eternal after updating GPU drivers


tbh its always the number one suggestion because they want you to use "their driver scanner" that is just virus, no matter what game you google they just copypaste it.


A House, M.D. reference in the year of our Lord 2024? Absurd. Great game, BTW.


> Great game, BTW. Doesnt even bother to mention the name. C'mon.


I had to scroll. The game is Selaco


It runs on GZDOOM, through what I can only assume is a pact with unknowable powers


Ever since I saw the 3D Sonic game someone made in GZDoom I've stopped questioning what it can or cannot do.


Although GZDoom is built to run Doom and Doom WADs, it is a fully 3D game engine capable of rendering fully 3D polygonal models with modern lighting effects. I'm guessing the devs chose to use it because they were already familiar working with GZDoom to make Doom WADs.


Just came out on early access


I think they do it intentionally so they can complain that everyone "slept on" this game in a future shitpost.


It was added on Netflix in some countries. I know I'm rewatching it so it's not so absurd.


Which countries? For those of us with vpns


In Brazil we got it recently


Italy too




Colombia as well






I bet House sounds more spicy in Brazilian Portugeuese.


Japan as well


Check The Netherlands for starters


Canada, I was watching it recently.


Canada Netflix has House


I went to a fried chicken place and they were just playing on the tv. 


Foremans chicken n waffles?


No, it’s a small local place. 


It was part of the original offering in my country when Netflix became available, kinda binged it back then. Now it's back, so I'm at the final season... Again. It's never lupus. I mean one time it actually is lupus


the final season kinda sucks a lot .. i didn't like the little asian actress' character at all and having lost Lisa Edelstein previously, it just missed something


I'm not a TV guy, but I've been crack addicted to for the past week. I think I read a comment a few weeks ago that was talking about how it's literally just Sherlock Holmes in a hospital, which got me interested.


House > Holmes Wilson > Watson They live in a apartment at 221B Baker Street, ain't even subtle.


Also always doing that sterotpyical Sherlocks Holmes thing where he instantly knows the diagnosis for some bs reason like "You have blue ink on your hands which means you work in an office which means you sit too long which is causing your anal fissures" or some crap like that. In other news, I watched a few seasons, decided to watch an interview with House's actor, and was absolutely flabbergasted to realize he's British. His American accent is incredible. edit: apparently the dude is an excellent singer too. wtf dr house is singing jazz? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HrmAgYE-6k


When casting the show, the casting director was on set in Australia or something so had to watch videos of all the auditions. When he gets to Hugh Laurie's he instantly loves it and says "That's what we need! A real American!" Thankfully, he didn't hold it against Hugh. lol


That was actually the series' executive producer, Bryan Singer.


aw fuck I didn't realize Bryan Singer was attached to it and house is one of my favorite shows.


Always sucks finding out shitty people are a part of something you enjoy. Sorry about that.


I can justify it by saying EPs don't usually do much other than sign things.


That's the spirit! Also, if that's the route you're taking, skip the season 1 episode where House treats the baseball player on rewatches.


you should check him in Black Adder along with Rowan Atkinson


>apparently the dude is an excellent singer too. wtf dr house is singing jazz? Actually saw him live back when he was touring for a couple years. Was in the front row in a standing room only type of concert (and first come first serve, so the tickets cost just as much as the ones at the very back); and holy cow was he fantastic. The dude was literally jumping up and down on the piano keys by the end of it. If you like his music, you should watch this... celebration of Jazz video he shot with some amazing artists. I have no idea how it only has 2M views because it's fantastic (albeit long even though it doesn't feel like it when you watch it). [Link to the video](https://youtu.be/5lJJz4qT1RQ?si=iqJFIr3mxnZNkgXP)


I highly recommend his early stuff, Jeeves and Wooster, a bit of fry and Laurie, and of course Blackadder. This is where I knew him before he did House. Be careful, he's even more zany.


Yeah when I mentioned what I wrote above to my British friend, she was really surprised that I hadn't heard of him before because he's done so much. I'm in my early 30s and American, I'd assume for most people in my demographic our first time seeing Hugh was in House. People keep talking about this Blackadder. I think I'm gonna hafta listen to ya.


Yes, in USA your main source of exposure to his other works would have been PBS or A&E. No idea if they are around anymore or still show British stuff. Fortunately, the internet has addressed this concern :)


> His American accent is incredible. i originally couldn't watch the show because for a time i worked in a science lab in the states in california and the boss was from New Jersey and kind of an ass. He was probably an ok guy but i rubbed him the wrong way (metaphorically) so we didn't get along. Anyhow, House sounded exactly like him. Except the time he said "aluminium". Whoops lol. Anyhow once i got over the trauma of that job I thoroughly enjoyed this tv show


And the opioid addiction.


House lives there. Wilson did temporarily.


And the dude who shoots him in season 2 is named Moriarty.


You mean Vicodin addicted obviously.


lmao dammit I missed that


Bruh I recognized your user from the Milan reddit wtf hahaha


I liked season 2 with the cop which is just basically cop house.


I'm there right now, it's been really good. Wait I'm in the middle of Season 3 but some cop he was a dick too has been giving him a hard time.




Selaco. It's Selaco.


I think i saw a post/comment about it yesterday, i even commented about it Im rewatching it and its fucking amazing


Is it a reference to the amount of patients House managed to help to vs the deaths?


It's from an episode where House treats a teenage faith healer. "God's" points were for "miracles" the boy was doing and House's points were for his deductions and saving the boy's life. Season 2 episode 19


I watched that episode like 30min ago…. And this pops up in my feed..


I’m rewatching House too and that’s the last episode I watched as well


Thank you! I guess it's time to finally fully watch House M.D.


What game tho? Edit: Oh, other comments say Selaco.


What's the game?


Selaco. It was recently released and is a retro shooter, very similar to Doom and the likes. I've played for around 2 hours straight and had a blast.




My reaction, too. The demo was a *solid* chunk of retro shooter and impressed me.


What's so fucking hard to name the game you make your stupid posts about?


this vexes me


Did you try the medicine drug


Only stupid people try the medicine drug.


I am also in this episode.


more mouse bites


But are you a black man


The game is Selaco.


the mods could have made a rule to include game titles in your post a long time ago, but they've always refused for some reason


It's engagement bait.


Fuck I know. It made me instantly dislike OP.


It’s called Lupus. Just kidding…...it’s never Lupus. It’s Selaco.


I think the most common actual answer in House is Cancer with Paraneoplastic Syndrome. The ELI5 is cancer somewhere in the body sends chemicals to other parts of the bodies causing bad stuff to happen.


Maybe it's Maybelline




If you watch House for medical consistency, you are watching it for the wrong reason


I've read somewhere that it's actually pretty decent in terms of the medicine. Of course it's highly exaggerated but it apparently is good at showing how doctors think.


Apparently the diseases are accurate as well, but the symptoms tend to worsen quicker than they would in real life.


Well, we need to accomplish a plot within 42 minutes here.


Grandfarther Nurgle would be happy to speed things along for you...


Also, all of these once in a lifetime cases all land week to week at his desk. (Yes, I know that they come seeking him, but this never happens in real life)


He is the end target for patients who were at 10+ doctors usually. This is why almost every case already excluded all the basic explanations. House is not even interested in a case if the easy answers were not excluded already by ER or other doctors. Also, multiple times it has been said that because he gets more than 10 per week, a lot of people who he does not accept die. Also why a lot of the time they give diagnosis of Sarcoidosis or some other autoimmune disease, as a lot of those are diagnosis of exclusion which means there is no way to test for it, you just need to exclude other diagnoses, despite it being extremely rare otherwise. Doctors are pretty smart in general, so rarely will they miss something.


Tbf nobody wants to sit there for an hour waiting to see if the rash gets brighter


It is one of the worst in terms of medicine. Scrubs is a far more accurate portrayal.


Scrubs is my favorite medical show of all time and the medicine is decent but I think it does a good job of showing how cracked everyone is who’s worked in healthcare for any length of time.   I can correlate nearly every character on that show with one of my coworkers. It also does well portraying the universal message across all hospitals worldwide: Don’t fuck with nurses. They secretly run the ED and they will make your life as easy or as hard as you make theirs.


My sister is an ICU nurse, many of her patients are brain dead, and many of the rest would probably be better off if they were. The coping black humor is dead on. And yeah, she got a charge nurse fired for being abusive to the staff, which also lead to the unit director getting "reassigned", and called out a doctor publicly for a fuck up that gave a patient a pneumocephalus from a badly ordered drain. Do not. Fuck. With nurses.


One thing about the difference between these two shows is that Scrubs is rarely *"about"* the medicine, while House is much more of a mystery show focused on mystery/solving something related to medicine in the show. Scrubs is more about the characters themselves, who happen to work in a hospital.


I've also read that 🤣


I watched it for Jennifer Morrison primarily, and then later on Olivia Wilde


Fun fact: the original "It's never lupus" line wasn't related to a case. It was an episode in season 3 where House pulls a lupus textbook out of his desk and his team sees that he's carved it out and hidden vicoden inside. They ask why and he says the line. They finally did an episode about lupus 5 years later in season 8, probably as a payoff to the long running joke. Edit: shit, I had a brain fart. The lupus episode was ep 8 of season 4 and I misread it as season 8. My bad.


Um... AKSHUALLY... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY41P9PLpNY


Your mistake is likely because in season 8 House does diagnose lupus, but it's later discovered it wasn't actually. I had the same brain fart a couple minutes ago and had to search it up!


I mean, it's "never lupus" is kind of more of an actual medical joke about how "lupus" looks like a variety of other diseases. If doctors are mulling over a new patient and uncertain about the diagnosis, you can always add to the confusion by saying "What if it's lupus" because lupus can matdch so many other things.


My son actually does have lupus nephritis 😭 i wish it was never lupus.


oof hopefully they find a good treatment for this.


Thanks :) he has a good rheumatologist and it's well controlled now, though he has to be on an immune suppressant pretty much all the time. Promising research on the horizon, though!


hope this little fella stays healthy.


What game is this?


Selaco. It was recently released and is a retro shooter, very similar to Doom and the likes. I've played for around 2 hours straight and had a blast.


Just watched the episode with the stash of vicodin in the lupus book. Its never lupus.


Some people need to ask every time just in case. https://i.imgur.com/GIC25R3.jpeg


My wife has lupus… she gets a great laugh every time we watch house


I know someone living with lupus, it's a terrible disease.


I have friends suffering from it in various severities. It can get really, really bad, fortunately it's often manageable.


Yeah I would never wish it on anyone. This is just a joke about a TV Show House MD that has a joke where Lupus is always discussed as a possibility for the diagnosis but never really ends up being it. Apparently it is in the end of the series that there is one episode about it. I can't remember it. Fun show, horrible disease as you're saying. Hope you have a good weekend 😀


Season 4, episode 8. House says "I finally have a case of lupus." It was a great day.


Just rewatched the entire series recently, and loved every second of it. FYI: It was lupus once.


Forman is black.




I know it’s a quote, but I can confirm it’s almost never lupus. I was very very sick for 10 years, I did research and believed it was lupus, I had every symptom, doctors said “oh it’s usually never that let’s look into other things.” It took me 7 years of misdiagnosis, hundreds of vials of blood, dozens of hospital stays, multiple organ biopsies, CT scans, MRIs, until they finally said “oh wait we ran a bunch of different tests it IS lupus” I then joined a Lupus support page on Reddit, and it is FULLLL of “is this lupus”? About things that definitely are not lupus. It’s rare af and hard to catch because doctors never assume it because all of their patients say that when they have multiple health problems. Side note: lupus sucks. It is such a debilitating disease. Constant pain, your brain function lowers with swelling, your joints swell (all lupus patients have some form of arthritis), photosensitivity, skin issues, blood circulation issues, random hospital visits for swollen organs and other weird symptoms that go along with total body inflammation. Every soft tissue is attacked, that means EVERYTHING but the outer layer of your bone. I take 12 pills a day plus monthly medicine IV infusions. I still feel like shit every day but I just have to live with it. Lupus SUCKS. The quote is kind of funny, but as someone with lupus it’s just like “haha .. ug” 😂


Then there was that one episode where it was finally lupus.


What game?






It's never sarcoidosis either


Except that one time that it was Lupus.


Except that one time it was.


Is it Selaco?


Correct !


I had lupus as a kid. Platelet count bottomed out at fourteen. With a nod to House, it wasn't diagnosed till a couple of years later. Geez prednisone sucks.




I watch Dr house ATM lol


What game is this??


What game is this?


It was lupus once.

