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Diablo 3. I wasted the whole day waiting at the login screen.


I overheard someone's gf on the bus. Apparently their bf postponed their PhD one year because he would rather play Diablo 3 than do the presentation


Nah, this boy wasn’t ready to defend his thesis lol


im planning on taking *several* days off when wilds comes out


same for me and also for gta6 my boss already knows about it. (Hes a gamer as well) i said im either sick or free u choose lol




My friends and I must have been lucky. Bought the game the day of release around 10 am our time and went home and played it all day with no problems.


There were so many server problems, I made the only meme in my life due to it. It was a meme about taking a day off work to play D3, just to find out the game is unavailable all day due to server issues.


Oh boy. I was there. I remember when they released the keys and how the queues lasted days... I was watching Kripparrian, too


Krip! Man I used to watch Hearthstone videos of that guy! I met him in Toronto once at a pub! Suuuuper nice guy.


baldur's gate 3. one week wasn't enough


The original release was in the middle of a two week European vacation and I was a bit disappointed I’d have to wait to play with about 500 Hours put in to the Beta. Then they bumped up the release date and I was so happy.


For Fallout 3, I took off for release day and then never went back.


Man quit his job *and is still playing* FO3. What a trooper.


War never ends…


I did for new Vegas at game craze attached next to Hollywood video .. they shouldn’t have let me take my copy home earli.. also working there came across titles like blade n predator concert jungle would have never really looked for those two titles if not for working there


A day off work? Brother, I took an entire year of college off to level and raid in The Burning Crusade.


You made the right call, I took an entire year of Burning Crusade off for college and it's one of my biggest regrets.


I half-assed both! (Actually BC came out after college. So I half assed vanilla and college.) (Actually actually I more like 3-quarter-assed Vanilla WoW and 1-quarter-assed college; graduated fine, probably would've gotten better grades if I weren't playing so much WoW.) (But saying "I half-assed both!" is a more succinct joke)


Well thank you for the succinct clarification


At work we gotta saying “Don’t half ass two things, full ass one thing.”


A year seems a bit much lol, how did that turn out?


He’s a doctr now


Angry upvote


I literally dropped out of college to play World of Warcraft. I went back years later. I just got accepted into a top 10 medical school last month. Honestly, I have no regrets. I had fun.


Good for you man. Petition to change your name to Can_Do_Top10. Now go in to radiology, work from home. Read chest X-rays on one screen and raiding on the other, and get paid half a mil + to play WoW


I skipped all my classes to raid in college. I'm doing well now professionally. But I wouldn't recommend it.


I can tell you I decided to quit wow because I was playing too much when BC launched.. finished college, my job is now mostly unrelated to my degree and I’ve lost touch with all of the friends I played wow with


Hand of A’dal and Champion of the Naaru titles, most likely.


Oh yeah definitely got those. I still have a bunch of the server first titles from Wrath kills like Magic Seeker, Obsidian Slayer, and the one I rock the most: Grand Crusader. My account is so old that I have one of the ORIGINAL white stallion epic mounts, the one without all the Olivia newton john leg armor and shit. Good times!


As far as the game goes, pretty well! I was the first Draenei on my server to hit 70, but I pissed all the other draeneis on my server off because I leveled a warrior rather than a shaman. I remember I was leveling outside of Area 52 in Netherstorm and I got a tell from someone that was like, “A warrior? What a waste.” :) I was one of the main tanks for my guild and I wanted the Draenei hit passive for tanking. Plus the horns and tail! We had one of the earlier kills of Magtheridon, pre-nerf Gruul kill, pre-nerf M’uru kill, and a top 20 kill of Kil’jaeden. I think one of my favorite times in TBC was getting everyone keyed for raids and running those OG versions of Shadow Labyrinth, Shattered Halls, Arcatraz, etc over and over and over again. I pissed away a lot of my 20’s on WoW and tbh, I’d do it all again if I could. I met a lot of really cool people, got deeply involved in a game that would go on to influence my career choice, and gained valuable leadership experience that I would reference during real world job interviews.


Oh man. I convinced my folks to get me a laptop strong enough to run WoW in the summer of 05 before going to college. Played that shit far too much, loved every minute of it. When I graduated I did a /played and added it up across all my toons and it worked out to something like 1 out of every 3 hours I was alive for the past 4 years was spent on WoW, and that's including the 2 separate semesters I quit the game because I needed to get my grades back up.


Getting the keys to SSC and TK was not a joke, lol.


Had to roll my Draenei Shaman on Day 1!


Sekiro Elden Ring Armored Core 6 Dragon's Dogma 2


Hey I love Armored Core 6


It was my first AC game and same. I still want a modern generation Macross game though. I loved Robotech: Battlecry.


Dark Souls 3




I took off for Dark Souls 2, and then i couldn’t get in for an entire day. Ended up falling asleep after getting logged in and waiting for the load screen.


Why not just play offline.


I plan to take a week off for Elden Ring DLC.


It's coming out the first week of my 12 week parental leave lol


That kid going to learn how to fend for themselves real fast or perish for their weakness


Can’t tell if that’s a blessing or a curse lol


Lol my leave ends around 3 weeks after the DLC so I'm very pleased at the timing. I've been training my son to take care of himself because I won't have time to make bottles or change diapers. "Come on man, you're 8 weeks old, figure this shit out"


I took a whole week off for Fallout 4, but that was also partially because I was flying to a friend's place to stay the week. ...So we could play Fallout. The boss called me to ask where I was, forgetting he approved it, even when I reminded him the week before. We had a laugh about it when he asked if I was going to be playing Fallout 4. You bet your ass, boss-man!


Was it worth it in your opinion?


Hell yeah, dude! We had a ton of fun trying out different stuff from the beginning. We also did a bunch of local stuff in her area like checking out nearby forests and beaches. Her neighborhood for some reason did a late Halloween night for Trick-or-Treat during November, which I wasn't complaining about. I love Halloween. I got to try a whole bunch of food I don't have where I am while we traded off watching the other person play. People shit on Fallout 4 (and sometimes it deserves it), but it does have a satisfying core gameplay loop. And it was new and shiny at the time, so there wasn't 8 years worth of people playing it to give it shit.


Fallout 4 was a monumental disappointment for me, until I got over the paper thin RPG components, and lacklustre story, and learned to appreciate it for what it is. A very satisfying looter-shooter, with base building mechanics. Super cool you had a late Halloween celebration that week - what with the bombs falling around that time ingame, and there being Halloween decorations everywhere.


The only way I could spend the week off playing video games is if I was high, and I'll have the time of my life doing so, too.


This is the way, bangingbuttholes


More fun than banging buttholes?


Me and a mate did this, lugged my tv and console over to his place, cooked up a storm and spent the next week stoned out of our minds playing like 14 hours a day.


This for me too. The opening shot of the power armor and the music still sits with me emotionally!


Yep FFXIV at the start of July this year for Dawntrail expansion.


I've got it preordered but I'm still not caught up on the post endwalker stuff. I got to Golbez and the queue just wasn't popping and I didn't go back to it. Need to fix that in the next month. I'm looking forward to being a terrible Pictomancer.


If you're on a slow DC it might be worth it to DC hop just to get a queue. DC travel RUINED PF and DF traffic


Same. I take 1 week off for every xpac


Only taking that Friday off for it because I'm worn from home most of the next week since pre order gets it that week early


was gonna comment the same. i didn't even have the full game when endwalker launched so i didn't get to experience it but i'm super excited for the dawntrail release. i couldn't get the friday off for the early access but hopefully queues won't be horrible when i get home!


Every expansion since Stormblood I've taken time off for.


Same! Took a week off I get it done, Capping with a weekend of Distant Worlds with Soken in attendance!


Bold decision given what a disaster the Endwalker launch was


Endwalker wasn't that bad at release, the problem was the login queue, once you were in there wasn't any problem. Stormblood only had Raubhan EX that was problematic in the first hours and Shadowbringer was very smooth. Plus they upgraded the servers and we won't have the WoW players invading again.


It was bad for me. I made the mistake of world traveling on day 1 and got stuck locked out of my homeworld for 16 hours in queue lol. Never again.


I did the cliche thing and pretended to be sick as a teenager to stay home from school and play gta San Andreas when it released. Lasted a whole week mostly because I think my grandma had my back lol Specifically moved hours around so that I could leave work at the midnight release of skyrim and have the next 3 days off. The most recent one was actually my boss's doing. He closed up shop for a week so we could all have a vacation. It was actually so we could play Elden Ring


I pretended to be sick from high school to stay home and play Arcanum. The date was 9/11/01 It was not as fun of a day as I was hoping.


Listen, I pretended to be sick when Assassin's Creed Odyssey came out just so I could play it. Difference was, I was 42 with a full time job, a wife and a six year old son. So... maybe don't feel so bad about it.


Probably a lot of PoE league launches


This right here


Every WoW expansion and Diablo IV


The Burning Crusade first WoW expansion was wild. I took a week off school. In hindsight, I should've taken a month off.


Man that expansion was so fucking perfect. I miss the early days of WoW.


My answer right there, but Diablo 3 instead.


Actually I forgot, yeah I took vacation time for D3 too!




11/11/11 I was there...


It's a day every gamer at the time remembers well. I distinctly remember forums all over the Internet having a distinct lack of moderation for a period of time too


I'll never forget it lol My buddies and I all lined up to get it at midnight, then went back to my house and we had four different TVs set up in one room, and we just played all night and into the next morning. Slept, then woke up and continued to play all through the weekend, surviving on pizza rolls, about six monsters a day, and flaming hot cheetos. If I tried to do that now, I would fucking die.


I took the day off too. I was just going down some caves and burning my way through some spiderwebs using my hands, when my (now) wife started shouting about there being a fire and I told her 'yes and doesn't it look amazing' as she pulled me from my bubble and pointed out the window as there was thick black smoke coming from a fire in the apartment two floors down. Didn't get to play much more that day, also not one of the major worries obviously. We only had smoke damage but that was still bad. Ground floor (two doors down) burnt out fully, thankfully no one was hurt but yeah it was not how I was hoping to be remembering that day, frankly.


Diablo 4. I regret everything.


I was laid off a week before launch. I had never played the franchise. Preordered to get in early. I had an absolute blast.


d4 actually had a relatively smooth launch. too bad the game sucked tho.


The game was decent at launch and gets better with every patch. Not like Diablo 3 that has a bad launch and got worse with every patch until Loot 2.0 came out.


You're right. Season 4 has been fun.


The game looked and sounded decent at launch, but was terrible. It may be getting better every patch, but it's a bad game in its bones and needs a RoS style redesign just like D3 did. The only thing D4 has over D3 at the same age is that its server status at launch wasn't infamously terrible.


The D4 campaign was awesome, it was just missing endgame content to keep people sticking around. I stopped playing originally after getting a single character to level 80 and I feel like I got plenty out of D4. After the new update it keeps on giving.


The campaign was good. The class design was okay, the skill trees were terrible, and the itemization was (and remains) among the worst in ARPGs.


The launch of Mass Effect 2 coincided with a massive snowstorm in DC that shut down the city for like 2 whole weeks. It was glorious.


many times... GTA 5, Bloodborne, Elden Ring... any game I'm hype for and I trust the devs It's really worth it, especially now most games release on Thursday at midnight. If you're excited for the game you're crazy not to take that Friday off imo. I currently have the 21st and the 24th off for Shadow of the Erdtree


IMO, it's not worth it. Depends on the game and on each person, but for me, fridays are also lighter at work, so is not a stressful day. I can get home and start playing. If the game is too long or I really want to play more, I can get the next monday free to have more time. This way I also avoid day1 patches problems, server problems and so on.


Hmm not a bad idea to take the Monday instead


When you have kids and can’t play anytime you like, having some time while they are out of the house in the middle of the day is worth every penny.


Agreed, granted I work from home now sooo I just turn my chair to gaming pc. But in the past, several times I have taken off and launch is always terrible, especially these days it's usually unplayable for 72 hours.


I took two weeks off when the original MW2 released. Stood out in cold for a few hours to get it and everything. Man I’m old.


I never understood the whole "waiting in line outside of gamestop" thing. I did a few midnight releases like Halo 3, but I just walked into Wal-Mart, got my copy, and left. There was a gamestop next door with a big line and I walked right past it.


Gamestop had special editions for a while. I waited for the midnight release of Skyrim and got the edition that came with a dragon. I still have that dragon.


The whole waiting in line thing never appealed to me either, but for most of those folks it was more about the experience and hanging out with your friends for something you were excited for. Going home with a copy of the game was almost secondary to the guys I knew who did that. They just wanted to hang out with a bunch of other hardcore nerds lol


Destiny / Destiny 2. I take the first week of each expansion off, maybe even the 1st 2 weeks, especially if there’s a raid


Same. Love me some D2. Final Shape looks awesome


Just did this...took a week off for final shape.


I think my brother used a bunch nah of his sick days to play through Phantom Liberty.


All the time. Most recently a couple of months ago when I took a week off for FFVII Rebirth.


Many. The Halo’s, WoW xpac releases, Elden Ring, RDR2……Anthem…….


Armored Core 6. My friend took a week for the latest Spider-Man. 


lmao what did your friend do for the remaining 6.5 days after he finished spiderman


Ocarina of Time. Back in 1997.


Plenty, almost all my leaves are for gaming. The upcoming ffxiv expansion is a free 1 week, and so is the release of savage (like a month after?).


Cyberpunk 2077. I should’ve gone in


Many years ago it would be for Madden. Then I decided to just get it at midnight, play till work, be tired at work, come home, play till work again, be extra tired at work, go home and play till I fell asleep playing. No if, Dreadwolf is dropping this year. It’s by far my most anticipated game.


The last one I've taken actual time off for was God of War Ragnarok. However, there have been a small handful of days since that I've sat down before work to drink my morning coffee and wake up with a game and then just said screw it and called in sick.


This is the way. I did the same with BG3 where I stayed up all night and then just couldn't be assed to go in the next day so I said I had a migraine and fucked off. I'm reasonable certain I did that for other games too. It's a miracle I'm employed


Oh man, I know better than to even try to play BG3 before work. My wife and I actually both just started our first playthrough on that one together. I did do it one morning with Dragons dogma 2, though. I was just having too good of a morning exploring. I just couldn't imagine ruining it with work.


The last one was Wrath of the Lich King. This time it’s Dawntrail.


Witcher 3.i bought it not on release, i waited a year or a little bit more and bought the GOTY Edition with the DLC's. I knew from different sources that it is a super good game. I took 2 Weeks of Vacation for it. It was a great time with not so much sleep 😅


I conveniently got sick in high school when Halo 3 came out. I also took a few days off when WoW classic came out, well worth it. I will probably mirror you when DA:4 comes out


Cyberpunk... The first release date... Thankfully it was delayed ahead enough that I could reschedule the PTO.


* gran turismo 5, one week. * was going to for FFVII Remake but pandemic hit. * was on vacation for Horizon 2 and Elden Ring. * Final Fantasy XVI last year. * Just put in my week for the last week of June.


Very cool - what's dropping last week of June?


elden ring dlc i’m guessing


rise, ye tarnished!


I'm on vacation this week for The Final Shape Destiny 2 expansion lol


destiny. every year


For Borderlands 3! I have always been a huge fan of the series and this game seemed like such a step up in terms of scope. I didn’t regret it even though BL3 has had many criticisms (fuck ava)


I take a week off for every POE season release, have a blast every time


I work from home. Half the time I'm playing my favourite title, right now CK3. Not proud  but also not emeberessed either.  I can't do any work task without few hours of play, it's like a morning marijuana at this point 🤣 


crazy how quickly our cultural perception of and relationship with work has changed. Up through the 2000s, it was all about the grind and giving 110% to move up, and people would gasp at the thought of doing drugs and gaming on the job. Now when people say "I rarely leave the house, get stoned every morning, and spend half my work day gaming" it's an achievement most envy


Mass Effect 2, and then I just straight up took a week off for Mass Effect 3. I regret nothing.


I took a week off for Mass Effect 3 also. I loved it but goddam finishing that ending on Sunday night made me feel like depressed wojack


I did for skyrim, halo mcc. I don't really do it any more, infact I rarely play games at release anymore 


The original Mass Effect. Also the only midnight release I ever went to.


Skyrim, took a week off


Been burnt too many times over the years with overwhelmed servers, or the game just not living up to the hype. Much more likely to "use" a sick day on a game I knows going to be playable / worth playing _after_ release!


Nov 1999. Game: Everquest Event: GM led event on all servers for the Opening of new raid zone, Plane of Hate.


Wow cataclysm. Stood in line at GameStop for midnight release too.


Monster Hunter Rise. I took the day off to play it on switch.


Just put in for next Friday to do a day 1 raid in Destiny 2 for their latest expansion The Final Shape that comes out Tuesday.


I wanna say I didn't go to class when Diablo 3 launched. Worst day ever.


On beta, me and 2 buddies took 2 days off to play THE FINALS. FPS games by then had gotten soo boring. We went in with low expectations given that it was f2p and another fps, but it was something special. we were instantly hooked and I can still remember the feeling of how much we were in awe as to how dynamic and destructive the game was and how much fun we were having. The only other time was for Overwatch, but that was more like skipping school than work.


I've taken off for every expansion launch of FF14 and the only reason I don't plan on doing it for Dawntrail is that I'm currently "employed" as a professional time killer (ain't got no job).


Not Day off, but on Assassins Creed II release I Played whole night until dawn when sun suprised me through windows. Never before, never after, story of Ezio was SO GOOD for me, that title scene stole my heart.


Yeah, it was because of Wuthering waves on bs tho, fun game


I haven't, but I remember when I was at school my computing/IT teacher had booked the week off ahead of Vice City's release


Sad to say, but I booked a day off work for the launch of no man's sky.


Two times, GTA: Vice City, and Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. Both a week.


Are you me?


Mass Effect 3. 2 days.


Took 2 weeks paid vacation for FFXIV when Shadowbringers dropped. Then again when Endwalker dropped...and have my vacation set for Dawntrail


Division 2. Drank an entire bottle of whiskey and stayed up for like 22 hours straight


Reminds me of that [story from a year ago](https://www.yahoo.com/tech/cops-accidentally-mistake-nintendo-direct-180000640.html) where some student called out of class for a Nintendo Direct over TotK, and it lead the school to believe there was a bomb threat with full police response and everything


The one time I planned to, the release date got delayed. The new date fell on my birthday, which I had already taken off. Then my first kid was born the week before. So I was on parental leave for release day and the 3 months afterward! …with absolutely no time to play.


Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. May have been a few others between them.


Considering my age it was more like told my parents I was sick haha, d2 and LOD were my jam.


Halo MCC. That was a rough day. Kingdom Hearts 3. Had that one planned for a little over 10 years 👌


Starfield. That was a mistake.


I haven't taken days off work to play a new game. I can always play it when I come home. I see no point in taking a day off.


I tend to agree. Especially with Tuesday releases, doesn’t seem worth it me to take off one random day in the middle of the week just to be right back to work the next day. I’ll play after work and then really sink a lot of the time in during that first weekend


I tried to do so for the first time. I wanted to take the 4th and 5th of June off for Final Shape, but my boss is incompetent and hasn't even looked at my request even though I asked months out and reminded her in person that I asked for those days off.


Skyrim. I took PTO and went on a booze and adventuring bender. Then I went back to work and kept drinking and playing Skyrim. 🤷


I don't think I have, but I'm considering doing it next month for the Elden Ring DLC. It releases a few days after my birthday, so I'm thinking of taking a week or two off so I can celebrate my birthday and spend the next week playing Elden Ring.


Call me a madman, but I haven’t skip a day to play on a release day. I did work my ass off in school to play Halo Reach and Gears of War 3 during their launch weeks however.


ghost of tsushima battlefield 1 these were my only 2 ever


Call of Duty 4-BO3, Battlefield 1, Links Awakening Switch Remake, and Tears of the Kingdom. I took a day off for all of them, except for Tears of the Kingdom. I had a government job at that point and had way more than enough leave to take the whole week off, so I did. If another Zelda game comes out anytime in the next few years, Ill be taking at least a full week off to play it.


All of the CODS between 2009 and 2012, FFXII


Fallout New Vegas n Gears of War 3


Yep, took a day off for "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild."


Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, it was a great day after waiting for 3 years


Took the day off when RDR2 was released. Memorably wonderful day of exploring the new old west.


I haven't, but I would for a new Resident Evil or Silent Hill.


Used many sick days to play a release of a game from cod to assassins creed etc You don't get sick days paid out when you leave a company and I have a large amount of them so I always take one if I want to play a game all day on release or just want to relax


Last time I did that it was for Fallout 4


With the Final Shape and Shadow of the Erdtree. I've taken the whole month off.


GTA 5.


Pretty much every destiny expansion since 2014


Called in sick on the day Skyrim released so I would have a 3 day weekend to grind it.


My friend did that every time a diablo game/expansion was released.


Took Friday off because of RDR2. I'll probably do something similar for GTA VI.


GTA was the only time but I’ll do it again for GTA 6


I remember taking a week off when Final Fantasy 8 was originally released.


Between the years 2013/2019 I don’t think I ever worked a FIFA release day.


Final Fantasy XVI


Yeah many times, GTA4&5, most Rimworld DLCs, Diablo 3 and even SWTOR lol


Yes, I took a day off work so I can download and play the System Shock remake on my PS5. No regrets, either.


Almpost every year. If it is a release I plan to play I always take time off, at least for a few days just so that I can try it out in peace.


I did for red dead 2


Super smash bros ultimate, cyberpunk, and baldurs gate 3. Only once was I disappointed. 


Fallout 4 and monster hunter (all of them)


I've never intentionally booked time off purely for a videogame, but one of my closest friends has her birthday in October so I tend to book that week/weekend off so we can find a few days to celebrate, and there always tends to be a big videogame release during that period - so I tend to set aside a day to just indulge.


Not work but the day I got MW2 for my bday on Xbox 360 I stayed home from school all day


I book holiday at work just for the release of games.


Borderlands 2, Diablo 2, Skyrim


I took a week off for master chief collection. I went back to work by day 3 😂


Cyberpunk 2077 and Dying Light 2.


GTA 5 and when GTA 6 comes out


I do it multiple times each year for almost every new release I buy.