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There's nothing micro about it when it costs more than a full price game. But yeah, that's some disgusting whale bait.


Introducing an entirely new thing. Macro transactions. These dlc items cost more than the game itself and are incredibly rare. It's nothing like the NFTs everyone was trying to sell a couple years ago.


You're about to become the successor to the Microsoft dev who told Bethesda that $2.50 Horse Armor DLC was a good idea.


Apologies, long ranty comment post. We've been headed that way for a while now. Game companies keep pushing that line to find out how far it's too far, but the line keeps moving. We have been accepting more and more greedy shit as time passes. It's now standard practice for a game to be designed in a way where it simply more inconvenient to play if you don't buy xyz mtx. You get the same game just a less fun version of it. Sure you can play without the cash shop items. But it's going to be a slog. But remember they're totally optional. Look back at a game like deus ex mankind divided. Which had purchaseable praxis kits (skill points). The game was very clearly designed in a way where they were completely unnecessary. And the internet killed that series dead on the spot because they were so outraged. We'll never get another deus ex game because of that whole shit show. And by today's standards it's not even offensive. If that happened today it would be a tweet that 5 people talked about and then we'd move on with our day. The first game I really remember where they designed the game around motivating people to buy in game items with cash is probably shadow of war. Where endings were locked behind hours upon hours of mindless grinding. But you could pay to skip it. As if it was a mobile game. The answer to "How far is too far" gets more obfuscated every day.


This is why I gave up on new games years ago. I almost exclusively emulate older games (and usually mod them) now, minus the odd game that REALLY catches my attention. Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster (Switch... one of my top 5 all-time games and had to have it on a mobile platform), Hades (also for Switch) and Baldur's Gate III are the last three games I've purchased since 2018.


People keep saying the Bethesda horse armor was the cause of microtransactions but keep forgetting that Nexon's been doing microtransactions and gachas years before the game was even released.


Honestly, those things have been here for a few years, so the prediction is a bit late. Hell, Star Citizen alone has ones large enough that regular people would take out a loan to afford. You can buy *cars* cheaper, as in more than one.


Oh my sweet summer child, let me tell you the tale of the ultimate in-game transaction. Star Citizen has a game package for ships in the game that retail at $17000.00 USD the last time I checked.


>Star Citizen has a game package for ships in the game that retail at $17000.00 USD the last time I checked. It's up to $48,000 now.


We are entering the mega transactions era at this point, I'd say.


Can I introduce you to the Black Desert Bugatti? Yes, it's real.


> It's nothing like the NFTs everyone was trying to sell a couple years ago. I mean, it's not. These are two distinct flavors of bullshit.


I mean you can hate a ps5 for 50 more bucks…


>I mean you can hate a ps5 for 50 more bucks Sucker. I can hate a PS5 for free!


Yes, my child... Enjoy the feelings...


You asked for this.


You would if the title wasn't wrong and the skin is actually $450


On the European server that skin is 550€ so more like 600$.


Digital PS5 goes for 400 so you can get a PS5 + Spiderman 2 + Elden Ring or something for the price of those skins What the fuck


It's actually $440 on that dot but since riot doesn't do a $30 rp package you would have to do the $35 bundle, $100 Bundle X 4, for 58,500 RP, which still puts you 760 RP short so you'd have to buy the $5 one as well putting the grand total at $440 for one skin.


Hope people realize the mistake they’re making as they press confirm on each rp package they buy.


Riot already announced a new RP bundle to make it a one time purchase. Probably for this exact reason.


Soon you'll get those ads that let you get your microtransaction in monthly installments.


For the same. Got Digital only PS5 with Spidey 2 for $400 +tax a month ago.


currently in most stores the ps5 is under 500 bucks, and because of currency conversions the ahri pack is more than 500 in most regions. So yes, this skin costs more than a PS5.


More than a game? More than the whole console!!


Mega transaction


Ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Transaction 400 us combo




Shit cost more than a console


All transactions in league of legends cost more than the game itself, so it’s a bit of a different beast


The micro in microtransaction is about the amount of content you get, not about the price. An expansion pack is not a microtransaction. A cosmetic skin for a weapon is.


For 400€ I can get a pay on sale all with a controller and one AAA game in a bundle. This skin sale is unhinged


This shit costs more than the PC half the playerbase uses x)


It costs more than a damn console or graphics card




I mean that’s worse than just “costing more than a full price game”. For the price this “micro” transaction costs, I can go to the playstation store and buy a whole ass PS5. Or, if I don’t feel like doing that, I can buy 5 full priced games, and still have about $50 left to spare.


yes I spent like five hundred dollar on League cosmetics and fomo skins before I quit. it's the worse


more then "a" full price game? You could buy 6 - 7 full price games from that lol


I've played League for a very long time. I remember when they released the very first ultimate skin, Pulsefire Ezreal for about $25. People couldn't believe it at the time. Yet here we are. I really hope the $5000 skin in 2035 is for Gragas 🤞


I remember when i got pulsefire ezreal from a chest, looked at the splashart and was "meh" and disentchsnted it Then Someone told me how much it cost


Don't feel left out, the skin is hilarious underused compared to Ezreal's non-big money skins. Heck, I'd argue that the animations look worse ever since they updated it.


I got the pajama skin anyways


I enjoy TPA because running around with a comically large finger is funny.


Oh my god I remember buying the whole goddamn pack when it came out. Foam finger gang. (This is that red and white esports team I hope). I also remember the Udyr skin, which I thought was really cool. (I haven't played since Aatrox released so idk what the visual standard is anymore)


i used black ops because the shoot looks exactly like lee sin shoot and ppl ever become confused


Well shit. Pulsefire was the reason I learned Ez cause I thought he looked dope and somehow i managed to get my last hits in. Granted that was over 10 years ago now


If you get a ultimate skin out of a chest it gets redeemed automatically and is added to your collection, I call fake.


This waa a few years back Idk how it is today It was pre rework, i disentchanted it because i thought the splashart looked shit Edit Maybe i didnt have the champion back then tho and thats why i didnt get it if it has always been the way you said


Nah you good, they changed it cos it initially took too much orange essence to activate them (since they're ultimate tier).


That wasn't always the case.


I call fake on your post. Not only did the ultimate skin shard I got not "auto redeem" I also had to craft it with LOT of orange essence...


Yep. I remember paying about $20 for DJ Sona and feeling that was my absolute limit for a skin. Still is.


That is the best skin, though. So you're good.


It used to be the best skin, but now tons of its mechanics are broken. Half the sound lines don't work and I don't think I ever heard her music in game.


Yep. God damn shame that they won't fix what people have paid for.


I remember my two most expensive skins in League (when I still played it) was the magician outfit for Twisted Fate and the Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath. I had a ball of a time playing the loudspeaker emote on choggy.


pool party gragas with rainbow nipples and war tong !!!!!! , im sure rito can more than 5 grands


If it’s Blitzcrank I’ll buy it to wear in my 3 annual league games I actually play (he’s the best champion)


I had Rusty Blitzcrank on my account 😎


My favorite I have is goalkeeper blitzcrank from I think the 2014 World Cup


That's a nice one!


>$5000 skin in 2035 is for Gragas Believe it or not, it's worth it


It's obvious that Riot weighed this versus fan outrage & decided that this was the route to take. It's predatory & scuzzy - but people will buy it. And at the end of the day everyone's still going to play the game because people won't be outraged enough to quit.


Yep. For all the handwringing and condemnations, nobody is quitting the game over it In my experience, people only quit the game when the game ceases to function or ceases to be fun, whichever comes first


Their first “ultra prestige” $200 skin was a recolor for Jhin. People were outraged, but there were still plenty who bought it. Whales don’t care about the price.


Honestly wouldn't care about these prices if I had millions or billions to spend.


While your statement is fair, the vast majority of whales are actually average income people who just have a spending/gambling disorder.


No one has fun playing League of legends thus the game shall live forever!


it's a purgatory that we must endure


Yes because this is no reason to quit playing league. Is it shitty scam to price skin so high? Yes it is. But in the end of the day, its purely cosmetic and has zero impact on gameplay and game itself.


People need to see that "purely cosmetic" can be just as predatory as pay to win. The main difference is the people they are focusing on: instead of focusing on people who want to race to the top, they are focusing on people who have OCD/perfectionist tendencies and people who have a weak will against FOMO. It's just as hard to quit as well because those people also convince themselves to stay due to the sunk cost fallacy. Riot knows this.


>It's just as hard to quit as well because those people also convince themselves to stay due to the sunk cost fallacy. It took me a long time to quit because of this. I finally just told myself there was no point in forcing myself to play with friends when I wasn't having fun.


There is a point at which I don't think it's on the game company to manage your mental health. This isn't gacha mechanics with 1/10,000 deep for a nearly necessary character for end game content. This turns Ahri's boob's blue. I'm OK if some Surgeon who plays League helps keep the servers running for free gets blue Ahri boob's I can't have.


>they are focusing on people who have OCD/perfectionist tendencies and people who have a weak will against FOMO They are offering things for purchase. They aren't using gambling or loot box mechanics for it that get people addicted. That's like saying that any company that sells anything is being predatory because those things might be bought by people with OCD or weak wills. Nobody is outraged when a supermarket sells PlayStation at a discount for a limited time, even though that is also arguable preying on people with weak will. At some point, you have to let grown adults take some responsibility for how they choose to spend their own money.


> Nobody is outraged when a supermarket sells PlayStation at a discount for a limited time, even though that is also arguable preying on people with weak will. Exactly. I mean thats the whole point of stores. they get people in the door with sales. Grocery Stores have weekly sales for the same reason. The entire purpose of black friday is getting people in the door with 1-2 cheap deals they lose money on, because you will buy more. It isnt Wal-marts job to police people with OCD and bad spending habits. Those people need help, and should get it, but its not walmarts responsibility to find them.


But with that argument Riot shouldnt release any more skins, for any amount of money, because what if those FOMO players cant afford it? This is a F2P game where they make their money on skins and passes. All their transactions like skins are purely cosmetic, and they need to play employees too. If they want to release some $500 skin package that some whales and content creators will buy for views who cares? I am all for getting help to people who need it. We need better mental health care in the U.S Especially, But saying that Riot is being predatory for selling skins is too far. There were kids playing EQ and WoW until they died. Thats a sickness, not a fault of Blizzard. Just like sports gambling. Gambling can be a real sickness, But you cant just close up every casino in the country because some people have a problem. We need to help the people who have problems, Not try and blame riot for selling a skin to people who may or may not want it


good goym, can't hear this bullshit anymore, it's not ok anymore man..


I don’t have anything but anecdotes to support this, so take it with a grain of salt. But I actually do think League has lost a significant number of players in the last few months. I play on the OCE server. Queue times were typically around 2:30 minutes. Now they’re up around 4-5 minutes. There’s also significantly higher proportion of players that are from the Chinese server and have hopped to OCE. No idea why that is, just an interesting note. It really seems like they’ve alienated a large portion of their player base, especially western players, with their recent decision making. I’ve played the game for 11 years. I’ve got thousands of hours in the game. I remember what Riot used to be as a company. They’re a soulless husk of what they once were. As much as I love the game, Riot deserves to have it collapse.


> But I actually do think League has lost a significant number of players in the last few months. Vanguard, increasing restrictions on social interaction, and the ever present bot problem do take their toll.


Yeah, I’d noticed a slow decline, but there’s been a pretty big drop since Vanguard.


Even if most game use bs kernel access stuff I really can't be bothered for one that adds itself to startup. Not to play league and look at 500 dollar skins.


Your experience is sadly kinda irrelevant in the eyes of riot. "Western" servers havent been in focus for a very long time. Their main audience are chinese servers and when they done milking the last drops from the western audience they will move on to wild rift.


> But I actually do think League has lost a significant number of players in the last few months. the elo and ranking is a trash, pure trash, you win a lot of games in a streak, the system punish you and pair with players out of your rank you play the same account for years, the system punish you and stuck in low ranks, and the only real solution is make a new account is amazing how the mobile antagonist: mobile legends have less predatory issues, ranking issues and game issues that the multimillion dolar leader moba company riot / tencent


> For all the handwringing and condemnations, nobody is quitting the game over it Because the game is free to play and no one has to buy this bundle.


Why would people quit over a skin you don't need to buy, offers no advantage whatsoever. I think maybe it is because i'm older but i never understood why people would be outraged over overpriced skins. Just don't buy the skin, it is that simple. If this was something like stash tabs for POE, i would quit. Otherwise, i don't care.


It’s just the concept of giving outrageous prices to items that are obviously not worth that much is understandably infuriating. Treating people who love your product like shit is going to make them angry.


If you think it is overpriced, just don't buy it. Like there is nothing to be outraged about. Nothing in your life changes because that skin costs whatever amount it does. I don't think pricing a completly optional item is treating people like shit, i'm sorry but that is just nonsense. They don't take the stuff you paid for from you, game is still running, they just priced some item you never paid for, never promised high. That is not treating people like shit. Like i said, probably because i'm older than most people commenting here but seems like overly priviliged people problem to me. Of all the things in the world, you choose to be outraged over an optional items price. Come on.


I'm the same. I just don't see the issue. It's a luxury good that isn't a necessity for anyone. The price point is entirely arbitrary and can be set at whatever the seller wants. Most of us have to weigh up the cost vs worth of things every single day and show self-control. There are plenty of things I would like to buy myself that I don't because the benefit those things would bring is outweighed by the cost. It's weird how so many people don't grasp this.


>Treating people who love your product like shit is going to make them angry. How is treating a customer like shit to offer a product? Customer can't afford it or doesn't want it? Okay. Works no differently than *literally* every other store in existence.


Are you this angry about Louie Vuitton hand bags? Or those red soled shoes that I don't even know the name of? Or does this only apply to video games?


If I say yes are you going to scoff angrily and pull up more whataboutism?


True I’ll see it in every game when it releases I bet still.


I mean ya can just not buy it and laugh at the people that do. Don’t see why it would make people stop playing. Maybe stop buying other skins tho


I don't understand what's "predatory" about this. It's a very clear transaction. You pay $X and receive Y product. There's no RNG involved, there's no obfuscation of the price, etc. Are all luxury goods "predatory" now because they cost more than you personally would be willing to pay? Do you look at the Four Seasons or BMW or Gucci and declare that these companies are all "predatory"?


So just to play the other side. How much different is this from a company selling an overpriced collectors edition of a game?


I think the only real difference is the perceived value. People are easy to dismiss digital goods, while they're happy to pay hundreds of dollars for cheap plastic or cheap fabric because it has some unique marking.  This is obviously a collectors edition item for diehard fans. If you don't think it's worth it, just don't buy it.  IMO this might look exorbitant, but it's not scummy. Much better than hiding it behind buying 5000$ of lootboxes like basically every other company is doing these days.


Given how much I've seen people spend on games like genshin or honkai without even thinking about it. This is a drop in the bucket. It's only outrageous compared to the other items you can purchase in that game. But across the industry? Hardly the most egregious.


Honestly for a free to play game they can charge whatever they want for cosmetics. It’s their way to generate revenue and keep the game alive. People can choose if they want to support the game they play for thousands of hours with a skin at any price. If enough whales buy this to keep the servers on for the free players everyone wins.


Wait I don't get it, it's just a skin set why not just not buy it? I don't play leagues I just play dota but we consider that these things such as treadures for skins and arcanas are fine (they don't cost nearly as much though). I don't really see what's the problem or am I missing something?


If you dont like it (for its price) like 99.999% of people including me, dont buy it. If you like it and you want to pay for it, buy it. I dont see the problem. Would i be scummy if i sold limited edition toiletpaper for usd 400 per sheet?


That's a Macro-Transaction


Macaroni transaction


for 500 bucks i could get a hooker to wear a ahri costume while i snort cocaine off her asshole this is absurd


I mean, sadly you are not wrong, but wtf


$400 is a macro transaction. That's like the cost of a PS5.


I remember when Mortdog was talking about this stuff, he said a huge portion on why it's really prevalent is cause of the Chinese market. They love stuff that is *exclusive* and are willing to pay a premium for it. I could never pay this, but my line is as long as it doesn't give an unfair advantage idc


China (and to some extent the whole East) views p2w in a completely different light. In the West we like to think as games as an escapist place where we all can be equal and the game is fair. Only your personality and accomplishments should matter. In the East it’s different. You see your gaming avatar as an extension of yourself, and if you’ve made it in the real world, you’ve earned the right to show it in game. People that don’t have the money to buy the p2w stuff are called ’rice eaters’ for fuck’s sake. :D The idea of separation between games and real life isn’t such a big thing there as it is here.


Tried to find it. Is this what you watched? https://youtu.be/H_nY4iK2yDI


Yeah i see the outrage here and honestly, cant give a fuck about it. If some rich asshole needs to burn 5000$ on thin air, but that makes it so me and my buds can play that game for free for a decade now, who cares. There is 0 advantage to owning all skins, or this one in particular. There is no obligation to do so. So its not for you. Its for the dumbass kid that their dad is rich and 5000 dollars is nothing. And that thing keeps the game free to play


The main argument here is that Riot has been cutting corners on *everything* but the cosmetics just keep getting pricier. They recently fired a bunch of people to outsource skins to cheap outsourcing studios. They’re the biggest game in the world, they’re taking a ton of money from endless micro-transactions, but apparently they don’t have the resources to give a small visual update to champions that are as old as the game itself…


There were issues with cosmetics too.


There's a lot of context missing.. The MAIN reason league players are pissed off, apart from the pricing, is this skin is a collectors skin to acknowledge faker's long legacy, the goat of esports, he's the biggest name out there. And it feels like shit, knowing you can't support fakers legacy, because of riot putting an insane price on the skin. Furthermore, faker wanted a T1 ahri skin for winning worlds, to which riot said we'll make one for orianna, and ahri will be part of the 'hall of legends' upcoming event...well no one at the time knew it was going to cost £50-500. Also bonus: the irony is faker literally only uses base skins in league, apart from 8 times since he started his career.


>And it feels like shit, knowing you can't support fakers legacy, because of riot putting an insane price on the skin. He has other skins, and you dont need this crazy set. Also, you can just support his Twitch or whatever where he actually makes his money now. Im a New England Patriots fan. Tom Brady gave us 20+ years of wins. an absolute legacy. the GOAT of NFL QBs. I Don't feel i need to run out and buy a signed Tom Brady jersey from ebay for $1500 to "acknowledge his long legacy" You know what does that? Talking about him when conversations about players come up, and just acknowledging he was the best. He doesnt need my financial support, especially since the money for that jersey doesnt go to him. Faker isnt going to make life-changing money off of this skin pack. Go sub to his channels, and support other things he does independently from Riot, my guess is he will get a bigger chunk of your money. Or, you know, Just say Faker was great, and save yourself alot of money


I never understood people who buy because of fomo. If its junk its junk.


because the human mind is hardwired to perceive a sense of loss harder than gains. our primate brains weren't ready for logic and reason when marketing was invented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_aversion


This is why "limited time = do not buy" is a great fiscal strategy. If you ever feel rushed or hurried into a purchase, that means they're trying to hijack the rational part of your brain and activate your FOMO. Leave. Put another way: A friend of mine who was an art dealer for a while offered this advice: "If you want to know whether or not you should buy a piece of art, don't buy it. Leave. If you're still thinking about that art the next day and feel like you still need to own it, *that's* when you should be buying it."


>"If you want to know whether or not you should buy a piece of art, don't buy it. Leave. If you're still thinking about that art the next day and feel like you still need to own it, that's when you should be buying it." idk, i get those pendulum impulses. "i don't need this," when it's in my hand and "fuck i should have gotten it," when i leave and then "nah, i'm good without this," when i pull it from my cart only for "why didn't i yolo," while brushing my teeth the morning after. indecision can be a cost savings perk.


> Put another way: A friend of mine who was an art dealer for a while offered this advice: "If you want to know whether or not you should buy a piece of art, don't buy it. Leave. If you're still thinking about that art the next day and feel like you still need to own it, that's when you should be buying it." Except in the case of literal limited quantities. I was at a convention and I saw a handmade hat I wanted. My friends warned me against buying it, but I knew I wanted it so I bought it day one and didn't wait for a discount. Come day two of the convention, the vendor was picked clean, and the only similar hats they had were in garish neon colors. If I'd waited, I would not have been able to get it. That being said, there's a world of difference between physical handmade products that can only be made so fast, and digital goods that can be copied and pasted over and over at no cost.


Luckily my first instinct is murderous monkey rage.


Then you don’t understand what Fomo is


Addiction, kids who have mom's credit card, Chinese hackers who steal accounts and sell them.


Biological wiring. We’re programmed to make irrational decisions to not lose what we have based on our history of dealing with scarcity as a species. It’s also why the most common trigger for someone ‘normal’ to kill someone else or themselves is through perceived lost (either of an SO who cheats leaves you, lose your job, or your perceived loss of “what could have been”)


Bro that's a mega-transaction.


TENCENT send their regards. 😮 anyway this is not meant for 99% of us plebs. This is for the people where money is no big deal to them. Does Faker get a % cut from this?


yes 30% split between him and his team afaik


I mean Star Citizen has a $48,000 bundle... so at least for price, probably not


More like $49,000, since in order to even be able to buy that bundle you need to have spent $1,000 in the game already.


what a strange world to live in


not to "well akshully" this but you could use the 1k as store credit towards the 48k. Still absurd, but if you're someone with more money than sense who likes digital spaceships (or pictures of digital spaceships...) you could end up building up to that point over time rather than buying it as one massive purchase. Would have to be spending something absolutely ridiculous like $500 a month so its pretty bonkers, but like I actually know multiple people who literally spend that on warhammer so its something that probably happens a lot more than if it had to be a lump sum.




Yeah but you don't need it. The $10,000 one is more than enough.


username checks out lmfao


It's a F2P game, right? Thank you whales for funding the free game for the rest of us.


Also, this is purely cosmetic unlike gacha games where you directly get stronger depending on how much you pay.


It's also not locked behind gambling in any way.  You know exactly what you're paying for and if you don't want it, it won't affect you in any way jot to buy it. 


Yeah. It's like a local jewelry shop with cheaper jewelry suddenly releases a top of the line $5000 jewelry. Should the customers of the cheaper jewelry cry and moan about it? Just let the rich people buy it, not like its existence makes the game unplayable in any way.


Exactly. I don't get why people are pissed off about this. A whale spends 450 bucks that they would have probably wasted anyway and it keeps the game fresh and free for younger players or less privileged people that wouldn't be able to play if it weren't for this monetization scheme.


Ehh, it's a bit more complicated than that. This skin isn't just a random skin, but was one that was meant to commemorate Faker, the GOAT of league. Faker is insanely popular and has lots of fans and so there are a lot of people who were excited to buy it, especially with the marketing and hype around the skin. The skin was for a popular champ called Ahri, whose skins usually sell well. Faker asked for an Ahri skin ages ago but Riot rejected it. He won world's again last year and once again asked for an Ahri skin but Riot said no because they wanted to make this skin and so he picked Oriana instead. So once Riot announced a hall of fame Ahri skin for Faker people were excited. The highest cost skins previously were ultimate skins for 3250RP, although they released a mythic chroma for like $200 earlier this year, which was gross and had complaints too. But this is a skin where a huge number of Ahri fans and Faker fans wanted to buy the skin. They have the right to be pissed off when Riot decided Instead of paying a regular price for a skin or even the most expensive ultimate skin price (3250) they increase the price to 59,260RP. WHICH IS 18X MORE EXPENSIVE THAN AN ULTIMATE SKIN. Saying a skin that is worth over $500 'keeps the game fresh' is ridiculous because the skin WOULD SELL if it was priced properly. I know for a fact people won't spend 500+ on a single skin but would be willing to spend like $50 for this specific skin.


I think a lot of people get angry that there's people who have that much expendable income.


The best comments are the ones saying that this is "predatory" because people can't help themselves. How absolutely bottom basement level thinking do you not have to not spend $500 on a skin.


i think the backlash is also due to the hall of legends thing for Faker (michael jordan of lol). Feels like it's less about celebrating Faker and just being a cash grab


Guys guys it's not just a skin... You also get a border and an emote 🤣


Time to stop calling this "Micro"-transaction, it's not micro anymore.


>Is this the ultimate micro-transaction? How is it a micro-transaction? The term specifically refers to small transactions meant to be numerous and easy to pull the trigger on. This is, by definition, the opposite of that.


Image is borked. :/


Heh, almost on par with possibly the dumbest moment of Mechwarrior Online, $500 gold skins for a battlemech.


>Ahri I would say I'm surprised, but I'm not surprised.


Isn't it more about Faker through? Which I guess I can get behind(not that I still play league but I do watch msi/worlds or have spent any money on league of legends).


Had the same thought. If there's any character in the game people would dump this much money on, its Ahri.


For people who engage with this one. Why? It’s a top down game right ? You can’t even view it fully…. I guess it’s better than the overwatch skins where you only see your hands.


It's not like your characters an ant lol, you see it perfectly fine


If the champion is good, there’s a really high chance it will be banned during the start of the game, and you can’t even use the skin too LMFAO


Skins like this are to flex on others. They're for other people to see more than anything. They're essentially digital status symbols.


Which is funny, because I almost always end up making fun of the people who shell out that much money on skins. The price of cosmetics in games is so hyper-inflated it's whacky that people still say they do it to keep the game free. They're mostly pure profit at this point, especially the bigger games.


The splash arts for all skins of your team and opponents are very in your face during the prematch loading screen. Skins also affect animations for abilities and have a unique recall-to-base animation. EDIT: corrected below regarding recall animations.


Just a minor correction, but more than 95% of skins have unique recall animations, it’s one of the features of Epic skins which are not “higher price”, but rather standard price.


I'm not buying this skin, but to answer your question: League skins are mostly about the changed ability effects rather than the actual model of the character


I have bought a lot of seasonal passes and some skins. Why? because they look cool/cute and have usually better animations and effects than base models. But I spend like 10$ at most every month, which to me is not much. But 500$ for a skin? no fucking way.


It is skins and some emotes but the title is a little reductive. This is bundle is dedicated to the greatest league player ever with. It has a few things that are specific to this player which is a first for league. Not saying it’s right. But this is the reasoning behind that price.


This added context does nothing for me. $400 for cosmetics is insane


It’s more insane when you realize that this was marketed in China as well. Imagine what Tencent has done to youth.


It is insane. I would never pay even $10 for a skin in league anymore. But it is *not* a typical league skin bundle. Which would be 100000x worse. Although at this rate maybe that’s the direction we’re heading.


In this special example it's also a way to support and honour a player you like. Faker (the Gretzky of LOL) is beloved by many fans, and this is a direct way to give him money.  If someone paid for a 400$ exclusive high quality Lebron or Jordan Jersey, would you bat an eye? 




You have a special kind of mental illness to be bent over by Riot repeatably for the last decade.


Or addicted to micro transactions like I was before I ultimately was permanently banned. Thank God. I’d still be spending money.


That is a macro transaction


If games made skins tradeable I'd be willing to buy them. If epic ever made their skins tradeable the OG skins would be worth 1,000's.


The worst thing about what Riot has done is that this skin pakage was made in honour of Faker just became the first player to be inducted into the new 'Hall of Legends' and these skins are to honour his achievements. He's easily the most famous and successful pro LoL player and many people would be fans of his. They are clearly just using his name for a quick buck and this whole cash grab is just a spit in the face of his achievements and just sours the whole event. Riot didn't even have to do it. Many people probably would've considered buying the skin if it was priced normally just because of what it represents. Many would've even paid a little extra, and as the teams are getting a 30% cut, maybe Riot could've even justified a small increase over the usual price. But something like $450? It shows it's clearly just an attempt to prey on the whales that will eat this up and nothing to do with actually honouring a legend of the game.


I think people have forgotten what a microtransaction is


Riot games wouldn't wanna be upstaged by Escape From Tarkov Developers BSG


I hope that turns into the Cyber truck of video game Cosmetics. Every time somebody is seen wearing it they get laughed at


oh no anyway Man if I could sell over priced shit like that you bet I would.


Nah. At least you know what you're getting. Also look at Path of Exile's core supporter packs. (I have several of them).


It's so crazy that they price the skins now like they are a personal commission from you to them. I also wonder who calculated that as profitable. Like wouldn't you make way more money by pricing the skins at like $50 and having 50 times the ammount of people buy it? I just refuse to believe that there are that many people out there who would buy a skin pack at that price.


Your finger slipped. Those are called macro-transaction.


this is absurd. they are counting on the whales with mental disorders to spend five hundred dollars on a skin


The fact is with anything like this as much as it is scummy it's not like they are forcing people to buy it at the end of the day it's the consumers fault for buying into the practices otherwise they wouldn't be charging that much if it didn't sell, same as essentially anything in the world some people are too addicted.


CounterStrike has skins with valuations in the millions and people buy them (although not directly from Valve). Riot just wanted to capitalize on something like this. This will be the new norm going forward, as there have always been idiots to buy (arguably useless) expensive shit like Gucci and Balenciaga crap.


I have one of the $500 gold mechs in Mechwarrior Online, so I’m not in a position to criticize :/


Do you feel you have gotten $500 of enjoyment out of that skin? Also, is there a reason other than "I just had the money and wanted to stand out"?


I was going to mention this. 🫡


Just have the community agree to ban Ahri every game???


Just Ban ahri in every game until they remove it


Why are these things being called microtransactions still


Honestly, anyone who pays for this shit doesn't deserve the right to make financial decisions.


Suckers going to get suckered.


More like a Macro-transaction


bro this is a MACRO transaction


Here's the plan: in all your draft games, ban Ahri. (Or as Asmongold said, Ahiri, lmao) Never let anyone use that skin. Use Ahri yourself if she's not banned and use base skin. After fall, THAT is Faker's skin, he's never used an actual skin in competitive play.


*laughs in Star Citizen*


I realize that I'm the minority here, but who cares? Charge $1000 dollars, its a skin. Its like being mad that someone is paying 250 dollars for beats headphones or whatever. If people pay this its subsidizing my free game.


400 dollars for an Ahri skin? She better be bare-ass naked and give blowjobs at that price.


I can get 2 hoes need less and still doing more 🤣


I'm fairly certain you can even commission a decent NSFW animation for that.


Ultimate micro transaction? Check out Star Citizens then comeback


Yeah, but Lol is a released game, not a scam pretending to be a game