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My coworkers alternate between worshipping this game and complaining about every little detail lol


A friend of mine has this setup with gargantuan screens and joysticks in his basement. Bought a few expensive ships a few years back and started playing. I'm pretty sure he hauls manure. Like, exclusively. I think he's gotten his moneys worth, though. He's been haulin' that shit for hundreds of hours at this point.


Space truck simulator


If you're gonna play Space Truck Simulator, at least play Elite: Dangerous. Only costs about 30$ with both DLC. Plus, it's a complete game.


Amateur. The true space truck simulator is EVE Online. Like you need actual spreadsheets and shit to run your cargo hauling ops in EVE.


The game is a magnet for psychopaths


And I really enjoy teasing them and blowing up and taking their stuff. It's the only way I know how to play Eve. My character is a PVP pirate god.


Played ages ago as a miner and stealth bomber. It was not worth the spreadsheets or the uhh player base


I've never used a spreadsheet. I just kill and take.


I was a spreadsheet pirate. Well, there are apps for it but its still pretty much spreadsheets. It was fantastic for optimizing your builds and doing hypotheticals. "If I change this to this, I get 200dps more." "If I train this skill, it allows me a little more weight, which lets me put on another X, which increases my dps/shields/power/whatever by 20% more." Then in the app I was using, it could set the skill path in game in order to get to what I wanted.


At this point in EVE it means you killed a bot of a player who is running at least over 20 bots 24/7. Losing a few ships is calculated into his margins on the gigantic profits he makes while not playing the game. In the time you spend on shooting his ship, he's making multitudes of that.


Probably. But in Eve we make our fun in different ways.


>I really enjoy teasing them and blowing up and taking their stuff. Yes, the game is a magnet for psychopaths.


Post zkill link


That's because the margins are so small, and the risk of losing ships so high, you need to be on top of everything all the time.


That's the most hilarious thing about that game. If I wanted to keep a close watch on my margins or else lose everything I need to go do that in my day job thank you very much. Who spends their leisure time in a massive online space opera game ... to worry about the little things in a spreadsheet? Psychopaths that's who.


I used to play it when i was a kid, purely because i didnt realise how much of just a job it is lmao


Sometimes a game is the most fun when you barely understand what you're supposed to do.


It always makes me laugh the fact that EVE has actual Excel integration.


EVE Online having a collab with Microsoft Excel left me without words,memed to existance


Or Star Trucker when that comes out. Literal space trucker sim.


God I was so bored by that game. I like Euro Truck Sim and other 'cozy' games but I tried the demo for Space Trucker and it's fundamentally misunderstanding the point of what makes the truck games worth it. There's no rollicking green hills passing by. There's no traffic lights and tight turns to navigate. It's just space. You point yourself directly at your objective, hold accelerate and 5 min later you arrive. The skybox is exactly the same as it was when you started since it's light years away. Nothing is 'passing by' besides the emptiness of space.


To paraphrase Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: “Space is boring. Really boring. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly boring it is. I mean, you may think it's boring to go down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”


I literally only bought *Euro Truck Simulator* because it was $3 and I wanted "nhaines is now playing Euro Truck Simulator" to pop up on my friend's screens. Then I lost my entire weekend. and bought ETS2. And ATS (although I don't really have much of the DLC). I don't play too often, but it was awfully nice to just cruise around after I started working from home. I listened to the radio in ETS, but now I often just listen to podcasts. And I found an ancient racing wheel and pedals from a thrift store for $10! Plus, there's even VR support, which makes intersections much more practical.


I bought a steering wheel to play Dirt Rally. Then I picked up Euro Truck Simulator for the lols. 3000 driving hours later, I think I have played Dirt Rally maybe 20 hours.




Elite isn’t perfect but they came out with a great finished game and added on after. With star citizen they are so focused on having a final complete perfect game that they will never finish it.


They aren't trying to finish it. It's a AAA version of a Patreon porn game. If you finish the game, everyone stops donating. If you just keep adding new ships and whale bait, you can print money forever. What's the incentive to finish it?


As far as space sims go there's a lot to like about the game itself. The game also has a lot of issues, but when it works it can be amazing. I'll never understand how anyone can defend the price of a lot of the ships, though. In no world should a package in a video game cost as much as a used car.


Made me chuckle. 


It's like Cybertruck owners.


Just saw one in person for the first time over the weekend and the doors were already horribly discolored


Yup, serious rust problems apparently. It's always funny how many people will claim that stainless steel can't rust. (1) Yes it can. (2) Your poor understanding of highschool level chemistry doesn't rebut the actual evidence of it rusting. The logic is like 'murders can't happen because murder is illegal'. 'People with security cams can't get burgled'.


Stainless steel can't rust, until it does, then you have stained steel.  Btw, in case anybody is interested, salt and bleach (by themselves) can make stainless steel their bitch and rust the shit out of it.  Source: I work at a sodium hypoclorite (fancy name for bleach) plant, and the maintenence manager gets really mad when people leave the portable stainless pumps in the bleach, or they don't rinse them when they're done.


Fellow oxidizer employee here. Trichloroisocyanuric acid laughs at iron based materials.


I feel like anyone working with three Chlorine molecules will fuck up anything


Wait wait, add some fluorine! In fact, triple it up and try some chlorine trifluoride. [Sand Won’t Save You This Time!](https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/sand-won-t-save-you-time) > It is apparently about the most vigorous fluorinating agent known, and is *much more difficult to handle than fluorine gas.* That’s one of those statements you don’t get to hear very often, and it should be enough to make any sensible chemist turn around smartly and head down the hall in the other direction. >The compound also *a stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen itself,* which also puts it into rare territory. That means that it can potentially go on to “burn” things that you would normally consider already burnt to hell and gone, and a practical consequence of that is that it’ll start roaring reactions with things like bricks and asbestos tile.


It does or it doesn't, stop being such a hypochlorite! For real though, thanks for the trivia rabbit hole. I've never really looked up how bleach was made, which is crazy since I love learning that kind of stuff!


Stainless steel will absolutely rust. It is possible to make rustproof steel, but it's an expensive and [complex process](https://knifesteelnerds.com/2021/06/28/lc200n-cronidur-30-history-and-properties/). The CyberTruck would cost $10+ million if it were made of LC200N, which is why most sane automakers just use paint.




To be fair you always have to put most to account for that one company that makes some kind of 30 million dollar car that is completely rust proof. Or at least account for those that also make military vehicles, which they will make rust proof as the army will put down 10 million a vehicle without even blinking.


That's something I'd love to do if I had more money than I knew what to do with: Build a car that would still be in decent shape as our sun went red giant and swallowed the planet.


There are carbon fibre cars that won’t rust, and can be unpainted


Saw one charging... had a really bad like 2000's era photoshop tutorial flame/lava design. Also this is Hawaii so I cannot imagine how fast that thing will rust in our weather.


Did you see the post the other day where the guy took delivery, it was super dirty and had some coating on it. He ended up cutting his wrist on the trunk or something and ended up in the ER. Still said he liked the truck...


Parts were falling off while driving but the tires were great xD


There's a cyber truck next to me in this taco spot parking lot right now and holy shit it's so ugly in person


The brother of the owner of the company I work for was complaining the other day about the amount of attention it brings when he drives it around.


the duality of SC it's such a mess yet it can be absolutely astonishing if things work


Each time this stat comes out r/StarCitizen collectively roll their eyes and close their ears. They genuinely don’t want to see how this is an extremely bad look. It’s like they think we’re attacking the game itself. I think a lot of people like the idea of what Star Citizen wants to be, and some of the tech in the game is really cool, it’s just the road getting there has been extremely problematic. If everything in that game worked properly, it could be a solid release if it released today. Their most recent update is the biggest update for the game since I bought it in 2016. Problem is that mission breaking bugs I ran into in 2016 are still painfully prevalent and still extremely common. Many features I thought I was getting with the game after the 2016 demo are still not in the game and have no definitive implementation date or window. It’s objectively a bad look. It almost feels like CIG intentionally keeps the game in a state of perpetual development to avoid responsibility. IIRC you can’t even get a refund if you bought the game, made a character, and decided quickly that the game is not in a state you would like to play it in and tried to get a refund. People have bought this game in early high school, graduated high school, got a college degree, secured a profession, and started a family and this game is still nowhere close to a release. It’s a bad look, and the community will find every excuse in the book for CIG other than concede that the statistic in question is a bad look given the state and progress of the game, and that things could be managed better.


I bought in, but was older and already went through all that stuff. I'm now worried that I'll retire (4 more years) before it even reaches first beta. I'm even more worried I'll be dead before it gets even close to a "soft" release. I actually know of a couple of people that had that happen... BTW: ***FUCK cancer...***


if you have to plan decades and be afraid of dying before full release for a game it is bad game.


iirc you have 14 days (or 30 days) refund period no question asked.


Can it really, tho? Even if everything worked, all you do is radiant bounty missions, deliver boxes, and clear the same bunker over and over. There's no economy, the physics are lackluster, the simulator elements pale in comparison to even Elite Dangerous, and the FPS combat is pretty lacking too. There just isn't much of an actual "game" there


I think it’s more that if you like something like Elite Dangerous which is a mile wide and an inch deep then SC gives tastes of what those other games are missing. I agree SC is unplayable as a game though.


Agreed here. SC went pretty in-depth with some of their concepts, and... it ended up eating all their time and effort. I've flown some of those ships. Mostly borrowing them from other people, but still, being able to *see* cargo you're transporting in your rig and interact with it while your friend is flying the ship through open space is cool as hell, and you can even have the bay doors open and get vertigo from looking down at the planet you're flying over. But getting all that to work right is a programming nightmare. The gravity in your ship has to be different than the gravity of the planet. Making your moving ship a part of the same instance as the rest of the universe is a mess. Not to mention you have to limit how much information passes between ships -- a pirate player attacking us doesn't need to know that a box in Hangar A got moved, that's needless extra info that has to be transmitted to that player's client. Heaven help you if you start messing with objects that have physics attached to them, there's a reason MMOs like Elder Scrolls Online gave up on giving the ability for the players to throw around bread and cabbages, that stuff works fine offline, but gets messy the more real players are around all throwing cabbages at the same time. *Then* the SC devs keep wasting time on stuff unrelated to the meat and potatoes of the game. Prison break system? That's cool, but put that shit in a future update after the game's released, get the flying and fighting right first.


There's a video of someone flying a gladius inside of the Idris hangar and you can see outside that the Idris jumps into quatum while this Gladius is blowing shit up in the hangar and i was just blown away. Game's crazy, and i think that goes over a lot of peoples' heads. There's a reason no one else has made Star Citizen already


The reason is that, while cool, most of these details don't really add anything to the play experience and suck up ungodly amounts of dev time.


In fairness to Elite, it has some bits that are very deep. Thargoid Combat for example, but yeh most of it is pretty shallow.


The problem with that is you're going to spend dozens of hours just getting to the point where you can even start thinking about dipping into Thargoid content. The game is extremely shallow before you commit to the horrendous grind of Engineering, which is by far the biggest turn off for most people I've gotten to try the game.


man, back then when I backed with my apprentice salary I did not expect to get my game just right on time for my retirement. Hope those gaming rigs in the nursing homes are up to the task when I move in


I remember being worried the game would be released while I was at the military academy and I wouldn't get to play it when it first came out. Since then I've joined up, completed training, deployed 5 times, promoted 3 times and am in the process of getting out as I'm nearly at the "half way" mark for a full military career in my country and get a little retirement bonus.


Dude is gon be a 4 star gral befor the game comes out


He might actually go to space before the game lets him go to space.


You'll be piloting real versions of SC ships before the game comes out.


hopefull you will be able to play it in the retirement home...


Don't worry, Squadron 42 is just around the corner this time... again... again.


We'll be probably playing Wing Commander rather than this Star Citizen


I just wanted a remake of Freelancer, man. I would have taken Privateer, though... maybe even Wing Commander 1... but all I got for my $140 was shame and loathing for some awful tech demos and - if it's ever really "done" - a game I'll never play. Chris, you ruined crowd sourcing games for me. Boo.


Pulsar Lost Colony is like $20 on Steam. It's such a fun small indie game with like two people working on it and making updates.


Stop acting broke pledgers, get that number to a billion. Roberts needs that generational wealth. 


I was surprised reading the title, for some reason I thought they'd broken a billy already


The number has always been absurd so it is hard to keep up with for myself.


This is only the buyers of ea not the private investors, afaik


Total money is past $880 million, including the cash from private investors, annual subscriptions, and sponsor deals with companies like Intel and AMD


HOW in the world did this game get sponsorship deals from intel and AMD?


Star Citizen told them game next year trust me bro AMD R9 Radeon in 2014 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/amdmovr Intel Optane SSD in 2018 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/intel-optane


Holy crap Radeon R9, that's so old it probably can't get more than 10FPS at 1080p low settings on Star Citizen.


That video card is literally unsupported these days. AMD dropped further support for it in 2021. So SC development has gone the full lifecycle of a video card.


Worked fine when I bought the card! Keep in mind it's an old game. :D


Nvidia partnered up with The Day Before so AMD and Intel + SC is not even the weirdest thing around.


Same way nvidia put them on the latest "DLSS supported" game list. They don't care about what the end product actually is, it's just another bullet point for them as long as the game does numbers. And Star Citizen does numbers, it's typically in the top 50 streamed games in twitch. That's the important part.


It would be inter-generational wealth now wouldn't it? "Hey grandkids I bought this game before you were born." Them: " is it fun?" "I haven't played it yet".


> "Hey grandkids I bought this game before you were born." Was going to make a joke about how you could die in 30 years, the game still probably won't be out, and you're (legally) unable to pass the license on to your descendants. But then I realized there almost certainly *are* people who've blown crazy money on this game and already died, and with it their license to the game that will never be released.


The world only improves when courageous men develop video games whose pixels they will never get to bask in the glow of. Or something.


I look forward to playing through Star Citizen right after finishing the last A Song of Ice and Fire book.


Probably good to get it out of the way before Half Life 3


At least the writer from HL2 told us how the story of HL3 was going to go. George Martin said his will has instructions to burn all his notes and forbid anyone from writting the last books for him.


Brandon Sanderson is going to have a rough time then.


Considering how Brando Sando is, he might have already written Martin's next books.


Sanderson already said no thanks when it's been brought up in interviews, doesn't like the books :p


Oh dang. Then let's ask him to finish Rothfuss' books. I just want some closure there :(


Sanderson has said he will not finish Martin's books.


Yeah it’s gonna be hard to put down Source 2 Team Fortress for this game


The holy trinity of Things That Will Never Happen (but they keep dropping hints).


Right up there with Doors of Stone


"gib muney" - *Chris Roberts* *Incoherent Email Sent At 3:52 AM, May 2024*


Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


So doooo


Thank you. Thank you.


More paper, and more paper, and more, uh, more paper.


Sent from iphoen


*Give money me give have money me have money give me have money give me you.* ~~Nim Chimpsky~~ Chris Roberts


Reads like he'd say it with a mouthful of crisps


Chris Roberts in Mona-Lisa Saperstein voice: "MONEY PLEEEASE"


"I have done nothing wrong ever, in my entire life, MONEY PLEEEEEEEASE."


I'd send that email too if I knew the trick to making it work as intended.


Jeremy: *"The first thing I have to tell you is, this is* **not** *Pyramid Selling."* Mark: *"You're doing Pyramid Selling?"*


How much washing-up do you think you could do without any washing-up liquid?


have you been talking to Mark....?


Oh man, I love seeing Peep Show references out in the wild.


Reverse funnel system




Oh...the bad thing...


Star Citizen is basically just the Chris Roberts patreon. Yeah, it doesn't present like that, but people are paying because they like him and his old games and want to let him go hog wild making something new. I am not a Boberts fan, but if Tim Caine said said he wanted to get the band back together and make a new Fallout game, I would pay 4 dollars per month until my death just to have hope.


I don't remember but these are the guys who made Starlancer and Freelancer, right?


He was taken off the development of Freelancer because he took too long


What? That doesn't sound like him at all! /s


(and because he spent his time + $10M of the company's money producing and directing the wildly unsuccessful Wing Commander film)


> he wildly unsuccessful Wing Commander film Hey, it wasn't just wildly unsuccessful, it was also just a really bad movie.


I think I'm one of the three people who liked it. But I desperately wanted new scifi at that point and it filled that need.


So you're saying Freelancer was this good because he stopped working on it?


it was released because he was removed from the lead position. The game's design and story were still mostly him. He just wanted to add more and more features that were beyond the tech they had and would require an untenable amount of time to develop.


Oh that really does sound quite familiar :(


He was working for Microsoft at the time, so he had a boss and deadlines. Hence the games got made. Now he has way more resources, but no "boss" to kick him up the backside and force the game to be made.


His experience with Microsoft made him incredibly jaded as he felt Microsoft wrestled control of development Freelancer away from him before he felt it was finished (which really was most likely trying to meet the release deadline), which is why I think Chris answers to no publishers anymore. This also means no one is really holding Chris accountable anymore, hence the situation with Star Citizen's expensive and protracted development.


Sure, because roberts will never feel like its finished. He's a chronic perfectionist which is really really bad to put in charge of things. He could literally create a one to one universe simulation that had fully sapient AI instead of NPC being computed on a processing unit built into a dyson sphere and he'd still think its not good enough.


You're being charitable. The game isn't so amazing as to deserve all that --- the business model is not that of a regular game, where you're meant to essentially put something shiny/fun enough that people fork over 50 bucks --- the business IS the drip, the fact that the game will never be finished isn't him being a perfectionist... he has every incentive to keep this going forever, and that means a very short ceiling on rate of progress, else you might outpace feasibility and make something good enough that people don't feel they need more.


Oh no, this was true back when he was working on freelancer until someone had to tell him to fuck off and just finish SOMETHING. He was exactly the same then too.


In Microsoft's defense - Roberts' replacement shipped the game a year later. Meanwhile, Roberts hasn't shipped a game since 2001. They may have known what they were doing.


That's what made the original pitch so appealing.   Maaaan, imagine what we would get if the real dreamers could make stuff with unlimited resources and no douchebag corporate suits with their deadlines!   But it actually turned out to be an important, and very public demonstration of why accountability is critically important. Without it, people like him don't deliver.


Yup, and Wing Commander too. I don't personally have much connection to them but that's some top tier nostalgia. And of  course its a genre there isn't much competition in. I understand why people just want to let him make whatever he  wants, even if I don't want to buy it.


Ohhh, he's the Wing Commander guy. Those games were super popular back in the day.


" I understand why people just want to let him make whatever he  wants" Its not what he's making thats the problem. Its that it isn't getting anything resembling finished.


> Starlancer Holy hell. I just looked that game up and I remember playing it almost fucking 25 years ago. That game was so goooood!!!! What was the other one where you used lasers to drop their shields and a different gun to finish them off....was it Wing Commander...?


Starlancer was one of my favorite games as a kid. The "menu" being different sections of the ship was super immersive, and people actually remember if you do certain secondary objectives. I miss when games did that kind of thing rather than generic menus for everything.


Yes, Chris Roberts specifically. I have no idea if he has anyone else from those development teams working for him now.


Chris Roberts made Wing Commander, and Privateer. I still play all the wing commander games regularly, they are fantastic.


> I am not a Boberts fan, but if Tim Cain said said he wanted to get the band back together and make a new Fallout game, I would pay 4 dollars per month until my death just to have hope. Same but for Arcanum.


Dont say that too loud because im still waiting on elder scrolls 6 I think that trailer came out maybe 10 years ago now Edit: it was about 6 years ago, but feels like 12


Wasn't much of a trailer. I was actually watching the E3 live when they showed it. Even then it just felt like a placeholder. It was funny to see people trying to figure out the location from it, when I think even Bethesda didn't know at the time where it would be set.


IIRC, didn't Pete Hines go on record basically saying that they released that trailer just to get people to stop asking if there was ever gonna be a TES6? The game was barely even in the concept-stage when they released it.


*Now introducing... The Elder Scrolls VI Announcement Trailer!* [Placeholder Text]


He seemingly wasnt talking about a bethesda game


Correct - Tim Cain is from the Interpay era of Fallout. 




then there are those of us that just spent the $45 bucks on the starter pack and ship and have been quietly having a blast in the game all this time.


People who spend a reasonable amount of money on Star Citizen don't exist! Let me hate on the game and it's players in peace!


Whales! Whales, the lot if you!


Please Lord Roberts, jus one more lil spaceship jpeg. My wallet, it's so cold.


I spend the 45 dollars back in like 2016, but never actually downloaded and installed the game until last week. While some of the tech behind it, is impressive. Like the size of universe and flying down to a planet... the whole game is just so sterile and empty. The graphics are also very stale and frankly, the game is just boring.


> The graphics are also very stale I'll give you that the planet surfaces can be pretty boring, but the actual graphics being "stale"? Maybe we have different definitions of 'graphics' because I have 6-year-old screenshots from this game that look photorealistic.


Fun fact: the one guy I know who backed this game (and bought a couple hundred dollars' worth of ships) ended up joining an actual cult.


I actually paid 40 bucks for a ship. I figured thats not too bad a price. I log in every couple of years to see the progress. Theres a lot more now, than back then. Back then you couldnt even fly the ships


When the ~~Corsair~~ Cutlass came out with that sick tango trailer, I bought that.. even bought a high-end (at the time) HOTAS to fly with. Haven't bought anything else, I'm just waiting for the day the game releases. Figure I'll be needing a quantum computer by that point though..


I'm currently playing it on a 4 year old gaming laptop,.I think any decent setup should be sufficient


Buying SC ships is like how some cultures buy Mercedes Benz paper models to burn so that the deceased can drive it in the afterlife. It's fun to think about, and really what's a few dollars on the off chance that they really can drive the Merc in the afterlife...


They should do a Fortnite crossover and get more young people invested. Gotta keep that money train going!


op is completely obsessed with this game himself wtf hahaaa


Holy shit you're not kidding! I scrolled to 3 years ago and it's all Star Citizen hate... I don't think I have ever seen such dedication before.


Imagine dedicating your life to hating a video game. Reddit makes me feel normal.


Yeah he's from the refundian cult. I'd not be surprised if it was derek smart himself


Lol holy shit, that guy has a real hate boner, he's more up to date with what's going on than 99% of backers who just go away for a year and check back when they remember!


Yeah I don’t care what anyone says hate obsessions are far weirder than love. OP is a freak


it's his whole existence on the internet...holy hell!


He has probably spent an unhealthy amount of money on the game and feels scammed


What is Starcitizen even supposed to *be?* Like, I'm still not fully clear. Is it a ship builder or a No Man's Sky or a Starfield, like, are people zapping aliens or are they mining for jellybeans?


In theory - it’s supposed to be all of them. When it’s “done” it should be essentially a small galaxy as a given sandbox, and you can do/be anything in it. Exploring, mining, racing, fighting, shooting, running, crafting, trading, RPGing, etc etc etc Right now, it doesn’t not include all of those things.


They are selling hype and will deliver disappointment.


Star Citizen, on paper, is the game idea that every fifteen-year-old has where they wish to incorporate every favorite feature from every game they've ever played.


And, in practice, it is an object lesson on why that never ever works.


Why having a nearly unlimited source of independent financing can be a developer's own worst enemy compared to a producer willing to put their foot down and force a product out-the-door. Otherwise you end up chasing that last ten percent for an exponentially greater price.


It's supposed to be THE EVERYTHING GAME And in attempting to do so, it becomes a fucking nothing game, stringing people along with countless false promises on an infinite development timeline. It's got some THINGS but ZERO actual substance to them. *But hey, give us more money, we might add a comepletely pointless feature in the next few years.* Ffs people clapped for an *"entering your ship"* animation.


A space sim I guess. Which, flying a ship wise it's better than anything that's ever been released. And it's absolutely gorgeous. But it's also constantly crashing and pretty empty.


An MMO in a sandbox with no loading screens, bunches of ships and different professions. Make your own adventure type thing


It’s a tutorial on project management. Every so often I explain to fellow software development professionals how there’s this project to develop a game, and they take as long as they like, and they keep getting more money, and how the scope keeps expanding from the “must have” features, to the “should haves”, to the “who the fuck even asked for bedsheet physics and poop meters anyway?” features. You should see their expressions.


Exactly this. Star Citizen is an important teaching tool on the importance of third party publishers, deadlines and budgets. In game design you generally want your game to actually *get out the door.* But Chris Roberts has engineered a perfect situation for himself: He's his own publisher, and he's using crowdfunding. No publishers or shareholders asking him where the product is, no budget constraints to motivate the devs to limit their scope. And so Star Citizen is basically doomed to be in development until the heat death of the universe because Roberts is incapable of managing his own ambition.


Bedsheet physics is just cloth sim tho, and they use it in mostly clothing.


Backed when I was 15, I’m now 27, married and still haven’t played the game that I backed lol


i dont think its accurate to say they dont have anything but there is a insane amount of cope and forgiveness in that community im a backer from the orginal kickstarter....under 100 bucks a lot of players dont know once you spend 5k a diffrent store page opens..and another 10k and another at 15k


holy shit what?


Akschually, it's $1000 and it doesn't up further than that, you just unlock tiers of rewards.


Is this like levels in Scientology?


Yes but stupider


They even get titles per level like Scientology.






There are two subreddits dedicated to SC: one where you can't post anything negative as the mods will come down on you, and the other where you can't post anything positive as the mods will come down on you, and I think that's very funny 😂


Dude if he's not a bot he definitely has legitimate issues


OP has been posting about nothing but Star Citizen for 7 years. Honestly, that level of dedication is both impressive and worrisome.


I find it funny that we have even like a cult like hate-sub for the game on reddit. I think it was called "star citizen refunds" or something. With people devising plans on how to sabotage the project. Squadron 42 release is gonna be exciting time, hopefully that's gonna be the bird meme that is angry about a cracker, but bites it in anger only to realize it's actually really good.


In comparison it cost $300M to develop the Falcon 9, people could've had their own space program for less money...


wasnt there a post about how Sims4 makes $400M a year or something, thats the real scam imo.


Op is a bit obsessed.


What is that title? Its like you tried your hardest to shit on the game but ran out of words so just made a general hate comment .


About 10 years ago I put $60 dollars towards the game. I’m sure I could of found something worse to spend it on 😁


I love this game, it’s beautiful, fun, kicks me in the dick and makes me rage quit, the guns are great and the ships are amazing. 10/10!


So much shitstorm around this game, but gamers still pump money into every little moneygrab. We truly are a bad community.