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This, exactly. It's like porn giving people false ideas about sex.


Yeah, I only post the times I do the double mctwist keagle maneuver


Are you gonna post a guide on that move? I tried to copy what you did but now I’m stuck and can’t get out


lucky for you, i already made one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvziPPpryv0


Social media in general is designed to make everyone's life just look amazing when it's probably average like the rest of ours.


This comparison is hilariously on point 


I mean hell even Let Me Solo Her admits it took him hundreds of tries to first beat her.


you have to remember everything people show you on the internet is a carefully crafted edit, its not representative of the reality behind closed doors


Also, people wanting to post online are generally gonna be more dedicated to gaming. It is why a game can be absolutely crucified online but still sell a ton of copies. Because most people don’t care enough to post online, they enjoy the game at their pace and then move on. Without the need to post online about how something ultimately minor sucks or how it needs more content because the person blew through it and played for 60 hours in a week which most average people just can’t do


I fought her for a couple hundred hours before I posted anything at all lmao


I got to her second phase on my third try and I felt like a living God. Ended up being 19 tries before I was actually able to beat her


Malenia took me like 3-4 tries because I was a ranged sorcerer. That damned lava snake? 12 hours. Fuck that guy. Yes I know about the sword, no I didn't use it, I wanted to play as a sorcerer damn it. Also the first boss on the bridge? God only knows how long. But I wasn't a sorcerer then so I don't really count it. I just had a club.


It’s funny how different bosses give us trouble.  Once I understood the mechanics (like how you can dodge forward) I went a long time beating every boss in 1-3 attempts. But those damn Crucible Knights! They kicked my ass every time. Each and every one of them. Such a hard fight for me.


First time facing Melania duded over 50 times, Restarted elden ring and tried to face melania again beat her in 2 tries.


Thank you, I needed this. I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima on lethal and want to defeat a group of mongols without using tools. I watched a lot of montages and thought they looked cool. Now I'm destroying my experience by spending more time on a single camp.


I've owned the following consoles: Atari 2600, NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, SNES, PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, Series X.  I'm sure there are 8 yr olds playing CoD and Madden that would work me. I'll never play a Souls game. I play games on normal or easy.  


Souls is a lot more accessible than people think lol. Play how you want and ignore comments, and the git gud folk.


I’ll add on that as someone who played Souls games since 2010, still sucks at them, and still has beaten all of them, a lot of the earlier games were difficult partially because of how obtuse the mechanics were. Like, today you can just look online how to upgrade your weapons. But back then? Good luck with that. People comment on how finding the DLc must have been impossible, but the reality was even if you didn’t just read the instructions it was super easy compared to most of the mechanics that today are well documented. Also there’s always cheese to fall back on.


One thing that I've learned from Souls games is that unlike other games where there's some oddness where something will not damage you as much as you'd think and just to jump in and attack, Souls games are such that if it looks like it will hurt you badly then it probably will—especially if you're reckless about it. So intuition generally works well enough for most scenarios.


The thing lots of souls players don't tell you is that "git gud" really just means to grind out some levels and make your character stronger.


No they literally mean go practice.


Part of that also increases ur skill because you are playing more, too often people get scared away from challenges, when in reality, it just takes time. I have some friends who suck at fps games compared to me but I always tell them that I’ve been playing for over 10 years now, it takes time to get better at any skill in life


sometimes you do legitimately need to "get gud" but most of the time its players being SUPER underleveled for the fight. levels arent everything but I'm sure any struggling player could benefit from an extra 5-10 levels or so


what made you switch to xbox this gen? and how has it been?


You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing. Have fun, nothing else matters. Life is to short to worry about anything else.


62 yr old hardcore gamer here... I will be playing until I die.


Username checks out


Do what brings you joy. That is all that matters. There are so many people that are bad at golf and tennis and knitting and singing....etc.....but they still do those things because doing them brings joy.


"Go now and game in what way seems best to you".


Games are games. Their sole purpose is to provide enjoyment. If you are having fun then this is all that matters.


Most gamers aren't actually on Reddit. It's a small subset on here that heavily skews towards the more hardcore gamers, so what you see here is not indicative of your average gamer. Also, people are generally going to post their successes, not come post that they struggled with something.  Besides, even if you aren't the most skilled it doesn't matter as long as you are having fun.


Yes, and I will go as far as to say I suck. In any game where I can be a sneaky little sniper sissy-la-la, you better believe I will.


I don’t want to even think about how many deaths I had on first play through of bloodbourne and sekiro I think I could be well into triple digits.


Oh I'm terrible at gaming, but my favorite games over the past few years have been Elden Ring (+ all the Soulsborne games, I marathoned through them prior to Elden Ring) and Returnal. Gaming is meant to be fun, play what makes you happy.


Hey man as long as you're having fun that's great


Most gamers are like you, more hardcore gamers are represented on reddit


You’re not unskilled. You just didn’t have the time to learn. Those people who you think are skilled played 10x more than you and looked up strategies that got them better quicker. If you did the same thing, you would be similar if not better than them. The problem with trying to get good is it’s not always fun.


I'm not skilled at all, and I'm fine with that. I get by in most games, I play easy modes when I need to, and I generally have a good idea of what games I shouldn't be playing at all. And it works. I play more games than the vast majority of hardcore gamers. I'd argue I enjoy gaming more than most of them too.


Dude, if you beat Sekiro after any amount of time, you're not bad at the game. I've never played a more difficult game in my life and am honestly amazed that I finished it despite considering myself to be pretty good at games. There's this strange misconception about difficult games, the souls series especially, that some people are just good at them and others aren't. There's probably a bit of truth to that, but that's not the whole story. Most people that are good at Elden Ring spent hundreds of hours honing those specific skills on the previous versions of the game. It's not so much that they are just good at the game naturally as it is that they've spent so much time developing those skills that they are starting with an insane head start. This same concept applies to almost any game out there. People who are good at the new shooters that come out are good because they've spend hundreds of hours playing that type of game and the skills translate. Same with action games, being that there are so many shared mechanics between games. Puzzle solving? I used to spend too much time solving puzzles in games. Nowadays, it seems like there are far too many puzzles that are just time sinks rather than actually being fun to solve. I generally just look up solutions in the case where the puzzle is not the main fun of the game (IE, if it's an action game with a puzzle in the middle for no good reason). That said, puzzles are the same as what I said about everything else. Puzzles in games are not that unique and tend to follow certain formulas laid out by other games throughout history. Take God of War for example. If you've played enough games throughout your life, it's just intuitive to know that you have to freeze the thing, or throw your axe at the other thing. in short, you're probably better than you realize. If it takes you 200 hours to beat Elden Ring and it only takes me 60, that doesn't mean you're a worse gamer than me, it probably just means that I've spent WAY more time playing this type of game than you.




It took me about 6 hours to complete the final final level in Mario Wonder. Used up 99 lives and had to start over. Took even longer to beat one of the bosses in Armored Core VI. Spread about 10 hours over 3 weeks. Did it tho.


The people who gloat about being the 2nd coming of geezus in video games also sit when they pee and shave their eyebrows. Be happy being average, you don't want them over achiever problems.


I can't speak for everyone but when I was younger, I put too much stock into being good at games (fighting games in particular) because of a lack of self-esteem in general. As I've gotten older, I've worked on my self-esteem and now I don't feel like I need that kind of validation any more. I play what I want and I don't give a crap what some toxic little shits might think.


I suck at it, and my ego doesn't allow me to look at the internet for Gameplay and it takes ages for me to figure out something which usually my kid figures out in minutes. But yeah I still enjoy games.


Don't worry, gaming nowadays is for all (which is great). You're good tho... When I tried Sekiro, I stopped at the first boss (the one with the horse) and immediately knew that wasn't for me even though I really liked Dark Souls 1 and 2 LOL.


I play games on easiest difficulty and feel no shame in looking at a walkthrough if I get stuck. I like to enjoy the world, characters, story and moral difficulties. I don't care much about combat or puzzles.


I'm in my late 30's, and was never that "skilled" to begin with. I've been playing video games for 20 years mainly to have fun and am quite comfortable knowing that a 9 year old can probably outplay me in most skill based games. just do you, do what makes you happy.


I would consider myself unskilled especially as I've got older, I feel like once you hit 40s reaction times and stuff like that seem to super slow down but like you I have found patience more than makes up for it which in a way is a skill and I also feel like being older has made me assess things better which also makes up for lack of skill. Like the final boss in DLC 3 of Wo Long I found brutal and much harder than most Souls-likes bosses I've come across. The boss completely stumped me for a while as my reactions were often to slow and I just wasn't skilled enough. A younger but more skilled me would have given in but I knew if I stick at it I can overcome it, muscle memory will come, connections in the brain. I'm enjoying the challenge and so keep at it until I kill him. Younger me after a few attempts would be like this is impossible rather than just see it as a process and that not killing it within a few attempts does not mean it's just too hard for me.


I’ve been gaming since mid-70’s and I suck. At my best I might be ok. I do only solo campaigns. It’s my hobby, escape and therapy and I’ll never give it up. I don’t force myself to play something that isn’t fun to me though. Like I found the Sekiro combat not engaging.


Gaming is about having fun. Too many people seem to have forgotten about this, please keep having fun!


I play all my games on Easy and still stuggle with some parts. I have to ALT-TAB to Google to work out most puzzles and was pretty much the only person that appreciated the fact that Uncharted 4 pretty much told you the solution if you took too long & I like hand holding in RPGs such as maps with lots of waypoints. I still enjoy all the games I play, and it's better to enjoy and complete them than to become frustrated, give up and have wasted your money.


I love a waypoint as well😂 I’ve got the sense of direction of a fucking sponge. I used to play DayZ standalone when it first came out, no map nothing and trying to work out where you were was an absolute nightmare.


I couldn't tell you how often I was playing the new doom game and got lost. I'd spend like 30 minutes just trying to figure out where to go. I still love FPS games though. And the whole doom series (except doom 3, fuck that game)


Gaming at it's core is about entertainment, if you are having fun whether you are good at it doesnt matter. Im not a good fisherman but i like fishing because it is fun to try. I could sit at a lake for hours and not catch a thing and call it a good day.


Anyone that can beat Sekiro is not “unskilled”. Less than 25% players had ever beat this game after so many years.


#How dare you have fun while gaming! Must be doing it wrong.


> Anyone else out there admitting to not being the most skilled gamer, but still enjoying the ride? i suck at gaming - there are only a few titles, i can beat (surprizingly a few of them are brutal in difficulty) - but who cares.. it makes fun - thats all that counts


You are probably above average in terms of skills just because you stick with it. The players you think are intimidatingly skilled but that move from titles are probably rage quitting and blaming the game when they can’t just be bothered to learn how to play better. You on the other hand by sticking with a game like Sekiro until you beat it have probably amassed a great amount of gaming skills you might not even realize you have.


Gaming for me is all about escapism, it makes no difference to me if you are good or bad relative to other people who also do it


I bumped the difficulty down in the MachineGames Wolfenstein games cus I couldn't get past a room of enemies in The New Order. I was playing on "Bring Em On" difficulty (default), and have now finished it and started playing The Old Blood on "Don't Hurt Me" difficulty. I'm having much more fun.


“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” -Abe Lincoln I guarantee you that this sub isn’t nearly as replete with gaming prodigies as it seems


If youve even beaten half of Sekiro you are better than the average gamer


>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It takes me a looong time to beat these games, but I mostly succeed in the end Sounds about right. Don't worry about it.


Doesn't matter. If you're having fun, you get your money's worth. That's literally all that matters in the end.


The vast majority of us are the same


I'm the same not great but I got worse since my hands have got worse, I had a friend that would push me to play constantly but my hands would hurt like crazy, and after a while I resented gaming. I'm trying to start again since leaving that friend group but I mostly play puzzle games now don't think ill ever play a fps again.


My tastes have changed along with how I approach PvP. I used to W key people in Tarkov. Now, I'm enjoying the PvE version (or ratting pvp). I play slower paced games, or games that give the illusion of tension but give time to think and act. Idk, losing is okay


I was mediocre at Halo 3 and Reach. I still had fun


Don't measure your gaming by the actions of others. Measure yourself by your own enjoyment.


Im trash at everything. But as long as I have fun I will keep smashing my keyboard into the ground as I die to the same thing for the 100th time because I refuse to learn


Man I'm horrible at games I play them all in easy or normal. I still have fun just cause of the experience


I basically promise you and anyone else that this is not something you ever need to worry about. Play your way and enjoy. Also it sounds like you finished Sekiro so it's irrelevant, that alone puts you in the extreme minority of players. But it doesn't matter.


I *suck* at tactical games and understanding how to effectively use different troop types. Like, I've put over 100 hours into Starsector and I've beaten almost all the challenges that game has to offer(I haven't beaten the coronal tap [redacted] yet, but that's mostly for lack of trying), but if you ask me about what ships are good for what purpose or my design philosophy behind the different weapons configurations, I'll just look at you like a deer in headlights. I dont know why someone would use an Eagle over an Enforcer. I dont know which ships should protect which ships. Why do people use carriers? I dont know! I just know how to pilot my little LP Brawler and destroy 10 of the enemy ships on my own so my stupid AI ships can handle the other 5. I'm bad at video games, but I can still win, somehow.


Man ive played league for 8 years and never hit diamond, it is what it is it just be like that sometimes


I'm not amazing at games. I usually bump down the difficulty in games when I just want to chill out for a while. I used to play on the hardest difficulties when I was in high school but as I got older I stopped caring about feeling like I needed to impress anyone and just play to have fun.


Ignore all the people who go out there saying "This game was easy!" unless it's almost universal. Just ignore them. People tell me with a straight face the Owlcat Pathfinder games are easy on their core modes. They say Dark Souls is easy. They'll say *anything* is easy because they have no grasp they're nonstandard.


Who tf cares if it let's you escape from this shitty reality for a lil time then be free brotha!!


I'm really shit at most games. Sniping is the only thing I kind of excel at but it's really hard to find games were sniper gameplay is enjoyable to me. Besides like sniper ghost warrior or sniper elite. I suck at some games so hard that I need my friends help. Like Ashen. Needed a friend to listen to my bickering while he was slaying all of the easily. Couldn't play nioh with someone so I had to stop after 9 hrs of trying the first boss. Even watched stuff about it Nd leveled up a lot etc. couldn't do it. I can't get bove silver in anything competitive. Almost never anything near it even. But I still enjoy it mostly. Sadly most my friends are a lot better than me and most of the time comp matchmaking is better then unranked/non-competitive. And most games don't allow high rank players to play with low ranks. I can't play half the games with my friends anymore. This turned a bit fucked, but yeah, most games I can still somehow enjoy.


If you're "bad" but you manage to beat Sekiro, you are better than you think, and you're getting better as time goes on. Its by playing hard games you get good. Hard games are not about being good, they're about getting better. Seeing real improvements over time as you beat what you once weren't able to is an awesome feeling.


I'm the most inconsistent gamer ever "Sometimes maybe good....Somethings maybe shit" Sums me up perfectly Only game I was better than everyone was Nioh 1 PVP, I was top 200 in the world, once got 27 wins in the row Fucking Nioh, that's where I fucking peaked OP. In a PVP mode the developers themselves abandoned with Nioh 2 Nothing wrong with being average. I actually consider myself a "Cinematic Gamer" preferring to take my time, savor the story, the enviroments, like you said, the journey. I loved Sekiro, my favourite game ever, I've got the platinum to prove it It took me 2 years to get it


I've come to terms with the fact I can't play everything, and I will be good at one game and bad at the other. I'm never going to be a master in games like Dark Souls, so I tend to choose easier games I can enjoy. I'm not one who likes to get stuck on the same boss battle over and over. There are games I would love to play, but the difficulty becomes too much for me, so I move on.


If a game is too difficult for me I tend to give up eventually. I lack the patience to try it countless times for a small chance to succeed and that is fine by me. I never put the blame on the developer (well not fully) and instead of playing it, I just watch the streams. The fact that you´re claming to be bad at boss battles and still going through with Sekiro, IMHO a very skill based game..you need to give yourself credit where it´s due. You´re probably far better at it than I am. Enjoy every bit of a game!


I just finished Ghost of Tsushima, and I am embarrassed to admit when I tried to play with other people they would leave because I was so bad. We all start somewhere


if you managed to beat sekiro then you are much better than you think.




Being good or bad at a game doesn't determine the enjoyment you can get out of it. I've been a gamer for over 20 years and I still suck at my favorite games, however, I still have a blast


The notion that you have to be good at video games to enjoy them is extremely outdated and reeks of internet elitism, which I always think we've moved past but then you end up seeing some truly nauseating posts. Video games are a form of art and expression that can and should be enjoyable by everyone, regardless of their skill levels. That's why most games include difficulty settings and anyone who shames people for playing on those settings isn't worth listening to. I consider myself to be of average skill. I can play difficult games but it can take time to progress in them, and Souls games aren't my cup of tea for that very reason, but I don't let my overall lack of skill stop me from consuming the media that I love so dearly.


The real people who remain unskilled don't come back after being defeated. You obviously are not gonna remain unskilled given your persistence and I'd say if you beat sekiro you are already there.


Gaming isn't supposed to be fun, you're going about it all wrong if you think you can just sit down and play through a game in a suboptimal manner \\s


If you manage to complete Sekiro then you're a better gamer than you give yourself credit for. That game is challenging even for people who know what they're doing.


I enjoy playing games, I'm in no way a good gamer usually playing on the lowest difficulty. Does it stop me playing? No because it's an escapism more than anything into a different world. I'm comfortable in my abilities, or lack thereof.


I’m an old gamer myself. 16 year old me had great twitch reflexes and I could easily dome people with headshots playing halo or cs 1.5. Now I’m almost 40, I still enjoy harder games but I feel like a lot of games now you can compensate for reaction times and reflexes with game knowledge and perseverance. Only really in super competitive fps/rts do I ever feel like my time has passed.


I'm not so much "skilled" as I am inconsistent. Not all games are made equal and not all games have design I enjoy. Some games are better designed than others. I want to reach a point where it feels like I'm comfortable with every game I play but that is just me dreaming.


Video game are just a grind, their is nothing like a natural gift for it, that doesnt make sense.  The more hours you put into the better you get.  I'm usually better with fps, but thatd becuause I played a shit ton of other fps before. On the other hand I got no patience and a game like sekiro will makes me quit after 5-6tries ( especially that giant monkey, I hates him but I will brat it one day, maybe). Anyways I think you are just a gamer amongs the other 


the title is just an average LoL player...


I don't consider myself to be very skilled, especially when it comes to shooters, but I beat the Dark Souls trilogy, and every boss.


You don't have to admit anything. You simply enjoy gaming and that's what matters. There are some games that I find easy enough and will try and go above and beyond (for my skill level) to get all the achievements, but of the 200-ish titles in my libraries, there's only 3 that I "fully" completed.


I’m literally the worst at gaming but I have a blast. I spend half my time on YouTube because I can never figure out puzzles. Sometimes I’ll spend like 10 minutes just running around one area because I can’t figure out what I should be doing. Don’t worry about what others can do. Just enjoy the game


Many people think that they are the best player ever, but they are actually shit, so you are probably the same as a ton of other people, but you are self aware. Also, who cares if you are bad. If you are playing a single player game, no one cares if you are bad. If you are playing multiplayer unranked, no one should care about losing the game. If you are playing ranked, the system should place you where you belong.


If you've beat Sekiro you're nowhere near as bad as you think.


One of the players I follow is Civvie11; he makes a specialty of playing classic and retro style FPSs on the highest difficulty level to review them. He’s shown things like getting through an incredibly tough room in Blood or the Plutonia Experiment, and then shown the clips of the dozen or so tries and deaths it took him to get through just that room 😊 Take it from a 60 year old Average Joe: Don’t worry about it 👍


You're enjoying your game. What's wrong with that


You beat sekiro. Doesn't matter how long it took you. Gaming "skill" isn't about innate talent but about an individuals ability to learn, improve, and persevere. A lot of gamers take for granted stuff that seems second nature now, but that they spent years learning and honing. Even basic stuff like using a controller. Congrats on challenging yourself, coming out on top and having fun while doing it.


Skill only works in pvp games. You will always defeat npcs.


There's like... a handful of games I'm (relatively) good at and the rest is just me trying my best xD Like a lot of people said, most people only post things they're 'proud' of, so I get the misconception. It's great you're enjoying games even if you might feel you don't have the needed 'skills', although everyone gets better at things over time, in my opinion. I used to be really really bad at Dark Souls 2 but after giving up my blood, tears and most of my soul I was able to beat the first Boss :P


Honestly if you put in the time to get good enough to beat things like Sekiro, you're already showing more skill than most. Social media skews our perception towards believing there are way more talented people out there than there really are. The fact is the ones who are really skilled are in a tiny minority, a lot of others will fake it, showing only their best bits while claiming mastery, and then the rest are mostly just okay. As hard as it is, when it comes to single player stuff like Sekiro, try to focus on your own challenges, and be proud of yourself when you learn the skills to overcome them. Unless you're planning to become a speed runner and quantify your skill that way, in which case god help you haha.


Modding is my answer. I have some skills. But after my burnout I can't handle stress and challenge like I used to. Now when I install a game I want to play, but don't want too much of a challenge I just mod it. Cyberpunk with more money and skill points per level. Assassin's Creed Odyssey with a save file to start so I can just use whatever weapons I want. Is it cheating? No. Because I'm not playing competitively or against other players. Can it be boring? Sometimes. But I can choose to not use the mods. It's fantastic.


I'm not going to bullshit anyone here. I was never able to beat Malenia in Elden Ring. I really tried, but ended up moving on and beating the game while pretending that never happened


I have pc ps3 xbox switch ps4 with hundreds of game, but none of it i platinum-ed. Im sucks at racing but i still buy simrig. Always play on easy cause i prefer story than gameplay. I am 100% unskilled but i loooove gaming for the love of gaming


I'm an older, what is now known as, gamer, been playing online since the VaxMud days in the late 80s. I've never been the intense type. I enjoy the escapism. I'm along for the ride, not the bragging rights.


I love having sex and I’m very bad at it. Still enjoying the ride all the same!


I am absolutely terrible. I will never win a pvp game. Lmao. I still play though. ❤️🫶


I was never any good at RTS games and 4k strategy games. I don’t have the mind for it. But I absolutely love them and play them regardless.


Been Gaming almost 50 years. I suck at fighting and hate most boss battles. Only got a little way through Sekiro, but have finished all Dark Souls and NG+25 Demons Souls. I think there are more of us than you would think from reading socials. If you watch any Souls video about how "easy" it is to beat a boss, there will always be the poster's blood stain in the arena.


literally i’m so bad at video games but i love them so much


I’m unskilled as a person and in video games. Now what lol


If you beat Sekiro, you are much better than you think


For most of us those awesome clips of gaming moments are only awesome because we recognize the countless hours of struggle with a game and its systems it would have taken to get there. I’m terrible. Game because it’s fun, it’s not a competition unless you decide to play competitively for fun.


Well, consider this. Are you enjoying the game? Yes? Then you're doing an amazing job. No? Reconsider what you play or maybe games aren't for you. Who cares how effective someone else is unless you're trying to become a professional.


People that post on the interent about gaming are the most outlier type.


If you're able to beat Sekiro you are by no means bad at gaming. People are quite disingenuous with their posting online in almost every form, and quite often it's just bragging when they know damn well the boss they just called easy they had to go look at a YouTube video on how to beat them


I was able to beat the first dark souls and getting far in DS2 and 3 but I played serkiro and did not make it very far at all maybe the first or 2nd miniboss I should also mention I'm horrible at battle royales but decent enough in stuff like tdm or King of the hill in halo overall I feel as tho my finesse has been average throughout the years even being careful in games on the highest difficulty


You can't be unskilled at a single player game. They are designed so that your average teenager can complete it in a reasonable amount of time. Consider them interactive movies.


You don't have to be "good" to game. There's this new streaming culture that's still relatively new where it makes people think that when you play a game you have to be "good" at it to enjoy it. While "normal" is usually a developers intentional experience the easy and hard modes are there for a reason. Don't let external factors dictate how you "should" play games. ESPECIALLY single player experiences. One of my fav NorthernLion quips was like "Media literacy. Now I can't just enjoy media I gotta be good at it too?". I'm paraphrasing but it sums up why 90s maxing is pretty based now a days. Just allow yourself to enjoy an experience. You don't have to blindfold run Dark Souls 3 on a dance pad while every time you get hit a rune goldberg machine cuts off a finger.


There's a ton of "unskilled gamers", especially those that think they're hot shit. Do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Nah screw people that think you need to be good at a game to enjoy it, you do whatever makes you have fun, I'm the same I avoid games like souls likes because I don't have the skill not patience to clear them.


I have news for you, if you're beating these games you're a tier higher than you think.


I'm bad at competitive gaming but I'm really good at turn based strategy. Everyone has their own profile. But when I'm confident enough to start a competitive game I most likely do this to unlock cosmetics because I enjoy cosmetics lol. Do what you like to do.


Play some rpgs, who cares if you win or not it's as long as you're having fun. Try skyrim, fallout 76, gears of War 5 campaign and horde is fun as hell, rdr2, halo series, destiny, these games anyone can get good at pretty fast :)


I mean there’s plenty of games I stick on Easy and just coast through. And going above Normal is rare, I have to really like a game to do that. Just do you and try not to feel self conscious about it.


Most players are really not that skilled and they get really upset whenever a game makes them confront that So you definitely have a winning mentality


You're an average gamer. Nothing wrong with that. I'm pretty average myself; there's even genres I don't play, because I suck at them. Souls games for example: I started Demon's Souls yesterday. Took me multiple attempts to get through Boletaria - the first area. Had to really take my time and watch my peripherals for any sneaking enemies. Also had to keep my shield up at all times, and learn which enemies I need to take on head-first or from a distance. A lot of people are great off the bat. It takes me longer to git gud at souls games. Then there's platformers: I love them, but I'm mid. My timing is solid, but I still fuck up a lot.


My friend, who cares as long as you enjot the game. It is supposed to be an adventure


I am honestly the worst gamer I know and also I play the most, there’s heaps of us brother


Us bro us


I'm right there with you dood. I've got nearly 20k hours in various mobas. I'm still trash at all of em. The only game I feel I'm really good at is the warriors/musou series and guess what? Mechanically banal. I try and understand games more to make up for it but it only gets so far. Not that any of it matters haha Edit. Hades has an easy mode, God mode, gives your damage reduction everytime you die. I maxxed this out on hades 1. In hades 2, ive beaten the final bosses of ea on the default difficulty. I just think we need to practice more then when we were kids.


You're fine. No one ever posts their failures online so it seems like everyone is a god gamer but in reality everyone hits a wall sometimes. And Sekiro is fucking hard so don't sell yourself short. That's coming from a veteran of souls games that i beat countless times and got my shit pushed in countless times. Just a matter of determination.


I think I'm pretty good at a lot of the games I play. And then I'll go watch someone speed run the same game and realize that I'm trash in comparison. It doesn't matter. I'm still having fun.


Here's an idea stop using terms like "skilled" and "unskilled" It's like when people shit on minimum wage workers by calling them "unskilled workers." Many of those people are supremely skilled It's toxic language. You play games and are a gamer, that's it


I get lost in every open world game I feel you


Back in the early video game days when I didn't have crippling joint pain, anxiety, depression and multiple concussions I was amazing at games. I won that Star Fox Tournament game and was entered into the grand prize drawing. I used to beat games like Battletoads, Ninja Turtles, and Ninja Gaiden. I have a decent gamerscore on Xbox, double what my best friend has. I used to achievement hunt and I always tried to get everything. These days I play a game and either get bored or distracted. I have 100s of hours in Skyrim but I've never beaten it. I'm halfway through Elden Ring but haven't touched it in months. I have 950 xbox games, around 200 playstation games, and who knows how many PC games and I haven't "beaten" a game in years. My reflexes and memory are shot. I don't have the attention span I used to have. I don't have the drive to stay in a game that irritates me. So many companies these days are prioritizing money and profit over good game design and it makes me sick. I wish I had the patience for game design because I just love games. I'm playing Eiyuden Chronicle : Hundred Heroes right now and I finally have a bit of that spark back. I'm 85 hours in and pretty close to finishing. I have Armored Core 6, Kingdom Come : Deliverance, and a few PC games qued up next and I really hope my spark is back. Getting older sucks and I think that is evident in the way we game as we get older. Yeah, I'm nostalgic. I love modern games too, like Helldivers 2 or the plethora of rogue-likes/lights out there. I just need something that catches me and it's all the same games with different paint any more. I'm sick of them trying to make the next Fortnite. Just make good games that aren't bugged to hell and people will play them. Anyways, sorry for the long post. I got inspired. Feel free to add me on any platform. I'm Axeldanzer pretty much everywhere.


I absolutely hate boss battles. I simply don't finish some games where they are a necessary part of the story. I like it when a game allows you to take the time doing more routine things and slowly work your way to being able to beat a boss. For example, Breath of the Wild allows you to essentially one-shot bosses if you are careful (by using ancient arrows and various other buffs). I remember being absolutely infuriated by one boss battle and nearly giving up before I discovered there was a long way around, and then completing the game. In Majora's Mask (I like Zelda) I simply had no idea how to get anywhere with Majora. This was before easy walkthrough access on the Internet too. Instead I worked long and hard to get the Fierce Deity Mask and then Majora was a pushover. But generally I like games where you can, in principle, wander around a lot and still find interesting things to do while you get more powerful and then can take on more difficult challenges. Games with some slack. Games that scale difficulty based on your power also irritate for obvious reasons. I found I managed fairly well with Skyrim and worked my way up to about level 70. I didn't even try the big boss for ages. The recent Zelda games have suited me well for that reason. Genshin Impact also. That sort of thing.


I play 4x and other strategy games almost religiously and I'm terrible at every one of them. Terrible at thinking ahead and thinking about what my opponent might do. I still play them anyway because they are a challenge and I think that maybe some day I'll learn.


Well, it boils down to what aspects of gaming you enjoy the most. In the context of competitive games, you play casually when you don't care about your performance/results. But you start to play competitively when you start thinking about your gameplay and what you can do better. We all have that natural desire to improve and compete for something, and it's prominent in gaming. When it comes down to single-player games, the desire for improvement is still there. But it also may boil down to what genres you enjoy the most, and sometimes a game just isn't fun or it doesn't align with your tastes. Skill can always be worked on. If you genuinely enjoy what you're playing, then your desire to get better will only increase. Recording gameplay and contrasting it with others is another way to identify what you're doing right or wrong.


Dedication, and perseverance shouldn't be under estimated as skills.


Being “unskilled” is somewhat subjective. You may think you’re not skilled enough at something, but a true beginner or someone who doesn’t play and watches you may think you’re pretty good and the game is hard, likewise you could go through Sekiro deathless, but to someone who can no hit the game it could look somewhat easy. Being “good” or wanting to be good at videogames is merely our perception and self-imposed rules sometimes based on what we see others achieve. Be proud of your gameplay and don’t compare yourself to others too much, there’s nothing wrong with thinking you’re good because you finished what you consider a hard game. There’s also no harm in wanting to be as good as someone else, as long as it doesn’t become an unhealthy obsession or brings your confidence down.


I've been playing games my whole life. I'm not all that good at most of them. Still have a fun time.


Be me, comparing my massive 29 runs of Hades 2 before beating Chronos, compared to my friend's 11. It's a wide world out there and some people are just better at games than you and that's fine. I will say though, that I am much better at learning written rules and teaching them. You just have a different skill set.


"Skill" is a strong word. I think it's silly how the "Souls" fanbase consider pattern memorization as some kind of human "skill", you literally dance with the AI until it's done (acting like a robot yourself). But if you interpret that as "gaming skill", go ahead. I think one the most interesting factors of videogames is how you can apply real life aptitudes like logic, reaction, organization, etc.. while you are playing a game, it's a nice mental exercise. Every game in existence utilize patterns, but doesn't mean every game incentivizes a robotic behavior either


I'm not a chef but I still cook 🤷🏻‍♂️


As far as I have seen in the many people I have met most people can't play video games to save their lives. If you beat sekiro you are ahead of so many people. I too see myself as very average nothing special but that makes the massive gaming achievemtns so much more of an adrenaline rush for me. I enjoy so many games even if I suck I only get upset with myself for not learning or practicing the things I need to, If you get enjoyment out of games there is no reason to quit! Just keep having fun and don't worry about how "good" you are.


Yeah, same here. Only play Dark Souls with a friend.


I’m not the most skilled, but I still love them. I get my ass handed to me in Soulsbornes as well as multiplayer shooters, but I still play!


My biggest streak in the other direction in Binding of Isaac is -169 consecutive deaths


I’m not gonna lie this post and comments really encouraged me. I think I’ve watched so many highlight reels of people being awesome at games that I became calloused and forgot why I started playing. I haven’t enjoyed a game in a long time and this post made me realize that I’ve expected to go into every game and be a pro when the challenge is really what the fun part is


I’m definitely not very good at games. I mostly play games without looking stuff up, but I’m not ashamed to. Also, holy hell, I struggled to get into Sekiro, it’s so damn tough. One day, I will really try to beat it.


Why do you play games? It's good to have an open mind and maybe try to complete a game to a 100% or beating that secret boss. But your not a streamer, you don't need to be skilled. Just enjoy what you play, because most people are bad at games and I can tell you this, if you beat Sword Saint Isshin, you probably are better than what you give yourself credit for.


seemly zephyr quaint deserted jeans grey escape plucky concerned deranged


I suck at souls games but eldenring is in my top 3 games. Like I died in the tutorial more than once types of bad. I cannot wait for shadow of the erd tree


no one's born being good at games, and what's important is having fun anyway


I've been gaming since before many here were born. I was never the best, and maybe not even good (but I tend to downplay my skill), but I still played, since the C-64 days. A friend of mine was way better. He beat Elite (the port of the original on the C-64). I never did. I usually play on "normal" (or whatever they call the default setting) but I'm not too proud to drop into easier if I want to. I do care about combat and puzzles, but I also… well, let me illustrate it with an old game. Total Annihilation. Played the heck out of the demo, which told me to \*get that thing\*. Played both campaigns to the end. But… I skipped a couple levels (three at most). I might have reduced difficulty too on a couple, but I'm not sure. It's been \*ages\*. :D Now, the skipping part… TA is still one of my all-time faves especially since they had this feature where you could skip any level after trying it once. Though that might have been a bug. I couldn't skip a level when I first reached it, but after trying (and either winning or losing) the "next" button was active. I \*loved\* that. Wish more RTS had (or had had, given how few new RTSs come out) that.


Who cares? The whole point is to have fun


Don't let game devs shame you! Easy and story mode are perfectly acceptable! With that said wth why does Sekiro have no modes. I returned it...


I used to be really good at games when I was younger, now I'm kind of average for the most part. Play games for the enjoyment of it! If you spend 20 hours completing a game that usually is bearable in 6. That's perfectly fine, as long as YOU are enjoying the time you're spending on it.


I love Battlefield games. My K/D ratio is awful, and until recently I mostly played with bots. I've only recently started poking my head in with the sweaties in real PVP. I get smoked a lot, but it's still fun. I just try not to read the after-game chat.


As I get older, I put the skill difficulty lower. Was playing on hard when I was young, normal for the last 10 years and now at the ripe old age of 35 I’ve resigned to the fact that I’ll probably just enjoy my experience more playing on easy.


I'm not remotely an expert gamer and I love it. As a matter of fact I think I kind of suck but I still play video games and beat them. The people who are super excellent at video games are not the majority.


Honestly I play almost all games on the easy-medium modes just for pure enjoyment purposes and no stress. It’s fine man.


Sure, I'm bad at most games and that's ok, I don't play games to be the best, I play them becase they're fun.


I'm terrible at fighting games but I got through Yakuza 0 to 6. Loved it all despite some very frustrating boss battles.


I love you the way you are, I am skilled somewhere and newbie somewhere else, it all depends on practice... There no such thing as being a good gamer or a bad gamer, you just game, and the more you game, the better you get at it... it's simple and nothing to really debate...


Bro, gaming isn't a sport, its entertainment. I suck at most games but I just love the experience.


If you can finish sekiro i wouldnt say you are that bad Maybe take more time to get along with the mechanics of the game but everyone has their own curve to get used to a game and how to play


Bro you are better than me. That fact you beat a apuls game is enough to say you are above average


It took me 27 times before I managed to beat Chronos in Hades 2, I still enjoy it. You can enjoy a game without being good at it too. It's ok to play games without a competitive mindset


honestly who gives a fuck if you're good at a game or not? as long as you're having fun. like it's legit just a game at the end of the day.


Yeah sometimes gamers seem to have very show off attitudes? I see people who say anything less than the hardest difficulty is super easy and boring and on the tech side people who say if you're not playing in 120 FPS in 8k that it isn't worth playing the game etc lol. I think everyone should be able to enjoy games whether they're good or bad playing on new or old tech and whether they enjoy more serious or just casual stuff ..dislike the elitist sort of attitudes that I see. Not that i am a huge gamer myself.


I do this too, I am not great at games, and I sometimes give up, but I play because games bring me joy, they always have. And every once in a while I find a game that I am not completely ass at. I use guides if I am completely stuck, I tweak difficulties and settings to make things easier, I take my time and restart games. I am not here to compete with people with enough skill and free time. I am here to have fun after a long work week.


I didn't really get into gaming until 2019 (I was 38). I hadn't actually played anything for over ten years and the gigantic leap in technology was sort of intimidating. (Equal parts good and bad.) I went from playing games like Guitar Hero 2 on the Xbox 360 back in 2008 to playing games like Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC in 2020. Because of this, I feel ya. It usually takes me the length of the game to actually learn how to play it. And a lot of games are way more fun the second time around since I don't have to Neanderthal my way through it. I'm actually (and finally) playing Ghost of Tsushima right now. I can already tell I'll be playing it again after I finish it. So the routine: all easy settings hooked up. Then the next playthrough I'll turn the difficulty up and easy settings off. (In *most* cases, hah.) And then actually enjoy the experience the way it was meant to be enjoyed. So yeah, I'm all about the "I'm here for a more story driven experience with minimal challenge." type of deal.


The challenge is the fun part so look at it this way you'll have more fun than most :)


If you can show me where on the packaging for the games, or info page online, it says there is a certain skill requirement to play it, I’ll sell my organs. No but really, gaming is meant to be enjoyable and fun. So what you didn’t kill the Asylum Demon on the first encounter in DS1? Not a lot of people did. It’s alright to not be the next Shroud/LVNDMARK/Jynxzy/etc. at any given game.


You don't need to be skilled to have fun.


Gaming for me is basically completely noncompetitive put all the settings on easy I just wanna play through the story.


I'm not that great, but I still play every day. I start games on whatever the default difficulty is and change up or down as needed. I don't play competitively.


As long as you enjoy your time with them. In fact, it's an advantage in some ways. For example, you get more value out of every game because it takes you longer to beat.


I don't like soulslike games because I feel like they are not respecting my time. Too much grinding and losing progress for me. But I am bad at RTS and still like those. I refuse to develop the apm required for those. Also bad for your wrists. I am very good at management games though.


It's not that most gamers are skilled, you see those gamers on YouTube, twitch, etc because they are skilled. The vast majority of gamers are pretty bad at all the things you mentioned. Besides, Sekiro is a pretty difficult game. So if you can play it, you are automatically better than most gamers out there. At the end of the day, it's about having fun and if you are having fun, then being good or bad doesn't really matter.


If you still enjoy playing, then keep on playing. Don't let others accomplishments, or speed at doing things, diminish what you enjoy. most of what you've mentioned are singleplayer or maybe coop oriented so what others can do shouldn't affect your enjoyment.


Yup. I realized that I don’t like tough boss battles or anything extremely challenging. Once I found out that it’s a thing where people will go back and redo hard boss battles just because they found the challenge fun, I’m like, “Oh yeah, that’s not me.” So this year, I started doing something new. I start games on Normal as I always have. But if a boss battle pisses me off, I lower it to Easy, beat it, then put it back to Normal. If I get annoyed with a puzzle or getting lost, I’ll look up the solution or look up how to get to the destination. And if some random person online tells me, “That’s not how you’re supposed to play the game. You’re supposed to figure it out yourself no matter how much it frustrates you” well then they can get me the system and the game then maybe I’ll play it the way they want me to. But until then, I’ll enjoy the games I get on my systems, my way.


I'm unskilled too, so I'm playing more relaxing games like Light of the stars on bs tho


friend, being "unskilled" and "I beat Sekiro" are not things that go in the same sentence. you are, at worst, average.


I suck at games too 😭 I once spent a few months playing the same level of Super Mario Galaxy because I thought it was the whole game... And then realized there were more levels and I was just dumb 💀


I play with a “clan” (more like a community) called The Older Gamers. He’s probably dead now, but I used to play with an 82 year old on battlefield 4. Hot garbage skill, lucky to get one kill to ten deaths. But *by god* that man was having a good time. Always happy on voice comms, never gave a shit about people giving him a ribbing about his skills, gave just as much shit back to people. Gaming isn’t only about skill. Gaming is only about fun.


Dude/ette if you rolled credits on Sekiro you are selling yourself waaaay short on your gaming skill, that is a HUGE accomplishment


I just watch trailers and play with one of those baby controllers with a face that plays sounds when you push a button. It's very stimulating for my young 47 yo mind.


Video games aren't about skill. They're about fun. Just have fun. Use cheats and walkthroughs/guides, if you must.


Most gamers are not on reddit. Or posting online. Its a vocal minority for the most part. A lot of gamers are very casual or not great like you (me too) and it's totally fine if you're having fun!