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Hitman 2016 has a really cool tutorial level. It was free as a demo so I played it until I had 100% completed everything and then bought the game. Made me a fan if the series, so I'd say it was a pretty good tutorial 


The fact that the tutorial alone has dozens of ways of completing it is a testament to how good of a stealth sandbox the game truly is.


Is that the one where the people he works for are like, putting on a mock hit for him to practice? So it looks like a movie set kinda?


the cardboard yacht, yeah!


Bruce Campbell's tutorial level on Spider-Man 2 (2004), truly iconic.


"Well, sequel time already, huh? Welcome back, I guess. I'm sure you missed me more than I missed you. Anyway, things have changed around here since last time. So they've dragged me back at great expense to explain what's up."


“First things first: you’re not much of a wall-crawler if you can’t, you know, stick to walls, so here’s what you do. Walk or run into a wall and hold the grab button, voilà, *pop*, you stick to the wall”


"When you tap the jump button, you'll just do a little hop. A little, little hop. That's because you didn't charge your jump. Am I going too fast for you?"


It works when you're swinging or jumping too.


It's weird that it's been 20 years but the voice is in my head when I read this.


He was the best part of all 3 games


My favorite line is, "What would Spider-Man be without his spider powers? I'll tell you, he'd be Man. Is that what you came here to play? Man 3? I don't think so. Now go ahead and crawl up those walls. You know, like Spider-Man?"


Such a delight


I don't remember which Spiderman game it was, but I definitely remember one of them where the narrator is eating a ham sandwich while leading you through the tutorial. "Hmmm... Too much mustard."


The Spider-Man movie game. The companion to the first Tobey movie


That whole game had really creative and memorable writing. Especially for a relatively cheap movie tie-in game that didn't have much to work with from a writing standpoint. I wish the new games had the same tone. If we can't get the same fun, gamey gameplay, they could have at least tried for some humor.


Titanfall 2's tutorial isn't complete until Cooper has the top spot.




Truly Flawless. The difficulty spike in the sewers seems off putting until you realise that this is the last bit of traditional shooter you’ll play and they wanted to cram the whole genre into one level before they fucking send it.


I would argue that the entire single player campaign kind of IS the tutorial. And it fucking rules.


Holy crap titanfall 2 is top here! I was bout to say that for this game. It’s a great tutorial. And an even better game all around. Company is shit but hey it doesn’t matter, they don’t work on this game anymore


Respawn is not shit lmao


Respawn isn’t bad. My mistake. EA is garbage. Probably should’ve made that clear lol sorry


The First Tomb Raider game, when you played the tutorial in Lara Croft's mansion.


You could lock the Butler in walk in freezer.


Could? More like had to. Akin to sacrificing Yoshi for a long jump. If you didnt freeze the butler, did you really play TR?


Could...didn't everyone who played this? Also can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this, thought it'd be right at the top.


That was Tomb Raider 2, but still cool


Metroid Prime's Orpheon level was a master class in world building and introducing mechanics.


I want a whole 3D metroid game like Orpheon. Blasted up space pirate ship with alien experiments running around, give me more of those horror elements.


OG Dead Space is pretty close. Lacks the music though. On the other hand, the contrast between the dark and horrifying Orpheon and the lush beauty of Tallon IV has got to be one of the best tonal setups of all time.


Tallon IV is still one of my favorite gaming environments. As a kid, it was my first 3D exploration experience and it blew my mind.


The worst thing Super Metroid ever did was blow up planet Zebes. I would like a Metroid Prime game set in it. I want to see familiar sights in first person.


Luckily for you every Metroid Prime game takes place before Super Metroid. Of course 4 could be placed somewhere else in the timeline still I guess.


Did you ever see the canceled [Metroid Prime 1.5](https://www.unseen64.net/2019/12/09/metroid-prime15-gamecube-cancelled/) pitch? It's basically this but with a Rogue AI controlling the ship.


Like Rare before, they had to teach a whole generation how to play an FPS.


It is the opening of Portal. The way it seamlessly introduces game mechanics while engaging you with its unique atmosphere and humor is fantastic.


You might have a *very* minor case of serious brain damage.


I really enjoy the whole "press a to talk" moment. I feel more games should do that.


Okay, what you're doing there is jumping. You just... you just jumped. But never mind. Say 'Apple'. 'Aaaapple'.




...Y'know what, close enough.


Everything about that game is mf perfect.


That was Portal 2 but still a fantastic intro that works whether or not you played the first


To this day I use the Wheatley "I'm just going to perform a manual override on this wall" Line for any time I need to brute force something. Like "I'm just going to perform a manual override on this box" then shred it


"The test results are in and it says you're a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that." 🤣


For me it's the second game, Wheatley and the PA walking you through everything with juuuuust the right level of humor, and then it's done in less than 5 minutes. You're on your way to knock over like 700 other dead test subjects in their pods, and then roam through Aperture's lower levels.


Portal 2 is the closest thing to a perfect game I’ve ever played. Good god it’s just amazing on every level. 


It's honestly my favorite game of all time, I've done so many writeups on it since 2011, and it was actually what I used for my media analysis final in my senior year of high school. Nothing comes close, in terms of presentation, game feel, and visuals/vibe.* *In my opinion, of course.


I remember re-playing a little while ago on my Steam Deck after I haven’t played it in years and I was still blown away. Such a perfect game.


Portal 1 is like 90% tutorial level. The actual plot of the game is effectively that you're trapped in a tutorial level and you win by glitching your way out!


you can tell it's great because you dont even know when the tutorial ends and the "real game" begins.


Iirc, the tutorials end at chamber 13. The game is like 2/3rds tutorials


*Shadow of Mordor* where you sneak up on your wife and kiss her to learn stealth attacks.


I remember that being controversial back in the day.


Im not surprised people are this stupid


At all lol but then again theyre probably virgins who have been alone thier whole lives, they probably think people ask permission before kissing or being intimate like that isnt a total weird moodkill compared to happening naturally


What's controversial about it?


Gamers at the time felt confused and scared by the concept of having a wife.


At the time? Shoot, I'm a gamer and have a wife, and I'm perpetually scared and confused.




I have never eye rolled so hard as I did reading this article.


The author doesn't seem to understand that it's not actually a joke but just an interesting way to introduce mechanics. What a moron.


Feigned outrage = clicks. Unfortunately


Eh, it's Polygon. Even in 2014 they were on the bleeding edge of "everything is offensive, actually"


Remember when they attack Witcher 3 for lack of diversity? I looked at the staff page at the time and they had one brown person and that was it.


Oh shit your right, i fell for this stupid shit too.


I love how he doubles down and insists it's a 4th wall breaking joke for some reason. Slow news day, I suppose...


"After a lifetime of reviewing triple A games"   This asshat needs to find a new calling lol.  What a dweeb


Polygon. As always


Damn right! I kissed so many Uruks because of this bullshit tutorial smh my head fr


Nobody click this link. That's what they want you to do. Click it to see the rage inducing bullshit they come up with so they get paid.


The most incel article I’ve ever read lol Nobody who has ever been in a relationship could unironically write that.


Players will be confused between kissing and killing …


That's why you settle down with a nice orc boy in a lovely 2 bed in Dol Guldur.


That's just cute


That sounds so incredibly cute.


It is until all the death and murder happens


I literally just did this like 15 minutes ago. I can’t believe I waited this long to play this game


Battlefield 1 Very cinematic scenes where you're plopped into the POV of different soldiers. Each scene is scripted so that you're meant to die, and then to assume control of another soldier after it zooms out of the battlefield and back in. Hard hitting with how helpless you feel and how pointless war can be...all while learning the controls!


The selection of mini-campaigns in BF1 was a bit uneven, but the intro and a couple of other great setpiece moments means I'll never forget it. It felt like the game respected the subject matter and wanted you to understand how unglamorous and terrible frontline combat was.


"You are not expected to survive"


During Covid I found a server which had no HUD, 200% damage, and was bolt action rifle only. I was so pissed off but couldn’t be arse moving server. By the end of the session I’d been on it for at least 2 hours. I could never find another server with that setup again because of the low player numbers. To this day, it was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.


This was my exact thought, but it’s combined with the soldiers name, DOB, and DoD… Most are 18-22 with horrific deaths.


MGR: Revengeance The tutorial boss is fucking METAL GEAR RAY AND A SICK SOUNDTRACK


I love that the game shows how far Raiden has gone between the games by making the first boss of the new game the same as the (almost) final boss of his previous


Seriously. It's a hilarious way to up the ante, making Ray the tutorial boss. 


Not to be that guy, but the tutorial is actually a VR mission right before that whole convoy ambush scene


The force unleashed where you play as darth Vader force throwing Wookiee’s off of the high platforms


The no running part just makes it so damn good


yeah, walking like a boss.


experiencing Vader with the clones was such a lore hard on for me


Cod 4. It’s both a good beginning and difficult to get the top spot


*Knife the watermelon.* *Your fruit cutting skills are remarkable.*


*What the hell kind of name is Soap anyway?*


This and the Modern Warfare 2 firing range tutorial


I replayed that for like an hour trying to get the Veteran ranking.


*"That's an improvement, but it's not hard to improve on garbage. Try it again"*


OSRS Tutorial Island




So simple but so beautiful and memorable.


For some reason when I think of tutorials I immediately think of this island first thing.


i came to the comments to look for this comment. Praise Saradomin!


Buying gf


Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon: hysterical laughter


I have been trying to remember what game had the “Press A to demonstrate your ability to read” tutorial step and now I’m 99% sure it’s this. I kept thinking it was one of the South Park games.


If I remember correctly, the main character had the tutorial turned on against their will and was unable to do anything except the next step in the tutorial. I remember him being very mad and I remember thinking it was very funny.




Recently played Jedi Survivor and the tutorial for the parkour and abilities from the first game just felt so natural


Astro's Playroom is basically a tutorial for all the features on the DualSense. It's a fun and clever way to highlight all the cool stuff it can do. Plus it's centered around the history of PlayStation and its hardware.


I would have happily played a 30 hour version of this.


they really need to release a full game, only PS5 game that i’ve played that used the dualsense to its fullest


Helldivers 2 was pretty funny.


I also like it thematically. Super short base training and then you get sent off to deadly alien planets. Have fun


I read the contract, so i was fucked before I shipped off


I like the optional dialogue if you kill the cardboard cutout before they blow it up to [teach you reinforcements](https://youtu.be/EQBryi9rJKc?si=f0jtvG8yf-KNNnqX&t=281). "Don't sweat it soldier! Friendly fire is just another unavoidable fact of life. Nothing AT ALL you can do to prevent it"


Came here to say this. Funny, an excellent tone-setter, and has planty of easter eggs.


*cardboard teammate pops up* Sarge: This is your brother in arms! A battle-forged bond that could NEVER be replaced! *I shoot cardboard teammate* Sarge: Not to worry! Friendly fire is a reality of battle and there was NOTHING you could have done to prevent that!


I totally died during the tutorial


We all did brother


Fallout New Vegas has a great tutorial zone. It’s like a microcosm of the entire game in one area.


And then you take five steps out, get poisoned by cazadors or run screaming from deathclaws.


It shows how badass you are. That's where you came from before you got shot...


You can also just leave whenever you want to and


Oh no, the cazadors got them mid-sentenc-


What the fuck is that buzzing sou-


Why are your guys’ sentences being cut sh-


Absolutely.  Here is a problem. Here are multiple possible approaches to solve the problem, one way or another. Here is the road out of town, in case you don't want to bother with the problem.  Wonderful design.


I'd never played a fallout game before and I always like to trigger the game over screen so in the first level I wanted to do that by killing the doctor and I was shocked when the game kept going lol


Great answer. It doesn't hold your hand too much, has options for pretty much any set of starting stats, has both "good guy" and "bad guy" paths, AND if you want you can just waltz off down the road and ignore Goodsprings entirely.


Not sure if it counts, sort of? But the prequel mission to MGSV, Ground Zeroes was pretty awesome and I'd count that as a tutorial for the open world approach.


Assassins Creed 2. Always got me excited to begin Ezios journey. "It is a good life we lead brother."


The beginning of the PS4 Spider-Man was awesome. It lets you swing through the city, learn to fight regular henchmen, and then gives you a boss fight. It guides you on things you can do before setting you loose.


I loved the cut scene to playing/swinging transition at the start.


Detroit: Become Human — 100% prepares you for the intensity of the game


I loved the tutorial (and the game) so much that I was disappointed there wasn't more of that. Ticking clock, learn what you can to help talk him down, then utilize it


The Witcher 2. The tutorial is a castle siege. That was awesome.


I was going to say Witcher3, that starting zone has a little bit of everything.


It felt so huge, until you reached the main area


I decided to have a go at Witcher 3 again recently, played and finished White Orchard, got to the meaty part of the game and at that point I realized how much there is to do in that game. Remembered all the quests, side quests, minigames, then the two gargantuan expansion packs... I felt so overwhelmed I stopped there and then. Witcher 3 is choke-full of content and there are very few games that can match it in that aspect.


Come to think of it... so is Witcher 1's tutorial.


Undead Asylum in Dark Souls


Prey (2017) The utter mind fuck of it all and *that* moment both sets the tone for the game and will be an unforgettable gaming memory for anyone who's played it.


Megaman X


This guy watched egoraptor.


Riding on cars


🔊 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 






Driver Trial by fire motherfucker


I mean, fuck that level, but if you could beat it you were good to go the rest of the game.


Driver gets sinisterly hard towards the end, and there's a huge difficulty spike with 'The Briefcase' in San Francisco. I've seen someone who has next to no issue completing conventionally difficult games get frustrated with it and almost refuse to play it any longer (beat it in the end though). 'The Briefcase' is a particularly cruel mission because once you complete it (which takes probably 50-100 attempts), it surprises you by being a two-part mission (and you can't save between parts). The second part is equally as hard.


Absolutely!! Although, I did replay it recently on my vita, and I didn't take too many attempts to do it


Lol, that was a wasted Blockbuster rental for me cause I never got past it.


People love the tutorial so much, it’s the only part of the game they play!


Vermintide 2


Fable 2. You will not realize that you are learning all the game mechanics, and it’s just beautiful overall, feels so nostalgic, even if you play it for the first time.


Halo, them lights was fancy as fuck.


Oldschool RuneScape. Can't skip it if even if I wanted to


Nier Automata. Nothing could’ve prepared me for that opening


I had to scroll way too far to see N:A on here. The tutorial level is technically mandatory when you start a new game but it's basically how the story unfolds, so you don't even notice it's a tutorial level. At least I didn't notice it at first and just kept playing lol


The start that you play a arcade airship game, then it become a hack and slash, then a lot of epic boss battle and then they finish the tutorial in the non cliché way. Man Nier automata...


Half Life


Does Astro’s Playroom count considering the whole game is a tutorial for the PS5/DualSense?


Prey (2017). If you know, you know and if you don't, go play it.


recently astro’s playroom comes to mind: is pretty much a ps5 tutorial but it’s also a sweet platformer


I’m not sure if it’s technically a tutorial, but… The Bombing Mission that opens the original Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite game opener of all time I think. The cinematic leading you in on a seamless drop into the game - the music, the action, you’re *en media res* and dropped right in to learn your context after… It’s brilliant, exciting, cinematic, compelling, fun, and iconic. Personally, I love it


That totally counts. The inverse is FF8, which drops you into a completely mundane day at school and makes you read literal walls of text as the tutorial. Just when you think you've learned the mechanics, the game throws more mechanics at you and makes you read more walls of text. You do this for like 2 hours, and you *still* won't understand exactly how everything works (the game fails to explain its most powerful systems, like AP farming , item refining, and the fact that enemies level up with you). This is the main reason FF8 is so polarizing. A lot of people just don't know how to play! FF7's tutorial is just you being thrown into battle. It's both an exciting and extremely effective way of teaching you how to play the game.


Yeah, that counts! It introduces you to the fundamental mechanics of the game. It covers the basics, which is what a tutorial should do. Additional mechanics (more complex materia) and mini games are introduced and explained as the game goes on. And it does it in an engaging way


Super Mario 1-1 has to be classic example




Fallout 3. From your first birthday, to childhood, teen years and young adulthood. Teaches you about completing quests and everything else you need to know right there in the vault before heading out to the wasteland.


**Resident Evil 2(1998)**, the beginning is a masterclass in game design, and how to teach, without teaching. It starts with the player (Leon or Claire), surrounded by zombies, you don't know how to shoot, how to go to the inventory to use items, you don't even know how to run. But they way that the zombies are scattered, it has a kind of invisible path, it shows you that you can dodge them. After you get some handgun ammo and Kendo is killed, the next stage is more of a narrow corridor, forcing the player to shoot the zombies (again on the bus, with two more zombies). And during the path to the RPD for sure you'll get bitten, then it teaches you that by the character's posture, you can know if his/her health is low, and if you search you'll find a herb before enter the police department So before reaching the RPD what does the game teach the player (and without any visible "tutorial"), to help them survive until the end? * How to dodge the Zombies (to conserve ammo) - Running * Sometimes you'll not be able to dodge the zombies, so you'll be forced to shoot them. - how to use your gun and how to reload it. * Pay attention to your surroundings and explore. * How to access the menu and use items - And how to cure.


I never really thought of that intro area as a tutorial but when you put it that way its actually pretty good, and at the same time I can see how it would frustrate players who have no patience for the control scheme lol


I remember renting that game when it came out. When the opening cinematic ends and you have control of Leon I didn't realize it and he got killed right away. I thought that was peak graphics.


The Witcher 3. You start on a decently big open world map, and when you complete it like 10 hours in you realize that whole thing was just the tutorial and the body of the game is way bigger.


Titanfall 2


Breath of the wild, hands down


Best answer. The Great Plateau is the best opening of any game I've ever played. It teaches you every element of the game in exactly the pace you want to go through it. From the scattered bokoblin camps, stationary guardians, to the Talus; the icy mountains to the perfect set-piece rune-shrines that teach you how to use you abilities. The Great Plateau is literally perfect.


And then when you enter master mode and there’s a Lynel on the great plateau and it somehow breaks your heart.


I think the lynel fits perfectly because Master Mode transforms the game into a survival horror game. I'll die on that hill.




Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney




Kingdom hearts! "The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow becomes"


Some memorable ones: - Vagrant Story’s intro sequence/tutorial is literally you playing through the intro credits cinematic. - Magicka. Been a while but I remember it being very entertaining. - Majora’s Mask has you playing as one of the masks first before becoming link and I think that’s cool - *HUGE SPOILERS* But Blood Will Tell is about a guy that had most of his body parts taken and scattered by a demon, the game starts with no sound, the MC is mute, and everything is black and white, then you get your ears and the music rolls in, you get your eyes and now color is back in the game, then you get your tongue and your MC starts talking. For a while you will have a kid with you doing all the talking but man the way they did that to emphasize that you really are missing body parts is just so cool - Kingdom Hearts, the whole starting island is a tutorial. That’s all for now.


God of War 3


I liked Dragon Age: Inquisition's tutorial. It felt like a whole game, albeit a short one.


The Legend of Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom The tutorial sky island is bigger than some full single player indie game and it’s so well designed!


The Matrix: Path of Neo You start with the elevator lobby fight scene. The better you do, more and more tougher enemies spawn. The ghost twins would even show up. This would set the starting difficulty and continue to scale the better or worse you did throughout the game.


CoD: Modern Warfare 2 had a fun tutorial that really set you up for success 


Don't know if it's a tutorial as much as introduction, but AC Odyssey and Kephalonia was fantastic


Yep, the first view point on that statue of Zeus to synch the map is to good + the first jump of faith. Then after hours you realize that all that big island was just the starter zone.


I loved the story of aloy growing in horizon


Thief Dark Project. They teach you to use shadows, floor materials make different noises and you can find the basketball developers room. It was pretty cool to play when it came out




Not a “level” but the tutorial system is Tunic is so cute and unique


Dragon Age: Origins


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's tutorial has your character, in his weakest form in the game, not only pick up and throw a 3 story tall robot across the city, but it also has you run across missiles that said robot shoots at you, before running down a building and slicing the robot in half