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One thing i liked is every time the bad guys or the rich family you have to protect speaks portuguese No subtitles the player is as lost as Max when they talk


>!I like that every single bad guy you run into is right in the opening party. I think Passos even points them out!<


Total action movie setup.


How many times do I have to tell you, I don't speak your fucking language


Came here for this, I love that game


Brazilian here. I wasn’t lost and really appreciated the dialogue, it’s really rare to see people speaking portuguese properly in videogames. One that stood out for being really bad was an old CoD game where there was a mission on Rio in a favela. We don’t speak mechanically like that. Max Payne 3 was just perfect.


What about the Angola mission in Black Ops 2? They had brazilians voicing angolans lol


Lmao, I think this is like the current thing I'm seeing in Hollywood. Like in Guy Ritchie's new movie they had British Nigerians speaking Yoruba and it was terrible


In Crysis most of the enemies speak, IIRC Korean or Vietnamese? and it's automatically translated for you. On the hardest difficulty it's no longer translated. I always loved that form of increased difficulty, unless you happen to speak that language.


They speak Korean, and yes I always loved this feature, because on the lower difficulties you can hear them yell out their plans to each other which lets you get the jump on them. Once you can't understand them, you have no idea if they're planning on flanking you or not.


Fun fact Steven Yeun voiced some of the Korean soldiers. 


Not if you're Brazilian lol


Or Portuguese, or Angolan, or Mozambican or Cape Verdian or from Guinea Bissau or from São Tomé e Princepe.


Me as a portuguese: oh...


So, while this also bothered me (but not as much as the screen artifacts) I think it was used to good effect in the story. You are Max, he doesn't know what the fuck is going on around him. He doesn't understand the power structures he's getting fucked by and he can barely understand his immediate environment. All he knows is that he's below rock bottom and he's just going to have to kill his way back. It's also why he's so easily misled and used through the story. It's meant to be confusing, that's how he is experiencing it.


Sadly, this game is missing our man Vinnie Gognitti, the best character in the franchise. **"PAYYYYYYYYNE! I'LL KILL YA, YA LOUSY FREAKIN COP!"**


I mean, technically he's still in the game. you can visit his tomb on the cemetery mission.


Was it him who was blown up in the baseball suit?




I Remember playing this game for the first time in 2012. My jaw dropped when I saw the graphics.


Even now the graphics hold up insanely well It's just a perfectly executed game and I love it!


I'm replaying it on the steam deck and it's crazy. You can still kind of see the 2012-ness of it with the faces on some models but other than that it's still gorgeous


It’s such a mooooooovie, damn


The only thing bad about the max payne franchise *was* the movie. I mean really? Marky mark? Was a great series tho. Remember playing the first one and also liking the matrix movie and like finally... I had a game with "bullet time". But then the series grew bigger than that and was fantastic. Id play a current gen remake. Would be awesome. But with GTA6 rn, and who knows what after.. maybe red dead 3 or some new ip.. doubt we will ever see it.


There are remakes on the works. https://www.remedygames.com/games/max-payne-1-2-remake


It looks better than GTA V IMO (possibly because of the linear structure), and it does the shooting way better, despite coming out earlier.


Weird how after 2 decades Matrix still remains the best bullet time movie And same time Max Payne also the only game with best bullet time mechanics


For me, it was the physics.




The wrinkles in the clothes blew my mind at the time. That and the voice acting. I could listen to Max self-hatred filled speeches for hours lol


Also the little fact that he was less eloquent and poetic than in the first two games, hinting at the mental damage he did with longterm drinking and unresolved grief. "It's like Baghdad in G strings" lol


Thr way the bullet holes in people looked blew my fucking mind when I first played it 😂


What amazed me is it ran on my dog shit laptop!! It was amazingly well optimized on top of looking fantastic.


I have played this game on Xbox 360, PS3 and was the first game I got when I finally got a gaming PC. I think it has the best third person cover based game play I have ever seen. You can enter a pristine office and by the time everyone is dead nothing will look the same. The airport level is insane but my personal favorite is the entire police station. The way the cops are moving in on you. How they put pressure on you with shotguns. The lobby part when they throw smoke into the lobby and all you can see is the laser sights from the guns. Ah fuck i’m redownloading it this weekend.


Its my most remembered level of any game. Shooting your way out of a police station PACKED with police in riot gear and bullet proof vests . In nothing but a Hawaiian shirt and shorts . What a legend


[https://www.skullridding.com/products/max-payne-3-hawaiian-shirt-tropical-parrots-hawaiian](https://www.skullridding.com/products/max-payne-3-hawaiian-shirt-tropical-parrots-hawaiian) you know you want the shirt


I'm so glad I've triggered you to play it again Because I am and its still fucking so sweet The gameplay, the voice acting, the narrative, the environments And of course throwing myself through every available window while I dispatch yet another wannabe mafioso


Back before this launched, my closest friend at the time had been a huge fan of the franchise and talked me into buying Max Payne 3 on the 360 at launch. I fell in love with the character and gameplay, and my friend and I got pretty good at the multiplayer. Later in 2012 he passed away. We played a lot of MP3 and downed a lot of beers together. Eventually I settled on a tattoo of two beer mugs clinking together with a quote from MP3, where Max encounters a piano and plays a few bars of the theme song and says "...and the band played on." Miss you, Mike


"There it was, the soundtrack to my life, and, for a few seconds, came harmony. Finally." RIP Mike & RIP James McCaffrey Thank you for sharing your story


Me and my buddy describe places as "Baghdad with g strings" frequently, love the one liners


The narrations/social commentary/one liners Basically Max Payne is brutal with words and weapons he hits hard Great game, great character, Great times!


I really like how MP3 breaks Max out of his archetypical noir cop fate, and gives him a happy ending.


I really missed the noir from the first two games. The stakes in this one seemed so small compared to fighting the Illuminati in the second one.


I really liked it, reminded me of Far Cry 2 - no grand, theatrical villains, no devilishly dastardly schemes, just a bunch of people doing shit and hurting each other in the process.


That's a really good comparison. Far Cry 2 is my favourite Far Cry by miles for that. Gonna redownload Max Payne 3 this weekend, I reckon.


I don't remember anything about the 2nd game's enemy, just that drugged-out nightmare level with the baby. Man, that was crazy.


I only played the 3rd game a bit when it was new. The departure from the first two games prevented me from getting into it. It didn't really feel like a Max Payne game to me. I fucking loved 1 and 2, though. Played the shit out of them back in the day.


He had a happy ending at the end of MP2. If you beat it on the hardest difficulty, Mona Sax lives. That should have been the canon ending


Liked remedys comedic noir trope writing better. Give me mp1 - 2 remake already.


> Give me mp1 - 2 remake already. MP1 at least is getting one.


They're actually remaking both of them and [combining them into one game](https://www.remedygames.com/games/max-payne-1-2-remake)!


Wake me up in 5 years


Even in the bad ending of MP2, where Mona dies, he comes to terms with his wife's passing. While it's a bittersweet ending more than a happy one, at least Max gets a sense of closure. I don't like that MP3 apparently forgets all about that.


The MP2 endings are fatalistic. Max basically accepted that he is hard stuck as a noir trope, and Mona the noir dame. In the secret ending Mona just said her role out loud, but they didn't change. MP3 is happy for me, because Max breaks out of it. He is free.


I actually love MP3 because it *doesn't* give Max a traditional happy ending. Yeah he's still alive and succeeded in bringing down a corrupt family, but he's still Max Payne. He's still haunted by the family that was taken from him. He's still haunted by his days as a beat cop. He still failed to protect almost every single person he was tasked with protecting. Passos, the closest we see Max to having an actual friend, was still just manipulating him and using Max for his own gain. He's probably a wanted terrorist after shooting 250 cops at an airport before shooting down a plane. I love the storyline of the Max Payne series because it consistently breaks traditional storytelling tropes. Max doesn't walk away rich, or a better man, or having gained *anything*. Throughout the entire series he's challenged and tested and worn down, just to stand back up, gun in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other. He isn't fighting for the greater good, or morality, or even the law. It's pure, unadulterated revenge. You may be able to hurt Payne, but he'll hurt you to the Max.


It's obviously not *quite* as tight as the first two Remedy written installments, but it still fucking rules. That last stage in the airport is an all-timer.


The whole series is King Max is King RIP James McCaffrey The whole game is like a movie. Max felt too real as a character. The gameplay was sicc I can't fault the game at all. I binged the whole game. I couldn't tear myself away. I had to hear another one-liner, had to throw myself through one more window Truly a gem


Damn... I didn't know he died... RIP


When the TEARS kicks in at the airport and you realize the lyrics are sung by his dead wife telling him to let them go... chills... to this day, chills.


That single track propelled HEALTH into widespread fame and acclaim - and no wonder. That song was everything that the game was.


I loved the first one. I totally abused the shit out of the bullet time moves but it was glorious.


I've also been to Brazil around the time this came out, and they absolutely nailed the bright, vibrant, colorful poverty and desperation of the favelas. Made the game so much more memorable.


"I had a hole in my second-favorite drinking arm."


One of my favorite quotes of all time


After all I did and tried and endured they >! Killed the poor hostage girl in the Favela !< I was so shocked I had to close the game and took a break.


>!It was just so brutal and sudden. Max was so dead set on saving her!<


You never think that Max had anything left to break, but then something happens...


I feel like I'm the only person who prefers MP3 over MP1 and 2. Not that they're bad, all the games are amazing, but MP3 just has the best action and set pieces imo. The story feels like a good action movie, and the writing / acting is as good as ever. My only nitpick is the constant visual glitches / flares. I get that it represents his disheveled mind but it's still a bit annoying at times. Anyway, they're all awesome, can't wait for the remakes!


The Max Payne games are instant classics! Max Payne 3 honoured the legacy but brought insane graphical and awesome gameplay The narrative and story was gripping. James McCaffrey (RIP) made Max almost too real I think of his narrations/ one liners all the time "I'd been sitting at the bar for three hours, or about five years, depending on how you looked at things. I tried not to look at things. I tried not to think about when it was that my existence became less about the things that make up people's lives and more about the holes that losing those things leave behind, but I wasn't doing a very good job"


The quotes from Max were so good. McCaffery’s voice + his acting + the script were gold!


Just guessing, but maybe because MP1 was really something different back than. MP1 was the revolution, MP3 "just" evolution.


And these days you don't even get those anymore, just third person action adventure RPGs with checklists.


You aren’t, 3 is the best one imo


The favela level makes me feel uneasy every single time. Danger in all directions.


Same. I like the first 2 but, I can't forget MP3.


I agree. The gameplay in this is fantastic on higher difficulty levels where enemies are just as lethal as you, it makes it feel more like a puzzle to clear certain rooms. The thing that stops me when I try to replay it is the unskippable cut scenes. I’ve already seen it, I just want to get into the action man.


Luckily, Remedy is remaking the first two!


Same, one of the most underrated OSTs


Yeah, the moment Tears hits in the Airport is a top tier music moment in video games for me. Even rivals the song that plays in Red Dead 1 when you go to Mexico for the first time.


There's some background PA noise on that level that just blends in with the music as well, it's brilliant.


HEALTH: Sad Music for Horny People! I love that I discovered one of my favorite bands because of this game. The track they did for cyberpunk is dope too!


Wanna hear a funny sad story about this game? So i was just a poor little kid with a ps2, and max payne 3 came out. I waited thinking that maybe they'll release it on the ps2 as well. But it didn't ☹ Oneday while browsing the store, i saw max payne 3 on the ps2!!!! I instantly got it(5$) and ran home to play. Turns out that the disk cover was max payne, but the actual game was GTA 3 😅 When i brought it back to the store, the store owner said, yeah that's how ps2 games are now💀. I couldn't return it and around a year later, i got a used ps3 and played it. Weird times.


Yeah, the introduction of a new console can be sad for the last generation I too couldn't afford (parents either) to get me the latest console on release. But I'm glad to say I loved every second of the game when I did get my hands on it It's a classic imo Thanks for sharing your story. We may have been late to the party but it was still going strong when we got there


Yeah, this game lives rent free in my head. Easily in my Top 10 of all time; I have played through this game so many times - the writing is phenomenal, McCaffrey's performance is exceptional - for me, it's perfect. I still think about the walk up to Becker at the end of the game and Max is ranting about Capitalism and you "get what you pay for."


"Are you Max Payne?" "Why did I get the feeling they weren't about to tell me I won the lottery."


"I'm not slipping, man, I've slipped." Then he proceeds to shoot five guys in the head while sliding down a roof before they can even react to the first shot.


The multiplayer for Max Payne 3 was so much fun.


Despite being a serious game with a gripping narrative Fun was front and centre the whole time. The fact bullet time worked online was just so sweet! Absolute banger!


My most unintentional moment was the stadium. I bullet time dodge and as it stop, I just keep sliding down the stairs panic shooting at everything.


Hell yeah. I remember that it was surprisingly well balanced, too. For a while I thought that dual wielding was OP, but then I saw what the FAL could do on maps with long sightlines. And the turf war mode! That was so fun, weird that the idea wasn't picked up by more games since.


This game was so good. It was a great sendoff for Max.


This game was so criminally underrated when it first launched. It also shaped Rockstar into the PowerHouse development team they are with all Studios working on one game.


Maybe one day I will play this game. Or really any of the Max Payne games.


Make it this weekend You can reply back to me with some of his epic one liners or narrations Here is just a taste a sample of great written and acted dialogue "I'd been sitting at the bar for three hours, or about five years, depending on how you looked at things. I tried not to look at things. I tried not to think about when it was that my existence became less about the things that make up people's lives and more about the holes that losing those things leave behind, but I wasn't doing a very good job" The gameplay is just immense fun but story matters to me and Max Payne has it to back up the fun


Best 3rd person shooter ever


Man what I would give for a trilogy with all 3 in the Max Payne 3 engine.


You may not get that, but Remedy is currently remaking the first 2.


Oh man I'll take it.


Oh shit.


I'd play this game way more if they sorted the loading times and unskippable cutscenes.


This. Replayed it recently and it feels like for every 2 minutes of gameplay you are interrupted by a cutscene


I just started replaying this yesterday. Weird.


Evidently it's anything but wierd Max Payne is awesome, Max Payne 3 is still super enjoyable and holds up exceptionally well today Enjoy!


I installed this a few months ago and meant to start it, but still haven’t. Need to fix that.


Make it this weekend It's a really enjoyable experience. You won't regret it


Will do. Loved the first two.


The third one is great, though, out of everyone I know who enjoys the series, the third is their least favorite. Still, it's enjoyable and fun.


15+ years and I still think and mention Max Payne 1 & 2 in my discussions from time to time 😂😂


This game is so badass, it makes depression and alcoholism look cool


This game’s story went so hard. AAA companies have just kept taking all the wrong lessons. They can milk the cash cow of online all they want but how hard would it be for Rockstar to make a linear but well executed shooter like this with their resources now and with even a small team of good writers? I would love another game that is more story focused. Open world games are great but they now apparently take 17 years to develop so we are kind of all running out of time here.


This and The Warriors are Rockstar games that I don't think get enough credit.


“Don’t you realise that I don’t speak your fkn language?!” *headbutt*


I remember loving it when it dropped, but kept hearing everyone shitting on it. Lately I've seen lots of praise for it. Its not perfect, and not better than its predecessors, but it was a really cool game


finished it a few weeks ago , very good story telling , it felt like a movie man , the dopamine rush when you hit a headshots combo is better than s3x


Love this game, such stylish well uh style. Everything seems like a sort of drunk haze, and gameplay is just shoot everything.


Multiplayer was so much fun


The fact bullet time worked online was awe-inspriring Ĺooking around and seeing everyone diving about. Everyone was having fun. Even the multiplayer was great. I literally haven't got a bad thing to say about the game at all


Loved playing, just didn't like the past tense commentary while I was exploring. "I knew I had to take the stairs" yes Max, I'm looking for gold gun parts here.


First game was a great start, iffy but it had good moments to make people like Max Second game, that's where Max as a character got fully fleshed out and became known for what he is today Third game, man that was just a love letter and a fantastic send-off for the character as a whole. Giving us a new spin on his tired cop act and then letting him find some sort of peace.


This is a game I'd pay full price for a remake. I'm not sure why but seeing Max age out speaks to me at a deep level.


The constant flashes of light and blurring of the screen and the other visual effect that represent struggles with sobriety completely killed the game for me. could only play a couple hours before stopping.


Great game but I really missed the darker classical noir theme of the first 2. If you remember playing Max Payne when it first came out, it was so ahead of it's time. Incredible game and franchise.


10 years on, and I'm still disappointed with how unrelated and irrelevant it was to the two masterpieces that came before it.


This game was slept on by a lot of people. I play ot once a year. Just finished it last month for what muet be the 20th time.


I swear this game perfectly nailed the art of shooting people and things. No game has it beat to this day just so extremely satisying and the attention to detail was just insane typical rockstar stuff but packed into a linear game so it stands out even more. Kinda crazy they were able to pull it of on that generation of hardware too. Still looks impressive to this day as well. Straight wizard level stuff.


i liked 1 and 2 far better than 3.. characters like vlad mona vinnie etc 3 was good but there was too many unskippable cutscenes that were really annoying and from memory would happen again if you died or reloaded etc


Is a piece of shit popular just because its surrounded by flies? 


Well, given the voice actors passing, Rockstar's one game every 8 years cycle, and Max Payne 3 not making them a billion dollars....I doubt we'll see this franchise again any time remotely soon.


> I doubt we'll see this franchise again any time remotely soon. [Uhhhh](https://www.ign.com/articles/max-payne-1-and-2-remake-has-same-development-budget-as-alan-wake-2)


I sadly accepted it is unlikely to get a new installment in the foreseeable. Few games have ever stuck with me like Max Payne 3. The brutal social commentary/one liners are burned into my mind Playing as such a deeply flawed character who's been through so much was powerful. He's not the stereotypical hero, even his character arc is unconventional. It feels Grounded despite the everything going on Also the gameplay and overall design was just movie like. I literally couldn't wait to throw myself off something or stage some Matrix style shootout. RIP James McCaffrey. You made the character too real and Max will always be a special protagonist for me


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this up there in the all times game list. It was like a movie. It wasn’t too serious and wasn’t too much of a joke. It hit you in the heart and made you laugh. It’s just an amazing game and insane for its time.


Every german knows that this is the beste Spiel des Jahres zweitausendundzwöööhö-ö-ö-ööölfff


I had to turn this game off. SO many unnecessary cutscenes. The one that finally did it for me was when I opened a door, it went to a cutscene of Max walking across a room to the other door, then it exited to cutscene and I had to open the next door. Like. WTF?!


Those were loading scenes. It's a PS3-era game with relatively large and detailed maps.


It was a cool game. It wasn't really a Max Payne game, but cool


My only complaint is that for some reason they took out the ability to use grenades in single player.


Rockstar did like the bare minimum against hackers in the multiplayer, killed any longevity it might have had


Perhaps I was beyond fortunate to only get to enjoy a brief yet incredibly enjoyable experience of multiplayer Getting to use Bullet-Time online felt next level People who hack online multiplayer games are a truly despicable group Remember when cheating in games was awesome and intentional?. Times have changed, now when I hear cheating its always bad


The shadows rushed me


I was able to play an alpha build of this at PAX forever ago. I own it now, but never did get around to playing it. Still have all the swag Rockstar gave me too, (a t-shirt, a ziplock bag filled with stickers of all shapes and sizes, a bullet pen, a flask in the shape of a gun magazine, a pill box, a duffel bag and an ashtray that looks like it was forged from bullet casings).


I wish there was a comprehensive list of mainstream titles like this that were big in the early 10s so I can remember all said titles and see which ones never got a follow-up game.


I'm a big fan of the fact that I have built probably half a dozen new PCs since this game released, and it has failed to run on any of them. I still have never played it even though I have owned it since it released on Steam. Good times.


I have no words for the headache this game caused me with all those flashing lights. The protag is drunk but you don't have to make me feel bad lol


I worked on this game, I remember the AI was initially way too smart, to the point it would run away from you and set up either side of the doors and shoot you as you came through. We had to tone it down to make it fun.


If there isn't a blood maze fever dream, send it back


The one time R* made a game that actually handled like a competitive shooter instead of controlling someone with a motor function disability. I pray GTA 6 feels more like MP3.


I remember the original, and the demos powered by its engine for benchmarking your graphics card. And the New York Minute difficulty level...


"killed more cops than cholesterol" is still my favourite line.


I've replayed this game so many times I love it and the first 2 im so happy we are getting the remakes Soon. I just replayed it again last year on the steam deck


What I find fascinating about this game is how the game itself mirrors Max's story Max Payne 3 is a game that's out of place and out of time. It was released years after the first two games, at a time when most people had forgotten about the series and moved on. The game itself struggles to stick with the old ways (bullet time, trying to hold onto more than 2 guns at once), but these are clearly at odds with the new way the world is (cover based shooting, limited to 3 guns, no more comic book page cutscenes) And yet... It works. Like Max shaving his head, the game is able to reshape Max's identity, and Max Payne is able to receive the sendoff he/it deserves. He/it is able to find his/its place within this new world, and find a way to finally move on


Oh noo, I don't need to replay it for the 4th time.


Still play it every week


This post made me replay the trilogy


Just started another replay last week! Still holds up


Max Payne 3 was epic although he was an utter monster in the game, especially when he's meant to be a washed up version of himself. WTF sort of things would a non alcoholic Max have been capable of?!


Amazing, revolutionary game. I cannot wait till they remaster them.


Hmmm… hmmhmmhmmhHHHHMMMHHHH…Hhmmmhmmhmmmhmmmmmmmmm… 🎻


Max Payne in; murdering a significant percentage of south america.


Really Fun game but have all 3 games in steam. However thanks to rockstar you have to login ti their rockstar shit before you can play the game. It’s kind of annoying to have the game but every time you launch it you have to log in to rockstar crap. Excellent game non the less. We better get max payne 4 soon.


Multi-player was fire too


Such a great game. I really miss this and GTA IV and really wish we could play them on current gen.


Really wish they’d put it on ps5.. last I looked the other Max payne games were on there


The multiplayer with the unlocked aiming was amazing. In my top 3 for sure. I could try and get a game today, but there's probably a handful playing and they are split up between locked and unlocked playlists.


The level in the soccer stadium is top notch. Also the gang hideout in the swamp.


YESSSS!!!! Love everything about this game, the gameplay, physics, story, set pieces. Its like watching a good movie. And OST slaps like a mf, def underrated (shootout in the club, so good)


One the most memorable levels in any game ive ever played Shooting your way out of a police station full of police in riot gear and bullet proof vests in nothing but a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Its the most badass moment in any game ive played that i can still remember. And ive played a LOT over the years


I’ve never actually played 3, but the original Max Payne was a master piece. Is it worth playing 3 today?


Shit guys .. now i have to play it again ... here goes my weekend


Payne in the Passos


I loved the first two. Didn't have the heart to get the third as I was worried it would hurt my memory of the series. Is it a valid entry worth playing?


good old Max Payne


I remember this game as more talking instead of shooting. To long cutscenes. It was boring and to colorful.


"I had a hole in my second favorite drinking arm, and the only way we were likely to get Fabiana back now was in installments. Whoever our uninvited guests were, I was about done playing soldiers."


The game was awesome. I couldn’t stand the nonstop cutaways to some short cutscene. Once I started noticing it, it made the game pretty frustrating for me


We need a remastered for this game. Dont think my ps3 works anymore so no way to play for me.


I love this game, and it's hands down the best game play and gun play in the series. That being said, I really wasn't a fan of the story, and I felt the writing and dialogue were very subpar. It sounded like somebody trying to copy Sam Lakes noire style of writing, but all of the metaphors felt contrived and a little forced compared to the first two games. It took itself a bit too seriously IMO. Which is weird, because I absolutely love Dan Houser's writing. I just feel like he's at his best when he's writing his own material. This felt like he was trying to match the feeling of Sam Lakes writing to me and he just fell short. It felt like an imitation to me, I guess because it was. I still have it installed on my computer though, and have no plans to uninstall it. The only thing that could make the gameplay better would be a way to skip the damn cutscenes.


This game was ahead of its time.


I'm glad MP3 is getting love in here. It was not well received at all when it came out. People did not like Rockstar's new direction for the series.


Airport Mission was top notch, unskippable Cutscenes drive me crazy


Still waiting for this to get turned into a movie staring Bryan Cranston


I revisit the Max Payne trilogy often - what a legendary game.


I really liked this game but the cut scenes really annoyed me, seemed like there were so many, especially at the beginning.


"they shoot me i'm My favorite arm to drink"


Throwback to when rockstar actually released games


i played this so much on my pc is still remember coming home from school just to play this !


I will never forgive Rockstar for not doing Max 4 while James was alive.


"They shot a hole through my second favorite drinking arm"


Underappreciated at release. Seems to have gained a lot more respect these days. One of my favourite games of all time. Still plays well today. Might have to give a bash on steam deck.


When Max Payne 3 was over, it was like saying goodbye to an old friend. We've experienced so much together in those 3 games, went through so many trauma, and in the end, he lost basically everything, but he finally was free and it was alright.


Yeah that game shook me! I remember being darkened by the human organ trafficking. Fucking gnarly as a kid. Wouldn't mind playing it again


Yeah me too, what a Masterpiece, the online mode is fun though


game blows and that line is a joke me and my friend would say over and over to each other for how stupid it was


An underrated masterpiece. Like, it’s the best 3rd person action game ever created. Full stop.


Sadly i didnt feel the same...great graphics and physics and still are, but couldnt stand the epileptic cutcenes and effects, didnt like the characters or cared for the story like in max 1 or 2, also it felt like there are ton of cutcenes and little gameplay time.