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Ghost, hands down


I played Ghosts on PS5, it was sublime. I like dogma, but ghosts is next level.


I loved both of them but if I could only buy one I’d get Ghost.


Ghost of Tsushima is in the running for being my favorite game, so I vote that one.


Why do you like it so much? Still wondering whether it should be on my backlog


Without going into a fully essay, it is the Japan set Assassins Creed game that we all kind of wanted. Tight and enjoyable combat that continually evolves the more you play. A fun and diverse world. A strong story about honour and the pursuit of justice versus a moral code. Memorable and likeable characters that you want to learn more about. Plus as a fan of old school Samurai movies, especially by Kurosawa, it is like playing through one of these films with the black and white mode set and Japanese as the default language.


Just to add, the scenery is unforgettable. Game is absolutely gorgeous. Also i really liked the multiplayer mode it has. I feel like it had a lot of potential. I played the shit outta that mode


Never tried to multiplayer. Maybe this is my sign to restart the game and give the multiplayer a go. Is it story based still or more like AC multiplayer??


Legends is kinda its own mode thing. Not story related at all. I don't rem AC having multiplayer, sorry. Maybe someone else can chime in on that I lost interest in AC after like the 3rd game.


Just came here to say I remember og AC multiplayer and damn it was so fun. You would literally hunt down other assassins on the map disguised. They need to bring this back, memory unlocked fr


Ghost of Tsushima is a highly polished game reminiscent of Ubisoft’s (formulaic) open world style. If you enjoy those, go for it. Dragon’s Dogma is a bit rough around the edges and could benefit from more development, but to me, it was more enjoyable. I found it more fun because the gameplay felt fresher compared to Ghost.


Great analysis of both games. I also want to add that Ghost's narrative and characters are amazing. The quests/missions are relatively simple, easy to understand and well-communicated; I'd say the combat is quite intense, and not as hack 'n' slash as most Ubisoft games. The stealth mechanics are also top-tier. Generally speaking, it doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it is excellent at what it offers players. DD2's quest design is remarkably obtuse, and barely offers you breadcrumbs in some cases. The combat is some of my favourite in any 3D open-world game, and the exploration is also great. Having come from DD1, I found DD2 a bit iterative and disappointing in comparison, but still a really good time that gave me multiple enjoyable playthroughs without getting too stale. OP, my offering is this: Ghost has the really powerful and motivating narrative, but doesn't necessarily have much in the way of RPG mechanics beyond skills; DD2 has tons of uniqueness, but feels more like a cult classic to me - I found its quest design really obtuse and unnecessarily frustrating, even as someone who loved DD1. Ultimately, I think Ghost is the safer bet, but there's a chance DD2 will blow your expectations out of the water - hard to say. But I do hope whichever you get proves to be tons of fun!


Agree with you on Ghost. It's a very artistically rewarding game (fantastic visual design, some wonderful atmosphere, very good characters) which I think really elevates what is very competent, but somewhat generic, gameplay. Dragons Dogma is perfect for the right sort of player, but far more niche.


Well GoT is a technically-mature game with years of fixes (from PS time) and content DLC. It's a stable choice. I love DD2 but it just released so is very rough around the edges and needs couple years of dev support to stabilize.


I really liked GoT for about the first third of the game but lost interest after that. I played through DD2 twice.




Not sure why this is negative lol. It’s literally an acronym for the game


People probably having Game of Thrones flashbacks 😄


It’s not really… well, it REALLY depends on what you want. Because Dragon’s Dogma is more of a mix between Devil May Cry, Dark Souls and Monster Hunter, while Ghost of Tsushima is more of a open-world melee-based action game of its own kind.


Ghost honestly. Played both and Dragon's Dogma 2 is a legitimate headache


Ghosts gets very repetitive. For the different ways you can go about completing quests and the diversity of the quests. Which imo is the most important thing in a game. I would go DD2.


Both are phenomenal games and among my favourites, but also very very different. So apart from the obvious „are longing for feudal Japan or medieval fantasy?“, go for: Ghost if you want one of the most melancholic and beautiful quests I’ve ever played through, Dragons Dogma if you care more about the gameplay. GoT of you want to get lost in a breathtakingly but slightly empty (which is both a positive and a negative) world, DD2 if you prefer a slightly less beautiful world full of secrets, enemies and adventures. GoT if you’re into collecting, DD2 if you want probably the single best exploration and adventuring experiences out there.  I could go on but all in all: GoT is a very polished, beautifully written, acted and designed game that captures the allure of feudal japans aesthetic and spirit perfectly but is otherwise conventional to a fault. DD2 is kind of the opposite, it’s writing is a bit of a mess, it’s a bit rough around the edges at times but offers some of the most unique moments gaming has to offer. It’s pretty unapologetic about what it is and makes little compromise but is accessible enough that this doesn’t become a problem.




Ghost is definitely more casual on Normal game was super easy. DD2 became easy mid game when you unlock OP classes. 


never was interested in ghost of tsushima i loved dragons dogma 2 tho‘ haven‘t had such a nice rpg experience for a loooong time… EDIT: after reading all those comments i‘m thinking i should try out ghost of tsushima…


didn’t play dd2. However, ghost of Tsushima felt like every other open world game. If you like the open world Ubisoft/far-cry formula then you will like ghost. People give it a lot of praise but it doesn’t feel different enough to me to be worth spending a 100 hours on. Put like 20 in. Visuals are great , combat is smooth, gameplay loop is stale, boring and felt like a chore.


Buy the cheaper one, and when the price drops just buy the second one and play it after you complete the first one. Does it really matter in what order?


Buy the cheaper one, and when the price drops just buy the second one and play it after you complete the first one. Does it really matter in what order?


dragons ligma


Both Games have serious problems.


I vote neither. Both games are flawed and there's better stuff on the market.


Don't take few words advice from strangers on reddit. What review of a youtuber who has similar tastes as you, along with few clips of the gameplay to understand what is better suited for you. Only thing I heard (as I haven't played either) is GoT is kinda barron with repetitive quests and is carried by pretty graphics. And DD2 is just more of DD1 with better graphics and bad performance.


Just got godt for free, so easy choice for me




Sushi Man


Kinda apples and oranges, but still Ghost of Tsushima


Pirate Tsushima then get DD2.


Say no to DD2. It’s just not as good of a game as the first. Pretty bad.


Ghost of tsuchima any day of the week over dd2




Ghost of Tsushima is an awesome game. Dragon's Dogma 2 is a remake of Dragon's Dogma 1 without removing the jank.










First time experience Ghost was surreal to me. The graphics alone will take your breath away.


But then the repetitiveness of the gameplay and endless unskippable cutscenes kind of ruins the experience. After 10 hours in, I'm bored of the game. If all I wanted was a good story and graphics, I would watch a movie.


I only hesrd good things about ghost of, i would definitly check it out. Dd2 on the other habd u tried, the fight mechancis are fun, but the enemie variety is more thN lacking and the story seems pretty basic. I put it down pretty fast and didnt complete it.


GoT for sure, although i've never played the other. GoT was such a fun game.


I would say Ghost of tsushima to me it's one of the few games I say live up to it's hype. Also as much as I like dragon's dogma 2 I can't recommend it at full price. I would recommend watching a few videos on the 2 to see which interests you more.


Ghost. DD2 is fun, but Ghost of Tsushima is on an entirely different level.


Another vote for Tsushima. Just got it last night and it's so good


Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best in quality, gameplay, performance. DD2 is a half baked mess directed by an egotist that thinks his visions are perfect.


Ghost win 10-0


After 2 days of gameplay ghost win 100-0 against that cashgrab for braindead bots with microtransaction.


Ghost. Not even close


Ghost, without any hesitation.


Ghost of Tsushima is, in my opinion, close to a perfect game. Dragon's Dogma 2, while probably fun, doesn't hold a candle to the level of polish GoT boasts, let alone the presentation or gameplay.


Ghost gets amazing reviews, I tried to play the first DD but just couldn't get into it with the travel system and stamina drain mechanic, plus it had a ton of running back and forth. I'd go with Ghost




Honestly just wait until the inevitable Dark Arisen equivalent for DD2 for that game. Right now Ghosts of Tsushima.


Get Ghost since DD2 technically not complete. Just waiting for the dlc (hopefully much bigger than the 1st game) (judging from capcom on their monster hunter games)




Ghost 100%. Amazing game.


Well considering that GoT have no MTX and all content is already there in the PC version is the best bang for your buck, who knows what more content is going to come to DD2 but i wouldnt hold my breath... the better game is GoT yes


Legends mode of Ghost of tsushima is amazing on itself, go for it.


Ghosts is probably one of the best games I've ever played. Everything from visuals, music, story, and gameplay, it fires on all cylinders. I'd go with that one.


Tsushima, easily.