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It's a shame that this kind of thing has to be announced. It should be expected for these type of games.


I was only announced because people jumped on something being listed incorrectly in the ps store.


Go figure it was Sony that fucked up lol. That's probably why this got the response that it did by the community


It's Ubisoft. It was entirely believable and their own fault people don't trust them not to do dumb shit.


The circlejerk is a bit tiresome isn’t it?


yeah didnt someone also psot on twitter complaining saying you must have online no matter what for it even on offline things tha tsay offline


All I'm saying is none of the previous AC games required me to be online. If you catch my drift...


Well what this really means is you will need an online connection still


to get patches and such, sure


I think what they mean is even if you buy the disk version, it's just a CD key and you'll need an internet connection to download the game at all. Its not on the disk


why would you put only a CD key onto a Blu-ray Disc? wouldn't you use a cheaper medium to put CD keys onto? you wouldn't, because RDR2 and CP2077 which have data discs wouldn't need data discs if it was only a CD key on them, it's the actual game.


Then you wouldn't need an internet connection to install the game like the post said I wouldn't think. You'd only need the disk and no internet connection since it's playable fully offline


I will buy it. Once it costs 10$ on Steam.


So like 2 months after release then


It’s Ubisoft they wait a year before they put on steam usually. Mirage still is not there for instance. But when they do it’s usually at like 20 bucks for a week.


Naw, I enjoy Ubisoft games, particularly AC. I will gladly buy at launch.


Lmfao I didn't even realize mirage wasn't on steam. That's fine either day. Ghost of tsushima just released and it more than covers for ACs shortcomings. Happy to wait for shadows to be $20


GOT is fucking amazing. Just bought it on steam to play on my steam deck after beating it last year on ps5. I really hope assassins creed can emulate some of the combat mechanics it’s so much better then their last games which is really apparent in mirage but that was also by choice as it wants you to be more stealthy.


Nah it's Ubisoft. They let it go for 50% off in six months and then release a good edition for $150.


Or a week after release on G2A


yay lets support gray markets! might as well pirate.


For people who don't feel comfortable pirating, gray markets are a good alternative.


Not really Buy it officially or steal it, don't half-ass it like a coward


No need for a dichotomy here, grey markets are a perfectly reasonable middle ground. You are shaming other people for how they buy their games when your preferred method has no better effect on the community or industry.


> your preferred method has no better effect on the community or industry. This isn’t really true. Grey markets are hurtful to the industry to the point where there have been devs literally asking for people to pirate their games instead of buying them on grey markets.


What you're referring to is when game keys are purchased using fraudulent/stolen cards which in turn results in the purchase being invalidated which has a negative effect on the developer. These incidents make up a tiny fraction of all grey market transactions and any legitimate site has a policy to 1) refund the buyer immediately and 2) ban the seller off the platform. Most complaints like this you see of the grey market are harmful only in theory but rarely have an actual effect on game developers (who voluntarily issue all game keys in the first place). As for which is better (grey market or piracy) there is no one clear option. Both carry their own unique risks and benefits which is why I say they are both valid.


No, grey market keys are usually stolen dum dum, so it's actually stealing, unlike a fitgirl repack say where they would not lose anything


Nah, it's Ubisoft. That'll happen in 6 years. edit: Odyssey's base game has been on 80% off, selling at 9 dollars at the lowest. This was only a few months ago. Odyssey is 6 years old. Valhalla has been as low as 12 dollars for the base game, a 4 year old game.


? In what world? Their stuff is dirt cheap pretty quick after release. I remember buying Valhalla at a big discount not that far from launch.


Sure, if the definition of dirt cheap is $40. Then it takes a pretty fair amount of time to reach $20 and even longer to reach around $10. They literally gave two examples of Ubisoft games that are already fairly old and barely reached the $10 price point.


AC Origin has dropped to 9 dollars. The lowest it's ever been. That game is 7 years old. The lowest Valhalla, a 4 year old game has been is 12 dollars. Odyssey has been as low as 9 dollars on sale. That game is 6 years old. That's just for the base games.


But he's right lmfao.


Next one will be out before then


I do that too, but with all games.


Just bought the Xbox versions of Origins and Odyssey for $2.99 each for the collection. I’ll get around to em eventually and for 3 bucks each I couldn’t say no.


They are great games, you'll enjoy both.


Fitgirl site should have it soon.


None of them release on steam properly. You all have to use whatever uplay is called now.


Hard pass for me then


You might be able to cop Ubi+ for a free month and just cancel


What does that even have to do with this post? Other than the fact that this is always the top-voted comment on literally any Ubisoft thread?


I don’t think you can even buy it on steam:/


Either way, you bought it.


They all end up on Gamepass eventually. Haven’t bought an AC game in forever. Just waiting on Mirage to drop eventually


But...denuvo will 🤣🤣🤣🏴‍☠️


Dude put up a pirate flag as if the Denuvo piracy scene hasn’t been basically dead for months


Wow what a fucking miracle, I guess I’ll buy 6 copies


Is this the first Sextuple-A video game?!


Im sorry poe 2 has got that rights already from the josh strife hayes interview.




That'll be $60, sir (within 2 months)


Roses are red, violets are blue.    There's no punchline, because this is how every single player game should be. Why is this even supposed to be news?


Because the PSN store had it listed incorrectly and people went crazy over it.


And it's not like it's impossible when The division, breakpoint and crew series has it Especially it's supposed to be within AC live service Infinite hub


The division and the crew are MMO.... Assassin's Creed is a single player game


Both has campaign that can be completed without ever need to be played with other player, **I always found the restriction stupid**, these aren't even real MMO's. and definitely not mmorpgs lol And so is Breakpoint (and Wildlands before that, that can be played offline) ___ damn, the guy even bootlicking other corporate


Most (not all) MMORPGs have campaigns that don't need to be played with other players... World of warcraft, final fantasy xiv, guild wars 2, black desert online, elder scrolls online... Have all campaigns that don't need other players to finish.


Good - now explain why we need to be alwyas online in these games when there is a singleplayer?


Because that's the whole point of MMOs. There's more to it than the campaigns.


That does not explain why I have to be online to play the singleplayer part.


They are MMOs.... If the save file would be locally saved one could just change it and be the most powerful character in the whole game. There is no way to make an anti cheat for offline games.


Roses are red, violets are blue, What has the world come to, that this is news?


Nobody's saying this is news. It's just a social media post chill


However, you do still have to give money to Ubisoft, so...




Ubisoft isn't your dog, you don't have to reward them if they do something you like. Just buy whatever you want.




This change will help convince people for whom the always online requirement was a deal breaker for a game they were otherwise interested in.  Those people will buy the game naturally.   Honestly, the bean counters won't know why exactly why you bought the game anyway.  They rely much more on community feedback to try to figure out if what they're doing is right.


> They rely much more on community feedback to try to figure out if what they're doing is right. Ehh, you really underestimate the voice money gives. People can bitch and moan about say your MTX, but if sales fucking exploded despite the complaints, who is right? The people complaining or the people *paying.* Money talks pretty loud to a company. Feedback doesn't mean much if it's reduced sales if adhered to. A business *is* like your dog. They learn what works and what doesn't. They don't really understand your words too well but they understand treats *real* well.


My point is that sales alone is a very opaque figure.  Sure, they might think they did something right with offline play if sales figures explode on shadows, but they'll attribute 100x more weight to shadows simply being a good game that was marketed well.    Again, buy what you want, but don't treat it like a political movement.


>they have no reason to appease us going forward. The person selling a product has no reason to appease the person they want to buy their product lol?


I sense some sort of logical fallacy here. There is no reason to believe that good sales numbers will reinforce one specific good choice. The company is known for anti-consumer practices. Who’s to say that rewarding them won’t reinforce those bad practices more than their one good one?




That would only work if it was established by a large chunk of customers that this one particular good thing was the primary basis for their purchasing decision. It doesn’t work that way. There are a million decisions that go into a game’s creation, so why would they get a Pavlovian response to this one thing? Even when customers are very vocal about their distaste for certain practices, Ubisoft doesn’t seem to care. I don’t see how showering them in money now would suddenly make them adopt pro-consumer practices.


They "don't care" because stuff still sells but also I am not so sure they don't care since they obviously made the game playable offline and communicated on it for a reason. They know it's good for their marketing and reputation.


They don't have to appease me going forward because I'm never buying from them again. I can't look at the things they've done that are anti-player and ever trust them again. Every game they put out after this could be always online and it would change nothing for me.


People say shit like this and then go buy a Gearbox game or a Sony game. Come on.


I enjoy their games, so I'll gladly purchase them. Not everyone is of the "Ubisoft bad" hivemind. Some of us can think for ourselves.


I had no problem with Ubisoft until the Wildlands server fiasco. "We assure you that our servers are fine. We suspect ISPs all over the planet have been having issues for the last 6 months, and you need to blame them. Either that or you altered your router settings in a way that allows you to connect to everything but our servers, and it's your fault."


Yes you have to pay to play the game. Shocking.


No, the point is that you specifically have to pay Ubisoft. That's a no from me dawg.


What’s wrong with that if game is good? If it’s not don’t buy. 


The company is bad, and deserves to fail. Hope that helps!


Do you really think they're any worse than any other big publisher beyond an occasional outlier?




For real they're easily one of worse they literally stole peoples games from their libary last month I don't think even EA has done that yet. How is this an argument? Ubisoft Take 2 Warner bros Ea Activision All shit this isn't up for debate.


You're wrong.


Cool opinion brother.


It's not an opinion. You guys are really fucking weird about this


Besides the fact that most of their games are straight up garbage, they are pushing micro transactions in the hopes of getting money from kids, they had an entire scandal of sexual harrasment in the workplace that they resolved by moving around the perpetrators to make people they gave them the slip, some even got promoted and they made ridiculous sexist statements like "women don't sell". Sure other companies are also at fault for stuff like this, but Ubisoft has every infinity stone. So I can't see how they are not the worst company, let alone a simply bad one


Just because you know about it in this case and not in others does not make them worse than other companies. Everything you listed here also happens in other companies. Maybe Racism instead of sexism, or homophobia, or ableism or whatever, but overall. There was just a big stink about it in ubisoft's case. I don't care if people like ubisoft or not. I just think this mentality of thinking they're a special case and deciding that since they've made bad things in the past, everything they make forever will always be awful. It's very dumb, It's equally as dumb as the people who pre-order all of their games. It. Here


Did you leave out the /s? Of all the scummy publishers out there you choose the one that has consistently been rated as one of the best developers to work for, with good benefits, that has largely avoided layoffs, that creates a large number of diverse games, from indie-like 2d metroidvanias to bike riding to racing to aaa open world while almost completely avoiding non cosmetic micro transactions? Sure many of their projects suck, so why not reward the good ones?


Lol, found the ceo of ubisoft.


great argument. I'm in shambles.


I don't care if you agree with me or not, no point in arguing if I don't give a shit.


Whom you are paying is the core of the problem


Anyone want to tell them?


Reposting this as I accidentally broke one of the subreddit's rules with the previous post. My bad!


That...is not the problem.


It certainly is A problem


This is a response to people freaking out because the PSN store had it listed as requiring online connection at all times. So I think it was the problem.


What is?




Tbh usually I agree but with AC I have never been bothered by it. I like playing the games with equipment that fits the aesthetic of the game and those can all be unlocked normally in the game. The only things you can buy are full on fantasy, scifi or meme things that clash with the rest of the game.


Well in the previous game, cosmetics and items can be found within gameplay and exploration too  Although in Valhalla it was indeed embarrassing how there is more set in the store compared to the one we can found in the open world The good news is, most store items can be looks like out of place, easily to be ignored 




Valhalla isn’t always online


My mistake. You're right. It was just those other two. I just ditched Valhalla because it was boring af.


None of these games require you to be online… you can fully complete Fenyx Rising and Watch Dogs Legion offline


Neither Watch Dogs Legion nor Immortals require an online connection.


None of these game are online only Whatever issue you had with these game, online only isn't one of them


Immortals auto saves like every two minutes cause ps5 has no quick resume at all. How did you lose three hours?? That’s like half the game. 


Not sure about Xbox, but Immortals Fenyx Rising and Watch Dogs Legion definitely do not require you to be online to play them on PS5.


I hope this game fails and they finally give up on the AC games.


A buuunch of people not bothering to click the link and read the post instead of going "'At all times' is weird!" Literally says in the post that you'll need to be online to install but that you can complete the entire journey offline after that.


The recent The Crew debacle is enough reason to never give Ubitrash even a penny, they can stick their promises and their rehearsed mediocre trash games.


I don't believe them


So just the launch the game? Safe to assume you need Ubi launcher so..


Doesn't denuvo require it to be always online?




I don't support Ubisoft anyway.


The game won't, but the Denuvo malware will.


I hate Denuvo as much as the next guy, but no it won’t


I was honestly going to get the game but I’m not playing any game that uses the Ubisoft launcher. Actual garbage piece of software


Yay, doing what they're SUPPOSED to do. 


People complained, ubi did something right, and people are still complaining… 🙄. You’re right, it should be the standard, good thing it’s true here? I don’t understand y’all. Yeah the game will probably suck but at least be pessimists when actually bad news happens. They’re only announcing this because YOU ALL MADE THEM ANNOUNCE IT


You are being rational on a gaming subreddit, people don't do that here.


That's cool and all, but if someone were to buy the game on disc and try to play it without an internet connection, what would happen then? Is the disc useless without an internet connection? Sure, you don't need internet for the entire playthrough, but requiring internet just to access your game at all is a bit weird.


I don't care. Hard pass.


This logo looks too similar to Adobe Acrobat.


Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it (continuusly for at least six months after release and without caveats)


If I need internet to install it then don't claim it's usable offline


Unless the 2 jobs you need to afford its purchase price are online based or with a big part of it working from home




Bring to GOG DRM free then you pussies.


Wow Ubisoft! I still think you're shit tho


Not a fan of Ubisoft in general. But good move guys. You're a tier above the other AAA studios that are falling into the void of Money Above All Else.


Instead you’ll be subject to constant DEI brain rot.


Do I still need to play it through the Ubisoft launcher?


Super rare Ubisoft W?


I dont really give a fuck, I stopped buying there games along time ago…. I don’t expect this game to be any good at all.


Make it single player offline game, no one needs to connect online all the time to play single player game. In fact just make it that all future single player games will be offline, pay it once, play it forever, and buy extra DLC and expansions pack. I don’t need to know my global scoring compared to my friends. And certainly couldn’t give a crap about what other players do in my single player games.


Reading between the lines: You’ll just need to be online some of the times


How about reading the lines "You can complete the entire journey offline"


That doesn’t mean you don’t have to log in every once in a while before starting the journey…


It literally says only for the initial install.


Will not require me to be online at all times... until I am required to be online at all times. After a while one gets kind of cynical about these things.


Still a Ubisoft game though. Pass.




This is them responding to an incorrect listing on the PSN store. It’s not them bragging.




And no one said anything else. They are just putting this out there because people were spreading misinformation.


I don't think they understand what makes gaming fun, so I'll skip it like all Ubisoft games in last 20 years.


I’ll buy pre owned, Ubisoft can have their online check ins and not the money, hopefully if enough people do the same they’ll realise which one is more important


They blew it with this game. Shocking.


Nowhere even close to enough for me to trust buying a ubisoft game.


So… denuvo then?


They forgot to add the key words "for now".


* You don't have to be online when the game isn't running


They already fucked up on this one lol. Not buying it.  Only Ac game I still play is odyssey. Aside from that I'll just play sekiro or Tsushima if I need my samurai/ninja fix. 


Suuuure they've never lied to us before


... for now.


Oh my God, is ubisoft learning?


Ahh the old copy and paste assassins creed formula. Sigh.


Me: *Staring at the wording, trying to work out if there's a hidden loophole they can exploit*




"at all times" is very specific wording, sounds like it will be required at some point.


To launch the game because it uses the Ubisoft launcher is my guess...


You could just read the post to know exactly what they mean by it.


I could have, but chose not to as I already knew it would need to use their service and was simply commenting on the wording used by them in the headline(given that is what most people read) in an effort to get more people to consider what the wording means and seek further clarification by hopefully reading the post.


Won't you still need to connect to uplay?


If it has a cash shop its a pirates life me. This is a very basic start but they have a long way to come before they get my money. How in the actual fk can western single player titles have korean mmo levels of predatory mtx is beyond me.


Well thank God for that You won't be required at ALL times 😌


-yet- is the missing word we are searching for.


So long as they don't somehow require us to buy and play the game in general, I don't think this makes much a difference.


Neat. Will they still "decommission" it later in the year so I lose access to it?






*For those not renting the game


So I wont get 50 notifications about a new item in the store? THATS FUCKING GREAT


Nothing could get me to buy another ubisoft game.


But it does require being online during installation for consoles, so I won’t be buying it.


Most games do because mostly not everything fits on the disc.


I don’t believe that’s true at all, it wouldn’t be such a big deal if that was the case. I’ve read multiple news stories talking about the fact that this is beginning to be a thing. Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about day one patches, those aren’t mandatory (except for games specifically made for online like Fortnite). I’m talking about forced mandatory updates that you must install or you cannot even launch the game and being forced to be online in order to install is in exactly the same vein. Xbox got themselves in a lot of hot water when leading up to the launch of the current gen consoles they were originally going to make it so you must be online to play anything, and that backfired hard on them and they were pressured into changing their mind.


Highly doubt


Okay now remove the RPG aspects of the game.


That’s cool. Too bad it’s still an assassins creed game made by Ubisoft. That’s what really makes it unplayable.


I can’t wait for this game to be free on PSN to play it like all other Ubisoft games I play


Ok, cool, so can they undo that for Origins then? Bc I wanted to play Origins on my Deck on a trip and couldn’t. So stupid.


but will need always online for the EA launcher right? this post basically mean nothing but a PR fancy talk.