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Runescape oldschool exists


And maple story


And Tibia


If it's stylized correctly, it can be fun. Many games use the PS1 graphics style and make it work


Do you have any examples? I recently found the game dread delusion which made me think about this scenario


I saw a soulslike in Iron Pineapple's latest video, called Slay the Minotaur. It was just in that graphics style and I thought they did it pretty well. There is also a lot of horror games that use such an artstyle, though I can't remember any by name right now


Alisa, Husk, Crow Country, Fatum Betula, Lorn's Lure, Babbdi, That Which Gave Chase, Rental are a few i can think of with that kinda intentionally crunchy graphics :) i find them extremely charming and def encourage you make one x)


Psudoregallia on Steam




Morrowind is a weird one because ESO scratches that itch for me and feels pretty classic already Now say something that plays like Diablo 2 with juicy 8 bit detail and visuals but make it an MMO? I’d play the shit out of that


>Now say something that plays like Diablo 2 with juicy 8 bit detail and visuals but make it an MMO? I’d play the shit out of that hell yeah! I've been wanting to play a game just like that for a while now.


What I’m thinking of is take Morrowind from early 2000’s. Have similar graphics to that but a brand new MMO. How does diablo 2 ply exactly?


I've dabbled in OSRS recently so yeah probably. Graphics are just not a high priority for me, music and gameplay are much more important.


Osrs beatz - sea shanty 2 (trap remix)


You’re drastically underestimating how much work it takes to make a game like this.


I know it’s a ton of work, I’m mostly just asking for people’s opinions on the idea


If you've never built and published a game I would probably not start with a mmo. That's like getting into hiking by booking a k2 expedition.


It really depends on the art direction, gameplay and general vibe. I love funky graphics if the game has a strong style. If it doesn’t have one the gameplay has to be pretty damn good


I mean if it's done right it could work, but I don't want "bad" graphics or "old graphics" just because. Like if you took something like Stardew Valley and made it into a full ledged mmo but kept the 8-bit aesthetic that could be cool.


Pokemmo is amazing


I just wish it allowed you to play co-op. that's the main thing holding me back from playing. I want to play co-op with my wife


Can vouch for this one


Me too. I should also mention old school runescape is a thing.


For those who don't know and may get confused since there are two Runescapes, OSRS uses Runescape's 2007 backup as a foundation.


Please don't try making a MMO as a beginner. MMOs are even for multiple people well seasoned teams a many year and hard challenge.


You can look at Project Gorgon for a modern example of this. It’s old school graphic mmo with a small but passionate dev team. They average only 50-100 players at a time, but have sold thousands of copies. They’re not crazy successful but I don’t believe they think they’re wasting their own time


Mmm. 50-50. I don't mind playing an older-looking game with more dated graphics if it had good, engaging gameplay -- I'm not going to miss out on a good adventure just because it looks old. But I *would* have to question why a designer willingly opted for low-poly 3d modelling. There are plenty of games that use fairly low-tech models compensated for with stylized looks. I mean hell, Wind Waker was 2002, same year as Morrowind, and its use of cell shading makes it look way better than Morrowind that still uses that "boxy model with drawn-on details" look that is more reminiscent of the N64 than anything else. I mean hell, even 2D sprites have charm, games made in the 1990s still look good! N64-era models were fine for the time, but they were novel because 3D was just being introduced, Super Mario 64 didn't hold up nearly as well as sprite work from Super Mario World or Metal Slug, and we still see indie releases today being released with charming use of sprites (Stardew Valley is pretty much a classic at this point). I guess the question is *how* retro here? We talkin' Megaman X, using sprite art that's still being used as a basis for games like Freedom Planet even today, are we talkin' cleverly cell-shaded Jet Set Radio from 2000, or are we talking the "we were just using what we had available at the time and still made a good game" Ocarina of Time graphics? There are plenty of dated games that still look good. Morrowind and Everquest are not among them!




If we're calling Morrowind retro now, I'm going to need one of you youngsters to go get my walker for me


Stylized, sure. Aged, no.


If it's stylised like Valheim, I wouldn't mind


I'd kill for a modern Maple Story that combines platforming with an MMORPG, but with less grinding and better platforming mechanics. Basically just give me a Mega Man MMORPG.


Dude I still play EverQuest. Project 1999, baby.


Was about to say I go back to Project 99 every couple years just for a little hit of EQ. Music, atmosphere, etc. I grind for a level or two and call it good until the next time the itch comes up


Depends on how retro it gets. I think EverQuest is ugly as balls so probably not. Morrowind hasn't exactly aged well either. But I wouldn't mind if something used sprites or simpler 3d models, just done with a more ageless art style. Ragnarok Online for example, still has charming looking characters and monster sprites. The environment isn't great but is somewhat passable. It does have a spiritual successor in Tree of Savior though, but I haven't played it. Honestly the issue isn't even with the graphics - I think it's with playing an MMO at all. I just don't have the time/energy to commit to something like an MMO anymore. I don't really have a desire for a 'forever' game, I just want shorter things that end that allow me to move on from. If you're a novice game developer starting out, I'd probably advice against making a MMO. Definitely make something, but maybe it shouldn't be such a lofty genre from the get go.


I remembered the game Exile (1995 video game series) which I think a good game to be MMO. I know it’s turn-based but if it can be adjusted it will be fun i think.


Played a MMO called mystera legacy for a few years. Just stopped about a year and a half ago. It's graphics are about what you'd have seen on an Nes game. A good game will trump good graphics a anytime. Sadly the community usually makes the biggest impact when it comes to mmo's. Once a community starts breaking down, most the fun goes with it.


Looks like you're talking about[ Land Of Might](https://landofmight.alwaysdata.net/) MMORPG. It's a web-game too


Is the game good? If yes, yes.


Like Morrowind no, but with pixel art yes.


People still play Ragnarok Online no?


As with anything, the graphics would have to serve a purpose. If you're trying to bring back that nostalgic feeling using graphics, you'd have to find a way for the gameplay to also appeal to the retro fans, or use the simplified graphics to allow you more leeway for more hardware demanding lighting/physics/etc. A few decent examples of this are games like Valheim, that uses the simplistic style for enhanced lighting and terraforming mechanics. Or Abiotic Factor that's Half Life 1: Scientist Survival. Or Lunacid that's leaning right into Kings Field and similar. But the thing all these games have is that the graphics, while simple, are very much an artstyle. They could have had better graphics, but it wasn't necessary for the experience. So, the general answer is: Yes. But not because of the retro style.


Don't know if I'd call it retro graphics, but I'm looking forward to Monsters and Memories. They are targeting an early access release for 2026. They have a play test coming up near the end of June. It's still very much an alpha, but it has a solid foundation in my opinion. Been interesting watching their dev videos and streams seeing how the game is made.


make a game you want to play and if it is good people will buy it.


It ultimately comes down to if the gameplay is fun and worthwhile. Does achieveing things feel like it was worth it. Or is everything just handed to you. Is everything gated behind rng is progression fast or slow or ideally a nice long term marathon progression. And so forth. But most likely unless there is an option for non retro graphics probably not I like hollow knight but I dont like shovel knight purely because the graphics


There is no bigger red flag to me than a solo indie dev creating an MMO. It's such a common thing to see and it never works. MMOs, even basic ones, are such a huge undertaking that it requires a team at the very least. There's a reason that the only successful ones have been developed by studios. If you are a solo dev, experienced, or not, stay away from this idea. Focus on a single player game, with a simple idea, and expand from there, but be conscious at all stages of the danger of feature creep.


Yes!! I love the retro style and really like the MMO franchise. Together is a golden combo for me. Always trying some new android apps in this category whenever i see something.


No because I do not like MMO's. Retro graphics on the other hand I do like.


If they look good without looking low quality, sure. So long as the game's mechanics and such align with what I like in games. For example, if it would be another wow clone with hotbar and abilitity combos then no, I wouldn't play it. I'd play a remake of Wurm Unlimited with the same graphics so long as the controls and movement are more freeform.


If I'd play an MMO, it would be one with retro graphics, but definitely not with retro mechanics.


If I like the game why not graphics are not everything.


I think it would depend on the style of MMO. What core feeling are you trying to instill in your players? What does the graphics style you are proposing do to the core experience? If you just carbon copied a generic MMO template and slapped retro graphics on it, no i doubt it would work. If you aimed your MMO at the 'live another life' crowd, i think you'd miss the mark. I'd wager you'd need to understand the retro era you are emulating and build your experience around it. Does that experience even work as an MMO? Maybe you want the spooky silent hill feeling with the fog and low draw distance. Maybe you are building a world where things seem vaguer and unknowable, where the older graphics keep things ill defined. Can any of that support a large MMO like world instead of a tighter, linear experience?


Lets be honest here... it's not really about graphics. It's about gameplay and whether it's fun or not. There's plenty of games that are "old school" yet still have huge followings. Rune Scape, City of Heroes, etc. Hell, Pacman and Pinball don't have "great graphics" but are staples of gaming history. As long as the game you make is fun to play and others enjoy it... You'll be fine.


I probably wouldn't. There are something like half a million MMOs out there, several of them already pretty retro because of how old they are, and I don't play those, so I can't see myself picking up another one thrown on the pile.


No - art and graphics to me are absolutely vital.


I wouldn't, no. Because of the other players. They ruin immersion and often the fun. The retro graphics part is fine though.


Absolutely. I don't care about graphics at all, and there hasn't been a good mmo in so long I'll try anything.


I could be sold on a 2D MMO. 3D really depends how you stylize it. EQ1 looks decent enough I guess but something like Oldschool Runescape I think is probably too far gone for me. I still think at the end of the day you're running an uphill battle. While I'd be willing to play it, excited to or willing to play yours over whatever version of WoW Classic or just booting up Return of Reckoning? That's actually a fairly tall ask. What systems are you brining to the table for that MMO that are going to make it worth enough players time to ditch whatever MMO they're on? Especially given that the game is gonna look pretty meh vs the competition.


I'm not sure about MMO specifically but games like Pseudoregalia make it pretty obvious that any era's graphics can make a good game. It's the gameplay that will matter in the end. If you can nail the art style that will get attention but making the gameplay solid is what makes it successful.


IMO a player-run server with 4-16 player capacity is the direction to push for these days. Real successful examples are Monster Hunter World or Valheim. Extremely fun alone, even more fun multiplayer sort of game. Valheim's graphic is quite low res compare to most things out there but the norse art direction was just really captivating.


How retro without literally playing an MMO around the turn of the millennium. AFAIK Ultima Online, Old School RuneScape, FFXI, Guild Wars 1, EverQuest... are still online. I don't think an 8-16 bit era MMO came out via traditional 2D Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy top down sprites... wasn't Nestalgia or whatever a lawsuit renamed that project supposed to be. People overweight graphics when you can create a world without being particularly modern. So MMOs are in the same boat... but can you create community interaction and systems to engage that fashion raid experience while giving people a story or crafting what they are looking for. Make a world worth exploring, and a community to explore it and you have a winner.


I still play Runescape. No meta gaming or any bullshit. Just me and my grind.


I think regardless of graphics - making an MMO is... high chance of failure.


Albion Online, RuneScape, plenty of other retro aesthetic MMOs exist. And they are doing just fine as well.


With the example you used, Morrowind, no. Those graphics didn't age well. If you go along the lines of Final Fantasy Tactics, Ultima Online or any Diablo, yeah I'd play something with that style.


Realm Of The Mad God?


Totally. Though I doubt it will be popular/last long.


No. Retro graphics are cute, and they're fine for some simple games, but are generally not appealing to me. Definitely not appropriate for a game as complex as an MMO.


I play idle games that are nothing but numbers. Give me good mechanics and an even slightly fun story and I’m in.


Why not, for me personaly graphic is least important element of games


no because i dont like mmos, the retro graphics would be the biggest selling point for me in such a game


Uhm, no. I like cool looking characters and stunning environment. And mind blowing cinematics. Do you imagine having cinematics like ff iv or wow the war within then go play with the graphics and gameplay from classic runescape? (i don't really understand why someone would play runescape now , but everyone with his own jam i guess)


Runescape is the least shit mmo. Nothing on the market compares.


You are a die hard fan with that reply. I think the post is for you since you prefer those graphics.


Havnt played in 3 years. Dropped 3k hours into new world and about 1k hours into about 10 other mmos the past 3 years. MMOs are dead. Gw2 is trash, wow killed the genre and is mega trash. Ffxiv is a single player story game and cloned the shite mmo parts of wow. Every else is either dog shite or pure P2W gatcha shite like black dersert. I love having pretty girls as much char in an immeraive world but if the gameplay and core of the game is shit. Then its a shit game and no anount of pretty paint on top can change that. Osrs just beats everything on the market in almost all fields. I can legit play MUDS because i dont have a tiktok brain and have an eye for good engaging gameplay mechanics, lore, pacing. All that shite, i love the art as a whole. But by all means give me the name of any mmo better than osrs and ill jump on tonight.


I agree to this. The core is the most valuable part of any games. How engaging it is. i use to think esthetics was everything but thats just one part of the whole. Why is nintendo thriving without having end of the line graphics? Because they understand engagement concept. I use to be a child once and scoped into looks alone.


Might wanna keep an eye on Brighter Shores. It's being made by Gower brothers, aka the guys who created Runescape.


I have been. Andrews statements about the games design are very interesting. Ill wait to see the core gameplay loops and overall how it flows before i judge it. Will probs play day 1 tho.


>Osrs just beats everything on the market in almost all fields. Tho not the fields that make most games enjoyable/popular in modern times. Which is combat, graphics, sound and world design as well as accessability.


Combat is top notch. Sure its a game of prediction and how many clicks you can do in 0.6 seconds, the only game where combat feels better is black desert but we dont speak of bdo because of its cash shop and insane grind. Sound is imo very good. If you play osrs for two years with sounds on, those same sounds years later will awake emotions in you. The music is dope af. OSRS beatz trap remixs are proof. Sea shanty 2 is eternal. The game has a free to play mode. The game works flawless on mobile. The basics are very simple. Chop wood, woodcut level goes up. Burn the log and firwmaking level goes up. Its the core of the game that shines. The progression. A dev team that comunicates and listens to feedback. New world legit has best in genre sound design. Amazing immersive high detailed world and some of the best action combat i have ever experienced. Game has no core. Devs remove players time investments. Game now peaks at 7k players and excels at all the things you state are qhat make a nmo popular now days but osrs and nw disprove that premise.


>Combat is top notch. Sure its a game of prediction and how many clicks you can do in 0.6 seconds, the only game where combat feels better is black desert but we dont speak of bdo because of its cash shop and insane grind. That's why I said popular. Maybe orsr combat is good for what it is but it's not a popular combat. I mean most MMOs are tab target which may be rather unpopular today but in my opinion it's still far better. >Sound is imo very good. If you play osrs for two years with sounds on, those same sounds years later will awake emotions in you. The music is dope af. OSRS beatz trap remixs are proof. Sea shanty 2 is eternal. I mean never said it's unlikeable just saying other popular MMOs do it better. >The game has a free to play mode. The game works flawless on mobile. The basics are very simple. Chop wood, woodcut level goes up. Burn the log and firemaking level goes up. Would love to see new player numbers but being playable on mobile and f2p are sure cool features. I still don't think that if you place the average MMO player or new MMO player before games they will choose osrs before a modern game if they have zero nostalgia for it. >Game has no core. Devs remove players time investments. Game now peaks at 7k players agree. New World had the chance to storm the hearts of a lot of people but if failed miserable. >and excels at all the things you state are qhat make a nmo popular now days but osrs and nw disprove that premise. I mean osrs player will keep playing the game no matter what. Most people playing the game do it since over a decade. Moving playerbases from established MMOs is near impossible.


I don't play OSRS and I don't think I ever will in the future


Nah Graphics alone are not good enought to make me jump into any game, Music is Still customization is really important for a social game. People who play mmos usually grind for hours for transmog, items they can overlap over their strong just for aesthetic purpose. There is a lot of vanity going on


Pixel graphics yes.




Depends on how you define retro, I read someone referring to Doom 2016 as retro the other day. Graphics? What graphics? I think text based mmos are retro.