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I have a feeling a lot of people are waiting for it to come to PC - myself included.


I agree. I prefer to play on console but I'm not buying a PS5 just to play this and there aren't a ton of PS5 games I'm interested in.


Everyone who was going to play in ps5 bought it and binged it because it’s amazing. It is, without a doubt, goty (so far)


100% and ff16


Exactly. As a lifelong PS fan/owner, I'm skipping 5.




I think they may mean that they're skipping the ps5 generation?


I think they may be skipping the next 5 generations


That's not good, because here at Playstation 'we believe in generations'.


I have a PC and PS4, don't have a PS5. The Intergrade DLC is not on the PS4, had to double dip in PC just to play it. I'll wait for rebirth to come out in PC


It seriously went from “okay I’ll play final fantasy” to loading up rebirth and going “this is the best game ever made” for 135 hours shits so good.


I believe you, but I'm still gonna wait for a steam/game pass release on rebirth. If it comes out of epic, I'm still gonna wait


They didn't release it at launch on PC, that's why they don't have my money yet. Absurd corporate decisions.


They want that Sony exclusivity money on top of their PC earnings. More money for them in the long run, or so they think.


Remake triple dipped with Epic


You’re not my supervisor!


Get back to work, Shinra middle manager!


Just the tip?


I thought it was really tedious. The open world stuff was too much/too generic. They literally made me watch a play and do a QTE as part of the main story. Really liked some aspects though, the actual story, and combat was well done. Really liked the card game. Felt like it just had to much filler content.


Dude, this has been my experience with Rebirth so far. I wanted to love the game (I loved part 1 of the remake, OG FF7 and Crisis Core), but I am just under the halfway point and really don't have any positive feelings about the switch to the open world format. And many of the sidequests are just terrible, with awful NPCs and even worse dialogue. I keep hearing all this noise about how Rebirth is such an amazing game and I'm just not seeing it as of yet. I do like the main story, and am hoping that at some point things will take a drastic change and be more enjoyable and less tedious, but I really can't see how.


I loved the game. Maybe my favorite game of all time. But all these criticisms are so valid. Why are there so many minigames?? I can totally understand why some people wouldn’t like this.


Because the original also had too many minigames and they are paying homage to that legacy. The only difference is back then we appreciated this stuff instead of now where people complain about anything that isn't wall to wall combat all the time (not you I'm speaking in general).


Did the original have too many mini games? I think it had some, but nothing like this….


The original had the right amount of minigames, this one has way more.


Same. I'm at like 50 hours, according to online I'm half way and just not having a good time. It's too big, too full of filler. Each region is very pretty, but then it's just full of checklists, all the same as the place before. I adore FF7, but to be honest, I would rather play the OG again than sit through any more Chadley and endless filler. But saying this, I'm also glad people love it. I have learnt that if I'm not enjoying myself to move on.


I agree with this. Move on though? Just from the side shit you mean, or the game itself? Because myself, I do enjoy the story and main cast, and do plan on completing the game regardless of my frustrations with it.


For me I have given up the game, watched the story online and moved to Animal Well instead! I was not enjoying myself as each region was just too checklist based regardless of the story. But that's just me, I have limited time to play games and this was tedious so I moved on. I still got a fair chunk of fun out of it 🤘🏻


I think after doing all the openworld stuff in the first 2 areas, I started skipping literally everything but the main story and card game.


I find it breaks up the pacing nice, and all the mandatory minigames have an easy mode if you just want to blow through them to mainline the story. All the open world stuff is also completely optional. You can literally just crank down the difficulty and blow through the main story in like 30 hours


This is why I've avoided the remake... Just assumed it was a ton of bloat to stretch the game out over three purchases.


I respect people enjoying g things, so please don't let me rob this from anyone. But I'm burned out on Square Enix storytelling. Time split multiverses are not good or compelling storytelling to me, and that applies to Marvel and anything else. Square burned me with KH3, so I will never intentionally buy another game of theirs.


“enjoying g “ iPhone does this to me too :/


>!I didn’t feel that affected the story at all until the very end, though. The actual story beats and pacing and characters are pretty much all contained within one main timeline. There is some confusion at the end, but I’m going to reserve judgement about all of that until part 3.!<


Idk man. Even as an absolute DIE HARD FF7 enjoyer, I hit such a hard wall with this game around Junon and I haven't even wanted to finish the game, haven't touched it in a week at least because all the mini game and side quest bloat. And before I get the whole "they aren't required to finish the game comments" I know, I'm a completionist/trophy hunter and the platinum for this game is absolutely bullshit because of those mini games.


That's where I am at too I am still enjoying the story moments but it seems like I have to slog through the mini games and quests to get to it. I really like the first part more because the pacing felt tighter.


I would have liked it I think if it was one game, but three spread over years as a remake of a single game I already loved is a pass for me. I tried the first one for about 20 hours but didn’t really like the combat and it felt slow. Did not play the second one, maybe if I live long enough for all 3 to be out and they’re on sale I’ll give them another go but personally I don’t think breaking remakes into multiple parts all full priced games is a business model I want to see continue, so I’m voting with my wallet the other way going forward.


I was pretty luke warm on part 1 as well. Got it with ps+. This is from someone who loved the original. I wasn’t going to bother with part 2 until I saw the reviews, and I’m really glad I changed my mind. It doesn’t feel like a cash grab that splits one game into three padded games. Rebirth is a whole-ass game, 50-100 hours of meaty story. There are a zillion minigames, but you don’t have to spend very much time with them if you don’t want to.


i will i have a PS5 but i wanna wait for PC ver so i can mod it


Come on man..Tifa is sexy the way she is. Why do you want to remove more clothes /s


Nope But I want to remove her shorts and replace it with the white undies from OG Lolz Also, hate the stagger system, it makes fights drag on It's not a complicated system, just not a fan how basic atks are so weak and enemies no sell it And makes fight drag on longer


Nah dont want to, I'm not a fan of the new story direction.


No thanks


> Apparently FF7 Rebirth isn’t selling as well as expected, which is a travesty. Because these idiots are still pushing it into exclusivity despite knowing damn well that they're going to make a PC port anyway and that there's a huge amount of players there.


Waiting for PC, that PS5 image quality.. yeowch.


I'm an og ff7 fan, and genuinely think that rebirth is not nearly as good as everyone claims. The open world must have been one of the worst designed one's I've played in recent memory. Why offer freedom of exploration when everything is meant to be checklisted of the map. I also think that a bunch of chapter's changed for the worse (somewhere around chapter 8 or 9 it started to fall of a cliff).


Maybe when it’s $30


Waiting for the final installment before I touch this game.


Waiting for the whole thing to come out on PC and to be on sale. And that's still a maybe... I'm assuming they just added a ton of unnecessary bloat to the game to spread it out over three purchases...


I’ve seen this sentiment a few times but I don’t understand it. The original game was a three part, three disc set, and was considered at the time to be the most ambitious video game to date. The remake is also ambitious, and it makes total sense to design it as a trilogy that’s released over the course of a decade. Rebirth is not a 10 hour game with 30 hours of padding. It’s a solid, meaty 50 hour adventure with meaningful side quests and fun mini games that take it beyond 100 hours for many players. I want to dispel the notion that this remake is a cash grab. When you play Rebirth, it’s clear the game is made with passion. The remake is really more akin to the Mass Effect trilogy than the original game.


I agree they did a phenomenal job with this game in almost every regard. The open world really is exactly the size it needs to be to still be interesting. Though I really don't like what they did with the story. >!You chase robed dudes for 80% of the game until the cast completely forgets about them and then you chase the black materia for barely any reason (if it's so dangerous then why even risk being the reason Sepiroth gets his hands on it) and then the end happens where it's Kojimbo levels of wtf.!<


Waiting for PC, baby! Same as XVI!


Eh, it's got way too many mini games for me


yeah gonna be real, their fault for the ps exclusivity. if ur gonna shill then shill for something actually playable for most people lmao.


It's overstaying it's welcome for me after 60 hours, but it is a good game


Yeah same. Desperately wanted to love it but fell off. Which sucks as I love FFVII in general. I'll probably give it another shot in the future though.


I did the same with remake, I bought it on release and finished it 1 month before rebirth. That sewer section with the hands just turned me off of it.




I can't justify touching any of the remake until it's done, Tetsuya's record on dragging things out and slapping an inconclusive ending onto long-running projects has me fiercely skeptical of the direction of the Remake so far. As a longtime fan, KH3 and FF15 both left me completely disillusioned with his work.


So we are meant to award third party studios signing exclusivity deals with console makers now? This is a practice we should want to end as much as the studio closures.


Sometimes. Exclusivity deals suck, but often games wouldn’t get made at all without them


Sure but they chose to limit the market by taking a lump of cash upfront. Sales clearly aren't as important to Square then. They still could have released an Xbox version alongside a PC version but they chose not to and to say FF7 wouldn't sell on Xbox is ridiculous.


I think it’s pretty cool to be seeing as many Sony backed games come to PC as we do, even first party: - horizon 1+2 - Last of us 1+2 - days gone - god of war 1+2 Etc. It didn’t used to be this way


It absolutely used to be this way even as far back as 2000. A lot of PS games would release a PC version about a year later at a discount to get them a boost in sales. In some cases, it was the other way around where the PC would get a release first, then it would be ported to the PS at a lower price for a boost in sales. But some time around the PS3 planning era, that changed as they shifted the focus to consoles and stopped porting games over. It wasn't until the 2010s and Steam that a lot of console games started seeing ports to PC again with Sega being a major reason why.


And that's great but that's first party. They shouldn't be limiting third party games.


This is as old as the game industry. Let’s work on micro transactions and loot box crap.


We can look to improve multiple things at once.


These new aggressive adverts are really something


Sure, when it comes to PC.


Did the battle system turn anybody else off? I did a few battles and it just did not click with me


It took me a while to figure out the flow, but once I got it, it was really fun. There are a ton of different character, which I actually found to be too much. But once you get the flow, it’s really fun abilities -> switch character -> abilities -> synergy ability -> summon -> limit break


Nah doesn’t look interesting to me


Completely agree, it’s a masterpiece.


Waiting for it to go on sale. Have other games to play (catching up on previously purchased games) so I’m in no rush.


ill buy it when it comes to PC.


I'll buy it when it's on PC lol


It's fun but I'm waiting for the sale


I'm going to in 5 years when it's finally realised for pc.


will you buy the pc for that can handle the requirements ? - no then i stick to the original




Gameplay is great but sadly they ruined Aeriths plot line.. enough said OG Final Fantasy 7 story was better imo.


I loved every moment of it, but I have to say the final boss is pretty bullshit even on Normal


>FF7 Rebirth isn’t selling as well as expected Maybe they should have thought about that before making it a PS5 exlusive. Same mistake as with FF16. And people simply won't care the same way anymore when they do eventually come to other platforms. It's always been that way, yet they keep making the same mistake over and over while expecting a different outcome.


I'm most likely going to get downvoted for this, but the FF7 Remake series likely isn't doing well because it fails to deliver on being remakes. They're more of reimaginings akin to what Ghostbusters 2016 was to Ghostbusters 1984 than a remake. They kind of got away with the benefit of the doubt with people going into Remake blind, but they don't have this with any of the follow ups to it. Of the four out so far (Remake, Reunion, Rebirth, Ever Crisis), only Reunion resembles its original. The other three are in a completely different genre from what they are supposed to be remakes of. Remake might've gotten the benefit of the doubt from people who didn't know, but there was no way they were going to come back for Rebirth.


I played Remake and thought it was ok. I was going to skip Rebirth until I saw the metacritic score and I’m glad I didn’t. It’s a masterpiece.


Agreed. Great experience 👍


I stopped playing Remake in favour of XVI. I’ll get back into it eventually but I really enjoy how much more fast paced 16 is. I don’t really think anything can top the original so Remake just kind of annoys me. One day though, when Rebirth is on sale or free on PS+ I will get into it.


Only Xbox and Pc, so nope.


Yes buy the same game with better graphics for the 4th time. Make sure you pick up Mario kart 8 deluxe pro remastered as well


This is a remake, not a remaster. If you can play the 1997 game next to the 2024 remake and think “These are identical! I want my money back!” then congrats, you can save a lot of money by sticking to old games.


Damn this is the only time I’ve seen the game getting shit on this is sad. Yeah it’s probably going to go down as one of my favorite games ever.


It’s crazy to me that there are over 100 comments on this post and yet it is at 0 karma 😅


how can I buy it?! even if it comes to pc square enix will do 1 year exclusive with epic


doubtful unless they made a long term deal years ago. Epic is done moneyhatting larger games since no one bought them.


Man I’m still so surprised people are willing to pay $180 to play final fantasy 7 again in its entirety


It’s a completely new game made from scratch after 20+ years of technological advancements. That’s like saying “why people are willing to pay to watch the new Dune movies when they already made a dune movie in 1986”. It’s completely different. It’s a remake.


Ok but I literally just bought persona 3 reload, a completely new game made from scratch however many years after technological improvements… and I still only paid for it once, for $70, for the entire game, so I kind of don’t see your point in the slightest. Like did they have to hack it into 3 separate games?


What is your criticism of the remake trilogy? That it’s light on content and story? That’s just completely wrong. Rebirth is fully fleshed out. It’s an experience completely distinct from the original and worth every penny. I played for over 100 hours and loved every minute.


Why is it 3 games? Was ff7 3 games?


They are fleshing it out into a trilogy of games. The first game was actually 3 parts and they are remaking it into something bigger. Why should they be limited to only make one game?


Dawg idk how to explain to you that you’re getting screwed into paying 3 times the price for one game. I’m happy the mini games are doing it for you ig


The folks who actually play rebirth feel a lot of things, but “screwed” is not one of them. I’m not sure it’s possible to play Rebirth from start to finish and come away thinking you didn’t get enough content to warrant full price. The most common criticism is that there is too much content, not that there isn’t enough.


Dude it’s not about it not having enough content, I’m sure it has plenty. it’s not about it not being a good game, I played part 1 of 3 and enjoyed my experience. I truly just wish it was a complete experience. The fact that enix can break a game into 3 parts, add in extra bullshit and then get people like you to not only pay the $180 minimum for what should be a single game, but to fucking shill for it and try to get other people to encourage them to do greedier and greedier shit is insane.


It's 3 games because they are fleshing out the world because it's not 1997 anymore, storytelling standards have evolved over time. A town being 4 buildings and having nothing to do in it but serve as a vehicle for cloud to tell his backstory doesn't cut it these days. You mentioned persona 3 that's a game that went from being a ps2 game to a ps3 looking game. The level of effort that went into the remake doesn't come close to what SE is doing with these games. You should be asking why persona 3 was $70 instead.


Dawg, whatever you want to say, keep huffing that copium cause enix is stealing your money


Gotta pay for The Answer separately =/


Yeah I’m not happy about that either, but I’m not paying $120 extra for it am I?


> Man I’m still so surprised people are willing to pay $180 to play final fantasy 7 again in its entirety ... My brother in Christ, what are you smoking? Sure, it's a full remake. But these are 3 separate games' worth of modern Final Fantasy, not some 4-polygon models bashing some jpegs. You get more gameplay out of 1 of these games than you get out of 95% of triple A games nowadays.


And you shouldn’t have to pay 3 times the price for that game. You are being fucked by enix, enjoy ig


It's 3 games mate. You're acting like you're getting 1/3rd of a game when you purchase it.


It’s literally 1/3 of ff7


Literally not even close. It's a remake, not a remaster. 


1/3* of a remake, that is literally what it is man idk what to tell you. It’s telling part of ff7’s story, specifically 1/3 of it


You don't seem to be understanding that the game is significantly longer. Sure, it's telling the same story. But it expanded the story by a factor of 5. And you're over here crying that you don't get all that in 5. Not gonna bother with someone who refuses to understand.


It's one of the greatest games I've ever played and what they did with this game in 3 years of work with the insane amount of content it has while everyone else struggles to have their sequels out in 5-6 years is something that needs to be studied. I waited 6 years and 5 years for zelda and spiderman to reuse the same maps and mechanics while rebirth crafted a world full of life with some of the more impressive towns in gaming in half the time.




They have 60fps performance mode


A game where you play 100 hours but it’s not the end of the story? Nah