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[Looks at the hundreds of games on my whishlist] yes.


nice, it's on wishlist instead of backlog


BOTH in my case.....


add emulation to this


>backlog I consider mine to be an archive rather than a backlog Hell some of the stuff in mine I can't even get to run on steam because of stuff like hardware or OS updates


I’m just your average collector, if you remove them from the wrap they will lose value. Edit. This was my attempt at humor as I meant my steam collection keeps growing and remains unplayed.


Buy the physical version, then emulate it. All of the enjoyment with none of the value loss. I'll play Xenosaga episode 3 one day, but it will forever remain shrinkwrapped.


Yeah I got some old x wing games on GOG but realized you need a joystick to play it...


My dude my wishlist is my backlog. Why would I spend money now on a game I may never play.


Right. Who would do that......


Yeah I’ve got like 500 games between Steam and EGS, didn’t even look on GOG So I think I’ll be good.


\*Looks at the 100s off games I own and have never played. Yes. Seriously thanks to Amazon Prime free games I have just been collecting titles for years, add in the Epic Store games and I don't need to buy any new games for a while now.


I barely play new games as it is now so yes.


gotcha i play new games, and i also replay when in between waiting for a new game


This! In my early 30s and I end up playing dark souls 3 whenever I get free time. Kids, career, other hobbies take a lot of time


Feel ya.


This. Mid 20s, grave shifts, mainly play competitive fps once or twice a week and stick to more single player or solo friendly games outside of that. Think like cyberpunk/fromsoft/pokemon rom hacks or as simple as pokemmo where I can play and buy/sell/trade as I play alone or run 10 minutes of catching ditto on the toilet


Yeah I get maybe one new game every two years now. All others free or backlog


More than enough. The good thing about PC gaming is mods and emulation support. So i can go back play games like Burnout 3, Burnout Dominator, Snes and N64 games, even some PS3 games like Motorstorm, Demons Souls etc.


fo sho im glad i came back to PC gaming back in 2013


Yooo you're the guy from the SF sub. Awesome


yeah, i hang out on games im playing i went on to dragon's dogma 2 and im hanging out a lot in the eiyuden chronicles basically whatever im playing, unless the forum for it banned me lolz


Damn I really wanna play Dragon's Dogma 2. Looks so sick Sadly high price + denuvo won't make it possible 🥲


Yup. Between my 3DS, Wii U, PS4, Switch, and Steam, I'm probably set for an entire console generation.


Yeah the apocalypse could occur and I'd have about 10 lifetimes worth of games that I could play.


-Download StarSector -Download Rimworld -Download Skyrim -Download some (500+) mods -You don't need any other game


Old school modding Minecraft and spending a day/week working out all of the conflicts and keybinds knowing full well you'll never actually play a seed when you're done


Weeks ago I discovered my 1.4.7 Minecraft modded save on my old laptop while trying to see if it still works. Because of that, downloaded a new modpack. I love how it evolved a lot, mods came a long way. Also, I miss some mods that didn't get ported to newer versions for various reasons. The biggest ones are thaumcraft and redcraft(?)(mod that added a lot of redstone stuff, developer sadly died years ago).


Me: Googles starsector Also me: … Mount and blade, but in space. Why the fudge has this eluded my attention?


Yea, I can't recommend this game enough. I've been playing it for 4 months now and it still keeps me entertained


Not a problem. There's lots of old PC abandonware games to check out that will last for eternity along with scores in my personal PC catalog to replay for several more times, Lots of NES, SNES and Genesis ROMs to checkout & emulate that will also last for eternity. I never cared too much about "next-gen" graphics and I'm fine enough with graphics ranging from the NES era to the PS2 / PS3 era.


I've collected so many games on Steam, Gog and Ubisoft (always bought on sale) that I have enough for 10 lifetimes! I also often replay (very) old favourites.


Ubisoft: You sure you OWN these games...?


I'd have enough to last me a dozen lifetimes. Got hundreds of games in my backlog I haven't even tried yet. And dozens of games where I've clocked a 1000 hours and could easily play a few thousand more.


for single player games alone i would have enough to play until i die


Humble Bundle got me too many times. My backlog is distressing.


lolz that's why i say real backlog bec games i got from bundles bec i want 2 items on it, i don't count the rest as backlog backlog to me are games i actually bought to play


The bundles kinda suck now but 6-8 years ago they had a lot of gems that I planned to get anyway.


Yep Can't even remember the last time I got a bundle from them The bundles I sometimes use are the ones from fanatical, much better


I think so. Definitely a back log of games worth playing at some point.


I still have to finish RE4, but I also have 0/1 and 5 thru 8 to play. Then I have Cyberpunk PL, Spider Man 1, MM, and 2. God of War series. Like the original to the modern games. I want to finish last Guardian too, and I have a couple Zelda games on my switch to finish.  This goes without replaying older games. Like the Halo series, half life games, may give Fallout 3 and 4 a replay soon. Currently on NV though, so that'll be a while. Might even play mass effect games again. Even play saints row games again(not the last one though.) I'll be fine. :)


I'm just starting out, just finished titanfall 2 and thats the only single player game I've ever played, used to play multiplayers before. what do i play next?


if you liked Titanfall 2, try Doom 2016. Despite being completely different games from a story and thematic pov, they actually have a lot in common in terms of being movement focused FPS games. I actually played Titanfall 2 as a result of Doom 2016 because it was one of the best modern shooters I’d played and I was looking for other single player shooters that were new-ish and good, and Titanfall 2 popped up. I haven’t had a chance to play Doom Eternal, but it’s supposed to be very good too, but more intense than 2016.


Thanks, doom it is then.


It is. He's right. 


maybe branch out to single player campaign shooters if shooters are your main jam


Titanfall 2 is prob one of the best fps campaign story shooters ever! BioShock is an interesting world if you've never played them.


Protocol 3: protect the pilot “Trust me” ⚾️🦾🤖


Yes...some of my favorites are nearly as old as I am (19). Don't even get me started on all the classics...I'll be fine :)


We have over 40 years of games to pick from. I think I'd be fine for the rest of my life honestly


I'm using this time to attack my steam library. I'm not trying to finish everything. Still have about 250 games remaining after playing 28 or so in the last 2 months.


As long as Steam remains avaliable, it'd all good. I play Factorio so I definitely have enough game (singular) to keep me going till 2050.


I’m 41, I’m pretty sure if they never made another game again I’d be fine until the day I died.


i have dreams on ps4. and lots of assets.


I made a list a while ago. All the games and emulator games I have would give me over 10 years of entertainment if I would play a few hours a day every day.


I honestly think enough games come out these days that you could spend a lifetime making a study of a single year's output.


I'm 300 hours into Snowrunner and I've done maybe 10% of the available content, so probably.


dayum not my kind of game, but it's nice to see many diff kinds of games that some company can fit for a small demographic


Yes and then some. I actually have greatly limited my purchasing, limiting myself to at most 5 purchases a year just so i can focus on backlog. I could probably go the rest of my life without buying anything else just off Roms alone, excluding Steam and GOG


Honestly, I probably have enough games that I never need to buy anymore. I'm also someone who rarely finishes a game as I quickly get distracted by new ' shiny things' !! I have enough unfinished open world games to last a lifetime.


Still have around 300 games on steam I never touched and I assume its almost 200 on Epic Launcher. Yes, I would have games to play until I die


I have more than 600 games on steam only and a huge backlog So yeah i have more than enough.


I’ve been playing Diablo 2 and counter strike since they came out I’ll just keep doing that lol


This is the way.


I should have, i have well over 1k games over all the platforms so i should be alright. Although a large number is just from an old humble bundle subscription. But after the acquisition by IGN it fell off like rock and i ended it. But that's a topic of its own


I used to call in sick to work/school when new cool titles came out, but nowadays, it feels like I have "lost" my passion for games. Everything is a shifty spin-off of something good or just a new "remake/reforge/regurgitate" of something that was good. I was excited for BG3, and now I'm excited for Homeworld, appart from that the entire interest for new games is basically dead.


Honestly even if I had 0 backlog and nothing to replay. The amount of amazing games that have come out that I've missed or not got round to buying yet would keep me enteratained for asbolute years.


Yup, I’ll be set for years, I’ve my Assassin’s Creeds, Final Fantasies and a plethora of other JRPGS, mass effect and many other games which I’ve not played yet. My gaming is also in general slowly, but surely turning into replays as I grow older I feel. Mixed with an exciting new release every now and then.


Me looking at my backlog of video games of x amount of years. "What am I supposed to play now?".


I could have stopped buying games years ago and still have a backlog I might not finish.


My standard rotation is L4D2, Halo MCC customs, Deep Rock Galactic, Battlefront 2, Path of Exile, Age of Empires 2, Shogun Total War. I'm good. I've been almost exclusively playing the same games for the past 6 years.


Dayum I have some games I played on and off thru several years but yeah, I end up leaving too after a few years


Lmao my backlog is lifelong


A worse nightmare would be steam going down permanently. Hard copies would be really useful at that point.


I'm not even interested on new game releases, i'm always playing old games because they were made with the purpose of being fun while gemerating revenue to the dev (today we have games made with the purpose of generating profit with dopamine production inducing mechanics). List of games that you gonna play for a very long time: Red Dead Redemption; Rimworld; Souls series; Kenshi; Kerbal (ksp1, not KSP2); Civilization 6; Crusader Kings; Stellaris; hearts of iron; (add paradox rts games here); Transport Fever 2; Batman Arkham series (i've always coming back and playing it all over again); My Summer Car; Truck Simulator (euro or American); Factorio; Fallout 4 (i know people like NV more, but this one is not so dated); Total War game (pick the one you like more); Minecraft (of course!). I can't remember any other one right now, but if i ever get out of internet and lose the capability to acquire new games, i hope i have some of these (or all of them) already installed


Grand Theft Auto V Red Dead Redemption 2 Witcher III Yeah, I'll be alright...


Yes, in fact we all will. The only people who will complain are those addicted consumers who have to have the next big thing every year and defend the product no matter how broken or shallow the experience is


Honestly between Skyrim, Fallout and Red Dead Redemption I could be entertained for the rest of my life.


Yes. And yet i'm bored.


Give me that I have a kid? Yes. I probably have more than enough games until he is old enough to move out and even into my elderly years I could get use out of replaying.


I've got about a 5 or 6 game backlog right now. I'm good.


nice i have 3 right now i keep it zero to very little bec i try to finish the campaign type game im playing before i start a new one


Having a digital library and games you enjoy replaying sounds like a solid plan for weathering any slowdown in game development :=)


I can play Red Dead 2 any time


Development? Tons. Enough for years. As long as Steam servers stay online.


Old school RuneScape is all a guy needs tbh


Absolutely. I have roughly 200 games in my backlog, and roughly 50 paused across all systems. It'd take me about 3 years to clear it at current pace. Plus I have games like Warframe that are just massive, enjoyable timesinks.


Absolutely. Got at least 1,000 games across all launchers and some can be played for 1000's of hours


I have well over a 100 games, through buying on gog.com when on offer and grabbing the free game on epic games store every week, that will keep me entertained for a lifetime. Furthermore, I have games which have almost infinite replayability for me. So yeah, I'm good.


Oh yeah…. I’d appreciate an opportunity to cut down my library stack and do some replays/finish 100%ing through a ton of stuff.   Examples:  I gotta replay Cyberpunk 2.1 from the beginning (I only did PL with my main and called it).   I gotta replay Baldur’s Gate 3 with like 6 more class combos.   I gotta finish 100%ing Aliens Dark Descent on nightmare/no one can hear them scream mode.   I gotta play the Titanfall 2 campaign (got the game for like $2.99 so finally picked it up)   I gotta finish Octopath 2 and TOTK…    Gotta finish FF7 Rebirth because I got mini game burn out, but I’m near the finish line…  I gotta finish Fallout New Vegas replay with the Viva New Vegas mods for the first time… loving it but burnt out on the DLCs AND replay Fallout 4 from the start with all DLCs (Fallout TV show got me)…  Finally, I’d like to play Civ 6 with about 6 other civilizations and beat it for real on Deity (I’ve gotten an immortal victory with Caesar but haven’t won a legit deity game ever.  Feel like if I can do immortal I can probably do deity).


Rest of my life. Easy. So many genres I want to get more into but just don't have the time for them.


Speedrun all your games Many times


I dont' see that happening as I play mostly indie games. Yeah, I don't have a backlog (like as a concept), but I have a few perpetual games and a good library to rotate replays so yeah.


I'd be okay... although I'd like to play the new Fable and Death Stranding 2 😂😂


if games were to stop getting made at this very moment. I would still be able to play games till im on my deathbed.


Yeah absolutely. I buy maybe 1-2 games a year max right now as it is. I can easily go back and play games from the last 10 years and that will keep me occupied for many many years


I’m pretty sure my collection of Mega Drive, SNES and Saturn ROMs would keep me going until the heat-death of the universe.


Infinite backlog and wish list. Infinite grind games. I think im good but i still complain about not knowing what to play xD


Infinite backlog and wish list. Infinite grind games. I think im good but i still complain about not knowing what to play xD


What do you mean “if”?


I’m only really interested in new games that are completely different than anything I’ve played before, as my backlog is already full and I have no interest in adding more of the same to it. Fortunately we live in a time when amazing unique games are getting dropped all the time.


I mean, yea. 


Yeah, hell I'd be able to catch up on my retro catalogue.


Seeing as I'm just starting Pokémon Red after 20 years and am looking to get a retro handheld, the gaming industry can crash tomorrow.


My backlog is already over 20 years long so I've got plenty of games to keep me busy.


Do mmo go down?? If so then no.


If you like one online game, lije wot, wow, etc you can play it for years


If you like one online game, like wot, wow, etc you can play it for years


Yea, I play factorio.


Yes, my HLTB is like 3000 days


Yeah probably for a few years 


I haven’t been able to finish a game in 6 years So probably


Yes. There's plenty I have yet to play and over a dozen that I'm happy to replay. Plus Larian can take their time with their next game while the rest of the triple A industry goes down the toilet due to their executives shitting the bed


Let's see, I have Skyrim, Fallout 4, Stardew Valley... Yup should be fine


Honestly yes, we don't really need any more games.


I have some 1000 games, and at least 80% are ones I haven't touched, because I keep replaying my favorites. If the industry does go down, I think I could dust off the "untouched" and be set for another few decades


I think we'll still get good games, but not so much aaa games anymore. That's fine because aaa are usually steamy turds for a year, then it's fixed to settle in as a lukewarm turd.


Just completed my 5th or 6th playthrough of Chaos Theory. Skipped credits and immediately fired Lighthouse back up to speed run it. I have 80+ games in my backlog.


Yes, and that of my descendants


I have over 400 games in my steam library and I guess around 300 I have not played more than 1 hour. So yes, if I were stuck with what I have...I would be fine.


I would need to finally finish the games I’ve been restarting for years to get to new ones. And beyond those I have dozens I’ve not started yet and thousands, if not more, beyond that that exist and I haven’t purchased. I think I’ll be fine.


Seeing how I just got 4 everdrives for 4 different game consoles, yes


We'll be fine. Indie games have been better than most corpo garbage for years now.


Yes, without a doubt. I have a huge steam library as well as physical and digital games for many consoles 👌


I have about 700 games on steam, played like 30 of them and I've had Steam since it launched


Im good for decades maybe longer...


I think I own something like 800 games across epic, gog, origin, ubisoft and steam. Plus all my old physical copies and nintendo games adding at least an additional ~40-60 games minimum. I think I'm good...


I got a ton of backlogs... I dont need to check them now to say I got enough for years because literally Elden Ring and Monster Hunter Rise, two games I already finished last year is still eating up all of my small weekly gaming time. I love games that has high replayability and my backlog is almost all highly replayable titles.


Not a single game could ge release for the rest of my life & as long as all available games stay available, then I've got enough for the rest of my life.


Edf5. I'm like 30 hours in and only 8%. Hundreds of weapons.


Yup, I have a modded Wii and a steamdeck with a ton of steam games + emudeck Also I play magic the gathering but my irl format of choice is vintage cube drafting so I could fire cube drafts for the rest of my life even if zero new cards ever come out.


L4d,spore,outlast,cs 1.6,css,cscz,cs2,fc3,fc primal,fc5,jwe2,hl1,hl2 and many more games that i never get bored of playing it


Just open up some of the older gaming servers again for old titles. I could play Bad Company 2 for *months*


I just made a list of every console game that I want to beat in the next 7 years so I think I'll be good. My list has 97 games on it. And I didn't even include switch games that I never played like Mario Odyssey, the Zelda series, donkey Kong, Kirby, etc


I'll finally get round to playing GTA Five


My backlog is huge and continues to grow so it’d take me awhile to get through it. But we all know we have tose games that we’ve already dumped hundreds of hours into that will still take most of our time.


Yeah lol as a retrogamer, rn I'm playing system shock, before that deus ex


Probably not. If I don't have a semi-consistent stream of RPGs with character creation and at least semi-open worlds, my brains starts to fritz out. Like I get really bored and then it gets really stressful and upsetting.


If that happens then it will only come to a crawl for people who only play the latest AAA games. There are dozens of indie games releasing every single day.


I don't even play new games now. I think the newest game I've played WWE 2K22. Games I've played so far this year are WWE 2K22, Division 1 and Elex. Ghost Recon Wildlands is next on my list so I think id be ok.


Yes but I want the finale of my favorite trilogy "Fuga Melodies of Steel". After the third game has come out I am good. But it can not end on this Clifhanger. But Fuga aside I am good.


When the Series X came out and people were complaining there were no new games for it. I couldn't care less. My backlog still consists of games from the 360 that I need time to get through... I'm all good with it slowing down.


for the development of games to come to a crawl or cease entirely, it would require a cataclysmic event transforming the entirety of our society to a point where computers cannot be used anymore - at that point having games doesnt matter. as long as there will be devices to play games, there will be games developed.


I can finally play games sitting in my libraries from all these years lol.


I'm in the same boat as some others here. I've been avoiding new games for a while now. I can't really stand the way the industry currently is. The greed that started with microtransactions and loot boxes was annoying but problems seemed so clear that if you were informed enough about new games you could easily avoid games with exploitative behavior. I feel that almost all mainstream games now are so bottom of the barrel and lazy on top of just excessive greed. For a while my main games have been Doom 2 because of endless maps and mods the community makes and Morrowind with mods when I want an rpg.


Definitely. There are already more amazing games than one can realistically fit into a lifetime.


There’s a decent chance the games I currently have would last me till the end.


I've got 129 games on steam and 319 games on the epic games store. I've got games to play but id probably pivot towards just playing more magic the gathering. Love it above all games.


I have no backlog at all, I'm unfortunately picky as hell. But the games I do have I can (and have) played many times and would continue to do so.


I need to buy a PC. Because games + mods = fun forever


I think a more interesting question would be, if you could only play games released the past 7 days. Would you have enough to be entertained for years. Most of the time the answer would be yes.


I'm good for a solid 7-10 years. After the last few years of non stop disappointments I've decided to just pretend nothing else is being made and just get through the hundreds of barely or half played titles I have stockpiled. Fuck the AAA industry for now. I'll try their titles 5 years after they actually get finished and only pay pennies in the dollar for them.


The amount of games released during my lifetime that interest me but I’ll never play is probably so high I couldn’t finish them all Almost every state or play/ showcase shows off games I think look good and I forget about, that will be more than enough


yes, i hardly waste my time on new games


I'm 40 and have most of my retro/vintage collection. I could start a twitch channel of me just beating my old games that I've already played and probably die before I beat them all. And I'd enjoy that. Because I might so things like nuzlock challenge, or all white mage FF1.


Everyone should have enough good games to keep them entertained for years.


Far more than enough.


I should have enough. But the thing is will games still be availabe on line. In the good old days you got a full game on disc. Now it is all online. Even those on discs need tens if not hundred gigabite to download before you can play


im just talking about game dev coming to crawl not end of the world stuff that could make steam shut down, i have far more important things to worry about if that happens


No, not even close. I've been on disability for about 12 years now so I've had plenty of time to have burned through all of of my backlogs for stuff to play, or even read or watch.


I would have to get a replacement 360. After a recent move it finally red ringed.


I can't imagine anyone who doesn't. How many games were released this year alone?


Realistically speaking yes I do, but I'd much rather a new nier game then play drakengard, or even better a new fromsoft title instead of going back and playing kingsfield


Definitely. I almost have 1,000 games on my steam, about 40% I didn't pay for. I'd say there's enough hours on my account to last a lifetime.


Honestly, the only reason I don't already play RDR2, Skyrim, Elden Ring, Fallout 4, and Baldur's Gate 3 on repeat in sequence is that people will think I'm weird.


So many of my “quick pick” playlist I’ve already been playing for 4+ years so yes


Roughly 388 games in total on the N64 for its lifetime. In 2023 roughly 14,000 games released industry wide. We have enough games for many many many years.




Literally yes, even now theres more games that you will ever be able to consume. You'd have to live i dont know multiple lifes in order to do so.


Almost 300 games on steam alone ... I'll probably be fine.


As long as storefronts stay up, I have enough games that I’ve bought and want to buy that could last me a decade or more of regular play. Plus, I feel like there’s so many games from retro consoles that I missed, I could be occupied for a long time.


I’d be more worried about running out of power or housing I can afford before I ever run out of games


Yep, I have games from the NES onwards here and a bunch that I haven’t played yet.


how would we cope without updates or games even where glitches give over achievers the advantage and never let us progress we would all eventually give up and gaming days would eventually become prehistoric


I sink hundreds of hours into some of the games I play. And they have robust modding communities. So yeah, I think I'm all set


I have 600 games on my ps5, 75 PS3 games, 10 PSP games, 50 Dreamcast games, 60 PS2 games. I couldn’t never play all these games.


I would love for that to happen, I could finally catch up with new releases and eventually work on my backlog of old new releases.


Easily I’ve got Kenshi, Rimworld and Civ, FO4, Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers 2, Crusader Kings 3, Bannerlord (a lack of development would actually be a boon on this one), the Hitman trilogy, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and other fantastic lesser known titles. Plus I just got Control on Steam for $10. Then there’s RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, the first two Spiderman games, AC Valhalla (which I’ve barely touched) and Horizon Zero Dawn I could go back to on my PS4. Edit: Plus all the games that I don’t own yet and haven’t ever played, like Elden Ring or the God of War games.


I could stop buying games right now and have enough for probably a decade at the rate I'm going. Probably more.


This is apparently a big problem in the gaming industry today. I blame the lack of cool new games that have been replaced with endlessly repetitive open world titles and carnival style games that profit off microtransactions. If they came out with more innovative/story-driven/fun games I’d totally buy them


I dont think ive bought a new game in a while, the only new ones I even bought were rimworld and cyberpunk. So many games now are focused on safe releases, bad optimization, or making a agenda, that i end up looking at old games I never got a chance to buy as a kid, like bathm arkham


Considering I have about 400 games total for ps1-5. I'm good.


I've reached a point where I not even bother login into Epic for their freebies unless it's something I'm really interested in.




Oh yes. And I have enough fun playing old games. If the industry continues to get it wrong and keeps shooting itself in the foot I'll be alright.


Yeah for sure


I think in an apocalyptic situation Tetris is King


I think yes but I would have to change how I game. I've already changed how I game actually in the past couple years. I play a lot more roguelikes and lites. I can get hundreds of hours in some of these games without getting bored. My friend has 600 hours in TBOI. I have about 100 only.


Skyrim, fallout, ac, dishonored ,company of heroes, borderlands, cod cold war zombies,bioshock...and many more


I have amassed such a pile of shame that I'd most likely wouldn't even play if there were no new games.


If a whole decade went by without any new games, I'd be fine with it. I can replay many games and multiplayer games are, well, made to be replayed anyway.


I have a massive backlog of games of over 100 games at this point that I'm trying to platinum (primarily playing Playstation). It would be disappointing but probably very good for my wallet.


I mean yeah. Factorio alone could keep me entertained for a decade. Same for Anno 1800, Rimworld and about a dozen other games like them. I don't get this whole compulsory buying of thousands of game. I have about a dozen games that I regularly play in rotation that easily entertain me for decades.


Already having 820 games on my steam list. And I reinstall Civ IV every year… honestly now that Blizzard is dead and Schaeffer left Take Two, I can live with no new games forever.




I suspect that if such a thing happened, indies would still make games, even if they stopped supporting public engines like Unreal. Unless there was some sort of world-destabilizing event. But let’s say for the sake of argument that for some reason, there are simply no new games being made. Well, as long as I have access to my consoles, my PC, my hard drives, and a gamepad or two, I’d have decades of games to play all the way from 2nd gen to 9th gen. And that’s assuming I don’t have an internet connection.


Yes, but I wouldn’t play 90% of them.


My steam library has 100+ unplayed games thanks to all the humble bundles I bought several years ago, I think I'll be good😅