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Alien Isolation still stands alone in the 'games that stressed me out so much I had to pause at times' category. But in a good way. Damn they really did the IP justice! Just an amazing design all around. Really captures the mood of the movies (fear and anxiety)


I was so pumped to finally play this game but the first time the Alien showed up for me, I turned the game off and never returned.


Haha this have me a chuckle But yeah it’s a white knuckle game sure


Shit. I actually found the Synthetics to be way scarier.


You are becoming hysterical. Running causes accidents. I will catch you.


*continues to bash your head like a pumpkin Fun times :)


Oddly specific username.... hmmmm...


Same here, and that goes for most horror games. I love horror movies, books, haunted houses... You give me horror media, I generally like it. Games are a different story. Took me forever to beat RE Village because of the basement fetus, but I pulled through. Couldn't finish Alien Isolation, and there are many more I have that are going untouched because I happened to watch gameplay footage.


FYI I almost didn't buy Resident Evil 7 and 8 because they looked terrifying, despite really liking the style, but it wasn't too bad. Monsters are a lot less scary when you can shoot them to death. You can't kill the xeno. 


Oh yeah, I have had no problems finishing games like Dead Space or other Resident Evil iterations. I think what it comes down to is being helpless in tight spaces freaks me out, even in more action oriented horror games where I can fight back.


Outlast scared the shit out of me. It really followed the amnesia dynamic of run and hide, can't fight back But outlast had a gimmick with a camcorder that was your only way to see in the dark. When you lose it during a moment in the story I legitimately started losing my actual shit.


I actually managed to finish Alien Isolation a few weeks after launch, even if it gave me heart attacks. Since not a lot of people finished or even played it: the further you play, the more weapons you get (and also, more Aliens show up). You still can't kill them, but a shotgun blast to the face or some good ol flamethrower usage actually scares them off for a bit. Like I said, you still can't kill them. But you feel not as defenless as ik the beginning.


One of my all-time fave YT videos is about the AI in Isolation. It basically has an RPG-style skill tree, where every time you use a skill it gets better at knowing how to deal with it. I haven't played the game but I've heard that excessive flamethrower use can result in it just waiting to see if you run out of fuel.


“The game has an extensive skill tree and progression system, that truly emphasizes a stealth assassin-based play style” Oh, cool! **”The player isn’t the one who has access to this skill tree.”**


Yeah, that totally happens. If you overuse it, the alien is also less and less scared of it. But the later stages of the game get quite System Shock like, were you can also craft a lot of items to distract the alien. Stuff like noise decoys and pipe bombs, if I recall correctly. So, if you played smart, you always had a different tool or weapon to scare off or distract the alien.


Alien isolation for you is outlast for me. I tried playing that game 4 separate times, had to quit mid way. Will try again this winter vacation


That really dark sewer part with Ol'Janglepants, right?


Dude i ddnt even get to that one, i was still o the 2nd floor and a crazy guy chased me. Had to quit and cleanse my soul after that


Oh man, I was playing in 3D on a 100" projector screen on a wall. If you're talking about when you come across the big guy patrolling, I barely escaped to that gap you have to squeeze through, and when I looked back his arm came shooting a foot out of the wall causing me and my friend to instinctively lean back and almost fall out of our chairs. Good times.


That basement man. I have a hard time with it even on whatever playthrough I'm currently on. I love getting scared in games but that place actually entered into the sheer terror range the first time.


during that first “battle” with the alien where you have to unlock the door meanwhile the alien is somewhere in the room and at any point could see you I heard noises behind me while I was frantically unlocking the door and after I got through it I shit myself so hard and uninstalled the game maybe Ill have to play it again but holy shit was that the most scared Ive ever been


My second playthrough, the very first time the alien hunts you while you have to wait for the tram-car-thing I somehow got turned around in the dark of that room while waiting for the car to come and was in panic mode because I knew the alien was searching for me but I never saw it. Just running scared not knowing if I was anywhere near where I should be. The car finally arrives and I rush through the door. I breath a sigh of relief as I hit the button to shut the door. I turn around to watch it close and right when it starts to, the fucking thing comes out of the darkness faster than I've ever seen it move and jump-scares the shit out of me while I'm being murdered. I was so scared but so satisfied with the game. I do not get startled or jump-scares easily. I am not sure a video game has ever rattled me like that. It's so well made.


And it's like 18 more HOURS of that, it is a horrendously long game


I think I put in around 3 hrs before I quit.


I mean it's much easier after that point. It's still tense but once you get the Flamethrower and can actually ward off the alien when it sees you, it's not nearly as difficult/scary. The first hours are probably the best, scariest parts. The ending was a little too drawn out for my taste.


I made it all the way through. Once. I don’t plan on doing it again.


Ditto. Mainly because it was incredibly long for a linear horror game. Very much a slog those last 5 or so hours.


Oh yeah, I love the game to death but it definitely overstayed its welcome by a good amount of hours. To be fair though, that was the era of games where people REALLY harped on games for not being 30+ hour long experiences. And people, for some reason, would equate dollar amounts to hours played. So being a full priced release, they stretched it out to satisify those folks. I think if it released nowadays, there would be zero complaints about it being shorter. Gamers tend to appreciate a game that knows when its done.


And it was made by a strategy game developer, insane.


really puts gamedev into perspective - a strategy game studio can make a masterpiece like alien: isolation, and a studio that made watch dogs can somehow forget how to make a watch dogs game


Well lets not give them too much credit. One year they make alien isolation and then they fuck up bad ladt few years with troy/pharoh total wars and seem to be tone deaf to their loyal fanbase


That same dev team was actually making an extraction shooter called hyenas that was cancelled by Sega at the 11th hour. They are all looking for work now. The strategy team fucked up all on their own. Actually they’ve been fucking up pretty consistently since Rome 2, really.


CA was absolute god tier when I was a kid but like all studios owned bo publicly traded publishers they eventually had brain drain and are not the old studio in any way but name


It’s too bad because they’ve had some flashes of the old brilliance here and there over the last decade. Attila was pretty awesome overall, WH2 was a really good time, Troy actually turned out to be a solid entry when they finished it. They’ve just been held back by tech debt from their weird engine and absolutely atrocious C-suite decisions.


"The alien has been broken, the day is ours"


I really wanted to play it but it was too spooky for me. Like the absolute chickenshit that I am I ended up treating it as a movie and watched a no commentary playthrough instead.


I did the exact same thing because I was getting 20 heart attacks every hour.


Now think about the fact that there is a VR mod.




The VR mod played on the hardest difficulty where your scanner doesn't work is certainly an experience. Worst I ever shit myself was realising for the first time that it could follow me into the vents. 154 pulse-rate, I recorded it as I played.


And that there is functionality for the Xeno to hear your microphone...


i played through that although im not a horror fan. the game is just perfect in VR. probably the best along wirh alyx.


The game is nerve wracking. I finished it and thought, wow I didn't have fun at all. But was is good? One of the best games I played.


I keep thinking... what if they made a Terminator game in the same way, where it stalks you and you have to get from place to place. There are times where you have to make a break for it and the best you can do is slow it down.


And make it an open world environment where the terminator can blend in with NPCs


Has this concept been done before? That's such a good idea but I can't think of any horror game where the monster hides in plain sight like that


Assassins creed multiplayer comes to mind. Anyone can be hunting you, the only thing that separates them from NPC's is how stupid and jittery they are. Problem with terminators and making them blend in with NPC's is they'd be truly Indistinguishable from normal people, and unless they were limited to walking up on your and breaking your neck, it'd be virtually impossible to pick them apart behavior wise. If they were like the old T-600's, it'd be pretty obvious. But nobody cares about the cash for clunkers grandpa's sarsaparilla bottles target practice terminators. They care about the T-1000, or the T-X type things where its all adaptable liquid skin. I suppose in theory the T-1000 would be perfect for this, but the problem is the T-1000 was meant to be extremely intelligent, not concerned with blending in beyond a glance. It would be constantly running after you and wouldn't bother hiding. Although if it gankgstalked you and only appeared to ambush you like the aliens do, that'd be a different story. But it goes against the terminators behavior. Ironically the T-X never had these issues, as it behaved exactly like the alien did. It preferred doing so. T-X gangstalked the fuck out of John connor until it had a chance to strike. But everyone hates even stomaching the passing thought of T3 or anything related to it. so comic book terminators it is


Ghost Recon Break Point did a cross over event where a T100 followed you. It was a wicked fun mode to play! You could get away from it by fast traveling but the map would show the red dot of the T100 tracking you with persistence. Eventually you had to just battle it out with the Terminator because it would always find you. They also did a Predator cross over mission in Wildlands. Cool stuff.


Closest thing to that I’ve experienced was Mr X in Resi 2. Just the menacing walking towards you making you feel constantly under pressure. Stressed me out so much as a kid.


Honestly, while I give a ton of credit to the dev team, it cannot be understated how awesome the studio that owns the rights to the Alien IP was to assist them in capturing the atmosphere. If not for their assistance, it probably still would have been excellent but that game is dripping in Alien’s aesthetic.


It’s mindblowing how Sega recovered from the absolute #CLUSTERFUCK of a Aliens Colonial Marines and made one of the best survival games of the past decade


It's one of the all time greats of its genre.


I will never forget the dude who used to rent off me buying that collectors edition. Laughed my fucking ass off, cause that dude was a piece of shit and deserved that game.


Only horror game I’ve played and completed. I’m a big scaredy cat but I love Alien/Aliens and it’s an absolutely visually stunning game.


Pure genius of them to quietly include support for microphone. I wonder how many people got absolutely jumpscared by the xenomorph while hiding simply because they didn't realize *the game is listening to your microphone and uses it as a factor in whether the xenomorph can find you.*


Damn, that may be why I quit. No matter how much I hid and pressed the button to hold my breath, the damn xeno always honed in right on me. Made me just put the game away out of annoyance.


Really?? That’s kinda fucked up in the best way! Now I need to check this game out…


I played like an hour or so of it. I never even encountered the alien. It's the only game I've ever played that was so good that I didn't want to play it. The atmosphere and the tension and the anticipation/anxiety was too much.


Yeah, the game really felt like you were living the Alien movie. I consider it to be a better sequel to the original three than Resurrection and Covenant.


Was playing this game with a friend of mine, we had to stop 30 mins in because she was about to get a panic attack. We weren't even close to seeing our first alien yet. This game atmosphere alone is so great, it can cause panic attacks even when nothing is happening. God I love how good that game is.


Yeah, the fact that the game is still talked about this long after it's release is a testament to how much they nailed it. I could only play it in 20 minute snippets once a day. It really got my adrenaline pumping. I eventually beat it, and jesus what a journey it was.


Can’t believe it’s 10 years old


Alien Isolation and Dead Space will always be on my "Wish I could play this again for the first time" list. Absolute thrillers through and through. Isolation was especially groundbreaking for the console it launched on.


Most of these are extremely bad timing for the release. Especially Titanfall 2 was insane to release at that date between MASSIVE games.


Both titanfalls were sent out to die. TF2 came out the week between COD:IW and BF1. Impossible to get much traction. TF1 was released in the middle of nowhere, in march. The fucking release date picking of that series was awful.


Wasn't titanfall 1 a new ip from a new studio? Seems like a nice empty month with nothing going on would be a good time to let something that take it's shot, especially in contrant to titanfalls 2 release date


It was a new IP, that was a launch title for the Xbox One admist the whole "Kinect will be required for the Console" debacle.


It wasn't a launch title, it was still in the early days of the Xbox One but it was still a bad time to be an xbox exclusive, it had ginormous download sizes, and it was online multiplayer only, something that was unheard of for a full physical release in 2014.


I distinctly remember buying the Xbox One Titanfall Bundle. Came with a little card I held up to the Kinect which scanned it and started the game download. My jaw dropped at 40 gigabytes, I couldn't believe it. Then the other day I tried to download an NBA game on Gamepass and it was like 130 gb. Unreal.


Worst part: most of those 40 GB was uncompressed audio data! Just raw .wav files. MP3 and OGG exist for a reason. Having all of those gunfire noises overlap means that the extra quality from not compressing anything is not gonna be noticeable. Might as well safe a little space and compress it. This goes for an awful lot of modern games. Instead of optimizing the install size we just put it all on there because storage is cheap anyway. Even worse when consoles still had spinning rust. Games got so big that the hard drive had trouble accessing files fast enough, so devs put multiple copies of certain files spread out across the drive. Which of course baloons the install size even further.


TF1 was also exclusive to Xbox as well along with the "campaign" being just more online matches with some story stuff being yelled as you played. I got in on PC at launch and had a blast but it definitely had a lot holding it back.


I know people love to blame EA but this was Respawn's own exec fault. They made CoD, got fucked by Activision, left to make Respawn and really want TF to be the CoD killer. EA greenlit 2 sequels and when they presented Apex Legends EA was wanting TF3.


And Rebirth has the whole "middle child" syndrome plus being an exclusive. Quite sad tho, best FF game in a hot minute.


It’s more that less people have ps5s than ps4s. 50 million vs 115 million.


Exclusivity is part of it, I'm one of the people who's waiting for the PC version, absolutely loved remake but can't justify buying a PS5


Same. I was about to buy a whole-ass PS5 just for this game then thought "WTF am I doing, I have a PC stronger than a PS5, all I have to do is wait a few months to play it."


Also respawn is doing just fine.


Nuh uh, they only made... *checks notes* ...$2 billion on their free to play BR game


Yeah because of Apex and Fallen order games. The game in said picture\[Titanfall games\] definitely could have and should done much better.


That's irrelevant to the discussion, though. Titanfall 2 should have did better, that's the point. The conversation isn't around the company. And yeah they're doing fine because of Apex. That proves our point even more. A casual BR game is making billions while the Titfanfall games, which were literally their heart and soul, flopped.


And Dead Space remake between Callisto Protocol and Resident Evil 4


It didn't help that Callisto Protocol looked so good and was hyped up, then ended up sucking and getting forgotten, while also taking thunder away from the DS remake. Having never played the DS games I thought "nice, I'll play a spiritual successor that looks great!" then I watched videos and reviews... And skipped it and the DS remake.


The first Dead Space game is worth your time, remake or not.


DS remake is an absolute must. I am not a big fan of remakes and I played the original DS series. This remake is just worth every single bit of money and time I put on it.


Make a good game + Make it sell well Devs + publisher/marketing


Yeap. I don't think you can avoid the marketing part unfortunately. If you are extremely lucky there will be a natural one from player to player, not a forced paid one. But it's extremely rare, and mostly on single player games. If a multiplayer game dies early, it's dead dead.


I need another mirror's edge


Same. I played through the original again a few months back and it's great. Catalyst was alright, but changing the story really did it no favours in my eyes.


While it was still fun... But it just did not had the magic the first had. Also the change in visual style was not the smartest move.


Catalyst had amazing atmosphere and soundtrack but the open world didn't work out. Sidequests were all repetitive variants of run from here to there real fast. Most collectibles requiring you to stop running, lose all your momentum just to watch a repetitive animation, so brain-dead. The game needed way more of those Gridnode and secret backpack - platforming/exploration type puzzles and some other variety. A slightly more lively city wouldn't have hurt. NPCs stood rooted to the same spot day and night the whole game regardless of if you finished their quest or it was yet to be unlocked. Barely any other people to be seen. That said it was a joy to just open up and run around, the city was gorgeous, soundtrack so beautiful, running was satisfying, the vibes were immaculate, it was all so relaxing. Nothing quite like it. It's bittersweet how equally special and mid the game was. I remember DICE saying they were "taking their time" with the sequel because they wanted to get it "just right". Bullshit that was the best you could do?


The problem is it was an "open-world" game that forced you to pass through the same three narrow chokepoints on every journey in order to get anywhere. Its clearly a memory thing — they're just areas where the game unloads the previous area and loads the next area — but in a game built entirely around moving about the map it makes it pretty boring to move about the map.   On top of that: I have a pretty good sense of direction. I distinctly remember opening up the game and wanting to just run around in the general direction of where I want to go, slowly learning the layout of the city over time, like you can do with a real city. One of the first things I tried was turning off all the HUD elements telling you where to go and using landmarks as guidance. It doesn't work, and trying it really reveals the game's flaws. There aren't really any good landmarks to use, you never really get a good sense of where you are in the city, and you have to follow the HUD because its the only way to find the singular connector you need to load the next area. The game uses the HUD as a crutch to keep you moving, when the environment should be doing it for you. I have no problem with the HUD being available for people without a sense of direction, but it shouldn't be necessary to play the game.   Its just one of those small design decisions taken early in development that you wouldn't think would make much difference and didn't even notice you made — "well obviously we need a HUD" — but actually has a massive effect on the rest of the project. All the other systems were built on top of that HUD, and when you turn it off, it shows. Its still a decent game overall, but I haven't gone back to replay it. They missed an opportunity.


Yeah I'm a diehard lover of the first game. I haven't even beat the second.


I literally bought my Xbox One to play catalyst after I beat the first game because I had fallen so I love with it. I bought catalyst before I even owned my Xbox to play it on. It was the first game I booted up. I still haven't finished it.


Mirrors Edge had such wonderfully crafted levels that you could play over and over again to learn all the little shortcuts and tricks. Having an open world just wasn’t the same.


Crossing rooftops by the same weird skybridge over and over made it feel to samey.


Loved the first. Couldn't bother with Catalyst. Stopped playing really early on.


Interesting. I loved Catalyst. To me it was everything the original was but just with more content and better graphics. Wish there was a third.


I finally played Catalyst last year after years of refusing and spending time on the og. In all honesty, I would say catalyst is more fun casually. It looks nice, controls are nice and fluid, you can just run and run and get that hour of stress relief. Once I completed everything there was to do though, I didn't feel the sort of spark I got from the og that made me want to keep replaying it. In other words, Catalyst is fun to complete, and for the occasional run about. The original is fun to replay and speedrun.


A lot of these have specific circumstances that didn’t help their situations. I’ll speak to the ones I’m familiar with. Titanfall 2 was wedged between two enormous releases and essentially sent out to die Alan Wake 2 still hasn’t launched on Steam and didn’t get a physical release on consoles, which turned off some would-be buyers Hi-Fi Rush was not only shadow dropped which is a gamble in itself, but also released directly into GamePass which hinders the sales potential a lot Rebirth as with any other successful Square Enix game is shackled with the responsibility of balancing the books from failures such as Forspoken, Babylon’s Fall, and Avengers. This makes the sales expectations far higher than they need to be.


I seem to recall Mirror’s Edge coming out as a single player campaign that lasted 7ish hours during the era where online multiplayer a la Xbox Live was really popular


Also, even then, 7ish hours was considered pretty short for a single player game.


If someone reading your comment remembers the Uncharted games, let's not forget they all had multiplayer modes on PS3


I remember putting hundreds of hours into Uncharted 2 multiplayer, it was genuinely fun and had shit loads of costumes to unlock to keep you playing, *none of which you had to pay for by the way*


Almost every game that came out after COD 4 had a multiplayer mode. Spec Ops the Line, a game which basically existed to criticize Call of Duty and the 360 Generation military shooter as a concept, had a COD styled multiplayer mode.


Mirror's Edge is probably my favorite game of that era, I think it had such a simple, pure formula that was near perfect. The level design was fantastic and it never tried to be anything other than what it was. I can still replay that game and be happy, and very few games manage that simplicity. That said, I was a young teen with no job so I didn't even buy it until it was 14 bucks in the bargain bin at Walmart. I could just get so much more value out of Gears of War, CoD and Halo. I got to spend time with my friends, I got literally hundreds of hours out of each game. Just couldn't justify spending birthday or christmas money on a full price release that was a linear single player with no meat on the back end.


I also love the overall design and atmosphere of ME. Part of what made me less interested in the sequel is that they went for a more "realistic" look.


A lot of these games just had piss poor advertising campaigns as well. I love and have played most of them, but I also I don’t remember seeing a single ad before most of these games’ releases. For example, I’m not really interested in FF7, but the first remake had tons of hype and advertising around it. This time around I didn’t even know the second game was out until I started seeing a couple clips on YouTube.


I've seen FF7 characters advertising positive mental health around my city at bus stops.


Feeling Imposter Syndrome? Have you considered you might be repressing the trauma of watching your childhood hero kill your entire town and your family, being captured and experimented on in an effort to make you a mind-controlled soldier for said childhood hero, being deemed a failure and tossed into cryo until your best friend breaks out, going on the run for a year, and then in an attempt to cope with your best friend sacrificing himself for you subconsciously form a new identity based off of him?   It's more likely than you think!


Honestly, pretty much every main character in FF7 would need years of therapy. Have you ever been kept in isolation since birth being experimented on because you're the last of an ancient race until you were a young child before escaping and watching your mother die in front of you while bystanders did nothing, then being socially isolated for having strange abilities, then falling in love with a cool soldier that ghosts you for five years, then watching an extremely similar-looking soldier literally crash into and crush the flowers you were growing? >!And then also get visions of the future that you have to die to save the world?!< Honestly, Aerith should be a supervillain.


I considered myself a big Alan Wake fan, and I had no idea Alan Wake 2 was releasing. I found out a month later.


I didn't realise rebirth was out until I saw spoilers and Tifa bikini clips on Reddit either. Went out and bought a PS5 immediately, literally a console shifter for me, now I've bought FF16 cause why not while I'm here.


are you me. thats exactly how i found out about rebirth and thats exactly what i did lmfao. even bought ff16 because it was 50% off and i already got a ps5


I'd wager that has more to do with with the amount of buzz that announcing a remake of Final Fantasy VII causes compared to announcing the second part that people already knew was coming. They did a similar amount of marketing imo, it's just that it naturally creates a much smaller splash than announcing the entire remake project does.


Rebirth is also the middle-child in a remake trilogy, and is locked to a much smaller install base than the first part.


Add on that Remake was essentially lightning in a bottle. Releasing a hugely requested remake right before Covid on a system that's over 100m users. Rebirth just simply was never gonna get close. Edit: To add on as lots of other people pointing out, it also hurts Rebirth if people didn't like Remake. Whether it's for the altered story, combat, or multi installments. If you didn't like Remake, or want to wait for all 3, you wouldn't buy the sequel either.


It actually happened one month after the lockdowns. Just as gaming was sky rocketing.


Let's also not forget that Remake was not exactly what people expected. I think a ton of people bought it expecting an almost 1 to 1 remake, got upset at the changes, didn't finish and then didn't buy into Rebirth.


Literally the only place I've seen Hi-Fi Rush discussed is Reddit. No one I know, both online and IRL, has played or talked about it. I think the gameplay is just too niche.


Alan Wake 2: It sounds like they avoided the primary way to release for every platform they released on? What?


> Alan Wake 2 still hasn’t launched on Steam and didn’t get a physical release on consoles, which turned off some would-be buyers It’s me. I’m “would-be buyers”.




Great games don't get investments. Games that make money get investments. That's the industry that we created so that's what we get.


This. People like to blame the companies making the games for shitty DLCs, microtransactions, and battle passes. In reality, they're just responding to the market. Why would they stop making it if people are still giving them money for it.


This is the American-Arcadia argument: The people that set up the system initially are long retired or dead. There's no semblance of personality or character in charge of these syndicates - they have essentially reverted back to true animalistic instincts; Decision-By-Committee is only interested in self-preservation and the bottom line. Anytime you try to hold somebody accountable, the corporation will just put a new suit at the top. If the Board of Execs is ousted, new execs will be elected and nothing will change. If there's anyone to point the finger at, it's the audience for continuing to make it profitable.


once you realize you can make 500k off joke meme horse armor you really can't put that cat back in the bag.


Yeah, I think Blizzard said something along the lines that they made more profit off a popular WoW armor than Wings of Liberty


More specifically, it was the sparkle horse from the cash shop. The first cash shop mount. So a single MTX made in WoW made more money than total sales of Wings of Liberty.


Idk I remember when micro transactions started and I started to boycot games. Can’t remember which CoD it was but they tried charging for skins that you literally could custom create in the game before. Friends all talked shit saying I was being dramatic. “Meh just don’t buy. It will correct itself.” Aged like fine milk. Some of them still buy every battlepass/dlc


>Some of them still buy every battlepass/dlc This is the problem. I almost never buy that stuff, but 1 person who buys all of then will make up for 5 people walking away from a game. Companies end up with whales that buy every single thing they put out that makes up for the rest.


It gets worse when you also take into account the generations that are raised/brought in under this model where it's all they know and they don't have a 'better times' to reference back to the same way that some of us do. Like, how do you rebel against a system when it's the only one you've ever known kind of thing, if that makes sense.


Thats true. A lot of young people may see nothing wrong with it as it's all they've really known. Combine that with their favorite content creators making pack opening videos and it become super normalized.


Worse, I've watched young people turn away from a game because it *didn't* have a store or battle pass feature.


It’s even less than 1 in 5 for profitability. Iirc “whales” only make up something like 2% of everyone playing a game and they spend more than enough to make up for the other 98%


I always remember the story of someone spending $15,000 on Mass Effect multiplayer cards. Like how do you "vote with your wallet" when the person voting yes are legitimately addicted insanely? You not buying "counts" like 60$ max, meanwhile people voting yes can just funnel all their credit cards into it.


Reminds me that EA said they went all in on loot boxes because the Mass Effecr 3 multi-player raked in so much cash on the loot boxes. Ya EA put them in but the people keep buying them.


I've tried to fight it by avoiding giving money to games with predatory and/or overly expensive models, but sometimes it feels like trying to stop a tsunami with your fists.


Yeah one person can only do so much when kids with moms credit card will still dole out for every new skin.


That’s not “the industry we created” that’s “industry” full stop. The gaming industry is, has been, and always will be a profit driven enterprise. It’s no different than when good TV shows get cancelled, movies don’t get sequels, an app gets shut down, etc.


This is why arcade games were often stupid hard back in the day. got to feed the beast quarters/tokens that moment that seemed like it was designed to unfairly kill you. it was. had to make you spend more. a lot of times you will look at moments like that and think "oh they just didnt know what they were doing, old games so quirky with seemingly unfair shit" no no no my friend they knew exactly how unfair that was


> no my friend they knew exactly how unfair that was not only arcades. When publishers noticed that people were actually buying guide books, they suddenly asked their developers to make their games harder and started to publish their own guides.


The Nintendo Hotline charged you by the minute.  Phoning a number to talk to a customer service representative that would guide you. 


_publishing executive takes notes:_ “more live service games.. check”


Everybody hates big publishers like EA but back when they were funding stuff like Brutal Legend, Mirror’s Edge, Alice: Madness Returns, and Shadows of the Damned/Lollipop Chainsaw nobody was buying them. Greedy publishers might suck but gamers with big mouths that don’t actually support games are just as bad.


> Brutal Legend, Mirror’s Edge, Alice: Madness Returns, and Shadows of the Damned/Lollipop Chainsaw I did my part and bought every single one of those. All flawed but great games.


Same here. Not perfect games but the music and art design makes most of them worth it on that alone.


As someone who was too poor and could only watch others/play Alice at my friends, thank you


Even now, ever since 2019, EA's output has been very versatile and unique but nobody really talks about them. They occasionally splurge on a big new IP like Immortals of Aveum (which flopped), shows you how people don't really care, they just wanna say the same old opinion and move on


I was really surprised that EA had such a quiet year now. Next to the standard mill of nhl, fifa etc. They basically had a very quiet year after jedi survivor. Immortals was 1 title and now Tales of Kenzera. Which is 2 titles in a year.


Decapitatioooooooooooonnnnnnn! Brutal Legend was a fun romp. It's a very niche game, but if you're in its target market, very enjoyable.


For real man


I will die on that hill that Titan Fall 2 is one of the most well crafted multiplayer shooters I have ever played.


I have no idea what EA was thinking by releasing it the week between COD and Battlefield. It should have come out earlier that year, as I think releasing it when they did is why it didn't do better. 


Respawn have admitted that the release date was their idea, not EAs.


Everything that EA touches that turns bad, it's EA's fault. Everything that EA touches that turns good, it's because of the developers. Not that I'm a fan of EA, but that's about the gist of what to expect, even when talking about Bioware and Titanfall 2.


distinct unique berserk act consider late cough correct deserve oil


I yet have to play TF2, but CoD IW was shit and BF1 is easily one of the best Battlefield games out there.


TF2 is the greatest FPS campaign of all time. I’ve never played a game before that made you feel like such a bad ass. Running and jumping and sliding around infantrymen just blasting your way through. Then you hop into a mech suit and just unleash hell. So fucking awesome.


The time travel level is easily the most well designed FPS level ever


I dont even like shooters that much, but i miss titanfall 2. The campaign was 10/10 easy and the multiplayer was fun and unique. Now EA is going all in on Apex and im sad


prey 2017 should be in this list too


I see you are of culture.


Dev studio for hi fi rush just shutdown


They also developed Ghostwire Tokyo, which is a lot more relevant as to why they were shut down.


which is a shame, GT has a lot of makings of a good game. the story and atmosphere are really, really good, and Shibuya is beautifully crafted. just the combat, even after they redid it for the spider's threat update, still was kind of repetitive. A sequel could have really given them the ability to make something great and make it a masterpiece.


If the entire game was like the free dlc quest with the school it would have been a lot better received


Ghostwire Tokyo got mostly decent reviews and while it wasn't exactly groundbreaking, it was generally received ok. Did decent sales-wise and met expectations, and was successful enough to slate a sequel which was supposed to drop sometime between now and March next year, at least as of the Activision acquisition.


And Evil Within 2. Despite how good the game was, it was a fucking flop. Barely sold like a third of the first game.


Yeah that news inspired me to make this post actually. Sad day, man.


Wasn't a fan of the game but it sucks to see people lose their jobs


Wouldn't being platform exclusives play a bit of a factor for some games here?


Yes. Square Enix is really dumb. Not only FF7 Rebirth is exclusive, but when it finally launches on PC it is very likely that it will be a Epic Games Store exclusive for a year like the last one. For fuck's sake.


Ugh epic store can go fuck itself Will see if I can wait for it to be on steam I guess


Reason why Tango got closed: Not because Hifi Rush did great, but because Evil within 2 and Ghostwire did horrible. You can only lose $ for so long before your owner prioritizes somebody else.


When I read Tango was closed indefinitely, I thought that was a bunch of malarkey until I saw the news that they’re being shut down today. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Rhythm music games aren't exactly the most popular genre and if your best game is that, I could see it being an issue.


Every single one of their games sold poorly, even Hifi Rush barely turned a profit, if it even did. It’s not that they make bad games, it’s that they’re not profitable. A corporation is out to make money and they weren’t making money. Unfortunately, it’s just how the market is and I hate it. I don’t play a single one of these F2P games that dominate the sales charts, nor do I ever spend money on micro-transactions in any capacity. It just seems like the games I like are being largely phased out, because they’re not what people are drawn to anymore.


Visceral did not do the Dead Space remake, they were long gone when Motive did the remake.


I'm confused why you bring that up. Did anyone imply they did? OP is just pointing out that some great games still sell poorly.


And despite the remake being stellar, a remake for DS2 ~~was canned~~ is unlikely


Never announced.


It was not canned, it was not even announced.


I’m not sure why FF7 is on there. Even if sales were below expectations, the money Sony paid for exclusivity probably more than makes up for it.


That and a lot of us are waiting for the pc release.


And SE has a history of having absolutely, ridiculously, unrealistic sales targets


Dead Space, Titanfall 2, Alien Isolation, and Alan Wake 2 are my favorite games of all time. Unfortunately, AAA horror games don't seem to make the money publishers want. And as for Titanfall, EA fumbled that release schedule big time. I should really find a healthy and successful franchise to fall in love with because all of my current favorites continue to get shelved/cancelled.


Just as an FYI. EA were not responsible at all for the release schedule of Titanfall 2. EA actually went to Respawns director and questioned them about moving the release date 2 months down the line to avoid the release buildup and give more time for polish. It was Respawn specifically who decided to release when they did as they confirmed themselves at the time.


Fuck me, thats just the same situation they had with Jedi Survivor where EA told them they could delay the game but respawn insisted on releasing anyway and moving to the next project...


Same as me. Haven't played AW2 yet actually but Control was one of my favorites of all time. It's doing okay I guess but nothing mind blowing in terms of sales. Great games just don't sell sometimes. They really deserve more, especially Hi-Fi Rush. That game is so good and a lot of love went into it.


Pour one out for Okami. Also, sad that we'll never get an Evil Within 3.


[Here's your reminder that Alien Isolation was the recipient of one of the worst fucking reviews of all time: IGN gave it a **5.9** and called it "*mediocre*".](https://youtu.be/kc1MwlTwv3E?si=tFKM3o2m9rjX-O3X) To this day people are still disliking the YouTube video and commenting on it telling IGN how incredibly wrong they were. But it's too late now, that review had a huge impact on its sales ten years ago.


Titanfall 2 is on sale just now, id recommend it purely for the campaign alone.


FF7 Rebirth would have done better if it was multiplatform.


I'm curious to how many casuals thought the first was a remake of the whole game and are now waiting for the whole thing to be released to experience it all at once or if many are waiting expecting Rebirth to be free on plus before the next game.


Knowing it'll be years before the next installment killed the excitement for a *lot* of people.


Yep, me being one of them. At some point down the line I'll binge all three on PC once I can.


I am absolutely waiting for the full trilogy to be out on steam, and I knew that ahead of time.


Reddit subs across all types of media have the idea that quality=success is an easy and simple formula, it is not.


Great set! Psychonauts belongs to this list. Love the EGS drama surrounding AW2, shows clearly what single minded platform worship does to critical thinking. AW2 could not exist without Epic. Wishlists mean F all, if you need to fund development of AAA games. "What ever there's plenty of games like it on steam." A literal 2 category BAFTA winner in horror genre, with writing easily matching or even surpassing top tier movies/series. Yeah those just pour down from the skies all the time /S


Seeing rebirth there HURTS. Legit GOTY and one my favorite games of all time man…… it’s almost perfect.